

understanding new energies
All at a glance
leXsolar GmbH
Strehlener Str. 12- 14
01069 Dresden
+49 351 - 47 96 56 0
+49 351 - 47 96 56 111
E-Mail:[email protected]
General Manager: Ronny Timmreck
Proxy Holder: Michael Dietrich
Local court Dresden HRB 22097
Branch office Asia:
leXsolar Asia Sdn Bhd
Suite 17-08, Level 17, Wisma UOA II,
21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
+603-216 35 558
fax: +603-216 35 578
e-mail: [email protected]
design and realisation:
new experience werbung und design
About leXsolar
leXsolar areas of expertise
Technical education: Professional product line
Basic education: Ready-to-go product line
Cooperations and references
with you
we will ...
What we
and watch the video:
... explain renewable energy technologies– from the scientific principles to their applications – to let students and adults understand new energies.
• Our products and our service
are oriented towards you! You,
as customer, are our focus.
... develop enthusiasm for renewable energies.
„I work for renewable
„New energy means to me:
... contribute to the energy transition.
energy 100%. With IeXsolar
new technologies, new
I am able to provide the
education, new jobs, new
education system with the
perspectives! leXsolar makes
necessary knowledge.“
your perspectives possible!“
Founder and
General Manager
„I guarantee the high
„’understanding new
didactic quality of
energies’ means means to
the leXsolar products
me strengthen the synergy
and their instruc-
between education and
tion manuals. “
economy. To reach this
• We are innovative! Only
modern teaching materials
ensure a successful learning.
• We provide the highest
quality: durable products with
experiments that can be used
during the lessons.
Founder and
Proxy Holder
„From purchase to order
purpose, I develop tailor-
processing – I ensure customer
made and creative strate-
Product Manager
gies with and for you.“
Marketing and
Sales Manager
oriented processes and
„I check the quality of our
I´m right at your side with
products and look forward
advice and assistance. “
to your suggestions for
further improvements.“
„My job is to ensure that our
products are always on the
cutting edge of technology.“
Assistant to the
Quality and
Production Manager
„From the moment of
ordering, I make sure that
your products arrive safely
Product Developer
and in perfect condition
at their destination.“
„I’m responsible for the
„I apply our high quality
„It is my job to work on
implementation of the
standards in production –
creative and technical solu-
leXsolar software and
which is why I rarely have
tions to ensure an efficient
make sure that our
to deal with repairing.“
visual communication.“
IT runs properly.“
IT Manager
and Service
Production and
Graphic and
Product Designer
The leXsolar
areas of
systems for
the technical
and watch the video:
The leXsolar areas of expertise reflect the wide
spectrum of renewable energies. You can find
specialized educational products for nearly all the
practical relevant technologies.
• ...erneuerbare Energietechnologien erklären - von den
Even for related technologies that will play a
decisive role in the future of our energy supply,
Grundlagen bis zu den
like energy storage and energy efficiency, leXsolar
- damit
offers suitable
Schüler, Studenten und
Erwachsene neue Energien
The overall technology of the leXsolar areas of
• … Begeisterung für
erneuerbare Energien
leXsolar-SmartControl is the innovative
zur Energiewende
measuring and control system for all the leXsolar
experiments. With the leXsolar-Academy, you
Specialized learning systems for the technical
education in universities and vocational
schools are available for the areas of expertise
leXsolar-PV, leXsolar-Wind, leXsolar-EStore and
leXsolar- SmartGrid. These products are fully
Photovoltaic (PV) is the
direct conversion of light into
electricity through solar cells.
have access to a comprehensive training course
for all the topics. The leXsolar products are fully
described in this catalog.
The other areas of expertise are designed for the
The term SmartGrid stands
for connection and control of
energy producers, stores and
consumers into an „intelligent
power grid”.
basic training and are described from page 40
Page 12
integrated to maximize learning success.
Page 28
The use of storage technologies
is a requirement for a
sustainable energy transition.
Wind power currently
has the largest share of
the renewable energy
leXsolar Academy connects
you with the knowledge
to deal with all the energy
technologies and makes you
a highly-qualified contact for
students and colleagues.
Energy efficiency and energy
saving are core elements for
the creation of a renewable
energy supply.
Page 18
Page 32
Page 43
Page 24
Fuel cells can convert hydrogen
(H2) into electricity – one
possible solution to the storage
problem of renewable energies.
Bio fuels can easily be stored
and replace fossil fuels in
Measure, operate, control
via USB, wireless or just
Page 40
Page 42
The highlight is the
completely platform
independent software.
Solar thermal technologies
can not only be used to heat
energy. Concentrated solar
thermal energy can also
generate electricity!
Page 08
Page 41
leXsolar-SmartControl is an innovative measuring and control system for
experiments. It is compatible with every leXsolar product and replaces measuring
equipment and power supplies for the experiments. Every module is easy to
handle, sturdy and flexible.
The measuring and control modules can be operated manually through touch
controls, via USB or wirelessly with a PC or a tablet. For this purpose, either
a leXsolar- USBConnect or a leXsolar-WirelessConnect is plugged into the
SmartControl module. Measuring and control are then performed with the
corresponding software. The highlight: each student has its own device without
additional cost or extra software installation!
Fully compatible with the leXsolar plug-in system
Replaces measurement devices for voltage and current in all
Replaces power supply in all experiments
Touch controls
Modern touch-sensitive technology
Easy and intuitive handling
Durable through omission of mechanical switches
Measure and control
via USB
leXsolar-USBConnect is plugged into the SmartControl module
Measuring and control possible with every PC
Measure and control
leXsolar-WirelessConnect is plugged into the
SmartControl module
Measuring and control possible with every Wi-Fi
enabled device: Tablet, smartphone, PC, Mac, …
Measuring complex experiments without the
need for test leads!
Platform independent software , runs on all systems (Windows,
Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, …)
Premade scenarios for all leXsolar experiments
Free definition of measuring tasks
Usable by every student with own device without additional
leXsolar-SmartGrid can measure, operate and control. It therefore
goes beyond the conventional data acquisition systems. The components are controlled by a platform independent software - via USB,
wireless or just manually.
leXsolar-SmartControl application examples 1-4
The PowerModule replaces the power supply in the leXsolar
experiments. With manual operation the voltage can be changed
in 0.5V increments from 0 to 12V. Using the software, the
voltage can be changed continuously, even time-dependently.
