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press kit
CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast CONTINUITY Film von / film by Omer Fast, Deutschland 2012, 41 min Synopsis Torsten und Katja, verheiratet und mittleren Alters, bereiten einen festlichen Empfang in ihrem Haus vor. Sie fahren zum Bahnhof und holen Daniel ab, ein schlaksiger junger Mann in Bundeswehruniform, der auf sie wartet. Das Treffen ist unbeholfen: die Eltern werden emotional, während der Sohn immer distanzierter und passiver wird, unsicher und komisch. Zuhause erwidert er die elterliche Zuneigung nicht, was sie verstört und aufwühlt. Katja macht einen letzten Versuch, ihren Sohn zu erreichen, indem sie ihn leidenschaftlich streichelt als er schon im Bett ist. Er stellt sich aber schlafend und sie gibt auf. Am nächsten Tag sitzen Torsten und Katja wiederum in ihrem Auto und fahren zum Bahnhof. Die Stimmung zwischen ihnen ist angespannt. Sie sprechen kaum. Ein anderer junger Mann in Bundeswehruniform wartet an der gleichen Stelle. Am nächsten Tag fahren Torsten und Katja erneut zum Bahnhof... English A young German soldier returns to his parents' house after serving in Afghanistan; the action repeats three times, with the soldier played by a different actor in each version. CONTINUITY is the story of a family seeking to reconstruct their lost son's return by hiring a series of male prostitutes. Uraufführung / premiere am 7. Juni 2012 auf der / June the 7th, 2012 at dOCUMENTA13 in Kassel Pressestimmen / press "If Omer Fast’s creepy and incestuous Continuity made me want to take a shower (the expert film follows a bourgeois German couple as they hire male escorts to enact the speculative homecoming of the son that they lost in Afghanistan)." ( "Tief verstörend, geradezu deprimierend und schmerzhaft der Film „Continuity“ von Omer Fast: Ein Ehepaar lässt Callboys ihren in Afghanistan gefallenen Sohn spielen. Doch die Wiederholungen von Gesprächen am Esstisch, das sexuelle Begehren von Mutter wie Vater an den Jungen und fremdländische Tiere stören die gewünschte Illusion - unsere und die der Protagonisten. Der 40 minütige Spielfilm läuft in einer beengten Hütte. Tritt man danach in den Park, ist die Welt eine andere." ( "Unter den Werken der diesjährigen Documenta sticht eines besonderes heraus: Omar Fasts Continuity. In unserer neuen Kolumne Mein Tipp des Monats empfiehlt Leonhard Emmerling die beklemmende Installation über ein persönliches Afghanistan-Trauma." weiterlesen Filmgalerie 451 1 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast Credits Cast André M Hennicke Iris Böhm Josef Mattes Lukas Steltner Niklas Kohrt Filmteam Regie / Director: Buch / Screenplay: Kamera / Cinematography: Schnitt / Editor: Ton / Sound: Kostüm / Costume Design: Szenenbild / Production Designer: Casting: Lichtgestaltung / Gaffer: Make – Up: Special Effects Make-up: Regieassistenz / Assistant Director: Kameraassistenz / Assistant Cinematography: DIT: Kamerabühne / Dolly: Szenenbildassistenz / Assistant Production Designer: Innenrequisite / Standby Props: Kostümbildassistenz / Assistant Costume Designer: Produktionsassistenz / Assistant Production: Schnittassistenz / Assistant Editor: 2. Aufnahmeleitung / 2nd Unit Manager: Zeichnungen / Paintings: Tongestaltung / Sound Designer: Produzenten / Producer: Produktion / Production: Omer Fast Omer Fast Bernhard Keller Heike Parplies, Omer Fast Samuel Schmidt Lotte Sawatzki Beatrice Schultz Antje Scholz Henry Notroff Sara Lichtsteiner Stefan von Essen Liesa Rademacher Andreas Pölzl Phillip Wölke Nico Storch Michael Randel, Anne Kuhn Anna-Maria Thönelt Laura Büchel Gesche Loft Alex Jovanovic Matti Cordewinus Sasa Zivkovic Jochen Jezussek Irene von Alberti, Frieder Schlaich Filmgalerie 451, Berlin Eine Produktion der Filmgalerie 451 im Auftrag von dOCUMENTA (13) und ThyssenBornemisza Art Contemporary, mit Unterstützung des Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, ZDF/3sat und OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich. A production of the film Gallery 451 on behalf of Documenta (13) and Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Open, with the support of the Media Board Berlin-Brandenburg, and ZDF/3sat OK Center for Contemporary Art Austria Kontakt Produktion und Verleih / Contact Production and Distribution Filmgalerie 451 GmbH & Co. KG Saarbrücker Straße 24 Haus C, 2. Stock 10405 Berlin Telefon: +49 (0) 30 - 33 98 28 00 Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 33 98 28 10 Produktion: [email protected] Kinoverleih: [email protected] Presse: [email protected] Filmgalerie 451 2 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast Kurzbiografie Omer Fast Omer Fast wurde 1972 in Jerusalem geboren. Er absolvierte einen BA in Englisch an der Tufts University, ein BFA in Visual Arts an der Boston Museum School of Fine Arts und einen MFA am Hunter College, City University of New York. Seit dem Abschluss seines Studiums im Jahr 2000, hat er an mehr als 150 internationalen Ausstellungen, darunter Einzelausstellungen im Whitney Museum in New York, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art in Vienna, und Gruppenausstellungen, wie im Rahmen der Documenta 13, Biennale in Venedig, des Guggenheim-Museum in New York und Centre Pompidou in Paris. Omer Fast erhielt den Bucksbaum Award für seine Arbeit "The Casting" auf der Whitney Biennale im Jahr 2008 und den National Galerie’s Prize for Young Art in Berlin im Jahr 2009 mit seiner Arbeit "Nostalgia". Sein Werk ist Bestand in zahlreichen internationalen Sammlungen, wie der Tate Modern, des Guggenheim Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art und Centre Pompidou. Short Biography Omer Fast Omer Fast was born in Jerusalem in 1972. He holds a BA in English from Tufts University, a BFA in Visual Arts from the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts and an MFA from Hunter College, City University of New York. Since finishing his studies in 2000, Fast has participated in over 150 international exhibitions, including solo shows at the Whitney Museum in New York, the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the Dallas Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art in Vienna. Group exhibitions include Documenta 13, the Venice Biennale, the Guggenheim Museum in New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Fast received the Bucksbaum award for his work “The Casting” at the Whitney Biennial in 2008 and has also won the National Galerie’s Prize for Young Art in Berlin in 2009 with his work “Nostalgia”. His work is in several international collections including Tate Modern, the Guggenheim Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Centre Pompidou. Filmarbeiten / Film Works Omer Fast (Auswahl / selection) 2007 The Casting 2007 De Grote Boodschap 2009 Nostalgia 2009 Talk Show 2011 5000 Feet is the Best 2012 Continuity Festivals Pressefotos / Press photos: Passwort / Password: willkommen Niklas Kohrt Filmgalerie 451 Lukas Steltner André M Hennicke, Iris Böhm 3 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast Curriculum Vitae Omer Fast Born 1972 in Jerusalem. Lives in Berlin Dual Israeli and American Citizen Education 1997 - 2000 1990 - 1995 1990 - 1995 MFA Hunter College of the City University of New York BFA School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston BA, English, Tufts University, Boston One-Person Exhibitions 2013 Moderna Museet, Stockholm Musée d’art contemporain de Montreal Impreial War Museum, London OK Centre, Linz Arratia Beer, Berlin 2012 Power Plant, Toronto Dallas Museum of Art Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus Herzliya Museum of Art Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo 2011 Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne La Caixa Forum, Barcelona The Model, Sligo Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen Netherlands Media Arts Institute, Amsterdam 2010 