Curriculum Vitae John Mardaljevic


Curriculum Vitae John Mardaljevic
Curriculum Vitae
John Mardaljevic
John Mardaljevic é o professor responsável pela área de Modelagem Computacional da
Iluminação Natural, na School of Civil and Building da University of Loughborough,
Loughborough, UK. Seu primeiro grau e qualificações mais elevadas são: Licenciatura em
Física combinadas com Matemática, um MPhil em Astrofísica e um doutoramento em
Simulação da luz Natural. A primeira contribuição de Mardaljevic no campo da
modelagem luz natural foi a validação do programa de simulação Radiance em condições
de céus reais. Este trabalho de validação é considerado o estudo definitivo de seu tipo e
ajudou a estabelecer o sistema Radiance como uma referência em todo o mundo para
simulação de iluminação. Mardaljevic passou a pioneiro no desenvolvimento e aplicação
do que se tornou conhecido como a Modelagem da Luz Natural Baseada no Clima
(Climate-Based Daylight Modelling - CBDM). Estas técnicas foram aplicadas com sucesso
para ajudar a resolver uma ampla gama de problemas de projeto de construção
tradicionais e inovadores. Reconhecido como um líder mundial em modelagem da luz
natural, Mardaljevic foi convidado em 2007 para participar do painel convocado para rever
a British Standard 8206: "Iluminação Natural em Edifícios". A única característica
importante desta revisão é um anexo técnico sobre a CBDM (elaborado por Mardaljevic).
Isto serve como sinal de que o BSI espera futuras revisões baseadas nesta nova
proposta, apontando para o primeiro passo além dos padrões baseados no método de
Fator de Luz do Diurna já com meio século de idade. Em dezembro de 2008, o Conselho
de Administração da Comissão Internacional de Iluminação (CIE) aprovou a formação de
Comissão Técnica 3-47: Climate-Based Daylight Modelling, acatando a proposta feita por
Mardaljevic no início daquele ano. O Comitê Técnico selecionado por Mardaljevic (que é o
presidente) é composto por pesquisadores e profissionais-chave de instituições mundiais
que incluem: o Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts, Harvard University e Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. Em 2010 Mardaljevic foi nomeado o “Principal Especialista
em Iluminação Natural do Reino Unido"para o Comité Europeu de Normalização CEN /
TC 169 WG11
Adicionalmente, Mardaljevic é o proponente the técnica inovadora para determinação do
fluxo luminoso usando imagens HDR (high dynamic ranges).
A seguir são apresentados alguns projetos coordenados por Mardaljevic onde CBDM tem
sido aplicado:
Iluminação Natural no Edifício do New York Times. Este projeto de consultoria
principal foi encomendado pelo Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Trata-se
de uma proposta altamente inovadora (arquiteto: Renzo Piano) que incluiu a
implantação de sofisticados sistemas de controle ativo de iluminação natural.
Mardaljevic foi identificado por LBNL como o único pesquisador com qualificação
em técnicas de simulação comprovadas para realizar este trabalho
Edifício da Liga de Estudantes de Arte (New York). Aqui os resultados da
simulação de iluminação formaram uma parte de um acordo legal relativo aos
direitos de desenvolvimento. Este estudo foi apresentado em um evento especial
do Grupo CIBSE Daylight dedicado á discussão dos "Direitos da Luz".
Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. Trabalhando com um escritório de
arquitetura baseado em Londres, Mardaljevic desenvolveu extensos estudos de
simulação da luz natural para avaliar as propostas de reforma dos espaços de
exibições do museu.
Estudo das aberturas zenitais da VELUX. Consistiu teh um enorme estudo de
avaliação das melhorias do ambiente luminoso pela utilização de aberturas
zenitais. O estudo foi publicado pela VELUX em seu site Daylight.
