Welcome Guidefor International Degree and Program Students
Welcome Guidefor International Degree and Program Students
Universität Stuttgart Universität Stuttgart Dezernat Internationales Pfaffenwaldring 60 D-70569 Stuttgart Welcome Guide Telefax: ++49 711 685 68600 E-Mail: [email protected] www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia © 2012 Herausgeberin: Universität Stuttgart Fotos: Universität Stuttgart, Dezernat Internationales TITwelcome2012.indd 1 www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia 12.07.12 10:47 Verbund - Schienennetz Bietigheim m Kirchberg (M) R3 Ludwigsburg Vaihingen (E) Burgstall (M) Sachsenheim Sersheim R5 Pforzheim Münchingen Rührberg Schwieberdingen Hemmingen Weissach Salzwiesenstr. Heutingsheimer Str. Stammheim Heimerdingen Münchingen Korntal Gymnasium Zuffenhausen Ditzingen Feuerbach Löwentorbrücke Rastatter Str. Wolfbusch Eckartshaldenweg (Pragfriedhof) Killesberg Bergheimer Hof Salamanderweg Rosenberg-/ Seidenstr. Russische Kirche Rutesheim Hölderlinplatz Berliner Platz Breitwiesen Türlenstr. (Bürgerhospital) Milchhof Malmsheim Botnang Weil der Stadt Elbestr. Freibergstr. KurMünster saal Rathaus Löwentor Münster Viadukt Rosensteinpark Kraftwerk DaimlerMünster platz NordGlockenMühlsteg bahnstr. Uffhof Kirchhof Rosensteinbr. Bad Cannstatt Wilhelma Wilhelmsplatz Ebitzweg Bad Cannstatt Freiberg Suttnerstr. Auwiesen Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Pl.) Mühle Hornbach Brückenstr. Neckargröningen Remseck Backnang Maubach Steinhaldenfeld Hauptfriedhof Nellmersbach Neugereut Winnenden Augsburger Platz Nürnberger Str. Kienbachstr. Blick MercedesNeckarpark str. Mineralbäder (Mercedes-Benz) CannMetzstr. statter Wasen NeckarStöckach tor Karl-OlgaNeckarPark (Stadion) Krankenhaus Oppenweiler Obere Ziegelei Gnesener Str. Sulzbach (M) Mönchfeld Mühlhausen Hofen Max-EythSee Pragsattel Pragfriedhof Schwab-/Bebelstr. Eszet Schlotterbeckstr. Untertürkheim Schwaikheim Neustadt-Hohenacker Sommerrain Fellbach Rudersberg Oberndorf Waiblingen Rudersberg Nord Rommelshausen Antwerpener Straße Rudersberg Stetten-Beinstein Schlechtbach Endersbach Beskidenstr. Michelau Beutelsbach Höhenstr. MiedelsbachSteinenberg Grunbach Esslinger Str. Geradstetten Winterbach Haubersbronn Mitte Haubersbronn Schwabenlandhalle Weiler Obertürkheim Schorndorf Staatsgalerie Bergfriedhof Hammerschlag Raitelsberg Charlottenplatz SchlachtMettingen Olgaeck Ostendpl. Vogelsang Rathaus Feuersee Schorndorf Fellbach Brendle hof Ostheim Lutherkirche HerderBeetEltinger (Groß- InselLeo-Vetter-Bad platz hovenstr. Str. markt) str. Urbach Wasenstr. Eugenspl. Gaisburg Esslingen (N) MillöckerLindWangener-/ Im Heidehofstr. Österreich. Marienpl. str. paintnerstr. Landhausstr. Degen Platz Wangen Marktplatz Dobelstr. StafflenSchwabstraße Erwin-Schoettle bergstr. Liststr. Oberesslingen -Platz Plüderhausen Universität Bubenbad Hedelfinger Str. Pfaffenweg Südheimer Payerstr. Bihlplatz Bopser Platz Österfeld Wielandshöhe Zell Geroksruhe Heslach Vogelrain Vaihingen Haigst Stelle Viadukt Hedelfingen Ruhbank Nägelestr. Engel- Kalten- WaldAltbach Fauststr. Waldau (Fernsehturm) Waldfriedhof boldstr. tal eck ZahnradSilberwald Vaihinger bahnhof Weinsteige Vaihingen Schillerplatz SSBWallStr. Riedsee Peregrinastr. Sillenbuch Jurastr. graben Zentrum Plochingen Schemppstr. Degerloch Sonnen Bockelstr. berg Wernau (N) Albstr. Degerloch Reichenbach (F) Rohrer Vaihingen Möhringen Weg Sigmaringer Str. Heumaden Böblingen Goldberg Wendlingen (N) Rohr Möhringen Freibad Ruit LeinBöbl. Danziger Str. felden Ötlingen Plieninger Str. Fasanenhof Frank Zinsholz Böbl. Südbf. UnterEuropaplatz Parksiedlung Oberaichen aichen Oberboihingen Kirchheim (T) Böbl. Heusteigstr. Salzäcker EnBW City Scharnhauser Park Kirchheim (T) Süd Böbl. Zimmerschlag Leinfelden Kreuzbrunnen Holzgerlingen Nord Dettingen (T) Landhaus Nürtingen Fasanenhof Schelmenwasen Techn. Akademie Holzgerlingen Nürtingen Vorstadt Owen Echterdingen Holzgerlingen Buch Bempflingen Roßdorf Brucken Frickenhausen Weil im Schönbuch Troppel Arndt-/Spittastr. Gerlingen Münster Sieglestr. Mittnachtstr. Friedrichsbau Schloss-/Johannesstr. Siedlung Renningen Friedrichswahl Föhrich Landauer Str. Weilimdorf Löwen-Markt Giebel Wagrainäcker Borsigstr. Maybachstr. Himmelsleiter Tapachstr. Schozacher Str. WilhelmGeiger-Platz Sportpark Feuerbach Feuerbach Pfostenwäldle Leonberg Fürfelder Str. Hohensteinstr. Weilimdorf Höfingen Murrhardt Zuffenhausen Zuffenhausen Rathaus Kelterplatz Kirchtalstr. Neuwirtshaus (Porscheplatz) Korntal Fornsbach Zazenhausen Kornwestheim Wimpfener Str. Korntaler Str. Vaihingen ei ErdmannhausenRielingshausen lsh Benningen (N) ai Favoritepark Asperg Ellental Marbach (N) Freiberg (N) Tamm Besigheim Walheim Cr Kirchheim (N) R4 Heilbronn vvs Stadtmitte (Rotebühlpl.) Schlossplatz R2 Aa le Maichingen n Sindelfingen Hulb R1 Ul Ehningen m Herrenberg Herrenberg Zwerchweg st Flughafen / Messe Plieningen bi ng Dettenhausen en R R7 7 H 4 or Fr b eu de n Weil im Schönbuch Röte Weil im Schönbuch Untere Halde Tü TITwelcome2012.indd 2 3 nicht im VVS-Tarif Gültstein R7 Bondorf ad t Gäufelden Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH www.vvs.de Tel. 0711 19449 Filderstadt Frickenh.Kelterstr. Nellingen Ostfildern R R7 8 Tü 3 bi He n rre gen nb er g Gärtringen Nufringen Linsenhofen Unterlenningen Neuffen City Centre Oberlenningen © VVS 12.2011 12.07.12 10:47 Universität Stuttgart An updated map is available at: www.vvs.de/download/Verbund_Schienennetz.pdf ▲ Please note: This is an old version of the VVS lines. ▲ International Affairs Welcome Guide for International Degree and Program Students 2014/2015 te ur first s st for yo li k c e h C 10) o page (see als ps Copyright 2014 Universität Stuttgart Dezernat Internationales Contents Foreword........................................................................................................................... 5 Assistance and counselling International Affairs at the IZ (Dezernat Internationales im IZ)..................................... 7 Department of International Education Services............................................................ 7 Department of Intercultural Training (IU)........................................................................ 8 Intercultural Mentoring. .................................................................................................... 8 Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens (Studiensekretariat für ausländische Studierende)........................................................ 9 Academic student counselling......................................................................................... 10 Important emergency numbers. ...................................................................................... 10 Getting started in Stuttgart Checklist............................................................................................................................ 12 1 Accommodation/deposit.............................................................................................. 12 2 Opening a bank account. ............................................................................................ 15 3 Health insurance.......................................................................................................... 16 4 Residence registration and residence permit (Anmeldung/Aufenthaltserlaubnis).. 18 5 Registration at the university (Einschreibung)........................................................... 21 6 Semester and monthly passes for public transportation........................................... 22 7 Personal liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung). .............................................. 23 Accommodation in Stuttgart Temporary accommodation in Stuttgart.......................................................................... 24 Student housing................................................................................................................ 25 Private accommodation in Stuttgart................................................................................ 27 Broadcasting service fee (Rundfunkbeitrag).................................................................. 28 Studying at the University of Stuttgart The university course catalogue. .................................................................................... 29 Academic guidance.......................................................................................................... 29 Introductory programs for international students. .......................................................... 29 Academic calendar........................................................................................................... 30 Organisation of studies. ................................................................................................... 30 Important exit formalities.................................................................................................. 32 2 Welcome Guide The facilities and organisations of the University of Stuttgart Academic departments. ................................................................................................... 33 Dining halls and cafeterias (Mensen und Cafeterien). .................................................. 34 Libraries............................................................................................................................. 34 Internet/E-mail/Computer centre (TIK)............................................................................ 35 University sports (Hochschulsport). ................................................................................ 36 Leisure program for international students..................................................................... 36 General education (Studium Generale).......................................................................... 36 Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum)............................................................................ 37 Ecumenical Centre (Ökumenisches Zentrum)............................................................... 38 International student organisations................................................................................. 38 Everyday information Medical care/psychological counselling.......................................................................... 39 Legal advice...................................................................................................................... 39 Shopping........................................................................................................................... 40 Public internet terminals................................................................................................... 42 Culture and leisure in Stuttgart........................................................................................ 42 Travel.................................................................................................................................43 International student identity card................................................................................... 43 Information for students with disabilities......................................................................... 43 Language courses in Stuttgart. ....................................................................................... 