Transforming Knowledge into Success Der Iran ©REF GROUP 2015 1 Agenda Iran at a Glance Politische Entwicklung Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Geschäftsaufbau Iran Aktuelle Geschäftschancen Über die REF Gruppe Transforming Knowledge into Success (DE) (DE) (DE) (EN) (EN) ©REF GROUP 2015 2 Iran at a Glance Geographische Lage Source: Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 3 Politische Entwicklung Nuklearkonflikt mit dem Iran Hintergrundinformationen USA und EU verdächtigen den Iran, unter dem Vorwand nuklearer Energieerzeugung an der Atombombe zu bauen Auseinandersetzungen um das Nuklearprogramm sind das Haupthindernis für eine Entspannung Trotz vieler Untersuchungen bestätigte die IAEO, dass bisher kein Nachweis vorliege, dass der Iran an Atomwaffen baue Eine ganze Reihe von UN- und EU-Sanktionen sowie bilaterale Sanktionen sind seit 2006 gegen den Iran ergangen Militärische Eskalation unwahrscheinlich aber nicht auszuschließen Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 4 Politische Entwicklung Stand der Sanktionen Verhandlungen 24.11.2013 Vereinbarung von Genf zur Suspendierung der Sanktionen Heraufsetzung der Schwellenwerte für Finanztransaktionen Freigabe von iranischen Ölgeldern Freigabe bestimmter Lieferungen 20.01.2014 Beginn 6-Monatsfrist der Suspendierung 19.07.2014 Verlängerung der Suspendierungsfrist 24.11.2014 Keine Einigung – Frist verlängert 31.03.2015 Keine Einigung – Frist verlängert 02.04.2015 Vereinbarung – Zwischenziel erreicht 30.06.2015 Ziel – Erreichen einer detaillierte Rahmenvereinbarung 14.07.2015 Einigung der fünf UN-Vetomächte und Deutschland mit dem Iran ab sofort Schrittweise Aufhebung der Sanktionen Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 5 Politische Entwicklung Stand der Sanktionen Sanktionierung – Status quo Sanktionierung von Produkten, Sektoren, Institutionen und Personen Hinweis: Es besteht kein «Total-Embargo» Anzeigepflicht bei Beteiligung iranischer Banken ab 10.000 EUR Genehmigungspflicht bei Beteiligung iranischer Banken ab 400.000 EUR Hoher administrativer Aufwand, es gelten eine Reihe von Ausnahmetatbeständen -> Prüfung im Einzelfall notwendig Fehlende Berechenbarkeit privater/unternehmerischer Sanktionen Gefahr bei US-Bezug, Nachteile und Strafen in/aus den USA zu erleiden Urteile des EuGH: Aufhebung der Sanktionierung Bank Mellat Iran/Rat (Rechtssache T-496/10) vom 29.01.2013 Bank Saderat Iran/Rat (Rechtssache T-494/10) vom 05.02.2013 Zentralbank Iran/Rat (Rechtssache T-262/12) vom 18.09.2014 Tejarat Bank/Rat (Rechtssache T-176/12) vom 22.01.2015 Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank: Noch anhängig Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 6 Politische Entwicklung Machtstruktur im Iran Source: Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 7 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Reales Wachstum des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (IMF-Update Mai 2015) *Source: IMF Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 8 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Inflation (IMF-Update Mai 2015) *Source: IMF Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 9 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Länderübersicht der größten Erdgasvorkommen - weltweit Source: Stand: Januar 2014 Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 10 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Länderübersicht der größten Rohölvorkommen - weltweit Source: Stand: Januar 2014 Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 11 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Wirtschaftsdaten kompakt 2015 79 Millionen Einwohner 1,648,195 qkm Fläche 49.4 Einwohner/qkm Geschäftssprachen Farsi, Englisch 5,780 US$ Pro Kopf BNE (DE: 46,100 US$) Altersstruktur IRAN 6% 5% 24% Deutschland 21% 0-14 13% 10% 25-54 14% 46% 15-24 55-64 19% 42% 65 + Source: gtai Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 12 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Außenhandel EU zu Iran 8 7.4 7 MRD EUR 6 6.4 5.7 5.4 5 4 3 2 1.2 0.8 1 0 2012 Einfuhr der EU 2013 2014 Ausfuhr der EU Source: gtai Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 13 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Außenhandel Deutschland zu Iran 3 2.523 2.391 MRD EUR 2.5 2 1.8413 1.5 1 0.5 0.3391 0.295 0.274 0 2012 2013 dt. Einfuhr 2014 dt. Ausfuhr Source: gtai Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 14 Wirtschaftlicher Rahmen Deutsche Ausfuhrgüter in den Iran 2013 2014 Chem. Erzeugnisse 