stage planetary gear with MDESIGN LVRplanet 2012
stage planetary gear with MDESIGN LVRplanet 2012
Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Tutorial for stress analysis of a single- stage planetary gear with MDESIGN LVRplanet 2012 Dipl.-Ing. Christian-Hartmann-Gerlach, DriveConcepts GmbH Dresden Dr.-Ing. Tobias Schulze, DriveConcepts GmbH Dresden Summary This is a guide to create a calculation model of a planetary gear for stress analysis with the Software MDESIGN LVRplanet. It describes the steps of data input the results. Figure 1: Example gear with MDESIGN LVRplanet March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 1. Index Content 1. Index ............................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Start ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Input of the gear data .................................................................................................................. 4 3.1. Toothing parameters ............................................................................................................... 4 3.2. Design parameters .................................................................................................................. 6 3.3. Bearing and lubrication .......................................................................................................... 10 3.4. Modification and deviation ..................................................................................................... 12 3.5. Configuration parameters ...................................................................................................... 14 4. Results ....................................................................................................................................... 15 5. Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 21 6. Literature.................................................................................................................................... 22 March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 2. Start Start the software MDESIGN and select in the left explorer bar in the folder MDESIGN LVRplanet the entry MDESIGN LVRplanet and start it by using a double click. Start a new project by clicking on the main button new reset. All data on the input screen will be set to a default value. Save the dataset (*.mpd) into a folder. To save again the dataset can be overwritten. The input masks can be set by the dropdown menu. The entry “All parameters” opens an overview of all parameters. Otherwise the information of toothing, modification and deviation, bearing and lubrication, design and configuration has to be filled in, in any sequence. The symbols left from the dropdown menu marking complete and incomplete input masks. If the check of input data by the software results in an error, the respective mask is marked by a red cross. A gray dot marks an indefinite status. Figure 2: Select input page March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 3. Input of the gear data 3.1. Toothing parameters The data of the tooth profile, tool and load has to be defined in the respective groups. Figure 3: General parameters The direction of rotation is can be set by negative or positive speed. The application factor KA can be used later for a quick load variation because the FE calculation in MDESIGN LVRplanet are calculated with nominal torque and approximated by the KA factor. After a correct number of teeth the intermediate results can be calculated. Figure 4: Toothing parameters March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet If a nominal addendum modification factor is given a face clearance is generated. Tool profiles can be loaded from database. Only the finishing contour of the toothing is defined so the tool geometry for the contour has to be filed in. Figure 5: Tool parameters Figure 6: 2D calculation model In the 2D calculation model in the lower right corner MDESIGN the input data can be controlled. The positions of the gear elements (gear wheels, shafts, planet carrier) are displayed. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 3.2. Design parameters The data for the parametric FE model of the sun, planet, ring and planet carrier can be put in in the construction parameters. Figure 8: Construction parameters sun shaft For a fast preallocation of the data, two user buttons on top of the data input can be used. The created FE models can be controlled by user button at the end of each group. Figure 9: View sun model The ring gear geometry can be defined as one or two sided. For both connection constructions the moment side has to be defined. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 10: Construction parameter planet and ring gear Figure 11: Construction parameters planet carrier – part 1 The data for the planet carrier geometry has to be defined with one or two side plates. For a two sided plate the planet bolt can be used in different ways in the FE model. One possibility is the usage of a fit between bolt and plate, which is simulated by an elastic interlayer in the FE model. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 12: Construction parameters planet carrier – part 2 Figure 13: Actions button The input date can be controlled by the 2D view as well as in the 3D CAD graphic, which can be opened by the action button. