WOMEN IN GERMAN Number 31 August 1983 EIGHTH ANNUAL WOMEN IN GERMAN CONFERENCE-RETREAT STIMM€ SUCH-€N, STIMM€ FIND€N October 13-16, 1983 Thompson's Island, Boston Guest Author: BARBARA FRISCHMUTH Conference coordinator: Edith J. Waldstein (M.I.T.); Registration: Horsley (U. Mass., Boston). Thursday evening Joey October 13 5:00 - 7:00 pm Arrival, registration, room assignment 7:00 - 8:00 pm Buffet supper, social hour 8:00 - 10:00 pm AUF DER SUCHE NACH EINER FEMINISTISCHEN GERMANISTIK: ACHT JAHRE WOMEN IN GERMAN Coordinator: Jeanette Clausen (IPFW). A brief review of WiG's feminist history and goals, followed by small-group discussions for getting (re-)acquainted with WiG and each other. October 14 Friday morning 8:30 am - breakfast 9:30 - 11:30 am STIMME SUCHEN: FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES ON WORK FROM VARIOUS DISCIPLINES Coordinator: Judith K. Jamieson (Providence ColI.) Presenters: Edith J. Waldstein (M.I.T.)--Women's Public and Private Voices in the German Romantic Salon; V. Joan Moessner (U. Alaska, Fairbanks)--Augusta EndersSchichanowsky: "Malweib," Miner, Madwoman; Ruth B. Bottigheimer (Princeton U.)-The Issue of Voicelessness in Grimms ' Kinder- und Hausmarchen; Judith K. Jamieson (Providence Col1.)--A Visual Voice: The "Maternal Feminine" in Modersohn, Kollwitz, and Zille. 11 : 45 - 1: 00 pm Open for special interest group meetings, sports activities or free time. 1 : 00 pm - lunch 2: Friday afternoon 2:30 - 4:30 pm FINDING A VOICE IN THE PROFESSION (tentative program) Jeannine Blackwell (Michigan State U.) and Irmgard Taylor (SUNY/ Coordinators: Cortland) . Presenters: Marlene Heinemann (U. Wyoming)--Teaching the German Letter "G": Discussing Gender Roles and Sexual Choice in the Classroom; Irmgard Taylor (SUNY/Cortland)--Stimme suchen: In der Universitatsverwaltung; Helga Kraft (U. Florida), Martha Wallach (U. Wisconsin/Green Bay), Dagmar Lorenz (Ohio State U.), Jeanette Clausen (IPFW)--Four Perspectives on Finding a Voice in Germany: Thoughts on the Hamburg Conference. (See also Irmgard Taylor's questionnaire on public speaking at the end of this newsletter.) t I 4:45 - 6:00 pm Steering Committee Meeting and free time 6:00 pm - dinner Friday evening 7:30 - 9:30 pm RAPE -- DENY IT A FUTURE: Women only! Women only! A NEW APPROACH TO RAPE PREVENTION EDUCATION Feminist rape prevention education exemplifies the conference motto "Stimme finden.1I An overview of sexual violence and the scope and extent of rape and sexual assault will be followed by discussion. This 2-hour workshop is planned to end on a positive, empowering note. Follow-up workshop on Saturday. LAST FERRY 10:00 pm October 15 Saturday morning Coordinators: 8:30 am - breakfast 9:30 - 11:30 am FICTION, FANTASY AND FREEDOM: TESTING THE LIMITS IN POST-WAR LITERATURE Dagmar Lorenz (OSU) and Barbara D. Wright (U. Conn., Storrs). Presenters: Sheila Johnson (Ohio State U.)--Fantasy as a Weapon: Irmtraud Morgner's Amanda: Ein Hexenroman; Angelika Bammer (Vanderbilt U.)--A Species Argument: Christa Reinig's Case for Women's Liberation; Sigrun O. Leonhard (Carleton Coll.)--Negation and Utopie in Christa Wolfs Kein Ort. Nirgends; Dagmar Lorenz (OSU)--Barbara Frischmuth; Leo Lensing (Wesleyan U.)--Ingeborg Bachmann, Joseph Roth and the "Hapsburg Myth. 1I Presentations in German. 11:45 - 1 :00 pm Open for special interest group meetings, sports activities or free time. 1 : 00 pm - lunch Saturday afternoon 2:30 - 4:30 pm WIG BUSINESS AND PLANNING MEETING For agenda items, and to contribute to the agenda, see tear-out sheet, p. 25. 3. Saturday afternoon (cont.) 4:45 - 5:45 pm UNLEARNING SILENCE: A WORKSHOP ON VERBAL ASSERTIVENESS Women only! Women only! A follow-up to Friday evening's session on rape prevention education, with a focus on acquaintance rape and sexual harassment situations. 6:00 pm - dinner Saturday evening Coordinator: 7:30 - 9:30 pm BARBARA FRISCHMUTH Karen Achberger (St. Olaf Coll.) Barbara Frischmuth will read from her work-in-progress, the novel Die Verkorperung. She will also share her views on the Christian mystics!Hf1degard von Bingen and Theresa von Avila, and discuss the topic of occidental mysticism, which is also germane to her novel. Discussion in German. LAST FERRY 10:00 pm October 16 Sunday morning 8:30 am - breakfast 9:30 - 10:30 am LOST VOICES/NEW VOICES: WOMEN'S POPULAR II TERATURE AND THE "CANON" Coordinators: Dorothy Rosenberg (Colby ColI.) and Resa Dudovitz (U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Brief presentations followed by small group discussions. 10:45 - 12:00 pm VIELE STIMMEN! Coordinators: Edith J. Waldstein (M.I.T.) and Barbara D. Wright (U. Conn.). Discussion of feelings, issues, problems and successes which have surfaced during the conference. Lunch Ferries departing from Thompson's Island at 9 am, 11 am, and 1 pm. ***** In addition to all of the above, we are planning a short program of feminist entertainment, performed by WiG members, which will be added to the schedule wherever we can fit it in. Not to be missed! ***** Conference registration form at the end of this newsletter, pp. 23-24. deadline is September 15, 1983. Registration ***** DON'T FORGET: Bring materials to the conference to share--new course outlines, bibliographies, information about new and forthcoming publications, feminist organizations and events and etc.! The October conference is our space for networking and empowering each other. Everyone has something she can contribute-your knowledge is important to us all! 4. BARBARA FRISCItMUTIt We were delighted when Barbara Frischmuth wrote that she would like to discuss her ideas on women mystics with us. As Karen Achberger points out, this will tie in well with last year's conference, when Luise Rinser read from her workin-progress, the "fifth gospel," relating the life of Christ according to Maria Magdalena; it will also give us an opportunity to continue our discussion of the pol itics of women's spiritual ity and of "Frauenmystik" that was begun in 1980 at the first Racine conference when Gabriele Strauch shared with us her research on Mechthild von Magdeburg. For WiG members who want to prepare for the meeting with Barbara Frischmuth, Karen sent this selected bibliography. I. Major Works: Trilogy: Die Mystifikationen der Sophie Silber. Roman. Residenz, 1973. dtv neue reihe 6311. Amy oder die Metamor~hose. dtv neue reihe 312. Roman. Kai und die Liebe zu den Model len. dtv neue re i he 6313. --19"8-'-.- Salzburg: Roman. Salzburg: Residenz, 1978. Salzburg: Residenz, 5. BARBARA FRISCHMUTH I. Major Works: Stories: (continued) Ruckkehr zum vorlaufigen Ausgangspunkt. Erzahlungen. Residenz, 1973. dtv neue reihe 6339. Haschen nach Wind. Erzahlungen. dtv sonderreihe 5455. Bindungen. II. Erzahlungen. Salzburg: Salzburg: Salzburg: Residenz, 1974. Residenz, 1980. dtv 10142. Secondary literature: Interviews: General: Bibliography: "Die Macht neu verteilen, so da13 sie keine Gefahr mehr fur die Welt bedeutet!" In: Ji.irgen Serke, Frauen Schreiben. Ein neues Kapitel deutschsprachiger literatur. Hamburg: Stern, 1979, pp. 150-163. "Weibliches BewuJ3tsein in Sprache umsetzen." In: Hilde Schmolzer, Frau Sein und Schreiben. Osterreichische SchriftstelTerTn~De7fnieren sich selbst. Vienna: Osterreichischer Bundesverlag, ~, pp. 63-72. KlG entry on Frischmuth (Stand 1.1.1982) by Ulrich Janetzki. Jorun B. Johns. "Barbara Frischmuth: Eine Bibliographie der Werke und der Sekundarliteratur bis Herbst 1980. 