annual report 2006 - ICVS


annual report 2006 - ICVS


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A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 The Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS) aims at improving human health through outstanding life-science research, cutting-edge medical innovation and delivery of specialized services...

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Annual Report 2003 - ICVS virulence of each strain was ranked according to the respective CPA value. However, animal models have not been explored to characterize the in vivo activity of such clinical isolates of M. ulceran...

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Topics proposition for the Activities Report of each Research

Topics proposition for the Activities Report of each Research • The RL Coordinators, who report on the ongoing RL activities to the RD Coordinator; • The External Advisory Committee, integrating the international experts: - Alan Flake – Full Professor, School...

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icvs report 2007 - 18-03-08

icvs report 2007 - 18-03-08 total of 257 participants. It included novel courses in diverse scientific areas and also new editions of the courses “Laboratory Animal Science” and “Neurosurgery: Cerebral Sulci, Gyri and Ventric...

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