Titelinformation - Ökotopia
Titelinformation - Ökotopia
Titelinformation Spiel doch mit den Schmuddelkindern Go and play with those messy children Jakobine Wierz Matschen, Schmieren, Spielen und Gestalten mit verschiedenen Materialien 108 Seiten, 21 x 27 cm, illustriert von Jutta Knipping, broschiert, € 15,90/ sFr 28,50 [3-931902-92-7] Go and play with those messy children Creative and playful splashing around with various materials There’s a well-known song in German by Franz-Josef Degenhardt which starts: “You mustn’t play with those messy children”. It’s a message that seems to have been taken to heart by many parents and even by some children in this hygiene-obsessed age. And yet, and yet... children have an innate desire to make a mess — with all sorts of materials. They feel magically attracted by muddy puddles. Enthusiastically they jump in, both feet first, relishing the splashes or seeing just how far their rubber boots sink into the mire. This book makes all sorts of suggestions to enable children to give free rein to this elementary urge, using various materials such as sand, clay, soap and water, dough or paper for them to experiment with. They can splash around with wet clay, squirt finger-paints around, cover parts of the body in plaster of Paris, and knead papier mâché. Snow and ice turn into igloos and huge hurricane lamps, clay and wire become abstract sculptures –- who wouldn’t want to be one of these messy children? __________________________________________________________________ Do you have any questions or wish a sample-copy, please contact: Stefan Scholz, Ökotopia Verlag, Hafenweg 26, 48155 Münster Tel.: 0251-48198-0/ Fax: 0251-48198-29 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.oekotopia-verlag.de/www.weltmusik-fuer-kinder.de