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Artigos publicados
1. [CDATA[Meshless HelmoholtzHodge Decomposition]], Petronetto, F. ; Paiva, A. ; Lage, M. ; Tavares, G. ; Lopes, H. ; and Lewiner, T. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, v. 16, pp. 338349, (2010). 2. A Characterization of the standard embedding of CP2 and Q3. Eschenburg, J.H. and Tribuzy, R. . Journal of Differential Geometry, v. 84, p. 289300, 2010. 3. A collocation method for solving singular integrodifferential equations. Nagamine, André; Cuminato, José Alberto. BIT 50 (2010), no. 3, 657–688 4. A complete stability theorem for foliations with singularities. Mafra, A.; Scárdua, B. Topology Appl. 157 (2010), no. 13, 2141–2144 5. A Continous Strategy to Solve a Class of Discrete Optimization Problems. Nascimento, R. Q., Lima, E, F, Oliveira, R. M. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 36, pg 279286, 2010. 6. A feasible directions method for nonsmooth convex optmization – Freire, W. P.; Herskovits, J. ; Tanaka F. M.; Canelas, A. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), v. 1, p. 112, 2010. 7. A Formalization of the KnutBendix(Huet) Critical Pair Theorem (doi, PVS files: TRS.tgz). A. L. Galdino and M. AyalaRincón. Journal of Automated Reasonning, Volume 45, Number 3, Pages 301325, 2010. 8. A generalization of the Giulietti Korchmáros maximal curve. Garcia, Arnaldo ; Güneri, Cem ; Stichtenoth, Henning . Advances in Geometry, v. 10, p. 427434, 2010. 9. A global attractor for a p(x) Laplacian parabolic problem. Simsen, Jacson Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), no. 10, 3278–3283, 10. A gradient like nonautonomous evolution process. Caraballo, Tomás; Langa, José A.; Rivero, Felipe; Carvalho, Alexandre N. Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 20 (2010), no. 9, 2751–2760, 11. A large deviations bound for the Teichmüller flow on the moduli space ofabelian differentials. Araujo, V. ;Bufetov, A. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Available on CJO 20 Jul 2010 doi:10.1017/S0143385710000349 (electronic) 12. A lost chapter in the prehistory of algebraic analysis: Whittaker on contact transformations, Coutinho, S. . Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 64 (2010), 665706. 13. A modified signed likelihood ratio test in elliptical structural models. Melo, T. F. N. ; Ferrari, S. L. P.. Advances in Statistical Analysis. v. 94, p. 7587, 2010 14. A new line search inexact restoration approach for nonlinear programming. A. Fischer e A. Friedlander. Computational Optimization and Applications, 46, pp. 333346, 2010. 15. A nonexistence theorem for Morse type holomorphic foliations of codimension one transverse to spheres.Ito, Toshikazu; Scardua, Bruno Internat. J. Math. 21 (2010), no. 4, 435–452 16. A note about splittings of groups and commensurability under a cohomological point of view ANDRADE, M.G., FANTI, E.L.C.; Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, V.9 (2010) N.2. 17. A Note on a Maximal Curve. Contemporary Mathematics Garcia, Arnaldo ; Stichtenoth, Henning . American Mathematical Society, v. 521, p. 5558, 2010. 18. A note on open three manifolds supporting foliations by planes. Biasi, C. ; Maquera, C.; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010. 19. A note on statistical solutions of the threedimensional Navier Stokes equations: The stationary case. Foias, Ciprian ; Rosa, Ricardo M.S. ; Temam, Roger . Comptes Rendus. Mathématique , v. 348, p. 347353, 2010 20. A note on the eigenvalues of a special class of matrices. Cuminato, J. A.; McKee, S. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 234 (2010), no. 9, 2724–2731. 21. A Novel MAPMRF Approach for Multispectral Image Contextual Classification using Combination of Suboptimal Iterative Algorithms, Levada, A.L.M., Mascarenhas, N.D.A., Tannús, A., Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 31, No. 13, pp. 17951808, 2010. 22. A penalized nonparametric method for nonlinear constrained optimization based on noisy data. Dias, R., Garcia, N.L., Zambon, A . Computation Optimization and Applications, 2010, vol 45 no. 3. 23. A perturbation theory for the discrete harmonic oscillator equation. Cuevas, Claudio; de Souza, Julio César J. Difference Equ. Appl. 16 (2010), no. 12, 1413–1428, 24. A primal dual modified subgradient algorithm with sharp Lagrangian. Burachik, Regina S. ; Iusem, Alfredo N. ; Melo, Jefferson G.. Journal of Global Optimization. v. 46, p. 347361, 2010. 25. A problem in lastpassage percolation. Kesten, H.; Sidoravicius, V. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. 24 (2010), No. 2, 300 – 320 26. A proximal method with separable Bregman distances for quasiconvex minimization over the nonnegative orthant. da Cruz Neto, J.X. ; Souza, Sissy da S. ; Oliveira, P.R. ; Soubeyran, A. . European Journal of Operational Research, v. 201, p. 365376, 2010. 27. A proximal point algorithm with a ?divergence for quasiconvex programming. Cunha, F. G. M. ; da Cruz Neto, J.X. ; Oliveira, P. R. . Optimization (Print), v. 59, p. 777792, 2010. 28. A proximal point method for equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces. A.N. Iusem e W. Sosa. Optimization 59, pp. 12591274, 2010. 29. A proximal point method in nonreflexive Banach spaces, A.N. Iusem e E. Resmerita, SetValued and Variational Analysis, 18, pp. 109120, 2010. 30. A quasilinear elliptic equation with critical growth on compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. do Ó, João Marcos; Yang, Yunyan Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 38 (2010), no. 3, 317–334. 31. A remark about amalgamation of groups and index of certain subgroups Andrade, M.G.; Fanti, M.E. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 23 (2010), 5562. 32. A Rudin Carleson theorem for planar vector fields, Berhanu e J. Hounie, Mathematische Annalen, 347 (2010), 95—110 33. A Ruelle Operator for continuous time Markov Chains Lopes, A. Baraviera and R. Exel. Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol 4 n. 1, pp 116 (2010) 34. A singular parabolic equation with logarithmic nonlinearity and L^pinitial data. Ferreira, Lucas C. F. ; QUEIROZ, O. S. . Journal of Differential Equations (Print) , 2010 35. A system of grabbing particles related to GaltonWatson trees. Bertoin, V. Sidoravicius, M. E. Vares. Random Structures and Algorithms, 34, 2010. 36. A thermodynamic formalism for density matrices in quantum information. Baraviera, A.; Lardizabal, C. F.; Lopes, A. O.; Cunha, M. Terra Appl. Math. Res. Express. AMRX 2010, no. 1, 63–118 37. A truncated SQP method based on inexact interiorpoint solutions of subproblems. A.F. Izmailov e M.V. Solodov. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20, pp. 25842613, 2010. 38. A unified Pietsch domination theorem. Botelho, Geraldo; Pellegrino, Daniel; Rueda, Pilar J. Math. Anal. Appl. 365 (2010), no. 1, 269–276, 39. A variation of the Ito theorem. Morigi, Marta ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Journal of Algebra, p. 20522057, 2010. 40. A variational approach for a nonlocal and nonvariational elliptic problem.. Corrêa, F. J. S. A. ; Figueiredo, G. J. M. . The Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, v. 22, p. 549557, 2010. 41. A virtually free prop need not be the fundamental group of a profinite graph of finite groups. Herfort, Wolfgang ; Zalesskii, Pavel A. . Archiv der Mathematik, v. 94, p. 3541, 2010 42. A XinAiyama type theorem for spacelike hypersurfaces in H^n$. Lima, H. F. . Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, v. 5, p. 133148, 2010. 43. Abel maps for curves of compact type. Pacini, M. ; Coelho, J. . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 214, p. 13191333, 2010. 44. About the Existence of Milnor Fibrations. Cisneros Molina, J. L., Santos, R. N. A., London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series (380), 2010. 