1 (I must first apologize for my bad english)


1 (I must first apologize for my bad english)
Paul Hüster
Referent für geistliche Grundlagen und Kommunikation
St. Augustinus-Kliniken gGmbH
Stabsabteilung für zentrale Aufgaben
Alexianerplatz 1, 41464 Neuss
T 02131/529-79984
[email protected]
“Based on the teachings of our founding order, we successfully combine the traditional and the
(I must first apologize for my bad english) - For more than 500 years now, the Alexian
Brothers in Neuss and, since 1844, the Augustinian Sisters in Neuss have been taking care of
people with mental and physical illnesses, the elderly and people with disabilities in the RhineDistrict Neuss. Today there are still a few nuns in the hospital facilities
In the year 2004 the order of the Neuss Augustinians - Cor unum, and the Neuss Alexians
transferred their facilities to form their own new company. The St. Augustinus-Kliniken gGmbH
now ensures the continuity of these facilities and care for the patients according to the principles
of the religious order.
The St. Augustinus-Kliniken developed to become one of the largest Catholic providers of
healthcare and social services in the whole of the Lower Rhine region.
By integrating different facilities in this social enterprise, we have continuously improved and
developed the range of care services we provide. Today, six hospitals with different care
specialisations, numerous residential and occupational opportunities for people with disabilities
as well as residential and care facilities for senior citizens make up this group. Every year the
3,800 employees of the St. Augustinus-Kliniken gGmbH provide inpatient care for around
45,500 people and outpatient care for 88,200 people.
With professional management and personal commitment our staff looks after the people
entrusted to them using the most up-to-date approaches to medicine, nursing and care and also
provide loving care according to the Christian value of charity. This combination of the traditional
and the modern, based on the principles of our founding order, is our road to success.
In 2008 two theologians haven been employed for spiritual foundations and public relations. One
of their most successful projects is the “Augustinus-Kodex” (Augustine code).
St. Augustine gave rules to christian communities, so that they live the message of charity. In
this tradition St. Augustinus-Kliniken imposed twelve rules for dealing with the people. The
motto: "live according to values - to act human."
In June 2010 the twelve rules were presented officially as a guide for daily work.
All groups in the St. Augustine clinics had been involved in the development of the code. People
discussed how to protect their values with concrete rules and how to live them practically - for
the good of the people entrusted to them.
Each month one of the twelve rules will be discussed in the regular team meeting. The 3800
employees deal intensively with them. …
I am one of the two theologians and i will present this project. I will explain the process of
participation und also the process of implementation:
One and a half jear ago we had a meeting with seventy leaders of the Houses und hospitals:
On the subject of the conference:
"The Christian image of man and man as a customer - The kind of relationship with the people
entrusted to us "
Customer focus
The customer is the king: the ability to fulfil customers' expectations is a key competitive
advantage. The customer focus becomes increasingly the basis for the design of health services
"Health is a valuable asset, but it is not a commodity. Doctors are not providers, and patients are
not customers. I do not like to express all relations in terms of economics. Medical care must not
be reduced on a "service". (Federal President Johannes Rau at the 'Conference 2004)
The helping relationship based on the Christian love (Empathy, compassion, charity, care,
respect and sympathy, social responsibility) and the ethics of the helping professions (doctor,
nurse, social worker, therapists, pastors, etc). The helping relationship is pursued selflessly and
this relationship is not a strategic objective such as customer orientation. It ist not a win-win
strategy based on earning money. It is based on trust.
Most of the Managing Director are trained to think economical: Relationship is primarily an
exchange relationship, a win-win relationship.
The parable of the Samaritan also knows a win-win-relationship. The owner of the hostel gets
money for lodging and nursing.
But first comes the empathy. This relationship has other dimensions: concern, care, compassion
and gratitude. It is not a symmetrical relationship: There is a deferens of power between the
Samaritan und the man, who needs help. But this deferens of power is repealed in love: Jesus
asked the blind man: What shall I do for you? He respects the autonomy of the people in need.
The Christian image of man does not resolve the tension between the autonomy of every human
being (self-realization) and the need for help.
On the basis of the Christian image of man we can describe the nature of social services in St.
Augustine clinics better as in the fashionable customer concept.
However, we can combine our services and helping relationships with professional service
step by step
First step
We wanted to turn out the special nature of relations with the people entrusted to us. Therefore,
we have done workshops in small groups of about 20 people.
