I/A Communicative skills • Listening 11 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) 1 von 24 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Das Hör-Sehverstehen anhand eines beliebten Films trainieren (Klassen 9/10) Ein Beitrag von Uli Nater, München Illustriert von Julia Lenzmann, Stuttgart A m 12. Dezember 2013 kommt der zweite Teil der Hobbit-Trilogie in die Kinos. J. R. R. Tolkiens Klassiker „The Hobbit“ und „The Lord of the Rings“ wurden durch Regisseur Peter Jackson zu Kinokassenschlagern. Zeit, sich noch einmal den ersten Teil „The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey“ aus dem Jahr 2012 zu Gemüte zu führen! T H C I S N A R O V © picture alliance/dpa Die Geschichte über Bilbo und seine Abenteuerreise mit Gandalf und den Zwergen motiviert die Schüler, ihr globales und Detailverstehen zu trainieren. Zudem erfahren sie, was die Hobbits so „typisch englisch“ macht und wie Bilbo den „Einen Ring“ aus dem „Herr der Ringe“ indet. Der Hobbit Bilbo ist ein widerwilliger Held. Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick Kompetenzen: Dauer: – Grob- und Detailinformationen heraushören 3 Schulstunden (+ LEK) – die Verilmung eines Werks der Weltliteratur kennenlernen – kulturelle Hintergründe (Hobbits als „typische Engländer“) verstehen – sprachliche Bilder verstehen – kreativ schreiben Niveau: Klasse 9/10 Einbettung: G21, B6, Unit 3 Red Line 5, Topic 2 und 3 Red Line 6, Topic 3 lehrwerkunabhängig einsetzbar 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 I/A Communicative skills • Listening 11 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) 5 von 24 Materialübersicht 1. Stunde: An unexpected party M1 (Tr) Which ilm is this? M2 (Ws) An unexpected party M3 (Ws) I’m sorry – using polite language 2. Stunde: The quest M4 (Ws) The quest M5 (Ca) Who’s who? (einfachere Version auf CD 21) 3. Stunde: Riddles in the dark M6 (Ws) Bilbo meets Gollum (einfachere Version auf CD 21) M7 (Ws) Riddles in the dark M8 (Ws) Are you good at riddles? M9 (Ws) Write your own riddle! T H C 4. Stunde: Are you an expert on “The Hobbit”? – Test M 10 (LEK) One song, two riddles and three questions I S N Legende der Abkürzungen Ca: Cards; LEK: Lernerfolgskontrolle; Tr: Transparency; Ws: Worksheet A R O So können Sie kombinieren und kürzen • Jede der drei Stunden kann als Einzelstunde unterrichtet werden. V • Wenn Sie den Schwerpunkt auf das Hör-Sehverstehen legen möchten, können M 3 (höliche Sprache), M 8 (Rätselraten) und M 9 (eigene Rätsel schreiben) entfallen. 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 I/A Communicative skills • Listening 11 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) 7 von 24 An unexpected party M2 Watch a ilm clip from the beginning of “The Hobbit – An Unexpected1 Journey”. Tasks 1. Watch the clip once. Then answer these questions: a) Who is coming to visit Bilbo Baggins? b) Is Bilbo happy? Why (not)? 2. Watch the clip a second time. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false statements. Statement true a) The irst dwarf’s2 name is Balin. o false b) Bilbo was expecting company. o o c) The irst visitors introduce3 themselves with their names and “At your service”. o o d) Bilbo is glad to share his food with his guests. o o e) The dwarves ask politely for food. o o f) The dwarves already know each other. o o g) Bilbo tells Fili and Kili that they’re welcome. o o h) At irst Kili is afraid that the meeting has been cancelled4. o o i) After coming in, Kili compliments5 Bilbo on his food. o o j) When the four dwarves talk about “everyone”, Bilbo wants to know how many visitors will be coming. o o k) Bilbo thinks that maybe someone has played a practical joke6 on him. o o l) o o o o o Correction T H C I S N A R O V Gandalf is a dwarf. m) The dwarf Bombur doesn’t need a cheese knife because he always eats a whole cheese. 1 unexpected: unerwartet – 2 dwarf (pl.: dwarves): der Zwerg – 3 to introduce oneself: sich vorstellen – 4 to cancel sth: etw. absagen – 5 to compliment sb. on sth.: jdm. für etw. ein Kompliment machen – 6 practical joke: der Streich 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 I/A Communicative skills • Listening 11 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) 13 von 24 Who’s who? M5 Find out about the characters and actors in “The Hobbit”. For this task you are allowed to use your smartphone! Tasks © Thinkstock/iStockphoto 1. Put the eight texts about the characters and their actors together. Every text is made of four jigsaw parts. In the centre of each of the complete texts you will ind a QR code. 2. When you’ve put together all the texts, check with a QR code app on your smartphone whether you are right. Correct answers take you to an online photo of the character or the actor. Gandalf Bilbo Baggins He’s a hobbit who loves his comfort. This wizard wants Bilbo to go with the Hobbits don’t like adventures! But dwarves. He travels with them on the he still goes on a quest with irst part of their journey. He returns the dwarves and Gandalf. In the later to help the dwarves escape end he even saves Thorin’s life. Martin Freeman Ian Apart from the hob- He has won from the T H C I S N A R O goblins. McKellen many awards bit, these days he also plays Dr Wat- for his acting. He also starred in “X- son in the series “Sherlock”. Bene- Men” and in “The Da Vinci Code”. The dict Cumberbatch stars with him in role of Gandalf was irst offered to both ilms: as Sher- lock and as the Sean Connery. Necromancer (a bad wizard). Thorin Oakenshield Gollum He is a dwarf king. Many years ago a He is a thin slimy creature who lives dragon came and the dwarves had to underground. He talks to himself a lot. leave their home Erebor and their When he loses his golden ring, he is treasures. Thorin wants to get their very upset. Bilbo inds this important V home and treasures ring and takes it with him. back. Richard Armitage Andy Serkis He read the book In “The Hobbit” we don’t see “The Hobbit” as a child, and his irst him because Gollum is a computer- acting experience was playing an elf generated image. Through motion in a theatre pro- duction of “The capture Serkis’s movements were Hobbit”. So he was very happy to get used, and we also hear his voice. the role of Thorin. 