Curriculum Vitae – more than 1`500 presentations in over 37


Curriculum Vitae – more than 1`500 presentations in over 37
Curriculum Vitae – more than 1’500 presentations in over 37 countries with a 250'000 audience
Dr. David Bosshart, CEO of the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for economic and social studies (GDI),
GDI is an independent European think tank, founded by the European Retail Pioneer Gottlieb Duttweiler (1888 –
1962). The institute is specialised in trend research, retail, economic and social issues, strategic workshops, lectures,
and conferences like the International Retail Summit (63nd edition in 2013), the European Foodservice Summit
(14th edition in 2013) and the European Trend Day (9th edition in 2013). The main topics are: changes in
consumption patterns and behavior, innovation in retailing and the service industry.
Following high school and a business education, Bosshart capped his studies with a Ph.d. from the University of
Zurich in philosophy and political theory. He has been involved in communications and marketing consulting, in
retailing and in scientific research. 1991–1996 head of department at the GDI for consumer research and social
change. 1997–1999 head of strategic development and director of the cultural and social section of the Federation of
Migros Cooperatives (the famous culture percentage). Bosshart has held his current position since 1999.
David Bosshart is the author of numerous publications and a speaker at international events in Europe, America and
Asia. His expertise is focused on consumption and retailing, management, social change, and political philosophy.
He is currently lecturing on the following topics.
Press review (selection): Time Magazine, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, WirtschaftsWoche,
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Standard, Der Spiegel, Focus, Stern, Playboy, Greenpeace Magazin,
Hürriyet, Het Financieele Dagblad, Standard, Die Zeit, Manager Magazin, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt, CNN,
BBC, ZDF, ORF, SF etc.
Topics 2013 (ask for individual topic)
Management, Change, and Globalisation
• Trends and countertrends in business, the economy, and society
• Globalization: myths and realities, winners and losers
• Game changers: 10 players who set the new rules in a global world
• The future of success: how management is going to change
• How to get smart in an unbalanced world: tips and tricks for better motivation
• Simpler, but better. Why and how simplicity will win
• Survival of the fittest – what it really means
• Soft power vs. hard power. Politics in an interconnected environment
• Small is beautiful
• The digital world ahead: the race between humans and machines
• Big data – deep emotions: how Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook are creating a new eco system for
businesses and consumers
• The future of migration. Between global nomads and sedentary tribes
Consumer Trends, Retailing, Brands, and Consumer Behavior
• The future of consumption: how will we be living tomorrow?
• The future of shopping: channels, customers, brands
• New premium, old luxury. Why customers intend to spend more on real added value products and services
• Statusfaction: the comeback of hierarchies, new status features and how they will distinguish us
• Authenticity – a new trend establishes/penetrates/takes hold. What is means, what it changes
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute l 2013 l
Age of less – getting more with less
The future of food: food trends in a globalized supply chain
The slower you move, the faster you die: what the acceleration of just about everything means for retail and
The emerging global consumer soul: the seducer, the accelerator, the protester, and the believer
Society, Technology, Communication, Entertainment, and Leisure
• The future of entertainment: why better communication will win
• Totally mobile: where do we go?
• Workstyle: the future of work
• The future of technology and how it affects business and society
Ethics, Gender, Radical Trends
• Radical trends: the hidden agenda of our desires
• The future of the male, the future of the female, the future of the family:
redesign of the sexes
• From lifestyle to healthstyle. Changing values of an aging society
Lectures held in German, English or French. Italian on request
Books and Studies (in German, English, Korean; a complete publication list is available on request)
Politische Intellektualität und totalitäre Erfahrung. Duncker & Humblot 1992. 292p.
Kult-Marketing. Die Neuen Götter des Marktes. ECON 1995 (with Prof. Dr. N. Bolz), 373p. (sold out)
Toptrends. Metropolitan 1995, Paperback edition 2000 (Co-Author)
Die Zukunft des Konsums. Wie leben wir morgen? ECON 1997, 2.A.1998, 312p. Korean translation and edition
Trendreport Basic. Megatrends and Countertrends for Business, Society, and Consumption. GDI study 2003,
70p. Authors: David Bosshart and Karin Frick (available in German)
Radical Trends Guide. Die heimlichen Sehnsüchte der Konsum- und Dienstleistungsmärkte von morgen. GDI
Studie Nr. 12/2004, 64p. Authors: David Bosshart, Karin Frick, Stefan Kaiser
Billig! Wie die Lust am Discount Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft verändert Ueberreuter/Redline 2004, 2nd, revised
edition 2004, 3rd edition 2004, 185p. English translation: Cheap. The Real Cost of Bargains, Discount, and
Consumer Choice. Kogan Page 2006 197p.