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York Cleveland Museum of Art gb agency, Paris Arratia, Beer, Berlin 2009 Berkeley Art Museum, California South London Gallery Lund Konsthall Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel 2008 Denver Museum of Contemporary Art Kunstverein Hannover Betty Rymer Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb gb agency, Paris 2007 Arratia Beer, Berlin Museum of Modern Art, Vienna Indianapolis Museum of Art Vox Contemporary, Montreal 2006 gb agency, Paris 2005 Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh (“Mixed Doubles” with Nam Jun Paik) Postmasters Gallery, New York International Institute for Visual Arts, London Midway Contemporary, Minneapolis, Minnesota 2004 National Center of Photography, Paris Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich; Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt; Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam (with Jeanne Faust) 2003 Center for Contemporary Art, Fribourg Postmasters Gallery, New York Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt 2002 gb agency, Paris Filmgalerie 451 4 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast Group Exhibitions 2013 Every Day Matters, Faurschou Foundation, Copenhagen 2012 Documenta 13, Kassel Made in Germany II, Sprengel Museum, Hannover Brighton Photo Biennial Cantastoria, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City Lost Places, Hamburger Kunstalle, Hamburg More Real? SITE Santa Fe (travels to Minneapolis Institute of Arts) Ray, Frankfurter Kunstverein Superpower: Africa in Science Fiction, Arnolfini, Bristol On Apology, CCA Wattis Intitute for Contemporary Art, San Francisco Bild gegen Bild, Haus der Kunst, Munich True Stories, Govett Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth Weighted Words, Zabludowicz Collection, London 2011 Venice Biennale Playing amont the Ruins, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo Blockbuster: Cinema for Exhibitions, Museum of Contemporary Art, Monterrey Dublin Contemporary We Will Live, We Will See, Zabludowicz Collection, London Staging Documentary, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich Found in Translation, Guggenheim Museum, New York History in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow Aschemünder, Haus der Kunst, Munich Singapore Biennial Speak Memory, Stroom, Den Haag 2010 Highlights from the Kunstfilm Biennale, Kunstwerke, Berlin 51st October Salon, Belgrade The More Things Change, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art A Million and One Days, Lithuanian National Gallery of Art, Vilnius 5x5, Espai d’Art Contemporani, Castello, Spain Talk Show Berlin Documentary Forum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Cultures of the Copy, Edith Ruß Haus, Oldenburg/Goethe Institut, Hong Kong Videodrome, Autocenter, Berlin Forbidden Love, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz Hinter der vierten Wand, Generali Foundation, Vienna Talking Heads, Ireland Museum of Contemporary Art, Dublin Auto Kino, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin 2009 Performa 09 New York (Commissioned Project “Talk Show”) Preis der National Galerie für Junge Kunst, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin Actors & Extras, Argos Centre for Art and Media, Brussels The Eye in the Door, Kunsthalle Nikolaj, Copenhagen The Same River Twice” Intitute of Modern Art, Brisbane Polyglottolalia, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm New Frontiers, Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah 2008 “Equivalence: Acts of Translation in Contemporary Art” Museum of Fine Arts, Houston “Medium Religion” ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe “On the Subject of War” Barbican Art Gallery, London Liverpool Biennial, Tate Liverpool “The Green Room” Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-onHudson, New York Manifesta 7” Trento The Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum, New York “Present Tense” Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderna, Las Palmas “Les Inquiets” Centre Pompidou, Paris “Biennale Cuvée” OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz Filmgalerie 451 5 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast 2007 2005 2004 2003 Filmgalerie 451 “The Cinema Effect: Illusion, Reality and the Moving Image” Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C. “Decoder: Selected Works from the 3rd Contour Biennial for Video Art” Center for Contemporary Art, Vilnius “Lügen.nirgends” Austellungshalle zeitgenösische Kunst, Münster “Signals in the Dark: Art in the Shadow of War” Blackwood Gallery, University of Toronto “Filmische Wahrheiten” Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg “The Colonial Show” Second Street Gallery, Charlottesville, Virginia Contour Video Biennale, Mechelen, Belgium “History Will Repeat Itself” Hartware Medienkunstverein, Dortmund / travels to Kunstwerke, Berlin “Mystic Truths” Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand “Closed Circuit: New Media Acquisitions” Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York “Visite: Contemporary Art in Germany” Center for Fine Arts, Brussels / travels to B “Cross-Border” Museum of Art, Stuttgart “Re-” Site Gallery, Sheffield “Collateral” Hangar Bicocca, Milan “Raised by Wolves” The Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth 2006 “We All Laughed At Christopher Columbus” Platform Garanti, Istanbul “Simulation Games” Edith Russ House, Oldenburg, Germany “I, Direct Ontology” Futura Gallery, Prague, travels to Secession, Vienna “Why Pictures Now: New Media Acquisitions” Museum of Modern Art, Vienna “Mercury in Retrograde”De Appel Center for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam “Cut/Film as Found Object” Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa “Cut/Film as Found Object” Milwaukee Art Museum/Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami “Narrow Focus” Tranzit, Bratislava Prague Biennale “The Imaginary Number” Kunstwerke, Berlin “Covering the Real” Museum of Fine Arts, Basel “Reprocessing Reality” Château de Nyon, Nyon “Fair Use: Appropriation in Recent Film and Video” Hammer Museum, Los Angeles “Life: Once More” Witte de With, Rotterdam “Faces in the Crowd” Whitechapel Art Gallery, London / travels to Castello di Rivoli, Turin “Pickup” Public, Paris “Voluntary Memory” Austrian Cultural Forum, London “Rear View Mirror” Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge Busan Biennale (Moving Picture Desire) Busan, Korea “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” Postmasters Gallery, New York “Storytelling” George Eastman House, Rochester, New York “Video X” Momenta Art, Brooklyn Museum of Contemporary Art, Basel Incommunicado, Hayward Gallery Traveling Exhibition: Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich; City Art Centre, Edinburgh; Cornerhouse, Manchester Gestes d’attention, Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse Hidden in Daylight, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Cieszyn, Poland Kaap Helder, Den Helder, Holland, Arcadia, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand In Media Res, Galerie Art & Essai, Universite Rennes Contemporary Art/Recent Acquisitions, Jewish Museum, New York [based upon] True Stories, Witte de With, Rotterdam 6 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast 2002 2001 2000 Pol.i.tick, Williams College Museum of Art Think Big, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal Monitor: Video II, Gagosian Gallery, New York Here and Now, Büro Friedrich, Berlin While U Wait, MOT London Submerge, Kunstbunker Nürnberg Whintey Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Second Site, Hunter College MFA Gallery, New York Video Jam, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Palm Beach, Florida Affinités Narratives, gb agency, Paris Weak Architecture, Midway