The IV-Module is able to measure current and voltage and
therefore replaces completely the traditional multimeter.
Changes between current and voltage measurement can be
done through a touch field.
Technical data
Technical data
Item-No. 9100-05
Measure and control manually
SmartControl modules replace multimeter and power supply
Control and power supply
Measure voltage and current
Measure power and energy, like on a real electricity meter
Relay function for control
Read measurement directly off the display
Power supply in all leXsolar experiments
Computer-based measuring via USB
Data logging with PC via USB
Control of power supply with PC via USB
utput voltage 0-12V DC
Maximum current 2A
Voltage increment 0.5V (manually)
or continously (software)
Input voltage 110 - 230 V AC
Item-No. 9100-03
Voltage measurement 0…12V
Current measurement 0…1A
leXsolar USBConnect
The SmartMeter is both a power meter and an energy meter.
An integrated relay function, controlled by a touch field, can
interrupt the electric flow through the SmartMeter.
With leXsolar-USBConnect every SmartControl-Module can be
connected to a PC via USB. Then, using the SmartControl software,
measurement values can be taken and the experiments can be
controlled. USBConnect is simply plugged into the respective
Item-No. 9100-04
Item-No. 9100-01
Technical data
Wireless measuring (single user)
Power measurement 0…12W
Energy measurement
Relay function usable manually
or via software
Item-No. 9100-10
Wireless measurement with PC
Wireless control of power supply with PC
Cable free as all modules are wirelessly connected
Mobile devices / (multiple users)
The WirelessStick is the equivalent of the WirelessConnect
for the PC. It enables wireless data logging with a single PC.
Item-No. 9100-02
leXsolar-WirelessConnect enables wireless measuring and control
of all SmartControl-Modules. WirelessConnect is simply plugged
into the respective module. Either a leXsolar-WirelessStick for a
PC or the SmartControl Server for mobile devices are necessary to
receive data.
leXsolar-SmartControl Server
The SmartControl Server is necessary for the application
of mobile devices and when PCs are used. The server is
pre-configured and immediately fully functional. There is no
need for additional software.
The SmartControl Software enables data logging and
control of the SmartControl modules. The software can
replace printed manuals as includes the digital versions
of almost all leXsolar experiments.
Item-No. 9100-08
Item-No. 9100-11
• Wireless data logging and control of experiments with
any Wi-Fi enabled device
• Advantage: students with a mobile device (even
Smartphone) don’t need a PC or tablet
leXsolar-PV Professional
Item-No. 1118
Nowadays, a wider understanding of photovoltaic is necessary to pursue a
profession in the field of renewable energy. For the relating studies and courses
of education, leXsolar-PV Professional offers the optimal tools for practical
courses. The wide range of experiments goes from the physical fundamentals of
photovoltaic, until the analysis of the components of PV-Systems and the design
of complex PV-Systems on a laboratory scale. The experiments are designed to
be equally employed for the training of sales representatives, for industrial and
in-service training of technicians and PV-installers, as well as for the basic training
of engineers.
Key data
Photovoltaic-training system for technical training
Basics experiments of photovoltaic
Experiments with components of PV-systems
Setup of fully equipped PV-systems in laboratory scale
leXsolar-PV Professional offers experiments for both electrical engineering and
photovoltaic. But the main focus is on laboratory experiments on photovoltaic
systems. Thanks to the modular setup, the specific characteristics of single
components can be analyzed in detail, such as the switching threshold of series
or shunt regulators. Because of the integrated manual mode, the included MPP
tracker enables a descriptive understanding of the really important principle
of the MPP tracking. With the help of the PWM regulator the principle of pulse
with modulated charging can be demonstrated. In addition, an inverter displays
the generation of alternating current out of a solar panel current. The product
is completed through a variety of different electrical consumers such as a super
bright LED or a light bulb, which can be used to compare their efficiency. A radio,
which can be powered by the solar panel, helps to increase the attention of
The area of expertise leXsolar-PV connects the technical and physical
basics as well as the required knowledge to understand PV-systems
and their components.
Electrical engineering – basic experiments
Photovoltaic system experiments
Measurement of voltage, current and power
Ohm’s law
Series connection of resistors (voltage divider)
Parallel connection of resistors (current divider)
Photovoltaic – basic experiments
Series and parallel connection of solar cells
Power dependence on the surface area of the solar cell
Power dependence on the angle of incidence
Power dependence on level of illumination
Power dependence on level of illumination under load
Internal resistance dependence on level of illumination
Shading effect on solar cells
Dark characteristic curve of solar cells
I-V-characteristics, MPP and fill factor of solar cells
Dependence of the I-V-characteristics of solar cells on level of illumination
Dependence of the I-V-characteristics of solar cells on temperature
Characteristic curve of solar modules
I-V-characteristics of partial shaded solar modules
Temperature coefficient of solar Cells
Components of an off-grid system
Possible operating conditions of off-grid systems
Working principle of shunt and series regulators
Comparison of PWM- and series regulator
Load characteristic of PWM regulators
Working principle of a MPP tracker
Characteristics of a MPP tracker
Working principle of deep discharge protection
Working principle of an inverter
Determination of the output voltage progression at an
1x1400-13 leXsolar-Base unit Professional
3x 1100-01 Solar panel 0,5 V, 420 mA, QC
3x 1100-02 Solar panel 0,5 V, 840 mA, QC
1x1100-04 Solar panel 5,22V,380mA
1x1118-17 Stand for solar panel
1xL2-04-080 Lamp casing
1xL2-04-093 Illuminant 80W
1x1118-05 leXsolar-diode module Pro
1x1118-04 leXsolar-potentiometer module Pro
1x1118-02 leXsolar-motormodule Pro
1x1118-08 leXsolar-LED-modulehigh brightness Pro
1x1118-01 leXsolar-light bulb module Pro
1x1118-06 leXsolar-shunt regulator module Pro
1x1118-10 lexsolar-series regulator module Pro
1x1118-07 leXsolar-deep discharge protection module Pro
1x1118-13 leXsolar-MPP tracker module Pro
1x1118-15 leXsolar-PWM regulator Pro
1x1118-12 leXsolar-DC/ AC inverter module Pro
1x1118-11 leXsolar-capacitor module Pro
1x1116-04 leXsolar-radio module
2 x 1800-01 Resistor module (triple) Pro
1x1800-06 Resistor plug element 33 Ohm
3 x 1800-04 Resistor plug element 100 Ohm
2 x 1800-05 Resistor plug element 10 Ohm
1x2105-01 Universal-Power supply Pro
3 x 1100-20 leXsolar-lightning module Pro
1xL3-01-074 Aluminum case with foam inserts
3 x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter
1xL3-03-081 leXsolar-DVD Professional
2 x L2-04-066 Safety test lead, red, 25 cm
2 x L2-04-067 Safety test lead, black, 25 cm
2 x L2-04-059 Safety test lead, red, 50 cm
2 x L2-04-060 Safety test lead, black, 50 cm
3 x L2-05-068 Safety short-circuit plug, with
middle socket
extras available
L3-03-093 Instructions manual
leXsolar-PV Professional
L3-03-097 Experiment guide
leXsolar-PV Professional
Page 38
Page 39
leXsolar-Curriculum PV-Professional
The new leXsolar-Curricula are the perfect guideline to teach your students
how photovoltaic works, from the basic concepts until its commercial
application . In less than one semester or half a year, transform your
participants into high-qualified experts on photovoltaic.
