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Asociación Diexman Uruguay

Asociación Diexman Uruguay ** MEXICO [and non]. Sporadic E opening underway at tune-in to channel 2, June 1 at 2139 UT; peaks more to the SSE than SSW, so maybe XHY-TV Mérida, Yucatán is in the CCI mix. Main show is a movie ...

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Untitled Antônio Avelino da Silva Se subió el archivo boletim_dxcsf_06edição.pdf https://www.facebook.com/groups/363633037082507/628886930557115/

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Asociación Diexman Uruguay

Asociación Diexman Uruguay ** OKLAHOMA. RF 51, May 29 at 1433 UT check, NO signal any more from KSBI-TV OKC, so the transition to RF 23 is complete for ``Channel 52``. I believe it was still on both RF channels yesterday whe...

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