44 How do I find a job?.......................................................................................................... 44 Useful addresses............................................................................................................ 45 Maps Map of the city centre....................................................................................................... 47 Campus maps................................................................................................................... 48 Welcome Guide 3 Welcome to Stuttgart Though exciting, moving to a foreign country can also be challenging at times. A different language and cultural norms can make communication difficult, especially in basic matters such as arranging accommodation, settling questions regarding your residence permit, your classes, insurance, bank transactions, public transportation, and so forth. We are here to help you with such issues, as well as with anything else connected to living in Stuttgart. Please consult this Welcome Guide and feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. Some information in this booklet is only applicable to students who intend to earn their degree at the University of Stuttgart (including TestDaF course participants), while other information only applies to visiting exchange and program students, who only plan on staying several months (ERASMUS, partnership programs with universites from overseas). Helpful tips or specific information only applicable to one group is highlighted in the margins in the following way: Program Students Degree Students Important information/Tip We wish you a pleasant and rewarding stay in Stuttgart! Your IZ Team International Affairs Welcome Guide 5 Assistance and counselling International Affairs at the IZ (Dezernat Internationales im IZ) Pfaffenwaldring 60, Internationales Zentrum (IZ), 70569 Stuttgart www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de Department of International Education Services Second floor, Tel. 0711 685-68566, e-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mon–Fri 10.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Mon & Wed 1.30–4.00 p.m. Services: • • • • • • • First point of contact for support upon arrival Advice regarding visa affairs and questions concerning studies and life in Stuttgart Information and registration for the excursion programs offered by the IZ Cooperation with international student organisations Financial aid Information on health insurance Confirmation of academic performance at the University of Stuttgart for visiting program students from overseas (not for Erasmus students) Contacts: Ms. Bernadette Burger, Room 1.035 Tel. 0711 685-68547, e-mail: [email protected] • Erasmus Mundus students (Computational Mechanics, IMSE and Physics Fusion EP) Ms. Margot Schenker, Room 1.037 Tel. 0711 685-68571, e-mail: [email protected] • Visiting program students from overseas (AUS, North America, Russia) Ms. Melanie Schillo, Room 1.039 Tel. 0711 685-68570, e-mail: [email protected] • Erasmus students (Europe) Ms. Lisa Schug, Room 1039 Tel. 0711 685-68570, e-mail: [email protected] • Visiting program students from overseas (Asia, Latin America) Welcome Guide 7 Ms. Anu Dohna, Room 1.025 Tel. 0711 685-68556, e-mail: [email protected] • Degree students and TestDaF students Ms. Marion Hanssen, Room 1.033 Tel. 0711 685-68552, e-mail: [email protected] • Degree students and TestDaF students Frau Dr. Xiaoli Lu, Room 1.025 Tel. 0711 685-68556, E-Mail: [email protected] • Welcoming Service (buddy program) Department of Intercultural Training (IU) Room 0.008, Tel. 0711 685-68585, e-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Tues 10.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. Services: • Preparatory German courses (TestDaF) for degree students • Information about the examination TestDaF • Intensive German course for Master and visiting program students Intercultural Mentoring Ms. Maja Heidenreich and Ms. Claudia Schubert Basement, Room 0.018, Tel. 0711 685-68555, e-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mon–Thurs 9.00 a.m.–12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.–3.30 p.m. Services: • During their studies in Germany, international degree students (mentees) are supported by a student in a higher semester: these student mentors explain the university-admin-jungle, offer support with the organisation of their mentees’ studies, help with academical questions and inform about German culture. • Student tutors offer free courses on different subjects. • An additional program for leisure activities helps international students to meet other students and to find new friends. 8 Welcome Guide Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens (Studiensekretariat für ausländische Studierende) City centre, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 b (ground floor) Office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Wed 1.30–3.30 p.m. www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/studium/sekretariat/index.en.html Telephone consultation hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 1.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. & Wed 11.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. Services: • All study-related formalities (admission, enrolment, re-enrolment, etc.) Ms. Helga Reinhardt Tel. 0711 685-82280, e-mail: [email protected] • Africa • Australia • Balkan states (including Romania and Hungary) • Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic • Northern Europe (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) • Spain and Portugal Mr. Thomas Heisch Tel. 0711 685-82281, e-mail: [email protected] • Eastern Asia (namely China, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea) Mr. Stefan Schittenhelm Tel. 0711 685-83606, e-mail: [email protected] • Near and Middle East (including Turkey) • Parts of Europe (Belgium, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Cyprus) Mr. Andreas Koops/Ms. Häckel Tel. 0711 685-83607, e-mail: [email protected] • Baltic states • Eastern Europe • Mongolia • North and South America • Visiting program students (Erasmus/Overseas/Erasmus Mundus) Welcome Guide 9 Academic student counselling Student Counselling Centre (ZSB) City centre, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 c, mezzanine, Tel. 0711 685-82133 online: www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/ Office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Wed 1.30–5.00 p.m. Telephone consultation hours: Tues, Thurs 1.30 p.m.–3.30 p.m. • Advice on all academic questions, including changing majors Erasmus student advisors • Main contact person for Erasmus students (addresses available at the IZ) Academic advisors of the individual faculties See course catalogue (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) for adresses or www.uni-stuttgart.de/bologna/modulhandbuecher • Advice on all academic questions, including changing majors Important emergency numbers Police: 110 · Fire Department: 112 · Ambulance: 112 These numbers can be called free of charge from all phones. Emergency Medical Service at the Marienhospital Stuttgart Mon–Thurs 7 p.m.–7 a.m., Fri 2 p.m.–7 a.m. and Sat, Sun, holidays 7 a.m.–7 a.m. Böheimstr. 37, 70199 Stuttgart Tel. 0711 262-8012 Police • Revier Vaihingen/Möhringen/Degerloch (24 h) Balinger Str. 31, 70567 Stuttgart-Möhringen • Polizeiposten Vaihingen Robert-Leicht-Str. 15, 70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen • Polizeirevier Innenstadt (24 h) Hauptstätter Str. 34, 70173 Stuttgart • Polizeiposten Hauptbahnhof (24h) Arnulf-Klett-Passage 41, 70173 Stuttgart (Free) Legal advice – See page 39 10 Welcome Guide Tel. 0711 89 90-3400 Tel. 0711 89 90-4460 Tel. 0711 89 90-3100 Tel. 0711 89 90-4230 Loss of your EC card – to freeze your EC card (24h) call Lost property department of Stuttgart Hauptstätter Str. 66, 70178 Stuttgart e-mail: [email protected] Mon–Fri 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m. and Thurs 2.00–6.00 p.m. Tel. 01805 021 021 Tel. 0711 216-89494 Lost property department “SSB Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen” For items lost in the U-Bahn/U-Bahn stops: Schöttlestr. 2, 70597 Stuttgart Tues–Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.45 p.m. Mon, Thurs 2.00–6.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 78 85-3333 Lost property department “S-Bahn at IC-Kuriergut” Mon–Fri 6.30 a.m.–9.00 p.m. Sat 7.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m., Sun 10.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 20 92-2447 Lost property department “DB Die Bahn” e-mail: [email protected], Mon–Sat 8.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m. Sun and holidays 10.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m. Tel. 0900 199 05 99 Lost property within the University of Stuttgart Campus Vaihingen: Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart, e-mail: [email protected] Campus City Centre: Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart, [email protected] Tel. 0711 685-64000 Tel. 0711 685-83000 Loss or theft of your passport If your passport has been lost or stolen, you must report to the police. You will receive certification of loss/theft, which you must take to the Foreign Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde). The Foreign Registration Office will issue a temporary residence permit (Fiktionsbescheinigung). You must also apply for a new passport at an embassy or consular office of your home country. Addresses of foreign embassies/consulates in Germany can be found at: www.auswaertiges-amt.de (Länder- und Reiseinformation). Loss or theft of your student ID card If you lose your student ID card you have to cancel it as soon as possible at the Admissons Office. To cancel it and get a new one you will be charged EUR 10 and you will need to supply a new passport picture. In the case of trouble, please contact the IZ immediately! Welcome Guide 11 Getting started in Stuttgart The first step is always the most difficult. This is also true when you come to Stuttgart. You have to deal with a lot of formalities, that is why any time you have questions, International Affairs is here to help you. Most formalities require specific documents. We put the following steps into a certain order to facilitate the process for you. If you keep to the order of our checklist, you can save yourself a lot of time. The following brochures are available at both the departmental student unions (Fachschaften), the stuvus office and the Central Study Counselling Office. • stuvus Calendar, issued by the student representation stuvus as a guide through the university • Wegweiser für StudienanfängerInnen, a guide for new students published by the Zentrale Studienberatung (Central Study Counselling Office) (available only in the winter semester) stuvus office: Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70550 Stuttgart Central Study Counselling (ZSB): Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 c, 70174 Stuttgart Checklist In order to save yourself time, money, and frustration, it is very important you take the following steps in the order given below. 