The questions:
What values are important to me?
What values were important in the family where I grew up?
What values were important in the time when I went for the profession?
What are the values of my faith?
What words of the Bible are precious to me?
All these values were collected
Next question:
Which of these values are compromised in your professional life? - In which situations?
The situations were described honestly.
Key-question: Which rules do we need to protect our values?
All these answers are the basic of the Augustine-Code
We have had to summarize the many rules and we reformulated them.
We made an important discovery: The parable of the Good Samaritan was a key to sort the
Part of the rules related to the empathy and care. We are reminded to the Samaritans. Another
part of the rules related to the process of work, the quality, and the agreements on the team. We
are reminded of the arrangements with the man of the inn. The good Samaritan deals with the
owner of the inn: He has planned and paid for the help well.
A third part of the rules related to the personal attitudes such as kindness, Solidarity,
responsibility and so on. This is the internal structure of the rules:
1. How do I treat the people who are entrusted to me.
2. How do I organize my work and work in a team?
3. What is my attitude?
Now I will give you some examples of the rules.
Second step
The seventy heads of the institutions were engaged in the new rules and they discussed the
idea of implementing.
Third step
All members of the staff were invited for kick-off events. All 4100 members of the staff were
invited by a personal invitation. 3600 people took part. I'll give you some impressions:
Fourth step:
Now the staff discusses one rule during their regular team meeting every month. This takes 20
or 30 minutes. In the end, the team meets a concrete agreement for a month, a "smart"
agreement: Specific Measurable Accepted Realistic Timely
There is also a booklet and a calendar as a reminder for the meeting point of the team. We
report also in the employee newsletter and in the intranet.
The conversation about the values of each individual is the core process! The discourse
is important! Values are conveyed with the process of communication.
fifth step:
The 300 heads of the teams have once a year training in groups of 20 heads for three days. In
these sessions they learn to moderate the discussion about the rule well. They need support.
Und they discover: The discussion about the rules will help to lead people well.
sixth Step After one year members of the staff know all the Twelve rules of Augustine Code.
The period before Easter is the time of conversion. After the first year of the campaign in the
period before Easter we will remember to the Augustine-code with interviews, events, training
courses and reports in the employee newspaper.
The experience of the campaign: Some of the staff work with enthusiasm, some of the staff
work, because it is a duty and another part of the staff denied, because it is new.
Seventh step The Holy Spirit has much to do!
Augustinus-Kodex - Augustine Code
Wir haben uns die gesundheitliche Versorgung, die Pflege und die Begleitung von Menschen als Aufgabe gestellt.
Wir begegnen ihnen achtsam und warmherzig.
Durch unseren helfenden und heilenden Einsatz für kranke, leidende und hilfebedürftige Menschen leben wir
christliche Nächstenliebe und wir schützen das menschliche Leben.
Die folgenden zwölf Regeln zum Umgang mit den uns anvertrauten Menschen geben einen Einblick in unsere
anspruchsvolle Arbeit:
Wir bekennen uns zu Werten der Mitmenschlichkeit und arbeiten in einer christlich geprägten
Unternehmenskultur. Die Regeln helfen uns, unsere Werte täglich zu leben. Die Beschäftigung mit den Regeln
bewahrt uns vor Nachlässigkeit. Ihre Beachtung hilft, eine starke Berufsmotivation zu erhalten und die Atmosphäre
am Arbeitsplatz stimmig zu gestalten.
Die Regeln machen uns bewusst, dass wir im Vertrauen der Menschen stehen.
Augustine Code
Augustine Code
Our task is health care and nursing and support of people..
We treat them with care and warm warm-heartedly.
Through our commitment to helping and healing sick, suffering and vulnerable people we live Christian charity and we
protect human life.
The following twelve rules for dealing with the people entrusted to us gives an insight into our challenging work:
We are committed to values of compassion and work in a Christian Corporate culture. The rules help us live our
values every day. The study of the rules protect us from negligence. Your compliance will help to maintain a strong
professional motivation and to make a good atmosphere in the workplace.
The rules make us aware that we are in the confidence of the people.
„Es ist normal, verschieden zu sein“ – deshalb unterstützen wir die Eigenständigkeit der uns
anvertrauten Menschen.
■ Wir lassen den Menschen unseren Respekt und unsere Wertschätzung spüren.