Associação Nacional de Produtores de Aberturas Zenitais da UK. O estudo feito
para esta associação foi encomendado para determinar se os regulamentos de
construção então vigentes estavam fornecendo uma representação fiel do
desempenho térmico-luminoso destes sistemas. As atuais orientações foram
consideradas inadequados para a implantação em larga escala de sistemas
zenitais eo relatório DMU mostrou-se fundamental para amelhoria das
Posições Acadêmicas
 Chair: International Commission on Illumination (CIE) - Technical Committee 3-47
"Climate-Based Daylight Modelling" 2009 – 2012
 UK Standards: Membro do Painel Revision of British Standard 8206: Daylight in
Buildings 2007 – 2008
 EU Standards: UK Principal Especialista em Iluminação Natural para o Comitê
Europeu de Normalização CEN / TC 169 WG11 2010 – em diante
 Associate Editor: Energy & Buildings, Journal 2011 – em diante
 Editorial panel: Energy & Buildings, Journal 2007 – 2010
 Editorial panel: Lighting Research & Technology, Journal 2007 – em diante
 Board Member: IBPSA England 2010 – em diante
 Vice chair: CIBSE Daylight Group, 2006 – em diante
 Member: CIBSE School Design Group, 2011 – em diante
 Referee: Energy & Buildings, Journal Ongoing
 Referee: Building & Environment, Journal Ongoing
 Referee: Lighting Research & Technology, Journal Ongoing
 Referee: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Journal Ongoing
 Referee: Solar Energy, Journal Ongoing
 Referee: CIBSE National Conference Ongoing
 Referee: CLIMA conference Ongoing
 Referee: IBPSA conference Ongoing
 Referee: eSim conference Ongoing
 Reviewer: EPSRC grant applications Ongoing
 Reviewer: Hong Kong University Grants Committee Ongoing
 Reviewer: California Energy Commission Ongoing
 Member: IESNA subcomitê on Daylight Metrics 2008 – em diante
 Member: US Daylighting Forum advisory committee on Daylight Metrics 2008 – em
 Panel member: CIE TC 3.37 CIE General Sky 2005 – em diante
 Panel member: IEA SHC: Task 31, Validation subtask 2004 - 2007
Prática Profissional
Australia Stadium Sydney Olympics: controle solar e conforto 1997
Trafford Centre: Análise de ofuscamento por vídeo 1997
De Montfort University: Polhill Campus Library Resources Centre 1998
University College London: School of Slavonic & East European Studies 2002 –
 National Association of Rooflight Manufacturers: Compliance with Part L study 2003
 National Assembly of Wales: Solar study 2003
 Judson College, Chicago, Illinois: Library and design faculty, control strategy 2003 –
 Tamar Centre, Hong Kong: Solar study 2003
 New York Times Building: Daylighting study [LBNL, USA] 2004 – 2005
 Art Students League, New York: estudo de insolação [Env. Simulation Center, New
York] 2005
 Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg: Daylight study [Cannon-Brookes Lighting] 2006
 Three UK schools: Daylight study [Laing-O‟Rourke] 2007
 UrbanBuzz: Painel e especialistas para avaliação do projeto [DIUS] 2007 – 2008
 Avaliação de desempenho do material Serraglaze [Bending Light, UK] 2007
 Projeto/avaliação de “escultura funcional” para redirecionamento de luz [Euro.
Land & Property, UK] 2007
 Climate-based daylight study para edificações residenciais [VELUX, Denmark]
2007 - 2008
Publicações / apresentações
 M. Andersen, J. Mardaljevic and S. W. Lockley. A Framework for Predicting the NonVisual Effects of Daylight – Part I: Photobiology-based Model, Lighting Research &.
Technology, 44(1), pp. 37-53, 2012. .
 M. Andersen, J. Mardaljevic, N. Roy, and J. Christoffersen. Climate-based Daylight
Performance Balancing Visual and Non-visual Aspects of Light Input, CISBAT 11:
CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings - From Nano to Urban Scale, EPFL, Lausanne,
Switzerland, September 14-15, 2011.
