Mediadaten 2013


Mediadaten 2013
Media Kit 2013
Valid from 01.06.2013
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 Munich
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Page 1
Table of contents
PROJEKT MAGAZIN OUR PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
DATES OF PUBLICATION ISSUES 2013 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
DATES OF PUBLICATION SPOTLIGHT 2013.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
STRUCTURE OF SUBSCRIBERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
IN WHICH SECTORS DO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WORK? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
IN WHICH KIND OF PROJECT DO OUR SUBSCRIBERS WORK? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
STRUCTURE OF READERS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
STATISTICS OF VISITORS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ENTRIES IN OUR COLUMNS “SERVICE PROVIDERS” AND “SOFTWARE” ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
PREMIUM ENTRY IN SOFTWARE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
EXAMPLE OF ENTRY IN SOFTWARE WITH PERFORMANCE PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
TOP-ENTRY IN SERVICE PROVIDER OR SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
EXAMPLE OF PREMIUM-ENTRY IN "SERVICE-PROVIDERS” WITH COMPANY PROFILE .............................................................................................................................. 16
SPOTLIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
ALL PRICES ARE NET-PRICES PLUS VAT IN EURO FOR A BOOKING OF 30 DAYS....................................................................................................................................... 21
ADVERTORIALS – PUBLISH YOUR OWN TEXT .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
JOB MARKET .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
CONTACT US .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 2
Projekt Magazin our profile
Projekt Magazin is the leading German journal specialized in project management. It was founded in February 2000, since then an edition is published twice a month (24
editions per year). Projekt Magazin is published online on; our readers are mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Visitor frequency: monthly over 57.000 visitors (ip addresses) (February 2013)
Number of subscribers: 27.500 (June 2013)
Our target groups: project managers, project leaders and managing directors
Every 14 days we inform about the current issue in the pm-newsletter (impression: 27.500 e-Mails, June 2013) – The portal of knowledge
every 14 days appears the current issue of the Projekt Magazin
every 4 weeks appears the Spotlight, a special issue of the Projekt Magazin
The column “all articles” includes a knowledge base of over 1.400 professional articles and reports
The column “Tools” includes over 100 check lists and patterns
Over 40 Software-reports, company portraits and user reports
More than 100 market overviews of companies concerning “software” and “service providing”
Over 900 definitions of technical terms in our glossary
With your advertisement on you reach all visitors of Projekt Magazin site - monthly over 57.000 visitors - people who lead and operate projects.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 3
Dates of publication Issues 2013
Projekt Magazin-Issues
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 4
Dates of publication Spotlight 2013
Negotiation of targets and results
Conflict Management
Employee Motivation
Stakeholder Management
Stress avoidance and stress management
Coaching and mentoring
Combination between agile and traditional PM
Presentation in projects
Decision-Making in projects
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 5
Structure of subscribers
We address to the whole community of project management in small, medium and large companies.
The number of subscribers is increasing constantly. At the moment we have 20.300 subscribers (June 2013).
Our Readers are mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 6
In which sectors do our subscribers work?
Project management is a topic concerning all sectors. So you find subscribers in all sectors too. The main sectors are IT, financial services, public authority and automotive.
Sectors our readers work in
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 7
In which kind of project do our subscribers work?
Our subscribers work in different kinds of project, for example: development of organization, IT, research, product design, marketing, event management and construction.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 8
Structure of readers
Projekt Magazin is read by decision makers on project management-, business unit- or company level. About 80% of the subscribers have the following job titles: project
leader, business unit manager, project manager or general manager.
In our audience there are students, graduands and postgraduates as well. We offer sponsored subscriptions to universities. At the moment we are sponsoring 49 universities.
We advance the next generation of project managers by providing knowledge, for future projects.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 9
Statistics of visitors
Projekt Magazin has the broadest coverage and lowest wastage in the German-speaking project management market.