45. Actions of inverse semigroups arising from partial actions of groups. Exel, R.; Vieira, F. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 363 (2010), no. 1, 86–96. 46. Activated random walkers: facts, conjectures and challenges. Dickman, R.; Rolla, L.; Sidoravicius, V. Journal of Stat. Physics. 138 (2010), No. 13, 126 – 142. 47. Addressing the greediness phenomenon in nonlinear programming by means of proximal augmented Lagrangians. E.V. Castelani, A.L. Martinez, J.M. Martínez e B.F.Svaiter. Computational Optimization and Applications 46, pp. 229245, 2010. 48. Adverse Selection Problems without the SpenceMirrlees Condition. MOREIRA, Humberto Luiz Ataide ; Araujo, A. . Journal of Economic Theory (Print), v. 145, p. 11131141, 2010. 49. Alexander On persistently positively expansive maps. Arbieto, An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc. 82 (2010), no. 2, 263–266 50. Alexander Sectional Lyapunov exponents. Arbieto, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), no. 9, 3171–3178 51. Álgebra linear e o problema das quatro retas do cálculo de Schubert. Jacqueline Rojas e Ramón Mendoza, Matemática Universitária, v. 45, p. 5569, 2010. 52. Alternative proofs of linear response for piecewise expanding unimodal maps. Baladi, Viviane; Smania, Daniel. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 30 (2010), no. 1, 1–20. 53. An algebraic theory for generalized Jordan chains and partial signatures in the Lagrangian Grassmannian, P. Piccione, D. V. Tausk, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 58, No. 1 (2010), 89103. 54. An application of the monotone iterative method to a combustion problem in porous media. da Mota, J.C. ; SANTOS, M. M. . Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications , 2010. 55. An automatic based nonlinear diffusion equations scheme for skin lesion segmentation. Barcelos, C. A. Z.; Pires, V..B., Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 215, p. 251261, 2009. 56. An effective recursive partitioning approach for the packing of identical rectangles in a rectangle. E.G. Birgin, R.D. Lobato e R. Morabito. Journal of the Operational Research Society 61, pp. 306320, 2010. 57. An Extension of FKKM Lemma with an Application to Generalized Equilibrium problems,Scheimberg, S. and Jacinto, F.M.O., Pacific Journal of Optimization, Vol. 6., pp. 227241, 2010. 58. An improvement of the Five Halves Theorem of J. Boardman. Pergher, P. L. Q. . Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2010. 59. An infinite family of Gromoll – Meyer spheres, Durán, C.E., Püttmann, T., Rigas, A., Archiv der Mathem., v. 95, (2010) 269 – 282. 60. An Outcome Space Approach for Generalized Convex Multiplicative Programs. Oliveira, R. M., Ferreira, P. A. V., Journal of Global Optimization. Journal Of Global Optimization. V. 47, pg. 107118, 2010. 61. Análise sazonal para a série e os componentes do custo da cesta básica de Lavras. Carvalho, P.L.C., Sáfadi, T., Ferraz, M.I.F.; Organizações Rurais e Agroindustriais (UFLA), v.12, p.423434, 2010. 62. Analytical Formulae for InSitu Combustion. Marchesin, D. ; Bruining, J ; Mailybaev, A. A. . SPE Journal (Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.)), 2010. 63. Anisotropic diffusion for effective shape corner point detection, Barcelos, C. A. Z., Pedrosa, G. V., Pattern Recognition Letters, v. 31, PL. 16581664, 2010. 64. Approximate controllability of abstract discretetime systems. Henríquez, Hernán R.; Cuevas, Claudio. Adv. Difference Equ. 2010, Art. ID 695290, 17 pp, 65. Approximate inference in heteroskedastic regressions: a numerical evaluation. CribariNeto, F.; Lima, G.M.A. (2010). Journal of Applied Statistics, 37, 591615. 66. Approximate solutions and microregularity in the Denjoy Carleman classes, , Z. Adwan e G. Hoepfner, J. Diff. Equations, 249 (2010), 2269—2286. Artigos Publicados 67. Asymptotic behavior for a class of solutions to the critical modified Zakharov Kuznetsov equation.. Panthee, M. ; Scialom, M. Studies in Applied Mathematics (Cambridge), v. 124, p. 229245, 2010. 68. Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the σkYamabe equation near isolated singularities. Han, ZhengChao; Li, YanYan; Teixeira, Eduardo V. Invent. Math. 182 (2010), no. 3, 635– 684, 69. Asymptotic behavior of the scaled mutation rate estimators. Pinheiro, H.P.; Kiihl, S.F.; Pinheiro, A.; dos Reis, S.F. (2010). Biometrical Journal. v. 52, p. 400416. 70. Asymptotic Limits and Stabilization for the 1D Nonlinear MindlinTimoshenko System, Araruna, F. D., Braz E Silva, P. & Zuazua, E., J. Syst. Sci. Complex. 23 2010, 414430. 71. Asymptotic properties of solutions to linear nonautonomous delay differentail equations through generalized characteristic equations, Cuevas, C., M. Frasson, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), 95, 115. 72. Asymptotic stability of the wave equation on compact manifolds and locally distributed damping a sharp result. Cavalcanti, M. M ; Domingos Cavalcanti, V. N. ; Fukuoka, Ryuichi ; SORIANO, J. A. . Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 197 p. 925–964, 2010. 73. Asymptotically almost automorphic solutions of abstract fractional integrodifferentail neutral equations Cuevas, C., J.P.C. dos Santos, Applied Mathematics Letters, ElsevierUSA, v. 23, 2010, 960965. 74. Asymptotics and Stabilization for Dynamical Models of Nonlinear Beams, Araruna, F. D., Braz E Silva, P. & Zuazua, E., Proc. Est. Acad. Sci., 59 (2) 2010, 150155. 75. Augmented Lagrangian methods for equilibrium problems in Banach spaces, A.N. Iusem e M. Nasri, RAIRO Recherche Opérationelle, 44, pp. 526, 2010. 76. Auslander generators of tilted iterated algebras. Coelho, F. U. ; Happel, D. ; Unger, L. . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 138, p. 15871593, 2010. 77. Autômato Celular no Estudo de um Modelo Presa Predador. Vilcarromero, A. C. S.; Jafelice, R. S. M.; Barros, L. C., Biomatemática (UNICAMP), v. 20, p. 147156, 2010. 78. Automorphisms of generalized (binary) dihedral and (binary) polyhedral groups. Gonçalves, D.L., Golasinski, M. 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BiLipschitz Atriviality of map germs and Newton filtrations, J.C. Ferreira Costa, M. J. Saia, C. H. Soares Jr., aceito para publicação em Topology and Applications. em 2010. 86. Boundary stabilization of transmission problems, Cardoso, F.and Vodev, G, Journal of Mathematical Physics,41,118,2010. 87. Braid groups of nonorientable surfaces and the FadellNeuwirth short exact sequence. Gonçalves, D.L. ., Guashi, J. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214, Issue 5, 667677 (2010). 88. Bulk universality and clock spacing of zeros for ergodic Jacobi matrices with a.c. spectrum, A. Avila, Barry Simon, Yoram Last; Analysis & PDE 3 (2010), 81118. 89. C.A sectional Anosov connecting lemma.Ergodic Theory Dynam. Bautista, S.; Morales, Systems 30 (2010), no. 2, 339–359 90. C^0 and bilipschitz Kequivalenece of mappings. Valette, G. ; Ruas, M. A. S., Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2010. 91. C1 generic symplecticdiffeomorphisms: partial hyperbolicity and zero centreLyapunov exponents. Bochi, Jairo. J. 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Construction of harmonic diffeomorphisms and minimal graphs, Collin, H. Rosenberg. Annals of Maths., (2010), 172, pp. 101128. 119. Construction of vector fields and Riccati foliations associated to groups of projective automorphisms. Santos, Fabio; Scárdua, Bruno. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 14 (2010), 154– 166. 120. Constructions of algebraic lattices. Computational & Applied Mathematics. Andrade, Antonio A., Ferrari, Agnaldo J., Benedito, C. W. O., Costa, S.I.R.; v.29N 3, p. 113, 2010. 121. Contaminação metropolitana do Rio Cuiabá: modelagem e simulação de cenários. Diniz, G.L.; Campos F°, L. F. M., Biomatemática, vol. 20, 93102, 2010. 