18% sonstige 20% Chem. Erzeugnisse 27% sonstige 16% Rohstoffe 0% Mess- und Regeltechnik 4% Rohstoffe 4% Elektrotechnik 4% Mess- und Regeltechnik 4% Elektrotechnik 6% Maschinen 23% Maschinen 30% Nahrungsmittel 16% Nahrungsmittel 28% Source: gtai Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 15 Geschäftsaufbau Iran REFGROUP.NET Preferred Sources & Partner Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 16 Business Environment & Opportunities©REF in Iran GROUP 2015 Transforming Knowledge into Success 17 Business Environment Rank of Iran’s economy on the ease of doing business Rank 130 out of 189 Economy Overview Income category Upper middle income Population 79,000,000 GNI per capita 5,780 US$ Ranking (+2) 2015 – 130 2014 – 132 Source: Doing Business database Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 18 Trading across Borders Rank of Iran’s economy on the ease of trading across borders Rank 148 out of 189 Export 7 documents, 25 days 1,350 US$ Import 11 documents 37 days 1,555 US$ Ranking (+7) 2015 – 148 2014 – 155 Source: Doing Business database Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 19 Market Revenue 2014 45'000 42'215 40'000 35'000 30'000 25'000 20'000 15'000 10'000 10'680 9'743 5'000 5'464 2'534 2'234 1'557 1'216 959 754 0 in Million US$ (August 2013- August 2014) Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 20 Market Cap 2014 7.7% Petroleum Products Petrochemicals Metal Industry Cars & Parts 22.4% Other Industries 44.5% Mining Industry Telecom Pharmaceutical Cement Industry Other Industries 9.1% 2.0% 2.2% 3.3% 2.5% 6.3% (August 2014) Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 21 Business Opportunities Oil and Gas – Upstream Proven Crude Oil Reserves of 155 Billion barrels Relatively low cost of production 4th in the world after Canada (including high cost non-Conv. Hydrocarbon reserves accounting for nearly 16% of the world’s total Proven Natural Gas Reserves 1,193 Trillion ft3 -> 2nd in the world after Russia Sanctions have created limitations for Iran O&G sector 4 m b/d -> 2.6 m b/d 1908: The first oil well in the Middle East at Masjid Sulaiman Opportunities (E&P) New Buyback contracts (more attractive terms) Natural Gas shortage (domestic & injection) Estimated total required upstream investment of 200 Billion US$ in 3 Years Source: Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 22 Business Opportunities Oil and Gas – Downstream Plan to increase refining capacity from 1.6 m b/d to 3.3 m b/d (Estimated 15 b US$) Plan to complete Petrochemical downstream chain (i.e. one project in Chabahar 5 methanol plants 20 b US$) Plan to build 11 Mini-Refineries with a capacity of 10,000 b/d and 9 with a capacity of 20,000 b/d (almost 1 b US$). Condensate based with 100% export license Opportunities PRP Mini Refinery REF GROUP is the lead consultant for three PRP Mini Refinery projects Source: REF GROUP IRAN Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 23 Business Opportunities Variety of Lilium North of Iran / Central Iran Agriculture Iran is one of the best agricultural areas in the Middle East Neighbour of major agricultural products consumers High quality and diverse garden products Enjoys a high variety of herbal and medical plants Russia (Iran northern neighbour) imported 94% of its flowers and 76% of its fruits needs in 2011 Opportunities Flower export to Europe, CIS, Russia and UAE Packing / Branding Modern farms Water management technologies Source: Hypericum Antidepressant North of Iran Source: Kurt_Stüber/2004 Melissa Antidepressant-Antibacterial North of Iran Source: Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 24 Major Iranian Industries Car Industry Iran is the biggest car manufacturer in the Middle East 2013 Sales of 1 million cars (61% domestic production) Estimated 15 b US$ market Estimated import Q1/2015 around 3 b US$ Manufacturer Market share (%) Iran Khodro (P.S.A) 47% Saipa (Renault) 47% MVM (Cherry) 3.9% Opportunities Joint Ventures/ Partnerships (CKD) German cars enjoy high popularity (luxury segment) Car Leasing Accessories Lubricants, Fuel Additives Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 25 Major Iranian Industries Steel Industry 4.5 Billion tones of Iron Ore deposits 17 Million tones steel products (2014) 55 million tones production target in 2025 4 major producers Company Iran Market Share (2013) Mobarakeh Foolad 47% Khoozestan Foolad 23% Isfahan Foolad 20% National Steels Group 10% Opportunities Energy efficiency Undiversified Portfolio Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 