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 I/A Communicative skills • Listening 11 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) 15 von 24 Hinweise (2. Stunde/M 4–M 5) Die Schüler beantworten Multiple-Choice-Fragen zu einer Filmszene. Durch ein Textpuzzle lernen sie die Hauptiguren und Schauspieler des Films kennen. Einstieg Schreiben Sie nacheinander Bilbo, Dwalin, Fili and Kili, Thorin sowie Gandalf an die Tafel. Lassen Sie die Lernenden kurz zusammentragen, was sie aus dem Filmausschnitt der letzten Stunde über die Figuren wissen. Phase 1 “We’re going to watch a scene from the “The Hobbit” that happens very soon after the ilm clip from last lesson. The irst time we watch it, only think about the questions in task 1 on the worksheet I’m going to hand out to you now. Please cover the questions in task 2 with a piece of paper.” Teilen Sie M 4 aus und spielen Sie folgenden Ausschnitt ab: 00:24:25 (“They say this quest is ours“) bis 00:29:14 (“Very well, we will do it your way“). Nach dem ersten Sehen vergleichen die Schüler ihre Antworten zuerst mit einem Partner, bevor sie im Plenum besprochen werden. Vor dem zweiten Sehen lesen sie die Fragen für Aufgabe 2, die sie dann in Partnerarbeit bearbeiten. Kontrolliert wird im Plenum. T H C Differenzierung: Schwächere Schüler erhalten eine einfachere Version von M 4 (CD 21). Hier gibt es pro Multiple-Choice-Frage nur zwei statt drei Antworten bzw. die Zahl der richtigen Antworten wird in der Frage vorgegeben. I S N Erwartungshorizont (M 4) A R O 1. It’s under the Lonely Mountain. A dangerous dragon lives there. Gandalf gives a key to Thorin. Bilbo doesn’t want to go on the quest. 2. a) a mountain on its own (Differenzierungsmaterial: a mountain) – b) When ravens ly to Erebor, the beast’s reign will end. – c) can ly, breathes ire, razor-sharp teeth, claws, loves metals like gold and silver – d) There aren’t enough of them, and they aren’t good enough or clever enough. – e) Because Gandalf is coming with them. – f) none – g) That others will go to Erebor and steal their treasure. – h) It’s for a secret door into the mountain. – i) As a burglar. – j) Hobbits walk quietly., The dragon doesn’t know what a hobbit smells like., Bilbo is better than the dwarves think. – k) That they will take on Bilbo. V Überleitung: “Those who know the story: can you tell me the names of other important characters?“ Phase 2 “We’re going to ind out a bit about the main characters and their actors. We’ll work in small groups. You’ll get the texts as jigsaw puzzles. Four pieces of paper make one text about the character and their actor. When you’ve put the text pieces together in the centre there will be a QR code.” Zeigen Sie der Klasse einen QR Code anhand von vier zusammengelegten Puzzleteilen. “When you’ve inished putting together all the texts, you can check with this QR code if your jigsaw puzzles are correct: you photograph it with a QR code app on your mobile. If it takes you to a picture of the character or actor, you have put the text pieces together correctly. Of course you’ll need to put your texts together very neatly, otherwise the code won’t work! – Who’s got a smartphone with Internet access and a QR code app? Let’s make small groups of three or four pupils with 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 20 von 24 The Hobbit (Kl. 9/10) Communicative Skills • Listening 11 I/A Write your own riddle! M9 Get ready in case you ever meet Gollum and think up your own riddles. Tasks 1. Writing a riddle is different from writing an explanation. Look at two examples: Riddle Deinition/explanation A box without hinges, key, or lid, You need to break the shell1 to eat it. Yet golden treasure inside is hid. It’s got yolk2 inside. It comes from a chicken or other bird. a) Which one works with pictures or images – the riddle or the deinition? b) Which one is easier? c) Which one is more mysterious3? T H C 2. Let’s make a riddle about bread. What do you think of when you hear the word “bread”? E.g. flour, breakfast, supper. I S N How to write a riddle Don’t write a deinition! E.g. It’s made from flour. You have it for breakfast and supper. A R O V Do write a riddle! It doesn’t have to rhyme. Use other words that you think of when you hear “lour”, “breakfast”, “supper”, e.g. lour miller + other jobs, breakfast and supper morning and evening From the farmer to the miller, from the baker to you to enjoy in the morning and evening. 3. Now you! Your teacher will give you a word. First brainstorm words and ideas, then turn them into a riddle. Write it (without the answer) on a separate sheet of paper. 1 shell: die Schale – 2 yolk: das Eigelb – 3 mysterious: geheimnisvoll, rätselhaft tunnel window train leaf cloud inger air language number school speed milk cherry winter friend(s) country knife moon elephant love 21 RAAbits Realschule Englisch Dezember 2013 T H C I S N A R O V