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 14: 2D view of parametric FE models Figure 15: 3D CAD view March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 3.3. Bearing and lubrication The planet bearing influence significantly the load distribution of planetary gears. The lever arm of bearing (bl,br) and the radial bearing stiffness are crucial for restoring torque of the bearing. For using the bearing stiffness there are two possibilities (manual input / calculation with Wieche or stiffness curve). We choose the seccond possibilitie. The calculation witch Wieche requires the inner sizes of the bearing geometrie (length of bearing, numer of bearing bodys). They can be calculated from the bearing geometrie by clicking the user button. Figure 16: Bearing parameters planet Figure 17: Stiffnesses of the bearings March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet The stiffnesses of the other bearings are used for calculating the load distribution factor K A compensating element can be defined by a small bearing stiffness. In this example the sun is the compensating element. The gear body and special tooth stiffnesses are calculated by LVR if a zero is set to the input. Figure 18: Lubrication parameters March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 3.4. Modification and deviation Under the topic „Modification and Deviation parameters“ it is possible to set every modification to zero as well as requirering a symmetrical modification for left and right planet flank. In this excample we don’t force any modification. Figure 19: Profile modifications In the group „Lead modifications“ under “helix angel deviation” the helix angle modification ca be set as well. There are different possibilities of gear wheel modifications. The parameter of „Deviations“ has influence to the load distribution factor K. Due the manufacturing tolerances the planet will be moved from its original position. Thus the system will interlock and can result in a bad load distribution. By using action buttons it is possible to call illustrations of the profile and lead modifivations. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 20: Lead modifications and deviations Figure 21: Deviation for load distribution on planets March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 3.5. Configuration parameters In the topic „Configuration parameters“ options for the load distribution calculation and the meshing can be defined. Figure 22: Configuration parameters The first calculation has to be done with FE-calculation. Afterwards you can deselect the checkbox “Complete Calculation (inclusive FEM)” for faster calculation to check modifications. Then the input boxes with FEM-influencing values are unchangeable. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 4. Results The calculation starts with (F10) or the calculate button. A calculation window displays the progress. At the end all important results are summarized on the output page. Figure 23: Common results and load distribution factor The load compensation of sun and use of 3 planets results in a small load distribution factor of 1.062. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 24: planet Results of FE calculation and bearing forces for the highest stressed Due the irregular load distribution different bearing forces occur for the right and left planet bearing. The bearing radial stiffness refers to the deformation of bearing at gear force (Ft). The deformation differences from the FE calculation for both load cases views the determining share. Sun torsion and planet carrier deformation are the greatest values. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 25: Results of load distribution calculation Due the deformation shares (bearing, sun, planet, ring gear, planet carrier) a flank deviation arise on the right side (positive). This result in a load inflates on the left side of tooth (negative centre of mean load). The ratio of qmax/qm from LVR and the calculated face load factor KHß_C* matches very well. The proposal for load distribution over face width is for engaged sun/planet -52 and planet/ring gear -42 µm March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 26: Proposal for constant load distribution over face width Additional LVR results as well as FE deformation plots can be called by the action buttons. Figure 27: Action buttons March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet sun/planet planet/ring gear Load distribution over Face width Flank Pressure Table 1 Results load distribution In the right corner of the MDESIGN window additional result graphics appear. - Load distribution over Face width sun/planet - Load distribution over Face width planet/ring gear - Results FEM calculation - Bending line pin - Parts of flank deviation (sun-planet) - Parts of flank deviation (planet-ring gear) - … The FEM results of the single gears can be called by the action buttons. In the menu of CalculiX the element edges as well as deformation animations can be viewed. March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet Figure 28: View the deformation results for load case 1 March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 5. Documentation For documentation of the input data and calculation results, they can be printed or saved as a *.rtf, *.html or *.pdf-file. The *.rtf-file can be read and edited by Microsoft Word and others. A print preview can be displayed by the respective entry in the menu. The document scope can be changed. Figure 29: Print preview March 2012 - DriveConcepts GmbH, Dresden Detailed load analysis in planetary gears with MDESIGN LVRplanet 6. Literature [1] Börner, J., Senf, M., Linke, H.; Beanspruchungsanalyse bei Stirnradgetrieben – Nutzung der Berechnungssoftware LVR; Vortrag DMK 2003, Dresden, 23. und 24. September 2003 [2] Baumann, F, Trempler U.: Analyse zur Beanspruchung der Verzahnung von Planetengetrieben, Vortrag DMK 2007, Dresden [3] Börner, J.: Modellreduktion für Antriebssysteme mit Zahnradgetrieben zur vereinfachten Berechnung der inneren dynamischen Zahnkräfte. 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