Gabriel Zuchtriegel, PhD - Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali
Gabriel Zuchtriegel, PhD - Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali
Gabriel Zuchtriegel, PhD Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e il Turismo, Parco Archeologico di Paestum Via Magna Grecia, 919 - 84047 Capaccio (SA) [email protected] Education: 2007-2010 Ph.D in Classical Archaeology; Institute for Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn (Germany) Dissertation Thesis: “Das Ostheiligtum von Gabii: Die eisenzeitlichen und archaischen Funde der Ausgrabungen 1976-1977. Studien zu Kultpraxis und Urbanisierung in Latium” Advisor Professor Martin Bentz 2001-2006 Master in Classics; Humboldt University Berlin (Germany), Winckelmann Institute for Classical Archaeology Senior Thesis: “Wo kann man's wagen? - Koprones, Latrinen und Ausgussstellen in griechischen Städten vor der Kaiserzeit” Advisor Professor Franziska Lang Research Interests: Greek colonisation and urban planning Postcolonial studies and subaltern studies in archaeology Social and economic history of ancient Greece Archaic Rome and Latium GIS and spatial analysis Current position: Parco Archeologico Paestum, Director Professional Experience: 2015 Grande Progetto Pompei – Soprintendenza Speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia, freelance collaboration in the Pompeii Project 2014/15 Collaboration in the Exhibition “Pompei e l’Europa 1748-1943” curated by Massimo Osanna, Maria Teresa Caracciolo and Luigi Gallo 2012 – present Member of the editorial committee of the journal “SIRIS – Studi e ricerche della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici di Matera” 10/20112/2012 Institute for Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn (Germany), faculty member 2011 Staatliche Museen Berlin-Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Pergamon Museum, freelance collaboration in the didactic department 2010-2011 Institute for Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn (Germany), research assistant (Professor Martin Bentz) 2006-2007 German Archaeological Institute, Rome and Madrid (Dr. Sophie Helas, Professor Dirce Marzoli), research assistant; fieldwork in Latium, member of the organization team of the congress “Phönizisch-punisches Städtewesen” (Rome 2007) 2002-2006 Archaeological Collection of the Winckelmann Institute for Classical Archaeology, Humboldt University Berlin, student assistant (Professor Henning Wrede) Teaching Experience: since March 2014 University of Basilicata, undergraduate teaching assignment (professore a contratto) in Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology, 60 periods per semester 2011/122013/14 University of Basilicata, Postgraduate School in Archaeology, Ceramics Lab, 3 x 25 periods 2011/122013/14 University of Basilicata, Postgraduate School in Archaeology, Archaeology and Art of Ancient Greece (together with Professor Massimo Osanna), 3 x 25 periods 2011/12 University of Bonn, 2 courses (Greek landscape archaeology and pottery analysis), 48 periods. 2005/06 Humboldt University Berlin, student tutorial on Gender Archaeology (together with M. Mergl, J. Hoppe, S. Oaie), 24 periods. Fieldwork: since 2014 Co-director, together with Massimo Osanna (Pompei) and Stéphane Verger (Paris), of the excavations at Siris-Herakleia (Policoro, Southern Italy) 2012 - present Archaeological field survey at Siris-Herakleia (Policoro, Southern Italy), principal investigator 2010-2012 Excavations at the potters' quarter of Selinunte, Sicily (Professor Martin Bentz, University of Bonn) 2007-2009 Excavations and laboratory at Gabii, Latium (Dr. Marco Fabbri, Dr. Stefano Musco, Professor Massimo Osanna) 2006-2007 Field survey at Gabii, Latium (Dr. Sophie Helas, German Archaeological Institute, Rome), student assistant 2003-2005 Excavations at the agora of Selinunte, Sicily (Professor Dieter Mertens, German