Spirit of Woodstock Festival Magazine 2012
Spirit of Woodstock Festival Magazine 2012
- ITALIANO FESTIVAL & RAINBOW GATHERING MAGAZINE ENGLISH FESTIVAL 2012 FESTIVAL EDITION and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 27.7.2012 - 5.8.2012 TEN DAYS WITH MUSIC, PEACE AND LOVE • CYBERROCK • DANCE-TRANCE • COUNTRY • POP • BLUES • NU-METAL • TEKNO • PSYCHO • PUNK • HARD CORE • NEW-TOPICAL • MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND THE CHOSEN FEW MIRAKALI DIANA ANTARA THE FABULOUS SOUND SISTERS DAVID BUTTERFIELD NIGHTTRAIN ONE STEP FURTHER SNIPERDOGS BUTTERED BACON BISCUITS BOUNCIN B.C. HARRY GUMP THE STRANGE FLOWERS MARTIN CREEK POETRY FACT PICO SKIPDOWN VORTICE DI NULLA THE SUNPILOTS ELECTRIFIED SOUL VIOLASHIVA MARTIN MAXA TEQUILA FUNK EXPERIENCE KARENINA 2 BAN3 and D mo S re INTERNATIONAL BANDS PLAY EVERY DAY LIVE FROM 1900 - 2400 SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL Via Monte Falò 8 • 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte • (Prov. di Novara) • Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, Fax: ++39-0322-999129 eMail: [email protected] INTERNET: www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com FESTIVAL 2012 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy is the leading European Festival of the Free-Music Revolution with free entrance, free camping and friendly prices for food, drinks and Hotel accommodation. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy is combined with the hearty feastin’ and drinkin’ flavour of Mirapuri’s one and only Original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy as well as the love FlowerpowerHappening of the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri offers to visitors and participants great multicultural entertainment with international flair and an inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy. Want to come to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival? Contact: Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel - www.Omnidiet-Hotel.com Via Monte Falò 8, 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Provincia di Novara, Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, eMail: [email protected] www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com FESTIVAL 2012 e RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALIA THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, in Italia, è il principale festival di Free Music Revolution. Offre entrata libera, libero campeggio e ottimi, amichevoli prezzi per cibo e bevande nonché per alloggio in albergo. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italia è combinato con l’atmosfera unica per banchettare e bere di cuore dell’originale Oktoberfest bavarese in Italia, così come con il Love Flowerpower Happening del Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri offre sia ai visitatori che partecipanti grande intrattenimento multiculturale con flair internazionale ed un’ inimitabile atmosfera di amore e gioia. MICHEL MONTECROSSA MIRAPURI CYBERROCK AND NEW-TOPICAL-SONGS w .M w ic he lM on te cro ss a .co m www.MichelMontecrossa.com Band Members: Michel Montecrossa (Vocals, Guitar, Midi-Guitar, Keyboard, Harmonica, Piano, Percussion) • Mirakali (Guitar, Keyboard, vocals) • Diana Antara (Keyboard, vocals) • David Butterfield (Bass) • Mirachandra (Digital Drums) • Artis Aldschalis (E-violin) The work of Bob Dylan, who received on May 29, 2012 the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama, will, on July 30th and August 2nd, be part of the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri, Italy with the ‘Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012’ of Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival takes place from 27.7.2012 – 5.8.2012 presenting twenty Love & Unity Concerts of Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few. The ‘Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2012’ is part of this concert series and is scheduled for Monday, 30th July 2012 and Thursday, 2nd August 2012 starting at 19:00. 