Key data
Pre-made practical course for one semester
No preparation needed
From PV-basics to PV-systems
Included in the Instructions manual PV-Professional
The leXsolar-Curricula are especially designed to help you, as a
professional. For this purpose the approved experiments from the
leXsolar PV Professional kit were sorted by content and educational
aspects, and the learning goals were subdivided into different structure
As a result, you get a free access to a set of 15 predefined units,
incorporated in four thematic sections. The 90 minutes lasting units can
be integrated perfectly into the classical lab course/ theory-concept.
The structure is adapted to the deep structure of the topic, from the
features of single cells to well-designed power supply systems.
Therefore, it ensures the optimal learning background.
The elaborated structure and selection of topics can also be a big help
to plan and support the theoretical lectures. For a further support, we
also offer the leXsolar-Academy (see p. 32), which we recommend for
the training of your future tutors.
Abstract of the leXsolar-Curriculum PV-Professional:
1,5 hours
Topics: electric basic knowledge
Objectives: describing and explain the behavior of basic electrical circuits; calculate and
measure systems of resistors
Solar Cell
7,5 hours
Topics: solar cells and environmental conditions; characteristics of solar cells
Objectives: determining basic properties of solar cells; analyzing electrical characteristics
of solar cells; measuring and describing the influence of environmental conditions on
solar cell parameters
6 hours
Topics: connecting solar cells to modules; solar cells as supply
Objectives: building up solar modules; dimensioning and power supply tuning reasonable
parts of solar cell modules
7,5 hours
Topics: Off-grid systems; charge regulators; electrical storage, deep discharge regulators,
DC/DC and DC/AC inverter
Objectives: problems and tasks concerning the design of photovoltaic power supply systems; different peripheral parts of off-grid systems; reasonable choosing from different
standard solutions when building up a system
Solar Cells
in use
Off-Grid systems:
Parts and
leXsolar-Wind Professional
Item-No. 1406
Nowadays Wind energy supplies the highest percentage of renewable energy
production. Based on the growing construction of new wind power plants, the
demand for specialist personnel is really high.
leXsolar-Wind Professional offers you practical oriented experiments for technical
training, including interesting basic experiments at the same time. The fields of
applications are wide-ranging: from vocational school to university level.
With help of the innovative leXsolar-rotor blades (see page 21), students can
determine several parameters like rotational speed, power or efficiency, according
to the different settings of the wind plants like pitch angle or number of blades.
Examine the wind speed behind the rotor
Energy balance sheet and efficiency of a wind turbine
Rotational speed and speed ratio of a wind turbine.
Change the turbine voltage by connecting a consumer
Characteristic curves and rotational speed of a wind turbine
Voltage of a wind turbine in dependence of the wind speed
Rotational speed and output in dependence of the wind speed
Voltage in dependence of the wind direction
Rotational speed and output in dependence of the wind direction
Comparison of the start-up wind speed of a Savonius and a three-blade rotor
Comparison of a Savonius rotor and a three-blade rotor
Voltage in dependence of the rotor blade shape
Rotational speed and output in dependence of the rotor blade shape
Voltage in dependence of the number of blades
Rotational speed and output in dependence of the number of blades
Voltage in dependence of the rotor blade pitch
Start up speed of a wind turbine in dependence of the rotor blade pitch
Rotational speed and output in dependence of the rotor blade pitch
With the leXsolar – Wind area of expertise you develop an understanding
of the physical basics of wind energy utilization and the practical application of this technology.
leXsolar innovations
1x1400-13 leXsolar-base unit Professional
1x1400-19 Wind machine LX
1x1118-03 Wind turbine statt generator module Pro
1x1118-14 leXsolar-Savonius rotor module Pro
1x1118-04 leXsolar-potentiometer module Pro
1x1118-02 leXsolar-motor module Pro
2 x 1800-01 Resistor module (triple) Pro
1x1800-06 Resistor plug element 33 Ohm
3 x 1800-04 Resistorplugelement 100 Ohm
2 x 1800-05 Resistorplugelement 10 Ohm
1x2105-01 Universal-Power supply Pro
1x1400-20 Anemometer module Pro
1x1400-12 leXsolar-rotor blade set
2 x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter
1xL3-03-081 leXsolar DVD-Professional
1xL2-06-062 R.p.m. counter
1xL2-04-066 Safety test lead, red, 25 cm
1xL2-04-067 Safety lest lead, black, 25 cm
1xL2-04-059 Safety test lead, red, 50 cm
1xL2-04-060 Safety test lead, black, 50 cm
3 x L2-05-068 Safety short-circuit plug,with middle socket
1xL3-01-073 Aluminum case Wind-Professional with foam
The leXsolar-Rotor blades have a realistic profile and
a twisted shape, based on real rotors. Thus, they are
the only ones on the educational market that allow
realistic experiments. The innovative and easy system of rotor blades and different hubs allows a multitude of rotors.