Total of subscribers
20.300 (by June 2013)
Pay per views
about 200 articles per month
Visitors per month
nearly 57.000, recurring visitors: 20.023
Average visitor time
about 2,5 minutes
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 10
Entries in our columns “Service providers” and “Software”
Our market overviews "Service Providers" or "Software" assist customers to search business partners in project management
The sub-columns in "Software" are: Planning, Solutions to Branches, Special Solutions, Management & Controlling und Portals
The sub-columns in "Service providing" are: Consulting Services, Professional Training, IT Services,
Associations and Organizations.
To make searching easier, the columns are subdivided (e.g. main column: solutions to branches, sub columns:
Construction, Automotive, etc). Your company or software is listed in the sub column. Projekt Magazin is offering
an audience specific advertising rostrum. We publish your company’s profile linking to your webpage.
Facilities of presentation
The position of an entry depends on the actuality and is arranged in alphabetically order
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
After actualization of entry, Link with
logo will be presented on portal
Homepage (rotating)
Linking to professional articles
published by Projekt Magazin
Linking to portrait of firm or user report
if available
Choice of 4 sub columns
in the open access area or Projekt
Top ranking within the categories
Up to 5 documents for download
Performance profile (Software)
company profile (service providers)
Announcement oft the new entry in the
pm-newsletter (sent to 27.500
Publishing of press releases
Appointment of 5 main focusses
Seite 11
Premium Entry in Software
You have the possibility to offer customer manifold and detailed information about your services. The Product entry is available to subscribers and non subscribers.
We revise and expand the column permanently. Your suggestions are welcome.
The following services are included:
Detailed performance profile of your software (page 13).
Linking to other entries or software-reports, company portraits or user reports (if available).
Providing up to 5 own documents to download
Publishing of your press releases.
Announcement of a new entry in our pm-newsletter (27.500 recipients).
You find an example for an entry on page 13 of the media kit.
Our tip: Offer your own documents within your entry for download (i.e. Case Studies, User Stories), average download per month is 20!
An entry is online at least for a period of 6 month. The extension of the period will be extended automatically if there’s no denouncement.
The costs are 99 Euro (plus tax) per month and product
Including an entry in two main column and max. four sub columns.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 12
Example of entry in software with performance profile
You have the possibility to create a performance profile of your software to point out its functions and specialties. There are consistent charts for defined features of your
product. You can give additional explanations as well. The performance profile will be verified by quality management.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 13
Top-Entry in Service Provider or Software
You have the possibility a book additional a top entry for software or service provider homepage or for the appropriate category your premium entry is in.
Present your entry prominent on Software or Service Homepage or within the categories. Booking of Top-Entries will increase your visits about 90 %, so it’s worth it.
Price Top-Entry for –Homepage
179 Euro (plus tax)
Duration period: minimum 3 month.
Price Top-Entry for category
99 Euro (plus tax)
Duration period: minimum 3 month.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 14
Premium-Entry in Service-Provider
You have the possibility to give a presentation of your company and provide customers with detailed information about your services
Your entry is listed in 2 main column and 4 sub-columns. The entry is available to subscribers and non-subscribers of Projekt Magazin.
We revise and expand the column permanently. Your suggestions are welcome.
The following services are included:
Linking to other entries or to you company portrait.
Providing up to 5 own documents to download
Publishing of your company’s press releases
Announcement of a new entry in our pm-newsletter (27.500 recipients).
Announcement of a company profile
You find an example for an entry on page 16.
Our tip: Offer your own documents within your entry for download (i.e. Case Studies, User Stories), average download per month is 17!
An entry is online at least for a period of 6 month. The extension of the period will be extended automatically if there’s no denouncement.
The costs are 99 Euro (plus tax) per month and product
Including an entry in two main column and four sub columns.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 15
Example of Premium-Entry in "Service-Providers” with company profile
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 16
Event Calendar
The column "events" is one of the most visited pages of Projekt Magazin. The readers use this page to inform themselves about courses and trainings in project management.