30.7. & 2.8.2012 starting at 19:00 THE MICHEL & BOB DYLAN FEST TAKES PLACE AS PART OF THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2012 IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL WILL BE FROM 27.7. 2012 - 5.8. 2012 PRESENTING TWENTY LOVE & UNITY CONCERTS OF MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND HIS BAND THE CHOSEN FEW. THE MICHEL & BOB DYLAN FEST 2012 IS PART OF THIS CONCERT SERIES AND WILL BE ON MONDAY, 30.7.2012 & THURSDAY, 2.8.2012 STARTING AT 19:00. www.Michel-BobDylan.com MICHEL MONTECROSSA’S MICHEL & BOB DYLAN FEST 2012 MICHEL MONTECROSSA’S MICHEL & BOB DYLAN FEST 2012 For more on Michel-Bob Dylan see: www.Michel-BobDylan.com Songs on the Hit CD 2012: Wanted Girl Talkin’ World Awakening Coming From The Heart (The Road Is Long) Lovesong SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL VIA MONTE FALÒ 8 28011 MIRAPURI-COIROMONTE PROVINCIA DI NOVARA • ITALY PHONE: 0322-999009 www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com www.MichelMontecrossa.com w Michel Montecrossa and his band the Chosen Few this year bring to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri the brand new songs of their ‘Love, Unity & Climate Change Concert Tour 2012’. Michel Montecrossa, Cyberrocker, Topical-Song Writer and Founder of Mirapuri created more than 2200 songs and 50 symphonic compositions. The extraordinary work of Michel Montecrossa is constantly moving further. Fusion of all songstyles, symphonic music and music movies unite to form his unique Cyber- and Topical-Music. When Michel Montecrossa is not in the studio working on new productions he is on the road together with his band ‘The Chosen Few’ (Mirakali, Diana Antara, Mirachandra, David Butterfield, Artis Aldschalis) presenting with his live-concerts – forty and more every year – a Cyber-Rock and Topical-Song Vision come true. Michel Montecrossa and his band are living in Mirapuri-Coiromonte, Italy. Their music is a continually evolving message, a Cyber-Rock and Topical-Song Action dream come true. Every month they perform live at the Music-Hall of the Omnidiet Resort and Business Hotel in Mirapuri as well as at the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner in Gauting near Munich, Germany. They lead a life of friendship and experience, artistically expressing the impact of life and future possibilities. Michel Montecrossa and the Chosen Few continuously create new songs, new lyrics, new styles of performance. Every concert is a new Cyber-Rock and Topical Song Journey. It is fascinating to experience them and get the feeling of Cyber- and Topical-Music which is not isolated in an alien world but part of a consciousness-expanding outlook on things and a practical way of life being more than an alternative to present conformity. Michel Montecrossa started the Spirit of Woodstock Festival which takes place every year in July / August in Mirapuri-Coiromonte in the North-Italian Mountains together with the Mirapuri Rainbow Gathering and Mirapuri’s one and only original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Italy. During the Festival Michel Montecrossa and The Chosen Few sing and play along with international guest-bands for a happy and enthusiastic audience. MIRAKALI MIRAPURI CYBERROCK AND CLIMATE CHANGE SONGS So wild, so sweet our music, living for love, for love alone. Music of freedom, life, delight and a wide intensity of a future already here, singing with magic of our Cyberrock Dream. It’s music of Mirapuri, of a dream that became reality. Exploding bliss, emerging waves of ardent energy, ever expanding consciousness, fire-rock-smile of life. All songs I sing, I sing for Michel, my love, my best friend and all I love. All our songs are about our life of love and freedom. We are rockin’ fighters, we are lovin’ rebels of a future of endless bliss. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Under Palmtrees All Fabulous Sound Sisters Song, Movie, Book and Art Info at: MichelMontecrossa.com DAVID BUTTERFIELD MIRAPURI BALLADEER rbn What I sing and play are my thoughts, feelings and hopes. Thus making music connects me to the people and life-environments that are the theme of my songs. a tio n.com/davidbutterfie Feelin’ Love Oceandream ve ld All Diana Antara Song, Movie, Book and Art Info at: MichelMontecrossa.com Song on the Hit CD 2012: .re w Music for me is life: it is fire, burnin’ strong and hot. The dream that touches deep the heart and the energy, that turns you on and makes you happy and feel good. It’s great to play futuristic cyberrock and to dive into atmospheres of romantic trance songs. As a singer I express love and the experience of life. Music is for me the key to new ideas, strong feelings and the push to go higher. The Fabulous Sound Sisters were founded by Mirakali and Diana for expressing woman Power Cyberrock. w ELECTRONICA MIRAKALI & DIANA: THE MIRAPURI WOMEN POWER DUO w DIANA ANTARA MIRAPURI CYBERROCK Song on the Hit CD 2012: All Mirakali Song, Movie, Book and Art Info at: MichelMontecrossa.com THE FABULOUS SOUND SISTERS Song on the Hit CD 2012: Way Of The Heart Song on the Hit CD 2012: PUNK ROCK FROM ITALY w Endlich mal wieder Metal in seiner reinen Form! Nachdem es kurz nach dem Gründungsjahr 2008 schon mit ersten Konzerten losging, rollt die Band kontinuierlich, und mit stetig wachsender Begeisterung des geneigten Publikums, die Clubs auf. Sie teilten die Bühnen bereits mit Bands wie, The new Black, Masterstroke, Rockorchester Horst Müller, etc… Derzeit ist deren neue CD “between darkness and light” in den Startlöchern, welche vorab in furiosen Liveauftritten den Zuhörern präsentiert wird. Mit einem Gespür für das Publikum, der Leidenschaft der Musiker und professionellem Auftreten schafft es NIGHTTRAIN immer wieder den Laden zum kochen zu bringen! Gli Sniperdogs nascono nel settembre del 2008, e dopo un anno di live e la pubblicazione dell’EP omonimo cambiano formazione salutano p e i r n d s o / g m s l’ex cantate Mr. Brown nell’estate 2009. In settembre ritornano al live k.c o o con la nuova formazione e dopo vari concerti pubblicano, nel o eb c dicembre 2009, l’EP “Only two love songs (but good)”, .fa cambiando il “suono” generale della band, meno w w improntato sulle chitarre “metalliche” ma più Rock’n’Roll, soprattutto nelle ritmiche. A Luglio 2010 la band trova la sua formazione definitiva con: BATTA (Voice - Rhythm Guitar) ALE (Bass - Voice) ILIE (Lead Guitar - Back Vocals) BRUNO (Drums - Voice). Nel Settembre 2011 esce il Nuovo EP di due Cover “The Late 70’s Revenge”. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Drugged Unicorn Band Members: Batta (Vocals, Rhythm Guitar) • Ale (Bass, Vocals) • Ilie (Lead Guitar, B-Vocals) • Bruno (Drums, Vocals) Darkness And Light www.myspace.com/onestepfurtherlimburg ONE STEP FURTHER HARDROCK FROM GERMANY Die Hardrockformation ONE STEP FURTHER aus Limburg (Hessen/Deutschland) wurde ursprünglich in den späten 1980er Jahren gegründet und zählte seinerzeit rund drei Jahre lang zu den Aushängeschildern der heimischen Musikszene. Kurz nach dem Gewinn des „Da Capo-Bandcontest“ der renommierten Woodland Music Studios im Jahr 1991 trennte sich das Quartett, um sich sage und schreibe 17 Jahre später wieder zusammenzufinden. Seit 2008 pflegt ONE STEP FURTHER einen sehr individuellen Stil, der straighte Riffs, groovende Rhythmen und eingängige Refrains zu einem stimmigen Gesamtbild vereint, welches durch den Einsatz von variablen Cleanvocals und Growls abgerundet wird. Vor allem aber die Tatsache, dass Elemente aus nahezu allen der inzwischen unzähligen Genres des Rock und Metal einfließen, hebt die Musik aus einer breiten Masse hervor. Spätestens mit Veröffentlichung der CD-EP „Troublespots“ im Jahr 2010, welche mit überaus positiven Kritiken von MuSong on the Hit CD 2012: sik-Fachredaktionen und Sendestationen bedacht wurde, Flying High hat ONE STEP FURTHER einen Weg eingeschlagen, der die Band zunehmend ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit führte und Band Members: Heiko Hergenhahn (Bass, Vocals) • auf dem es der gestiegenen Erwartungshaltung an die David Barfuß (Gitarre, Vocals) • Armin Geilen (Gitarre, Backing Vocals) • Frank Ferdinand (Drums) weitere Entwicklung gerecht zu werden gilt. BUTTERED BACON BISCUITS PROGRESSIVE / CLASSIC ROCK FROM ITALY Band Members: Ricky Dal Pane (Vocals, Guitar) • Alex Celli (Guitar) • Alessandro Aroni (Bass) • Stefano Olivi (Keyboard) • Andrea Palli (Drums) The Buttered Bacon Biscuits are born around in 2008 by the meeting of musicians belonging to other bands from the surroundings of Faenza and Forlì, such as Circus Nebula, Goldrust, Deadwood, Explode. The band is composed by RICKY DAL PANE on Vocals and Guitars; ALEX CELLI on Guitar; ALESSANDRO ARONI on Bass Guitar and ANTONIO PERUGINI on Drums. The agreement inside the band result to be so high that it brings them in a short time to record their first album “FROM THE SOLITARY WOODS”, which is released at the end of 2009 and then acquired and distributed by BLACK WIDOW RECORDS. The album is excellently welcomed both from criticism and from the public, getting very good reviews on well-known italian and foreign magazines. During the recordings, a new member joins definitively the band: the Organist STEFANO OLIVI. The BBB starts a series of concerts to promote the album. At the end of 2010, ANDREA PALLI, from Bad Ambition - known local band with two albums recorded - replaces Perugini on Drums. With the new drummer, BBB begins to write new songs for the new album, that it comes out at the end of 2011 Song on the Hit CD 2012: Another Secret In The Sun www.butteredbaconbiscuits.com Band Members: Kevin (Vocals) • Domi (Lead Guitar) • Toubsn (Rhythm Guitar) • Simon (Bass) • Ben (Drums) SNIPERDOGS METAL FROM GERMANY www.reverbnation.com/nighttrainmusic NIGHTTRAIN BOUNCIN’ B. C. Bouncin B.C ist eine (Street-)Punkband aus dem Großraum Landshut. Da die Band ihrer niederbayerischen Herkunft gerecht werden will, bezieht STREET PUNK FROM GERMANY sie sich sehr deutlich auf ihre Heimat, die Hallertau, dem größten zusammenhängenden Hopfenanbaugebiet der Welt. Sie steht zu ihren Wurzeln und bezieht sie in den Sound des Streetpunks mit ein, der von einer Prise Rock’n Roll und dem frühen amerikanischen Punkrock begleitet wird. „Wir wollen uns nicht auf den Drei-Akkorde-Punk beschränken!“, ist die Attitüde der Gruppe. Zu den Bands, die „Bouncin B.C.“ bezüglich des Songwritings im Laufe der Jahre stets beeinflusst haben, zählen beispielsweise die Punkrockveteranen Social Distortion und The Ramones, sowie weitere etablierte Bands, wie Born to Lose und Far From Finished. Das Bestreben liegt dabei darin, die richtige Mischung aus schnellem, tanzbarem Punkrock und eingängigen Melodien an den Zuhörer weiterzugeben. Dabei bildet das Publikum einen wichtigen Bestandteil der Live-Shows. Auf der Bühne geht es der Band hauptsächlich um Authentizität und darum, dem Publikum das Gefühl zu geben, dass sie ehrlichen, direkten Punkrock spielt. Die Identifikation mit der Szene, sowie der Vorsatz, die Subkultur aufleben zu lassen, verknüpft „Bouncin’ B.C. mit ihren musikalischen Wurzeln. Jedes Mitglied der Gruppierung trägt diesen Gedanken weiter und sie bleiben sich trotz steigender Lebenserfahrung treu, was sie auch an ihre Zuhörer weitergeben. Die Texte handeln hauptsächlich von sozialkritischen Themen, aber auch vom Feiern, vom Spaß haben und von persönlichen Erfahrungen. Beispiel aus dem Inhalt des Liedes „Sojabarbey“ vom kommenden Debüt-Album: (… new fashion every year, present the bones my dear, size zero BMI, hungry until you die…) Die Hauptmotivation ist der Spaß und die Liebe zur Musik, das Kennenlernen Gleichgesinnter und das Vermitteln ihrer Message. Die Band spielt nicht zusammen, um damit den Band Members: Ferd Hamal (Vocals) • Lebensunterhalt der einzelnen zu bestreiten, sondern kreativ zu sein Bouncin Ecki (Lead Guitar) • Johnny B. Gugg und anderen Personen die Ergebnisse zu präsentieren. (Rhythm