The following parameters can be varied:
extras available
L3-03-094 Instructions manual
leXsolar-Wind Professional Page 38
L3-03-099 Experiment guide
leXsolar-Wind Professional Page 39
Blade profile : optimized profile or „windmill”style
Number of blades : 1-,2-,3- or 4-bladed rotors
Blade angle (the so called pitch) : 20°, 25°, 30°,
50° and 90°
leXsolar-Wind machine
Item-No. 1400-19
To ensure reproducible experiments with wind
energy, a laminar flow field is necessary. Until now,
this was only possible with big and expensive wind
tunnels. The innovative design of the leXsolar-Wind
machine achieves this in a compact, competitive device that reaches a wind velocity up to 7m/s. It is
powered with 4…12 V DC.
leXsolar-Wind rotor set
Item-No. 1400-12
leXsolar-Wind turbine module Pro
Item-No. 1118-03
It is essential for technical training experiments to
be as realistic as possible and related to practice in
order to keep the students´ motivation high. This is
why the leXsolar- Wind turbine follows the model of
a real wind energy plants and, thus, allows to make
the connection to the real model.
leXsolar-Curriculum Wind-Professional
The new leXsolar-Curricula are the perfect guideline to teach your students
wind power technology from the basic knowledge until the commercial
application. In less than one semester, transform your participants into
high-qualified experts on wind energy.
Key data
Pre-made practical course for one semester
No preparation needed
From physical basics to technical applications
Included in the experimentation manual Wind-Professional
The leXsolar-Curricula are especially designed to help you, as a
professional. For this purpose the tested experiments from the leXsolar
Wind-Professional kit were sorted by content and educational aspects,
and the learning goals were subdivided into different structure levels.
As a result you get a free access to a set of 10 predefined units,
incorporated in four thematic sections. The 90 minutes lasting units
can be perfectly integrated into the classical lab course/ theoryconcept.
Wind power
The structure of the curriculum goes from the basic examinations of
wind power plants targeted until the physical details of wind turbines,
leaving no doubts behind.
The elaborated structure and selection of topics can also be a big help
to plan and support the theoretical lectures. For a further support, we
offer also the leXsolar-Academy (see p. 32), which we recommend for
the training of your future tutors.
1,5 hours
T opics: electrical Basics
Objectives: describing and reasoning the behavior of basic electrical circuits; calculate and
measure systems of resistors
6 hours
Topics: Wind turbine characteristics; turbine performance under load; turbine performance
at different wind conditions
Objectives: analyzing the power conversion processes at a wind turbine; characterizing and
rating of a typical wind turbine; investigation of the influence of wind conditions and loads
on turbine performance; determining optimized working conditions
a typical
wind turbine
4,5 hours
Topics: controlling of a wind turbine; gondola orientation; pitch regulation
Objectives: measuring and analyzing the influence of two typical variances on the wind
turbine performance; considering different possibilities to use these parameters to control
a typical wind turbine
rotor types
4,5 hours
Topics: Savonius rotors; blade shape; blade number; operating conditions
Objectives: knowing different types of wind rotors; features, advantages and disadvantages of different rotor types; illustrating the line of argument which leads to the threeblade horizontal axis wind turbine
leXsolar-EStore Professional
Item-No. 1801
To store electrical energy several different types of battery technologies are already on
the market. But which battery type is required for every application, what capacity does
the battery need and which is the best loading performance to ensure a long lifetime?
Due to the hot topic of storing renewable energy, these kind of questions can find an
answer during the technical training.
With leXsolar-EStore Professional, the characteristics of different battery types can be
analyzed in detail. In addition, the kit helps students to find out more about the different
fields of application. The kit is provided with different battery technologies such as lead,
NiMH or Lithium-Polymer(LiPo) as well as a PEM-fuel cell. For the correct determination
of the internal resistance, four-terminal sensing are possible. With the electric car
several types of batteries can be analyzed qualitatively. Furthermore it deals with the
issues of the future E-Mobility topic.
Relationship between current, resistance and voltage
Nominal voltage of voltage sources
Four-terminal sensing
Internal resistance of voltage sources
Series connection of voltage sources
I-V characteristics of a single NiMH battery module
I-V characteristics of the NiZn battery module
I-V characteristics of the LiFePo battery module
I-V characteristics of the lead battery module
I-V charachteristics of the lithium-polymer battery module
I-V characteristics of the triple NiMH battery module
I-V characteristics of a hydrogen fuel cell
The charging behavior of a battery module with resistances
The charging behavior of a battery module with an MPP tracker
The discharge process of a battery module
The charging process of a capacitor
The discharge process of a capacitor
Hydrogen production in the reversible hydrogen fuel cell
Hydrogen usage of the reversible hydrogen fuel cell
The efficiency of the hydrogen fuel cell
The capacity of a battery module
Operation of the electric car with several battery modules
The Ri efficiency of a single NiMH battery module
The Ri efficiency of a NiZn battery module
The Ri efficiency of a LiFePo battery module
The Ri efficiency of a lead battery module
The Ri efficiency of a lithium-polymer battery module
The Ri efficiency of a triple NiMH battery module
Temperature-dependent behavior of the lithium-polymer cell
Key data
Battery trainer for the technical education
Battery types: NiMH, lead, LiPo, NiZn, LiFePo plus capacitor
Fuel cell included
All components prepared for four-terminal sensing
Topic e-mobility as practical example of fields of application for
battery technologies
leXsolar-EStore is dealing with storage technologies for renewable energy. Electricity from wind and solar energy needs to be stored in the future. That is why basic knowledge of storage technology is necessary for
a sustainable energy transition. With the products of the leXsolar-EStore,
students can discover the features and fields of application of different
battery and storage technologies.
leXsolar innovations
Electric mobility means the use of electric cars in
everyday life. Within the context of renewable energies, electric cars play an important role as decentralized storage fleet with minor CO2 emissions and
a safer energy supply. Thanks to the leXsolar-Electric car, the basics of different storage technologies
are provided in a in a practical way.
All battery modules can be directly plugged in and
analyzed in terms of capacity and energy density.
