(UN Career [Kompatibilitätsmodus])
(UN Career [Kompatibilitätsmodus])
1 CTBTO, EU, Brussels UNCCD, Bonn Vienna Ruanda-Tribunal, OSCE, Vienna Vienna AfDB, AbidjanIAEO, FAO, Rom Abuja Internation Tribunal for UNCTAD UN Secretariat ICC, Den Haagthe UNOPS Genf Law of ITU, the Sea, UNHCR, Genf WHO Sierra Leone Tribunal Hamburg IOM, Genf World Bank , ESCAP UNEP, IFAD ICAO, Montreal Washington Genf EuGH WorldBank UPU, Bern OECD, ParisECE, OVCW, Den Haag UNDP, New York UNRWA, EU-Commission UNESCO, Paris ESA, Paris ICO Ramallah UNODC Vienna IDB, Washington IWF, Washington EZB, Frankfurt NATO OSCE WTO, Geneva WFP,Rom AsDB, Manila ILO, Genf European Invest. Bank UNICEF, EUROCONTROL, CERN, Genf EPA European Council, EU-Council EIGE, UN DPKO 2 UNIDO, Vienna EP Überblick • Praktika/JPO • YPP/allgemeine Stellenangebote • Auswahlverfahren 3 Qualifikationen „The UN seeks to employ persons with the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity and further aims to achieve gender and geographical balance and genuine diversity of the staff members who serve the world.“ UN-Charter 1945 4 Deutsche sind in internationalen Organisationen sehr gut vertreten UNESCO, UNRWA angemessen vertreten z. B. FAO, ILO, ITC, UNIDO, UNAIDS unterrepräsentiert z. B. UNO- Sekretariat, Weltbank, WTO, IWF, WMO, WHO Leitungsebene UN-Sonderorganisationen 5 Berufsgruppen im Sekretariat Verwaltung Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten Finanzen Humanitäre Angelegenheiten Menschenrechte Rechtsangelegenheiten Politische Angelegenheiten Informationstechnik Statistik Drogenkontrolle und Verbrechensverhütung Presse und Information 6 Überblick 7 Überblick 8 Überblick 9 Nationalität: Niederlande Ausbildung: Studium Logistik und Transport, Königliche Militärakademie Breda Karriere vor der UN: 23 Jahre Logistikoffizier in der niederländischen Armee. Kommandierte verschiedene Einheiten Diverse PeacekeepingEinsätze 10 Nationalität: GB Aufgabe: Verantwortlich für gesamte Logistik der UN-Mission in Côte d’Ivoire. Ausbildung: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Lancaster University 11 Nationalität US Aufgabe: Koordinierung humanitärer Hilfseinsätze Ausbildung MA Law and Diplomacy, International Relations and Humanitarian Assistance, Tufts University BA in Asian Studies, International Environmental and Art History, Dartmouth College 12 Nationalität Guatemala Aufgabe: Ingenieur für Kommunikation der PeacekeepingMissionen Ausbildung Associated Science Degree in Electronics Technology, Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, BA in Asian Studies, International Environmental and Art History, Dartmouth College 13 UN-Sekretariat • 66% Männer • 19% der männlichen Mitarbeiter und 35% der weiblichen Mitarbeiter sind jünger als 40 • 92% der fest angestellten Mitarbeiter im höheren Dienst arbeiten im Ausland 14 Praktika • Alle Dienstorte • “Great benefits - No compensation“ • 6-monatige Pause ist Pflicht Nachwuchsprogramme Praktikantenprogramm - Carlo-Schmid-Programm (CSP) (Studienstiftung und DAAD) Bewerbungsschluss für Praktika September bis einschl. Juni des darauffolgenden Jahres (voraussichtlich 15. Februar 2012) Praktikantenförderung durch den DAAD Mercator Kolleg für Internationale Aufgaben 15. März eines Jahres Bewerbungsschluss für Kollegjahr September bis einschl. September des darauffolgenden Jahres 16 JPO/ Nachwuchsförderungsprogramme World Bank IWF UNDP – Leadership Development Programme (LEAD) UNICEF – New and Emerging Talent Initiative (NETI) 17 Einsatz im Peacekeeping oder als UN Volunteer Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze in Berlin 18 2012 Young Professionals Programme (YPP) Examination Serving the World 19 Date & Job Families Date: • Wednesday, 5 December 2012 Job families: • Architecture • Economics • Information Technology • Political Affairs • Radio Producer (Portuguese; Kiswahili) • Social Affairs 20 Participating Member States • Member States Invited: The 106 Member States which as of 1 January 2012 in the system of geographical distribution were: – un-represented – under-represented – in-danger of falling under-represented (on the lower border limit of the range) • Member States Participating: 79 Member 21 States Global Outreach UN Secretariat • United Nations Careers Portal: http://careers.un.org 22 Global Outreach UN Secretariat • Application via Careers Portal and Inspira • Detailed information: application process; sample exams; exam centres; exam status and updates; FAQs 23 Global Outreach UN Secretariat • July 2012 - External worldwide printed and on-line publications: placing advertisements: – ECONOMIST, on their web and all regional printed editions (i.e. globally) – JEUNE AFRIQUE: on their web and printed edition – LE MONDE: on their web and printed edition • July – August 2012 - Social Media: placing a notice on: – http://www.facebook.com/UN.Careers – http://twitter.com/un_careers 24 – http://linkd.in/un_careers Application & Admission 25 Application • Application period: 13 July 2012- 12 September 2012 (11:59 PM EST) through the United Nations Careers Portal http://careers.un.org • Important: incomplete and/or late applications will NOT be considered. • Acknowledgement: applicants will receive by email an acknowledge receipt of their application. • Application number: Once convoked to the written exam, candidates will receive an application number. 