Archaeological Institute, Rome), student assistant 2002 Excavations at Iatrus/Krivina, Bulgaria (Dr. Gerda Sommer von Bülow, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin), student assistant 2002 Excavations at Lübesse, Northern Germany (Dr. Michael Meyer, Humboldt University Berlin), student Awards and scholarships: 2012 Feodor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, University of Basilicata/University of Berlin (3 years) 2010 6-months travel scholarship of the German Archaeological Institute (granted for my Ph.D thesis), journeys to sites, excavations, and museums in Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Albania, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. 2010 3-months research fellowship of the University of Naples II (Professor Carlo Rescigno) 2008 Ph.D scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (28 months) List of publications: books: Meo, F., Zuchtriegel, G. (eds.). Siris Herakleia Polychoron – città e campagna tra antichità e medioevo. Atti del convegno Policoro, 12 luglio 2013 (“SIRIS” 14), Bari. Caracciolo, M.T., Gallo, L., Zuchtriegel, G. (eds.) 2015. Pompei e l'Europa 1748-1943. Guida/Guide, Milan. Osanna, M., Zuchtriegel, G. (eds.) 2012. ΑΜΦΙ ΣΙΡΙΟΣ ΡΟΑΣ. Nuove ricerche su Eraclea e la Siritide, Venosa. Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Gabii I. Das Santuario Orientale im Zeitalter der Urbanisierung. Eisenzeitliche und archaische Funde der Ausgrabungen 1976/77, Venosa, 364 p., 36 plates. papers: Zuchtriegel, G. 2015. Lemma „Latiale Kultur, Latiner“ in Wittke, A.-M. (ed.). Der Neue Pauly, Supplementband „Archaische Mittelmeerkulturen“, Stuttgart. Zuchtriegel, G. 2015. Alle origini dell'ellenismo in Magna Grecia: agricoltura, investimento e stratificazione sociale secondo le “Tavole di Eraclea” e l'archeologia del paesaggio, in Meo, F., Zuchtriegel, G. (eds.). Siris Herakleia Polychoron – città e campagna tra antichità e medioevo. Atti del convegno Policoro, 12 luglio 2013 (“SIRIS” 14), Bari, 153-171. Zuchtriegel, G. 2014. Céramique 'étrusque' à Gabii et dans le Latium archaïque: entre koinè tyrrhénienne et exception latine, in Ambrosini, L., Vincent, J. (eds.). Les Potiers d'Étrurie et leur monde: contacts, échanges, trasfers. Hommages à Mario A. Del Chiaro, Paris, 169-175. Bentz, M., Adorno, L., Albers, J., Müller, J.-M., Zuchtriegel, G. 2013. Das Handwerkerviertel von Selinunt: die Töpferwerkstatt in der Insula S 16/17-E. Vorbericht zu den Kampagnen 2010-2012, “Römische Mitteilungen” 119, 69-98. Zuchtriegel, G., 2013. Eine begehbare Votivgrube mittelrepublikanischer Zeit in Gabii, in Schäfer, A., Witteyer, M. (eds.). Rituelle Deponierungen in Heiligtümern der hellenistisch-römischen Welt (Internationale Tagung Mainz 28.–30.4.2008), 167-170. Schattner, Th., Zuchtriegel, G. 2013. Miniaturisierte Weihgaben: Probleme der Interpretation. Mit Beiträgen von Nicole Alexanian, Jan Breder, Julia Budka, Frauke Donner, Ute Effland, Piet Kopp, Gunvor Lindström, Oliver Pilz, Dietrich Raue und Michael Wörrle, in Gerlach, I., Raue, D. (eds.). Forschungscluster 4. Sanktuar und Ritual. Heilige Plätze im archäologischen Befund, 259-265. Zuchtriegel, G. 2013: Eisenzeitliche und archaische Funde aus dem ‚Santuario Orientale’ von Gabii, in Gerlach, I., Raue, D. (eds.). Forschungscluster 4. Sanktuar und Ritual. Heilige Plätze im archäologischen Befund, 389391. Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Nella chora: un nuovo progetto di archeologia del paesaggio nel territorio di Eraclea, "SIRIS" 12, 141-156. Albers, J., Bentz, M., Müller, J.M., Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Werkstätten in Selinunt – Vorbericht zur Kampagne 2011, "Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica" 2, 105-111. Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Potenzialità e sfruttamento agrario della chora di Eraclea, in Osanna, M., Zuchtriegel, G. (eds.) 2012. ΑΜΦΙ ΣΙΡΙΟΣ ΡΟΑΣ. Nuove ricerche su Eraclea e la Siritide, Venosa, 273-289. Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Riflessioni a margine dei vecchi scavi al Santuario Orientale di Gabii: la fase iniziale del culto, in Marroni, E. (ed.). Sacra Nominis Latini: i santuari del Lazio arcaico e repubblicano (Convegno Roma 19–21 febbraio 2009), Casoria, 243-246. Zuchtriegel, G., 2011. 'Stamnoide Ollae' des 8. bis 6. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. aus Kampanien, Etrurien und Latium: ein Modellfall für die Entwicklung der 'italo-geometrischen' Keramik, "Ostraka" 20, 253-271. Albers, J., Bentz, M., Müller, J.M., Zuchtriegel, G. 2011. Werkstätten in Selinunt. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt, "Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica" 1, 45-48. Zuchtriegel, G. 2011. An open-air sanctuary on an amphora by the 'Pittore delle Gru' and the cult of Artemis in early Etruria, "Mélanges de l’École Française de Rome/Antiquité" 123.1, 5-11. Zuchtriegel, G. 2011. Fundinventar A und B 2000, in Helas, S. Selinus II. Die punische Stadt auf der Akropolis ("Sonderschriften des DAI Rom" XV), Mainz, 344-358. Zuchtriegel, G. 2011. Zur Bevölkerungszahl Selinunts im 5. Jh. v. Chr., "Historia" 60,1, 115-121. Zuchtriegel, G. 2011. Archaeological evidence of cesspits, sewers and latrines from the sixth to the fourth century B.C., in Jansen, G.C.M., Koloski-Ostrow, A.O., Moormann, E. (eds.). Roman Toilets. Their Archaeology and Cultural History, Leuven, 29-33. Zuchtriegel, G. 2010. Bankette in Nekropolen, Häusern und Heiligtümern Latiums vom 8.-5. Jh. v. Chr.: Daten aus dem Santuario Orientale von Gabii, in Kieburg, A., Rieger, A. (eds.). Neue Forschungen zu den Etruskern (Studentisches Symposion Bonn, 7.-9.11.2008), Oxford, 83-88. Drewniak, K., Zuchtriegel, G. 2008: Ein Grab aus Civita Castellana (Falerii), in Bentz, M. (ed.). Rasna – Die Etrusker (exhibition catalogue, Bonn), Petersberg, 140-145. Zuchtriegel, G. 2008. Öffentliche Latrinen in der Astynomeninschrift von Pergamon, "Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik" 167, 85-87. Zuchtriegel, G. 2005. Zu Datierung und Deutung der Doppelhermen von Solin, "Archäologischer Anzeiger" 120.2, 17-26. reviews: Zuchtriegel, G. 2014. Review of F. Fulminante, The Urbanization of Rome and Latium Vetus: From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era (2014) BMCR 2014.12.30 Zuchtriegel, G. 2013. Review of L. Ceccarelli, E. Marroni, Repertorio dei Santuari del Lazio (2011), "Gnomon" 85, 253-256. Zuchtriegel, G. 2012. Review of K. Droß-Krüpe, Wolle – Weber – Wirtschaft. Die Textilproduktion der römischen Kaiserzeit im Spiegel der papyrologischen Überlieferung, Philippika – Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen 46 (2011), "Archiv für Papyrusforschungen" 58/1, 119-122. forthcoming: Zuchtriegel, G. forthcoming. Archaic Latin sanctuaries: ritual consumption in the Mediterranean context, in Kistler, E., Öhlinger, G. (eds.). Proceedings of the Congress „Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption. Networking and the formation of elites in the Archaic Western Mediterranean world“, Innsbruck Zuchtriegel, G. forthcoming. Das Begehren von dem Ovid nicht spricht. Hermaphroditos in der hellenistischrömischen Kunst, “Ostraka” 23 (accepted) Zuchtriegel, G. forthcoming. Colonisation and hybridity in Heraclea and its hinterland (southern Italy), 5 th to 3rd centuries BC, “MEFRA” 2016 (accepted) Zuchtriegel, G. forthcoming. Can the Subaltern Look? Pompei e la questione del rapporto tra arte e società, in Di Benedetto, A., Gallo, L. (eds.). Pompei e l’Europa. Memoria e riuso dell’antico dal neoclassico al postclassico. Giornate internazionali di studi. Grimaldi, M., Zuchtriegel, G. forthcoming. Pompei (guida breve), Napoli. Public lectures and contributions to congresses: 2015 “Pompei e la questione del rapporto tra arte e società,” Pompei e l’Europa. Memoria