FPCBP Bulletin - Edition 1 for Web.indd
FPCBP Bulletin - Edition 1 for Web.indd
MENSAGEM DO PRESIDENTE MERRY CHRISTMAS - FELIZ NATAL!!! FELIZ ANO NOVO - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! NOITE PARA RECORDAR PARABÉNS COMUNIDADE. PARABÉNS FPCBP. OS NOSSOS JOVENS LUSOCANADIANOS ESTUDANTES UNIVERSITÁRIOS – MERECEM A 23ª. Edição da “SCHOLARSHIP AWARD”, patrocionada e organizada pela “FPCBP” – Federação dos Empresários e Profissionais Luso-Canadianos, fica a constituir um marco a registar na história desta comunidade. ambiente acolhedor e altamente distinto como é apanágio do “Pearson Convention Centre”, as cerca de três centenas e meia de pessoas presentes viveram sem dúvida uma noite diferente e memorável. O jantar e respectiva ementa estiveram certamente ao nível do acontecimento, bem acompanhada dos bons vinhos portugueses. A alegria e emoção dos estudantes As the year comes to an end and with the holiday season upon us again, the Board and Staff of the FPCBP “Federation of Portuguese Business and Professionals” would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the FPCBP and our Luso Canadian Community for all the support that we have received throughout the year 2004. Please accept our warmest wishes for a Happy Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. Nesta quadra de Natal e Ano Novo, a Direcção e colaboradores da FPCBP “Federação de Empresários e Profissionais Luso Canadianos” deseja a todos os seus membros e respectivas famílias, bem como a toda a Comunidade Portuguesa, um Santo e Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de sucessos, paz e amor. Aproveitamos ainda o ensejo para agradecer todo o suporte que a FPCBP recebeu durante este ano de 2004 e que nos permitiu eventos de sucesso e dos quais destacamos: Concurso “o significado de ser Português no Canadá“ suportado (continuação na página 2) 1 Official Picture with students, sponsors, FPCBP Board and guests of honour É tradição, que a Federação “FPCBP” sempre que leva a efeito qualquer celebração pública, o faça com classe, distinção e bom gosto. Desta vez e mantendo a regra, novo sucesso voltou a acontecer nesta última quinta-feira, em que se homenageava os nossos jovens estudates universitários. Não fora já esta causa motivo suficiente, pode-se acrescentar que a presença do Premier do Ontário, Dalton McGuinty e do “Dean” da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade de Toronto entre outros altos dignitários, contribuiu e motivou a Organização a pôr de pé um programa muito imaginativo, cheio de côr e num ambiente de grande requinte, como raras vezes tem acontecido em eventos do género. A começar pela recepção, cuidadosamente preparada e melhor servida, em distinguidos, bem como de familiares, pais e acompanhantes, era bem visível. Efectivamente, a Federação (FPCBP) está de parabéns, não só pelo programa apresentado, mas ainda pela maneira eficaz e criativa como o fez. Esta iniciativa de distribuição de bolsas de estudo que a Federação “FPCBP” é pioneira e mantém há vinte e três anos, constitui certamente a estratégia e medida mais acertada na conquista destes novos valores que o são estes jovens estudanters universitários luso-canadianos. A Comunidade Portuguesa felicita a “Federation” na pessoa do seu presidente Sr. Leo Pereira e toda a sua Direcção que merecem não só o nosso melhor aplauso mas também todo o nosso suporte. Article courtesy of Voice Newspaper FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 (continuação da página 1) pelo “Trillium Foundation” e pela FPCBP e que colocou os jovens LusoCanadianos em destaque. Celebração da eleição de Mário Silva, primeiro luso-canadiano eleito para o Parlamento Federal do Canadá. Atribuição de vinte e quatro bolsas de estudo, com um montante recorde de $55,000 angariado na nossa Comunidade e distribuído aos estudantes universitários luso-canadianos e realização da cerimónia “SCHOLARSHIP DINNER” com a presença do Senhor Primeiro Ministro to Ontário, “Premier of Ontario, Honourable Dalton McGuinty” que pela primeira vez, oficialmente, visita a Comunidade Luso-Canadiana. Sabemos que o Novo Ano 2005 nos vai exigir bastante acção, sacrifício e energia, pois a Comunidade aguarda a todo o momento que a “Câmara de Comério” Canadá-Portugal –“Chamber of Commerce & Industry”entre em actividade, o que, com a colaboração de todos os membros da FPCBP e da Comunidade em geral contamos tornar realidade em curto prazo. É pois com atitude positiva e expectante que recebemos o Ano Novo, desejando que o 2005 venha a constituir um marco de gratas recordações e grandes sucessos para todos, a nível individual e comunitário. Spousal RRSPs: Understanding how they work When used correctly, spousal RRSPs can be an effective tool in planning for a couple’s retirement. Spousal RRSPs can be a tricky concept, so it is important to understand the basics, before making this strategy part of your retirement