CutFlowers Queen® CutFlowers Queen® CutFlowers set a stunning, new standard for longevity in the cut flowers category. Comprising selected varieties, the elegant flowering stems keep their fresh, bright appearance for as long as our potted kalanchoes. Use them alone or in mixed bouquets. Queen® CutFlowers setzten neue Haltbarkeitsstandards im Schnittblumenbereich. Die von der Kalanchoe als Topfpflanze bekannten Eigenschaften, unsere sorgfältige Auswahl, sowie Ethylenresistenz sämtlicher Sorten sind der Grund für eine außerordentlich lange Blütezeit. Queen® CutFlowers bieten haltbare Eleganz und grenzenlose Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, egal ob man sie als Strauß, Dekoration oder eigenständiges Produkt verwendet. Queen® CutFlowers sind mehrfach preisgekrönt. Berits experiences with Queen® CutFlowers ”Queen® CutFlowers have unique properties compared to other cut flower products. I have had the pleasure of working with them on several occasions, exploring the opportunities with all techniques. With their beautiful colours and the shape of the flowers and leaves, Queen® CutFlowers can be used in all ways imaginable. Their durability, both with and without water, is particularly appealing.This means we can provide customers with a long-lasting product. For me as a florist, it also means that I can prepare in good time for a show, demonstration or competition. Berit Skjøttgaard Laursen, Danish Florist Champion in 2013, Silver medal 2014 and Winner of the International Flower Cup 2013. I love all the opportunities that Queen® CutFlowers give me in my work.” To be stored at 12-18º High durability, both with and without water 3 weeks flowering guaranteed Varieties 2015 Amazing Pink Meadow** Adorable Pink Meadow** Tender White Meadow** Warm Yellow Meadow** Lovable Pink Meadow** Blossom Pink Meadow** Fascinating Red Meadow** Packaging 1 stem 1 bunch = 5 stems **U.S. Patent No. 7,453,032 (granted) & Patent No. 7,847,150 (granted) & European patents (pending) 1 bucket = 4 bunches Working with Queen® CutFlowers Shop & more infomation Knud Jepsen a/s · Skanderborgvej 193 · DK 8382 Hinnerup · +45 8698 6166 · [email protected]