Initiative Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota Travelling Scholars, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Hors-Jeu, (Out of Bounds) gb agency, Paris Salad Days, Bill Maynes Gallery, New York Some New Minds, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York Death Race 2000, Thread Waxing Space, New York Two-person Exhibition (with Akiko Ichikawa), Momenta Art, Brooklyn Breakin’ In A New Partner, M.F.A Thesis Exhibition, Hunter College, New York Selected Bibliography 2013 Tim Ackermann, “Wenn Eltern ihre Kinder auswechseln” Die Welt, January 12, 2013 Maia Gianakos, “Omer Fast at Arratia Beer” Art Agenda, January 18, 2013 2012 Bryne McLaughlin, “Omer Fast On Making The News New Again” Canadian Art, September 20, 2012 Kate Warren “Unstable Realities in Omer Fast’s 5000 Feet is the Best” Discipline No. 2, Autumn, 2012 Jennifer Allen, “Documenta: Blick zruück nach vorn, Frieze D/E (cover), Summer 2012 Smadar Sheffie “Allegory of the Cave” Haaretz, February 8, 2012 Ines Kleesattel “Omer Fast at Kölnischer Kunstverein” Springerin Magazine, 1/12 Ellie Armon Azoulay “Video Artist Omer Fast Examines Power Relations” Haaretz, February 2, 2012 Astrid Wege “Omer Fast at Kunstverein Cologne” Artforum, Febrary 2012 2011 Daniel Kothenschulte “Der Tod sitzt am Computer” Monopol Magazine, December 2011 Barbara Casavecchia “La Verità da 6 Punti di Vista” La Repubblica, November 19, 2011 Paolo Russo “Transmettere una storia alla maniera di Omer Fast” La Repubblica, November 18, 2011 Fabian Granzeuer “Ritt auf der Rakete” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 15, 2011 Catrin Lorch “Ein Kasten fürs Märchen” Süddesutsche Zeitung, November 10, 2011 David Verdeure, “Omer Fast” Rekto Verso Number 48, September-October 2011 (in Flemish) Claire Bishop “Safety in Numbers” Artforum, September 2011 Rasmus Hungnes, “Omer Fast Show” Natt&Dag, July 2011 (in Norwegian) Lucette Ter Borg “Bij Omar [sic] Fast is niets wat het eigenlijk lijkt” NRC Handelsblad, 16.6.2011 Emily Nathan “Omer Fast: The Man Behind the Curtain” Artnet (online) 15.4.2011 Sacha Bronwasser, “Omer Fast at NIMK” Volksrant, May 30 2011 Barbara Pollack, “True Lies?”Artnews, Volume 110/Number 2, February 2011 Filmgalerie 451 7 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast 2010 2009 2008 Filmgalerie 451 Christy Lange, “Shooting Gallery” Frieze Magazine, Issue 132, June-August, 2010 Andreas Schlaegel, “Nothing But the Truth” Programma Magazine, Spring 2010 Mark Godfrey, TJ Demos, Eyal Weizman, Ayesha Hammed “Rights of Passage, Tate Etc. Issue 19 James Trainor, “Truth Bends & Decays As It Travels” Art Asia Pacific, Issue 68, May/June, 2010 Claudia Wahjudi, “Omer Fast: Talk Show” Zitty Magazine, Berlin, May 2010 Tina Wasserman, “Duplicated Replications: The Interventions of Omer Fast” Afterimage, Vol 37 No 5 Nav Haq, “Foresight into the New African Century” Kaleidoscope Magazine, Issue 5, Feb/March, 2010 Joseph Wolin, “Omer Fast, Nostalgia” Time Out New York, February 4-10, 2010 Kevin McGarry, “Subliminal Hypothesis” Rhizome, February Issue, 2020 Shane McAdams, “Omer Fast” Brooklyn Rail, February Issue, 2010 Holland Cotter, “Is it Reality or Fantasy? Omer Fast” New York Times, January 8, 2010 Kari Rittenbach, “Dramatic Witness: The Art of Omer Fast” Art in America Carly Berwick, “The Truth Is Out There” New York Magazine, December 1428 Emily Stokes, “Performa 09, New York” Financial Times, November 17, 2009 Joshua Mack “Performa 09: Omer Fast, Talk Show” ArtReview, November 17, 2009 Patricia Maloney, “Omer Fast at Berkeley Art Museum” Critics Pick, November 2010 Leigh Markopoulos, “Nostalgia/Matrix 230” Art Practical, Issue #4 Skye Sherwin, “Omer Fast at South London Gallery” Time Out London, November 6, 2009 Marcus Verhagen, “Pleasure & Pain: Omer Fast” Art Monthly, Issue #330, October, 2009 “Back to the Present” Interview in Displayer #3 “Missing in Action” William Pym, Art Asia Pacific, November/December 2009 