plan. To help make this concept clearer, we should answer a few basic questions: What is a spousal RRSP? A spousal RRSP is an account into which one spouse makes contributions to the other spouse’s RRSP who is in a lower tax bracket and the owner of the account. This means the owner spouse has control over the account in terms of investment decisions and when payments are received from the account. Why use a spousal RRSP? The main advantage of a spousal RRSP is to help divide assets that will produce future income and thereby reducing the family’s overall tax burden. Typically a couple with one wage earner is best suited for a spousal RRSP. How does a spousal RRSP work? It separates the income between both spouses. Typically, the higher income spouse will contribute to a spousal RRSP and receive a tax deduction at a high marginal tax rate. Then, in retirement or earlier, when the other spouse withdraws that money to produce income, it will generally result in a smaller income and be taxed at a lower tax rate. Tax Act uses the attribution rule to prevent spouses from paying less tax than is prescribed. Any withdrawal within two calendar years will be taxed in the hands of the contributor and not the spouse. Can I make contributions to my spouse’s existing RRSP? The short answer is yes. However, as soon as you combine or comingle your spousal contributions with their regular contributions, the account is considered a spousal account and subject to the attribution rules. In this case, if a withdrawal is made from the account, it may be taxed in the hands of the contributing spouse. Depending on your circumstances, it may be more appropriate to have two accounts so, if you need to make a withdrawal before retirement, you can make it from the account that makes most sense for tax purposes. Spousal RRSPs can be a complicated concept and may not be appropriate for everyone. It is important to understand the basics before considering this tool for your retirement plan. To better understand if spousal RRSPs are appropriate for you and how they may fit into your retirement plan, talk to a financial planner. Article courtesy of Scotiabank What are attribution rules? The Income Leo Pereira FPCBP - President 2 FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Comunidade luso-canadiana prepara o futuro A Federação Luso-Canadiana de Empresas e Profissionais avançou com mais uma etapa na preparação do futuro, contando até com um padrinho inusitado, na pessoa do primeiro-ministro provincial, Dalton McGuinty. Uma etapa que haveria de se revestir de qualidades intrínsecas que pena será se alguém esquecer. Há 23 anos que a Federação tem vindo a insistir no tema. Com esta ou outras palavras, sucessivas direcções entenderam que é preciso começar... pelo princípio. Ou seja, entenderam que os mais jovens que se preparam para o futuro necessitam de apoio. Assim sendo, para colmatar eventuais dificuldades, esta organização criou um programa de Bolsas de Estudo destinadas a auxiliar os estudantes de descendência portuguesa que frequentem as instituições educacionais canadianas. É uma etapa a que este ano a direcção, liderada por Leo Pereira, deu ainda mais acutilância e força. Não apenas pelo montante a atribuir – cerca de 50 mil dólares – mas, também, pela presença do “Premier” do Ontário. E o que é facto é que a comunidade organizada entendeu a mensagem. No tocante às Bolsas, empresários e profissionais engrossaram o montante a dar. No que respeita ao todo geral comunitário, foram algumas centenas os que estiveram presentes no Pearson Convention Center, 3 já em Brampton, como que a dizer que o Ontário não é apenas Toronto. Conceitos e empenhamento bem patenteados Do acontecimento, já todos falaram. Importará agora dar resenha de conceitos e de empenhamento, sobretudo para que nos anais de Sol Português – sempre na vanguarda destas tarefas da boa cidadania – figurem casos e factos. Diga-se, desde já, que três mil estudantes universitários luso-canadianos ainda não é a meta ideal – como lembrou, na altura, quinta-feira passada, dia 25 de Novembro, frente ao primeiro-ministro provincial do Ontário, Dalton McGuinty, o presidente da Federação Luso-Canadiana de Empresas e Profissionais, Leonardo Pereira. Para ele, “não obstante o número de estudantes luso-canadianos a frequentar as universidades e institutos do Ontário e Canadá no presente ano escolar de 2004- 2005 ultrapassar os três mil, a comunidade luso-canadiana está ciente de que ainda não foi atingida a meta ideal em termos de participação de ensino superior”. Lembrou, no entanto que “o facto de reconhecermos que tal número não é ainda satisfatório, não deve impedir que celebremos com alegria e orgulho o calibre e a alta qualidade dos nossos estudantes luso-canadianos como hoje podemos aqui constatar”. Entenda-se, como também o disse o presidente da Federação, que “a Comunidade tem definitivamente de saber assumir também os sucessos que já há muito vêm acontecendo nos diversos sectores da nossa sociedade e tem a obrigação de celebrar esses mesmos sucessos sem inibição e com a maturidade própria de uma comunidade que sabe donde vem, onde está e para onde vai”. O contributo dos portugueses no Canadá Palavras que, certamente, o primeiroministro provincial ouviu com atenção. Até porque, logo a seguir, quando do seu discurso, aquele governante haveria de tecer comentários de bom tom e de verdade aos portugueses e à sua gesta. O primeiro-ministro do Ontário, Dalton McGuinty, que fez questão de estar presente nesta 23.