122. Continuity of Global Attractors for a Class of Non Local Evolution Equations. Pereira, A. L ; Silva, S. H. . Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, v. 26, p. 10731100, 2010. 123. Continuity properties on pp for ppLaplacian parabolic problems. Simone Mazzini Bruschi, Cláudia B. Gentile and Marcos R. T. 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Convergence to stable laws in Mallows distance for mixing sequences of random variables. Barbosa, E.G.; Dorea, C. C. Y. ., Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, v. 24, p. 128136, 2010. 130. Convolution equations on spaces of quasinuclear functions of a given type and order. Fávaro, V. V., Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, v. 17, p. 535569, 2010. 131. Corrigendum to the Note On the minimum fdivergence for given total variation .Gilardoni, G. L. [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 343 (2006) 763 766]. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, v. 348, p. 299299, 2010. 132. Cosmic perturbations with running G and Lambda. – Grande, J. ; Sola, J. ; Fabris, J. C. ; Shapiro, I. – Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 27, pp. 1005004, (2010). 133. Cotype and absolutely summing linear operators, Botelho, G. M. A., Pellegrino, D. M., Rueda, P., Mathematische Zeitschrift, v. 267, p. 16, 2011. 134. Counting Cones over Reducible Cubic Scrolls. ARANCÍBIA, Jacqueline F. Rojas . 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Zeta measures and thermodynamic formalism for temperature zero. Lopes, Artur O.; Mengue, Jairo K. Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 41 (2010), no. 3, 449–480 Trabalhos em Atas de Congressos: 1. A Escravidão Mascarada, Azevedo Neto, L. D., Carta de opinião publicada no Jornal Opção OnLine, Ano: XXXV, Edição nº: 1819, de 16 a 22 de maio. 2. A Relação entre Universidade, Escola e Comunidade através das ações do PIBID. Souza, C. F., Ferreira, D. A., Netto, G. F., Rosa, I. C. P., Ferreira, R. G., MELO, R. E. B. In: II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial (II SIMMI). 2010, Catalão. Anais II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, 2010. 3. Análise de desempenho de regras de prioridade para programação em flow shop com três máquinas, datas de liberação e tempos de setup dependentes da sequência, Fernandes, S. C., Pires, T. A., Camargo, V. H. C., Fuchigami, H. Y., Anais do XXX Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção (ENEGEP). 4. Análise Digital da Porosidade de Pacotes Granulares, Rafael Alvarenga de Souza, Gabriela Cristina Santos Silva, André Carlos Silva, Fernando Kennedy da Silva, Élida Alves da Silva, CONPEEX 2010, p. 5098 a 5102. 5. Análise estrutural do problema de programação da produção F3|rj, sijk|Cmax, Fernandes, S. C., Pires, T. A., Camargo, V. H. C., Fuchigami, H. Y., Anais do II Encontro Goiano de Engenharia de Produção – EGEP. 6. Associated Family of Gstructure Preserving Minimal Immersions in semiRiemannian S. D. Barbero Lodovici, P. Piccione, Manifolds, preprint 2010. 7. Cada Ladrilho no Seu Trabalho, Freitas, T. P. de A., Borges, M., Assunção, R. G., Anais dos Simpósios da Pedagogia UFG CAC V.10, N.01, p. 345, 2010. 8. Códigos Corretores de Erros Lineares – Codificação. Gabriela Cristina Santos Silva, Rafael Alvarenga de Souza, Élida Alves da Silva, Fernando Kennedy da Silva. CONPEEX 2010. p. 5093 a 5097. GoiâniaGo. 9. Comportamento Vibratório dos Corpos. Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, Lázaro Antônio da Fonseca Júnior, Fernando Kennedy da Silva. p. 65 a 90, 2010. UFG. CatalãoGo. 10. Considerações sobre a característica skipping em sistemas flexible flow line com setup independente, Fuchigami, H. Y., Branco, F.J.C., II Encontro Goiano de Engenharia de Produção – EGEP. 11. Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for elliptic equations with a convection term, Silva, F. K., Nonlinear Analysis: theory, methods & applications, p. 904 a 915, 2010. 12. Flexible flow line com tempos de setup: métodos heurísticos, Tese de doutorado Fuchigami, H. Y., (USP – Escola de Engenharia), 2010. 13. Heurísticas para o Problema da Mochila 2D NãoGuilhotinada Ilimitada, Thiago A. de Queiroz, Flávio K. Miyazawa, 14 pags., Anais do XXXVI Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática (XXXVI CLEI), Assunção, Paraguai, outubro de 2010. 14. Integrar – Escola e Matemática, Cunha, J. B. B. da, Anais do VI Congresso de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão da Universidade Federal de Goiás Campus Catalão (trabalho completo), 2010. 15. Jogos e o Ensino da Matemática (resumo expandido), Reis, A. S., Rosa, L. F., Silva, É. A., CONPEEC 2010. 16. Jogos Matemáticos, Cunha, J. B. B. da , Silva, E. A. da, Santos Jr., P. A. dos, Anais do X Simpósio de Pedagogia (resumo), p. 351, 2010. 17. Métodos heurísticos para programação em sistemas flexible flow line com setup dependente da sequência, Fuchigami, H. Y., Moccellin, J.V., Anais do XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO). 18. Métodos Variacionais em Equações Diferenciais Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, Aleandro Vieira Gonçalves, Fernando Kennedy da Silva. p. 108 a 115, 2010. UFG. CatalãoGo. 19. Métodos Variacionais: Um Problema de Contorno Linear. Aleandro Vieira Gonçalves, Fernando Kennedy da Silva. CONPEEX 2010. GoiâniaGo. 20. Modelagem Matemática no Ensino de Funções Polinomiais do 2º Grau. Azevedo Neto, L. D. In: XIII Jornada de Educação Matemática, 2010, Goiânia. Anais XIII Jornada de Educação Matemática, 2010. 21. O Método de Otimização Evolução Diferencial: uma análise dos parâmetros fator de perturbação e probabilidade de cruzamento, Bonfim, I. P., Bergamaschi, P. R., Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, p. 157 a 170, 2010. 22. On local finiteness of verbal subgroups in residually finite groups. Shumyatsky, Pavel . In: Ischia Group Theory 2010, 2010, Ischia. Ischia Group Theory 2010 Proceedings of the Conference. London : World Scientific, 2010. 23. On the exponent of a finite group with a fourgroup of automorphisms. Romano, Emanuela ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . In: Ischia Group Theory 2010, 2010, Ischia. Ischia Group Theory 2010 Proceedings of the Conference. Hackensack : World Scientific, 2010. 24. On the multiplicity of Orthogonal Geodesics in Riemannian manifolds with concave boundary. R. Giambò, F. Giannoni, P. Piccione, Applications to brake orbits and homoclinics, contribuição para o volume do Advanced Nonlinear Studies em homenagem aos 60 anos de Vieri Benci. 25. On the OmoriYau Maximum Principle for Riemannian submersions. G. P. Bessa. Aceito para publicação em São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Science. 26. On unramified coverings of maximal curves. Garcia, Arnaldo ; Torres, Fernando . In: Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory (AGCT 2005), 2010, LuminyMarseille. Séminaires&Congrès. Paris : Societe Mathematique de France, 2010. v. 21. p. 3542. 27. Pibid Em Ação: Mediação Da Aprendizagem Através De Jogos Matemáticos. Souza, C. F., Nunes, S. M. T., Purcina, A. B., Oliveira, F. R., Melo, R. E. B., In: X Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática (X ENEM). 2010, Salvador. Anais X Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática, 2010. 28. PIBID: O Ensino de Matemática na Perspectiva da Formação Inicial e Continuada. Souza, C. F., Ferreira, D. A., Rosa, I. C. P., Netto, G. F., Ferreira, R. G., MELO, R. E. B. In: VII Congresso de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão da UFG (VII CONPEEX). 2010, Goiânia. Anais VII Congresso de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão da UFG. 29. Porosidade e Escoamento de Grãos. Gabriela Cristina Santos Silva, Rafael Alvarenga de Souza, Sulamita Oliveira Freitas, Fernando Kennedy da Silva, André Carlos Silva. CONPEEX 2010. GoiâniaGo. 30. Scalar curvature, conformal geometry, and the Ricci flow with surgery, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians C. Marques, Hyderabad, India. 