INGLÊS - 1o ANO MÓDULO 02 PRESENT SIMPLE X PRESENT CONTINUOUS Fixação 1) Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple. a) Are you hungry? ___________ something to eat? (you/ want) b) Jill is interested in politics but she ___________ to a political party. (not / belong) c) Don’t put the dictionary away. I ___________ it.(use) d) Don’t put the dictionary away. I _________ it. (need) e) Fletcher ______ (pass) to Coles who ______ (shoot) just over the bar. United they________(attack) much more in this half… f) A man _______ (come) home late one night after the office Christmas party. His wife _________ (wait) for him, and she _______ (say) to him… g) Now that the rice ______ (cook) you __________ (chop up) the carrots and tomatoes and you ______(put) them in a dish… Fixação What’s Julie doing now? Julie is working at the law department of Bhmex right now. The phone is ringing. Julie’s assistant, Ann Perez, is taking a message. The computer is on. As usual, Julie is using it. The printer is off. She’s not using it. Mr. Harrison is having a video conference with some important businessmen from Mexico. He’s doing business with them. Julie is having lunch later today, there are so many things to do. Julie’s colleagues are working hard, too. Some are writing reports, some are talking on the phone, some others are contacting clients. Now that the company is expanding everybody seems to be busier than ever. And Mr. Harrison is always asking for things asap. It’s one o’clock p.m. Now Julie is leaving the company for lunch. She is going to eat at a Chinese restaurant nearby. Six p.m. Julie is putting all her things away in her desk drawers. She is brushing her hair. She’s saying good-bye to everyone. She’s going out with Raul, her husband, in order to celebrate their wedding anniversary. 2) Answer the following yes/no questions: a) Is Anna taking a message now? b) Are Julie’s colleagues busy? c) Is Mr. Harrison working now? d) Is Julie going to eat Japanese food today? e) Are Julie and Raul going out tonight? Fixação 3) Answer the following information questions: a) Where is Julie working now? b) What is Julie using right now? c) What is Harrison doing? d) Where is Julie having lunch today? e) It’s 6 p.m. What is Julie doing at the moment? Fixação (UFRJ) Aug. 26, 2008 Cbssports.Com wire reports São Paulo, Brazil — a top official says Brazil is more than a year behind schedule in its construction projects for the 2014 Soccer World Cup. The president of Sinaenco, a brazilian architectural and engineering association, says the government must improve its efforts or risk losing investment and the chance at hosting future events. “Brazil is more than a year behind,” José Roberto Bernasconi said Tuesday at Sinaenco’s annual meeting. “The authorities have to get involved.” Bernasconi says the World Cup will “promote Brazil and attract more investment in the future.” But all that is at risk if construction deadlines are not met. Brazil hosted the pan american games in Rio de Janeiro last year without major glitches. Brazil is bidding for the 2016 olympics, which also would take place in Rio. (Ap news The associated press news service Copyright 2007-2008, the associated press, all rights reserved.) Com base no texto, responda as questões 4 e 5 em português. 4) Que fato preocupante para o Brasil é relatado no texto? Fixação 5) Cite duas consequências para o país que podem advir desse fato. Proposto 1) Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong. a) I’m seeing the manager tomorrow morning. _____________ b) I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? _____________ c) Are you believing in God? ___________ d) This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good. _____________ e) I’m thinking this is your key. Am I right? ______________ Proposto IELTS The international english language testing system The IELTS is an increasingly valuable worldwide test to assess your proficiency in English. It tests all four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking. There are two options offered – academic and general training. The academic option is for those who wish to undertake undergraduate or postgraduate studies in an English speaking country, whereas the general training option is for emigration purposes, to take a secondary course or a professional training course. Universities in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a growing number in the USA and Europe ask for the IELTS as proof that a foreign student is able to study and live in an English – speaking country. In Brazil, when applying for grant, it is one of the English language tests applicants are asked to present to CNPQ, CAPES, FAPESP and other funding institutions, including the british council. Not only for study purposes but also for those who wish for funding to present papers at conferences, do training courses or training programmes abroad. A candidate may take the test more than once, however, there must be a three-month interval between one test and the next. Additionally there is no expire date, but a university or agency may ask for more recent result if the test was taken a long time ago. 2) De acordo com o texto , é correto afirmar que o IELTS é: a) Um teste de proficiência na língua inglesa que avalia a capacidade de leitura, escrita e compreensão e expressão oral. Ele é aceito, sem restrições, por universidades na Grã-bretanha, Canadá, Austrália e Nova Zelândia. b) Um teste de habilidades, aceito em qualquer país do mundo. Ele deve ser feito por quem deseja migrar ou estudar no exterior. c) Um teste em inglês, dividido em duas partes: a primeira é acadêmica e a segunda é de treinamento geral. d) Um teste que se destina a avaliar a proficiência em língua inglesa. No Brasil, ele deve ser feito todas as vezes que alguém se candidatar a uma bolsa de estudos. e) Um teste que se destina a avaliar a capacidade que um aluno estrangeiro tem de ler, escrever, ouvir e falar inglês. Ele é aplicado pelo CNPQ, CAPES E FAPESP. Proposto 3) O texto também afirma que: a) Todas as universidades americanas, mas nem todas as europeias, aceitam o IELTS. b) No Brasil, o IELTS é o único teste de proficiência aceito pelas agências oficiais que mantêm programas de bolsas de estudos para o exterior. c) As agências brasileiras que concedem bolsas de estudo para países de língua inglesa e que financiam a participação em conferências no exterior acreditam que o IELTS não é necessário. d) Qualquer candidato pode fazer o IELTS uma vez por mês até, no máximo, três meses. Depois disso, ele deve observar um intervalo entre um teste e outro. e) Várias universidades no exterior exigem o IELTS como prova de que o aluno estrangeiro é capaz de estudar e viver em um país de língua inglesa.