11 In: Modern Austrian literature, Vol. 14, No.1 (1981), pp. 101128. Remember that all of Frischmuth1s works that are currently in print are available from Schoenhof1s Foreign Books, 1280 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. Barbara Frischmuth1s (tentative) itinerary while in the U.S., arranged in cooperation with the Austrian Institute, is: Arrival in Boston, 11 October WiG Conference, 13-16 October Reading at U. Minnesota, 17 October Reading at Ohio State U., 20 October Reading at the "Deutsches Haus," Columbia U., 25 October Reading at Princeton U., 26 October Return to Vienna Questions about this itinerary should be directed to Martha Wallach (U. Wisconsin, Green Bay) or the Austrian Institute. 6. THE HAMBURG CONFERENCE The conference "Feministische Literaturwissenschaft: Zum Verhaltnis von Frauenbildern und Frauenl iteratur," held May 24-27 in Hamburg, was attended by over 300 women! -- The majority were from the FRG, but there were also participants from Austria, Switzerland, Italy, England and the U.S. Morning sessions were devoted to the presentation of formal papers; afternoon and evening sessions consisted of Arbeitsgruppen for discussion of more narrowly defined topics within the general framework of each morning's presentations. The conference was superbly organized by Sigrid Weigel and Inge Stephan (U. Hamburg): Thesenpapiere for the Arbeitsgruppen were mailed to everyone registered prior to the conference; a list of all participants was distributed at the conference; coffee and snacks were provided during the ample breaks between sessions; a wonderful women's carabet trio "Die Witwen" entertained us on Thursday evening-you get the idea. Sigrid's and Ingels resourcefulness also included on-the-spot flexibility: when the discussion group "Frauen und Film" bogged down in frustration over the participants ' wildly diverse experiences and backgrounds in film criticism, a showing of Ulrike Ottinger's Bildnis einer Trinkerin and a follow-up discussion period were quickly arranged for the following day, much to the satisfaction of those who attended. Several of us who were able to be present in Hamburg will report in more detail on the conference when we meet in October (see conference schedule, p. 2). By relating our impressions and individual experiences, we hope to be able to give you a sense of the intensity of it all, of the diverse and often contradictory expectations and assumptions on the part of those attending, and to communicate the significance of this first West German conference on feminist literary research and criticism for our ongoing dialog on finding a feminist voice in the profession. According to the Rundbrief mailed by Sigrid and Inge in July, negotiations are underway to publish the conference proceedings (formal papers and Thesenpapiere); we hope to have an update on this by October also. A planning committee was appointed to organize a second such conference for 1984; the contact address is: Ursula Geitner, Interdisziplinare Frauenforschungsgruppe, Universitat Bielefeld, Universitatsstr. 25, 4800 Bielefeld, FRG. WIG PROJ€CTS PROGRESS REPORTS Textbook reviews. By now you should have received your copy of the WiG textbook review special issue, which was mailed in May. If you are a very recent WiG member, you may not have received this mailing; if so, write to the newsletter requesting it. OF COURSE, we welcome your comments on the reviews, and will do our best to publish future reviews which this first effort might inspire you to write. See "Letters," p. 9, for one WiG member's reactions. WiG Syllabi Project. Sydna (Bunny) Weiss and Sidonie Cassirer received a goodly number of excellent syllabi for courses on women and German literature/culture and have been working over the summer to edit and assemble a booklet, to be distributed this fall. Bunny writes: "It l s breathtaking to see what marvelous and original work feminists are doing!" --The booklet, when ready, will be well worth waiting for, so try to be patient. 7. WIG PROJECTS PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) WiG Yearbook. We were pleased with the responses to with the planned Yearbook (March newsletter). Edith to serve as co-editor; she and Marianne Burkhard met rece ived and refereed so fflr (tha""k you to those who papers), and will have a further progress report for ference in Boston. our call for assistance Waldstein (MIT) volunteered in July to discuss papers vol unteered to referee us at the October con- ONGOING AND FUTURE PROJECTS As you probably recall, a number of other projects were suggested at October's conference (see the Nov. 1982 newsletter). Members of the committee and sundry others have discussed the need to organize some WiG's talent and energy to accomplish as many projects as possible. some to think on; other suggestions are welcome. last steering more of Here are 1. Translation. The availabil ity of works by German women authors in English translation continues to be a problem. We have discovered that a number of us, in our desperation, have simply sat down and translated texts to use In our teaching, then tucked them into our files. We suspect that if we collected these translations, we would have the basis for at least one anthology, perhaps more. One priority for an anthology of translated works, it seems to us, would be a collection of lesbian literature (short prose, novel excerpts, poetry). (Of the few German lesbian texts in English translation, one--Verena Stefan's Shedding--is likely to be hard to obtain because the publisher, Daughters Inc., has gone out of business.) Another priority might be a collect ion of "older" (nineteenth century and earl ier) women's writing; some of you may have other specific suggestions. 2. Bibliography, book reviews, journal reviews, etc. We need to find ways to help each other keep up with the ever-increasing number of feminist books, articles and journals. (Isn't it nice to have this problem?) We would like to publish more book reviews (brief ones!) and bibliographies in the newsletter; it would also be good to have reviews of journal issues along the lines of those publ ished in the GDR Bulletin (available from Washington U., St. Louis). 3. Conduct a new survey of German departments to determine the frequency of course offerings on women and German literature, feminist criticism, etc.; resources and support for feminist research; faculty qualified to teach women's literature/feminist theory, and so on. (In other words, produce a sort of "Everywoman's Guide to German Departments.") Monatshefte published the (rather meager) results of a survey on "Womenls Studies and Germanistik" in 1978, and might be willing to publish an update; probably they would also make their mailing list available to us If we decide to do this. Now then. What are your interests and needs, and what are you able/willing to do to help? Concretely, how much time could you spend working for WiG during ~ the coming year? One day each semester? Two? One day a month? More? Please ~ think about this, and let us know how you'd like to contribute; volunteer your time, expertise and suggestions on the tear-out page (po 25 of this newsletter) and return it to Jeannine Blackwell. Many thanks. 