31. Shisima e Matemática: inclusão de conhecimentos de raízes africanas no currículo escolar. Azevedo Neto, L. D. Revista do Professor, Porto Alegre, Ano 26, Número 104, out./dez. 2010., p. 31 34, 2010. 32. Sistemas de produção multiestágio híbridos com tempos de setup: revisão e classificação, Fuchigami, H. Y., Moccellin, J.V., Anais do XVII Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção (SIMPEP). 33. Solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in RN decaying at infinity to a nonnegative number. Goncalves, J. V. ; Silva, F. K. . Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, v. 55, p. 549571, 2010. 34. Teoria Qualitativa de EDO's Aplicada aos Modelos de LotkaVolterra e do Pêndulo NãoLinear. Rafael Alvarenga de Souza, Gabriela Cristina Santos Silva, Fernando Kennedy da Silva, Élida Alves da Silva. Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, p. 9 a 24, 2010. UFG. CatalãoGo. 35. Um Algoritmo BranchandCut para o Problema de Empacotamento em Faixa Bidimensional sujeito à Restrição de Ordem e a Estabilidade dos Objetos, Fabrício L. S. da Silva, Thiago A. de Queiroz, Flávio K. Miyazawa. 14 pags., Anais do XXXVI Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática (XXXVI CLEI), Assunção, Paraguai, outubro de 2010. 36. Um Pouco de Logaritmo, Ribeiro, M. R. R., Anais II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial (trabalho completo), p. 116 a 133,2010. 37. Uma Experiência de Fim de Tarde com Platão, Freitas, T. P. de A., Borges, M., Assunção, R. G., Anais dos Simpósios da Pedagogia UFG CAC V.10, N.01, p. 355 a 356, 2010. 38. Uma Ferramenta no Ensino de Matemática, Borges, J. S., Paiva, J. R., Silva, E. A. , Jogos Mancala Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, p. 51 a 57, 2010. UFG. CatalãoGo. 39. Uma Noção sobre Códigos Corretores de Erros. Gabriela Cristina Santos Silva, Rafael Alvarenga de Souza, Élida Alves da Silva, Fernando Kennedy da Silva. Anais do II Simpósio de Matemática e Matemática Industrial, p. 1 a 8, 2010. UFG. CatalãoGo. Artigos Aceitos: 1. A Bonnet theorem for isometric immersions into products of space forms. J. Lira, F. Vitório, R. Tojeiro. Aceito em 2010 para publicação em Archiv der Mathematik. 2. A canonical form for nonderogatory matrices under unitary similarity. Futorny, Vyacheslav ; Horn, Roger A. ; Sergeichuk, Vladimir V. . Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011. 3. A canonical Riemannian metric associated to an exporter bracket generating subRiemannian manifold. Diniz, M. M. ; Veloso, J. M. M. . Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2010. 4. A class of aymptotically normal degenerate quasi Ustatistics. Pinheiro, A.; Sen, P.K.; Pinheiro, H.P. (2010). Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s104630100271z (to appear in press). 5. A ColdingMinicozzi stability inequality and its applications, J. Espinar, H. Rosenberg. To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 6. A compactness theorem for scalarflat metrics on manifolds with boundary S. Almaraz, Calc. Var. PDEs. 7. A criterion for unitary similarity of upper triangular matrices in general position. Futorny, Vyacheslav ; Sergeichuk, V. ; Farenick, Douglas ; Gerasimova, Tatiana ; Shvai, Nadya . Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011. 8. A dynamical point of view of Quantum Information: Wigner measures, A. Lopes, A. Baraviera, C. F. Lardizabal, and M. Terra Cunha Dynamics, Games and Science II, DYNA 2008, Edit. M. Peixoto, A. Pinto and D Rand, Springer Verlag (2011) 9. A full Family of multimodal maps of the circle, W. de Melo, P.A. Salomão, E. Vargas, Aceito para publicação em Erg.Th. and Dyn. Syst. 10. A KAM scheme for SL(2,R) cocycles with Liouvillean frequencies. A. Avila, BassamFayad, R. Krikorian. Aceito por Geometric and Functional Analysis. 11. A new duality theory for mathematical programming, B.F.Svaiter. Optimization. 12. A new framework for the computation of Hessians, M. Gower e M.P. Mello. Optimization Methods and Software. 13. A note on closed discrete subsets of separable (a)spaces. Morgan, C.; Silva, S. G.; Houston Journal of Mathematics,(aceito). 14. A note on spider walks. Gallesco, C.F.; Mueller, S.; Popov, S. (2010) ESAIM. P&S. 15. A projected gradient interiorpoint algorithm for complementarity problems, R. Andreani, J.J. Júdice, J.M. Martínez and J. Patrício. Numerical Algorithms. 16. A relation between height, area, and volume, for compact constant mean curvature surfaces in MxR, C. Leandro, H. Rosenberg. to appear in Mich. Math. Journ. 17. A relaxed constant positive linear dependence constraint qualification and applications. R. Andreani, G. Haeser, M.L. Schuverdt e P.J.S. Silva. Mathematical Programming. 18. A Relaxed Projection Method for FiniteDimensional Equilibrium Problems. SCHEIMBERG, S. ; Santos, P. S. M. . Optimization (Online), 2010. 19. A Result of Multiplicity of Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Equations. Alves, C. O. ; Figueiredo, G ; Severo, U. B. . Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 2011. 20. A safeguard approach to detect stagnation of the GMRES(m) with applications in the NewtonKrylov methods, V.L.R. Lopes, M.A. GomesRuggiero e J.V. ToledoBenavides, Computational and Applied Mathematics. 21. A stabilized model and an efficient solution method for the yearly optimal power management, V. Guigues, Optimization Methods and Software. 22. A theorem of do Carmo Zhou type: oscillations and estimates for the first eigenvalue of the pLaplacian. Lima, Barnabé Pessoa ; Santos, Newton Luís . Results in Mathematics / Resultate der Mathematik, 2010. 23. A Variational Approach to a Nonlocal Elliptic Problem with SignChanging Nonlinearity. Corrêa, F. J. S. A. ; Delgado, M. ; Suarez, A. . Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2010. 24. A. Avila and J. Bochi.Nonuniformhyperbolicity, global dominated splittings and generic properties of volumepreserving diffeomorphisms. Grishkov, A. ; Sabinina, L. ; Plaumann, P. . 25. Abelian Stateclosed Subgroups of Automorphisms of the mary tree. Sidki, S. ; Brunner, A. M. . Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, 2010. 26. Abundance of C1 homoclinic tangencies, Bonatti, Ch.; Díaz, L.J.). Aceito por: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society, 27. Aceito por Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 28. Aidentities for upper triangular matrices: a question of Henke and Regev. Gonçalves, D. ; Koshlukov, P . Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2010. 29. Algebraic Bol loops. Grishkov, A ; Nagy, G. . Forum Mathematicum, 2009. 30. Algorithms for quasiconvex minimization. da Cruz Neto, J. X. ; Lopes, J. O. ; Travaglia, M. V. . Optimization (Print) , 2010. 31. AlphaStable Law in Noncoding Regions of DNA Sequences. Crato, N., Linhares, RR e Lopes, S.RC. (2010). Journal of Applied Statistics, 37(8). 32. An estimate for the sectional curvature of cylindrically bounded submanifolds. G. P. Bessa. A ser publicado em 2011 em Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 33. An existence theorem of conformal scalarflat metrics on manifolds with boundary S. Almaraz, Pacific J. Math. 34. An explicit algorithm for monotone variational inequalities, J.Y. Bello Cruz e A.N. Iusem. Optimization. 35. An explicit descent method for bilevel convex optimization, M. Solodov, Journal of Convex Analysis 36. An extension of FKKM Lemma with an application to generalized equilibrium problems, F. Morgana e S. Scheimberg, Pacific Journal of Optimization. 37. Análise de Provisão para Sinistros IBNR através de Simulação de Monte Carlo. Marcia Morais Ferreira, Vladimir Belitsky, Herbert Kimura. Revista de Administração Mackenzie. 233. Análise dos dados de doação de sangue da Fundação Hemominas – Núcleo Regional de São João Del Rei. Rocha, R.C., Sáfadi, T.; Revista Brasileira de Estatística, 2009. 