Guitar) • Stan Bämpfn (Bass) • Dres Hellfucker (Drums) Song on the Hit CD 2012: Just Like Uncle Sam www.bbc-rocks.de HARRY GUMP FOLK / COUNTRY / ACOUSTIC-PUNK ROCK FROM GERMANY Song on the Hit CD 2012: Sunday Blues Band Member: Harry Gump (Vocals, Acoustic Guitar) harrygump.wordpress.com One-man-acoustic-country-folkpunk since 2009, influenced by Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan and Neil Young as well as by punkrockers like Social Distortion or Flogging Molly. One voice, one acoustic guitar, three or four chords, catchy sing-along-melodies and lyrics from the heart. This is Rock’n’Roll in its most original way. Shared the stage with international folkpunk acts like Street Dogs (US), The Dreadnoughts (CAN), Steve Rawles (CAN) and many more. THE STRANGE FLOWERS GARAGE HOUSE FROM ITALY The Strange Flowers career spans over 3 decades, having the band been founded in Pisa in late 1987 by Michele Marinò, Giovanni Bruno, Alessandro Pardini (soon replaced by Stefano Montefiori) and Maurizio Falciani. The current line up includes Michele Marinò (vocals and guitars), Nicola Cionini (guitars and backing vocals), Alessandro Santoni (bass and backing vocals) and Gabriele Pozzolini (drums and percussions). After a short break, the band started to work on a new album in early 2011, which was recorded in the fall of the same year, to be released on 15-122011. According to the band, The Grace Of Losers is by far their best album ever. The psychedelic dilatations of the past, even if still present, leave room to the fairy visions of paisley-pop, to the irony of beat, to the impetus of garage-rock. The band will be on tour beginning on 17-12-2011. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Green Madhouse Resort Inc Band Members: Michele Marinò (Vocals, Guitar) • Nicola Cionini (Guitar, B-Vocals) • Alessandro Santoni (Bass, B-Vocals) • Gabriele Pozzolini (Drums, Percussions) www.myspace.com/strangeflowers MARTIN CREEK ROCK / POP FROM GERMANY Den heidelberger Sänger und Songwriter Martin Creek findet man im Bereich der Rock/Pop Musik wieder. Mit 22 Jahren begann er in seiner ersten Band zu spielen und eignete sich neue Fähigkeiten an, womit er seine ersten Erfolge erzielte. 2011 startet er dann seine Solokarriere eindrucksvoll mit der Debüt EP “Where do I belong”. In seinen Songs versteht er es alltägliche Themen aufzugreifen und diese dem Zuhörer nahe zu bringen. Beeinflusst von Musikgrößen wie Robbie Williams und Bon Jovi präsentiert sich Martin Creek nicht einfach nur als Sänger, sondern vielmehr als emotionales und authentisches Gesamtpaket, das sich hervorragend mit der heutigen Musik identifiziert. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Where Do I Belong Band Member: Martin Creek www.martincreekmusic.com poetryfact.de Band Members: Thomas Henn (Bass) • Tim Meiswinkel (Guitar) • Alesandro Serafino (Drums) FROM GERMANY Song on the Hit CD 2012: Wind PICO – das sind eigene Ska-Funk-Kompositionen. Elemente aus Reggae, Ska, Jazz, Rock, Funk und portugiesischem Fado, versetzt mit afrikanischem Einfluss verschmelzen zu einem wirklich individuellen Stil-Mix. Portugiesischer Sprechgesang wechselt sich ab mit melodischen Passagen und knackigen Bläser-Riffs, funkig-rockigem Crossover, Reggae, Ska und Fado. Durchweg tanzbare Rhythmen, spanische, portugiesische und afrikanische Einflüsse – das ist keine bayerische Band. Die fünfköpfige Münchner Band – alles langjährige Musiker – spielt in dieser Formation seit 2006 zusammen. Band Members: Pancho Ballweg (Bass) • Eva Buck (Saxophon) • Gabriel Correia (Guitar, Vocals) • Heiko Popp (Drums, Vocals) • Carsten Ullrich (Trumpet, Vocals) www.pico-live.de w.skipdo PICO SKA-FUNK ww Sapphire om Song on the Hit CD 2012: SKIPDOWN METAL FROM GERMANY wn .c The band’s story begins in 2007 in Leverkusen Poetry Fact, as a couple of 16-17 year old boys decided to make music together and act as Red Hot Chili Peppers cover band. But when they realized that despite or perhaps because of constant change of band