1 Accommodation/deposit www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/ dokumente/checklist.en.html Student Housing Several formalities must be complied upon being assigned a spot in student housing: • Before moving in, you must pay a deposit to the Studentenwerk. Normally this is EUR 400 plus EUR 200 of your first month’s rent. Students who have not transferred the deposit from their home country can deposit the cash amount in to the Studentenwerk account at any Stuttgart bank. Ask for a transfer slip (Überweisungsformular) at the bank for this purpose. 12 Welcome Guide Please do not forget to include the following information on the transfer slip: • The word “Kaution” (deposit) • Your name • Your tenant number (Mieternummer), found on the letter from the Studentenwerk (look for hirer code) • The month that you plan to move in MM/YY form Please use the following information: Recipient (Begünstigter): Studentenwerk Stuttgart Account number (Kontonummer): 1111091 Bank: BW Bank Bank Code (Bankleitzahl): 600 501 01 A BW Bank office is located near the library on the Vaihingen campus at Pfaffenwaldring 57 between the S-Bahn station Universität (exit Universitätszentrum) and the student housing facilities. Last minute deposits can be made here. Opening hours of the BW Bank Vaihingen: Mon, Tues, Fri 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m. and 2.00–4.00 p.m., Wed until 1.00 p.m., Thurs until 5.30 p.m. Keep the receipt of the deposit payment in a safe place. You will need to show this receipt in order to receive your room key when moving in and the deposit upon moving out, assuming the room has been left in an orderly manner. If you authorise someone else to pick up your room key, the proof of deposit must still be presented at the time of pick-up (a faxed copy will do if the original is not available). The representative will also need either an authorisation letter from you or a copy of your reservation letter from the Studentenwerk as proof of authorisation. • Go to the building manager (Hausmeister) to receive your room keys. Bring the signed tenancy agreement along which you have received by mail. You will also need the receipt of the deposit payment. The Hausmeister will ask you to fill in and sign a SEPA direct debit authorization (SEPA-Lastschrift) so that the monthly rent can be debited automatically from your bank account. You will also need to hand in a copy of your passport, your residence permit (as soon as you have it), and a passport photo. Visiting program students have the opportunity to purchase bed linen and coverlets from the Hausmeister of the respective student dormitory for EUR 45. This payment is withdrawn automatically along with the first rent payment. Welcome Guide 13 Please check if the date you are planning to move out coincides with the one in your tenancy agreement. If it is incorrect, please contact Student Services (Studentenwerk Stuttgart, see below) or if you are a visiting program student ot the Office of International Affairs. Please note: • In all student dormitories you can only move into your room from Monday to Friday during the office hours of the building manager (Hausmeister). Regular office hours of the building managers (Hausmeister) are listed on page 25. • On the first working day of each month, the office of the Hausmeister in Vaihingen is usually open from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (except for Pfaffenhof II). Degree students and visiting program students who have not been assigned a dorm room by the IZ may apply (in writing or in person) at Student Services (Studentenwerk) for a room in student dorm. However, you have to anticipate a waiting period of approx. six months. Studentenwerk Stuttgart Rosenbergstr. 18, 70174 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 957 44 10 or 0711 957 44 11 e-mail: [email protected], www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de Office hours: Mon–Thurs 9.00 a.m.–3.30 p.m., Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. Rent varies between EUR 250 to EUR 350 per month, depending on the location. Most dormitories are located in the city centre and on the Vaihingen campus. Addresses and directions can be found on page 25. Private accommodation If you could not get a room in the student dormitories and need to look for private accommodation you can check our information on page 27 or our homepage: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/private 14 Welcome Guide 2 Opening a bank account To participate in the cash-free transfer of money in order to pay your rent, health insurance, tuition and similar transactions, you need a personal bank account (Girokonto). For students up to 30 years of age, these accounts are usually free of charge at any bank. Students from China should open their bank account at Deutsche Bank. Upon opening an account, you can order a bank card with which you can withdraw cash without charge 24 hours a day from any of your bank’s ATM locations. After opening an account, you will need to fill out the direct debit authorisation (Einzugs ermächtigung) for the Hausmeister of your dormitory (see page 13). A branch of the BW Bank is located on the Vaihingen Campus (Pfaffenwaldring 57). Opening hours: Mon–Fri 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m., Mon, Tue, Fri 2.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m., Thurs 2.00 p.m.–5.30 p.m. To open a bank account, you will need: • Your passport and residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). It may be possible to bring the residence permit later • Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart (in order to get a free student account) • Your address in Germany Please note: You also need to pay the semester contribution of total EUR 149,45, which includes an administration fee and a contribution to the student services and the student union (EUR 89,45 for program students from partner universities which a mutual tuition waiver has been stipulated with). Remember to bring along a bank statement proving that you have transferred the fee from your bank’s ATM when you enrol at the university. Welcome Guide 15 3 Health insurance In order to enrol at a German university, students under 30 years of age are required by law to show a proof of medical insurance. The same applies for all students who require a residence permit. This document can be obtained at any public health insurance company office in Stuttgart. Health insurance for citizens from non-EU countries Non-EU students under 30 have to purchase a student health insurance at a local health insurance company. This insurance usually costs about EUR 79 per month and covers most medical and dental costs. An advantage of this insurance is that the cost of treatment is carried out directly between the doctor and the insurance company. We strongly recommend students over 30 years of age to take out private health insurance. Further information can be obtained in the IZ. Please contact Ms. Marion Hanssen, Room 1.033, Tel. 0711 685‑68552, e-mail: [email protected]. Please note: You can only be covered by student health insurance while enrolled at the university (at the earliest from October 1 or April 1 depending on the semester). Health insurance for EU citizens As an EU citizen a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your insurance company in your home country is required. Take this card to an official health insurance company in Germany (such as DAK, AOK etc.) and have them issue you a proof of health insurance (Krankenversicherungsnachweis), which is required for enrolling at the university. You will receive necessary medical treatment at a doctor, dentist or in hospital with your EHIC. For prescriptions, you will have to pay a fee of EUR 5 to 10. If you plan to travel outside Germany it is recommended that you take out a travel health insurance for a fee of about EUR 12 (available at most banks). 16 Welcome Guide Addresses of health insurance companies: • AOK Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr. 20 Office hours: Mon–Wed 8.30 a.m.–5.00 p.m. Thurs 8.30 a.m.–6.00 p.m., Fri 8.30 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Tel. 07031 261 00 30 AOK Stuttgart City-Geschäftsstelle, Kronenstr. 22 Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00 a.m.–7.00 p.m. Sat 9.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m. Tel. 07031 261 00 30 AOK Stuttgart in Vaihingen, Am Vaihinger Markt 31 Office hours: Mon–Wed 8.30 a.m.–5.00 p.m. Thurs 8.30 a.m.–6.00 p.m., Fri 8.30 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Tel. 07031 261 00 30 AOK Campus Vaihingen, Mensa II, Pfaffenwaldring 45 Office hours: Mon–Fri 10.30 a.m.–3.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 65 69 15 32 • Barmer GEK, Torstr. 15 Office hours: Mon–Wed 8.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m. Thurs 8.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m., Fri 8.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Tel. 0800 33 20 60 33-1210 Barmer GEK Vaihingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 2 Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m., Tues and Thurs 2.00 p.m.–5.00 p.m. Tel. 0800 33 20 60 33-1358 • DAK Stuttgart, Königstr. 21 Office hours: Mon–Wed 8.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Thurs 8.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m., Fri 8.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 342 52 70 DAK Vaihingen, Vaihinger Markt 14 Office hours: Mon–Wed 8.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Thurs 8.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m. and Fri 8.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 901 50 20 • KKH, Heilbronner Str. 123 Office hours: Mon–Thurs 8.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m. Fri 8.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 226 22 65 • TK (Techniker Krankenkasse), Rotebühlplatz 25 Office hours: Mon–Wed and Fri 9.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Thurs 9.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 25 09 51 90 TK Campus Vaihingen, Mensa II, Pfaffenwaldring 45 Office hours: Tues–Thurs 11.15 a.m.