DMT Exploration & Geosurvey Division Services for the development of geothermal projects DMT GmbH & Co. KG – Essen, Germany Member of TÜV NORD Group November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 1 Vast experience in exploring deep geothermal resources Upper Rhine Graben Bavarian Molasse Munich Speyer Kaufbeuren Strasbourg 50 km November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 2 Our location is close-by! November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 3 Gliederung What to consider when planning seismic surveys? Which phases occur during a seismic project? Impressions from a DMT acquisition crew? What is recorded by seismics? What are the benefits of seismics for a geothermal project? November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 4 Seismogram of one trace (raw data) aus: Knödel, Krummel, Lange (1997) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 5 Image of sedimentary channel after data processing 0m 25 m 50 m 75 m 100 m 0m 200 m November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 6 400 m 600 m 800 m 2500-4000 m Seismic Exploration for deep geothermal aquifers in the Upper Rhine Graben November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 7 2D- vs. 3D-Seismik: the principle difference 2D seismic provides only partial information November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 8 3D seismic presents the complete image Exploration & Geosurvey Services (Organized in Separate Departments) Exploration and engineering geophysics Geology and borehole survey Surveying and geomonitoring Geoinstrumentation Exploration seismics Hydrogeology and water resources management Surface gas emissions November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 9 Services for geothermal energy sector 2D/3D Seismic Exploration Seismic Data Processing Geological Interpretation 3D-Modelling 3D-Simulation Seismological Vibration Monitoring Other Geophysical Methods DMT- CoreScan November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 10 Seismic Exploration Our services: Planning and acquisition of 2D/ 3D reflection seismic surveys Refraction seismic (standard, CMP, tomography) Hydroacoustic seismic Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Highest quality and safety standards (OGP Guidelines), including work on difficult terrain and large projects Quality control, data processing and analysis in field November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 11 2D vs. 3D Seismic what is the difference? 2D Seismic (left pictures) The result is a 2-dimensional section Interpolation in between is necessary, fault correlation is uncertain 3D Seismic (right pictures) The result is a data volume No interpolation, very accurate and detailed structure interpretation possible Your advantage: Imaging the underground gives dependability for next steps in project November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 12 Borehole Geophysics 1 The following tools are available: Density – measures the rock density based on the gamma-gamma method. Natural gamma ray – measures natural gamma rays for determining the clay content and clay barriers; also used for progress checks and so on. Caliber –tool for determining the borehole diameter and borehole volume. Full-wave sonic – measures the seismic velocities vs and vp, as well as determines Poisson‘s ratio, the modulus of elasticity and the sheer modulus. Cement bond log –determining the quality of cementing and the cement bond Dual induction – measures the specific resistivity of the rock at two penetration depths, as well as clay barriers. November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 13 Borehole Geophysics 2 The following tools are available: Focussed resistivity – measures the specific resistivity of the rock. Televiewer – samples the borehole wall acoustically to detect joint systems and fissures. Optical scanner – samples the borehole wall optically to detect joint systems and fissures. Borehole direction finder –with high precision inclination and magnetic field. Flowmeter – measures the vertical flow of fluid, determines fluid inflows and outflows. Sampler – takes samples at given depths; maximum sample of one litre November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 14 Seismic Data Processing Our services: Processing of 2D/ 3D reflection seismic surveys Static Corrections from LVL measurements Prestack time and depth migration CRS Velocity analysis and Stacking Software: SeisSpace 5000, Promax November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 15 Geological Interpretation Our services: Structural interpretation and analysis of seismic data Integration of environmental, geophysical and geologic information Interpretation and Correlation of logging results Computation of Synthetics Seismic sections More than 10 years experience in geothermal projects Team working (Geologists & Geophysicists), Software PETREL (4 Licences) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 16 3D Modelling Our services: Structural 3D-Modelling Velocity Modelling for Time-Depth Conversion Generation of 3D Block Model Fazies and Property Modelling Optimization of borehole planning and production Volumetric calculation and reservoir characterisation November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 17 Seismological Vibration Monitoring Our services: Permanent monitoring (automatic measurement and data transfer) Planning, setup and maintenance of seismic monitoring grids Recommendation for vibration reduction and prevention Stimulation monitoring (Hydrofrac) Proof for satisfying the requirements laid down by mining acts November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 18 Géophysique G.P.R. International Inc. Other Geophysical Methods provided by DMT and Partners (GPR & AGL) Airborne services: Gravimetry Electromagnetic Magnetometry Georadar Spectrometry TEM (Time Domaine EM) GPRTEM Airborne Inversion November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 19 Géophysique G.P.R. International Inc. Other Geophysical Methods provided by DMT and Partners (GPR & AGL) Ground services: Gravimetry Resistivity & Imagery EM Borehole surveys and acoustic borehole scans GPR IP Magnetic November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 20 DMT - CoreScan Our services: Lithological description Correlation with logging Structure analysis (fracture system, stratification) Determination of physical and geotechnical parameters Core sample documentation November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 21 Impressions from the Field (Cable) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 22 Impressions from the Field (Recorder) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 23 Impressions from the Field (Vibro) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 24 Impressions from the Field (Vibro) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 25 Impressions from the Field (LvL) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 26 Impressions from the Field (PPV/ Traffic) November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 27 Certificates, QHSE Standards SCC Certificated IAGC Standards DIN 9001 Fair Company Job & Family Top Company for Engineers November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 28 Deep Gepthermal Typical Projects (Germany) Year Client Achievement Amount 2011 GeoGlobal Energy Europe GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 144 km² 2011 Gemeindewerke Holzkirchen GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 74 km² 2010 Enex Power Germany GnbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 47 km² 2010 Überlandwerk Groß-Gerau GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (2D), Processing, Interpretation 85 km 2009 Stadtwerke Heidelberg Seismic Data Acquisition (2D), Processing, Interpretation 30 km 2009 HotRock GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (2D), Processing, Interpretation 50 km 2008 Evonik New Energies GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 40 km² 2008 GEOenergie Bayern GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 52 km² 2008 Enex Power Germany GnbH Seismic Data Processing (2D), Interpretation 35 km² 2008 Exorka International Ltd. Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 25 km² 2007 Stadtwerke München Seismic Data Acquisition (2D), Processing, Interpretation 80 km 2007 Exorka International Ltd. Seismic Data Acquisition (2D), Processing, Interpretation 160 km 2006 HotRock GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (3D), Processing, Interpretation 20 km² 2005 First Geotherm GmbH Seismic Data Acquisition (2D/ 3D), VSP, Processing, Interpretation 35 km² 2005 HotRock GmbH Seismic Data Processing (2D), Interpretation 170 km 2005 GGA Multi Offset Vertical Seismic Profiling November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 29 Thank you for your attention! November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 30 Seismic Profiling Our services: Planning and acquisition of profiling surveys Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) Walkaway seismic profiling (WSP) Walkaround seismic profiling 3D VSP Your advantage: More information around your well, better velocity information November 2014 Exploration & Geosurvey | Slide 31