Jennifer E. Quick, “The Dialectics of Time” Trajectories, Art Gallery/University of Maryland, 2009 Joey Anderson, “Of Coffins and Kids” Cornell Daily Sun, October 20, 2009 Kate Green, “De Grote Boodschap in Museum Contemporary Art, Denver” ArtInfo, January 2009 Jens Bisky, “Wenn ein Europäer in Afrika um Asyl bittet” Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 11, 2009Elisabeth Lebovici/Maria Muhle, “Omer Fast” Afterall, Spring 2009 Kristina Tieke, “Omer Fast” Artist Kunstmagazin, Issue 78 Barbara Casavecchia, “Omer Fast: Redacting” Mousse Eva Scharrer, “Omer Fast im Kunsthaus Baselland” Kunstbulletin, March 2009 Kolja Reichert “Wortentzug” Der Tagesspiegel, December 23, 2008 Buddy Kite, “Omer Fast and the News” Esquire, December, 2008 Chen Tamir, “Omer Fast: New Magic Realism” Flash Art, October 2008 Adrian Searle, “Cowpokes and Yetis” The Guardian, September 23, 2008 Sarah Rosenbaum-Kranson, “Interview” Museo Magazine Charlotte Higgins, “Liverpool Biennial: A Patchy Event” Guardian, September 19, 2008 Mary Voelz Chandler, “Two Perspectives on Truth” Rocky Mountain News, September 4, 2008 Blake Gopnik, “Take Time to Rewind at the Hirshhorn’s Realisms” The 8 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Filmgalerie 451 Washington Post, June 21, 2008 Joanna Fiduccia, “A Multiple I” Uovo, Issue 17/Faits Divers, April 2008 Gideon Lewis-Kraus, “The Reanimator” (Published online) Naoko Kaltschmidt, “Wiederholung und Widerhall” Issue #6 (Published online) Bert Rebhandl, “Omer Fast at Arratia Beer” Frieze, Issue 114, April, 2008 Kenneth Baker, “Highlights from the Whitney Biennial” San Francisco Chronicle, March 22, 2008 Rainer Bellenbaum, “Dispositiv Wechsel III” Camera Austria, Issue 101, 2008 Blake Gopnik, “Indelible Impressions” Washington Post, March 7 2008 Joanna Fiduccia, “Critic’s Pick: Omer Fast/GB Agency” Online, February 2008 Sean James Rose, “Incertains Regards” Libération, 19 February 2008 Guillaume Desanges, “Omer Fast at gb Agency” Exit, #33, February 2008 Tom Holert, “Attention Span” Artforum, February 2008 Astrid Mania, “Omer Fast at Arratia, Beer” Art Review, January 2008 Thomas Seifert, “Irak-Krieg, Kunst und Realität” Die Presse, 4 January 2008 Mark Godfrey, “Casting Doubt: Omer Fast at the Mumok, Vienna” Texte Zur Kunst, #68, December 2007 Dominikus Müller, “Ohne Drehschluss” Artnet, November 6, 2007 Dominik Kamalzadeh, “Narben der Erinnerung” Der Standard, October 19,2007 Miriam Müller, “Trau keinem Film trau keinen Bildern” Berliner Zeitung, October 30,2007 Frank Westermeyer, “The Casting” Schnitt Film Magazine, #48 Simon Rees, “Omer Fast at gb Agency” Art US, Issue 13, May/June 2006 Mark Godfrey, “Making History” Frieze, March/April 2006 Thierry Davila, “Omer Fast at gb agency” ArtPress, March 2006 Carly Berwick “Penguins, Lies and Videotape” Artnews, February 2006 Alexandre Quoi, “Omer Fast: Godville” ParisArt, February 2006 Claire Moulène, “Omer Fast, A Paris” Les Inrocktibles January 18-24, 2006 Elisabeth Lebovici, “Passé Décomposé” Libération, January 2006 Joshua Mack, “Omer Fast: Godville” Modern Painters, January 2006 Emily Hall, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” Artforum, December 2005 Brian Boucher, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” Art in America, December 2005 Eliza Williams, “Omer Fast at InIVA, London” ArtReview, December 2005 Daniel Baird, “Godville” The Brooklyn Rail, November, 2005 Holland Cutter, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” New York Times, October 7, 2005 Rachel Withers, “The Fast Lane” The New Statesman, October 3, 2005 Bill O’Driscoll, “Tell A Vision” Pittsburgh City Paper, September 14, 2005 Sven Lütticken, “Gated History” Texte Zur Kunst, Volume 59, September 2005 Ruth Lopez, “Fresh Revisions” Time Out / Chicago, July 21 – 28, 2005 Ulrich Gutmair, “Macht nur soviel Ihr Könnt” Netzeitung, August 2, 2005 Mary Abbe, “Below the Radar” Star Tribune, Minneapolis, May 27, 2005 Peter Campbell, “At the