Criminal Tendencies
Criminal Tendencies
WffiWffiffiW ffiWWWWWffiM - 0r heftyjail crimecannetyoumillionsof pounds Computerised bankwasa lrontandthe manwhohadset it up was wantedby the policein HongKong.The Swissbank wasgenuine, butthetwo HongKongcompanies were also{ronts. Themanbehindthemhadalreadybeeninvolved in a scamwhichhadledto thecollapse of a Malaysian institution andwasknownto havelinkswithorganised andintheFarEast. area,and set up a fraudspecifically to helpgarage crimein NorthAmerica invoices, hegave Fortunately, oncetheauthorities hadbeenalerted owners. Co-ordinating alltherelevant the con menwerearrested, thegarages a discount for himsel{ to be they movedquickly: lhe andananged paida commission. fee was recovered Thesum involved was miniscule, advance andfurthercriminal conwereuncovered. no one 2.5 penceper gallon,but it soon mountedup to nections Justas importantly, t26,000.Thecompany oneof the onlycaughton whenhe went lostface,butthiscouldeasilyhavebecome fraudsin history. successful bankcomputer biggest AndrewBarontooka lookthroughthe recordsto discover sentence. crimeswereperpetrated... howsomefamous of computer or 20 yearsandmorethespectre timeandtimeagainby fraudhasbeenrarsed A widely-held beliefis thatreported themedia. crimeis onlythetip oJa verylargeiceberg, computer withmostcasesgoingunreported. Expressoften receivesphone calls from bank claiming thatoneoI the BigFivehasbeen employees thelactlorfear butit won'tpublicise stripped ol millions customers. of panicking fraudis Thereis alsoa beliefthatmuchcomputer no one because crime;it goesunreported a victimless noticesit, a bit likethe drunkdriverwhogetshome despite beingthreetimesoverthelegallimit. sa{ely or Defining computer crimeas 'the manipulation majority of theoverwhelming of a computer', corruption crimesinvolvedare input or outputfrauds,The thefraudswouldhappen anymachines areincidental, way.Wevisitedthe Cityof LondonPolicewhotoldus invading mainframes andstealof hackers theproblem a myth.Inthis ingvastsumsof money or datais largely doessousually astheresult lield,crimewhereit occurs ontheinsidecolthiefor someone o{eitheranin-house withanexternal buyerorsupplier. laborating crimeslhatdo happenin Of the computer-related - areprettymundane. In most- whendetected Britain therehavebeensomequitespectheStateshowever a little tacularfrauds.So we decidedto undertake of ourown- herearesomeof the more investigation caseswe'veencountered. colourful CORPORATEFRAUD #rcrfrrauds{*" ips{{tadsd {r It'sLARGEST onethingto knowyourcustomers, butwheneverytheChairman of theBoardisonthetake, one,including per {{Nf disrrswnt.frsr tw;r,s andbalances don'tcountformuch.Thebiggest checks fraudin history started in themid-60s without computer theaidof a computer, butbythetimethescandal broke in 1973,thewebof deceithadbeencastsowidethatil required a mainJrame to keeptrackof all the dodgy into it, whlch includedover dealingsincorporated policies. fakeinsurance 60,000 Thisbecameknownas the greatEquityFunding fraud.The EquityCorporation wasoneof of America wasbased thehotteststocksonWallStreet;itssuccess in bothmutualfundsand on thetheorythatby dealing policies it couldmakebothformsof investinsurance menthighly attractive. He Theideawasthatcustomers wouldinvestin the on holiday andthepricescalesreverted to normal. prosecuted prison mutual fundandthecompany wouldpaythecustomer's wassacked, andgivena four-month lile insurance out of this,recording the payment sentence. as a Evenmoreenterprising was the clerkwith five loan,thusfreeingcapitalwhichcouldbe usedelseyears'service who,overa periodof six months, made where.In 1969,Chairmanof the Board Stanley programme beganan aggressrve of corpooffwitht47,000.Heusedthesystem to setupfictitious Goldblum andacouisition. Thisinflated companies completewith letterheadings.Invoices rateexoansion theshare