In the calendar of events you can book a specific number of dates. During a period of 6 months you can easily appoint your dates yourself. In addition you have the possibility
to accentuate single dates. They appear as Top-Events and in bold in each column.
It is an advantage to have an entry additional to the date in the calendar of events, so we are linking your events to your company profile and also the other way back.
Calendar of events
Prices in Euro
Up to 5 events
Up to 10 events
Up to 25 events
Up to 50 events
Up to 100 events,
(including 3 accentuations)
Additional fee for each accentuation
All prices plus tax, valid for a 6 month period.
The extension of the period will be carried out automatically if there’s no denouncement
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 17
Spotlight is a special issue of Projekt Magazin, a thematic collocation of the best articles, patterns and tips of relevant topics in project management. It’s one of the most
visited pages of Projekt Magazin.
Each Spotlight edition is complemented by a selection of technical terms of our glossary, further reference of “webweiser” as well as announcements of courses and events.
The Spotlight appears once a month and is announced in the spotlight newsletter. Subscribers have regularly access to the Spotlight, for non-subscribers it is available per
In the spotlight newsletter is your exclusive text display place (27.500 recipients, June 2013). Your skyscraper is online for 6 months on the spotlight page.
We offer an exclusive advertisement space in each Spotlight edition. Your advantage: You reach your audience –project managers and project leaders. You find an example
on page 19.
(27.500 recipients)
Werbebundle 6 month
1 exclusive text display
With your logo
max. 8 lines à 60 signs
Banner ad
On the Spotlight-DetailPage
Combined Price
1 Skyscraper - Banner
Format: 120 x 600 oder 160 x 600 Pixel
max. 60KB
1.295, 00 Euro (netto)
You find the spotlight topics overview on
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 18
Advertisement in the Spotlight
This could be you’re exclusively advertisements:
Your Skyscraper:
On detail-homepage of des Spotlights
In Spotlight-NL:
Your Text-Ad with company logo
„Das Sponsoring von zielgerichteten Newslettern hat uns werbungstechnisch am meisten gebracht. Vor allem das Spotlight des Projekt Magazins hat uns wiederholt bei der
Generierung von qualitativ-hochwertigen Leads effektiv unterstützt." Gerald Aquila, CEO Onepoint
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 19
Banner formats
You can select between different types and formats of banner ads. You can deliver animated or non-animated banners as gif or flash file. The linking’s of flash banners have
to have a clicktag for tracking your clicks
Information about prices and positions you find on page 21
Delivery as animated or notanimated gif- or Flash-files.
728 x 90 Pixel
(max. filesize 90 KB)
120 x 600 Pixel
160 x 600 Pixel
(max. filesize 60 KB)
Horizontaler Vollbanner
468 x 60 Pixel
(max. filesize 35 KB)
Example of Text Banner
Rectangle Banner
180 x 150 Pixel
(max. filesize 20 KB)
Text Banner (HTML)
180 x 150 Pixel
maximale length – depending on
text - variable dimension
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 20
Banner Prices
Banner prices depend on the website position. In the list below you find the net-prices for a runtime of 30 days (minimum runtime for banner advertisements).
All Prices are net-prices plus VAT in EURO for a booking of 30 days.
Site Portal
Full Pos.
500 €
300 €
Horizontal fullbanner 1-2
Text Banner
Portal Homepage
1.250 €
1.000 €
Issues Homepage
1.000 €
1.000 €
500 €
Glossary Homepage
625 €
500 €
250 €
125 €
Events Homepage
625 €
375 €
250 €
125 €
Themes Homepage
625 €
500 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
Software Homepage
625 €
375 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
625 €
375 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
News Homepage
625 €
375 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
Tools Homepage
625 €
500 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
Links Homepage
625 €
375 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
Spotlight Homepage
625 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
Books Homepage
625 €
1 Glossary BannerTheme*
All 8 Glossary BannerThemes*
375 €
300 €
540 €
250 €
540 €
250 €
250 €
125 €
300 €
1.499 €
*Glossary-Themes: Implementation & Basics / Planning & Cost / Organization & Processes / Special Terms / Strategy & Portfolio / Management & Soft skills / Controlling & Finance / Quality & Risk
please note: each theme consist of 80 to 150 terms on which your banner can be placed. 65% of visitors come via search engines.