 J. Mardaljevic, M. Andersen, N. Roy, and J. Christoffersen. Simulation of the NonVisual Effects of Daylight CIBSE Technical Symposium, De Montfort University,
Leicester UK 6th and 7th September 2011 [CR]
 J. Mardaljevic, M. Andersen, N. Roy, and J. Christoffersen. Daylighting metrics for
residential buildings. CIE 27th Session, Sun City, South Africa, 2011. [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting and Compliance, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4 May
2011. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Andersen, M., Roy, N. & Christoffersen, J. Do we know enough yet to
predict the non-visual effects of daylight in buildings? 4th VELUX Daylight Symposium,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 4 May 2011. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Visualizing „the circadian potential‟ of Daylight in buildings,
London, 8 April 2011. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., The newest daylighting modeling and evaluation methods, in LIGHT
AND COLOUR, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 29 March 2011. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting and Compliance: A help or hindrance for better buildings?
CIBSE Yorkshire, Rose Bowl, Leeds, 16 March 2011 [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting and Compliance: A help or hindrance for better buildings?
SLL Daylight Seminar, Chamber of British Shipping, London, 15 March 2011 [W]
 Cannon-Brookes, S. & Mardaljevic, J., New Approaches to Lighting, Museums
Association, British Museum, London, 9 Dec 2010. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting and Compliance: Are current standards sufficient?, Joint
CIBSE DG/BSG event, UCL, 1 Dec 2010. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting and Compliance: A help or hindrance for better buildings?
CIBSE NW Manchester, 3 Nov 2010. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Multi-Scale Climate-Based Daylight Modelling, SEUS: Solar Energy at
the Urban Scale, Workshop 25-26 May 2010, Universite de Technologie de
Compiegne, France. [C]
 Mardaljevic, J., Climate-Based Daylight Modelling, Professional Lighting Design
Convention, Berlin, 29-31 October 2009. [C]
 Mardaljevic, J., Daylighting in 'Good lighting with less energy: Possibilities for the
future', LR&T/SLL Centenary Symposium, HMS Belfast, London, 18 June 2009 [C]
 Mardaljevic, J., Heschong, L. and Lee, E. Daylight metrics and energy savings.
Lighting Res. Technol. 41(3):261–283, 2009 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J. Climate-Based Daylight Analysis for Residential Buildings, VELUX
Daylight Symposium, Rotterdam, 13-14 May 2009 [C]
 Mardaljevic, J., Krausse, B. and Andersen, M. Transmission illuminance proxy HDR
imaging: A new technique to quantify luminous flux. Lighting Res. Technol. Vol. 41,
No. 1, pp. 27-49, 2009 [JR] Abstract
 Mardaljevic, J. Sky model blends for predicting internal illuminance: a comparison
founded on the BRE-IDMP dataset. Journal of Building Performance Simulation,
1(3):163–173, 2008 [JR] Abstract
 Mardaljevic, J. and Nabil, A. Electrochromic glazing and facade photovoltaic panels: a
strategic assessment of the potential energy benefits, Lighting Res. Technol. Vol. 40,
No. 1, pp. 55-76, 2008 [JR] Abstract
 Mardaljevic, J. Predicting the performance of the light-redirecting material Serraglaze,
CIBSE Daylight Group Meeting, 10 October 2007, Bartlett, UCL, London. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. Understanding Daylight: Education by Evaluation, Teaching in
Architecture, Danube University Krems, Austria, 14-15 September, 2007 [C]
 Mardaljevic, J. Climate-Based Daylight Modelling: Really Good Practice? Good
Practice in Building Simulation IBPSA England, DMU, 12 July 2007 [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., Painter, B. and Andersen, M. 5 Million Lux Meters, CIBSE Daylight
Group Meeting, 9 May 2007, Bartlett, UCL, London. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. and Lomas, K. Precision Irradiation Modelling of Self-Shading Facades,
37th HVAC Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, 6-8 December, 2006. [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J. Climate-Based Daylight Modelling for Evaluation and Education,
VELUX Daylight Symposium, Bilbao, 6-7 May 2007 [C]