8. ANNOUNC€M€NTS ~ WiG Chapter ~ New York Gesine Worm, librarian at the New York Goethe House and new member of WiG, has offered her support in founding a NEW YORK WIG CHAPTER. We are inviting all the women in the area to our first meeting on Wednesday, September 21, at 6:00 pm at the Goethe House Library. Join us for a discussion of aims and functions. The Goethe House is located at 1014 Fifth Avenue, between 82nd and 83rd Streets. For more information, call Gesine Worm at 744-8310, or Marianne Goldscheider at 388-2693. ***** WIGS ON THE MOVE Here are the new locations of several WiG members who have changed or acquired jobs. Congratulations to them! Konstanze Baumer, Syracuse U., Syracuse, NY 13210. Angelika Bammer, Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN 37253. Gerlinde Geiger, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063. Marlene Heinemann, U. Wyoming, Laramie, 82071. Patricia Herminghouse, Dept. of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, U. Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Biddy Martin, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853. Dorothy Rosenberg, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901. Also, Susan Cocalis has at long last returned, from Berlin to U. Mass., Amherst. Bunny Weiss has a visiting appointment (one year) at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601. Miriam Frank has been in New York for some months, living in a German-speaking neighborhood, doing research on women in unions and teaching, in Humanities and Adult Education, as an adjunct faculty member at NYU. BY THE WAY . I can only announce relocations that come to my attention, so if you're moving--permanently or temporarily--please LET WIG KNOW. ***** LOST WIGGlE Does anyone know the current address of Pat Russian? Word has it that Pat has a baby daughter, and we would like to hear from her (them). 9. LETTERS Letters from WiG members are always welcome and appreciated, whether they get published in the newsletter or not. Here are a few excerpts from letters received during the past several months, for your collective enjoyment, inspiration, indignation, or action, as appropriate. From Charlotte Smith, Seattle: "Enclosed is a gift subscription for a friend (Germanistin) . . . The last newsletter, which ,I just received, gave me the usual I ift and reminded me that I am not alone. Thanks . . . " From Renate Delphendahl, Orono, ME: "I myself am very impressed with the good work you and the dedicated others have done. I can now see that we will constitute a network of women who can help each other. After the Boston conference of 1982 I gave a one-hour seminar on my campus reporting on the highlights of the meeting and the audience was impressed with what WiG has been doing. I got questions on which of Luise Rinser's works are available in English, and the idea of how women are portrayed in fairy tales sparked quite a discussion . . Even though no colleague from my department came to my talk, there were about 35 faculty members from English and Speech and other departments who were interested to find out about WiG." From a new student member: . . . "How sad that as an undergrad I was taught only male authors, analysis, criticism--with the feminist approach . . . or German women authors de-emphasized. I learned from the History Dept. that [a WiG member} studied [at University} -- I had never heard this and in fact when I told a German professor I was curious about [her}, he asked me if I intended to be a radical feminist. So it seems they resent this if it is more than just innocent scholarship that doesn't intend to change things. I am excited to have learned of your existence and I'm very hopeful about participating in the organization in the future . . . I will also pass on all information to as many people as possible." (names withheld by editor). From Mary M. El-Beheri, President, Texas Chapter AATG, San Antonio, TX: "In reading the Women in German Textbook Reviews, I was impressed with the thoroughness of the reviewers and would like to know why books used in high school German programs were not reviewed. This is needed, especially in states like Texas, where millions of dollars are spent by the state for the textbooks, which are literally chosen by a state committee . . • . If, in fact, WiG wants to have among its membership high school teachers of German, then please consider directing something of interest to us. There are feminists among us and we are a very large segment of the teachers of German . . . Keep up the good work. Hope to attend the WiG business meeting in San Francisco." (ed. note: Textbook reviewing will be discussed at the October conference in Boston. The San Francisco AATG Meeting might be a good place to recruit people to review high school textbooks. Meanwhile, anyone interested in reviewing any German textbook from a feminist perspective should let WiG know.) 10. AATG 1983 Women in German has arranged two sessions, one pedagogical and one literary, on the topic Women and Peace for the 1983 AATG Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The sessions are scheduled for 2:45 - 6:00 pm on Friday, 25 November. A business meeting will follow the literary session. 2:45 - 4:15 pm TEACHING ABOUT WOMEN AND PEACE Moderators: Helga W. Kraft CU. Florida, Gainesville) and Richard Johnson (Indiana U.-Purdue U., Fort Wayne). Presenters: Barbara F. Hyams (U. Tulsa, OK)--Images of Women and Peace in the New German Cinema; Kathryn Strachota {Stanford U.)--Women in the Military; Sydna Stern Weiss (Hamilton Coll., Clinton, NY}--A Teaching Module: Women and Peace. 4:15 - 5:45 pm WOMEN, LITERATURE, AND PEACE Moderators: Edith Potter (Scripps Coll., Claremont, CAl and Jorun B. Johns (California State Coll., San Bernardino). Presenters: Irmgard Hunt (Texas Tech. U., Lubbock)--Frauen fur Frieden: Gedichte, Schilderungen, Reflexionen; Myra N. Love CU. California, Berkeley}--Christa Wolf: Literatur heute muss Friedensforschung sein; Edna H. Spitz {Stanford U.}--Bertha von Suttner, Champion for Peace: "Lay Down Your Arms. Tell that to Many, Many ... ;" Dagmar Lorenz (Ohio State U.}--Else Lasker-Schuler and Her Pacifist Ideas. MlA 1983 Besides the two sessions on Women and Literary History agreed on last year for the 1983 MLA Convention in New York, WiG members have arranged and/or are participating in several other sessions at the meeting. Also, this year WiG is co-sponsoring a cash bar with the Women's Caucus for the Modern Languages--the better to network with other feminists in the profession. See you at some or all of the following: INGEBORG BACHMANN Tuesday, 27 December, 7:00 - 8:15 pm, Chelsea B, Sheraton THE POET AND THE POEM: RACE, SEX AND LANGUAGE IN INGEBORG BACHMANN Presiding: Karen Achberger (St. Olaf Coll.). Presenters: Sara Lennox CU. Mass., Amherst}--IIDie WeiSen, sie sollen verflucht sein:" Gender, Race and History in Ingeborg Bachmann; Helen Fehervary {Ohio State U.}--A Terrible Euphoria: Ingeborg Bachmann and Ulrike Meinhof; Sigrid Weigel (U. Hamburg)-Die Utopie hinter der Wand: die weibliche Perspektive in Ingeborg Bachmanns Prosa. Respondent: Renate Voris (U. Virginia). 11. MLA 1983 (continued) WOMEN AND LITERARY HISTORY 1. Tuesday, 27 December, 9:00 - 10:15 pm, Senate, Sheraton WOMEN MAKING LITERARY HISTORY: THE NEW GENERATION OF WOMEN WRITERS IN THE GDR Presiding: Renate Delphendahl (U. Maine, Orono) and Patricia Herminghouse (U. Rochester). Presenters: Gudrun Brokoph-Mauch (St. Lawrence U.)--The Year 1974: Laying the Foundation for the New Generation; Dorothy Rosenberg (Colby Coll.)--The Third Wave: New Women Writers and Women's Issues in the GDR; Elisabeth Nations (Augustana Coll., Illinois)--I = Myself: Women Taking Hold of Their Lives; Jeanette Clausen (Indiana U.