–2.15 p.m. Tel. 0711 678 70 33 Welcome Guide 17 Take with you: • Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) • Passport • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (EU citizens only) 4 Residence registration and residence permit (Anmeldung/Aufenthaltserlaubnis) In the following a distinction is made between EU citizens, non-EU citizens who do not require an entrance visa, and non-EU citizens who do require an entrance visa. EU citizens EU citizens are required to register at one of the branches of the residents’ registration office (Bürgerbüro) within the first week upon their arrival in Stuttgart (see page 19 for address). The following documents must be provided: • Your passport or ID card • Registration form (Anmeldung), filled out and signed • Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) Non-EU citizens who do not require an entrance visa Citizens of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Korea and the USA can enter Germany without a visa. Upon arrival in Stuttgart they must register and apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) at the office of public order (Amt für öffentliche Ordnung). There, they should first go to the residents’ registration office (Bürgerbüro Mitte) on the second floor, then apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) at the foreign registration office (Ausländerbehörde) on the first floor. See the address on the page 19. The following documents must be provided: • • • • • 18 Welcome Guide Your passport Registration form (Anmeldung), filled out and signed Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart One biometrical photo (see page 20) Health insurance certificate (Krankenversicherungsnachweis) • Proof of sufficient funds (at least EUR 670 per month). The proof of sufficient funds can be a bank statement or a confirmation from a scholarship organisation • EUR 50 handling charge (visiting program students need a confirmation from the IZ for a waiver) Non-EU citizens who require an entrance visa Students from countries for which an entrance visa is required must have a student applicant visa or a student visa that has been issued by the German embassy in their home country. Upon arriving in Stuttgart, these students must register and apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). They can do so at any branch of the residents’ registration office (Bürgerbüro). The following documents must be provided: • • • • • • Your passport Registration form (Anmeldung), filled out and signed Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart One biometrical photo Health insurance certificate (Krankenversicherungsnachweis) EUR 50 handling charge (visiting program students need a confirmation from the IZ Please note: Students who want to extend their residence permit need to arrange an appointment with the foreign registration office. We strongly recommend making an appointment by e-mail no later than three months before the expiration of your residence permit. Addresses: • Office of Public Order main branch (Amt für öffentliche Ordnung) Eberhardstr. 39 (take U 1 or U 2 or U 4 and get off at Rathaus) Here you will find: Foreign Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) Office hours: Mon, Tues, Wed 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m. Thurs 1.00 p.m.–6.00 p.m., Fri 8.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m. Residents’ Registration Office city centre (Bürgerbüro Mitte) Office hours: Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m. Tues 2.00 p.m.–4.00 p.m., Thurs 2.00 p.m.–6.00 p.m. Tel. 0711 216-93740 Welcome Guide 19 • Residents’ Registration Office Vaihingen (Bürgerbüro Vaihingen) Rathausplatz 1, 70565 Stuttgart Tel. 0711 216-93700, office hours: Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri 8.30 a.m.–1.00 p.m., Tues 2.00 p.m.–4.00 p.m., Thurs 2.00 p.m.–6.00 p.m. Addresses of further Bürgerbüros: www.stuttgart.de/buergerbueros Biometrical photos Biometrical photos are special photos required by the foreign registration office and must be taken by a photographer. Ask for addresses of photographic shops at International Affairs. Ordinary passport photos do not fulfill the criteria of biometrical photos as they are different for each country. Please note: If you wish to leave Germany temporarily, you must make sure that your passport and residence permit are still valid and allow you to re-enter the country. Reentry is not possible upon stays abroad lasting longer than six months. Employment opportunities Citizens of EU countries (apart from Croatia) can work without restrictions in accordance with all applicable German laws. Students from all other nations are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week as a student assistant (Hiwi) at the university, plus 120 full or 240 half days per calendar year. This must be stated explicitly in the passport. When you receive your residence permit, make sure that this entry is included. The Employment Office (Agentur für Arbeit) also provides job offers: • Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart, Nordbahnhofstr. 30–34, 70191 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711 920-0, office hours: Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Thurs till 6.00 p.m. www.arbeitsagentur.de • Agentur für Arbeit, branch office Vaihingen, Industriestr. 5, 70565 Stuttgart, Tel. 0180 155 51 11, e-mail: [email protected], Office hours: Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Thurs 7.30 a.m.–6.00 p.m. 20 Welcome Guide 5 Registration at the university (Einschreibung) You must enrol at the university within the period indicated in your letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid). Enrolment must take place in person at the: Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens (Studiensekretariat für ausländische Studierende) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 b (ground floor) Office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Wed 1.30–3.30 p.m. Take with you: • Letter of admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart • Filled out registration form (Antrag auf Einschreibung) which is available at the Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens or at the IZ • Passport with residence permit • An empty envelope that can hold A 4 papers, addressed to your own address and an envelope with an EUR 1,45 stamp • Proof of health insurance (Krankenversicherungsbescheinigung) • One passport photo • Proof of payment of the semester contribution of total EUR 149,45 (including an administration fee and a contribution to the student services and the student union) through a statement of your bank account, EUR 89,45 for visiting program students who come from partner universities • University entrance certificate (degree students only) • Proof that you have either passed the TestDaF or that you have passed the placement test for the German language course at the Department of Intercultural Training, as well as proof of payment for the course fee (degree students only) All degree students are charged a student administration and service fee of EUR 149,45. Visiting program students who come from partner universities are exempted from the administration fee and just have to pay EUR 89,45. In addition to the full semester contribution TestDaF students are charged a course fee for the TestDaF classes. About two weeks after your registration you will receive your student ID card, study certificates and a form to re-register for the next semester by mail. Keep them in a safe place. You will need most of the forms during the semester. Welcome Guide 21 For information about how to get an international student ID please see page 43. If you lose your student ID card you have to cancel it as soon as possible at the Admissons Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens. To cancel it and get a new one you will be charged EUR 10. Also provide a new passport picture. 6 Semester and monthly passes for public transportation Stuttgart has a very good public transportation system. You can travel by train (S -Bahn), subway (U-Bahn), or bus. There are several tariff zones (Tarifzonen) and each zone travelled through requires a fee. To get a semester or monthly pass (Verbundpass – in most cases is the cheapest travel option) you can get an order form for a travel card for public transportation (Verbundpass) at the IZ or in one of the sales offices of the SSB (Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen) or VVS (Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart). Fill in the order form, have it stamped at the IZ and hand it in at one of the sales offices together with a passport photo and a study certificate, along with your student ID card. We recommed that you visit one of the sales offices at the Arnulf-Klett-Passage under the main train station, in Stadtmitte, or at Charlottenplatz. These three sales offices issue a Verbundpass immediately, whereas the others issue only a temporary Verbundpass, followed by a regular one by mail approximately three weeks later. For the Verbundpass to be valid, you need to buy a monthly or a semester ticket at any VVS/SSB sales office. Your student ID card (Studienausweis) has a VVS symbol on the back which validates it for public transportation. You can use your Studienausweis to travel on all buses, trains (S-Bahnen) and subway (U-Bahnen) in the Stuttgart region from Mon–Fri after 6.00 p.m. and all day on weekends and holidays. There are two additional offers for students: • Monthly tickets with Verbundpass are valid for a one month period starting any time. The Verbundpass will only be valid for the zones that you specify. If you need a monthly ticket for September or March because of participation in the intensive German course for program students, you can get a provisional student identity card at the IZ. • The StudiTicket with Verbundpass If you pay EUR 195,60 you can use the whole VVS transportation network without time limits and during the entire semester (Oct. 1 to March 31 or 22 Welcome Guide April 1 to Sept. 30). The StudiTicket contains a Verbundpass (including a passport photo) and a stamp, the so-called Wertmarke. It is possible to buy the StudiTicket online. For further information and online puchase check: www.vvs.de/studiticketonlinekaufen Night buses operate on weekends. Most depart from Schlossplatz at 1.20 a.m., 2.00 a.m., 2.30 a.m., 3.10 a.m. and 3.40 a.m. in various directions. The S-Bahn operates once an hour in the nights between Friday to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday. For a detailed schedule visit: www.nachtaktiv.net/info.html Free printed schedules for specific connections are available at VVS/SSB sales offices, or you can buy a schedule covering the whole region for approx. EUR 3,00. 7 Personal liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung) Unlike health insurance, personal liability insurance is not compulsory in Germany, though we strongly recommend its purchase. This insurance covers damage caused by you or your family to foreign persons or objects (e. g. a rented apartment, laboratories, or your institute), sometimes including even the loss of keys. The price ranges from EUR 30 to EUR 80 per year, depending on your family status. For application forms and further information, please contact your student advisor at International Affairs. Welcome Guide 23 Accommodation in Stuttgart Temporary accommodation in Stuttgart If you are not able to immediately move into a student dormitory or private room, you can stay in a hostel for a short period of time: • Internationales Studentenhotel, Neckarstr. 172, Tel. 0711 41 43 00, e-mail: [email protected], www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de/wohnen/internationales-studentenhotel From the central train station take U 9 (Hedelfingen) or U 14 (Remseck) and get off at Stöckach. Continue about 200 m in the same direction toward the orange hotel sign on the right. • Jugendherberge Stuttgart International, Haußmannstr. 27, Tel. 0711 664 74 70, e-mail: [email protected], http://stuttgart.jugendherberge-bw.de, from the main train station take U 15 (towards Heumaden), get off at Eugensplatz. • Jugendherberge Stuttgart Neckarpark, Elwertstr. 2, Bad Cannstatt, Tel. 0711 664 74 70, e-mail: [email protected], http://stuttgart-neckarpark.jugendherberge-bw.de, location: directly at the Bad Cannstatt train station. • Jugendgästehaus, Richard-Wagner-Str. 2–4 a, Tel. 0711 24 11 32, e-mail: [email protected], www.hostel-stuttgart.de, from the main train station take U 15 (towards Heumaden), get off at Bubenbad. • Hostel Alex 30, Alexanderstr. 