26 Admission First Screening- Eligibility • Nationality: Must hold the nationality of a participating member state at the time of application • Age: 32 years or younger (Date of birth: On or after 1 January 1980) • Education: First-level university degree acceptable for each job family • Language: Fluency in English or French • Experience: No experience required 27 Admission Second Screening • If more than 40 qualified applicants from the same participating Member State in the same job family, a second round of screening will be conducted. • Criteria for the second screening: • Language: Fluency in additional official languages of the United Nations • Degree: Additional and/or higher-level degrees acceptable for the job family • Experience: Length of work experience acceptable for the job family 28 Convokees • All candidates will receive notification regarding their admission to the written examination. • Applicants may check the listing of application numbers on the United Nations Careers Portal http://careers.un.org. • Members States will be informed on the numbers of convokees by examination centre. 29 Examination Centres & The Examination 30 The Examination Written Part •General Paper: International Affairs and Summary, to be answered in either English or French; both to be eliminatory. •Specialized Paper: Essays and short questions in the substantive area, to be answered in any of the UN official languages. The essay part of this paper is eliminatory. 31 The Examination Written Part (continued) • The overall time for the written examination: 4.5 hours • Examinees are fully responsible for any expenses related to their travel to the examination centre. 32 The Examination Oral Part • Competency-based interview and possibly an oral presentation. • UN Secretariat will use VTC or Skype to reduce the travel cost. 33 Available posts for Placement The posts available for placement of successful 2012 YPP candidates include: • Regular budget posts at the P-1 and P-2 levels • 15 % of extrabudgetary posts not financed through peacekeeping account at the P-1 and P-2 levels 34 Successful Candidates Placement & Reserve Lists • To be placed in positions at the P-1 or P-2 level in any Secretariat duty station or peacekeeping operation. • Only those who cannot be placed will be kept on a reserve list, from which future vacancies will be filled. • The reserve list has a lifespan of two years after the conclusion of the examination. • Candidates who refuse one invitation to interview or one official offer of employment will be removed from the reserve list. 35 Successful Candidates Assignment, Orientation & Development • Initial assignment: Two years • Second assignment: In a different duty station (P-1=>P-2, P-2=>P-2) • Two-week orientation programme prior to the beginning of their first assignment 36 Milestones Outreach June – August 2012 Application Period 13 July - 12 September (11:59 PM EST) September – October Screening & Convoking Administration Preparation The Examination October - November 5 December 2012 37 38 39 UN-Gehaltsstufen Grade Title Salary P1 Assistant Officer 56.000$ P2 Associate Officer 73.000$ P3 First Officer 92.000$ P4 Second Officer 112.000$ P5 Senior Officer 127.000$ UN-Gehaltsstufen Grade Title Salary D1 General Administrator 134.000$ D2 Director 144.000$ Assistant Secretary-General 158.000$ Under Secretary-General 175.000$ Secretary-General 227.000$ Leistungen • Ortszuschläge • Subvention der Mietkosten • Ausbildungsförderung (75%) • Zuschlag für Ehepartner und Kinder Reformen • Mobilität verbindlich vorgeschrieben für P-5 Stellen • „Lateral moves“ • Wechselnde Dienstorte Anschreiben Klar und prägnant Was leisten Sie für unseren Erfolg? Weshalb ist Ihre berufliche Erfahrung für uns wertvoll? 44 Lebenslauf Sprachen Kompetenzen, Motivation, Persönlichkeit Beschreibung Ihrer Aufgaben Kein Bild, keine Zertifikate Keine Angaben zur Religion oder zu den Berufen der Eltern 45 Summary of Qualifications - Kurze Zusammenfassung der Kernkompetenzen - Details im Anschreiben und/oder im Lebenslauf - Mindestens 3 USPs für die Stelle /Position Aktiv „I completed an MA in...“ not „I received a degree in...“ „I mobilized funds for...“ not „I applied for funds“ „I planned, implemented, evaluated...“ not „I was responsible for....“ Aktive Beschreibung * Description of Duties max 2000 characters * Summarize any of your Achievements max 3700 characters * Reason for leaving max 1500 characters 48 Interview Technische Probleme (Telefonkonferenz) Deutliche Aussprache Kurze Sätze Stellen Sie Fragen 49 UN Kompetenzen Grundwerte: Integrität, Professionalität, Respekt für Vielfalt Kernkompetenzen: Kommunikation, Teamwork, Planung und Organisation, Verantwortung Kompetenzbasiertes Interview • Situation • Aktion • Ergebnis Interview: Integrity • Tell me about the last time that you were faced with a professional or ethical dilemma at work (in the recent past). • What was the specific situation? • How did you feel? • How did you resolve the dilemma? Interview: Professionalism • • • • Give me an example of when you have experienced a setback. Describe what happened How did you react to the problem? To what extent did others see how you were feeling? Interview: Respect for Diversity • • • • • Describe an occasion when you found it difficult to work with someone from a different background. What caused the problems? How did you respond? What was the outcome? What would you do differently next time? Interview: Teamwork • Describe an occasion when you had difficulties working with a team. • What caused the problems? • How did you respond? • What was the outcome? “Just call me PBO of OPPB&F of DAM for short” ”Programme Budget Officer” Data Analysis and Systems Control Unit, Programme Planning and Budget Division Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Finance Department of Administration and Management The job title of a UN staff member in the New York telephone directory Gracias Merci ﹰا www.un.org http://careers.un.org 谢谢 Thank You Спасибо 57