-Purdue U., Fort Wayne)--"Weil es nicht selbstverstandlich ist:" Abortion Experiences in Recent Fiction by GDR Women Writers. 2. Wednesday, 28 December, 12:00 - 1:15 pm, Commonwealth, Sheraton FEMINIST RE-VISIONS OF GERMAN LITERARY HISTORY Presiding: Sieglinde Lug (U. Denver) and Barbara Becker-Cantarino (U. Texas). Presenters: Joan Reutershan (New York U.)--Working Class Women Writers in Wilhelmine Germany and the Literary Canon; Julie Prandi (Columbia U.)--Methodolog i ca 1 Cons i derat ions toward a New II Image" of Women in Li terary History; Jeannine Blackwell (Michigan State U.)--Deconstructing the Canon. The program will conclude with a brief business meeting. FEMINIST TEACHING The MLA Commission on the Status of Women in the Profession is sponsoring the following workshop coordinated by Barbara Wright; check MLA program for time and place: INTEGRATING WOMEN'S STUDIES INTO THE FL CURRICULUM: NEW PROBLEMS, NEW SOLUTIONS Presiding: Barbara Wright (U. Conn., Storrs); Keynote speaker: Florence Howe (The Feminist Press). Panelists will speak on teaching and teaching materials for several languages. KAFKA CENTENNIAL The program arranged by the Kafka Society for the 100th anniversary of Kafka's birth includes the following workshop (check MLA program for time and place): FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES ON KAFKA: FOCUS ON "DAS URTE I L. " Presiding: Evelyn T. Beck (U. Wisconsin, Madison). Panelists: Angelika Bammer (Vanderbilt U.); Jeanette Clausen (IPFW); Helen Fehervary (Ohio State U.) . 12. CAllS FOR PAP€RS For NEMLA, March 29-31, 1984 in Philadelphia, Renate Delphendahl is planning a session on Alienation ~ Kafka's Fiction. Send 7-8 page papers by Sept. 15 to: Renate Delphendahl, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Classics, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. ***** The Women's Studies Quarterly has issued a call for papers for special issues coming in 1983 and 1984: for winter 1983: Teaching About Mothering/Motherhood (Deadline for submissions: 1 August 1983) for spring 1984: Teaching About Women and Peace, Militarism, Women and the Military (Deadline for submissions: 1 October 1983) for fall 1984: Teaching About Sexuality and Reproduction (Deadline for submissions: 1 December 1983) The editors of WSQ wish to offer a nucleus of teaching materials around themes central to women's studies. They are seeking essays, as well as model course syllabi, key bibliographies, or reviews of clusters of books essential for the classroom. Essays may focus on pedagogy, on students' responses, on curricular design, or on particular aspects of the central themes, e.g., with regard to "Teaching About Mothering/Motherhood," they are interested in essays on teaching about such topics as mother/daughter relationships, single mothers, lesbian mothers, or mothers with particular racial or ethnic identities. Essays written from a single disciplinary perspective are welcome, as are those from an interdisciplinary perspective, and essays related to teaching on the preK - 12 level and in community as well as campus settings. Address: Florence Howe, Editor. Women's Studies Quarterly, The Feminist Press, Box 334, Old Westbury, NY 11568. --Don't you think it's time we got WSQ is interested in international publiShed each year in addition to and ordering information, write to some things about German into this journal? feminism; two international supplements are the four regular issues. For subscription the above address. ***** Helaine Victoria Press ~ CALL FOR RESEARCH Helaine Victoria Press, publishers of postcards on women in history, announced a call for "postcard manuscripts" at the National Women's Studies Conference in Columbus, Ohio, June 26-30. • 13. HELAINE VICTORIA PRESS -- CALL FOR RESEARCH (continued) "We need scholars, students, and other writers to submit pictures and information on women in history to develop into new postcards," Jocelyn Cohen, co-director of the Press said. "We are celebrating our Tenth Anniversary by expanding our production of cards and we need help to do it. We're especially interested in original source material, but do use secondary sources also." The researcher will be credited on the card and will receive 100 first-run copies in appreciation for the work. Helaine Victoria Press is a non-profit educational organization which has printed and sold more than 100,000 postcards in the last ten years. "A postcard is first of all an exciting clear photograph," Nancy Poore, codirector of the Press said. "Concerning the text on the back, we want researchers to write a caption which further relates the picture to the subject. Specific historic details and accuracy are essential. The maximum length is about 190 words." The Press will take the researcher's text as a guide to write the actual caption. They also need a write-up about the woman or event, three to ten pages long, perhaps a research paper or article especially written for the Press to back-up the caption and to keep in the research files, and a short bibliography on the woman or event. Bibliographies will be available with the cards for teachers and others who want to read more about each subject. The Press needs postcard manuscripts for the next two to three year's publishing schedule. They plan four sets of cards on the following subjects: 1. Latin American and Hispanic Women in Politics, Culture and Change i.e. revolutionary activity, art and folk art, music and literature. 2. Haymarket Riot 100 Year Commemorative Set, focusing on the contributions of women to the struggle of organized labor in the U.S. from 1886 to 1986, particularly events involving immigrant, minority and rural working women. 3. Women's Brigades and Auxiliaries - worldwide history of women organizing their own special groups, usually within a larger movement--for example, Women's Russian Brigade of Death, the Pullman Porters Ladies' Auxiliary. 4. Political Action by Minority Women in the U.S. in such causes as civil rights, women's liberation, environmental concerns, and peace. The publishers also plan a fifth set of cards centered on a theme suggested by researchers' contributions. For those not familiar with Helaine Victoria postcards, or who do not know which women have already been portrayed in cards, you may get the new catalog and two sample cards by sending $1 to Helaine Victoria Press, 4080 Dynasty Lane, Martinsville, IN 46151. Writers, researchers, historians--everyone interested-are invited to a Ten Year Retrospective of Helaine Victoria Press at Indiana University in Bloomington from October 1 to 22 in the Fine Arts Building. Please do not send original photographs. Send a good glossy print or even a xerox copy. If your idea can be used by the Press, they will get in touch with you about the original. Helaine Victoria Press will use as many of the postcard manuscripts as are suitable and as they can afford to publish. A special campaign to raise money to publish the cards is underway. All materials received will be acknowledged, but not returned as the material will be filed for possible future use. Where more than one person submits similar material Helaine Victoria will take from each and credit all. I 14. HELAINE VICTORIA PRESS -- CALL FOR RESEARCH (continued) --There you are, folks--send Helaine Victoria some German, German-Jewish, German-American, German-whoever