30, Tel. 0711 83 88 95-0, e-mail: [email protected], www.alex30-hostel.de, from the main station take U 15 (towards Sillenbuch/Ruhbank/Heumaden), get off at Olgaeck. • Inter-Hostel, Paulinenstr. 16, Tel. 0711 66 48 27 97, e‑mail: [email protected], www.inter-hostel.com, the hostel is located in the city centre, a 5 minutes walk from the S-Bahn station Stadtmitte. 24 Welcome Guide Student housing Student housing is located downtown as well as in Vaihingen and Möhringen and is managed by the Studentenwerk Stuttgart (Student Services). Degree students and ERASMUS students can apply online for a dormitory room: https://www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de/online-antrag-wohnen. For visiting program students from overseas the Office of International Affairs can provide accommodation in one of the student dormitories of the Studentenwerk. You can only rent rooms for full months and you can only move in Monday to Friday during the office hours of the building manager (Hausmeister). On the first work day of every month, all Hausmeister offices have additional opening hours, usually from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. The following dormitories are located on campus Vaihingen, please find below the addresses and telephone numbers of their Hausmeister offices. • • • • • • • • Allmandring I: Allmandring 8 e, basement Allmandring II: Allmandring 24 a Allmandring III: Allmandring 26 a Pfaffenhof I: Pfaffenwaldring 44 b 104 Pfaffenhof II: Pfaffenwaldring 50 a Straußäcker I: Pfaffenwaldring 64 a/1 Straußäcker II: Universitätsstr. 104 b, basement Straußäcker III: Allmandring 3 e, basement Tel. 0711 120-7860 Tel. 0711 677-0137 Tel. 0711 677-1512 Tel. 0711 674-2359 Tel. 0711 120-8381 Tel. 0711 120-7923 Tel. 0711 120-8381 Tel. 0711 687-6129 Office hours of the Hausmeister offices in Vaihingen and Möhringen: Mon–Thurs 1.30 p.m.–2.30 p.m., Fri 8.00 a.m.–9.00 a.m. Exception – Pfaffenhof II office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 7.15–7.45 a.m., Fri 3.00–3.30 p.m. S-Bahn 1, 2 or 3: from stations Hauptbahnhof or Stadtmitte take the S-Bahn towards Herrenberg, Vaihingen, Flughafen, Böblingen or Filderstadt, from the airport S-Bahn station Flughafen toward Stuttgart. Get off at Universität, take the exit Universitätszentrum. Follow the signs to Studentisches Wohnen. The dormitory Filderbahnplatz in Stuttgart-Möhringen can be reached as follows: • Filderbahnplatz 37 Tel. 0711 67 32 43 04 Take the train U 5, U 6 or U 12 (towards Leinfelden, Möhringen Bahnhof, SSB-Zentrum) from the main station to the stop Möhringen Bahnhof. The dormitory is just a few steps from the station. Welcome Guide 25 The dormitory In der Au in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim can be reached as follows: • In der Au 16 Tel. 0711 380 86 54 Office hours: Mon 7.30–8.30 a.m., Thurs 3.00–3.30 p.m. S-Bahn 1 (direction Kirchheim/Teck) from Hauptbahnhof to Untertürkheim. Start at the U-Bahn stop, turn left and follow the main street turn left into Lindenschulstraße then into Türkenstraße and finally left into In der Au. The dormitories Heilmannstraße in Stuttgart Mitte can be reached as follows: • Heilmannstraße 3–7 Office hours: Tues 8.00–9.00 a.m., Thurs 1.30–2.30 p.m. Tel. 0152 01 62 79 35 • Heilmannstraße 4 a–4 b Tel. 0711 933 59 30 Office hours: Mon, Fri 7.30–8.30 a.m., Wed 1.30–2.30 p.m. Take the train U 9 or U 14 (towards Hedelfingen, Remseck) from the main station to Neckartor. Follow the Neckarstraße and turn left into the Heilmannstraße. International student dormitory tutors (Internationale Wohnheimtutoren) Most dormitories have international student dormitory tutors who are contact persons for international students in the dormitories and answer questions about dorm life and organise activities such as parties or outings. Look for dormitory bulletin board notices, ask the Hausmeister or check: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/tutors.en.html Internet access in the dormitories In each dormitory internet access is available in the rooms. In most cases, the room rent includes the cost for using internet. An extra fee of EUR 7 per month is charged for the following dorms: Allmandring I, Pfaffenhof I + II, Max-Kade-Heim, Theodor-Heuss-Heim and Heilmannstraße. Two student associations manage the internet affairs: • Selfnet (Dorms Allmandring I, II, III, Straußäcker I, II, III, Bauhäusle, Pfaffenhof I + II, Max-Kade-Heim, Theodor-Heuss-Heim, Heilmannstraße), www.selfnet.de. Offices: Allmandring 8 a (basement), Holzgartenstr. 9 a (1st basement), Rosenbergstr. 68 (1st basement, across from the elevator), Heilmannstr. 4 b (entrance on the right side), for further information and office hours see: www.selfnet.de/support/oeffnungszeiten • WH-Netz (Dorm Filderbahnplatz), www.wh-netz.de. Office: Filderbahnplatz 35 (basement). 26 Welcome Guide If you live at one of the above locations you should first go to the relevant office (see above) to apply for internet access and for the unlocking of your internet connection. This procedure is not necessary for all other locations. For more information on the Rundfunkbeitrag which is a mandatory fee for receiving internet, TV and radio, see page 28. Private accommodation in Stuttgart It is not easy to find reasonably priced private accommodation in Stuttgart. For information go to: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/private Ads for shared apartments (Wohngemeinschaften, WGs), as well as other rooms and apartments can be found in the following newspapers and online papers: • Sperrmüll is available online at www.sperrmuell.de • Flohmarkt is printed Tuesdays and Fridays www.flohmarkt-verlag.de • Stuttgarter Wochenblatt (has the most classified ads) is delivered on Thursday afternoons without charge, but can be purchased Thursday mornings at newspaper stands www.stuttgarter-wochenblatt.de • Stuttgarter Stadtanzeiger is delivered every Thursday and available online: www.sstaz.de • Stuttgarter Zeitung and Stuttgarter Nachrichten share the same classified ads section. Ads for apartments are usually printed on Wednesdays and Saturdays. http://immobilien.stuttgarter-zeitung.de Some important abbreviations in the ads: NK Nebenkosten (utilities), usually include: Heizung (heat), Wasser (water), Hausmeister (building manager), Müll (garbage disposal) ZKBZimmer-Küche-Bad/Balkon (room-kitchen-bath/balcony) WG Wohngemeinschaft (shared apartment) NR Nichtraucher (non-smoking) WM Warmmiete (heating included in utilities) KM Kaltmiete (additional costs/utilities are not included) Mitwohnzentralen Mitwohnzentralen offer a service to help find a room or apartment for a fee of about 20 % of the monthly rent: 30 % Welcome Guide 27 • Home Company, Kronenstr. 35 www.stuttgart.homecompany.de • Homerooms Stuttgart, Starstr. 10, 86179 Augsburg www.homerooms.de • Mitwohnbüro Uwe Burger Hauptstätter Str. 154 (Marienplatz) • ND Bed Breakfast, www.nd-bed-breakfast.de Tel. 0711 194 45 Tel. 0821 242 48 44 Tel. 0711 60 05 77 Tel. 030 520 04 53 16 You can also search online for a room in a shared apartment: On these websites you can find offers but also publish your room hunting. • • • • www.wg-gesucht.de • www.studenten-wg.de www.noknok24.de • www.die-wg-boerse.de www.vierwaen.de • www.zwischenmiete.de www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de/privatzimmervermittlung Moving into a new apartment Formalities in the case of an address change, even if within the same city, can be found at: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/newaddress Broadcasting service fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) The Rundfunkbeitrag is a fee for receiving radio, TV and internet and has to be paid for every apartment no matter private or in the student dorms. The fee amounts to EUR 17,98 per month independent of how many family members or flatmates live there. If you share an apartment you must therefore pay only a part of the full fee. You or one of your flatmates must therefore register with the so-called ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice. More information and the registration forms which can be sent online can be found at: www.rundfunkbeitrag.de. Students living in the student dormitory, please also check: www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de/wohnen. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and download the PDF in the corner on the right hand side. 28 Welcome Guide gart Studying at the University of Stuttgart The university course catalogue Upon completing the formalities, there is still one thing left to do: getting a course catalogue (Vorlesungsverzeichnis, in short: LSF). It can be found at: https://lsf.uni-stuttgart.de A guide how to use the LSF and how to organise your schedule you will find at: www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/studium/vvz/ (in German) and www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/info_docs/LSF_Manual_stand_2014.pdf Some study programs in humanities offer an annotated course catalogue with detailed course descriptions at: www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/studium/vvz/kvvz/ Academic guidance Each department is responsible for providing information, advising and assisting in its field. Supplementary to general academic guidance, specific academic guidance for almost every major is available in each department. Further information can be found in the Vorlesungsverzeichnis at: www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/studium/vvz/ Student unions (Fachschaften) are organisations set up by student representatives of the individual departments. Students help students by sharing tips and experiences and by organising parties and orientation events for first year students (ErstsemesterEinführungsveranstaltung): www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/beginn/einfuehrungen The addresses of the Fachschaftsbüros can be found in the course catalogue or on the internet at: www.faveve.uni-stuttgart.de/fachschaften Introductory programs for international students Each department offers introductory, course-related meetings. Important information regarding your studies is presented. You can find the time and location for these introductory meetings at the department, or Fachschaftsbüro, or online: www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/beginn/einfuehrungen/studiengaenge.html. Welcome Guide 29 We offer an orientation program integrated in the intensive German course for program students, and an additional one for degree and program students who do not participate in the intensive German course. The orientation sessions for the latter group takes place in the week before lectures start. During the sessions, important advice about living in Stuttgart as well as information about studying at the University of Stuttgart will be provided. Registration in person at the IZ. For further information visit www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/studierende/services/orientation. The Office of International Affairs will organize academic counselling for visiting program students from overseas. They receive detailed information after the arrival in Stuttgart. Erasmus students receive counselling from their Erasmus student advisor at the institutes. Academic calendar Winter semester: October 1–March 31 Classes begin on Monday, October 13, 2014 Classes end on Saturday, February 14, 2015 Summer semester: April 1–September 30 Classes begin on Monday, April 13, 2015 Classes end on Saturday, July 25, 2015 www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/bewerber/degree/academical_calendar/index.en.html Please take note of national and state holidays and daylight saving time. Information at: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/holidays and www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/dst Organisation of studies Semester break (Vorlesungsfreie Zeit) The time between lecture periods is called vorlesungsfreie Zeit but it should not be considered as holiday period. Examinations, compact courses, and excursions often take place during this period. Many offices are closed or have shorter office hours. Between Christmas Eve (Dezember 24) and Epiphany (January 6), there are no lectures. During the summer semester, there is usually a one week break after Whitsun (in June). 