 Anselmo, F., Lauritano, A. and Mardaljevic, J. Procedura di valutazione
dell'illuminazione naturale annua con l'impiego di anni tipo di illuminamento, Light and
Architecture, AIDI International Conference, Venice, 9-10 October 2006 [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J., Krausse, B. and Andersen, M. High Dynamic Range Imaging as a
Means to Quantify Luminous Flux, 5th International Radiance Scientific Workshop, 1314 September 2006, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2006) Time To See The Light, Building Services Journal, September
2006, pp59-62 [A]
 Reinhart, C.F., Mardaljevic, J. and Rogers, Z. Dynamic daylight performance metrics
for sustainable building design, Leukos, 3, (1), July, pp. 1-25, 2006 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2006) Examples of Climate-Based Daylight Modelling. CIBSE National
Conference, 21-22 March 2006 [CR]
 Nabil, A. & Mardaljevic, J. Useful Daylight Illuminances: A Replacement for Daylight
Factors. Energy and Buildings Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 905-913, 2006 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2006) The Energy Benefit of Advanced Facades:Electrochromic
Glazing versus Photovoltaics - CPD seminar given at the Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 19 january 2006 [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. Advanced Daylighting and Solar Radiation Modelling, British Council
International Networking for Young Scientists, Hong Kong University, 16-18 January,
2006 [W]
 E. S. Lee, S. E. Selkowitz, G. D. Hughes, R. D. Clear, G. Ward, J. Mardaljevic, J. Lai,
M. N. Inanici, and V. Inkarojrit. Daylighting the New York Times headquarters building.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Final report LBNL-57602, 2005.
 Mardaljevic, J. (2005) Quantification of Urban Solar Access, in Future Forms and
Design for Sustainable Cities. Ed. Jenks & Dempsey, Architectural Press (Oxford,
UK).pp. 371-392 ISBN 0 7506 6309 X [B]
 Krausse, B. and Mardaljevic, J. (2005) Patterns of drivers' exposure to particulate
matter, in Williams, K. (ed.), Spatial Planning, Urban Form and Sustainable Transport,
Urban Planning and Environment series, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, ISBN 0-7546-4251-8
 Mardaljevic, J. (2005) Sky Model Blends for Predicting Internal Illuminances: A
Comparison Against Measured Sky Luminance Distributions. Lux Europa, 19-21
September 2005. Berlin, Germany, pp249-253 [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J. & Nabil, A. (2005) The Useful Daylight Illuminance Paradigm: A
Replacement for Daylight Factors. Lux Europa, 19-21 September 2005. Berlin,
Germany, pp169-174 [CR]
 To, T.T., Chung, T.M. and Mardaljevic, J. (2005). Integrating total receivable solar
irradiation into OTTV calculation. Hubei - Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2005 - on
Building Services Design, System Control & Value Evaluation, Wuhan, China, 1-2 July
2005, pp192-200. [CR]
 Nabil, A. & Mardaljevic, J. (2005) Useful Daylight Illuminance: A New Paradigm for
Assessing Daylight in Buildings. Lighting Res. Technol. Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 41-59 [JR]
 Kwok, C.M., Chung, T.M. and Mardaljevic, J. (2005). Design of light pipe aperture on
building facades in dense urban environments using a cumulative illumination
technique. CIE Mid-term Meeting and International Lighting Congress, 18-20 May
2005, Leon, Spain, pp. 121-130. [CR]
 Chung, T.M., Mardaljevic, J. and To, T.T. (2005). Application of annual irradiation
mapping for daylighting analysis. CIE Mid-term Meeting and International Lighting
Congress, 18-20 May 2005, Leon, Spain, pp. 131-141. [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J., (2004) The Quantification of Solar Access in Dense Urban
Environments - Workshop given at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 13 October
2004 [W]
 Mardaljevic, J., (2004) Spatio-temporal dynamics of solar shading for a parametrically
defined roof system. Energy and Buildings Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 815-823 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J., (2004) Verification of Program Accuracy for Illuminance Modelling:
Assumptions, Methodology and an Examination of Conflicting Findings. Lighting Res.