This allows the students and trainees to see and understand a vital technology of the future.
x 1400-13 leXsolar-base unit Professional
1x 1800-08 leXsolar-battery module NiMh 1xAAA
1x 1800-07 leXsolar-lithium-polymer battery module Pro
1x 1800-13 leXsolar-lead battery module Pro
1x 1801-06 Battery LiFePo AAA
1x L2-04-102 Battery NiZn AAA
1x 1118-11 leXsolar-capacitor module Pro
1x 1118-02 leXsolar-motor module Pro
1x 1118-04 leXsolar-potentiometer module
1x 1118-09 leXsolar-battery module NiMH 3xAAA
1x L2-06-067 Reversible fuel cell Pro
1x 1800-12 Module plate for fuel cell
2x 1800-01 Resistor module triple Pro
2x 1800-03 Resistor plug element 1 Ohm
3x 1800-04 Resistor plug element 100 Ohm
3x 1800-05 Resistor plug element 10 Ohm
1x 1800-06 Resistor plug element 33 Ohm
1x 1801-01 leXsolar-DC/DC inverter Pro
1x 1801-02 Electronic model car
1x 1800-09 Battery adapter cable
1x 2105-01 Universal power supply Pro
1x L2-04-059 Safety testing lead, red, 50cm
1x L2-04-060 Safety testing lead, black, 50cm
1x L2-04-066 Safety testing lead red 25cm
1x L2-04-067 Safety testing lead black 25cm
3x L2-05-068 Safety short-circuit plug with middle socket
2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter
1x L3-01-072 Aluminum suitcase EStore Professional
1x L3-01-092 Insert EStore Professional
1x L3-03-081 leXsolar DVD Professional
Electric Mobility
Item-No. 1801-02
Four-terminal sensing
Item-No. 1800-09
All battery modules of the Professional series are
equipped with PTC-resettable safety fuses. To allow an accurate internal resistance measurement
additional measuring points are built for voltage
measurement. Thus, internal resistance measuring
is achieved through the included adapter cable with
four-terminal sensing.
extras available
L3-03-107 Instructions manual leXsolar-Estore Professional
Page 38
L3-03-108 Experiment guide leXsolar-Estore Professional
Page 39
The latest battery technologies
Besides the current standard battery technologies
like lead, NiMH or lithium-polymer, the products of
the EStore line are additionally equipped with lithium- iron-phosphate (LiFePo) and nickel-zinc (NiZn)
batteries. Especially LiFePo is turning into the standard for e-mobility applications. This means your
students will not only learn the basics but will have
the opportunity to deal with up-to-date battery
leXsolar-SmartGrid Professional
Item-No. 1607
Understanding the complex interactions between renewable energies, energy stores
and consumers is an important goal in the vocational and technical education sector.
leXsolar-SmartGrid Professional allows the construction of a controllable Smart grid
on a laboratory scale. Pre-set or user-created scenarios, let the students gradually
develop their knowledge and understand by themselves with their own experiments.
Measuring and Control are accomplished with the help of the leXsolar-SmartControl
components. With the SmartControl software, all parts of the Smart Grid can be
controlled extensively.
As students set up a real grid and not just a simulation, realistic incidents can happen,
like the sudden loss of a wind power plant. Students now need to make sure that all
consumers are supplied according to predefined priorities.
Base units
Solar module
Consumer modules
Charge controller
Capacitor module
Various battery modules
Fuel cell
Wind machine
Wind turbine module
leXsolar-wind rotors
Electric car
• Power module
• Smartmeter
• IV-module
• Universal power supply
Sample scenarios
and experiments:
Ensure grid stability during outage of certain energy sources
Failure of certain storage capabilities
SmartGrid design concepts and SCADA concepts
Combination of long-term and short-term stores to stabilize the grid
How can an e-mobility fleet add to grid stability?
The importance of consumer efficiency for the grid stability
You can find a sample scenario on the following page.
Available from October 2014
The term SmartGrid stands for Connection and Control of energy sources;
its storage and load owe to an “intelligent” power grid. SmartGrids are
essential for a successful energy transition.
Smart Grids
The grid reports an ample energy supply–
time for the smartmeter to start the
pre-programmed washing machine. The
leXsolar-Smartmeter works like a real
intelligent electricity meter. Depending
on the energy supply, it can switch
consumers on or off and keeps the grid
stable and the electricity not expensive.
Pumped storage power
Wind farm
The wind farms run at full power! Where
should the surplus energy go? Do the
storages have enough capacity?
The storage is almost full!
Now, the smart e-mobility fleet
needs to be involved to provide
sufficient storage capacity!
Daily profile wind velocity
Right now there’s a stiff
breeze –great conditions
for wind power plants! The
leXsolar-Power module
controls the wind speed
according to the daily profile.
Renewable energy sources tend to have a
generation profile that is hard to predict. At
times it may happen to have temporary excess
capacities as well as under-supply situations. A
high volatility is expected.
To ensure a stable power grid, an extensive
data collection from all parts of the system is
necessary to combine energy sources, energy
It’s cloudy and the solar
radiation is therefore quite
weak. The lighting is controlled
by the leXsolar-dimmer module
according to a pre-set daily
stores and consumers in an intelligent way. In
addition to the power grid, this also requires a
network connection for all participants. Combined
with an intelligent regulation and control system,
this comes out in a „Smart Grid”.
Solar park
construction of a completely operational Smart
Grid on a laboratory scale. All parts are based on
real energy sources, stores and consumers and
can be linked in any way. Measuring and data
acquisition is managed by the leXsolar-Smart-
The conditions are bad and the
photovoltaic plants are running
only at 20% of their capacity!
Luckily, the wind farms in the
north are running at full speed.
Control modules.
The role of the network control center is
played by the student with help from the
SCADA-oriented SmartControl software. Besides
the pre-configured scenarios, that require certain
control and optimization tasks to be solved, there
is also the possibility to use self-made scenarios.
Network control center
Electronic vehicles are an important part of
the SmartGrid of the future! They work as a
decentralized “storage fleet”.
This is where all data come together:
current energy production, available storage
capabilities and the energy consumption.
These kind of information enable students
to manage their grid by themselves. The
communication works wireless with
SmartControl technology (see p.8). The
integrated platform-independent software
allows the control with any mobile device.
In a real household, different consumers
play different roles different times. Thus,
their behavior corresponds to a specific
consumption profile.
leXsolar-Academy is designed according to a graded modular system. Every renewable energy
technology has several learning modules, each with different contents and requirements. There
are both theoretical and application-oriented courses suited for every audience, from beginners to
experts. Through this versatile approach and the combination of modules, it is possible to find the
most suitable course according to the user´s needs.