30 Welcome Guide Holidays If you want to travel or participate in an internship during the vorlesungsfreie Zeit, you should make sure you know when your exams or deadlines are before planning your trips. You can find this information in notices at the department, at the dean’s office, the Fachschaftsbüro or the examination office (Prüfungsamt). Examinations Examinations, whether oral or written, usually take place during the vorlesungsfreie Zeit. Students who want to complete a degree need to go to the examination office (Prüfungsamt), at NWZ II, Pfaffenwaldring 57, ground floor, Room: 0.328, Tel. 0711 685‑65120. See the webpage www.uni-stuttgart.de/pruefeungsamt for deadlines. All other examinations are posted on the bulletin boards in the department or at the dean’s office. Note: Visiting program students need to sign up for an exam either in the department or with the professor. We strongly recommend that you ask your professor for the type (oral or written) and date of the examinations at the very beginning of classes. Further information at: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/examinations Types of courses Information at: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/courses Internships (Praktika) Some degree programs require that you complete one or more internships (Betriebspraktika) before you graduate. The Internship Office (Praktikantenamt, address can be found in Vorlesungsverzeichnis) provides you with general information. However, you are responsible for finding your own internship. Visiting program students from overseas, who are interested in doing an internship following their studies at the University of Stuttgart need to contact the IZ in May for placements in the winter semester or November for placements in the summer semester. Welcome Guide 31 Important exit formalities The completion of several important formalities is required during and at the end of your studies at the University. These include • • • • • • • • Re-registration (Rückmeldung) Exmatriculation Moving out of student housing Cancellation of your tenancy agreement De-registration at the Bürgerbüro Cancellation of your health insurance (contact insurance before exmatriculation) Cancellation of your bank account Cancellation of the Rundfunkbeitrag Detailed information on these and other necessary formalities can be found at: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/formalities alumnius – alumni network of the University of Stuttgart The alumni network of the University of Stuttgart, called alumnius, offers a wide variety of activities which promote the exchange between students and alumni. For the full range of services and direct access to online registration, please visit the following website: www.alumni.uni-stuttgart.de 32 Welcome Guide The facilities and organisations of the University of Stuttgart Academic departments The departments of the University of Stuttgart are either on the campus in Vaihingen or in the city centre. You will find a good map of both university campuses online: www.uni-stuttgart.de/ueberblick/lage_anfahrt/index.en.html Located in the city centre: • Architecture and Urban Planning • Civil- and Environmental Engineering (partly) • Energy and Process Engineering, Bio Sciences (partly) • Engineering Design, Production and Automotive Engineering (partly) • Geodesy, Management, Economics and Social Sciences • Humanities (History, Philosophy, Literature and Languages) Located on the campus Vaihingen: • Aerospace Engineering • Chemistry • Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering • Electrical Engineering and Information Technology • Energy and Process Engineering, Bio Science (partly) • Engineering Design, Production and Automotive Engineering (partly) • Computer Science • Computer Linguistics • Mathematics and Physics Located elsewhere in Stuttgart: • Chemical Engineering (Böblinger Straße) • Geophysics (Azenbergstraße) • Education Science (Azenbergstraße) Since the university is divided between two campuses, general facilities such as the dining hall (Mensa) and library are also divided. For information about these facilities see next pages. In order to get to Vaihingen from the city centre take the S-Bahn S 1 (direction Herrenberg) or the S 2 or S 3 (direction Vaihingen or Flughafen/Filderstadt). Get off at the stop Universität. Take the exit Universitätszentrum. Welcome Guide 33 Dining halls and cafeterias (Mensen und Cafeterien) The Student Services operate several cafés on both university campuses. Cafeterias are usually open between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Dining halls (Mensen) are usually open only between 11.15 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Every day there are different dishes to choose from which cost between EUR 2 to 4. As well as providing lunch at a reasonable price, mensas serve as general meeting points and information centres. You can find almost anything on the bulletin boards (Schwarzes Brett) where flyers and posters inform students about events, sales, rooms for rent etc. • Mensa I, Holzgartenstr. 11 (campus city centre) • Mensa II, Pfaffenwaldring 45 (Vaihingen campus) Libraries There are two large university libraries or Universitätsbibliotheken (UB), one on the city centre campus, Zentrale Stadtmitte, and the other in Vaihingen, Zweigstelle Vaihingen. To borrow books you need your student ID card. Also, many departments, faculties and most institutes have their own libraries. • Hauptstelle Stadtmitte, Holzgartenstr. 16, main entrance Max-Kade-Weg Tel. 0711 685-82224 (Check-out desk), Tel. 0711 685-82273 (Info) • Zweigstelle Vaihingen, Pfaffenwaldring 55 Tel. 0711 685-64096 (Check-out desk), Tel. 0711 685-64044 (Info) The libraries offer guided tours at the beginning of each winter semester. You can sign up for these tours online: www.ub.uni-stuttgart.de/lernen-arbeiten/schulungen/ 34 Welcome Guide Stuttgart also has the following public libraries: • Württembergische Landesbibliothek (State Library) Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 8, www.wlb-stuttgart.de Tel. 0711 212-44 54 • Stadtbibliothek, Mailänder Platz 1 www1.stuttgart.de/stadtbibliothek/ Tel. 0711 216-91100 • Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 4 www.landesarchiv-bw.de/web Tel. 0711 212-4335 • Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 8 Tel. 0711 212-4454 www.wlb-stuttgart.de/sammlungen/bibliothek-fuer-zeitgeschichte • Mediatheque de l’Institut Français, Schlossstr. 51 www.institutfrancais.de/stuttgart Tel. 0711 239 25 14 • Bibliothek im Italienischen Kulturinstitut, Kolbstr. 6 www.iicbelgrado.esteri.it/IIC_Stoccarda/Menu/Istituto Tel. 0711 162 81 21 These libraries also offer books/media in foreign languages. Internet/E-mail/Computer centre (TIK) The university’s computer centre (Technische Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste/TIK) provides a number of computer labs for student use on the Vaihingen campus and one in the library on the city centre campus. You will receive a user account and an e-mail address with your student ID card by mail.Help and information for users is offered at: • User’s support (TIK-Benutzerberatung), Pfaffenwaldring 57, mezzanine, HG 705 Office hours: Mon–Thurs 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m., Fri 9.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m. • User’s support, City Centre, university library (TIK-Benutzerberatung, Hauptstelle Stadtmitte), Holzgartenstr. 16 Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00 a.m.–1.00 p.m. At the TIK information is available regarding e-mail and general computer issues. Hotline (during office hours): Tel. 0711 685-88001 (Vaihingen campus), Tel. 0711 685-83760 (city centre), www.tik.uni-stuttgart.de/beratung/support With the TIK e-mail address you can register with ILIAS, the learning platform which provides documents and materials necessary for courses, seminars and lectures: https://ilias3.uni-stuttgart.de Welcome Guide 35 Computer labs: • Pfaffenwaldring 57, NWZ II, mezzanine, Mon–Fri 7.00 a.m.–11.00 p.m. Sat 7.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. • Pfaffenwaldring 9, IWZ, Room 2.270 (2nd floor), Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–7.00 p.m. • Pfaffenwaldring 6, PR6pool, Room 0.24, Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–6.00 p.m. • Pfaffenwaldring 45, Universum Pool, Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–11.00 p.m. • University Library (city centre), Holzgartenstr. 16, UB Pool, Mon–Fri 8.00 a.m.–9.00 p.m., Sat 10.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. • Seidenstr. 36, S36 Pool, Raum 2.093, Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–11.00 p.m. See page 26 for internet connections within student housing. University sports (Hochschulsport) Each semester the Sports Institute offers a large range of sporting activities organised by students. There are also excursions such as skiing and sailing trips. Registration and payment are online. Further information at: www.hochschulsport.uni-stuttgart.de Leisure program for international students International Affairs offers a leisure program for international students. The program consists of day trips to points of interest within Baden-Württemberg, movie nights, a so-called Stammtisch (get-together) and special festivals. Programs are available online: www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/directto/leisure The student organisation AEGEE Stuttgart also offers a comprehensive leisure program for all international students. www.aegee-stuttgart.org General education (Studium Generale) There are numerous general education courses available to students who wish to take advantage of the opportunity to extend their studies beyond their specific major. Emphasis is placed on music, theatre, and fine arts. All courses are free of charge. Further information available at www.uni-stuttgart.de/sg 36 Welcome Guide Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) The Language Centre offers language courses at many levels as well as German courses for international students. Participation is free of charge. For all Sprachenzentrum courses you must submit an online registration by a specific date. There are also materials in the Sprachenzentrum that you may use to study a language independently. For more information, see www.sz.uni-stuttgart.de • Sprachenzentrum, Breitscheidstr. 