Technol. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 217-242 [JR]
 Chung, TM. & Mardaljevic, J., Quantifying solar access and daylight availability in
dense urban settings. International Housing Conference, Hong Kong (2004) [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J., Precision modelling of parametrically defined solar shading systems:
Pseudo-Changi. Building Simulation IBPSA (2003), Eindhoven, Netherlands. [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J. & Rylatt M. (2003). Irradiation mapping of complex urban environments:
an image-based approach. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 35, pp. 27-35 [JR]
 Thomson, M., Infield, D., Stokes, M., Rylatt, M., Mardaljevic, J. & Lomas, K., (2003)
Secondary Distribution Network Power-flow Analysis 7th IASTED International
Conference, Palm Springs, USA [CR]
 Mapping sunlight in our cities (2003) EPSRC article in the Research with Relevance to
Industrial Sectors Construction & Environment series [A]
 Krausse, B. and Mardaljevic, J. (2003) Profiles of Personal Exposure to Particulate
Matter in a Transport Micro-Environment, 4th International Conference on Urban Air
Quality - Measurement, Modelling and Management 25 - 27 March, 2003, Charles
University, Prague, Czech Republic [CR]
 'Catching rays' Irradiation Modelling Work featured in the Climate Change Exhibition at
the Science Museum, London, UK [A]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) A 'gold standard' dataset for the validation of illuminance
predictions IEA Task 31 and CIE Division 3 Mini-conference 2 October 2002, NRC,
Ottawa, Canada [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Parallax errors in sky simulator domes IEA Task 31 and CIE
Division 3 Mini-conference 2 October 2002, NRC, Ottawa, Canada [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Irradiation Mapping - the Quantification of Solar Access, CIBSE
National Conference (Part 2), 24 October 2002, London, UK [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Quantification of Parallax Errors in Sky Simulator Domes for
Clear Sky Conditions Lighting Res. Technol. Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 313-332 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Shadowlands The Architects' Journal, #18, Vol 215 (9 May
2002), pp44-46 [A]
 Krausse, B. and Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Patterns of Driver Exposure to Particulate
Matter 5th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and the Environment
Association (IUPEA) 23-26 September 2002, Oxford, UK [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Daylight for Urban Living: Solar Access Modelling for Public
Spaces, 5th Symposium of the International Urban Planning and the Environment
Association (IUPEA) 23-26 September 2002, Oxford, UK [CR]
 Sweitzer, G. & Mardaljevic, J. (2002) Quantification of Solar Access: A Novel
Approach for Hong Kong Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (1st Quarter,
2002) [A]
 Mardaljevic J. (2001). The BRE-IDMP dataset: a new benchmark for the validation of
illuminance prediction techniques. Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 33, No.2,
pp. 117-136 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J. (2001) Taking daylight modelling out of the dark ages International
Daylighting RD&A #2, April 2001 [A]
 Mardaljevic J. (2001). A New Image-based Technique to Predict Solar Penetration in
Buildings Proc. CIBSE National Conference (July), London, UK, July 2001. [CR]
 Cook M.J., Lomas K.J., Fiala D., & Mardaljevic J. (2001). Integrated Design of a Low
Energy Learning Resource Centre. Proc. CIBSE National Conference (October),
London, UK, October 2001 [CR]
 Mardaljevic J. (2000). Simulation of annual daylighting profiles for internal illuminance.
Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 111-118 [JR]
 Mardaljevic J. & Rylatt M. (2000). An image-based analysis of solar radiation for urban
settings. Proc. PLEA 2000 Conf., Cambridge, UK, 2000, pp. 442-447 [CR]
 Rylatt M., Gadsden S., Mardaljevic J. & Lomas K.J. (2000). Planning for solar energy:
towards an integrated GIS-based decision support system. Proc. Greenwich 2000 Intl.
Symposium on Digital Creativity: Architecture, Landscape, Design, London, 13-15
January 2000, pp.159-168. [CR]
 Mardaljevic J. (2000). Beyond Daylight Factors: an example study using daylight
coefficients. Proc. CIBSE National Lighting Conference, York, UK, 2000, pp. 177-186.