Specifically created for instructors in vocational schools as well as tutors and lecturers from
universities and colleges, we’ve designed the leXsolar-Academy “Academic-Courses”. The
participation to these courses in combination with the leXsolar-training systems, is the perfect way
to prepare interesting and engaging high-quality classes and lectures for future energy experts. All
leXsolar-Academy modules can also be booked separately in addition to the pre-defined courses.
The following Academic-Courses are available. The contents of all courses are fully explained in the
following pages. In the pages 36 and 37 you can find a complete list of modules dealing with the
topics of photovoltaic, wind power and energy storage as examples.
leXsolar-Academy PV-Academic
leXsolar-Academy Wind-Academic
leXsolar-Academy EStore-Academic
leXsolar-Academy ThermalEnergy-Academic
leXsolar-Academy Biofuel-Academic
leXsolar-Academy H2-Academic
Beside the “Academic-Courses”, we also offer “Basic-Courses”, for example for teachers at secondary
schools, and “Technical-Courses” for engineers and technicians.
Goals and contents of the Academic-Courses:
Deep understanding of the application of renewable energy sources
Gain insight into the storage and integration possibilities of renewable energies
Analysis of problems and challenges of renewable energies
Explain the energy conversion chain from source to consumer
Combination of basic physical effects and principles with the current and future technical
Dimensioning and planning of facilities and plants
Insight into the international market and the economic efficiency of renewables
Steep learning curve: from basic physical understanding to in-depth practical knowledge
Comprehensive general overview of the entire topic
The leXsolar-Academy conveys currently relevant in-depth knowledge
for all renewable energy technologies to tutors, lecturers or students. The
integration of practical lessons with the leXsolar-educational systems,
instead of the merely theoretical lessons, ensure the learning success.
Course “ThermalEnergy-Academic”
Includes 3 leXsolar-Academy modules
The leXsolar-Academy „Academic-Courses“
Course “PV-Academic“
Includes 12 leXsolar-Academy modules (see p.36)
• Basic knowledge of semiconductor physics
• Operation principles of different solar cells
• Properties and characteristics of solar cells
• Composition of solar modules and solar plants
• Peripheral electronics: transformers, modulators, stores…
• Dimensioning and installation of PV plants
• Production methods
• Analysis of the photovoltaic market
Course duration: 32 h
• Basic knowledge of solar thermal energy
• Analysis of different solar thermal technologies
• Examination of different possible applications
• Focused and unfocused solar thermal energy
• Dimensioning of plants
Course duration: 10 h
Course “SmartGrid-Academic“
Includes 3 leXsolar-Academy modules
• Conventional power grids and renewable energies
• Smart Grids: sources, stores, power lines, consumers
• Controlling Smart Grids / SCADA-systems
• Current situation and future concepts
Course duration: 10 h
Course “Wind-Academic“
Includes 5 leXsolar-Academy modules (see p.36)
• Physical basics of wind power
• Examination of different wind power generator types
• Application scenarios of different wind power generators
• The international market and current usage of wind power
Course “BioFuel-Academic”
Includes 3 leXsolar-Academy module
Course duration: 12 h
• Kinds of bio fuels
• Production methods of bio fuels
• Various applications of bio fuels
• Efficiency of bio fuels
• The ecological footprint
• The international market
Course “EStore-Academic“
Includes 4 leXsolar-Academy modules (see p.36)
Course duration: 8 h
• Basic analysis of different energy stores
• Basics of chemical storage
• Comparison of various secondary battery types
• Battery management
• Application, especially e-mobility
Course “H2-Academic“
Includes 3 leXsolar-Academy module
Course duration: 12 h
• Operation principles of different fuel cells
• Hydrogen technology as energy storage
• Electrolysis, methanation and reforming
• Examination of different fields of application
Course duration: 8 h
As an example, you can find here all modules for the
Academic-Courses PV, Wind and EStore:
Academic-Course PV
Level 3
Implementation and application
Level 2
System technology
Level 1
Academic-Course Wind
PV 14
Solar Business Training
PV 13
International photovoltaic market: business
models, feed-in charges, statistics
PV 12
Installation of grid-connected PV-systems
PV 11
Installation of solar off-grid systems
WP 6
International wind power market: facts and
PV 10
Production process of solar cells and
WP 5
Wind power systems
PV 9
PV-systems: grid-connected PV-systems
PV 8
PV-systems: solar off-grid systems
PV 7
PV-applications: modulators and transformers
for photovoltaic systems
PV 6
PV-applications: consumers and storage
WP 4
Generator technologies and applications of wind
PV 5
Solar modules
WP 3
Basics of wind turbines
PV 3
Physics of the solar cell: properties and
characteristics of solar cells
PV 2
Physics of the solar cell: basics
WP 2
Physical basics of wind power
Academic-Course EStore
ES 4
International energy storage market: facts and
ES 3
Battery technology: applications
ES 2
Battery technology: basics
ES 1
Introduction into energy storage technologies
Schüler- und Lehrerhefte
Jedem leXsolar-Experimentierystem liegt die leXsolar-CD mit allen
Schüler- und Lehrerheften als pdf- und Word-Dokument bei. Alle
Hefte sind zusätzlich als gedruckte Version bestellbar:
Student’s Manual
Teacher‘s Manual
Every leXsolar product includes a comprehensive and age-appropriate instructions
manual with various experiments. The manuals can be printed out and used as
a guideline to follow. The experiments are then performed step by step through
experiment-description and a layout. Table and diagram templates are already
In addition to the student’s manual teachers have also their own manual with all
the solutions and further background information for all experiments. In this way
they can easily compare students results with answer provided in the manual
and give them further explanations.
Equipment needed
The digital versions of both manuals include Word and PDF
documents where detailed information about every product
is provided. Printed versions are available as well.
leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go
leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go
Item-No. 1703
Item-No. 1304
The entire process of producing biofuel is demonstrated with leXsolar-Biofuel
Ready-to-go as a student experiment. The case contains all necessary components
and can be used anywhere.
