Statement REAC h tRoHS / Hazardous substances lisisri
Statement REAC h tRoHS / Hazardous substances lisisri
messen o kontrollieren a analysieren Statement REAC h tRoHS / Hazardous substances lisisri fn order to meet the requirements to the regulation (EC) No. 190712006 (REACh) and EU directive RoHS (2011165195/EC) we inform you about the following: (1) Requlation (EG) No. 1907/2006 (REACh) On accordance with Article 33 of the REACh regulation, the company KOBOLD Messring GmbH is obliged to inform their customers if one of our products contains substance of very high concern (SVHC) in a concentration of more than 0.1 percent. To date we have non information that the products supplied to you contain SVHC substances at concentrations exceeding 0.1 percent by the weight. lf SVHC substances exceeding the indicated concentration are included in our products, we will inform you immediately. (2) EU directive RoHS (2011/65/EU - former 200?95/EG) Regarding the fulfillment of the requirements of the EU directives WEEE (20021961EG) and RoHS (20111651EU former 20021951EG), we can report that our products are assigned to the instrument category 9 (= monitoring and control insiruments, see appendix lA of the WEEE directive). Different time limits are fixed for instruments according to Articles 4.1 (3) and Article 2 (2), Our products are exclusively determined for industrial and commercial use. For those instruments the date of July, 27, 2017 is fixed as time limit. Until this date CE-marking according to Articles 17 and 18 is not required. However, we aim to comply with the requirements of the above directive. You will receive information on the conformity of our products with RoHS in detail and as well in all our offers, acknowledgements of order, delivery notes and invoices. Hofheim, State of February 2013 ppa. Manfred Wenzel Statement REACI-{+RoHS 201 3_engl " Weitere KOBOLD-Gesellschaften befinden sich in folgenden Ländern: KOBOLD Messring GmbH Nordring 22-24 AcyprrN, D-65719 Hofheim/Ts ARGENTTNTEN, BELGIEN, BULGARTEN, cHrLE, cHrNA, DoMrNrKANrscHE REPUBLIK, FRANKREICH, GROSSBRITANNIEN, INDIEN, INDONESIEN, ITALIEN, KANADA, KOLUMBIEN, MALAYSIA, MEXIKO, NIEDERLANDE, ÖSTENNEICH, PERU, POLEN, RUMANIEN, SCHWEIZ, SINGAPUR, SLOWAKEI, SPANIEN, SÜD KOREA, TAIWAN, THAILAND, TSCHECHIEN, TUNESIEN, UNGARN, USA, VENEZUELA, VIETNAM. rFr Fax (061 92)299-0 (0 61 92) 2 33 98 E-Mail:,com I Geschäftsf uhrer: Dipl -lng, Klaus J. Kobold Dipl.-lng. Harald Peters nternet. www. kobold. com Amtsgeric ht Fran HRB 29376 kf u rtlM.