curriculum vitae - Lehrstuhl für Marketing


curriculum vitae - Lehrstuhl für Marketing
Date of birth
Mag. Marion Garaus (PhD)
Austria, Vienna
[email protected]
Consumer behaviour
Mental processes in consumer behaviour (i.e., cognition, emotion),
retail shopper confusion, (online) store design, retail crowding, choice
overload, congruency/schemata theory, colors and product packaging,
digital signage, electronic shelf labels
Multivariate analysis methods, experiments, structural equation models,
scale development, item response theory (Rasch models)
Sept 2009 - Jan 2013
PhD Management Studies, University of Vienna
(focus: Marketing, dissertation submission date: August 2012)
Dissertation topic: “Retail Shopper Confusion – The Dark Side of
Shopping Experience”, graduated with distinction
Reviewers: Univ.-Prof. Andrea Gröppel-Klein (Saarland University)
and Univ.-Prof. Rainer Greifeneder (Basel University)
Oct 2004 – Jan 2009
Dissertation distinguished with the Award of Excellence 2013
Dissertation awarded with the Certificate of Recognition of the
Dr. Maria Schaumayer-Foundation
Dissertation nominated for the EHI Scientific Award 2014
Dissertation supported with a research grant of the University
of Vienna
Diploma Study of Business Administration, WU Vienna University
of Economics and Business
(focus: Change Management & Management Development and Retail
& Marketing)
Diploma thesis topic: “The effect of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic
Reviewer: Univ.-Prof. Helmut Kasper
Since Feb 2013
Lecturer, Ecole de Management de Normandie, Le Havre (France)
Lecture on store design
Oct 2011 – Feb 2012
Maternity leave
Since Jan 2010
Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
Workshops and seminars in empirical research methods, supervisor of
master theses
Since Sept 2009
Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Vienna, Chair of
Research with focus on consumer behavior (i.e., retail shopper
confusion, choice overload, emotions) and store design, lectures on
principles of marketing and e-marketing, research projects, publications
and presentations at international conferences, business projects with
companies, supervisor of bachelor and master theses, support in
administrative activities (e.g., conference organisation)
Aug 2005 – May 2009
Marketing Manager, Cmotion Mechatronik- und
EntwicklungsgmbH, Vienna
May 2005 – July 2005
Assistant of the CEO, Easystaff GmbH, Vienna
Nov 2004 – May 2005
Assistant of the CEO, Unternehmensberatung & Werbeagentur
Spornitz, Vienna
Aug 2004 – Nov 2004
Shop Assistant, Mexx Austria GmbH, Vienna
Dec 2003 – May 2004
Office Work, Customer Service, TANNER GmbH, Vienna
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (ST = Sommer term, WT = Winter term)
Principals in Marketing
University of Vienna (ST 2010, ST 2011, WT2012, WT2013, ST2014)
University of Vienna (ST2014, WT2015)
Empirical Master Seminar
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (ST 2011, ST 2012,
Workshop on Qualitative
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (ST 2009, ST 2010, ST
Content Analysis
2011, ST 2012)
Market Research and
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (ST 2014)
Consumer Behavior
Store Design
Ecole de Management de Normandie (WT 2013, WT2014)
Joint supervision of 3 Master thesis candidates at the University of Vienna
Supervision of more than 50 Bachelor thesis candidates at the University of Vienna
Supervision of 10 Bachelor and 13 Master thesis candidates at the University of Applied
Support with conference organization
Research projects, publications and presentations at international conferences
Member of Habilitation commission
Member of working group for development of extension curriculum: Quantitative Methods in
the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Conduction of an image analysis for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
Lecturer at the children’s university 2014
“Innovationsscheck” of Wirtschaftskammer Wien, € 5000 for joint research project with company
Camadeus: The Influence of Digital Signage on Waiting Time Perceptions at the POS.
“Innovationsscheck” of Wirtschaftskammer Wien, € 5000 for joint research project with company
Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management; Global Economic Review;
Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH)
Global Economic Review
Peer-reviewed Journals (published)
Garaus, M., Wagner, U., & Kummer, C. (2015). Cognitive fit, retail shopper confusion, and
shopping value: Empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 68(5), 1003-1011.
Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2013). Retail shopper confusion - An explanation for the
avoidance behavior at the point-of-sale. In S. Botti (Ed.), Advances in Consumer Research: Vol. 41.
Making a difference (pp. 407–410). Duluth, Minn: Association for Consumer Research.
Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2013). Die Auswirkungen von Einkaufsverwirrung auf das
Nachfrageverhalten. Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management,, 35(1), 8-21.
