Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group
Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group
Munich Re Group Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group Peter Röder Jörg Schneider 22 December 2008 Munich Re Group Transaction highlights 3 Products and business model 5 Acquisition rationale 10 Transaction terms and financial impact 19 Summary 23 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Agenda 2 Transaction highlights Transaction Offer A total of US$ 742m paid in cash, equals 1.25x price-to-book multiple1 Structure Munich Re America will acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of HSB Group Inc. Funding Transaction will be fully funded from Munich Re’s internal sources; Munich Re’s share buy-back programme will not be affected Conditions to closing No material adverse change; regulatory approval in US, Canada and UK Timeline to closing 1 Signing on 22 December 2008 Based US GAAP book value (unaudited) as of 30 September 2008. Regulatory approval Closing expected end of Q1 2009 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Highlights 3 Munich Re Group Agenda Transaction highlights Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Products and business model Acquisition rationale Transaction terms and financial impact Summary 4 Products and business model Corporate structure Independent business providing highly specialised products and services Corporate structure HSB is a highly profitable specialty insurer and reinsurer providing: all risk property, contract works, inland marine and other specialty products; inspection services and engineering consulting. The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB IIC) HSB Group operates in 12 countries. Its main foreign subsidiaries are HSB-EIL in UK and BI&I in Canada HSB Engineering Insurance Limited (HSB-EIL) The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co of Canada (BI&I) International engineering subsidiaries Insurance subsidiaries Non-insurance subsidiaries Solomon Associates The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut Global Standards Engineering subsidiaries Largely autonomous unit within AIG Group with strong recognition of own brand HSB independently manages own claims and investments, purchases reinsurance and operates own systems and customer service infrastructure Rated “A” by A.M. Best, HSB’s rating expected to benefit from strong Munich Re Group rating going forward Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 coverage for equipment breakdown (EB); HSB Group Inc. 5 Munich Re Group Products and business model Equipment breakdown insurance Property covers have standard exclusions HSB fills this gap in coverage Mechanical breakdown Mechanical breakdown, including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force Electrical arcing Artificially generated electrical current, including electrical arcing, that damages electrical devices, appliances or wires Explosions of steam boilers, piping, engines, and turbines Explosions, excluding combustion explosion, of steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines Loss or damage to steam boilers An event inside steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines that damages such equipment Loss or damage to hot water boilers An event inside hot water boilers or other water heating equipment that damages such equipment HSB uses multiple distribution channels Client company business model: Reinsurance assumed from leading US and international commercial and personal lines insurers and white label arrangements Direct via brokers and independent agents Engineering revenues (mainly generated through direct sales to clients) Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Worldwide brand recognition based on Engineering knowledge 6 Products and business model Business model Unique business model based on strong relationships REINSURANCE ORIENTED Insurance coverage and services fully integrated into Client Companies products Long-standing relationships with 15 of the 25 largest commercial insurers HSB acts as reinsurer with an intensive service component Rapid expansion of new strategic products2 to complement core business INSPECTION SERVICES AND ENGINEERING CONSULTING HSB INSPECTION SERVICES AND ENGINEERING CONSULTING Revenues 2007: US$ 172m1 Global presence of 1,200 engineers Provides critical contribution to HSB’s engineering knowledge base and experience, enhancing underwriting decisions and claims prevention DIRECT BUSINESS MODEL Gross written premium 2007: US$ 230m1 Agents Brokers PRIMARY INSURANCE ORIENTED Direct Business Model 1 US 2 Large network of independent agents: 6,000 in US, 4,000 in Canada and 1,000 in the UK Intellectual capital and best-in-class reputation supports long-standing customer relationship and high agent satisfaction GAAP figures as of 31 December 2007 as reported by HSB. Equipment breakdown for homeowners and farmowners, identity recovery insurance, data compromise and employment practices liability, and miscellaneous professional liability. Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 CLIENT COMPANY MODEL Gross written premium 2007: US$ 674m1 Client Company Model 7 Munich Re Group Products and business model Company profile Engineering knowledge Approximately 50% of HSB’s approx. 2,500 employees have engineering or technical background Machinery and equipment information HSB owns one of the world’s largest databases tracking equipment failures and causes Risk management expertise More than 800 employees hold commissions from the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Underwriting expertise Highly specialised underwriting expertise in equipment breakdown; major focus on loss prevention result in lower, less volatile loss ratio Claims expertise In-house expertise enables HSB to adjust majority of claims in-house, reducing costs and losses and ensuring high level of service Product development Proven ability to design, market and service non-engineering insurance products as well as new strategic products Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 HSB results driven by intellectual capital 8 Agenda Transaction highlights Acquisition rationale Transaction terms and financial impact Summary Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Products and business model 9 Munich Re Group Acquisition rationale HSB acquisition Ideal strategic fit – Significant value creation 1 Consistent with US market strategy US market strategy is an integral part of our Changing Gear growth initiatives HSB’s risk management approach and product know-how closely related to Munich Re’s reinsurance business 2 Expanding in specialty business Specialty business is a natural evolution of our business model HSB has a unique business model providing highly specialised products and services 3 Strong position in attractive segment Market leader in the US and Canada; growing international presence Significant barriers to entry Track record of 4 outstanding financial performance Strong profitability on a sustainable basis (21.6% average return on policyholders surplus (“RoPHS”) since 2003) contributing to sound capital1 High-quality earnings driven by superior underwriting performance and claims management (73.8% average combined ratio since 2003)1 A natural extension of our US market strategy to build a dominant position in specialty business and deliver growth and healthy underwriting results 1 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Strategic rationale 10 Based on consolidated statutory financial statements. Acquisition rationale Consistent with US market strategy Further realisation of US market strategy goals Employing a client-centric approach to develop client strategies and reinsurance solutions Distribution power Risk know-how Leverage the core traditional reinsurance: US market strategy Risk capacity Establishing a dominant position in the US specialty business, combining product know-how and strong distribution capacity Acquisition of HSB supporting full leverage of Munich Re’s global risk know-how Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 1 11 Munich Re Group Acquisition rationale 2 Expanding in specialty business Low-cyclicality specialty business Traditional reinsurance solutions Large individual risks solutions Specialty commercial solutions Personal specialty solutions Standard retail solutions B&C Midland Risk know-how Specialty business Relatively low exposure to cycle of traditional P-C reinsurance Attractive niche not directly competing with mass market primary insurance players Exhibits low loss ratios due to good risk selection and active claims prevention HSB sets the industry standards in equipment breakdown insurance HSB fits in well with Munich Re’s culture of technical underwriting Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Distribution power HSB MRAm Risk capacity 12 Acquisition rationale Strong position in attractive segment Clear market leader in North America – Growing international presence Market shares 2007 in North America1 Other 25.0% Net written premiums 2007 by country2 HSB 34.9% UK and Other 10% USA 80% CNA 4.3% Travelers 4.9% Transatlantic Re 6.2% FM Global 24.6% Canada 10% International NWP (2003-2007) CAGR 18.3% Clear leadership position in the US and Canadian market (35% market share) as well as strongly growing presence in other countries (predominantly UK) Limited competition from primary commercial insurers, given the significant barriers to entry in terms of required engineering know-how and database of products and claims US client company surveys consistently underscore HSB’s outstanding reputation and high brand equity 1 2 Based on net written premium for North American equipment breakdown market only (Source: A.M. Best). Based on US GAAP net written premium as of 31 December 2007 as reported by HSB. Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 3 13 Munich Re Group Acquisition rationale Track record of outstanding financial performance 4 Continued strong top-line growth Net written premiums1 US$ m HSB CAGR 6.0% North American EB insurance market CAGR 2.3% 669 658 2003 2004 2005 734 2006 803 2007 Above-average top-line growth (6.0% CAGR of net written premiums 2003-2007) resulting from successfully working through primary insurers to gain access to more business … however, HSB focus is on earnings: profit over revenue Additional US$ 172m fee income from inspection services and engineering consulting Future new business growth is expected from increasing penetration of the underserved and underinsured middle and small accounts in the US … … and by leveraging Munich Re’s international client base 1 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 635 14 Based on US GAAP net written premiums as of 31 December 2007 as reported by HSB. Acquisition rationale Track record of outstanding financial performance Superior underwriting performance HSB combined ratio1 Superior underwriting results % HSB Combin ed Ratio 104.0 EB Ind ustry Co mbined Ratio 2 103.2 103.0 94.1 93.0 Average combined ratio of 73.8% since 2003 due to highly specialized underwriting expertise strong emphasis on preventative inspection measures benefits from very large database HSB’s average combined ratio is 26% lower than the EB Industry average combined ratio since 2003 Excellence in claims management 78.1 75.6 73.7 71.3 70.2 99% equipment breakdown claims in US settled within one year of date reported Supported by almost 50% of HSB’s employees who are engineers and inspectors Low reserve risk Short-tail nature of business 80% of claims are recorded in the year of the accident 2003 1 2 2004 2005 2006 2007 Based on consolidated statutory financial statements. Statutory combined ratio was lower than 78.1% for each year since 2003. Equipment breakdown insurance market for North America as per A.M. Best (10 November 2008). Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 4 15 Munich Re Group Acquisition rationale 4 Track record of outstanding financial performance Superior development of key financials Continuously growing net income US$ m 146 2005 2006 158 2004 2007 Note: Statutory net income. Based on consolidated statutory financial statements. Sustainable high quality profits Robust capital position to be further enhanced Consistently stable RoPHS (2003-2007 average of 21.6%) supported by low correlation with natcat events strong product knowledge and good risk management superior underwriting skills and claims management low reserve risk due to short-tail nature of business Revenue synergies by delivering HSB proposition to Munich Re client base Strong and consistent earnings supported by excellent underwriting results have contributed to a solid capital base Sound capital position of US$ 594m based on US GAAP (unaudited) as at 30 Sept 2008; A rated by A.M. Best Purchase price adjustment mechanism protects Munich Re from further investment losses contributing to a stable capitalization in line with 30 Sept 2008 levels Sound capitalisation considered an increasingly important factor from a market perspective Solid cash flow expected Note: RoPHS was higher than 18.5% for each year since 2003. Based on consolidated statutory financial statements. Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 108 97 2003 139 16 Acquisition rationale Track record of outstanding financial performance Future asset allocation to reflect a more conservative style Investment portfolio mix (as at 30 September 2008)1 Status quo Others 2% No structured products or derivatives: ABS/MBS (incl. subprime), CDO or CLO Investments currently in publicly traded liquid securities Good quality of fixed-income investment (73% rated A or better) Bonds 55% Common stocks 5% Cash and short-term 14% Going forward Preferred stocks 24% Assets will be managed in accordance with Munich Re’s ALM approach leading to an even more conservative risk profile HSB has already increased portfolio weighting in fixed-income securities, considerably reducing economic risk capital Total investments: US$ 1.2bn Munich Re protected from investment losses up to closing through purchase price adjustment mechanism keeping capital in line with 30 September 2008 levels 1 Based on US GAAP carrying values as of 30 September 2008. Source: Company disclosure and filings. Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 4 17 Munich Re Group Agenda Transaction highlights Acquisition rationale Transaction terms and financial impact Summary Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Products and business model 18 Transaction terms and financial impact Value consideration Prudent valuation and thorough due diligence Value considerations Munich Re will acquire 100% of HSB’s outstanding and issued common share Comprehensive and detailed due diligence process safeguards interests of Munich Re’s shareholders Valuation based on conservative assumptions for future financial development including adequate allowance for assumed recessionary impact Transaction structure allows Munich Re to optimise tax effects through amortisation of goodwill US$ 742m purchase price implies attractive multiples price-to-book 1.25x1 price-to-after-tax operating earnings 4.5x2 US$ 742m purchase price includes the assumption of US$ 76m of outstanding HSB capital securities Acquisition metrics compare favourably with current trading multiples3 and precedent transactions4 1 Based on unaudited US GAAP shareholders equity as at 30 September 2008. GAAP after-tax operating earnings in last 12 months from September 2008. Without taking a strategic premium into account. Precedent market transactions refer to specialty P-C companies. 