Further positions and prices are available on request. Please contact: [email protected]
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 21
Text-Ads in our newsletter
For each edition Projekt Magazin is sending the pm-newsletter to 27.500 recipients (June 2013). The newsletter is not only sent to subscribers, it addresses also future
customers for our market overviews service- providers or software. We also address persons that are using Projekt Magazin on a pay-per-view basis.
pm- newsletter
Text Ad (8 lines) 60 signs per line
max. 500 signs in whole (incl.
25 Euro a advertisement
every 1.000 contacts
Example: June 2013:
700 Euro (plus tax).
4 ads package
15 Euro per advertisement
every 1.000 contacts
Example June 2013:
1.680 Euro (plus tax)
Prices are without editorial services
Closing date is Thursday before the next
issues’ appearance.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 22
Text-Ads with logo in our portal-NL
Portal-Newsletter will be sent out once a month. It reports about news of our information platform and will be send to 27.500 recipients. (June 2013). In Portal- Newsletter you
can place your exclusively Text-Ad with your logo.
Portal- Newsletter
Exclusively Text-Ad plus Company logo
• Text Ad (8 lines) 60 signs per line
max. 500 signs in whole (incl.
35 Euro a advertisement
every 1.000 contacts
Example: June 2013:
980 Euro (plus tax).
4 ads package
25 Euro per advertisement
every 1.000 contacts
Example June 2013:
2.800 Euro (plus tax)
Prices are without editorial services
Closing date is Thursday before the next
issues’ appearance.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 23
Advertorials – Publish your own text
Advertorial is an advertisement in form of an article. This offers companies the possibility to introduce its products, services, company profile or all other information to a broad
public. The advertorial is a good option for introduction of complex products.
Because of the editorial format our readers do like this sort of articles very much. For the text production and layout the editor of advertorial is responsible. The guidelines of
Projekt Magazin have to be considered.
The advertorial will be presented very prominent on portal homepage including your company logo.
The price for publication of advertorial: 1.950 EUR plus Tax for 12 months in open area of Projekt Magazin
Look here, how advertorials will be implemented on our site:
On homepage: title and teaser with direct link to PDF with minimum duration of 3 months
In theme category “articles from companies“ title and teaser with direct link to PDF for complete 12 months
Detail-entry on SW or Serve-Provider: Title with direct link to PDF for complete 12 months
(Ranking of marketplace entries. Entries with advertorials are placed above)
In addition we advise to new advertorials in our Portal-Newsletter with 27.500 recipients (June 2013) nonrecurring.
Advertorial will be downloaded 80 times a month in average!
Are you interested? – Please request for information brochure with guidelines for content, range and layout.
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 24
Job market
In cooperation with we run our job market, to bring employers and job applicants for project management together.
Under we publish regularly Top-Jobs for project management. In addition you find detailed search function for individual requests.
Take out your job advertisement on and our partnernetwork of from 175 Euro.
Request for a non-binding offer under [email protected] with notification of period of duration and your individual layout-requests.
For job applicants exits the possibility to publish cost-free a CV
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 25
Contact us
You have further questions? – Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me:
Brigitte Groth
Marketing & Sales
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1
Fax +49 89 2420798-8
e-Mail: [email protected]
Projekt Magazin – Berleb Media GmbH – Machtlfinger Str. 21 – 81379 München
Tel. +49 89 2420798-1 – Fax +49 89 2420798-8 – [email protected] –
Seite 26