38. Aplicação de Programação Inteira na Distribuição de Encargos Didáticos em Instituições de Ensino, P. S. Ferreira, E. W. Karas, F. L. Palucoski, A. A. Ribeiro, A. L. SILVA, TEMA, Brasil, Aceito, 2010 39. Atriviality of map germs and Newton Filtrations. Soares, C. H., J. ; Saia, M. J.; COSTA, J. C. F. . BiLipschitz. Topology and its Applications, 2010. 40. Augmented Lagrangian method with nonmonotone penalty parameters for constrained optimization. E.G. Birgin e J.M. Martínez. Computational Optimization and Applications. 41. Bernsteintype theorems in semiRiemannian warped producs. A. Caminha, F. Camargo e H. de Lima. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010. 42. Boundedly generated subgroups of finite groups. Lucchini, A. ; Morigi, Marta ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Forum Mathematicum, 2011. 43. Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Vibration Problem for a Clamped Plate. XIA, Changyu . Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 44. Busemann functions and equilibrium measures in last passage percolation. Cator, E.; Pimentel L.P.R. To appear at Probab. Theory and Related Fields. 45. Characterization of the rat exploratory behavior in the elevate plusmaze with Markov chains. Tejada, J. ; Bosco, G. G. ; Morato, S. ; Roque, Antonio C. . (aceito pelo Journal of Neuroscience Methods) 46. Closed products of sets and the Axiom of Choice. de Jesus, J. P. C.; Silva, S. G.; Acta Mathematica Hungarica (aceito). 47. Cohomological equations and invariant distributions for minimal circle diffeomorphisms. A. Avila, Alejandro Kocsard. Aceito por Duke Mathematical Journal. 48. Combinatorics of Cremona monomial maps. Simis, Aron ; Villarreal, Rafael H. . Mathematics of Computation, 2011. 49. Commutative powerassociative algebra of nilindex four, Grishkov, A. ; Gutierrez Fernandez, J. C. ; Montoya, M. L. R ; Murakami, L.S.I. . Communications in Algebra. 50. Compact Submanifolds in Space Forms. Deshmukh, S.; Malacarne, J. M.. Journal of Geometry. 51. Complete constant mean curvature surfaces in homogeneous spaces, J. Espinar, H. Rosenberg. To appear in Comment. Math. Helv. 52. Complete Spacelike Hypersurfaces in a RobertsonWalker Spacetime. Albujer, A. L. ; Camargo, F. E. C. ; Lima, H. F. ; Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2011. 53. Complete submanifolds of manifolds of negative curvature. Wang, Q. XIA, Changyu . Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 234. Computing the sin_p function via inverse power method. Martins, Eder Marinho; Ercole, Grey; Biezuner, Rodney Josué . Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2011 54. Contact homology of good toric contact manifolds. M. Abreu, L. Macarini. Compositio Mathematica, 2010, in press. 55. Continuous dynamic assimilation of the inner region data in hydrodynamics modelling: optimization approach, F.I. Pisnitchenko, I.A. Pisnitchenko, J.M. Martínez and S.A. Santos, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 56. Correspondence and Ribaucour Transformations. Lemes, M; Roitman, P.; Tenenblat, K. and Tribuzy, R. Lawson. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 57. Critical points of higher order for the normal map of immersions in R^d, Monera, M. G., MontesinosAmilibia, A., Moraes, S. M. e SanabriaCodesal, E. a ser publicado em Topology and its Applications 58. Curvature Integral Estimates for Complete Hypersurfaces , H. Alencar, W. Santos, D., Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 59. Degenerate singularities of one dimensional foliations. Ferrer, Viviana ; Vainsencher, I. . Aceito em Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Printed ed.), 2011. 60. Density of positive Lyapunov exponents for SL(2,R) cocycles. A. Avila. Aceito por Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 61. Derived subgroups in fixed points of profinite groups. Lima, A. S. ; Acciarri, Cristina ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2012. 62. Description of costandard modules for Shur superalgebra S(2|1) in positive characteristic. Frantishek, M. ; Grichkov, Alexandre ; Zubkov, A. . Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2010. 63. Desingularization of singular Riemannian foliation, M. M. Alexandrino, Geometriae Dedicata, DOI: 10.1007/s1071101094894. 64. DJKM algebras I: Their Universal Central Extension. Cox, Ben ; Futorny, Vyacheslav . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2011. 65. Effect of element distortion on the numerical dispersion of spectral element methods. S. P. Oliveira e G. Seriani (2011). Communications on Computational Physics, aceito em 08/07/2010 235. Ensaios empíricos sobre a eficiência do mercado futuro do café. Bitencourt, W.A., Castro Júnior, L.G., Silva, W.S., Sáfadi,T.; Revista Brasileira de Finanças, 2009. 66. Enumeration of cones with singular base. Maia, J. A. D. ; Vainsencher, I. . Geometriae Dedicata, 2011. 67. Envelope algebras of partial actions as groupoid C*algebras. Exel, R. ; Gonçalves, D. ; Thierry Giordano . Aceito em : Journal of Operator Theory, 2010. 68. Evolutionary Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for optimal monitoring network designs (to appear) Ramiro Ruiz C., Marco A. R. Ferreira and Alexandra M. Schmidt. , Statistical Methodology. DOI:10.1016/j.stamet.2011.01.009 69. Existence of a ground state solution for a nonlinear scalar field equation with critical growth. Alves, C. O. ; Montenegro, M. ; Souto, M. A. S. ; Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 2011. 70. Existence of homoclinic solutions for a class of second order ordinary differential equations. C. O. Alves ; P.C. Carrião ; L.F.O. Faria . Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011. 71. Existence of multipeak solutions for a class of quasilinear problems in RN. Alves, C. O. ; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 2011. 72. Existence of orthogonal geodesic chords on Riemannian manifolds with concave boundary and homeomorphic to the $N$dimensional disk, Nonlinear Analysis. R. Giambò, F. Giannoni, P. Piccione, Theory, Methods and Applications, DOI 10.1016/ 73. Explicit computations on the desingularized Kummer surface, Neumann, V. G. L., Manoil, C., Mathematics of Computation. 74. Exponential Mixing for the Teichmuller flow in the Space of Quadratic Differentials. A. Avila, Maria João Resende. Aceito por: Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 75. Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and twisted etale groupoids. Exel, R. ; Alcides Buss . Aceito em :Journal of Operator Theory, 2010. 76. Fenchel Moreau conjugation for lower semicontinuous functions. J. Cotrina, E.W. Karas, A.A. Ribeiro, W. Sosa e Y. J. Yun, Optimization 77. Filtered multiplicative bases of restricted enveloping algebras. Bovdi, V. ; Grishkov, A ; Siciliano, S. . Algebra and representation theory, 2010. 78. Fixed Points of Finite Groups Acting on Generalized Thompson Groups. Kochloukova, D. H. ; MartinezPerez, C.. ; Nucinkis, B. . Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2011. 79. Fixed points of generalized conjugations. Marques Alves e B.F. Svaiter. Journal of Convex Analysis 80. Foliations invariant by rational maps. Pereira, J. V. ; Favre, C. . Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2010. 81. Free Automorphic Moufang loops. Proc. AMS. 82. From trisections in module categories to quasidirected components. Alvares, E. R. ; Assem, I ; Coelho, F. U. ; Trepode, S ; Pena, M. I. . Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2010. 83. Full convergence of an approximate projections method for nonsmooth variational inequalities, J.Y. Bello Cruz e A.N. Iusem, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 84. General Decay to a von Kármán plate System with Memory Boundary Conditions. M. L. Santos ; A. Soufyane . Differential and Integral Equations, 2010. 