members, nothing sensible came about and there is no success hired, Tim decided, Sandro and Thomas to put something unique on their feet. The instruments were distributed quickly and fairly spontaneous. Tim began playing guitar and was determined to singer; Sandro, who played a bit more in his spare time, was put behind the drums and bass Thomas went on to easily. Poetry Fact had a few teething problems. As it turned out, the songwriting was not easy with little experience, what did the band come quickly to criticism. But instead of being discouraged them experimented Tim, Sandro and Thomas simply continue with various styles of music, they played with tact switch, the songs were longer and caught three se for Progressive interested skirt, then what should ultimately be the style in which The band developed. Otherwise, however, any classification of Poetry Fact is difficult, because the band puts much emphasis on an entirely independent and unique sound have to, which settles from all others. The three guys do not want simply to adjust but above all let their own ideas and their own personal experiences into the music. Im November 2009, haben sich vier Musiker entschlossen, sich aus ihren nahezu 10 Jahre alten Bandgefüge zu befreien, um das nächste Kapitel aufzuschlagen... Ein Jahr schlossen Sie die Pforten zur Außenwelt um sich einzukerkern, Songs zu schreiben und aufzunehmen. Am 11. Dezember 2010 war es dann soweit, ihre erste EP wurde live im WU5 in Dresden vorgestellt. Vor ausverkauftem Haus wurde Skipdown live geboren und vom Publikum begeistert aufgenommen. „Pathetic Fanatic“ wurde das Erstlingswerk kurzerhand betitelt. Am ehesten ist das was sie da machen als Neo-Thrash oder Groove-Metal mit einem gehörigen Schuss Wahnsinn zu beschreiben. Skipdown besteht aus Sille der die Drums bearbeitet, Fred der an den fünf Saiten zupft, Matt der dem Ganzen seine Stimme gibt und die Riff-Gitarre bedient und Mr. Brewer für Shred- und Riff-Gitarre zuständig. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Hardcore Catwalk Band Members: Matt Steen (Vocals, Guitar) • Sille (Drums) • Mr. Brewer (Guitar) • Fred Cube (Bass) VORTICE DI NULLA I Vortice di Nulla nascono nel 2004 Band Members: quando Ivano, Luca PROGRESSIVE / PSICHEDELICA / Ivano Nichetti (Guitar) • Luca e Francesco decidoSPERIMENTALE FROM ITALY Bandini (Bass) • Francesco Innocenti no di formare una (Guitar) • Matteo Innocenti (Synth, band di rock strumentale e psichedelico. A loro si unisce Valerio e il gruppo iniKeyboard, Vocoder) • Daniele Macchi zia subito a comporre i primi brani, lunghi pezzi melodici che vengono interrotti (Guitar, Synth, Vocoder) • Mattia bruscamente da sfuriate noise. Col passare del tempo il sound della band si fa Stringhi (Drums) più ricercato e grazie al secondo demo, “I’m with Tortillas, throwing storse Song on the Hit CD 2012: in the water” la band entra a fare parte della scuderia dell’etichetVortice Di Nulla ta indipendente milanese Trazeroeuno records. Nel 2008 si unisce ai Vortice di Nulla Matteo come tastierista, mentre nel 2009 le strade della band e di Valerio si separano consensualmente. A questo punto alla batteria arriva Mattia, il suono dei Vortice di Nulla subisce un’ulteriore evoluzione ed i pezzi diventano più aggressivi ed immediati. Nel 2010 la band registra “The roundabouts mania”, disco che ottiene ottimi riscontri dalla critica e da riviste specializzate. Sul finire dello stesso anno entra a far parte del gruppo anche Daniele alla chitarra e a synth. Nel 2011 la band ha registrato l’ep “Psychedelic Caballeros” e attualmente è impegnata nella stesura di nuovi brani da registrare nel 2012. www.myspace.com/vorticedinulla POETRY FACT PROGRESSIVE ROCK FROM GERMANY THE SUNPILOTS PROGRESSIVE ROCK FROM GERMANY VIOLASHIVA ALTERNATIVE ROCK FROM ITALY Band Members: Raj Siva-Rajah (Vocals) • Bob Spencer (Guitar) • Justin Kool (Bass) • Tom McGirr (Drums) www.reverbnation.com/violashiva www.thesunpilots.com Born in Australia to a classically trained Sri Lankan mother, Raj