Brom-LSD in der Behandlung von Cluster-Kopfschmerz
Brom-LSD in der Behandlung von Cluster-Kopfschmerz
Bromo-LSD in der Behandlung von Cluster-Kopfschmerz Prof. Torsten Passie Harvard Medical School, Boston Hannover Medical School, Germany Übersicht Ø Cluster Kopfschmerz (CK) Ø LSD und Psilocybin bei CK Ø Bromo-LSD Ø Synopsis Cluster-Kopfschmerz Cluster Kopfschmerz Ø 0,12 % der Bevölkerung Ø Männer/Frauen 6:1 Ø Episodische und chronische Form Ø „Suicide headache“, typischer Beginn mit 20 Ø Sehr starke Kopfschmerzen in Zyklen Konventionelle Behandlung Ø Sauerstoff bei 70% effektiv Ø Triptane bei 70% effektiv > Tank > NW + Kosten Ø Verapamil Prophylaxe > NW Ø Prednisone Prophylaxe > NW Ø Neurostimulatoren Ø > Komplikationen Psilocybin + LSD bei CK Harvard-Studie Ø Zufallsentdeckung 1993 (LSD) Ø Verbreitung von Infos über Internet Ø 53 interviewt + medical records Ø 32 episodische, 21 chronische CK-Patienten Sewell et al. 2006 Harvard-Studie Ø Bei 52% Zyklus durchbrochen Ø Bei 41% teilweise effektiv Ø 29 nutzten Psilo/LSD für Prophylaxe Ø 5 von 6 LSD: Zyklus durchbrochen + Prävention Ø Psilocybin während Remission > CK-Prävention Sewell et al. 2006 Begegnungen und Ideen Ø LSD Ø Serotonin Ø Gene Ø Psilocybin-Studie Ø LSD-Derivative Bob Wold John Halpern Internationale Kooperation Laboratory for Integrative Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School Bromo-LSD (BOL-148) Bromo-LSD: Die Idee Ø Behinderung psychedelischer Forschung Ø Effektivität an halluzinogene Wirkung gebunden? Ø Sondierung von LSD-Derivaten Ø Von > 100 drei ausgewählt Ø BOL-148 getestet BOL-148 Ø 2-Bromo-Lysergsäure-Diäthylamid Ø 1955 synthetisiert von Troxler and Hofmann Ø ‚LSD-Placebo‘ für experimentelle Zwecke Ø Versuche an Tieren und Menschen (> 300) Ø Keine physiologische oder halluzinogene Aktivität LSD BOL-148 BOL-148 Nebenwirkungen < 50 mcg/kg Keine 60-100 mcg/kg <10% Müdigkeitsempfinden Übelkeit Unruhe <1% Konzentrationsprobleme BOL-148 Behandlung Ø Individuelle Heilversuche Ø Behandlungsresistente Patienten Ø Gründliche Untersuchung und Aufklärung Ø Behandlungsplan > Ethik-Kommission Ø Untersuchungen und Messungen Behandlung Ø Hydrochlorid-Salz Ø 30 mcg/Kg per os Ø 3 Verabreichungen: Tag 1 - Tag 5 - Tag 10 Ø Schmerztagebücher Ø Visits VAS-Schmerzskala CGI Behandlungswirkungen Number of attacks/week 40 S5 35 N=5 30 25 S3 20 S4 15 10 S2 5 S1 1 2 3 4 30 mcg BOL every 5 days for 3 doses total 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Weeks BOL-148 Resultate Ø Unterbrechung der akuten Attacke Ø Verminderung der Attackenfrequenz Ø Verbesserung der CK-Symptome Ø Ausweitung der Remissionsperiode Ø Keine signifikanten Nebenwirkungen Wie weiter ? Ø Patent realisiert Ø Investoren gesucht Ø Keine Orphan drug Ø Minimierte Phase I + IIa Trials Ø Finanziert durch Konsortium Betroffener Psychedelics für CK Ø Erheblich weniger Nebenwirkungen Ø Müssen nur wenige Male genommen werden Ø Erzielen Langzeit-Prävention Ø Nicht-halluzinogenes BOL-148 gut wirksam Ø mit minimierten Nebenwirkungen Prof. Torsten Passie Harvard Medical School, Boston Hannover Medical School, Germany Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Conclusions Early