women for this wonderful new project. (P.S. They already have a postcard of Rosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin.) ***** NEW JOURNALS FEMINISTISCHE STUDIEN is a new interdisciplinary journal similar to Signs. It can be ordered by writing to Verlag Beltz & Co., Postfach 2346, Ch-4002 Basel, Switzerland. (Subscription DM35/year; single copy DM20 plus postage.) A review of the first issue of Feministische Studien (Nov. 1982) by Theresia Sauter-Bailliet appeared in "Feminist Forum," the newsletter of Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 6, No.2 (1983), pp. vi-viii. The address of WSIF is: (for North America) Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523, or (outside North America) Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, OX3 OBW England. (Incidentally, who out there would like to review subsequent issues of Feministische Studien for the WiG newsletter?) ***** The first issue of FEMINIST TEACHER is in preparation. This journal will regularly address the situation and problems of feminist teachers. For the first issue, essays or narratives about experiences in feminist teaching, and article-length manuscripts addressing the issues of feminist teaching within a historical. methodological, or pedagogical context were collected (deadline was August 1, 1983). For information. write to: Feminist Teacher Editorial Collective. Dept. of English, Ballantine Hall 442. Indiana U., Bloomington, IN 47401. THE WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS A new book review periodical began publication this summer. Conceived and planned by women currently teaching in Boston-area colleges and universities, The Women's Review of Books will be a monthly newspaper-format publication. Our intention is to~elp solve a problem which many of us (both in the academic world and outside it) are increasingly aware of: that is, the fast-growing body of writing. both general-interest and scholarly, which has been one result of the contemporary women's movement, receives a disproportionately small share of attention in the established book review periodicals and in the media generally. Keeping up with writing in the great variety of fields that feminist readers are typically interested in--from fiction to philosophy, anthropology to art, political science to poetry--gets harder every year, and the existing feminist magazines and newspapers can only partly respond to that need. The Women's Review of Books will do something to remedy this situation. Starting with a small pilot TSsue in June 1983, then, every month from next October onward, 15. NEW JOURNALS THE WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS (continued) we will publish a 20-page issue containing eight to ten substantial in-depth reviews of recently published books by and/or about women, both academic and general-interest in nature. The reviewing staff and editorial board will be composed of well-known and respected feminist writers working in all fields, both in and outside academia. The kind of books we expect to review include: feminist writing in all fields, both general-interest and academic women's studies, as well as autobiography, fiction and poetry by women, especially those whose writing focuses on identifiably feminist concerns. We will also, from time to time, look at a variety of other kinds of work of interest to our audience. These could include, for example, textbooks and children's books, especially the conspicuously sexist and the conspicuously non-sexist, and misogynistic or homophobic books which attract particular attention or praise in the "male" media. We also plan occasional longer retrospective "review essays" focusing, for example, on trends in a particular area of Womenls Studies, on the work of one poet or fiction writer, on the feminist writing within one ethnic or religious group, and so on. For all of this to become a reality, we need support. We urge all of you to subscribe: our special pre-publication rate (up to September 1st 1983) is $9.00 for 12 issues plus the pilot issue; thereafter the subscription rate is $12 for individuals and $25 for institutions. In addition to subscription income, we also need (tax-deductible) donations to help us pay our start-up costs. For those with the resources, we offer a lifetime subscription for $200; but anything you want to give will help us reach our goal. li nda Ga rd i ner Editor Donations and subscriptions should be sent to: Linda Gardiner, Dept. FP, THE WOMEN'S REVIEW OF BOOKS, 18 Norfolk Terrace, Wellesley, MA 02181. (N.B.: I have seen the June 1983 pilot issue, and it is very good. nJC.) DISSERTATIONS AND BOOKS Jeannine Blackwell IS dissertation is available in softcopy/hardcopy from Univ. Microfilms, Diss. Abstracts Publication No. A-DG83-07995: Blackwell, L. Jeannine. Bildungsroman mit Dame: The Heroine ~ the German Bildungsroman from 1770 to 1900. University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. (1982). Published on demand by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A./London, England. The major authors and works discussed are: Sophie von LaRoche, Geschichte des Frauleins von Sternheim; Friederike Helene Unger, Julchen Grunthal; Johanna Schopenhauer, Gabriele; Therese Huber, Hannah, der Herrnhuterin Deborah Findling; 16. DISSERTATIONS AND BOOKS (continued) Karl Gutzkow, Wally die Zweiflerin; Fanny Lewald, Jenny; Wilhelmine von Hillern, Ein Arzt der Seele; Theodor Fontane, Mathilde Mohring; Gabriele Reuter, Aus guter Familie. The diss. also has a 25-page bibliography. ***** Helga Meise, IIDie Unschuld und die Schrift.11 Deutsche Frauenromane im 18. Jahrhundert. Marburg: Verlag Guttandin und Hoppe, 1983. ------II . . . die literarische Gattung des Romans lerweist sichl als Moglichkeit, die Anstrengungen zur Normierung der Frauen zu unterlaufen. Der Roman stellt einen anderen Raum dar, sowohl was seine Produktion angeht (die Frau am Schreibtisch ist wo-anders!) als auch was die Welt angeht, die er entwirft. Indiz dafur ist das Bewu3tsein, mit dem Heldinnen und, auf einer anderen Ebene, Autorinnen auf das Schreiben und das Produkt, den Roman, reflektieren. Die These von einer ungebrochenen Propagierung der Idreifachen Bestimmung des Weibes,1 die in der Frau als unschuldiger Heldin ihr Bild fande, la3t sich nicht halten. Das ambivalente Verhaltnis der Frauen zum Roman--die moralisch-didaktische Darstellung weiblicher Identitat und die gleichzeitige Irritation dieser Entwurfe-begreift sich selbst als asthetische Praxis, die die gesellschaftliche Situation der Frau thematisiert und ihre Chancen, literarisch zu arbeiten, Fiktionen zu entwerfen. Die Spuren dieser Problematik durchzlehen die Frauenromane des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Schrift, Raum des Schreibens, erhebt Einspruch gegen die Unschuld als umfassendes Modell burgerlicher Weiblichkeit." (quoted from Helga Meise, IIThesen uber die literarische Produktion von Frauen im 18. Jahrhundert--am Beispiel I Romani ,II p. 4.) ***** Totgeschwiegen. Texte ~ Situation der Frau ~ Osterreich ~ 1880 bis ~ die Zwischenkriegszeit. Hsg. Sigrid Schmid und Hanna Schnedl. Osterreichischer Bundesverlag, September 1983. (S248.--; DM34.80). IIS chriftstellerinnen des ausgehenden 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts set zen sich mit dem Alltag von Frauen verschiedener Herkunft auseinander, machen deren Zwange und Konfliktsituationen deutlich. Fur die Auswahl der Texte war vor allem die Authentizitat, mit der historische Realitaten dargestellt wurden, ma3gebend, nicht der Bekanntheitsgrad der Autorinnen. 