26 Major Iranian Industries Mining Industry Mine Iron Ore Production in tones* Jalal-Abad 1,076,901 Chadormalou 9,973,771 Sirjan 1,142,751 Gol e Gohar 7,792,256 Markazi 4,473,055 Mishdavan Sangan Central Plateau SUM Opportunities Enhanced recovery Energy efficiency Brand management Exploration 4.5 Billion tones of Iron Ore deposits 691,090 2,566,007 358,986 28,074,817 *2013 Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 27 Major Iranian Industries Medical / Health Care Iran is believed to be the leader in medical technology in the middle east High volumes of medical imports specially in the field of raw materials (50%) Local medicine sales volume is expected to be 2.5 b US$ annually Strong presence of SSO Iran in healthcare industry Fast growth of private owned hospital and clinics specially in big cities Opportunities Dependable partnerships High Quality Market Need for Medical Equipment Brands are popular Generic vs Brands Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 28 Major Iranian Industries Banking / Finance Banking activities are regulated by the Central Bank of Iran Minimum and Maximum “interest rates” are set by CBI Strong impact from international sanctions Very fast growth of private owned Banks during past 8 years Forecast (billion US$) 2014 2015 Loans 210.9 264.8 Deposits 232.4 291.8 Opportunities Credit Rating Services Credit based instruments International credit and trade finance Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 29 About REF Group Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 30 About REF Group Extract Services & Qualifications Market Research & Applied Science Strategy Consulting Financing Market Entry Agent/Branch Facilitation Business Development Qualifications Project & Implementation Management Due Diligence Performance Legal & Corporate Matters Advisory Services Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 31 About REF Group Company structure REFgroup Experts are selected experts from universities, leading research centers as well as various Industrial & Economic sectors. Our Experts are highly respected European and Iranian professionals with proven track records of success. REF Group Management REF Group Experts Well connected to companies and government agencies such as: IMIDRO: Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation Organization IDRO: The Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran NIOC: National Iranian Oil Company SSO: Social Security Organization OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 32 References Peyman Ramshir Polymer (PRP) Refinery Engineering procurement and construction of mini-refinery Tose’eh Farda Brokerage House Brokerage company firm acquisition and business model restructuring Tehran Tose’eh Investment Firm Business strategy development and implementation Starting up & establishing Iran office for Aircom Telecom business and marketing strategy development Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) Evaluation and listing of TCI in Tehran Stock Exchange Dolphin Petrochemical Company Petrochemical complex equities block trade marketing and price matching Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 33 Europe REF Europe GmbH Voltenseestr. 2 60388 Frankfurt am Main Germany Mr. Sven-Boris Brunner Managing Director Phone: +49 6109 696 92-79 Fax: +49 6109 696 92-61 E-Mail: [email protected] Mr. Simon Fundel Managing Director Phone: +49 6109 696 92-84 Fax: +49 6109 696 92-61 E-Mail: [email protected] Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 34 Iran REF Group IRAN 43 Padidar street Tehran 15189-43311 Iran Mr. Reza Toossi Chief Executive Officer Phone: +98 21 8867 8822 Fax: +98 21 8867 8825 E-Mail: [email protected] Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 35 Despite thorough research and the use of reliable sources, we cannot accept responsibility or liability for the completeness or accuracy of this presentation’s contents. The purpose of this presentation is to give you initial, general information to help you develop business relations with Iran. The content does not constitute any form of advice or offer or invitation to make an offer. There is no liability assumed for any information and data contained herein; they are legally nonbinding. The contents of this presentation are for internal use only and may not be used otherwise. In no case is the reproduction and forwarding to third parties be allowed. ©REF GROUP Transforming Knowledge into Success ©REF GROUP 2015 36