studies Ø Comparing BOL to LSD in humans Ø 5-1000 mcg/kg p.o., i.v. Ø Pretreatment for blocking of LSD effects Ø Psychic effects not blocked Ø BP increase + mydriasis blocked LSA LSD BOL Comparison LSD Visceral serotonin Brain stem serotonin Cerebrum serotonin CNS arousal Hallucinations BOL BOL Pharmacology Ø Effects last 2-3,5 hrs Ø Easy crossing of blood-brain barrier Ø No effect on BP, pulse, ECG, EEG Ø No effect on blood sugar + metabolic rate Ø No effect on sleep Hannover Medical School Karst Halpern Synopsis Ø Some hallucinogens effective for CH Ø Acute and preventative effects Ø BOL-148 effective, but non-hallucinogenic Ø Virtually no side-effects Ø Patent valid Phase II + III studies planned Study outline Ø RCT, parallel group design Ø N = 40 Ø Inclusion and exclusion criteria Ø Primary outcome measures Ø Headache frequency, vital signs, hormones etc. BOL-148 Pharmacology Ø Turner/Merlis 1958: 5 mg/day in schizos: No effects on psychoses Ø Isbell et al. 1959: 50 mcg = no psych effects Ø >70 mcg: mild psych effects Ø Effects last 4,5 hrs B Ø 2 B Ø 2 BOL effects + sideeffects Bertino et al. 1959 Ø Double blind Ø Cross-over Ø N = 25 Ø 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 mcg/kg BOL effects + sideeffects 32 / 64 mcg/kg p.o. Ø 1 out of 6 subjects: Ø Numbness, tingling, salivation Ø Dizziness, tensions, restlessness, impaired concentration Ø Onset of symptoms 20-40 min. Ø Effects last for 1-3 hours BOL effects + sideeffects Ø 132/264 mcg/kg 6 out of 10: Ø Drunk feeling, tiredness, euphoria/anxiety impaired concentration Ø No hallucinations or psychotic behaviour Ø Depressed feelings until 12 hrs post ingestion Ø No changes to BP, pulse, pupillary diameter Vasodilatation Ø Dilation of ophthalmic or carotid arteries Ø Constriction of carotid siphon Ø ↑blood flow to brain bilaterally Ø Cold spots on the forehead Ø Vasodilators precipitate attack Ø nitroglycerine, alcohol, histamine Ø Vasoconstrictors bring relief Ø norepinephrine, DHE, ergotamine, exercise Hypothalamic dysfunction F Alterations in cortisol, prolactin, melatonin, endorphins, testosterone F Periodicity LSD and Psilocybin F 93 cases of psilocybin F F F F F 100% effective in 37 partially effective in 46 ineffective in 5 abortive in 30/32 Subthreshold in 29/62 F 11 cases reported of LSD F 100% effective in 10 F >75% effective in 1 F subthreshold in 5/10 Neurology, 66:1920-2, 2006 BOL Pharmacodynamics Ø BOL (and LSD) increases serotonin in visceral tissues Ø Heart + brain BOL, not LSD decreased serotonin Ø LSD increased serotonin in all parts of the brain except cerebrum Ø BOL decreased serotonin in all parts of the brain, larger decreases in the cerebrum Treatments F Abortive F Oxygen--inconvenient F Intranasal lidocaine--adjunctive only F Triptans--can’t be used frequently F Prednisone--many side effects F Prophylactic F Verapamil--partially effective F Lithium--narrow therapeutic window F Ergotamine--risk of ergotism F Methysergide--retroperitoneal fibrosis F SOME PATIENTS DO NOT RESPOND TO ANYTHING! Subject 1 Ø 44 yrs 83 kg Ø CH since about 3 yrs 1-6 episodes weekly Ø Typical CH symptoms VAS 8-10 Ø Therapy: Sumatriptan nasally Ø Prophylactic