Siva-Rajah was a boy caught between two worlds. From the age of 8 he began mastering the classical Carnatic music of the east, while falling in love with the progressive rock sound of the 70’s. In 2006 Raj met lead guitarist Bob Spencer and soon after The Sunpilots were born. The Sunpilots released their debut album Living Receiver in late 2008 to rave reviews in Europe, Australia and the US including a MusicOz award, an “Indie Album of the Year” and two “Indie Album of the Week” awards from music press. Since then the band has completed 5 high-profile tours, achieved a #1 most added song on Australian radio, music video airplay on Video Hits (VH) and Channel V in 8 countries and has earned a reputation from street press to Rolling Stone as a must-see live act. This success was recognised when The Sunpilots won RadioAustralia’s ‘New Artists 2 Radio’ (NA2R) award and performed at the Australian Radio Awards to a national audience. Now based in Berlin, The Sunpilots have played over 180 shows and 23 festivals across Europe since September, winning over crowds in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the UK, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania and more. With performances reviewers have described as “electric” and “stadium-worthy”, the band is quickly becoming a festival favourite. Song on the Hit CD 2012: The Captain DIRTY BLUES ROCK FROM GERMANY Red Hot Mama MARTIN MAXA DIRTY BLUES ROCK FROM GERMANY Mit bürgerlichem Namen heisst er Ivan Varga. Er ist 50 Jahre alt. Hat auf einer Fakultät für Sport studiert und ist Inhaber eines eigenen Musik Clubs. Er ist nicht verheiratet, hat 3 Kinder und lebt mit seiner Freundin zusammen. Seit er jung war hat er selbst komponiert, schreibt seine Texte selbst, hatte im Jahr 2000 seinen Durchbruch in Tschechien und wurde dafür mit einem Musikpreis als bester Sänger ausgezeichnet. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Deja Vu ww Song on the Hit CD 2012: w.electrified -so u l. co m The band ‘Electrified Soul’ formed itself around the virtuoso guitarist and singer Fabian Brugger and they began to become addicted to the love to blues. They want to make explosive music just as guys named Stevie Ray Vaughan, Gary Moore, Jimi Hendrix or Joe Bonamassa. Band Members: Kostia Rossi (Vocals, Guitar) • Andrea Pellegrini (Bass) • Emiliana Voltarel (Keyboards) • Oscar Piani (Drums) Band Members: Fabian Brugger (Guitar, Vocals) • Lars Rippel (Bass, B-Vocals) • Adrian Rippel (Drums, B-Vocals) www.martinmaxa.cz ViolaShiva from Varese, Italy was founded in 2005. The band plays alternative rock music with some noise and grunge variations. With the recent introduction of keyboards (2010) and a new drummer (2011), their sound has become more mature than ever. The band published one EP in 2007 (‘Le Cose che non vuoi’) and a CD in 2009 (‘Anonimi Amplificati’). At the present they’re recording a new EP. ViolaShiva toured in north and central Italy since 2007. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Tuxtla TEQUILA FUNK ROCK, FOLK, BLUES EXPERIENCE FROM ITALY teq u om ila f u n k .c Inspired by bucolic atmospheres and themes that explore the most intimate feelings, Tequila Funk Experience propose an unpredictable rock held by folk and blues roots, which vocal harmonies and various features can rely on. As a long journey, their guitars adroitly bounce between vigorous and airy sounds while the intersection of dynamics creates bright, blooming and dreamy atmospheres. While going beyond various psychedelic paths, they never miss a choral sense of unity that distinguishes them in paths that sometimes melt and mix with dream. Conceptually, Tequila Funk Experience care about specific topics such as “green revolution” and “zero impact”. Song on the Hit CD 2012: Hey Brother Band Members: Luca Bellinello (Vocals, Guitar), Carlo Machirelli (Vocals, Guitar), Tobia Donati (Bass), Jacopo Cenesi (Drums, Vocals) KARENINA ROCK, FOLK, BLUES FROM ITALY www.karenina.it Band Members: Francesco Bresciani (Vocals, Guitar) Francesco Zini (Bass) Giuseppe Falco (Guitar) Ottavia Marini (Piano, Vocals) Enrico Brugali (Drums) Song on the Hit CD 2012: Le macchine da scrivere I Karenina sono all’esordio, ma in realtà non lo sono: stranezze dovute a un cambiamento di stato, ma non di forma, a una ragione sociale che muta, ma che non altera le componenti fondamentali che danno vita a un progetto in pieno sviluppo da quasi due anni. Triste Colore Rosa è stata la crisalide dalla quale è nata la farfalla Karenina. Ilprocesso, veicolato da un cambio di nome e ufficializzato a ottobre del 2011, è dovuto all’arricchirsi della musica del gruppo di sfumature nuove, in parte distanti dall’universo di “Scomparire in 11 semplici mosse”. Musica che prenderà forma completa nel disco “Il futuro che ricordavo”, in uscita a inizio 2012, anticipato dal singolo e videoclip “Colore”. FESTIVAL 2011 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 29.7.2011 - 7.8.2011 FLASHBACK 29.7.2011 - 7.8.2011 Groundswimmer Jaspoia Lee from Germany from Germany Coffee After from Undiscovered Soul from Switzerland Menestrello from Italy Witche‘s Brew from Italy Old Morgen from Italy m Italy Looceedee from England N.S.J.B. from Italy Seaward f ro Il Vile from Italy and The Michel Montecrossa ri Chosen Few from Mirapu Italy Cherries On A Blacklist from Germany ck Festival 2011 The Spirit of Woodsto ys of joy, coming in Mirapuri, Italy: 10 da ing of borderless together and the feel international understanding that tin’ gives. Bands music and happy feas Germany, Austria from Mirapuri, Italy, and came along Switzerland, and Engl ce. The various with a groovy audien ic, the variety atmospheres of mus ntributed with of individuals who co odwill, the well their creativity and go the Omnidiet organized support of d Mira Sound Hotel, Filmaur an the many happy Germany Team and made the Spirit visitors once again val in Mirapuri, of Woodstock Festi irapuri Rainbow together with the M puri’s one and Gathering and Mira n Oktoberfest only original Bavaria g experience of in Italy into a thrillin Peace, Love and Joy. Jales und Knopf from Germany FLASHBACK Black Vomit from Italy MaryHell from Italy Vortice di Nulla from Italy Nekrosun from Italy Blank Manusk from Austria ript 2011 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Full Tank from Italy FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 2011 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 29.7.2011 - 7.8.2011 FLASHBACK FESTIVAL and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY 2011 MIRAPURI RAINBOW GATHERING: 10 DAYS OF LOVE AND PEACE 29th July - 7th August 2011 FESTIVAL e RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALIA 2011 MIRAPURI RAINBOW GATHERING: 10 GIORNI D’AMORE E PACE 29/07 - 07/08 www.Mirapuri-RainbowGathering.com FESTIVAL 2012 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 27.7.2012 - 5.8.2012 TEN DAYS WITH MUSIC, PEACE AND LOVE FESTIVAL 2012 MORE THAN 23 INTERNATIONAL BANDS PLAY EVERY DAY LIVE FROM 1900 - 2400 and RAINBOW GATHERING IN MIRAPURI, ITALY THE ORIGINAL BAVARIAN OKTOBERFEST AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL HOW TO COME TO THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2012 IN MIRAPURI ITALY: If you come by car go from Stresa via Gignese and Sovazza to MirapuriCoiromonte. At MirapuriCoiromonte you will see the Omnidiet Hotel where the Spirit of Woodstock Festival takes place. If you come by train go to Stresa and phone David at the Omnidiet Hotel (Phone: 0322-999009). He will help you to get a transport from Stresa railway station to the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in Mirapuri, Italy. For finding out the proper Italian train connection go to: www.trenitalia.com SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL Via Monte Falò 8 • 28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte • (Prov. di Novara) • Italy Phone: ++39-0322-999009, Fax: ++39-0322-999129 eMail: [email protected] INTERNET: www.SpiritOfWoodstockFest.com