Whitechapel” London Review of Books, Vol.27, January 6, 2005 Simon Gould, “Voluntary Memory” Contemporary, Issue 70, December 2004 “Omer Fast” Contemporary Visual Arts n°61, March 2004 “Omer Fast au Centre national de la Photographie” Les Inrockutibles, February-March 2004 Sandra Danicke, “Was wahr sein könnte” Frankfurter Rundschau, February 4, 2004 Konstanze Crüwell, “Eine Nagelschere für den Vorgarten” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 28, 2004 Felicity Lunn, “Fiction or Reality” Artforum, December 2003 9 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast 2002 Jennifer Ostrower, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” Art in America, October 2003 Anke Kempkes, “Hidden in Daylight” Frieze #78, October 2003 Jennifer Allen, “Openings: Omer Fast” Artforum, September 2003 Chris Chang, “Vision: Omer Fast” Film Comment, July/August 2003 Brian Boucher, “History, Memory, Fiction” Published online, May 2003 Rachel Stevens, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” Flash Art, May/June 2003 Roberta Smith, “Omer Fast at Postmasters” New York Times, April 18, 2003 “Goings on about Town: Omer Fast at Postmasters” New Yorker, April 21-28, 2003 David Deitcher, “Get Real: Two contemporary Israeli artists” Time Out New York, April 10-17, 2003 “(based upon) true stories” (Review) Régis Durand, Art Press, April 2003 Silke Hohmann, “Wenn ich Soldat bin” Frankfurter Rundschau, February 19, 2003 Christoph Schütte, “Blick aus dem Panzer” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 18, 2003 Emmanuelle Lequeux, “Omer Fast: Citoyen d’un Monde qui Cloche” Le Monde, (Aden), June 19, 2002 Charlotte Laupard, “Think Fast” Technikart (Paris) issue 64, July-August, 2002 Holland Cotter, “Never Mind the Art Police, These Six Matter” New York Times, May 5, 2002 Holland Cotter, “Art in Review: Second Site” New York Times, March 21, 2002 Susan Wise, “Omer Fast and Akiko Ichikawa at Momenta Art” Williamsburg Quarterly Ken Johnson, “Death Race 2000” New York Times, December 22, 2000 Selected Monographs: “5000 Feet is the Best” Published by Sternberg Press, The Power Plant and Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, 2012 “In Memory” Published by the Green Box, Hannover Kunstverein and Kunsthaus Baselland, 2010 “The Casting” Published by Museum of Modern Art, Vienna and Walter König Verlag, 2008 Selected Screenings 2013 Official Selection, German Film Competition, International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen Kino der Kunst Festival, Munich 2012 Official Selection, Short Film Competition, International Film Festival, Rotterdam International Short Film Festival, Winterthur Grants/Awards 2012 Artist Grant Recipient, Artis 2010 Medal Award, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2009 National Galerie Prize, Berlin 2008 Bucksbaum Award, Whitney Museum, New York 2003 Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Prize 2003 Kulturkreis: Ars Viva, Film in der Kunst, Germany 2000 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts Alumni Travel Grant 1999 Graff Travel Scholarship, Hunter College 1995 Boit Award, Boston Museum School of Fine Arts 1995 Peter J Wade Award for Studio Work, Tufts University Filmgalerie 451 10 CONTINUITY – Film von / by Omer Fast Public Collections Whitney Museum of American Art, New York Guggenheim Museum of Art, New York Tate Modern Centre Pompidou, Paris Hamburger Bahnhof, National Galerie, Berlin Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Museum of Modern Art, Vienna Indianapolis Museum of Art La Caixa Foundation San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Münster Art Museum Cleveland Museum of Art Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive Dallas Museum of Art Jewish Museum, New York National Gallery of Art, Canada National Collection of Contemporary Art, France Art Gallery of Western Australia Glasgow Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw Filmgalerie 451 11