The first step is resource selection and fermentation. The resulting mash is then
distilled with custom-built leXsolar-Condenser and the ethanol obtained will be
Lastly, the bio fuel collected needs to be converted into usable energy – for example
into electricity with the provided Ethanol-Fuel cell. leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go does
not only cover bio ethanol production but also the generation of biodiesel through transesterification of fats.
Part 1: Biodiesel production
• Transesterification of fat into biodiesel (FAME)
• Measurement of fat parameters of biodiesel
• Extraction of fats from edibles or oil crops
Part 2: Alcoholic fermentation
• Setting up a mash / fermentation
• Fermentation of different sugars (including catalytic decomposition of starch into monosaccharide)
• Detection of fermentation gases
Part 3: Distillation and generation of bioethanol
• Distillation of a mash
• Characterization of the produced ethanol
Part 4: Ethanol fuel cell
• Introduction ethanol fuel cell
• Characteristics of ethanol fuel cell
• Dependency of the ethanol fuel cell on concentration and
• temperature
• Energy balance of the entire process
This experimentation system allows the application of different technologies of
solar thermal energy transformation in class. The product does not only contain
various solar collector systems, which can be used with or without pumps, but also
the CSP-technology (Concentrated Solar Power) and a Peltier element for the direct
generation of electricity. Another main feature are the experiments regarding the
basics of thermodynamics, like absorption of heat radiation and the convective flow of
heat, that provide a comprehensive understanding of the applied physical effects. Like
the other products of the Ready-to-go line, the leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go
raise enthusiasm thanks to its flexible and location-independent use, without the need
of any further equipment.
1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module
1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear
1x 1700-01 leXsolar-Ethanol-Fuel cell
1x 1702-01 Plug with hose
1x 1702-02 Yeast
1x 1700-02 Chain clamp
2x L2-06-011 Ddigital multimeter
2x L2-06-012 Testing lead, black, 25 cm
2x L2-06-013 Testing lead, red, 25 cm
4x L2-02-016 Bumpon
1x L2-06-017 Propeller yellow
1x L2-06-016 Laboratory thermometer
1x L2-06-070 Distillation attachment
1x L2-06-071 Cooler
1x L2-06-072 Alcohol meter
1x L2-06-075 Erlenmeyer flask 1000 mL
1x L2-06-076 Fermentation lock
1x L2-06-077 Rubber plug
1x L2-06-079 Densitometer
1x L2-06-082 Beaker 250 ml
3x L2-06-083 Test tube
1x L2-06-084 Lamellar plug
3x L2-06-085 Pasteur pipette
1x L2-06-086 Measuring cylinder 100 mL
1x L2-06-087 Syringe
1x L2-06-110 Silicone ring
1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD
1x L3-01-099 Suitcase “BioFuel Ready-to-go”
1x L3-01-107 Inlay “BioFuel Ready-to-go”
1x L2-06-114 Bunsen burner
1x L2-06-116 Universal stand clamp
1x L2-06-119 Stand rod 60 cm, M10
1x L2-06-120 Double clamp
1x L2-06-118 Stand base plate
Key data
Experimentation system for solar thermal energy conversion
Quantitative experiments for different collector systems
Flexible and location-independent usage
Absorptivity and reflectivity of different materials
Focusing of light by a Fresnel lens
Thermal convection and layering
Thermal conduction
Thermal insulation
Solar thermal collector with pump circulation
Solar thermal collector with thermosiphon circulation
Variation of the flow speed
Collector circuit with heat exchanger
Collector circuit with paraffin heat reservoir
Parabolic channel collector with pump cycle
Qualitative demonstration of the functional principle
Investigating the thermoelectric generator
Quantitative determination of the electrical power
1x 1100-19 leXsolar-base unit large incl. circuit scheme
1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module
1x 1300-03 Solar collector
1x 1300-04 Parabolic collector
1x 1300-05 Absorber tube
1x 1300-06 Lens module
1x 1300-07 Absorber module for lens
1x 1300-08 Absorber B/W
1x 1300-09 Pump module
1x 1300-10 Peltier module
1x 1300-11 Heat exchanger water
1x 1300-12 Heat exchanger paraffin
1x 1300-13 Tube set
1x 2105-00 Universal power supply
1x 1100-27 leXsolar-motor module without gear
1x L2-04-080 Lamp housing
1x L2-04-116 Iluminant 120W, 12°
2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter
1x L2-06-016 Laboratory thermometer
1x L3-01-100 Aluminium case „ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go”
1x L3-01-109 Inlay „ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go”
1x L2-06-125 Cooling pad
1x L2-06-123 Temperature measuring sensor
2x L2-02-007 Sorting rubber band d=65, mark P
1x L2-02-017 Propeller yellow
1x L2-06-082 Beaker glass 250ml
1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals
2x L2-06-014 Testing lead, black, 50cm
2x L2-06-015 Testing lead, red, 50cm
leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go 2.0
leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go
leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go offers the entire spectrum of current fuel
cell technology for education. The product was completely revised and
now contains the world’s first SOFC-Fuel cell for educational purposes.
Solar module, electrolyzer, and fuel cell permit the assembling and
examination of a solar-hydrogen cycle. Working principles, efficiency
and characteristics curves of electrolyzer and fuel cell are just some
of the topics covered.
Beside the PEM-Fuel cell and the SOFC-Fuel cell, it also contains an
Ethanol-Fuel cell, in order to compare the different technologies. H2
Charger and H2 Storage allow the easy generation and storage of
Thanks to the leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go, energy issues become more
concrete. Due to the global approach provided, students will focus first on
topics like global energy consumption, climate change or household energy
consumption. Following the manuals, students will make measurements
based on the problem; for instance things like room temperature or climate,
water and energy consumption, etc. The goal is to promote the ability to
identify potentials for improvements and savings.
Item-No. 1219
Item-No. 1502
Key data
Comprehensive experimentation system on fuel cell technology
Three different fuel cell technologies: PEM-, Ethanol- and
SOFC-Fuel cells
Buildable fuel cell stacks with three PEM-Fuel cells
Easy hydrogen generation and storage with H2 Charger and H2
Includes all ancillary equipment
Set up of an electrolyzer and the different fuel cells
What does an electrolyzer do?
I-V curve of an electrolyzer
Hydrogen generation with the H2 Charger
Hydrogen storage with the H2 Storage
What does a PEM-Fuel cell do?
I-V curve of a PEM-Fuel cell
What does an Ethanol-Fuel cell do?