e riuso dell’antico dal neoclassico al post-classico. Giornate internazionali di studi (07/03: Pompei, Italy) “The historical subject in landscape archaeology: the case of Classical and Hellenistic Heraclea Lucaniae (southern Italy),” Villa Vigoni Gespräche “Survey-Archäologie in Deutschland und Italien”, (31/03: Como, Italy) 2014 “Un periodo 'duro'? Ceramica di età classica nel territorio di Eraclea,” Dal ceramista al ceramologo: I Workshop “Metodi e Problemi della classificazione ceramica,” Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici di Matera (06/06: Matera, Italy) 2013 “Metapontino e Siritide in età tardo-arcaica: dati archeologici e analisi cost-distance,” Workshop “Metodi e Tecnologie Innovative per i Beni Culturali della Basilicata,” Centro Nazionale della Ricerca (10/25: Tito, Italy) “Le Tavole di Eraclea e le ricognizioni archeologiche nel territorio: dati e prospettive a confronto,” Siris – Herakleia – Polychorion. Città e campagna tra antichità e medioevo, Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Siritide (17/12: Policoro, Italy) “'Sozialgeographie' in einer klassisch-hellenistischen Polis? Forschungen der Università degli Studi della Basilicata im lukanischen Herakleia,” Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, Institut für Klassische Archäologie (6/3: Munich, Germany) “Da Siris ad Eraclea: modi e forme della presenza greca sulla Costa Ionica d’Italia meridionale” (together with Professor Massimo Osanna), Politecnico Bari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile e Architettura (5/9: Bari, Italy) “Griechen und Lukaner im Hinterland von Herakleia,” Winckelmann-Institut, HumboldtUniversität (1/9: Berlin, Germany) “Wo Romulus zur Schule ging. Gabii, Latium und das Mittelmeer in archaischer Zeit,” Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Freie Universität (1/7: Berlin, Germany) 2012 “IL quartiere industriale di Selinunte: la campagna di scavo 2012” (together with Professor Martin Bentz, Dr. Jon Albers, Linda Adorno, and Jan Marius Müller), Parco Archeologico di Selinunte (9/19: Marinella di Selinunte, Italy) “The East Sanctuary at Gabii and other Archaic Latin sanctuaries: ritual consumption and austerity in the Mediterranean context,” Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption. Networking and the formation of elites in the Archaic Western Mediterranean world, Leopold Franz-Universität (3/21: Innsbruck, Austria) “Lo sguardo di Eros: gesti e iconografie su vasi magno-greci,” Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Siritide (2/14: Policoro, Italy) 2011 “La scoperta del quartiere industriale di Selinunte” (together with Professor Martin Bentz, Dr. Jon Albers, Linda Adorno, and Jan Marius Müller), Parco Archeologico di Selinunte (9/22: Marinella di Selinunte, Italy) 2009 “Bankette im archaischen Heiligtum von Gabii (Latium): 'etruskischer' Luxus und 'römische' Germany) 2008 Kargheit?” Winckelmann-Institut, Humboldt-Universität (10/19: Berlin, “Das Ostheiligtum von Gabii und die Religionspraxis im alten Latium,” Neue Forschugnen zu den Etruskern, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität (11/8: Bonn, Germany) “Riflessioni a margine dei vecchi scavi al Santuario Orientale di Gabii,” Sacra nominis latini – i santuari del Lazio dalle origini all'età repubblicana, Palazzo Massimo (2/20: Rome, Italy) 2006 “'Dove si può rischiare?' – latrine, koprones e fognature nelle città greche prima dell’età imperiale,” Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica/KNIR (10/30: Rome, Italy) Language and skills: Languages: English (fluently) Italian (fluently) German (native speaker) French (basic speaking and reading knowledge) Latin and Ancient Greek (reading proficiency) Computing: GIS and GPS (advanced knowledge) AutoCAD and tachymetry (advanced knowledge) Relational databases (basic knowledge) Photogrammetry (basic knowledge) QuarkXPress (basic knowledge)