SALAMI ZAPPING priceand Goldblum and friendswereableto unload in anAmerican mail-order com- authorised byhimwenlto special holding accounts. In 1985,a programmer panycreateda salesman To capit he included for company stockat a tidyprofit. and gave him the name a two percentdiscount getssomething payment. nobody fornothing, lt is notknownif thejudgegavehima Ofcourse, and by rounding prompt Zwana.Zwanaearnedhis commission was increasingly fundedby usingthe lromothersalesmen the discount on hjs sentence, andtransferring but he was well and truly the expahsion downentries 'deadsouls', bogusrecords which nicked. computer to generate account. oddcentsto hisfictitious years A wholedeDartment wassoeweresoldto re-insurers. The lraudwas only discovered atlertwo to this task,and the companyeven marketing MEGAFRAUD ciallyassigned when,as a PR exercise, the company's headquarters onthepay- A ThirdWorldcounlrywasnegotiating a loanol some beganto run 'fraudparties'at company tookthelirstandlastsalesmen department projects, wellintothenight. For whichlasted them.Zwanawasclearly thelastin the t2.5 billionfor a number of development rollandaudited gets reasons A mere $144,000was siphonedoff into the whichare not madeclear,the Dresident Thiskindof scam,the'salami technique', and alphabet. presumably notjust accounts of particular conspirators, ashush thefraudster takesa verythinslice vice-president decided to keepthedealsecret, its namebecause ll is alsoknownas appli- fromthepublicbutfromthe restof thegovernment untilby the as money;the reststayedin the company else'saccount. offeverybody withcon- springof 1971thefraudhadgrownto suchproportions andis veryrare,andfora goodreason. well,so it wasarranged througha linancier cationzapping in theMiddleEastwhosecontacts andcompany needed to generate zap- rounding downthegen- nections demanded thatGoldblum upto Tosetup an application newbogusfilesjustto keepit running. a anonymrty. 50,000 andsettingup falseones- requires uineaccounts Asthescaleof thefraudgrew,sodidthelraudpargreatdealo{lechnical Anyone withtheability Arrangements weremadethrough fourinstitutions, expertise. got in deeperanddeeper. findeasierandsaferways two oJ themcompanies in HongKong,one a long- ties,andthe company All to do il canalmostcertainly Infact,theZwanastoryis almost established a specialcodeand the Swissbankand the fourtha Norwegian fake policieswereassigned to ripofflhecompany. wasinstructed in another commonly-told variation bank.TheSwissbankwasto provide to exclude them. apocryphal; thedepositand computer certainiy Thebubble wasfinallyburstin March1973whena is used. facilities, representative was drawing andthe lender's ofthesamescam,thenameZzwicke who paida non-returnable reported Another is thatof the fraudster in formeremployee thedeadsoulsracketto the old chestnut onepercentfeeandsecurity "Payme halfol whatI stoleandl'll theformoI a largeamount policeand to a WallStreetanalyst. By thistimethe tellsthecompany: ol negotiable securilies. had97,000policies areurbanlegTheshroudof secrecy on file,64,000of them showyouhowI didit",Thisand'Zwana' sunounding thedealsuited company for political everyone, ostensibly reasons. But at the fake,andwasvaluedat $737million of which$185milendsinthemaking. js the eleventh on the salamitechnique hourone of the bonowers Anothervariation smelta rat and lionwasnon-existent. fora USoilcompany. arranged{or somediscreetenquiries andseveral olherconspirators received crookworking to be made. Goldblum storyof a computer lordealing withgarages in a cerlain Within24 hoursit becameknownthatthe Norueoian jailsentences. Hewasresponsible [rtless- l$ l,{rtl$30 52 - lleuComtuler f/ rs ruo/ fl'"ot{il}tl}{{,v*?w€!tt k'e rswnif rlzejudg* g#vr {aiwz rsdisrrxxet *rcf.gis s{?z{€t'tt€, hu{ lct vt'tts w,€{l*nd trdt nicked. 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