Anna-Antonina Gottret Anna-Antonina Gottret`s practice focuses on


Anna-Antonina Gottret Anna-Antonina Gottret`s practice focuses on
Anna-Antonina Gottret
Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law
[email protected]
Effingerstrasse 1
CH-3001 Berne
Tel. +41 58 200 35 00
Fax +41 58 200 35 11
Anna-Antonina Gottret's practice focuses on national and international
competition and antitrust law, intellectual property law, corporate
law, M&A, as well as on general commercial and contract law. She also
advises clients on matters of EU law. She is specialized in
cross-border transactions involving Eastern European countries.
Practice areas
- Competition and antitrust law
- National and international commercial and
business law
- Corporate law
- M&A transactions and capital market law
- National and international civil procedure
- EU law
- Intellectual property law
- Sports and media law
Practice groups
- M&A, capital markets and corporate
- IT/IP and competition law
- Sports and media law
- 2013: Bar exam, Canton of Berne
- 2010: PhD studies at the University of Berne,
"summa cum laude" and recipient of the Professor
Dr. Walter Hug-Award 2010/2011)
- 2007: LL.M. Postgraduate studies at the College
of Europe
- 2006: MLaw, University of Berne, University of
Lodz and François Rabelais University in Tours
Experience / Career
- since 2011: Associate with Kellerhals Berne
- 2014/2015 Foreign Legal Intern with Patterson
Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP, New York
- 2011: Law Clerk District court
- 2010: Secretariat of the Swiss Competition
Commission, Bern (Case Handler)
- 2009: Junior Associate with Pestalozzi Attorneys
at Law (now meyerlustenberger | lachenal Attorneys
at Law), Brussels
- 2007-2009: Institute of Economic Law of the
University of Berne (Assistant teacher)
- German
- English
- French
- Russian
- Polish
- Study group Competition Law of the Bernese Bar
Association (BAV)
- Swiss American Lawyers Association of Greater
New York, Inc. (SALA)
Publications and presentations
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Stefanie
Schuler, Private Antitrust Litigation 2017
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn,
Private Antitrust Litigation 2016
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn,
Getting the Deal Through - Intellectual Property &
Antitrust 2016, Switzerland
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn,
The European Antitrust Review 2016: Swiss Chapter,
Global Competition Review
- Thomas Bähler / Anna-Antonina Gottret; Finance
Monthly, March 2015, Mergers & Acquisitions in
Switzerland, S.56-57
- Thomas Bähler / Anna-Antonina Gottret; The 10
Commandments for start-ups, Swiss Venture Capital
Report No 3, January 2015, herausgegeben von in Zusammenarbeit mit der Swiss
Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association
SECA, S.33
- Gesamte Publikation:
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn;
Private Antitrust Litigation 2015
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn;
The European Antitrust Review 2015: Swiss Chapter,
Global Competition Review
- Anna-Antonina Gottret/Deirdre A. McEvoy; Swiss
Parliament Rejects Antitrust Reforms, The
Antitrust Law Blog of Patterson Belknap Webb &
Tyler LLP (mehr)
- Anna-Antonina Gottret/Deirdre A. McEvoy/Thomas
W. Pippert, Private Antitrust Enforcement in
Switzerland, The Antitrust Law Blog of Patterson
Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP (mehr)
- Thomas Bähler/Anna-Antonina Gottret, Bitcoin,
Nutzen und Risiken einer innovativen virtuellen
Währung, k&b 1/2014
- Thomas Bähler/Anna-Antonina Gottret; Lawyer
Monthly, Februar 2014, Virtual Currencies and
Bitcoin, S. 75
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret/Lorenz Hadorn,
Getting the Deal Through - Intellectual Property &
Antitrust 2014, Switzerland, S. 92-98
- Thomas Bähler/Anna-Antonina Gottret, Damit es
auch im Ausland mit rechten Dingen zugeht, ku
Magazin vom November 2013, Schwerpunkt
„International geschäften", herausgegeben von
PostFinance und KMU-HSG, Universität St. Gallen,
S. 26 ff.
- Gesamte Publikation:
- Thomas Bähler/Anna-Antonina Gottret, The
International Capital Markets Review, 3rd Edition
2013, Chapter on Switzerland, S. 333-343
- Daniel Emch/Anna-Antonina Gottret; EU/Schweiz:
Kartellbehörden dürfen Informationen und Dokumente
austauschen, k&b 2/2013
- Thomas Bähler/Anna-Antonina Gottret; Lawyer
Monthly, July 2013, The Legal Compliance
Challenges in M&A Transactions in Switzerland, S.
92 f.
- Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Verantwortlichkeit für
kartellrechtliche Verstösse im Konzern im
schweizerischen und europäischen Recht, Diss, Bern
2011 (summa cum laude, recipient of the Professor
Dr. Walter Hug-Award 2010/2011 / summa cum laude,
ausgezeichnet mit dem Prof. Walter Hug Preis im
akademischen Jahr 2010/2011)
- Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Which, if any,
agreements, practices or information exchanges
about prices should be prohibited in vertical
relationships?, National Report, LIDC Bordeaux
- Christophe Rapin / Anna-Antonina Skoczylas;
L'Arrêt GlaxoSmithKline et les importations
parallèles. Droit de la concurrence, lex pharma ou
marché inté- rieur?, CEDIDAC Lausanne 2010
- Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Aktuelle Entwicklungen
im schweizerischen Kartellrecht», Jusletter vom
30. August 2010
- Roland von Büren / Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Die
Erschöpfung von Patentrechten in der Schweiz und
in der EU, in: Philippin Edgar, Mélanges en
l'honneur de Prof. F. Dessamontet, CEDIDAC
Lausanne 2009 (Co-Autor Roland von Büren)
- Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Evaluation des
Kartellgesetzes, Jusletter vom 20. April 2009
- Anna-Antonina Skoczylas; Europe has already been
here or the Lodz's way to the EU, Lodz University
Press 2001