■ Wir nehmen niemandem Aufgaben und Tätigkeiten ab, wenn es nicht notwendig ist.
■ Wir interessieren uns für die Lebensgeschichten und Schicksale der Menschen.
■ Wir scherzen nicht über Eigenarten von Menschen - so ungewohnt sie auch sein mögen.
■ Wir werben um Toleranz für menschliche Besonderheiten.
■ Wir achten und interessieren uns für andersartige kulturelle und religiöse Prägungen.
■ Wir behandeln alle gleichwertig und ziehen niemanden vor.
"It's normal to be different" - that is why we support the independence of the people entrusted to us
■ We can feel the people our respect and appreciation.
■ We do not take anyone from tasks and activities if it is not necessary.
■ We are interested in the live story and destinies of men.
■ We do not joke about characteristics of people - so unusual they may be.
■ We recruit tolerance for human characteristics.
■ We respect and are interested in different cultural and religious influences.
■ We treat all equally, and we prefer no one.
Die Privatsphäre hilfebedürftiger Menschen ist oft gefährdet: bei der Behandlung, im Pflege- und Wohnalltag, aber
auch in der Verwaltung. Wir schützen einfühlsam die Privatsphäre der uns
anvertrauten Menschen.
■ Wir reden nicht unnötig und gedankenlos über andere.
■ Wir erhalten uns ein Gespür für private Situationen und Momente.
■ Wir klopfen an und warten auf Einlass.
■ Wir achten die Intimsphäre der Menschen.
■ Wir gestalten ansprechende Gesprächszimmer in unseren Einrichtungen.
■ Wir schaffen den Rahmen für würdevolle religiöse Riten.
■ Wir schützen persönliche Daten.
The privacy of the poorest people are often at risk: in the treatment, nursing and daily living, but also in administration.
We protect sensitively the privacy of people entrusted to us.
■ We do not talk about others unnecessarily and thoughtlessly
■ We get us a sense of personal situations and moments.
■ We knock and wait to be admitted.
■ We respect the people's privacy.
■ We design attractive meeting rooms in our facilities.
■ We create the conditions for dignified religious rites.
■ We will protect personal data.
Wenn Menschen Behandlungen und Hilfeplanungen nicht verstehen, werden sie unsicher und ängstlich. Die
Betroffenen wissen oft selbst am besten, was nötig ist. Deshalb kommunizieren wir offen, einfühlsam und zutrauend.
■ Wir setzen uns mit den Betroffenen zusammen und bedenken, besprechen und entscheiden unser Tun möglichst
■ Wir tragen Verantwortung für Menschen, aber wir bevormunden sie nicht.
■ Wir nehmen uns Zeit und hören aktiv zu.
■ Wir erklären ruhig, geduldig und einfühlsam.
■ Wir formulieren so allgemeinverständlich wie möglich und vermeiden zu viele Fachbegriffe.
■ Wir informieren rechtzeitig und vorausschauend.
■ Wir beziehen alle ein, die betroffen sind.
If people do not understand treatments and care planning, they are insecure and anxious. Sufferers often know best
what is needed. Therefore, we communicate openly, sensitively and with confidence.
■ We are working together with the affected poeple. If possible we consider and discuss and decide together
■ We have a responsibility for people, but we do not patronize.
■ We take time and listen to their concerns.
■ We explain calm, patient and empathetic.
■ We formulate so generally as possible and we avoid too many technical terms.
■ We inform you in time and anticipating.
■ We involve all people, who are affected.
Der Tod ist nicht das Ende, sondern ein Übergang. Wir lassen uns nicht ängstigen, sondern stellen uns der
Begleitung der uns anvertrauten Menschen und ihrer Angehörigen am Lebensende.
■ Wir sichern die seelsorgliche Begleitung entsprechend der religiösen Bekenntnisse.
■ Wir berücksichtigen die besondere Verunsicherung und Verletzlichkeit der Angehörigen.
■ Wir unterstützen einen gute Kultur der Sterbebegleitung in unserer Einrichtung.
■ Der Einzelne mutet sich nicht mehr zu, als er selbst verarbeiten kann.
■ Wir stellen uns den fachlichen Anforderungen der Sterbebegleitung und bilden uns fort.
Death is not the end but a transition. We are not frightened, but at the end of life we support the people entrusted to
us and their families.
■ We support the pastoral according to the religious denominations.