2 US 3 4 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Acquisition fully funded from internal sources 19 Munich Re Group Transaction terms and financial impact Financial impact HSB is EPS accretive and safeguards strong capital position Impact on capital position EPS accretive for Munich Re shareholders in 2009 even without realisation of synergies Transaction does not impact Munich Re’s share buy-back programme Strong solvency ratios (regulatory, rating agency and internal-model-based) unaffected by acquisition Synergy potential Leverage client base in both directions: Expanding HSB’s Client Company model by utilising Munich Re’s strong client base and leading position in Europe Extending HSB’s customer base by selling specialised Munich Re products Significant potential to accelerate HSB’s international growth through Munich Re’s footprint Retain greater share of reinsurance programme within Munich Re Product development and product mix diversification: benefit to MARP1 from superior engineering know-how and risk expertise Cost synergies will be limited primarily to the assumption of back-office functions Transaction not driven by cost synergies 1 Prudently calculated revenue synergy potential to be realised medium term Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Impact on EPS 20 Munich-American RiskPartners. Transaction terms and financial impact Post-merger integration HSB to benefit from Munich Re’s ownership Munich Re plans to maintain HSB’s successful business model, keep its highly reputed brand and retain its management team Back-office functions previously carried out by AIG will be assumed by Munich Re America Adequate measures will be implemented to leverage cross-divisional synergies and align potential business overlaps Overall post-merger integration cost will be limited primarily to the assumption of back-office functions Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 HSB will operate as a subsidiary of Munich Re America 21 Munich Re Group Agenda Transaction highlights Acquisition rationale Transaction terms and financial impact Summary Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Products and business model 22 Summary HSB acquisition Key takeaways Summary HSB is market leader in coverage of equipment breakdown and fits in well with Munich Re’s culture of technical underwriting HSB has a track record of outstanding financial performance on a sustainable basis Attractive valuation and terms based on thorough due diligence to safeguard shareholders’ value HSB contributes to future value creation through immediate earnings accretion without impacting Munich Re’s share buy-back programme Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Expansion of specialty business fully in line with our Changing Gear programme and US market strategy 23 Munich Re Group Appendix Shareholder information 3 March 2009 Balance sheet press conference for 2008 financial statements (preliminary figures) Analysts' conference, Munich 22 April 2009 Annual General Meeting 23 April 2009 Dividend payment 6 May 2009 Interim report as at 31 March 2009 4 August 2009 Interim report as at 30 June 2009; Half-year press conference 5 November 2009 Interim report as at 30 September 2009 Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Financial calendar 24 Appendix Shareholder information For information please contact Christian Becker-Hussong Ralf Kleinschroth Christine Franziszi Tel.: +49 (89) 38 91-45 59 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +49 (89) 38 91-38 75 E-mail: [email protected] Andreas Silberhorn Martin Unterstrasser Tel.: +49 (89) 38 91-33 66 E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +49 (89) 38 91-52 15 E-mail: [email protected] Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Königinstrasse 107, 80802 München, Germany Fax: +49 (89) 38 91-98 88 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 Head of Investor & Rating Agency Relations Tel.: +49 (89) 38 91-39 10 E-mail: [email protected] 25 Munich Re Group Appendix Shareholder information Disclaimer This presentation contains forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts of the management of Munich Re. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and here and the actual development, in particular the results, financial situation and performance of our Company. The Company assumes no liability to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments. The financial information contained in this presentation is based on statutory financial information with respect to the financial performance of HSB except where it is based on US GAAP as indicated. Disclosure of US GAAP financial information is restricted under the terms of the non-disclosure agreement with AIG as US GAAP data for HSB has not been publicly disclosed historically by AIG. Munich Re Group – Acquisition of The Hartford Steam Boiler Group – 22 December 2008 other factors could lead to material differences between the forward-looking statements given 26