Portuguese • Institutional address: Department of Lif 3


Portuguese • Institutional address: Department of Lif 3
• Nationality: Portuguese
• Institutional address: Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,
456 Coimbra, Portugal. Tel. 00 351 239 855 210, Fax: 00 351 239 855211,
[email protected]
• Graduation: Biology, University of Coimbra, 1981,
198 classification: 17 out of 20.
• Master: Plant Sciences (Phycology
Phycology), University of Coimbra, 1986,, classification: Very
• PhD: Plant Sciences (Phycology
Phycology), University of Leeds, 1990.
• Trainee Assistant: Department of Botany, University of Coimbra, 1981-198
• Assistant: Department of Botany, University of Coimbra, 1986-1991
• Assistant Professor: Department of Botany, University of Coimbra, 1991199 -1996
• Full Professor (permanent position): Department of Botany / Department of Life Sciences,
University of Coimbra, 1996-2015
• Graduation: Algae and Fungi, Field Biology, Limnology
• Post-graduation: Biotechnology of Algae, Phycology
• Phycology
• Algal Biotechnology
• Biodiversity and Conservation
• Coordinator of the Coimbra Collection of Algae (ACOI) (since 2000)
• President and Vice- President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Botany
(2009-2010 and 2008-2009 )
• 2013 Amaral, R., Pereira, J. C., Pais, A. C. C. & Santos, L.M.A. Is axenicity crucial to
cryopreserve microalgae? Cryobiology 67(3):312-320.
• 2011 Benson, E.E., Betsou, F., Amaral, R., Santos, L.M.A., & Harding, K. Standard
PREanalytical Codes: A New Paradigm for Environmental Biobanking Sectors Explored in
Algal Culture Collections. Biopreservation and Biobanking 9: 399-410.
• 2009 Amaral, R., Santos, M.F. and Santos, L.M.A. Overcoming recalcitrance in
Porphyridium aerugineum Geitler employing encapsulation/dehydration cryopreservation
methods. CryoLetters 30: 462-472.
• 2007 Day J. G., Lorenz M., Wilding T. A., Friedl T., Harding K., Pröschold T., Brennan
D., Müller J., Santos L. M. A., Santos M. F., Osório H.O., Amaral R., Lukesova A.,
Hrouzek P., Lukeš M., Elster J., Lukavský J., Probert I., Ryan M. J. and Erica E. Benson.
The use of physical and virtual infrastructures for the validation of algal cryopreservation
methods in international culture collections. CryoLetters 28: 359-376.
• 2005 Day J. G., Benson E. E., Harding K, Knowles B, Bremner D., Santos L., Santos F.,
Friedl T., Lorenz M., Lukesova A., Elster J., Lukavsky J., Herdman M., Rippka R., Hedoin
H. and Hall T. The development of a pan-european scientific and biotechnological resource:
the COBRA project. CryoLetters 26: 231-238.
• 2004 Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M.F.: The Coimbra Culture Collection of Algae (ACOI).
Nova Hedwigia 79: 39-47.
• 2004 Osório H., Laranjeiro N., Santos L.M.A. and Santos M.F.: First attempts on
cryopreservation of ACOI strains and the use of image analysis to assess viability. Nova
Hedwigia 79: 227-235.
• 2002 Ferreira, R.C.F., Graça, M.A.S., Craveiro, S., Santos, L.M.A. & Culp, J.: Integrated
Environmental Assessment of BKME Discharged to a Mediterranean River. Water Quality
Res. J. Canada 37: 181-193.
• 1999 Santos, L. M. A. & Vicente,.A.M.: Algas com escamas siliciosas do Norte de
Portugal. Bol. Soc. Brot., Sér. 2, 69: 44-57.
• 1998 Craveiro, S. C. & Santos, L. M. A.: Dynamic and composition of the phytoplankton
in a small reservoir (Rio Mondego, Coimbra, Portugal). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
• 1997 Craveiro, S. C. & Santos, L. M. A.: Variation of river flow through a small reservoir:
the effect on phytoplankton assemblages. Bol. Soc. Brot. Sér. 2, 68: 129-157.
• 1996 Santos, L. M. A., Melkonian, M. & Kreimer, G.: A combined reflection confocal
laser scanning, electron and fluorescence microscopy analysis of the eyespot in zoospores
of Vischeria spp. Phycologia 35: 299-307.
• 1996 Santos, L. M. A. 1996. The Eustigmatophyceae: actual knowledge and research
perspectives. Beiheft Nova Hedwigia 112: 391-405.
