Luwian Studies Bibliografya


Luwian Studies Bibliografya
Luwian Studies
Abulafia, David (2011): The great sea – A human history of the Mediterranean. Allen Lane, London, 1-783.
Achterberg, Winfried et al. (2004): The Phaistos disc: A Luwian letter to Nestor. Dutch Archaeological and
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Aubet, Marie Eugenia (1993): The Phoenicians and the West. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1-348.
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Bate, Alan Keith (1986): Joseph of Exeter: Trojan War I-III. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, Wiltshire, 1-193.
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Bernbeck, Reinhard (1997): Theorien in der Archäologie. UTB für Wissenschaft, A. Francke, Tübingen, 1-404.
Beschoner, Andreas (1992): Untersuchungen zu Dares Phrygius. Classica Monacensia – Münchner Studien zur
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Bryce, Trevor (2005): The Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1-554.
Bryce, Trevor (2006): The Trojans and their Neighbours. Routledge, London, 1-225.
Bryce, Trevor (2011): “The Late Bronze Age in the West and the Aegean.” In: The Oxford Handbook of
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Cancik, Hubert (2002): “Die hethitische Historiographie: Geschichtsschreibung vor den Griechen I.” In:
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Dickinson, Oliver (2006): The Aegean from Bronze Age to Iron Age – continuity and change between the twelfth and
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Finkelstein, Israel (2000): “The Philistine Settlements: When, Where and How Many?” In: The Sea Peoples
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Gärtner, Ursula (2010): Quintus von Smyrna: Der Untergang Trojas. Edition Antike 2, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 2 vols., 1-294 and 1-315.
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religion between Anatolia and the Aegean. Alice Mouton, Ian Rutherford & Ilya S. Yakubovich (eds.), Brill,
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Höhfeld, Volker (ed.) (2009): Stadt und Landschaft Homers – ein historisch-geografischer Führer für Troia und
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