Anhang 1 Real-time PCR method for the detection of the nopaline synthase promoter (P-nos) and neomycin phosphotransferase gene (nptII) construct in genetically modified crops Draft of 14.10.2009 -1- 1. Introduction and general information The following method can be used to detect a transgenic construct present in several genetically modified crops. The real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) protocol uses target-specific oligonucleotides that amplify a DNA fragment specific to the junction of a transgenic construct of the nopaline-synthase gene promoter (pnos) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptII) from the Tn5 transposon of Escherichia coli strain K12. The size of the amplified fragment is varying and depends on the GM plant event. For detection of amplicons a FAM-labelled TaqMan probe binds to the nptII part of the amplified sequence. The increase of the fluorescence signal is detected and indicates the presence of the amplified pnos-nptII sequence. The method has been developed by Dr. Ralf Reiting, Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor, Standort Kassel, Druseltalstr. 67, 34131 Kassel / Germany and has been validated in a pre-ringtrial within the framework of the German §64 LFGB working group ‘Development of methods for identifying foodstuffs produced by means of genetic engineering techniques’. A collaborative validation study according to the IUPAC/ISO/AOAC Protocol [1] is in preparation. 1.1 DNA-extraction Depending on the sample material and the matrices the DNA extraction procedure applied should yield DNA of sufficient quantity and purity to ensure that the influence of inhibitors is minimized. Standard procedures according to ISO 21571 (Annex 1.1, 3 and 4) [3] are recommended for use. Additional purification steps using gel-filtration columns may be of help to purify the extracted DNA. 1.2 Real-time PCR system The single-plex PCR assay uses standard cycling conditions and the TaqMan chemistry. It is optimised for use in real-time PCR instruments for plastic vessels. The oligonucleotide probe uses FAM as the fluorescent reporter dye and a BlackBerry Quencher (BBQ). An ABI7500 instrument was used during the in-house validation of the method. 1.3 Targeted gene sequence A frequently used antibiotic-resistance gene used as marker in GM plants is the nptII gene from the Tn5 transposon of Escherichia coli strain K12 which confers resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics such as kanamycin. In several GM plant events the inserted nptII gene coding sequence has been combined with a promoter element originating from the nopaline synthase gene (P-nos) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Genetically modified -2- plants containing the construct of the nptII gene in combination with the P-nos promoter are listed in Table 1. Table 1. GM plant events containing the P-nos-nptII construct and length of amplicons. n.d. = not determined; n. av. = no data available GM plant event containing the P-nos-nptII MS1/RF1 (RF2) Topas19/2 55-1 (Sunup) T-120-7 EH92-527-1 FP967 Zeneca (TGT7-F) New Leaf (e.g. RBMT15-101 351N 1345-4 RM3-3; RM3-4; RM3-6 Common plant species name rapeseed rapeseed papaya sugarbeet potato flax tomato potato tomato tomato chicory length of amplicon (bp) 152 144 170 144 163 165 n.d. n.av. n.av. n.av. n.av. Reference BATS Report [4] The real-time PCR assay amplifies the junction of the P-nos promoter sequence and the nptII gene sequence. The fragment size generated by the P-nos-nptII PCR depends on the assembly of the two sequence elements and is varying in the different GM plant events. The consensus sequence of the P-nos-nptII construct and the location of the primers and the probe as well of the variable region is illustrated in Figure 1. TTCCCCTCGGTATCCAATTAGAGTCTCATATTCACTCTCAATCCANNNNNNNNNNNNNNGCAGGT TCTCCGGCCGCTTGGGTGGAGAGGCTATTCGGCTATGACTGGGCACAACAGACAATC Figure 1: Consensus sequence of the P-nos-nptII construct present in the GM plant events as listed in Table 1.The first 45 nucleotides originate from the P-nos promoter, while nucleotides 60 to 123 originate from the nptII gene. The variable sequence between the two elements is indicated by 15 N nucleotides. The location of the forward and reverse primers are underlined and given in bold italics, the probe sequence is shown in bold and underlined letters. The sequences for the design of oligonucleotide primers and the probe were derived from GenBank accession number FJ467933.1 (complete coding sequence of the inserted sequence in Carica papaya transgenic line 55-1). The forward primer matches to the nos promoter sequence, while the reverse primer and the probe are complement to the 5’ part of the nptII sequence. -3- 1.4 Reference materials DNA of potato event EH92-527-1 (IRMM reference material ERM-BF 421b) was used as reference material. In addition, DNA of GM rapeseed events Topas19/2 and MS1/RF1, of GM papaya (Sunup) event 55-1 (positive market sample) and of GM flax event FP967 (received from LGL Oberschleißheim) was used as reference material. DNA extracted from GM sugar beet event T120-7 was available from a field trial experiment in Hessen/Germany. GM ‘Zeneca’ tomato (event TGT7-F) had been used in a ring trial of the German §64 LFGB working group. 2. Real-time PCR 2.1 Reference gene specific PCR In order to control the quality and quantity of the sample DNA a reference gene specific PCR targeting a species-specific gene is recommended to be performed before or in parallel to the P-nos nptII construct-specific PCR. The template DNA is analysed in different dilutions in order to detect PCR inhibition. The Ct values measured for each of the dilutions should correspond to the dilution factor, e. g. if the DNA is diluted four times, the measured Ct difference should be approximately 2. If a reference gene real-time PCR method is not available for the species of interest, a universal plant DNA detection method may be used [4]. 