Publications 2013 - Max Planck Institute for Research on
Publications 2013 - Max Planck Institute for Research on
KRISTOFFEL R. GRECHENIG Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 10 ▪ 53113 Bonn ▪ Germany +49-228-91416-51 ▪ [email protected] Articles The State's Enforcement Monopoly and the Private Protection of Property, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), forthcoming [ssrn] (coauthor Martin Kolmar) Third-party punishment and counter-punishment in one-shot interactions, Economics Letters, forthcoming (co-authors Loukas Balafoutas, Nikos Nikiforakis) [ssrn] A note on the optimality of (even more) incomplete strict liability, International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE) 2011, p. 77-82 (co-authors F. Baumann, T. Friehe) [ssrn] No derivative shareholder suits in Europe: A model of percentage limits and collusion, International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE) 2011, vol. 31, issue 1, p. 16-20 (co-author M. Sekyra) - Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper Series No. 312 [ssrn] Punishment Despite Reasonable Doubt - A Public Goods Experiment with Sanctions under Uncertainty, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS) 2010, Vol. 7, Issue 4, p. 847-867, (co-authors A. Nicklisch & C. Thöni) [ssrn] Law by Human Intent or Evolution? Some Remarks on the Austrian School of Economics' Role in the Development of Law and Economics, European Journal of Law and Economics (EJLE) 2010, p. 57-79 (co-author M. Litschka) The Transatlantic Divergence in Legal Thought: American Law and Economics vs. German Doctrinalism, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 2008, Vol. 31, p. 295-360 (co-author M. Gelter) - Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 14-2007 [ssrn] - translated into Spanish (translated by Guillermo C. Ríos, forthcoming) - translated into Portuguese in: Bruno Meyerhof Salama (ed.), Direito e Economia: textos escolhidos (Law and Economics: Selected Articles, Saraiva Press 2010) p. 325 (translated by Gustavo Sampaio de Abreu Ribeiro) - translated into Russian in: Vestnik Grazhdankskogo Prava 2010, p. 207-276 (translated by E.S.Chilikov and I.S.Chuprunov - translated into Chinese in: Overseas Chinese Law Review 2009, p. 277-330 (translated by Hang Xu) - German Version (RabelsZ 2008, see below) Discriminating Shareholders through the Exclusion of Pre-emption Rights? The European Infringement Proceeding against Spain (C-338/06), European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR) 2007, p. 517-592 [ssrn] - reprint: Padmavathi (ed.), Corporate Management: Shareholder Rights (Icfai Press 2010), p. 1-25. The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading: An Economic Reinterpretation of the Case Law, University of Memphis Law Review 2006, Vol. 37, p. 75-148 [ssrn] The Status of the Law on Stock Corporations of Central and Eastern Europe: Facing the Challenge to enter the European Union and to implement the European Company, European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 2003, p. 245-272 (co-authors A. Arlt, C. Bervoets, S. Kalss) The Societas Europaea in Relation to the Public Corporation of Five Member States (France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Austria), European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 2002, p. 733-764 (co-authors A. Arlt, C. Bervoets, S. Kalss) Book chapters Positive and Negative Information - Insider Trading Rethought, in: Gregoriou/Ali, Insider Trading - Global Developments and Analysis (CRC Press 2009) p. 245-259 Austria, in: Teichmann/Oplustil, The European Company - all over Europe (De Gruyter 2004, gemeinsam mit A. Arlt und S. Kalss) p. 1-23 Presentations (selected) Information-Sensitive Leviathans: Punishment, presented at: The Emergence of Centralized - 28th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Stockholm, 2012 - 23th Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), Vanderbuilt University, USA, 2013 Everything Else Equal: Gender Discrimination, presented at: - Cedex Seminar, Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2013 (invited lecture) - Law & Economics Seminar, Haifa University, Israel, 2013 (invited lecture) - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013 (invited lecture) • Punishment Despite Reasonable Doubt - A Public Goods Experiment with Uncertainty over Contributions - Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Legal Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2011 (invited lecture) - ACLE Seminar, Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics, 2011 (invited lecture) - 27th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Paris, 2010 - 20th Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), Princton University, 2010 - 4th Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS), California, 2009 • Zur Abwägung von Menschenleben [On Weighing Lives] - Symposium Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Austrian Consitution, at the Austrian Parliament, 2010 (invited lecture) • Switching Consumers and Product Liability: On the Optimality of Incomplete Strict Liability - 1st Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Law and Economics (AEDE), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2010 - 14th Annual Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association, (ALACDE), San Salvador, 2010 • No Derivative Shareholder Suits in Europe (different titles) - World Wide Young