■ We take into account the special vulnerability and uncertainty of the relatives.
■ We have a good culture of accompany of people, who are dying.
■ Everyone burdened himself with work which he can process mentally.
■ We provide the professional care for dying people and we form us.
„Was nun den Dienst der Menschen an den Leidenden betrifft, so ist zunächst berufliche
Kompetenz nötig.“
Durch aktuelle Fachkenntnis und durch fortlaufende Ausbildung verwirklichen wir christliche
■ Wir erledigen Routineaufgaben umsichtig und ohne Aufforderung.
■ Wir erkennen unsere Grenzen und scheuen uns nicht, fachliche Unterstützung einzufordern.
■ Wir bejahen lebenslanges Lernen als Ausdruck beruflich gelebter Nächstenliebe.
■ Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die eigene Fortbildung.
" For the service with suffering people professional
competence is necessary. "
By current knowledge and through continuous training, we realize Christian
■ We do routine tasks carefully and without prompting .
■ We recognize our limitations and are not afraid to demand professional support.
■ We affirm lifelong learning as an expression of professional charity.
■ We take responsibility for our own training und formation.
Dienstleistungen entstehen im Miteinander. Eins greift ins andere und das „Wir“ gewinnt.
■ Wir lassen keine Arbeit für andere liegen, ohne sie zu informieren. Wegschauen gilt nicht!
■ Mit sorgfältigen Übergaben vermeiden wir Missverständnisse und Informationsverluste.
■ Zeitmangel und Personalengpässe kommen vor: Anstatt zu klagen, planen wir neu und wir setzen Prioritäten, bis
andere Lösungen greifen.
■ Wir können die Grenzen anderer annehmen, ohne eigene Ansprüche aufzugeben.
Services developed cooperatively. One interlocks with the others and "we" win together.
■ We do not leave work for others without informing them. We do not look away!
■ With meetings und good communications we avoid confusion and loss of information.
■ There is lack of time and personnel shortages: Instead of complaining, we are planning and we set priorities and we
access to other solutions.
■ We can accept the limitations and weaknesses of others without giving up our own standard.
Es ist menschlich, Fehler zu machen; aber wiederkehrende Fehler sind ein Alarmzeichen.
■ Wir melden dem Vorgesetzten schwerwiegende Fehler oder Beinahe-Fehler.
■ Wir begreifen Fehler, Konflikte und Streit als Aufforderung, uns zu verbessern.
■ Wir äußern Kritik sachlich und können selbst Kritik annehmen.
■ Wir sprechen mit unserem Vorgesetzten, wenn uns Aufgaben überfordern.
■ Wir sind Besitzer der Beschwerden, die an uns herangetragen werden, bis sie erledigt sind.
It is human to make mistakes, but recurring errors are a sign of alarm.
■ We report serious errors to the supervisor.
■ Errors, conflicts and disputes are a call to improve our work.
■ We express criticism objectively and are able to accept criticism.
■ We talk to our supervisor if tasks are too difficult.
■ We are "holders" of the complaints that are brought to us until they are done.
„Not sehen und handeln“ – verlangt, die Bedürfnisse der Menschen zu entdecken, ihnen gerecht zu werden und
selbst solidarisch zu sein.
■ Wir überprüfen die Dienstleistungen regelmäßig, ob wir mit ihnen den Bedürfnissen der
Menschen gerecht werden.
■ Wir begegnen keinem Fall, sondern einem Menschen.
■ Auch bei Zeitmangel und Belastung suchen wir den Blickkontakt, die Nähe und die persönliche Ansprache der
■ Wir erspüren und erfragen den Wunsch nach seelsorglicher Begleitung.
■ Bedrängende oder wiederkehrende ethische Konflikte klären wir in ethischen Fallbesprechungen.
■ Wir sind offen für ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter, die unsere Möglichkeiten der Zuwendung ergänzen.
"Look at the needs and act" - this motto requires you to discover the needs of men and to be fair and even to show
■ We regularly review the services whether we belong the services to the needs.
■ We never see a case but a human being.
■ Even with a lack of time and stress we are looking for eye contact, proximity and personal contact with the people.
■ We ask for the desire for pastoral support.
■ In case of harassing or recurring ethical conflicts we resolve ethical case discussions.
■ We look forward to volunteers who supplement our ability to care.