11 ***** Dal Salatto al Part ito. Scrittrici tedesche tra ~ rivoluzione borghese ~ di voto (1848). Ed. Lia Secci. Milano: Savelli Editori, 1981. ~diritto In Italian. Description of contents not available. ***** WiG received a complimentary copy of Angelika Mechtells new novel Gott und die Liedermacherin (Munchen: Paul List Verlag, 1983). The descriptiorlC>r1 the--back cover says: 17. DISSERTATIONS AND BOOKS (continued) "Respektlos erotische Kabinettstuckchen weiblicher Phantasie sind die Geschichten der Liedermacherin, die sie wahrend ihrer Tournee durch die USA den Zuhorern prasentiert. Statt Lieder zu singen, wie es vertraglich vereinbart war, beginnt sie angesichts der wachsenden Gefahr einer nuklearen Vernichtung ihres Heimatkontinents Europa Geschichten gegen Gott und die Welt der Manner zu erzahlen, wie Scheherazade erzahlt hat, um den Sultan yom Toten abzubringen. Das Schicksal der Liedermacherin verlauft allerdings anders als das der Scheherazade: als sie in die Bundesrepublik zuruckkehrt, wird ihr der Prozess gemacht. Die Anklage lautet auf 'obszone Verunglimpfung mann 1 i cher Werte. III (By an interesting coincidence, the USA-tour takes place in the fall of 1981, the year that Angelika Mechtel herself toured the US--and attended a WiG conference.) --If someone would like to review this book for a future issue of the WiG newsletter, write and I will send -it to you. ***** Irmgard Elsner Hunt, Mutter und Muttermythos in Gunter Grass' Roman DER BUTT. Frankfurt/M., Bern, 1983. 235 S. Europaische-Hochschulschriften: Reih~ Deutsche Sprache und Literatur. Bd. 647. (sFr. 61.--). "Die vorliegende Studie bietet eine Analyse der Frauengestalten in Gunter Grass' Roman, Der Butt. Das Wunschbild der Frau als Mutter weist auf einen Muttermythos, der das Geschlechterverhaltnis der Vergangenheit kennzeichnet und das der Gegenwart elegisch darstellt. Der offenendige Roman deutet eine utopische, doch unformulierte Hoffnung an, die der Autor in die Frau legt, da in seiner Sicht die patriarchalische Gesellschaft gefehlt hat. Fur die Zukunft ergeben sich m5gliche Ansatze zur erforderlichen Uberwindung des Muttermythos." Aus dem Inhalt: Allgemeine EinfGhrung in den 'Butt'--Analyse der Frauengestalten--Problematik der Geschlechterverhaltnisse--Der Muttermythos und seine Uberwindung." * '* * * * FORTHCOMING: German Women in the Nineteenth Century: ed. John C. Fout (Homes and~eier, 1984). A Social History, TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1. "Current Research on German Women's History," by John C. Fout. 2. "Enlightened Reforms and Bavarian Girls' Education:, Tradition through Innovation," by Joanne Schneider. 3. "Hannah Arendt's Rahel Varnhagen," by Deborah Hertz. 18. DISSERTATIONS AND BOOKS (continued) 4. "Henriette Schleiermacher: E. Jensen. 5. 6. "The Reading Habits of Women in the Vormarz," by Renate Mohrmann. "Prelude to Consciousness: Amalie Sieveking and the Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick," by Catherine M. Prelinger. 7. "Female Political Opposition in Pre 1848 Germany. Zitz-Halein," by Stanley Zucker. 8. "German Women Writers and the Revolution of 1848," by Lia Secci. 9· "Self-Conscious Histories: Biographies of German Women in the Nineteenth Century," by Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres. 10. "Growing Up Female in the Nineteenth Century," by Juliane Jacobi-Dittrich. 11. "The Radical ization of Lily Braun," by Alfred G. Meyer. 12. "The Impact of Agrarian Change on Women's Work and Child Care in Early Nineteenth Century Prussia," by W. R. Lee. 13. "Domestic Industry--A Refutation of the Stereotypic Image of German Industrialization," by Barbara Franzoi. "Social Insurance and the Family Work of Oberlausitz Houseweavers in the Late Nineteenth Century," by Jean H. Quataert. 14. A Woman in a Traditional Role," by Gwendolyn The Role of Kathinka 15. "The Woman's Role in the German Working-Class Family in the 1890's: the Perspective of Women's Autobiographies," by John C. Fout. From 16. "Women Under Medical Control: Health Propaganda and the Discipline of the Working-Class Family in Imperial Germany," by Ute Frevert. 17. "The Female Victim: Homicide and Women in Imperial Germany," by Randolph E. Bergstrom and Eric A. Johnson. 18. "An English Language Bibliography on the History of Women," by John C. Fout. ***** Forthcoming in the Fischer series "Die Frau in der Gesellschaft": Maria Wagner, Mathilde Franziska Anneke (Letters and documents of her life, with analysis and commentary by Maria Wagner). SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES Beitrage ~ feministischen Theorie und Praxis (the journal of the association "Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis fur Frauen e.V.") has devoted issue No.8 (spring 1983) to the theme "Gegen welchen Krieg--fur we1chen Frieden." There is a review of this issue in Feminist Forum, the newsletter of Women's Studies International Forum Vol. 6, No.3 {1983}, p. xiii. Gegen welchen Krieg--fur welchen Frieden is available for DM14.- (Yearly subscription DM38.-) from: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis fur Frauen, JGlicherstr. 22,5000 Koln 1, FRG. ***** I 19. SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES (continued) A special journal issue on East German women writers is available from the association "Centro Studi Donna Woman Femme,1I Viale Angelico 301,00195 Roma, Italy. Articles in Italian, summaries in French and English. donnawomanfemme QUADERNI DI STUDI INTERNAZIONALI SULLA DONNA N. 18 - Autunno 1981 CIEU DIVISI Le scrittrici della Germania Orientale 50mmario 3 Editoriale 7 Vita e avventure della trobadora Beatriz secondo Ie testimonianze della sua musicante Laura, di Irmtraud Morgner 17 Leggere e scrivere, di Christa Wolf 31 «L'officina» di Anna Seghers e l'elaborazione dell'eredita culturale: un colloquio con Christa Wolf, a cura di Antonella Gargano 43 L'ombra di un sogno. Cronaca di una lettura, di Vanda Perretta 49 La questione femminile nella letteratura della Repubblica Democratica Tedesca: temi e tendenze, di Lia Secci 61 Per una teo ria della dissonanza: la Mutazione di Christa Wolf, di Anna Chiarloni Pegoraro 73 Modelli di scrittura: tra autobiografia ed immaginaria, di Antonella Gargano 85 Maxie Wander e la letteratura documentaria, di Christine Wolter 95 La letteratura femminile degli anni '70 nella Germania Orientale, di Eva Kaufmann FOil! I 103 Le lettere di Stella Browne a «The Freewoman» di Elisabetta Molinari ' ,': -.', 117 Recensioni e schede dllettura 124 Libri e rivisle ricevutl 127 Resumes/Abstracts 131 Avvim 20. TlttS IS N€WS? The Hamburg conference ended late on the afternoon of May 27 with a press conference. Ten or so reporters were present; one of them a man. The item below was sent to WiG by Joan Moessner; though she didn't say what newspaper it's from, it seems very likely to have been written by said male reporter, who claimed to be from "Die Welt. 11 --While the writer's attitude isn't exactly news to us, it does remind us, should we be so distracted as to forget, of what welre up against. Feminism us in Bohmen da - Palmstrom reiste einmal in ein bOhmisehes Dorf: HUnverstiindlieh blieb ibm alles dart, von dem ersten bis zum letzten Wort." Das war ihm ein Erlebnis "vall von Honig". Am Freitag beschloll eine UniversiUitsgruppe ihre Tagung uber ..Feministisehe Literaturwissenschaft" mit einer Pressekonferenz. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen aus sechs Landem untersuehten die Rolle der Frau in der deutsehen Literatur der letzten drei Jahrhunderte. Emilia Gaiotti - das ist die jugendliehe Unsehuld, die durch ihre angeborene Verfiihrungskraft eben doch schuldig ist in den Augen der Manner; in ihr wird die Reinheit zum Fetisch. Mull man feministisch sein, um darauf zu kommen? Hingegen Ingeborg Bachmann - verkannt ist sie von mannliehen Kritikem; ihre Texte konnen von Miinnem nieht entsehliisselt werden, nur weibliches Denken ermog!ieht den riehtigen Zugang. Mit einer provokanten Frage ( •Wer war der griiBte LiteraturMacho?") wird nur Laeheln geemtet - es sind die gesellsehaftlichen Gegebenheiten, die die Manner so denken lassen. Eine Wissenschaft entdeckt, dall Literatur ex tunc von den beiden Geschlechtem verschieden aufgenommen wird, ja, ihnen etwas Verschiedenes bedeuten mull. Anders als rur Palmstrom ist dies nieht sull, sondem bitter, vor allem, wenn das, was rur Literatur gilt, rur Pressekonferenzen nieht gelten solL Montag, 30. Mai 1983 NO COMM€NT ... 5 Eigentlich ist das Wort konservativ ganz leicht zu definieren. Konservativ sein bedeutet an alten Gewohnheiten ° festhalten o • Militars von der alten Schule gelten O zum Beispiel als konservativ, weil Tradition und Gehorsam 0 fUr sie eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielen. Christlich orientierte Menschen und Frauen gel ten oft als konservativ, denn auch sie - so glauben viele - wollen an alten Gewohnheiten festhalten. customs I cling to are regarded obedience From: Gunther Bicknese. Hier und Heute. Lesen leicht gemacht. {Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1983r:-p.--l-. (Item sent by Helga Kraft.) 21. AND IT GOES ON . . . Item from the DAAD-Letter (Bonn: by Barbara Kaltz. DAAD) , No.2, June 1983, p. 21, sent to WiG Frankfurt Vorlesungen nur fUr Frauen Die Initiative einiger Frauen an der Universitat Frankfurt loste im vergangenen Semester erregte Diskussionen aus. Das "Frauenplenum", eine lockere Vereinigung von Studentinnen - vor al1em der Sozio logie, Polito logie, Padagogik und Germanistik -, die unter anderem in Arbeitsgruppen regelmaBig uni-spezifische und alIgemeine Frauenfragen gemeinsam diskutieren, ktindigte eine Ringvorlesung tiber zwei Semester an. Nicht das Thema "Feministische Wissenschaft" war es, an dem sich die Gemtiter erhitzten, sondem der Hinweis in der Anktindigung: "Nur fUr Frauen". In der LeserbriefspaIte der Universitatszeitschrift wurde der Disput ofTen ausgetragen. "Es ist dies, meines Wissens nach, die erste wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung an der Universitiit· rrankfurt seit 1945, von der eine bestimmte Gruppe von Universitatsmitgliedem - gekennzeiehnet durch unveranderte physiologische Merkmale - von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen wurde", schrcibt ein Professor der Gesellschaftswissenschaften und nennt das Verbot "widerrechtlich". Ein anderer, Professor der Mathematik, erinnert direkt an den AusschluB der Juden von der Wissenschaft irn Dritten Reich und zieht eine Verbindung zwischen "feministischer Wissenschaft" und "deutscher Physik". Ole Frankfurterinnen argumentieren dagegen, daB Frauen dem "weiblichen Ghetto" geselIschaftlicher Ungleichheit nur entkommen konnten, wenn sie sich "eigene Diskussionszusammenhange schafTen konnten". Manner seien dabei "nieht aufgrund ihrer Geschlechtszugehorigkeit unerwtinscht, sondern wegen ihres sozialen Urn gangs dam it". Wilma Mohr, Assistentin am Fachbereich Gesel1schaftswissenschaften mit gutem Kontakt zum Frauenforum und aktiv an den Ringvorlesungen beteiligt, wundert sich tiber die Emporung der ausgeschlossenen Manner einerseits und ihr geringes Interesse fUr die Frauenforschung andererseits. 1m Rahmen der offiziel1en Veranstaltungen des Fachbereichs hie It sie ein Seminar ab tiber "Frauenarbeit und okonomisch-technischen Wandel". Von etwa 70 Teilnehmern waren nur vier Manner. Urn frauenbezogene Themen wie dieses, Themen der Wissenschaft, der Industriesozio logie, der Frauenbewegung wissenschaftlich behandeln zu konnen, hatten sich die Frankfurterinnen seit langem urn einen Lehrstuhl fUr Frauenforschung bemuht. Die Professorinnenstelle wurde jedoch kurzlich yom Hessischen Kultusminister abgelehnt Bemtihungen urn Frauenforschung und Frauenstudium gibt es auch an anderen Universitaten der Bundesrepublik. An der Freien Universitat Berlin existiert seit zwei Jahren eine in der Bundesrepublik einmalige "Zentraleinrichtung zur Forderung von Frauenforschung und Frauenstudien", deren A ufgabc es ist, den Frauenaspekt in Lehre und Forschung an der FU einzufUhren und allsluballcn. In Bielefeld wurde im vergangencn Wintersemester die "Interdiszipliniire Forschungsgruppe Frauenforschung" cingerichtet, die in der Bundesrepublik auch die erste ihrer Art ist. Geplant sind Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichcn "Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung und weibliche Erwerbstatigkeit", "Weiblichc Bildung" und "Frauen und Drittc Welt". 22. N€WS FlAS~! Margot Schroeder writes that she has applied for a travel grant to visit the u.S. and if it comes through, she and her friend Johanna Haake will attend the October conference! They also want to visit San Francisco. If you would 1 ike to see them while they're here, write to WiG for more information (Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages, IPFW, Fort Wayne, IN 46805). **** * Alexandra Busch (Hagerstr. 23, 0-4972 Lohne 1, West Germany) will write her Examensarbeit on Djuna Barnes, and would like to correspond with other women who have worked on this author. She is interested in issues of Barnesreception, where and in what context her works are taught, and recent trends in Barnes-criticism. ** *** Texas AATG Chapter A committee of women from the Texas Chapter, AATG will sponsor a Tucholsky sumposium on May 4-6, 1985, (the 50th year after his death), to be held at the Goethe Institute, Houston. Paper proposals or inquiries may be sent to the committee chair, Mary M. El-Beheri, Douglas MacArthur High School, 2923 Bitters Rd., San Antonio, TX 78217. ***** DEPARTMENTAL SPONSORS Departments which have joined WiG as sponsoring members are: German Dept., U. Minnesota, Minneapolis. German Dept., Ohio State U., Columbus. Mod. For. Lang., Indiana U.