 Heath, M. R., Backhaus, J. O., Richardson, K., Mckenzie, E., Slagstad, D., Beare, D.,
Dunn, J., Fraser, J. G., Gallego, A., Hainbucher, D., Hay, S., Jonasdottir, S., Madden,
H., Mardaljevic, J., And Schacht, A. (1999). Climate fluctuations and the spring
invasion of the North Sea by Calanus finmarchicus. Fisheries Oceanography, 8
(Suppl.1), 163-176. [JR]
 Gallego, H., Mardaljevic, J., Heath, M. R., Hainbucher, D., & Slagstad, D. (1999) A
model of the spring migration into the North Sea by Calanus finmarcicus overwintering
off the Scottish continental shelf Fisheries Oceanography 8 (Suppl.1), 107-125 [JR]
 Mardaljevic J. (1998). Daylight simulation. Chapter 6 of Rendering with Radiance: The
Art and Science of Lighting Visualization, G. Ward Larson & R. Shakespeare. Pub.
Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, USA, pp. 341-390 [B]
 Mardaljevic J. & Lomas K.J. (1998). A Simulation Based Method to Evaluate the
Probability of Daylight Glare Over Long Time Periods and its Application. CIBSE Nat.
Lighting Conf., Lancaster Univ., 5-8 April, pp. 282-291 [CR]
 Mardaljevic J. (1998). Sections on (a) Daylighting Applications (18-pp); (b) Advanced
Daylighting Calculation (14-pp); and © Validation (16-pp), in Rendering with
RADIANCE: A Practical Tool for Global Illumination. ACM SIGGRAPH'98, Course
Notes CDROM, Orlando, USA [W]
 Lomas K.J., Eppel H., Cook M.J. And Mardaljevic J. (1997). Ventilation and Thermal
Performance of Design Options for Stadium Australia. Proc. 5th IBPSA Conf. BS'97,
Prague, Vol. 1, pp. 135-142 [CR]
 Mardaljevic J. (1997). Validation of a Lighting Simulation Program: A study using
Measured Sky Brightness Distributions. Proc. Lux Europa 97 Conf., Amsterdam, pp.
555-569 [CR]
 Cropper P., Lomas K. J., Lyons A. And Mardaljevic J. (1997). A Dynamic Lighting
System: Background and Prototype. Proc. Lux Europa 97 Conf., Amsterdam, pp. 480492 [CR]
 Heath, M., Robertson, W., Mardaljevic, J. & Gurney, W. (1997) Modelling the
population dynamics of Calanus sp. in relation to the planktonic ecosystem of the Fair
Isle current off Northern Scotland. Journal of Sea Research 38 (3-4) (Spec.Iss.): 381412 [JR]
 Mardaljevic J. (1995). Daylighting models in Realistic Input for Realistic Images ACM
SIGGRAPH'95, Course Notes CDROM, Los Angeles, USA. [W]
 Mardaljevic, J. (1995) Validation of a lighting simulation program under real sky
conditions Lighting Res. Technol. 27(4) 181-188 [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J & Lomas, K. (1995) The Application, Validation and Further
Development of RADIANCE: Some UK Activities, IBPSA - Building Simulation `95,
Madison, Wisconsin, USA [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J. & Lomas, K. (1993) Creating the right image Building Services The
CIBSE Journal 15 (3) 28-30 [A]
 Mardaljevic, J., Lomas, K. & Henderson, D.G. (1993) Advanced Daylighting Design for
Complex Spaces., Clima 2000, London [CR]
 Lomas, K. And Mardaljevic, J. (1993) Advanced Daylighting Design in Atrium
Buildings., Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Florence [CR]
 Mardaljevic, J., Raine, D.J. & Walsh, D. (1988) Broad Emission Lines from Clouds and
Discs in Active Galaxies., Astr. Lett. and Comm., 26, 357. [JR]
 Mardaljevic, J., Raine, D.J. & Smith, M.D. (1986) Narrow Line Profiles and Interacting
Gas Flows in Active Galaxies., Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 218, 651. [JR]
[JR] Journal Refereed [C] / [CR] Conference / Refereed [B] Book [A] Article [W]