• 1996 Santos, L. M. A., Craveiro, S. C. & Calado, A.: Silica-scaled chrysophytes from
three alfa-mesosaprobic water bodies of central Portugal. Beiheft Nova Hedwigia 114: 171191.
• 1995 Graça, M.A.S., Coimbra, C. N. & Santos L.M.A.: Identification level and
comparison of biological indicators in biomonitoring programs. Ciênc. Biol. Ecol. Syst., 15:
• 1995 Santos, L. M. A. & Leedale, G. F.: Some notes on the ultrastructure of small,
azoosporic members of the algal class Eustigmatophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 60: 219- 225.
• 1993 Santos L. M. A. & Leedale, G. F.: Silica-scaled chrysophytes from Portugal. Nord. J.
Bot. 13: 707-716.
• 1992 Santos L. M. A. & Leedale, G. F.: First report of a Golgi body in a uniflagellate
eustigmatophycean zoospore. Phycologia 31: 119-121.
• 1991 Santos, L. M. A. & Leedale, G. F.: Vischeria stellata (Eustigmatophyceae):
Ultrastructure of the zoospores, with special reference to the flagellar apparatus.
Protoplasma 164: 160-167.
• 2015 Elias, M., Fawley, K. P., Nemcova, Y., Santos L. M. A., Fawley, M. W., Pribyl, P.,
& Neustupa, J. Eustigmatophyceae. In: J.M. Archibald, A.G. Simpson, C. Slamovits (Eds.),
Hanbook of Protists. Jones & Bartlett Learning, in press.
• 2003 Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M.F.: Cryobanking at the Coimbra Culture Collection of
Algae (ACOI). In: Biological Resource Centres and the Use of Microbes, pp 275-282. Ed.
by N. Lima and D. Smith. Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, Braga.
• 2003 Day J. G., Benson E. E., Harding, Knowles B., Idowu M., Bremner D., Watt S.,
Santos LMA., Santos MF., Friedl T., Lorenz M., Lukesova A., Elster J., Lukavsky J.,
Herdman M., Rippka R., Hedoin H. and Hall T. The use of cryopreservation to develop a
European scientific and biotechnological resource: the COBRA project. In: Biological
Resource Centres and the Use of Microbes, pp 307-320. Ed. by N. Lima and D. Smith.
Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, Braga.
• 2002 Santos, L.M.A., Santos, M. F., Gil, M. C. & Pereira, M. J.: Diversity of freshwater
algae. In: Aquatic Ecology of the Mondego River basin. Global importance of local
experience, pp 63-103. Ed. by M. Pardal, J.C. Marques and M.A.S. Graça. Imprensa da
Universidade de Coimbra.
• 2012 Amaral, R.; Pereira, J.C.; Pais, A.C. and Santos, L.M.A. Cryopreservation of
microalgae: is axenicity a must? SLTB Annual Meeting, 11-13 October, Linnean Society,
London, United Kingdom.
• 2012 Amaral, R.; Eliáš, M.; Santos, L.M.A. Reassessment of the algal genus Characiopsis
Borzi based on molecular and morphological data: no longer a xanthophyte. 53rd
Conference of the Czech Phycological Society (CAS), 11-13 September, Faculty of Science
of the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
• 2011 Santos, L.M.A.: Rastreio de estirpes ACOI oleaginosas para produção sustentável de
biocombustiveis. Workshop Fontes Renovaveis de energia: Desafios para utilização de
microalgas, 22-26 August, Viçosa, Brasil.
• 2010. Amaral, R.; Pais, A.C.; Santos, M.F. e Santos, L.M.A.: Cryopreservation of
microalgae: the problem of contaminant organisms in culture. Cryo-2010, 47th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. 17-20 July, Bristol, United Kingdom.
• 2004. Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M. F.: The Coimbra Culture Collection of Algae
(ACOI) and cryo conservation of the strains. 16 April, Institute of Oceanography,
University of Gdansk, Poland.
• 2004. Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M. F., Osório, H. & Amaral, R.: The Coimbra Culture
Collection of Algae (ACOI) and linked research. ICCC-10. 10-15 October, Tsukuba, Japan.
• 2003. Santos, L. M. A., Santos, M.F, Santos-Dias, J. & Dinis, A.: A importância da
microscopia electrónica no desenvolvimento da Algoteca e dos estudos ficológicos em
Coimbra. 38ª Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica e Biologia
Celular, 5-7 December, Ponta Delgada, Azores.
• 2003. Amaral, R., Osório, H., Mendes, C., Ramos, V., Santos, F. & Santos, L.: The
importance of cryopreservation: the ACOI collection case. CryoBiomol 2003, 14-18
September, Coimbra, Portugal.