2, 70174 Stuttgart Office hours: Mon–Thurs 9.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m. e-mail: [email protected] Tel. 0711 685-83043, www.sz.uni-stuttgart.de/index.en.html If you are interested in taking a technical German language class on B2/C1 level, please check the offers of the MINT-Kolleg: www.mint-kolleg.de/stuttgart/angebote/Sprachkurs.html Sprachtandem A Sprachtandem is a technique for learning a foreign language in a pleasant way: two persons wishing to learn the partner’s language meet on a regular basis and take turns in practicing the other one’s language. If you would like to improve your German or practice another language together with a native speaker, the following pages can help you to find a so-called Tandempartner. • Sprachtandem of the University of Stuttgart: www.sz.uni-stuttgart.de/tandemlernen/index.html • The student association AEGEE also offers a SprachDuo. Online registration: www.stuttgart.sprachduo.de • University of Bochum eTandem: www.slf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de Welcome Guide 37 Ecumenical Centre (Ökumenisches Zentrum) The Ecumenical Centre is run by both the Protestant and Catholic churches. It is located on the Vaihingen campus close to the IZ. Services (consultation, events, etc.) are open to all students and the staff of the University of Stuttgart independent of their religious affiliation. The centre also has a room for silence and prayer (Raum der Stille) which is available for everyone from Monday to Friday irrespective of his/her religious affiliation. • Ökumenisches Zentrum (ÖZ), Allmandring 6, 70569 Stuttgart Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Tue–Thurs 1.30 p.m.–5 p.m. Tel. 0711 68 70 68 00, e-mail: [email protected], www.oekumenisches-zentrum.de • Café Mon–Fri 11.00 a.m.–2.00 p.m., on Mondays fresh and tasty Falaffel (vegetarian dish) for a very good price! • sprech-BAR Wed 6.00 p.m.–7.30 p.m. Get-togethers for international students with the possibilty to discuss current topics in German For information about mosques or prayer places for Muslims and places of worship for Hindhus and many Christian denominations at the university and in Stuttgart please ask at the Ecumenical Centre or check: www.vvs.de/download/VVSReligEinrichtungen.pdf (city map with addresses) International student organisations Currently, there are about 30 active international student associations at the University of Stuttgart for those wishing to maintain contact with students from their home country. They organise various events and advise students on general questions regarding life and studies in Stuttgart. For information about scheduled events, on founding a new organisation or for further addresses, please contact: Ms. Marion Hanssen, room 1.033, Tel. 0711 685-68552, e-mail: [email protected] www.ia.uni-stuttgart.de/internat/studierende/services/assoc/index.en.html 38 Welcome Guide Everyday information Medical care/psychological counselling Doctors, dentists, and hospitals can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or online at: www.arztsuche-bw.de. This website also gives you information on doctors who speak other languages than German by choosing your language in the search criteria Fremdsprache. Generally you have to make an appointment to see a doctor in case you are ill. Some general practitioners also have open office hours. In case of an emergency at night or on weekends you can go to the Emergency Medical Service of Stuttgart doctors at the Marienhospital (address see page 10). In order to receive treatment you need to either present your health insurance card from one of the state health insurance companies (see page 16), your EHIC, or show the certificate from your private health insurance company. State health insurance companies pay the medical treatment directly to the doctor/hospital. Private insurances have a different payment system. You probably will have to pay the bill first and ask for reimbursement at the company. Make yourself familiar with the specific regulations of your own health insurance before you see a doctor. Prescribed medication can be picked up at any pharmacy/chemist’s (Apotheke). If you have state student health insurance you usually have to pay a contibution between EUR 5 and EUR 10 for each prescription. In case of private insurance, the company might also pay for all prescribed medication, check your contract. For psychological counselling, you can go to the counselling centre of the Student Services (Studentenwerk Stuttgart). For appoinments please call: Tel. 0711 95 74-480 (Mon–Fri 1.30–2.30 p.m.) Further information: www.studentenwerk-stuttgart.de/psychologische-beratung Legal advice On behalf of the Studentenwerk Stuttgart, Mr. Tobias Grösche, a lawyer, offers first legal advice for students. Appointments by phone or e-mail only: Tel. 0711 95 74-470, e-mail: [email protected] Welcome Guide 39 Shopping Business hours in Germany are regulated by the government but every state can decide upon its own business hours regulations. Baden-Württemberg decided that shops may open 24 hours between Monday and Saturday. However, only a few shops make use of these possibilities. Some food chains like REWE open their stores Mon–Sat from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Usually, downtown shops open between around 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Smaller towns and shops in the suburbs still like to stick to the old shop hours between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 or 6.30 p.m. Some shops close for a lunch break. Many petrol stations are open 24 hours and offer also food, snacks, drinks and toiletries. The shops in the main train station and some shops in the Arnulf-Klett-Passage are open longer hours and on weekends. WHAT? 40 Welcome Guide WHERE? COMMENTS grocery items Lidl, Aldi, Penny, Netto, very inexpensive, good quality grocery items, fresh groceries Edeka, REWE, Kaufland a little more expensive, larger selection, fresh products bread, cake, pastries bakeries very fresh, very good quality meat butcher’s very fresh, very good quality fresh fruits, vegetables (also eggs, bread) weekly market (e. g. Tues, Thurs & Sat on the Marktplatz in Stuttgart, Wed & Sat in S-Vaihingen) very fresh, very good quality; the colorful stands are a sight typically for the region – you should not miss the chance to visit fruits, groceries from all over the world Markthalle (indoor market) Dorotheenstr. 4 more expensive, but definitly worth a visit because of the atmosphere and beautiful Art Nouveau hall halal/kosher food Dost Gida Pazari, Nordbahnhofstr. 77, S-Nord; Hak Verdi, Mauserstr. 21, S-Feuerbach; Kosherladen, Hospitalstr. 36, S-Mitte wide selection Asian groceries, vegetables, spices, rice Indian Store (Augustenstr. 63/1), S-West wide selection, fresh vegtables WHAT? WHERE? clothing H&M, Karstadt, Kaufhof, C&A and more (Königsstraße in the city centre) shoes Tack, Shoetown, Deichmann (most of them at Königstraße) dishes, pots, etc., household appliances new: e. g. Kaufhof, Karstadt, Tedi, KiK used: fleamarkets (Karlsplatz in the city centre), thriftstores: Gebrauchtwarenmarkt (Am Wallgraben 142, S-Vaihingen), Fairkauf (Steiermärker Str. 53, S-Feuerbach) drugstores dm, Müller, Rossmann furniture new: IKEA (Böblingen and Ludwigsburg) used: fleamarkets (the student fleamarket takes place in April and November on the Karlsplatz), secondhand shops (see above), newspapers for secondhand articles (Sperrmüll is published on Thursdays, Flohmarkt is published on Tuesdays and Fridays, available at news stands) laundromat S-Vaihingen: Möhringer Landstr. 22, Robert-Leicht-Str. 3 City centre: Rosenbergstr. 39 S-Heslach: Böblinger Str. 158 stamps Deutsche Post city centre (Bolzstr. 3) or at Schillerplatz in S-Vaihingen (Möhringer Landstr. 2) COMMENTS good quality, prices are reasonable and can vary (look for special sale ...) It is worthwhile to compare prices in several stores, often there are special offers At this link people can give away and get all kinds of items for free: www.stuttgart.de/verschenkmarkt Welcome Guide 41 Public internet terminals If you need to e-mail or use the internet before you get your account at the university, places that offer internet services include: • Treppe Online (EUR 3/hour), Kleiner Schlossplatz 13–15 Tel. 0711 222 16 46 • tipsntrips (EUR 0,75 per 15 min), Lautenschlagerstr. 22 Tel. 0711 222 27 30 • Stadtbücherei Stuttgart, you need a valid library card, Mailänder Platz 1 Tel. 0711 21 6-91100 • Rathausbücherei, Marktplatz 1 Tel. 0711 216-91212 • Starbucks Coffee House, Königsbaupassagen Bring your own notebook with W-LAN card Tel. 0711 220 20 70 • Internet and Call Shops, Many shops in the centre of Vaihingen and Stuttgart, inexpensive Culture and leisure in Stuttgart General, cultural, and tourist information about Stuttgart and the region: • The tourist information “i-Punkt”, Königstr. 1a, Tel. 0711 22 28-0 Office hours: Mon–Fri 9.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m., Sat 9.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m. Sundays and holidays: 11.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m. Further online information at www.stuttgart-tourist.de or www.stuttgart.de You can find quite a few helpful tips in these magazines and brochures: • stuvus calendar – available at the stuvus office “Hellblaues Nilpferd”, Pfaffenwaldring 57 • LIFT – monthly magazine for Stuttgart with events, movies, and concerts (EUR 2,50 at kiosks and newspaper stands) • PRINZ – online-magazine listing events in Stuttgart, focus on nightlife and parties • MERIAN-HEFT STUTTGART – a book with information about the city • UNI-TIPP – is a free biannual brochure. You can find it at the beginning of each term in the university buildings. It includes a city map, tips for leisure activities and events, and helpful addresses. 