The Age of Cheap. Why customers intend to pay less and less as prices become more important than ever. GDI
study No.13/2004, 76p. Authors: David Bosshart, José Luis Nueno, Daniel Staib (available in German)
The Future of Leisure. Travel in 2020. Trend Report for Kuoni. 2006, 67 p.
B.A.N.G.: The Future of Evolution. GDI study no. 27/2007 (available in German)
Discount Forever. Authors: David Bosshart, Martina Kühne. GDI study no. 30/2008 (available in German)
European Food Trends Report: Science versus Romance. Authors: David Bosshart, Christopher Muller, Mirjam
Hauser. GDI study no. 32/2010 (available in German)
Reprimatisierung. Warum wir in Neuen Medien wie Affen kommunizieren. Authors: Lionel Tiger, Norbert
Bolz, David Bosshart, e-book edition only, 16p.
The Age of Less. Hamburg
Murmann 2011, 223p (e-book available).
European Food Trends Report: Konsumentenfrühling – Beginn eines neuen Essbewusstseins. Authors: David
Bosshart, Christopher Muller, Mirjam Hauser. GDI study no. 40/2013 (available in German)
Services such as lectures, trend reports and consultations largely for international corporate groups as well as for
international associations and small and mid-sized companies involved in retailing and the consumer goods
industry, research and science, business schools and universities (selection):
Nestlé, Unilever, Ikea, McDonald’s, Dr. Oetker, Coca Cola, Huhtamaki, Sony, Samsung, IBM, Microsoft, Google,
IDS Scheer, Duni, Electrolux, Geberit, Jura, Dornbracht, Zumtobel, FEDIAF, European Pet Food Industry
Federation, Intersport, Nike, Lindt&Sprüngli, Barry Callebaut, Krombacher, Heineken, World Beer & Drinks
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute l 2013 l
Forum, Hero, Migros, Metro, Edeka, Rewe, Spar, Markant, Tchibo, HDE (Hauptverband des Deutschen
Einzelhandels), Denner, Kaufland, Lorenz Snack-World, Bed & More, Elior, IADS (Inter-national Association of
Departments Stores), Obi, Presidents’ Symposium DSN Retailing, International Egg Commission, ECR-Tag
(Efficient Consumer Response D-A-CH), Alphapay, Allianz, Zurich Financial Services, BTI, Internationale
Tourismus Börse, Kuoni, Frankfurter Messe, Executive Summit Anuga, Ogilvy, Saatchi&Saatchi, PwC, KPMG,
Ernst&Young, BDO, SAG, SAP, Oracle, Lufthansa, Swiss Intl. Airlines, Deutsche Bank, Swiss RE, Credit Suisse,
UBS, Crédit Mutuel, Vontobel, Bank Julius Bär, Schweizerische Kantonalbanken, Valiant Privatbank, Raiffeisen
Banken, RZB Raiffeisen Oesterreich, Oesterreichische Volksbanken, Deutsche Volksbanken, Deutsche Sparkassen,
Schweiz Tourismus, Hostec, Verband Schweizerischer Generalunternehmer, Swisscom, Telekom Austria, Essilor,
Siemens, ABB, Bosch, Kone, Burda, Goldbach Media, Radio Day, Condé Nast, SRF , Parador, PostFinance, Deutsche
Post, Schüco, BMW, Audi, Daimler, VW, AGVS, Eon, RWE, WEF, Universität St. Gallen (HSG), BVM
(Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V.), Deutscher Markenverband, Deutscher
Contact address
Ingrid Schmid, Assistant to the CEO
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
Langhaldenstrasse 21
CH-8803 Rüschlikon/Zurich
Fon: +41 44 724 62 01
Fax: +41 44 724 62 00
[email protected]
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute l 2013 l