Benesch, Klaus, and Kerstin Schmidt, eds. Space in America


Benesch, Klaus, and Kerstin Schmidt, eds. Space in America
Architectures of Identities: American Memories and Public Spaces
Selected Bibliography
Please note that this bibliography is selective in order to keep it practical. It includes standard works, survey studies, exemplary
analyses (with extended bibliographies for further reading.)
Benesch, Klaus, and Kerstin Schmidt, eds. Space in America: Theory, History, Culture.
Amsterdam: Rodopi 2005.
Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard UP, 2001.
Bodnar, John. Remaking America: Public Memory, Commemoration, and Patriotism in the
Twentieth Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1992.
Clark, Gregory. Rhetorical Landscapes in America. Columbia: U of South Carolina P 2004.
Cobb, Amanda J.. “The National Museum of the American Indian as Cultural Sovereignty.” American Quarterly 57
(2005): 485-506.
Cresswell, Tim: Place: A Short Introduction. Malden: Blackwell 2005.
DeGroot, Jerome. Consuming History: Historians and Heritage in Contemporary Popular
Culture. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Dubin, Steven C. Displays of Power: Memory and Amnesia in the American Museum. New York: New
York UP, 1999.
Erll, Astrid. Kollektives Gedächtnis und Erinnerungskulturen. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2005.
Fabre, Geneviève, and Robert O’Meally, eds. History and Memory in African American Culture. New York:
OUP, 1994.
Fabre, Geneviève, Jürgen Heideking, Kai Dreisbach, eds. Celebrating Ethnicity and Nation American Festive
Culture. New York: Berghahn, 2001.
Gardner, James B., and Peter S. LaPaglia., eds. Public History. Malaba: Krieger, 1999.
Gessner, Ingrid. From Sights of Memory to Cybersights: (Re)Framing Japanese American
Experiences. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007.
Gessner, Ingrid. Kollektive Erinnerung als Katharsis? Das Vietnam Veterans Memorial in der
öffentlichen Kontroverse. Frankfurt: Lang, 2000.
Glazer, Nathan, and Cynthia R. Field, eds. The National Mall: Rethinking Washington’s Monumental
Core. Baltimore: MD,: JHUP, 2008.
Grabbe, Hans-Jürgen, and Sabine Schindler, eds. The Merits of Memory: Concepts, Contexts, Debates.
Heidelberg: Winter, 2008.
Haltunnen, Karen: “Groundwork: American Studies in Place”. American Quarterly 58 (2006):115.
Hass, Kristin Ann. Carried to the Wall: American Memory and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Berkeley: U of California P, 1998.
Hayden, Dolores. The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. Cambridge, MA:
MIT P 1995.
Hebel, Udo J., ed. Sites of Memory in American Literatures and Cultures. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003.
Hebel, Udo J. "Sites of Memory in U.S.-American Histories and Cultures." Cultural Memory Studies: An
International and Interdisciplinary Handbook. Ed. Astrid Erll and Ansgar Nünning. New York: de
Gruyter, 2008. 47-60.
Hebel, Udo J, ed. Transnational American Memories. New York/Berlin: DeGruyter, 2009.
Henderson, Helene. Patriotic Holidays of the United States. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2006.
Hufbauer, Benjamin. Presidential Temples: How Memorials and Libraries Shape Public Memory.
Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 2005.
Kachun, Mitch. Festivals of Freedom: Memory and Meaning in African American Emancipation
Celebrations. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2003.
Kammen, Michael. "Commemoration and Contestation in American Culture: Historical Perspectives." Amerikastudien /
American Studies 48 (2003): 185-205.
Kammen, Michael. Mystic Chords of Memory: The Transformation of Tradition in American Culture.
New York: Knopf, 1991.
Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell 1991.
Linenthal, Edward T. Unfinished Bombing: Oklahoma City in American Memory. New York: OUP, 2001.
Linenthal, Edward T. Sacred Grounds: Americans and Their Battlefields. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 1991.
Linenthal, Edward T., and Tom Engelhardt, eds. History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the
American Past. New York: Metropolitan, 1996.
Lipsitz, George. Time Passages: Collective Memory and American Popular Culture. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1990.
Lonetree, Amy, and Amanda J. Cobb, eds. The National Museum of the American Indian. Lincoln, NE: U of
Nebraska P, 2008.
"The National Museum of the American Indian." American Indian Quarterly 29.3/4 (2005).
Massey, Doreen B.. For Space. London: Sage 2005.
Mills, Nicolaus: Their Last Battle: The Fight for a National World War II Memorial. New York: Basic,
Ortlepp, Anke, and Christoph Ribbat, eds. Taking Up Space: New Approaches to American
History. Trier: WVT 2004.
Orvell, Miles, and Jeffrey L. Meikle, eds. Public Space and the Ideology of Place in American Culture.
New York: Rodopi, 2009.
Phillips, Kendall R., ed. Framing Public Memory. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2004.
Radstone, Susannah, and Bill Schwarz. Memory: Histories, Theories, Debates. New York: Fordham, 2010.
Rosenzweig, Roy. The Presence of the Past: Popular Uses of History in American Life. New York:
Columbia UP, 1998.
Savage, Kirk. Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves: Race, War, and Monument in NineteenthCentury America. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1997.
Savage, Kirk. Monument Wars: Washington, D.C, the National Mall, and the Transformation of
the Memorial Landscape. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 2009.
Schindler, Sabine. Authentizität und Inszenierung: Die Vermittlung von Geschichte in
amerikanischen Historic Sites. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003.
Schultz, April. Ethnicity on Parade: Inventing the Norwegian American Through Celebration.
Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1994.
Schwartz, Barry. Abraham Lincoln and the Forge of National Memory. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2000.
Seelye, John. Memory’s Nation: The Place of Plymouth Rock. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1998.
Snow, Stephen E., ed. Performing the Pilgrims: A Study of Ethnohistorical Role-Playing at Plimoth
Plantation. Jackson: U of Mississippi P, 1993.
Sturken, Marita. Tangled Memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS Epidemic, and the Politics of
Remembering. Berkeley: U of California P, 1997.
Sturken, Marita. Tourists of History: Memory, Kitsch, and Consumerism. Durham: Duke UP, 2007.
Travers, Len. Celebrating the Fourth: Independence Day and the Rites of Nationalism in the
Early Republic. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1997.
Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and Place. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P 1977.
Walkowitz, Daniel J., and Lisa Maria Knauer, eds. Contested Histories in Public Space. Durham,
NC: Duke Up, 2009.
Weeks, Jim. Gettysburg: Memory, Market, an American Shrine. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003.
Waldstreicher, David. In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes: The Making of American Nationalism, 17761820. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1997.
Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar, and Michael Draxlbauer, eds. Remembering the Individual, Regional, National
Past. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1999.