2.2 Oligonucleotide sequences Sequences of primers and of the probe are given in Table 2. Table 2. Sequences of Primers and the probe 1 Name Oligonucleotide DNA Sequence (5’ to 3’) p-nos-F2 TTC CCC TCG GTA TCC AAT TAG AG NPTII-R GAT TGT CTG TTG TGC CCA GTC A NPTII-Tm2 FAM1 – AgC CgA ATA gCC TCT CCA CCC AAg C –BBQ2 FAM: 6-carboxyfluorescein; BBQ: Black Berry Quencher 2.3 Real-time PCR setup The method is described for a total PCR volume of 25 µl per reaction with the reagents as listed in Table 3. For each sample DNA at least two reactions have to be performed. -4- Table 3. Reaction mixture for detection of the P-nos-nptII construct Component Final Concentration Volume per Reaction (in µl) Quantitect Multiplex PCR Mastermix (2x) No Rox* 1x 12,5 Primer p-nos-F2 400 nM 1 Primer NPTII-R 400 nM 1 Probe NPTII-Tm2 100 nM 0,25 Water (PCR quality) __ 5,25 Template DNA (200 ng genomic DNA) __ 5 Total volume 25 *other master mixes could be used if it is shown that they perform equally or better. 2.3 Cycling programme The temperature-time programme for the P-nos-nptII real-time PCR as outlined in Table 4 was optimized for the ABI7500 real-time cycler. If other mastermixes are used, the time for denaturation (step 1) may be adapted. Table 4. Temperature-time programme (ABI 7500) Step Stage Temperature Time (sec) Data Acquisition Cycles 1 Denaturation 95 C° 900 NO 1 2 Amplification 94 C° 15 NO 60 C° 60 YES -5- 45 3. In-house Validation 3.1 Specificity The specificity of the P-nos - nptII screening method was tested against the several genetically modified plants as given in Table 5. No amplification was observed for the GM plant events listed. Table 5. Specificity tests Plant Species GM Event Result Mon863; 59122; Bt11; Bt176; GA21; MIR604; Corn No amplification Mon810; NK603; TC1507; Rapeseed Falcon GS49/90; GT73; MS8/RF3; Oxy235; 23198 (Laurical) No amplification Soy GTS 40-3-2 No amplification Rice Bt63 No amplification Sugar beet GTSB77 No amplification 3.2 Correlation coefficient R2 In order to determine the performance of the P-nos - nptII method for the different targeted GM plant events, dilutions of DNA from different p-Nos - nptII positive GM plant events were prepared and analyzed in the real-time PCR assay. Five or six dilution steps (twofold or fourfold dilutions) were analysed in duplicate reactions and the measured Ct values were used to calculate the slope and the correlation coefficient R2. The results of these experiments and the calculated slope and R2 values are listed in Table 6. Table 6. Results obtained with dilution series of DNA from different GM plant events containing the pnos-nptII gene construct GM plant Event Plant Amplicon Length (bp) Measured Ctvalue range R2 Coefficient Slope MS1/RF1 Rapeseed 152 24,9 - 35,1 0,998 -3,38 Topas19/2 – Rapeseed 144 25,8 - 36,6 0,988 -3,52 55-1- (Sunup) Papaya 170 28,7 - 33,7 0,991 -3,30 T-120-7- Sugar beet 144 26,3 - 34,7 0,995 -3,35 EH92-527-1- Potato 163 26,1 - 36,1 0,997 -3,22 FP967 Flax 165 28,2-33,4 0,991 -3,19 Zeneca TGT7-F Tomato n. d. 26,4-36,2 0,984 -3,31 -6- 3.3 Limit of Detection (LOD) The LOD was determined by the analysis of a dilution series of DNA from potato event EH92-527-1. At a DNA dilution corresponding to 10 copies of the target sequence per reaction 15 of 15 reactions resulted in positive amplification at an average Ct value of 36,4 ±0,9. In order to verify the LOD result with another GM plant containing the P-nos - nptII construct, the LOD was additionally determined by the analysis of a dilution series of DNA from rapeseed event Topas19/2. At a DNA dilution corresponding to 10 copies of the target sequence 15 of 15 reactions resulted in amplification at an average Ct 36,7 ±0,8. The values may differ in correspondence to the copy number of the construct present in the GM plant event that is analysed. 3.4 Robustness The robustness of the method has been evaluated in an interlaboratory comparison study with four participating laboratories. The laboratories used different thermostable DNA polymerases (ABI Taqman Universal Mastermix; Roche Probes Mastermix and Qiagen Quantitect Mastermix) and four different real-time cyclers (ABI7900; ABI7900HT; LightCycler480 and ABI7500). The results showed that the method is robust and transferable to other laboratories without problems. 4. Summary The construct-specific P-nos – nptII real-time PCR method described here is proposed for advanced screening purposes. The method uses primer and probe sequences targeting the junction of the construct of the nos promoter (P-nos) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the nptII from the Tn5 transposon of Escherichia coli strain K12 which is present in several genetically modified plant events. The performance of the real-time-PCR assay was in-house validated for seven different GM plant events. Even though the lengths of the PCR amplicon differ slightly because of different interjacent sequences between the combined genetic elements, the assay shows sufficient sensitivity and linearity. In addition, the method has demonstrated to be transferable to other laboratories and to be robust enough for the use with different real-time PCR machines and different PCR mastermixes. -7- 4. Literature 1. ISO/AOAC/IUPAC harmonized protocol in; Horwitz, W. (1995) Protocol for the design, conduct and interpretation of method performance studies. Pure and Appl. Chem. 67: 331-343. 2. DIN EN ISO 21571:2005-05; Foodstuffs – Methods of analysis fort he detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products – Nucleic acid extraction 3. Bruderer S, Leitner KE (2003). Genetically Modified (GM) Crops: molecular and regulatory details. Version 2 (30/06/2003). BATS, Centre for Biosafety Assessment, Technology and Sustainability. http://www.bats.ch/gmo-watch/GVO-report140703.pdf 4. 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