Neben meinem beruflichen Können bringe ich mich auch als Mensch in die Arbeit ein und trage zu einer freundlichen
Arbeitsatmosphäre bei. Deshalb achte ich auf mich selbst.
■ Ich komme mit einer positiven und menschenfreundlichen Einstellung zur Arbeit.
■ Durch mein Verhalten bin ich ein Vorbild.
■ In Belastungssituationen vermeide ich, andere mit Unzufriedenheit oder Hektik anzustecken.
■ Ich achte auf meine Arbeitsbelastung und erschließe mir Kraftquellen, um mir die Freude am Dienst zu erhalten.
■ Als Helfender oder Vorgesetzter bin ich mir meiner Macht bewusst. Deshalb lass ich mich nicht verleiten, anderer
zu beherrschen oder auszunutzen.
Besides my professional skills I look after a friendly working atmosphere. Therefore I pay attention to myself.
■ I start working with a positive and humane attitude.
■ I am a role model by my actions.
■ In stressful situations I avoid infecting others with dissatisfaction or stress.
■ I pay attention to my sources of motivation too keep the joy of serving.
■ When I am helping or guiding then I am aware of my power. I do not dominate.
Ich bin als Einzelner gefordert und gleichzeitig Teil einer Dienstgemeinschaft. In dieser guten Spannung erbringe ich
meine Leistung.
■ Ich achte Bemühen und Leistungen anderer und spreche auch Lob aus.
■ Die Schwächeren im Team werden aktiv unterstützt.
■ Ich interessiere mich auch bereichsübergreifend für die Arbeit der anderen.
■ Ich treffe aus eigenem Antrieb ausreichende Absprachen mit anderen, damit Abläufe gut
ineinander greifen.
I am called as an individual and at the same time I am a part of a caring community. In this good voltage I provide my
■ I respect efforts and achievements of others and express praise.
■ I support the weaker of the team actively.
■ I am also interested in the work of others in all areas.
■ I do adequate arrangements with others so that good processes mesh.
Religiöse und kirchliche Bindungen helfen, den Geist der Nächstenliebe auch im Beruf glaubwürdig zu leben. Ich
bringe meinen christlichen Glauben in die Arbeit ein.
■ Ich trage und gestalte die christliche Unternehmenskultur mit meinen Möglichkeiten ehrlich mit.
■ Ich bin offen für religiöse Fragen und Anliegen der uns anvertrauten Menschen.
■ Wenn Menschen benachteiligt oder ausgegrenzt werden, ergreife ich Partei für den
■ Ich schließe die mir anvertrauten Menschen in mein Gebet ein und trage ihre Not solidarisch mit.
■ Ich respektiere religiöse Zurückhaltung und achte die unterschiedlichen Beweggründe für die helfende Zuwendung
zum Mitmenschen.
Religious and ecclesiastical connections help to live the spirit of charity in working life credibility. I bring my Christian
faith in the work.
■ I wear and create the Christian corporate culture with my ability with honesty.
■ I am open to religious questions and concerns of the people entrusted to us.
■ If people are disadvantaged or marginalized, I take the side of the weaker people.
■ I Include the people entrusted to me in my prayers and I will help in solidarity.
■ I respect if people are not religious and I respect the different motivations for helping people.
Rücksicht hilft, im alltäglichen Umgang die Reibungen zwischen Menschen zu vermeiden.
Deshalb handle ich zuvorkommend.
■ Ich bin ich höflich und freundlich und ich spreche die Menschen mit Namen an, so zeige ich Respekt.
■ Versprechen und Zusagen gelten, bis neue Vereinbarungen getroffen sind: So können wir uns aufeinander
■ Ich passe meine Wortwahl und meine Sprache der Situation an, damit die Menschen mich
sicher verstehen.
■ Ich pflege Geräte, Kleidung und Räume, damit eine einladende Ordnung entsteht.
■ Ich erfülle meine beruflichen Pflichten verlässlich, damit Zuständigkeiten klar bleiben.
Reliability helps in everyday use to prevent the friction between people.
Therefore, I act polite.
■ I am polite and friendly and I call people with their names. So I will show respect.
■ Promises and commitments apply until new agreements are fixed: We trust each other.
■ I select my words and technical terms, so that people can certainly understand.
■ I care appliances, clothes and working places, to create a welcoming order.
■ I will fulfill my professional duties reliably, so that responsibilities remain clear.