verapamil with some success Subject 1 Preassessment February 14 VAS 4.3 15 10 16 10 17 7.2 18 8.5 19 8.0 21 10 Subject 1 Acute effects Ø February 22 9.00 2.5 mg p.o. Ø + February 27 and March 3 Ø Vital signs unchanged Ø Flabby feeling, little bit nausea Subject 1 Follow-up General effects Ø CH attacks still there Ø Less neck pain for weeks Ø Frequency reduction 10 instead of 15-20 Ø Pain reduction 30 % for 2 months Subject 2 Ø 27 yrs 68 kg Ø Chronic CH for 10 yrs Ø Typical CH symptoms Ø Therapy so far: good response for O2 Ø Prophylactic verapamil with no success Subject 2 Preassessment March 4 VAS 9.2 5 10 6 7.7 7 9.7 8 7.0 9 6.8 10 8.0 Subject 2 Acute effects Ø March 11 9.00 9.45 coincidentally CH Ø but only VAS 4 and at 10 a.m. VAS <1 Ø At 11.15 no pain Ø Vital signs unchanged Ø Funny feeling, sweating hands, face warm, muscles tense Subject 2 Follow-up Ø Additional BOL at March 16 + 21 Ø March 23 VAS 4.4 Ø March 31 VAS 2.2 Ø Visits May 9 September 23 Ø No further attacks reported International research USA Psilocybin Germany Psilocybin Harvard Medical School LSD Hannover Medical School LSD BOL Pharmacodynamics Ø BOL is displacing bound 3-H-LSD Ø No reduction in turnover of central 5-HT + NA Ø Highest binding in frontal + temporal cortex Ø Less in parietal + motor cortex Ø More less in basal ganglia + thalamus Side-effects with 20 mg i.v. Ø Drowsiness Ø Depression Ø Vital signs unchanged Ø Irritation + restlessness Ø Derealization + depersonalization Ø No hallucinations or psychedelic effects BOL Ø Synthetic production Ø Certification Ø Scottish men with episodic CH since 18 yrs Ø CH every seven month for 4 weeks with 6 attacks per dayH Ø In 1993 LSD recreationally Ø Next expected attack did not occur Ø Next two years LSD 3-4 times and missed all clusters Ø After 12 month abstinence from lsd his attacks came back Ø He then took psilocybin every 3 month Ø Hethen consumed only sub-threshold doses of psilocybin (qurter of effective dose) Ø And did not experience any CH attacks Ø He then discontinued psilocybinfor testimg purposes and in january 1998 his next ch peroid began Ø First pst on this in the internet was on july 28, 1998 Ø He from then on ingested psilocybi mushrooms every six months History Planned psilocybin study Ø Harvard study Ø Research protocol written Ø Days 1, 5 and 10 psilocybin 10-20 mg p.o. Ø Headache diaries Ø Frequency and ... As outcome parameters Conventional treatment Ø Lithium less effective > thyroid and kidney damage Ø Methysergide less effective > retroperitoneal fibrosis Ø Ergotamine less effective > not in heart conditions Ø For 10% of patients no medication works Ø New implantable neurostimulators > complications History Ø Early use of Mutterkron (ergot) in headaches Ø A. Hofmanns ergot derivatives used in headaches Harvard survey chronics Ø 21 participated Ø 5 of 7 psilo aborted CH attack Ø 10 of 20 complete terminatio of attacks Ø 8 partial efficacy Ø period delayed or prevented Ø Subhallucinogenic doses some efficacy in 42% Sewell et al. 2006 Outcome measures Ø Frequency of headaches Ø Intensity of headaches Ø Symptom constellation Ø Side-effects Ø Time to next cluster attack Sample data