• 2003. Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M.F.: Cryobanking at the Coimbra Culture Collection of
Algae (ACOI). XXII ECCO Meeting, 17-19 September, Braga, Portugal.
• 2002. Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M.F.: What do we know about the Eustigmatophyceae?
Culture Collections of Algae: Increasing Accessibility and Exploring Algal Biodiversity, 26 September, Göttingen, Germany.
2002. Santos, L. M. A. & Santos, M.F.: The Coimbra Culture Collection of Algae (ACOI).
Culture Collections of Algae: Increasing Accessibility and Exploring Algal Biodiversity, 26 September, Göttingen, Germany.
• 2000. Santos, M.F. & Santos, L. M. A.: Inclusão de espécies de Goniochloris Geitler nas
Eustigmatophyceae. 2º Encontro Nacional de Ficologia,1-2 December, Coimbra, Portugal.
• 1998. Santos, L. M. A.: A Ficologia em Coimbra. 1º Congresso Nacional de Algologia.
26-28 September, Vairão, Portugal.
• 1998. Santos, L. M. A.: Estudos ficológicos desenvolvidos em Coimbra, no âmbito da
Limnologia. 1º Congresso Ibérico de Limnologia, 2-6 June, Évora, Portugal.
• 1995. Santos, L. M. A., Craveiro, S. C. & Calado, A. J.: Silica-scaled chrysophytes from
three alfa - mesosaprobic water bodies of central Portugal. 4th International Chrysophyte
Symposium, 22-27 May, Denmark.
• 1994. Graça, M. A. S., Coimbra, C. N. & Santos, L. M. A.: Algas bentónicas e
macroinvertebrados na avaliação da qualidade das águas. Actas da 4ª Conferência, Vol. 1:
I161-I170. 4ª Conferência Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente, 6-8 April, Lisboa,
• 1992. Graça, M. A. S. & Santos, L. M. A.: O desenvolvimento da Limnologia na
Universidade de Coimbra. 1º Encontro de Limnólogos Iberoamericanos, 14-20 August,
Sevilha, Spain.
• 1992. Graça, M. A. S., Santos, L. M. A. & Coimbra, C. N.: Analysis of variance of
similarity relationships between polluted and control sites as a tool to evaluate changes in
water quality. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25: 1941. 25th International Congress of
Limnology, 21-27 August, Barcelona, Spain.
• 1990. Santos, L. M. A.: Ultrastrutura dos zoósporos de Heterococcus marietanii e H.
protonematoides (Tribophyceae), com referência particular ao aparelho flagelar. Ciênc.
Biol. (Mol. Cell. Biol.) (Portugal), 16(1-4): 45-46, 1991. 25ª Reunião da Sociedade
Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica, 8-10 November, Porto, Portugal.
• 1990. Santos, L. M. A. & Leedale, G. F.: The flagellar apparatus of Vischeria stellata
(Eustigmatophyceae). 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Evolutionary
Protistology, 27 June – 1 July, Maryland, USA.
• 1989. Santos, L. M. A.: O sistema de raízes flagelares nas algas Eustigmatophyceae:
implicações filogenéticas. Ciênc. Biol. (Mol. Cell. Biol.) (Portugal), 15(1-4): 47, 1990. 24ª
Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia Electrónica, 7-9 December, Coimbra,
2015/. EMBRC-PT "European Marine Biological Resource Centre Portugal.
2015/. Project H2020-BG-2014-2-NOMORFILM, "Novel marine biomolecules against
biofilm. Application to medical devices", European Commission (PI of University of
Coimbra participation).
2011. Bolsa de Ignição INOV.C. Uso de algas para a introdução de Ómega 3 na indústria
2008/2011. PTDC/BIA-QOR/71319/2006. Algoteca de Coimbra (ACOI): Uma Colecção
Única de Microalgas. FCT (PI)
2002/2005. REN2002-04397-C03-02. Flora Ibérica de las Algas Continentales (1ª fase).
Ministério da Ciência de Espanha.
2001/2004. Projecto QLRI-CT-2001-01645-COBRA, "The COnservation of a Vital
European Scientific & Biotechnological Resource: MicroAlgae & Cyanobacteria",
European Commission (PI of Portuguese participation).
1996/99. Projecto PBIC/C/BIA/2051/95 ”Ecologia e Distribuição das Algas com Escamas
Siliciosas”, JNICT (PI).
1994/97. Projecto PEAM/C/TAI/256/93 "Impacto ecotoxicológico do efluente de uma
fábrica de celulose e sua gestão ambiental", JNICT.
April 2015