85. General Decay to a von Karman System with memory. Raposo, C. A. ; M. L. Santos . Nonlinear Analysis, 2010. 86. Generalized linear systems on curves and their Weierstrass points. Esteves, E. ; Nogueira, P. . Communications in Algebra, 2010. 87. Generalized ordervalue optimization, J. M. Martínez. TOP. 236. Generalized variances ratio test for comparing k covariance matrices from dependent normal populations. Cirilo, M.A., Ferreira, D.F., Sáfadi, T., Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 2010. 88. Generators of supersymmetric polynomials in positive characteristic, Grishkov, A. ; Marco, A. ; Zubkov, A. . J. Algebra. 89. Global Solvability in Functional Spaces for Smooth Nonsingular Vector Fields in the Plane. PseudoDifferential Operators: Analysis, Applications and Computations. DeLeo, Roberto ; Gramchev, Todor ; Kirilov, A. Basel : Springer, 2011. v. 214. p.191210. 90. Graded Polynomial Identities for the Jordan Algebra of the Symmetric Matrices of order two. Koshlukov, Plamen ; Silva, D. D. P. S. E. . Journal of Algebra, 2011. 91. Hardy type inequalities on complete Riemannian manifolds. Adriano, L. ; XIA, Changyu . Monatshefte fur Mathematik 92. Holomorphy types and the FourierBorel transform between spaces of entire functions of a given type and order defined on Banach spaces, Fávaro, V. V., Jatobá, A. M., Mathematica Scandinavica. 93. Homogeneity tests among groups for microsatellite data. Bordin, T. ; Pinheiro, H.; Pinheiro, A. Journal of Applied Statistics \d, 2010. 94. Hydrodynamic limit of a $d$dimensional exclusion process with conductances, Fábio J. Valentim, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probabilités et Statistiques, 2011. 95. Hydrodynamics for a nonconservative Interacting Particle System. Valle G.. To appear at Markov Processes and related fields. 96. Hydrodynamics for exclusion processes with slow bonds. Franco, T.; Neumann, A.; Valle, G.: Journal of App. Prob. 48(2), 2011. 97. Hypersurfaces of sphere two principal curvature, A. Brasil, E. Costa,| Results in Mathematics, Berlin 2011( Dedicated to Keti Tenenblat on the occasion of her 65th anniversary ). 98. Hypersurfaces with constant sectional curvature of S^n x R and H^n x R, R. Tojeiro, F. Manfio, a ser publicado em Illinois J. Math. 99. Indefinite quasilinear elliptic equations in exterior domains with exponential critical growth. Alves, C. O. ; Soares, S. H. M. ; Freitas, L. R. . Differential and Integral Equations, 2011. 100. Inequalities for Eigenvalues of a Clamped Plate Problem. Wang, Q., XIA, Changyu. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. 101. Inequalities for the Navier and Dirichlet Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators. Wang, Q., XIA, Changyu . Pacific Journal of Mathematics 102. Inexact Restoration method for minimization problems arising in electronic structure calculations, J. B. Francisco, J. M. Martínez, L. Martínez e F. I. Pisnitchenko. Computational Optimization and Applications. 103. Lack of exponential decay of a coupled system of wave equations with memory. Almeida, R. G. C. ; M. L. Santos . Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications, 2010. 104. Lawson Correspondence and Ribaucour Transformation, M. Lemes, P. Roitman, K. Tenenblat, R. Tribuzy, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. ( aceito) 105. Local wellposedness for the nonlocal nonlinear Schcrödinger equation below the energy space. Moura, R. P. ; Pilod, D. . Advances in Differential Equations, 2010. 106. Localisation des points fixes communs pour des difféomorphismescommutants du plan, S. Firmo, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society 107. Low OrderValue approach for VaRConstrained Optimization, E.G. Birgin, L.F. Bueno, N. Krejić e J.M. Martínez. Journal of Global Optimization. 108. Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the tangent bundle of a Riemannian surface, H. Anciaux, B. Guilfoyle, P. Romon, J. of Geom. and Physics. 109. Minimal surfaces and harmonic diffeomorphisms from the complex plane onto a Hadamard surface, J. Galvez, H. Rosenberg. To appear in Amer. Jour. Math. 110. Minimal surfaces in a cylindrical region in R^3 with a Randers metric, R. da Silva , K. Tenenblat , Houston J. Math . (aceito) 111. Mixedinteger programming models for flowshop scheduling problems minimizing the total earliness and tardiness, in JustinTime Systems, D.P. Ronconi e E.G. Birgin, (editores: Y.A. RíosSolís and R.Z. RíosMercado), Springer, Series on Optimization and Its Applications. 112. Modelagem do Fluxo de tráfego veicular: Método dos Volumes Finitos e simulação Direta de Monte Carlo. Prado, A. L. ; Gramani, L. M. ; Kaviski, E. . Vetor (FURG), 2010. 113. Modelling multivariate counts varying continuously in space, (with discussion). Schmidt, A .; Rodriguez, M. (2011) Artigo a ser publicado no livro Bayesian Statistics 9. Oxford: Oxford University Press (in preparation), editado por J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West. 114. Monte Carlo algorithm for trajectory optimization based on Markovian readings. Dias, R., Garcia, N.L., Zambon, A . Computation Optimization and Applications, 2010. 115. Morita equivalence and characteristic classes of star products. H. Bursztyn , V. Dolgushev, S. Waldmann. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle’s Journal), 2010, in press. 116. Multibump solutions for a class of quasilinear equations on R. Alves, C. O. ; Miyagaki, O. H. ; Soares, S. H. M. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2011. 117. Multidimensional Rovella Attractors. A.A. Castro Junior, V,M. Araujo, M. J. Pacifico e V. J. Pinheiro, Journal of Differential Equations (Print), 2011. 118. Multilinear commutators in residually finite groups. Shumyatsky, Pavel . Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2012. 119. Multiple brake orbits and homoclinics in Riemannian manifolds, R. Giambò, F. Giannoni, P. Piccione, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, DOI 10.1007/s0020501003711. 120. Multiplicity of nonradial solutions for a class of quasilinear equations on annulus with exponential critical growh. Alves, C. O. ; Freitas, L. R. . Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 2011. 121. Multivariate alternative for assessing the convergence of Monte Carlo Markov Chains. Nogueira, D. A., Sáfadi, T. Ferreira, D. F. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2010. 122. New Criteria for hyperbolicity based on periodic sets, Castro Junior, A. A.. Bulletin of Brazilian Mathematical Society (aceito). 123. New rminimal hypersurfaces via perturbative methods. LIMA, L. L. ; Lira, J. H. ; SILVA, J. P. . The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2010. 124. Nilpotency of finite groups with Frobenius groups of automorphisms. Khukhro, E. I. ; Shumyatsky, P. . Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 2011. 125. Nonenlargeable operators and selfcancelling operators, B.F. Svaiter, Journal of Convex Analysis. 126. NonHausdorff groupoids. Exel, R. . Aceito em Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010. 127. Nonsmooth multiobjective fractional programming with generalized convexity. Santos, L. B. ; OsunaGómez, R. ; RojasMedar, M. A . Revista Integración, . 128. Notes on simple Lie algebras over a field of characteristic 2. Grichkov, Alexandre . Journal of Algebra, 2009. 129. Numerical Algorithm for Finding Solutions of a Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problem. Matioli, C. L. ; Sosa, W. ; Yuan, J. Y. . COPA, 2010 130. On a Nonlinear Generalized Thermoelastic System With Obstacle. A.O. Marinho ; M.R. Clark ; M.L.Santos . Differential and Integral Equations, 2010. 131. On a tower of Ihara and its limit. Caro, Nicolas ; Garcia, Arnaldo . Acta Arithmetica, 2012. 132. On closed geodesics in the leaf space of singular Riemannian foliations, M. M. Alexandrino, M. A. Javaloyes, Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 133. On exact boundary controllability for linearly coupled wave equations. Spezamiglio, Adalberto., Bastos, Waldemar D., Raposo, Carlos Alberto. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 134. On hypersurface of sphere with two principal curvatures. Brasil JR, A.; Costa, E.A. . Results in Mathematic, 2010. 135. On Internal Elastic Membrane with Strong Damping, Clark, M. R. , Araruna, F. D. , Lima O. A. Differential and Integral Equation. 136. On locally finite groups with a small centralizer of a foursubgroup. Romano, Emanuela ; Shumyatsky, Pavel . Archiv der Mathematik, 2011. 137. On multiple solutions for multivalued elliptic equations under Navier boundary conditions. Alves, C. O. ; Gonçalves, J. V. A. ; Santos, J. A. ; Journal of Convex Analysis, 2010. 138. On nonlinear dynamics behavior of a nonideal magnetorheologicaldamperelectromechanical absorver: approximate analytical solutions and numerical results, Felix, J. L. P., Balthazar, J. M., Dantas, M. J. H., International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 139. On optimization strategies for parameter estimation in models governed by partial differential equations, E.P. Carvalho , J. Martínez, J. M. Martínez, e F. Pisnitchenko. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 140. On polar Legendre polynomials, J.Y. Bello Cruz, H.E. Pijeira Cabrera e W. Urbina, The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 141. On quadratic differentials and twisted normal maps of surfaces in S²×R and H²×R, M. L. Leite, J. Ripoll. aceito no Results in Mathematics, 2011 142. On sequential optimality conditions for smooth constrained optimization, R. Andreani, G. Haeser, J.M. Martínez. Optimization. 143. On some properties and an application of the logarithmic barrier method, R.S. Burachik, L.M. Graña Drummond e S. Scheimberg, Mathematical Programming. 144. On subdirect products of free pro$p$ groups and Demushkin groups of infinite depth. Kochloukova, D. H. ; Short, H. . Journal of Algebra (Print), 2011. 145. On the boundedness of penalty parameters in an Augmented Lagrangian method with constrained subproblems. E.G. Birgin, D. Fernández e J.M. Martínez. Optimization Methods and Software. 146. On the Cauchy problem for a coupled system of thirdorder nonlinear Schrodinger equations. Bragança, L. M.; Scialom, M. A. G. . Nonlinear Analysis, 2010. 147. On the Cauchy problem for the nonlocal derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Moura, R. P. ; Pastor, A. . Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2010. 148. On the Consistency of Twisted Generalized Weyl Algebras. Futorny, Vyacheslav ; Hartwig, J. . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2011. 149. On the Copula for multivariate extreme value distributions. Sanfins, M. A.; Valle, G., to appear at the Brazilian Journal of Prob. and Statistics. 150. On the entropy of incompressible threedimensional flows. Bessa, M.; Varandas, P.. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (a ser publicado em 2011). 151. On the Existence and Concentration of Positive Solutions to a Class of Quasilinear Elliptic Problems on R. Alves, C. O. ; Miyagaki, O. H. ; Soares, S. H. M. . Mathematische Nachrichten, 2010. 152. On the Gauss map of complete spacelike hypersurfaces with bounded mean curvature in the Minkowski space. Lima, H. F. ; Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, 2011. 153. On the geometry of conformally stationary Lorentz spaces. Lima, H. F. ; Camargo, F. E. C. ; Caminha, A. ; Velásquez, M.A.L. . Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2011. 154. On the global solvability for overdetermined systems.. Bergamasco, A. P. ; Kirilov, A. ; Nunes, W. V. L. ; Zani, S. L. . Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2011. 155. On the manifold structure of the set of unparameterized embeddings with low regularity, L Alías, P. Piccione, Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. 156. On the number of solutions of NLS equations with magnetics fields in expanding domains. Alves, C. O. ; Furtado, M. F. ; G. M. Figueiredo . Journal of Differential Equations, 2011. 157. On the order bounds for onepoint AG codes. Geil, Olaf ; Munuera, Carlos ; Ruano, Diego ; Torres, Fernando . Advances in mathematics of communications, 2011. 158. On the rigidity of constant mean curvature complete vertical graphs in warped products. Aquino, C.P. ; Lima, H. F. ; Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 2011. 159. On the sensitivity of sectionalAnosov flows, A. Abierto, C. Morales, L. Lenos. Aceito em Math. Z. 160. On the spectrum of the twisted Dolbault Laplacian on Line Bundles over Kähler Manifolds, Jardim, M. B., Leão, R. F., Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. 161. On the stability of Mañe´s critical hypersurfaces. G. Paternain, L. Macarini. Calculus of variation and partial differential equations, 2010, in press. 162. On the structure of soluble graded Lie algebras. Shumyatsky, Pavel ; Sica, Carmela . Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2011. 163. On the threedimensional BlaschkeLebesgue problem, H. Anciaux, B. Guilfoyle, Proc. of the AMS, 164. On the weight of numerical semigroups. Oliveira, G.; Torres, F.; Villanueva, J. . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2010 165. On verbal subgroups in residually finite groups. Shumyatsky, Pavel ; Caldeira, J. . Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2011. 166. Opening gaps in the spectrum of strictly ergodicSchr\odinger operators. A. Avila, J. Bochi, D. Damanik. Aceito por Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 167. Optimal auction with a general distribution: virtual valuation without densities, P.K. Monteiro e B.F. Svaiter, Journal of Mathematical Economics. 168. Optimal scenario tree reduction for stochastic streamflows in power generation planning problems, W. Oliveira, L. Welington, C. Sagastizábal, D.D.J. Penna, M.E.P. Maceira e J.M. Damazio, Optimization Methods and Software. 169. Optimal trajectories for angular systems on the projective line. V. Ayala and J. Rodriguez, Accepted in December 2010 en Optimal Control Applications & Methods. 170. Otimização Multiobjective Optimization Techniques Applied To Engineering Problems. Saramago, S. F. P., Oliveira, L.S. Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences (aceito para publicação out/2009). 171. Outer trustregion method for constrained optimization. E.G. Birgin, E.V. Castelani, A.L. Martinez and J.M. Martínez. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 172. Perfect simulation of a coupling achieving the $\bar{d}$distance between ordered pairs of binary chains of infinite. Galves, A., Garcia, N.L., Prieur, C. Journal of Statistical Physics 173. Periodic Orbits and Expansiveness, A. Abierto Aceito em Math. Z. . 174. Phylogenetic Trees via Hamming Distance Decomposition Tests. Anselmo, C.A.F.; Pinheiro, A. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (Print), 2011. Pimentel, L.P.R.: Asymptotics for first passage times on Delaunay triangulations. (Combinatorics, Probability and Computing.) 175. Polarized minimal families of rational curves and higher Fano manifolds. Araujo, Carolina ; Castravet, A. . American Journal of Mathematics, 2011. 176. Polynomial vector fields with algebraic trajectories. Ferrer, Viviana ; Vainsencher, I. . Contemporary Mathematics American Mathematical Society, 2011. 177. Positive Laws in Fixed Points of Automorphisms of Finite Groups. Shumyatsky, Pavel . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2011. 178. Positive topological entropy of Reeb flows on spherizations. L. Macarini, F. Schlenk. Math. Proc. of the Camb. Phil. Soc., 2010, in press. 179. Power of the Likelihood Ratio Test for Models of DNA Base Substitution. Cybis, G. ; LOPES, Silvia Regina ; PINHEIRO, H. P. . Journal of Applied Statistics, 2011. 