42 Welcome Guide Travel Affordable travel options in Germany are train, carpooling, and (inter-)national bus lines. • Travel by train in Germany is comfortable, hassle-free but expensive. Information on ongoing deals, such as Sparpreis ab EUR 29 and BahnCard 25 and 50, weekend ticket, the Schönes Wochenende, the Baden-Württemberg regional ticket, and the Inter-Rail pass can be found on www.bahn.de or at a Deutsche Bahn office. • Travel by bus is really inexpensive but can take a long time. You can find information and compare prices of different bus companies at www.fernbusse.de. • Mitfahrzentrale agencies are responsible for helping organise carpooling for longer trips. Information can be found at www.bessermitfahren.de, www.blablacar.de und www.mitfahrgelegenheit.de. • Carsharing is available in most locations throughout Germany. For information see: www.flinkster.de, www.stuttgart.stadtmobil.de, www.car2go.com or www.carsharing.de. • Rented cars can be expencive but are very convenient. Information can be found at www.europcar.de, www.sixt.de. International student identity card With the international student identity card (ISIC) you can receive discounts in Germany and abroad. The ISIC is available for EUR 12 at AStA Reisen Stuttgart GmbH, Pfaffenwaldring 45, Vaihingen campus, Tel. 0711 68 27 09. The card is valid for 16 months. For more information please see the following webpage: www.isic.org Information for students with disabilities Students with disabilities have the possibility to receive counselling by the Student Counselling Centre (Zentrale Studienberatung, see page 10) or the Studentenwerk. They can e. g. claim an extended examination period, certain forms of examinations and use a specific workstation in the library. Please contact: Ms. Dech, e-mail: [email protected], Tel. 0711 95 74-463 www.uni-stuttgart.de/studieren/beginn/rundum/handicap/index.html (German only) Welcome Guide 43 Language courses in Stuttgart The following link provides you with addresses of languages schools in Stuttgart and elsewhere: www.stuttgart.de/item/show/325086 How do I find a job? It is possible to work part-time while studying at the University of Stuttgart. For rules and regulations of working in Germany see page 20. For international students the most convenient way is to work as a student assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft/Hiwi) at an institute of the university. Look for bulletins posted around campus or inquire directly at the respective secretary’s office. Often the university libraries, computer pools and Studentenwerk also offer Hiwi positions. Please check: www.stellenwerk-stuttgart.de/start.html Also inquire at the Agentur für Arbeit (labour office) on temporary work for students for example in restaurants, or as unskilled labor in factories, warehouses or firms. • Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart, Nordbahnhofstr. 30–34, 70191 Stuttgart Tel. 0711 920-0, office hours: Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Thurs till 6.00 p.m. www.arbeitsagentur.de • Agentur für Arbeit, branch office Vaihingen, Industriestr. 5, 70565 Stuttgart, Tel. 0180 155 51 11, e-mail: [email protected], Office hours: Mon–Fri 7.30 a.m.–12.00 p.m., Thurs 7.30 a.m.–6.00 p.m. If you want to work in Germany, your employer will ask you for a tax card (elektronische Lohnsteuerkarte or Ersatzbescheinigung). If you take up work in Germany for the first time, the tax card is available at the tax office (Finanzamt, Stuttgart: Rotebühlplatz 30). You also need a social security number (Sozialversicherungsnummer) which you can apply for through your state health insurance company. If you are not state health insured, your employer will usually apply for it when registering you. If you are single and do not have children, you may earn up to EUR 450/month without having to pay tax. If you pay tax, you may get (part of) it back if you apply for a tax back through an income tax statement (Einkommenssteuererklärung). 44 Welcome Guide Useful addresses (M) = city centre campus (V) = Vaihingen campus • Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart (Employment Agency) Nordbahnhofstr. 30–34 Tel. 0711 920-0 • Agentur für Arbeit Vaihingen (Employment Agency) Industriestr. 5, [email protected] • ALEX 30 Hostel Alexanderstr. 30 Tel. 0711 838 89 50 • alumnius Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 b Tel. 0711 685-82174 • Amt für öffentliche Ordnung (Office of Public Order) Eberhardstr. 39 Tel. 0711 21 6-91992 • Bürgerbüro im Rathaus Vaihingen Rathausplatz 1 Tel. 0711 216-93700 • Hochschulsport (V) Allmandring 28 f Tel. 0711 685-63155 • International Affairs/Dezernat Internationales Pfaffenwaldring 60 (IZ) Tel. 0711 685-68599 • Jugendherberge Stuttgart (Youth Hostel) Haußmannstr. 27 Tel. 0711 664 74 70 • Jugendgästehaus Richard-Wagner-Str. 2 Tel. 0711 24 11 32 • Kolpinghäuser Stuttgart (dormitories) Heusteigstr. 66 Tel. 0711 64 95 10 • Mensa I (M), Holzgartenstr. 11 • Mensa II (V), Pfaffenwaldring 45 • Ökumenisches Zentrum (V), Allmandring 6 Tel. 0711 68 70 68 00 • Prüfungsamt (Exam Office), NWZ II (V) Pfaffenwaldring 57, ground floor, room 0.328 Tel. 0711 685-65121 Welcome Guide 45 • Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart/TIK (V) (Computer Centre), Allmandring 30 Tel. 0711 685-88000 TIK-Benutzerberatung Pfaffenwaldring 57 (V), Holzgartenstr. 16 (M) Tel. 0711 685-88001 • Sprachenzentrum (Language Centre) (M) Breitscheidstr. 2 a, 1st floor Tel. 0711 685-88055 • SSB/VVS Offices Arnulf-Klett-Passage (underneath the main train station) Rotebühlplatz (underground station) Charlottenplatz (underground station) • Studentenwerk Stuttgart (main office) Rosenbergstr. 18 Tel. 0711 95 74-410 (branch office on campus) Pfaffenwaldring 50 a/7 Tel. 0711 95 74-470 • Studiensekretariat (Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 b • Studium Generale (Office of General Education) Azenbergstr. 16, floor 2 a Tel. 0711 685-82036 • stuvus (student union) Hellblaues Nilpferd (V) Pfaffenwaldring 57 and Tel. 0711 685-62003 Zentrales Fachschaften-Büro/ZFB (M) Keplerstr. 17 (K II), Stock 2 a • Touristinformation “i-Punkt” Königstr. 1 a 46 Welcome Guide Tel. 0711 685-83055, -83054 Tel. 0711 2228-0 • Universitätsbibliothek, Zentrale Stadtmitte Holzgartenstr. 16 Tel. 0711 685-82273 • Universitätsbibliothek Vaihingen Pfaffenwaldring 55 Tel. 0711 685-64044 • Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB) Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 c Tel. 0711 685-82133 Maps Map of the city centre Main Station (Hauptbahnhof) Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens (Studiensekretariat) Geschw.-Scholl-Str. 24 AOK Stuttgart Kronenstr. 22 University Library (Universitätsbibliothek) Central Administration Keplerstr. 7 City Centre Dining Hall (Mensa) S-Bahn-Station Stadtmitte DAK Stuttgart Königstr. 21 TK City Plaza, 1st floor Rotebühlstr. 25 Office of Public Order (Amt für öffentliche Ordnung) Eberhardstr. 39 Welcome Guide 47 Campus maps Vaihingen 1 Student dormitories Pfaffenhof 2 S-Bahn stop Universität 3 University Library Vaihingen 4 BW Bank, Pfaffenwaldring 57 5 Cashier’s office, Pfaffenwaldring 55 6 Student dormitories Allmandring 7 International Centre (IZ), Pfaffenwaldring 60 8 Student dormitories Straußäcker 9 Mensa Vaihingen, Pfaffenwaldring 45 City centre 1 Main station 2 Admissions Office for Foreign Citizens and EU Citizens, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24 b 3 University Library City Centre, Holzgartenstr. 16 4 Central Administration, Keplerstr. 7 5 Mensa City Centre, Holzgartenstr. 9 48 Welcome Guide Verbund - Schienennetz Bietigheim m Kirchberg (M) R3 Ludwigsburg Vaihingen (E) Burgstall (M) Sachsenheim Sersheim R5 Pforzheim Münchingen Rührberg Schwieberdingen Hemmingen Weissach Salzwiesenstr. Heutingsheimer Str. Stammheim Heimerdingen Münchingen Korntal Gymnasium Zuffenhausen Ditzingen Feuerbach Löwentorbrücke Rastatter Str. Wolfbusch Eckartshaldenweg (Pragfriedhof) Killesberg Bergheimer Hof Salamanderweg Rosenberg-/ Seidenstr. Russische Kirche Rutesheim Hölderlinplatz Berliner Platz Breitwiesen Türlenstr. (Bürgerhospital) Milchhof Malmsheim Botnang Weil der Stadt Elbestr. Freibergstr. KurMünster saal Rathaus Löwentor Münster Viadukt Rosensteinpark Kraftwerk DaimlerMünster platz NordGlockenMühlsteg bahnstr. Uffhof Kirchhof Rosensteinbr. Bad Cannstatt Wilhelma Wilhelmsplatz Ebitzweg Bad Cannstatt Freiberg Suttnerstr. Auwiesen Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Pl.) Mühle Hornbach Brückenstr. Neckargröningen Remseck Backnang Maubach Steinhaldenfeld Hauptfriedhof Nellmersbach Neugereut Winnenden Augsburger Platz Nürnberger Str. Kienbachstr. Blick MercedesNeckarpark str. Mineralbäder (Mercedes-Benz) CannMetzstr. statter Wasen NeckarStöckach tor Karl-OlgaNeckarPark (Stadion) Krankenhaus Oppenweiler Obere Ziegelei Gnesener Str. Sulzbach (M) Mönchfeld Mühlhausen Hofen Max-EythSee Pragsattel Pragfriedhof Schwab-/Bebelstr. Eszet Schlotterbeckstr. Untertürkheim Schwaikheim Neustadt-Hohenacker Sommerrain Fellbach Rudersberg Oberndorf Waiblingen Rudersberg Nord Rommelshausen Antwerpener Straße Rudersberg Stetten-Beinstein Schlechtbach Endersbach Beskidenstr. Michelau Beutelsbach Höhenstr. MiedelsbachSteinenberg Grunbach Esslinger Str. Geradstetten Winterbach Haubersbronn Mitte Haubersbronn Schwabenlandhalle Weiler Obertürkheim Schorndorf Staatsgalerie Bergfriedhof Hammerschlag Raitelsberg Charlottenplatz SchlachtMettingen Olgaeck Ostendpl. Vogelsang Rathaus Feuersee Schorndorf Fellbach Brendle hof Ostheim Lutherkirche HerderBeetEltinger (Groß- InselLeo-Vetter-Bad platz hovenstr. Str. markt) str. Urbach Wasenstr. Eugenspl. Gaisburg Esslingen (N) MillöckerLindWangener-/ Im Heidehofstr. Österreich. Marienpl. str. paintnerstr. Landhausstr. Degen Platz Wangen Marktplatz Dobelstr. StafflenSchwabstraße Erwin-Schoettle bergstr. Liststr. Oberesslingen -Platz Plüderhausen Universität Bubenbad Hedelfinger Str. Pfaffenweg Südheimer Payerstr. Bihlplatz Bopser Platz Österfeld Wielandshöhe Zell Geroksruhe Heslach Vogelrain Vaihingen Haigst Stelle Viadukt Hedelfingen Ruhbank Nägelestr. Engel- Kalten- WaldAltbach Fauststr. Waldau (Fernsehturm) Waldfriedhof boldstr. tal eck ZahnradSilberwald Vaihinger bahnhof Weinsteige Vaihingen Schillerplatz SSBWallStr. Riedsee Peregrinastr. Sillenbuch Jurastr. graben Zentrum Plochingen Schemppstr. Degerloch Sonnen Bockelstr. berg Wernau (N) Albstr. Degerloch Reichenbach (F) Rohrer Vaihingen Möhringen Weg Sigmaringer Str. Heumaden Böblingen Goldberg Wendlingen (N) Rohr Möhringen Freibad Ruit LeinBöbl. Danziger Str. felden Ötlingen Plieninger Str. Fasanenhof Frank Zinsholz Böbl. Südbf. UnterEuropaplatz Parksiedlung Oberaichen aichen Oberboihingen Kirchheim (T) Böbl. Heusteigstr. Salzäcker EnBW City Scharnhauser Park Kirchheim (T) Süd Böbl. Zimmerschlag Leinfelden Kreuzbrunnen Holzgerlingen Nord Dettingen (T) Landhaus Nürtingen Fasanenhof Schelmenwasen Techn. Akademie Holzgerlingen Nürtingen Vorstadt Owen Echterdingen Holzgerlingen Buch Bempflingen Roßdorf Brucken Frickenhausen Weil im Schönbuch Troppel Arndt-/Spittastr. Gerlingen Münster Sieglestr. Mittnachtstr. Friedrichsbau Schloss-/Johannesstr. Siedlung Renningen Friedrichswahl Föhrich Landauer Str. Weilimdorf Löwen-Markt Giebel Wagrainäcker Borsigstr. Maybachstr. Himmelsleiter Tapachstr. Schozacher Str. WilhelmGeiger-Platz Sportpark Feuerbach Feuerbach Pfostenwäldle Leonberg Fürfelder Str. Hohensteinstr. Weilimdorf Höfingen Murrhardt Zuffenhausen Zuffenhausen Rathaus Kelterplatz Kirchtalstr. Neuwirtshaus (Porscheplatz) Korntal Fornsbach Zazenhausen Kornwestheim Wimpfener Str. Korntaler Str. Vaihingen ei ErdmannhausenRielingshausen lsh Benningen (N) ai Favoritepark Asperg Ellental Marbach (N) Freiberg (N) Tamm Besigheim Walheim Cr Kirchheim (N) R4 Heilbronn vvs Stadtmitte (Rotebühlpl.) Schlossplatz R2 Aa le Maichingen n Sindelfingen Hulb R1 Ul Ehningen m Herrenberg Herrenberg Zwerchweg st Flughafen / Messe Plieningen bi ng Dettenhausen en R R7 7 H 4 or Fr b eu de n Weil im Schönbuch Röte Weil im Schönbuch Untere Halde Tü TITwelcome2012.indd 2 3 nicht im VVS-Tarif Gültstein R7 Bondorf ad t Gäufelden Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH www.vvs.de Tel. 0711 19449 Filderstadt Frickenh.Kelterstr. Nellingen Ostfildern R R7 8 Tü 3 bi He n rre gen nb er g Gärtringen Nufringen Linsenhofen Unterlenningen Neuffen City Centre Oberlenningen © VVS 12.2011 12.07.12 10:47 Universität Stuttgart Universität Stuttgart Dezernat Internationales Pfaffenwaldring 60 D-70569 Stuttgart Welcome Guide Telefax: ++49 711 685 68600 E-Mail: [email protected] www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia © 2012 Herausgeberin: Universität Stuttgart Fotos: Universität Stuttgart, Dezernat Internationales TITwelcome2012.indd 1 www.uni-stuttgart.de/ia 12.07.12 10:47