Corporate Scholar Workshop, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2007 - 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Madrid, Spain, 2006 • The Marginal Incentive of Insider Trading (different titles) - 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Haifa, 2008 - Public Lectures in Law and Economics, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 2008 (invited lecture) Refereeing Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS), Journal of Legal Studies (JLS), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE), European Journal of Law and Economics (EJLE) Publications (German) Books • Spanisches Aktien- und GmbH-Recht. Das einstufige Verwaltungssystem in Beziehung zur Hauptversammlung und zu Gesellschafterrechten. (Linde Verlag 2005) [Spanish Corporate Law. The one-tier system in relation to the general meeting and shareholder rights from a comparative view, WaltherKastner-Prize 2005, IVA Stipendien Prize 2005] Book chapters • Zurechnungsprobleme im Haftpflicht- und Sozialversicherungsrecht - die Rolle der Adäquanz, in: Personen-Schaden-Forum, HAVE-Tagungsband (Schulthess 2009, co-author V. Roberto) 55-70 [proximate cause in the law of liability and social security] • Ökonomische Analyse der Vorstandshaftung, in: Kalss, Vorstandshaftung in 15 europäischen Ländern (Linde Verlag 2005, co-authors G. Eckert & A. Stremitzer) 95-164 [An economics analysis of directors’ liability] • Die Verwalterhaftung im spanischen Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht, in: Kalss, Vorstandshaftung in 15 europäischen Ländern (Linde Verlag 2005) 879-908 [Directors’ Liability in Spanish Corporate Law] • Die Übertragung von Geschäftsanteilen einer spanischen GmbH, in: Kalss, Die Übertragung von GmbH-Geschäftsanteilen (Linde Verlag 2003) 107-125 [The transfer of shares in a Spanish close corporation] Articles Minderheitenquorum und Mehrheitsmacht bei der Aktionärsklage – Bessere Corporate Governance durch Abschaffung der Beteiligungsschwelle gem. § 148 Abs. 1 Satz 1 AktG, Die Aktiengesellschaft (AG) 2013, No. 18, p. 653-662 (co-author Brigitte Haar) [Minority Shareholder Suits according to the German Corporate Law Act] Rückschaufehler («Hindsight Bias») bei Sorgfaltspflichtverletzungen, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht (ZSR) 2011, p. 5-26 (co-author V. Roberto) [Hindsight Bias and Liability] • Zur Abwägung von Menschenleben - Gedanken zur Leistungsfähigkeit der Verfassung, Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP) forthcoming 2011 (co-author K. Lachmayer) [On Weighing Lives] • Schadensersatz bei Verletzung von § 14 WpHG? – Insiderhandel bei positiver und negativer Information, Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB) 2010, p. 232-241 [Liability for Insider Trading] • „Nützliche Gesetzesverletzungen“ in Kapitalgesellschaften aus rechtsökonomischer Sicht, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter (WiPol) 2010, p. 35-47 (co-author M. Gelter) [“Useful Illegalities” in Corporations from a Law and Economics Perspective] • Der Einwand rechtmäßigen Alternativverhaltens - Rechtsvergleich, Ökonomische Analyse und Implikationen für die Proportionalhaftung, Rabels Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) 2009, p. 336-371 (co-author A. Stremitzer) [The Doctrine of “Rechtmäßiges Alternativverhalten” - A Comparative and Economic Approach and its Implications for Proportional Liability] - Yale Law & Economics Research Paper No. 410 [ssrn] • Bezugsrechtsausschluss und Ausgabepreis nach Art. 652b OR, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (SZW) 2008, p. 489-496 • Divergente Evolution des Rechtsdenkens – Von amerikanischer Rechtsökonomie und deutscher Dogmatik, Rabels Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) 2008, p. 513-561 (co-author M. Gelter) [Divergent Evolution of Legal Thought – About American Legal Economics and German Doctrinalism] • Juristischer Diskurs und Rechtsökonomie, Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP) 2007, p. 30-41 (co-author M. Gelter) [Legal discourse and economics analysis of law] • Die laesio enormis als enorme Läsion der sozialen Wohlfahrt? - Ein rechtsökonomischer Beitrag zur Handelsrechtsreform, Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP) 2006, p. 14-21 [Laesio enormis as an enormous lesion of social welfare? Law and economics remarks regarding the Commercial Law reform] • Rückerwerbbare Aktien - Eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung mit Berichten aus England, Spanien und Italien, Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung (ZfRV) 04/2004, p. 143-155 (co-authors D. Lembeck, J. Oelkers) [Redeemable shares in comparative law] • Die europäische Corporate Governance-Bewegung, GesRZ Sonderheft 2002, p. 64-80 (co-authors A. Arlt, C. Bervoets, S. Kalss) [The European corporate governance movement] • Regelungsschwerpunkte der Minderheitsvertretung im Aufsichtsrat aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht, Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung (ZfRV) 5/2002, p. 163-176 (co-authors C. Berger, G. Eckert) [The representation of minority shareholders in the board of directors from a comparative view] Publications in Spanish • La administración de la Sociedad Anónima Europea en el Reglamento (CE) de 8 de octubre de 2001. El sistema dualista austríaco y alemán y la adaptación del derecho español, Derecho de los Negocios, Núm 145, octubre 2002, p. 1-27 (co-author M. J. Morillas)