-Purdue U., Fort Wayne. The support of departmental members is appreciated. ***** To everyone who sent material for this newsletter, many many thanks. Special accolades and at least four cheers to Edith Waldstein, who sent all the conference information to me ~ time, and to Joey Horsley for again coordinating registration. By the way . the ABSOLUTE FINAL DEADLINE for material for the November 1983 newsletter is 1 November 1983. No exceptions! (I don't think.) ***** Connie Munk typed, cut, pasted and above all cared about this newsletter. Erin Clausen drew the illustrations on p. 19 and p. 20. I 23. REGISTRATION FORM Women in German Annual Conference Thompson's Island, Boston, MA Oct. 13-16, 1983 Complete both sides of form. Name: ____________________________________ Telephone: ) Address (after Sept. 15): # I. Town Street State Zip Registration Please choose the plan you prefer from section A, B or C below. Costs for overnight accommodation (A) include conference expenses, lodging, three meals per day and boat transportation to/from the island. As in past years, we have calculated registration fees on a dual price structure to try to keep the conference more affordable for students and the unemployed. If you "technically" fall into one of those categories but have adequate outside income, please consider paying the "employed" rate-this will help WiG partially subsidize travel for those who must come long distances. For childcare information, see over. A. Overnight accommodation (Please check your choice): 3 Nights $140.00 Employed Student/unemployed 60.00 intend to spend the night(s) of Oct. 13 Island. B. 14 15 (please circle) on Thompson's Day-hopping (Please check your choice): 1. Conference attendance only: you plan to attend: includes boat transportation. Total 2. Meals. = x $15 Please check days Student/Unemployed: $10.00/day Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 6 - - Employed: $15.00/day Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 6 - - = Total x $10 = = Please check the meals you plan to eat on Thompson's Island: Dinner Thurs. ($8.00 each) Fri. Sat. Lunch Fri. ($5.00 each) Sat. - Sun. - - Total C. 1 Night Employed $50.00 Student/unemployed 25.00 2 Nights Employed $95.00 Student/unemployed 40.00 = x $5 = Total = x $8 = Combination plan: If you wish to combine services from A and B, please mark the appropriate boxes, figure your expenses from A and B, and then tally the total. Cost of Services from A: $ Cost of Services from B: $ Tota 1 : $ Conference part i c i pants must become members of Women in German. Name: II. 24. Transportation Plans I will a r rive (day, time) by I will depart -------________ (day, time) by * ------------------------------* *(Please indicate means, i.e., Airline Flight #, busline, Amtrack, car, etc.) Please enclose a SASE for information regarding land/boat information. ---Please travel check if you are a student/unemployed and would like help covering your expenses, especially for long-distance travel. Cost of round-trip travel from your home to the conference: $ ----(After all conference bills are paid, we will divide any remaining funds on a percentage basis among those of you who request travel assistance. We very much want to help those who need it, but unfortunately we can't guarantee that money will be left after expenses or predict what percentage you may be reimbursed. After the 1982 conference we were able to reimburse 8 people approximately 40% of their expenses.) I II. Childcare: WiG will provide childcare at the conference but there is a charge for room and board for children over 2 (same as student/unemployed rate, over). Please include this in your registration calculations. {last year we were able to reimburse part of this expense, but it cannot be guaranteed in advance.} plan on bringing the following child (children) to the WiG conference: 1. Name: 2. Name: Age --Age _ __ Please check as appropriate: Needs crib Wi 11 share my room/bed (circle) Needs own room/bed (circle) Please note special needs or other relevant information: IV. Natural Foods Option: Although the conference center provides attractive vegetarian menu choices, a natural foods option (vegetarian) may be available for a modest surcharge {$10 or less}, to be collected at the conference. If you choose this option, please check below. We need to know in advance in order to provide enough food. desire the natura 1 foods option for the following meals: Oct. 13 supper Oct. 14 breakfast lunch dinner Oct. 15 breakfast lunch dinner Oct. 16 breakfast lunch Please make your check out to "Women in German" and send it with this registration form and stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Joey Horsley 19 Park lane Jamaica Plain, MA PLEASE NOTE: 02130 If you register after September 15, we must charge you a late registration fee of $10.00. I 25. WiG-Agenda. 1983-84 Name ---------------------------------------Address Phone(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please fill in Blackwell by 1 meeting agenda to participate I. any or all of the following items and send this sheet to Jeannine October 1983. Jeannine will collate the responses for the WiG business for the October conference. REMEMBER that you are welcome (even urged!) in WiG planning whether you are able to attend the October meeting or not. Nominations for WiG Steering Committee. The six SC members serve staggered 3-year terms (see Nov. 1982 newsletter). Please include name and address or affiliation; try to nominate from different geographical areas. Also, be sure the woman you nominate is willing to serve. 1. 2. I I. Suggestions for 1984 WiG sessions. Indicate whether you are willing to organize a session on the topic(s) you propose, and at which conference. A. B. AATG 1984 MLA 1984 1. (Pedagogy) 2. (Literature) 1. 2. C. WiG conference (probably again in Boston in 1984; guest authors Irmtraud Morgner and Helga Schutz). 3. 4. 1. 2. D. Suggested guest authors for future WiG conferences (please include brief bio and list of the author's major works. 2. 1. I I I. WiG projects (see pp. 6-7). A. Amount of time you would be able to work on a WiG project during 1983-84: B. Project(s) you would most like to work on (indicate what you could do): Mail to: 1. Textbook reviewing 2. Translation 3. WiG Yearbook 1984 (editing, refereeing of papers, typing, etc.) 4. Bibliography, book reviews, journal reviews, etc. (be specific). 5. Other: (use back of page for additional comments) ------------------------------------------ Jeannine Blackwell, 316 Pinoak, East Lansing, MI 48823, by 1 October 1983. I 27. SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIP This is Newsletter 31. Read your label and renew when numbers match. 31 Member, Ima WiG Feminist University Utopia, USA Renew now, today, before you forget--sending out reminders is expensive and timeconsuming, not to mention boring. Unlike most professional organizations, WOMEN IN GERMAN has not raised its rates in the past several years. We are able to keep rates low for students and the unemployed in part because of individual members who voluntarily pay the supporting membership rate (see dues structure below). The support of German departments which become departmental sponsors of WiG will, we hope, help us to expand our efforts to publish and distribute our work. Membership/subscription money is used to finance the WiG newsletter (three issues per year, March, August, November) and to help cover expenses for the annual WiG conference and other projects or events. Please fill out this section, detach and return with your payment in U.S. dollars (check or money order made out to Women in German). Subscribers outside North America: If you can afford to, please send a contribution in addition to the amount specified for your membership category to help defray the cost of airmail postage. Send membership form and payment to: WOMEN IN GERMAN, Dept. of Modern Foreign languages, Indiana U.-Purdue U., Fort Wayne, IN 46805. New student/unemployed $ 3.00 for one year $ 5.00 for two years regular/employed $ 7.00 fur one year $12.00 for two years individual supporting members; libraries $15.00 per year departmental sponsors $25.00 per year Renewing Please fill in address exactly as you wish it to appear on moiling label. than four lines! Please type or print clearly. Name Address Check if applicable: change of address No more WOMEN IN GERMAN Modern Foreign Languages Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN 46805 C 01 N S F S ~ E N C E U E