180. Probabilidades no Futebol. F. Brochero, G. Costa, B.N.B. de Lima, M. Terra Cunha, R. Vidal e G. Zeferino. Matemática Universitária (2010) 181. Properly embedded surfaces with constant mean curvature, H. Rosenberg, A. Ros. To appear in Amer. Journ. Maths. 182. Purely infinite simple C*algebras associated to integer dilation matrices. Exel, R. ; An Huef, A. ; Raeburn, I. . Aceito em Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 2011. 183. Quantum Stochastic Processes, Quantum Iterated Function Systems and Entropy A. Lopes, A. Baraviera, C. F. Lardizabal and M. Terra Cunha, .Sao Paulo Journal of Math. Sciences, a ser publicado Vol. 5, N 1, (2011). 184. Regularity of subschemes invariant under Pfaff fields on projective spaces. Esteves, E. ; Cruz, J. . Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2010. 185. Regularity results for semomonotone operators, R. Gárciga Otero e A.N. Iusem, Computational and Applied Mathematics. 186. Resonance webs of hyperplane arrangements. Pereira, Jorge Vitório. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Proceedings of the 2nd MSJSI Arrangements of Hyperplanes 187. Robust Statistical Modeling using BirnbaumSaunderst Distribution Applied to Insurance. Paula, G.A. ; Leiva, V. ; Barros M. ; Liu, S . Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (Print), 2011. 188. rStable Hypersurfaces in Conformally Stationary Spacetimes. Lima, H. F. ; Camargo, F. E. C. ; Caminha, A. ; Velásquez, M.A.L. . Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2011. 189. Semismooth Newton method for the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, A.F. Izmailov, A.L. Pogosyan e M.V. Solodov. Computational Optimization and Applications. 190. Semismooth SQP method for equalityconstrained optimization problems with an application to the lifted reformulation of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints, A.F. Izmailov, A.L. Pogosyan e M.V. Solodov. Optimization Methods and Software. 191. Sensitivity analysis and covariance matrix calibration for portfolio selection, V. Guigues, Computational Optimization and Applications. 192. Silva, S. H. ; Existence and upper semicontinuity of global attractors for neural Networks in a bounded domain domain. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2010. 193. Simple classical Lie algebras in characteristic 2 and their gradations, Guerreiro, M. ; Grishkov, Alexandre N. . II. International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory, and Algebra, 2007. 194. Smooth kbasic Finsler compact surfaces with expansive geodesic flows are Riemannian. Gomes, J. B. ; Ruggiero, R. O. . Houston Journal of Mathematics, 2011. 195. Some existence results on the exterior problem for the minimal hypersurface equation, N. do EspiritoSanto, J. Ripoll. Aceito no Annales de L´Institut Henri Poincaré/Analyse non linéaire, já disponível online. 196. Some remarks on invariant surfaces and their extrinsic curvature, Francesco Mercuri, Stefano Montaldo, and Irene I. Onnis, aceito para publicação em Contemporary Mathematics. 197. Special identities for quasiJordan algebras. Bremner, M. R. ; Peresi, L. A. . Communications in Algebra, 2010. 198. Stability analysis with applications of a twodimensional dynamical system arising from a stochastic model for an asset market. Vladimir Belitsky, Antonio Luiz Pereira, Fernando P. de Almeida Prado. Stochastics and Dynamics. 199. Stability to weak dissipative Bresse system. Alabau B, Fatiha ; Rivera, J. E. M. ; Almeida Júnior, D. S. . Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), 2010. 200. Stabilized sequential quadratic programming for optimization and a stabilized Newtontype method for variational problems, Fernández e M. Solodov, Mathematical Programming 201. Stabilized SQP revisited, A.F. Izmailov e M.V. Solodov. Mathematical Programming. 202. Stable Gauss maps on surfaces from a global viewpoint, Mendes de Jesus, C., Moraes, S. M., Romero Fuster, C., aceito em Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 2010. 203. Subgroups of profinite surface groups. BarySoroker, Lior ; Stevenson, K. ; Zalesskii, Pavel A. . Mathematical Research Letters, 2011. 204. Survival of branching random walks in random environment. Gantert, N.; Mueller, S.; Popov, S.; Vachkovskaia, M. (2010) Journal of Theoretical Probability. 205. Symplectic enumeration. Levcovitz, D. ; Vainsencher, I. . Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática (Cessou em 2001. Cont. ISSN 16787544 Aceito em : Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society (Impresso)), 2011. 206. Taming the b Antighost with RamondRamond Flux'', Nathan Berkovits e Luca Mazzucato, JHEP 1011 (2010), 019, arXiv:1004.5140. 207. Tangent algebras. Simis, A. ; Ulrich, Bernd ; Vasconcelos, Wolmer Verçosa . Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2011. 208. Tendimensional SuperTwistors and SuperYangMills’’, Nathan Berkovits, JHEP 1004 (2010) 067, arXiv:0910.1684. 209. The Asymptotics of Wilkinson s Shift: Loss of Cubic Convergence, Leite, R. S.; Saldanha, N. C.; Tomei, C., Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2009. 210. The characteristic variety of a generic foliation. Pereira, J. V. . Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2010. 211. The congruence subgroup problem for branch groups. Bartholdi, Laurent ; Siegenthaler, Olivier ; Zalesskii, Pavel . Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2011. 212. The Connectedness locus of the family of polynomials P_c (z) = z^n –cz. Alves, A. M.; Mena, C. A. A. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2010. 213. The Dirichlet problem for the minimal surface equationwith possible infinite boundary data over domains in a Riemannian surface, Mazet, L., and Rodriquez, M., Rosenberg H., to appear in London Math. Soc. 214. The extrinsic curvature of minimal graphs in H x T. Espinar J., Magdalena, R, Rosenberg H., to appear, Indiana Univ. Math. Journ. 215. The potential point of view for renormalization, A. Lopes, A Baraviera and R. Leplaideur. to appear in Stochastic and Dynamics 216. Torsion theories induced from commutative subalgebras. Futorny, Vyacheslav ; Ovsienko, S. ; Saorin, Manuel . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2012. 217. Trajectories in Random Monads. A. Ramos and A. Toom. Foi aceito em 2010 e agora publicado em Journal of Statistical Physics, 2011, vol. 142, n. 1, pp. 201219. 218. Trustregion superposition methods for protein alignment, R. Andreani, J.M. Martínez e L. Martínez, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis. 219. Two counterexamples of global differential geometry for polyhedra. A. Barros, E. Medeiros, R. Silva. Aceito em 2010 para publicação em Journal of Geometry and Topology. 220. Two ended rminimal hypersurfaces in Euclidean space. A. F. Sousa, L. Lima. Aceito no Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 221. Uniform bound on the 1norm of the inverse of lower triangular Toeplitz matrices. Liu, X. ; S. McKee ; Yuan, J. Y. ; Y. Yuan . LAA, 2010 . 222. Universal Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Polyharmonic Operator. Jost, J. ; LiJost, X. Q. ; Wang, Q., XIA, Changyu . Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 223. Weak Allee effect in a predatorprey system involving distributed delays. Paulo C.C. Tabares, Jocirei D.Ferreira, V. Sree Hari Rao, Computational & Applied Mathematics. ICMC/USP SBMAC. To appear. There are no C1stable intersections of regular Cantor sets. Aceito para publicação em Acta Matemática, 2010. 48. Sets of exact approximation order by rational numbers III. Aceito para publicação no Acta Arithmetica, 2010. Em colaboração com Y. Bugeaud.
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List of Publications 2002/2006
11. M. L. ESQUÍVEL, On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Second Moment of the Fourier Transform of a Random Measure, Int. J. Math. Mathematical Sci. 2004:63 (2004)
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