Garaus, M. (2012). Einkaufsverwirrung – Aktueller Stand der Forschung und
konzeptionelles Modell. Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 34(4), 336–350.
Conference Papers (peer-reviewed)
Garaus, M. (2015). Color congruency in product packaging: Some implications for branding
(extended abstract). 3rd Brand Camp, Obergurgl, Tirol.
Garaus, M. & Puchegger, R. The effects of (in)congruent package colors on emotions, attitude,
product quality perceptions and purchase intention. EMAC Conference Proceedings 2015 (forthcoming).
Garaus, M., Bachner, K., Schaffhause-Linzatti, M., Fable, O. (2015). Gründe der Hochschulund Studienfachwahl: Aktuelle Entwicklungen aufgrund geänderter Rahmenbedingungen in
Österreich am Beispiel der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Wien.
Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Hochschulmanagement vom 20. bis 21.
Februar 2015, Duisburg.
Wagner, U., Garaus, M., Wolfsteiner, E. & Manzinger, S. Electronic shelf labels: Customers’
perception, approval and behavioral responses – A field experiment. EMAC Conference Proceedings
2015 (forthcoming).
Steiner, E., Garaus, M., & Bachner, Katarina. The formation of service expectations and quality
inferences: A cue utilization perspective. EMAC Conference Proceedings 2015 (forthcoming).
Garaus, M. (2014). How online stores confuse shoppers: Conceptual framework and
empirical investigation. EMAC Conference Proceedings, Valencia .
Wagner, U., & Garaus, M. (2014). Using the Rasch model for the development and
assessment of multiple-choice tests in marketing: Some practical guidelines. EMAC Conference
Proceedings, Valencia.
Wolfsteiner, E., Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2014). A comparison of traditional and electronic
price tags: Processing,evaluation and in-store reactions. EMAC Regional Conference Proceedings.
Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2013). Consumer in-store responses to retail shopper confusion.
EMAC Conference Proceedings 2013, Istanbul.
Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2013). Should I stay or should I go: Consequences of retail
shopper confusion. FAG Conference Proceedings, Innsbruck.
Wagner, U., & Garaus, M. (2013). The assessment of reliability in qualitative research: some
comparisons of intercoder reliability indices. EMAC Regional Conference Proceedings 2013, St.
Petersburg (forthcoming).
Wagner, U., & Garaus, M. (2013). Retail shopper confusion: Conceptualization, scale
development, nomological validation. EMAC Conference Proceedings 2013, Istanbul.
Wolfsteiner, E., Garaus, M., & Wagner, U. (2013). The joint-effect of sponsorship and print
advertising on brand image in integrated marketing communication strategies. EMAC
Conference Proceedings 2013, Istanbul.
Wagner, U., Garaus, M., & Garaus, C. (2012). Explaining the choice overload effect - Does
self-determination theory help? EMAC Conference Proceedings, Lissabon.
Garaus, M., & Kummer, C. (2011). The negative consequences of the store environment: An
empirical investigation. EMAC Regional Conference Proceedings, Iaşi, 100–107.
Garaus, M., Weitzl, W., Wolfsteiner, E., & Zimprich, M. (Eds.) 2010. New directions - New
insights: Proceedings of the fourth German-French-Austrian conference on quantitative marketing.
Ebster, C., & Garaus, M. (2011). Store design and visual merchandising: Creating store space that
encourages buying. New York: Business Expert Press.
Malhotra, N. (eds), Ebster, C., & Garaus, M. (2011). Design de loja e merchandising visual. São
Paolo: Editora Saraiva.
Book chapters
Garaus, M. (2013). Beiersdorf. In U. Wagner, H. Reisinger, & C. Schwand (Eds.), Ein
Arbeitsbuch zu den Grundzügen des Marketing. Fallstudien aus der österreichischen Marketingpraxis,
6. Band (1st ed.). Wien: facultas.wuv. 37–46.
Research talks
Garaus, M. (2015). Retail Shopper Confusion – Einkaufsverwirrung am Point-of-Sale. 10.
DWG Effizienztag „Konsum- und Menschenbilder“, 23. April 2015, Berlin.
Garaus, M. (2015). Der Einfluss von Einkaufsverwirrung auf das Konsumentenverhalten
am Point-of-Sale:
Experimentelle Untersuchung. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen
Kommission Marketing vom 28. bis 29. Jänner 2015, Wien.
Garaus, M. (2015). One color fits all? The influence of product category color norms on
product evaluation. Research Seminar of the Institute for Marketing & Consumer Research,
Vienna University of Economics and Business. 13th January 2015.
Garaus, M. (2013). Consumer reactions to confusing store environments. University of
Sussex, Department of Business and Management, 4th December 2013.

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