Bibliography - The Dharmafarers
Bibliography - The Dharmafarers
SD 49 Bibliography Bibliography [The letters appended to imprint years are from the original authors’ bibliographies.] Agostini, Giulio 2008 “Partial upasakas,” Buddhist Studies (Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, Vol. 8), R Gombrich et al (edd), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2008:1-34. Ahir, D C 2000 The Influence of the Jatakas on Art and Literature, Delhi: B R Publishing Corp, 2000. Akanuma, Chizen 1930 A Dictionary of Buddhist Proper Names [1930]. Delhi: Sri Satguru, 1994. Allon, Mark 1997a Style and Function: A study of the dominant stylistic features of the prose portions of Pali canonical sutta texts and their mnemonic function. Studia Philologica Buddhica 12. Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies, 1997. Amano, Shin 2005 “The meaning of former Buddhas and apadāna/avadāna in the Mahāvadāna-sūtra.” Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū) 53,2 2005:882880. 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