I-V curve of an Ethanol-fuel cell
Characteristics of the SOFC-Fuel cell
Application of the SOFC-Fuel cell
Faraday and energy efficiency of the electrolyzer
Faraday and energy efficiency of the PEM-Fuel cell
Parallel- and series connection of the PEM-Fuel cell
1x 12218-01 SOFC-Fuel cell module
3x 1218-02 PEM-Fuel cell module
1x 1218-03 Electrolyzer module
1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module
1x 1700-01 leXsolar-Ethanol-Fuel cell module
1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear
1x 1100-31 Solar module 2.5V, 420mA
1x 1213-01 Gas storage module H2/O2
1x 1100-19 leXsolar-base unit large, incl. circuit
1x 2105-00 Power supply
2x L2-06-134 Hose clamp
1x L2-06-133 Gas burner small
1x L2-04-022 Lamp with table clamps
1x 1200-17 H2 Charger
1x 1200-19 H2 Storage complete
2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black, 25cm
2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red, 25cm
1x L2-06-014 Test lead, black, 50cm
1x L2-06-015 Test lead, red, 50cm
1x L3-01-075 Aluminum suitcase “H2 Ready-to-go”
1x L3-01-103 Inlay “H2 Ready-to-go”
1x L2-02-017 Propeller yellow
1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD
2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter
Key data
With the help of this combination of instruments, the following
topics can be analyzed and optimized:
- Electrical energy consumption.
- Heating behavior.
- Air quality.
- Water consumption of a school / household.
- Lighting
• Optimal for energy saving projects in the classroom.
• Many measurements can use an automatic Data Logging
• System.
• Includes a detailed introduction to the topics for students, exercise for the respective measurements and an experiment guide
for teachers.
Understanding Energy
Primary- and secondary energy, resources and reserves
Units and conversions, key sizes
Production of electricity, comparison of power plants
Worldwide energy consumption
Climate change and CO2
Why save energy?
Where do we need energy?
Learn more about your school – Which energy sources are used?
What are their locations & costs?
Temperature in the classroom
Heat loss of buildings
Air quality
Heating and ventilating: correct behavior
x L2-06-038 Base station including 2 temperature sensors
1 x L2-06-054 Power supply
1 x L2-06-039 Humidity + temperature sensor
1 x L2-06-037 Temperature sensor
1 x L2-06-040 Temperature sensor for outside use
1 x L2-06-034 Light Meter
1 x L2-06-035 Infrared thermometer
2 x L2-06-036 Electricity meters
1 x L2-06-041 Flow meter
1 x L3-01-041 Aluminum case Esave Ready-to-go
8 x L2-06-030 Battery AAA LR03 1,5 V
1 x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD
1 x L3-01-053 Foam inserts Esave Ready-to-go
Learn more about your school – Where does drinking water come
from? Where does the used water go? What are the annual consumption & costs, etc.
Hot water preparation
Where is water consumed: correct behavior
Electricity Consumption
Learn more about your school – Which energy supplier are used?
What are the annual consumption & costs?
Electrical energy in everyday life
Electrical energy in the kitchen
Energy guzzler
Hidden loss: stand-by-mode and the “off” position
Light in the classroom
Comparison of different light sources
Determine different brightness
and references
„We have tried several times to make photovoltaic and renewable energy accessible to students. leXsolar
has made it possible through the development of cases and experiments according to the different types
of education and curricula, in cooperation with teachers and our solar experts. This sponsoring gave us the
opportunity to offer these cases at a competitive price. With leXsolar we found a reliable and competent
partner at our side.“
Christina Rettig
Public Relations Manager
Marketing and Communication
In cooperation ...
with a multitude of companies and energy providers,
we take part in the success of renewable energies.
Many years of experience, high quality standards
and a great innovative potential allowed us to realize
educational projects with many partners. Now, we’d
like to develop a project with you! For example:
Take social responsibility through school sponsoring. We design leXsolar products just for you: from your logo until the tailor-made development of the product, everything is „In relation to our educational work of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG our teachers of secondary
school and we are frequent guest at leXsolar Academy in Dresden. The connection between technical and
didactical competence of leXsolar and the wonderful cultural background of Dresden had made the event
Andreas Reichert
Corporate Communication
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Provide with fully equipped training laboratories. Make your teachers and students a highly-
qualified person in renewable energy with leXsolar systems.
„Since 2010 we enforce our teaching programs to schools with products and services offered by leXsolar.
We are totally satisfied with leXsolar cases and their quality. The Workshops and the quality of leXsolar-
Strengthen your regional connections! Support local schools and improve your public image by lending our leXsolar products through
the leXsolar-Lending system.
Offer advanced teachers’ training. Either during types, fuel cells and the electronic model car.“
a single event or through Project monitoring: The leXsolar- Academy offers further education for advanced teaching training and train-the-
Karen Herrmann
Enervie Gruppe
Corporate Communication
trainer courses..
Academy service have impressed the teachers so much, that in the next days they will be able to reproduce
the experiments with their students and find out solutions by themselves. We are pleased to announce that in
the year 2014, we will set our focus on e-mobility, battery technology and its application in storing renewable
energies with the “leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go” and enable schools to experiment with different battery
Our references show some of our successful projects.
„We, as long-standing leXsolar customer, are always impressed by the competitive, reliable service and the
customer assistance. We use photovoltaic experiments for the training programs of DGS solar school, but
even in other general education schools. There´s no better way to explain to engineers and students how
solar technique works. We are glad to show you some experiments with solar cells, that we are able to carry
out thanks to the leXsolar cases.“
Antje Klauss-Vorreiter
Thuringian branch of the German Association for Solar Energy e.V.
and quality
made in Dresden
The source of innovation and quality …
of the leXsolar products is located in the capital of
Saxony and not without reason. In Dresden you
can find both qualified scientific centers and an
unique cultural scenery.
Ten universities and colleges, three Max Planck-,
four Leibnitz- and eleven Fraunhofer-institutes
are accompanied by numerous competence
centers and facilities for the transfer of
On the other side, Semperoper, GrünesGewölbe,
Sächsische Staatskapelle or the Frauenkirche
offer an unique cultural richness.
Through this inspiring background, it is possible to
develop further ideas that will help you and your
students to understand new energies.