Ich bezahle das mit Scheck
Ich bezahle das mit Scheck
04 DP_euro_P101_154.qxd:DP_euro_PP101_104/v5 29/9/08 16:38 Page 14 Unit 7+ Ich bezahle das mit Lernpunkte Scheck • Paying in cash, by cheque and by credit card • Booking a last-minute flight • Revising numbers from 0–999 1 RATIO WARENHAUS Tomaten 1kg Zwiebeln 500g Öl 1 Liter Tee 100g Parmesankäse 500g Salami 200g Bananen 1kg Hackfleisch 500g Wein 6 Flaschen Zeitschriften (Hörzu) Gewürze 100g 6 Eier (Freiland) Gurken (Glas) MwSt. 7% MwSt. 16% ENDBETRAG Bar Zurück 3.96 0.00 60.68 100.00 39.32 08.10.2004 14.21 kauf*** ***Danke für Ihren Ein ** en* seh der Wie ***Auf 113 1 Sie wollen Lasagne machen. Was haben Sie dafür eingekauft? 2 Was kostet eine Flasche Wein? 3 Wie haben Sie bezahlt? JENA 1 2.31 1 0.33 1 2.92 2 1.80 1 8.85 1 1.98 1 1.17 1 2.25 6 30.00 1 1.40 1 1.33 1 1.49 1 0.89 Andrea’s neighbour, Frau Ebert, has been shopping at the supermarket. Look at her shopping receipt and find out her answers to the following questions. das Hackfleisch (sing.) die Zeitschrift(-en) das Gewürz(-e) ausgeben (sep.) MWST = Mehrwertsteuer das Prozent(-e) minced meat magazine spices to spend value-added tax (VAT) percent Lerntipp There are several ways of learning new words. 1 You can note down words according to a theme. For example, collect lists of words useful for shopping, such as words for vegetables, meats etc. 2 When you read a text, list all verbs (schreiben, lernen, kaufen), nouns (Fleisch, Wein, Haus, Auto) or adjectives (groß, klein, alt, neu) that you come across. 3 Look at the infinitive of a verb, kaufen for example. Then write down all related words such as einkaufen (to shop) or verkaufen (to sell), Kaufhaus (department store) etc. It is best to work out your own system and then stick to it (you can see an example of this in the Word groups section on page 187-192). Learning new words all the time is really important if you want to improve your German! 04 DP_euro_P101_154.qxd:DP_euro_PP101_104/v5 29/9/08 16:38 Page 15 Treffpunkte 2 Look up the prices for the items below on Frau Ebert’s receipt opposite and write them out in words. The first one is done for you. 500 g Parmesankäse ein Kilo Bananen ein Glas Gurken 500 g Hackfleisch ein Kilo Tomaten 3 acht Euro fünfundachtzig .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... Listen to the interview with Frau Ebert. Compare her list of items with her shopping receipt opposite. Tick the items Frau Ebert thinks she has bought. Then write down the answers to these questions. .. der Fleischstand(-e) meat counter das Hundefutter (sing.) dog food das Mundwasser(-) mouthwash 4 1 Unit 7+ 5 Wie funktioniert das? These instructions for the cash dispenser are in the right order. Match up the English translations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Karte einführen Geheimzahl eingeben Betrag eingeben Betrag bestätigen Karte entnehmen Geldbetrag entnehmen a b c d e f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ type in your personal number insert card take out card take your money confirm amount type in amount 1 Was hat sie nicht gekauft? 2 Was hat sie gekauft und nicht gesagt? 3 Wie viel hat sie ausgegeben? 4 Turn on the tape/CD and practise prices and asking how much things cost. 4 2 Wissenswert! PLASTIKGELD WIRD IMMER BELIEBTER Although many Germans still prefer to pay cash for their purchases, paying by credit card is becoming more acceptable. However, in some restaurants, your credit card will not be accepted. The most widely used credit cards are Visa and Eurocard. You might want to use a cash dispenser to withdraw euros. Look for your card symbol on the machine. There are two things which might go wrong when you use a cash dispenser: the machine does not like your card - die Karte ist ungültig/nicht zugelassen or it may swallow your card altogether and ask you to go to the counter: Die Karte wurde einbehalten. Bitte besuchen Sie uns am Schalter. 114