ª edição da cerimónia de entrega das Bolsas de Estudo da Federação, (continuação na página 5) FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 4 FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 (continuação da página 3) afirmou que “os luso-canadianos contribuíram muito para esta comunidade, para esta província e para este país”, lembrando que os portugueses têm o seu nome escrito na história mundial e, ao ajudarem agora, os mais jovens a avançar no sector do Ensino “entendem, claramente, que a melhor maneira de celebrar o sucesso dos jovens é ajudá-los a atingirem ainda maior sucesso”. Lembrou aos estudantes que receberam as Bolsas de Estudo que a melhor maneira de agradecer “é continuar a trabalhar arduamente, continuando a dar-nos razões para estarmos orgulhosos e a nunca esquecerem as vossas raízes e as vossas famílias”. O primeiro-ministro, que fez questão de se deixar fotografar com todos os estudantes a quem foram concedidas as 24 bolsas, elogiou a comunidade empresarial e profissional luso-canadiana “não apenas por terem feita desta noite um sucesso, mas por tudo o que têm feito para fazer do Ontário um caso de sucesso”. O “Premier” da Educação Talvez por isso, Fernando Clotildes, na introdução da noite, haveria de considerar que Dalton McGuinty gostava de ser considerado como “Premier” da Educação, o que dá para entender pela sua disponibilidade em estar presente em cerimónia de tanto significado. 5 O líder do governo provincial fez “comparações” que acabam por nos honrar e à nossa gesta. “Os vossos ancestrais foram os primeiros a avançar longe e certo, da Europa, descobrindo e explorando grande parte da África, da Ásia, do Atlântico e da América do Sul”, acentuando, então, que agora “estão vocês a ajudar 24 dos vossos mais brilhantes estudantes a irem mais longe na sua educação”. O embaixador de Portugal no Canadá, Silveira de Carvalho, falando para os estudantes, considerou que “o sonho dos vossos avós e dos vossos pais que vieram para o Canadá à procura de uma vida e de uma educação melhores para os filhos vai realizar-se”, já que “através deste programa de bolsas, todos os patrocinadores encorajam e apoiam o acesso ao ensino superior a todos os níveis e em todas as áreas do saber para tantos jovens luso-canadianos”. De lembrar que, este ano, a Federação Luso-Canadiana de Empresários e Profissionais recebeu 83 pedidos de Bolsas, satisfazendo 24, com um montan- te global a ultrapassar os 50.000 dólares. “Padrinhos” significativos Para “apadrinhar” o sucesso da iniciativa, para além do primeiro-ministro provincial do Ontário, e do embaixador de Portugal em Otava, entre as personalidades presentes, contavam-se o deputado federal Mário Silva; o deputado provincial Peter Fonseca; o deão da Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas e Engenharia da Universidade de Toronto, Anastasios Venetsanopoulos; o cônsul-geral de Portugal, Emídio da Veiga Domingos; e o professor da Universidade de Toronto, Elvino de Sousa. Isto, naturalmente, para além do comité de bolsas de estudo, dirigido pelo secretário da Direcção, Fernando Clotildes, e que contou com John Paul Macedo, Dr. Elvino Sousa, Nuno Ferreira, Leo Pereira, Aldina Costa, Fernando Costa, Maggie Unção, Ana Bento, Irene Maria Blayer, Joseph C. Curto, Irene Faria e Júlio Sousa. Para Natasha Santos, que foi mestre de cerimónias, ela própria uma jovem que passou para o lado do futuro-futuro, a certeza de ter cumprido mais uma missão que decerto lhe deu satisfação. Como daria, também, a Emanuel da Silva e Susana Miranda, dois dos recipientes de Bolsas, que usaram da palavra. Por Fernando Cruz Gomes Article courtesy of Sol Português FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Premier of Ontario speaks to the FPCBP scholarship recipients The Federation of Portuguese Canadian Business and Professionals was honoured with the presence of the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario. During his speech, he touched on some of the main questions facing his Government in the areas of education, health and financial stability. He indicated that his role is not an easy one and made the audience laugh when he suggested Premier Dalton McGuinty Speaking that his seat is available for anyone who would like his headaches. On the health issue he mentioned that 14 years ago 30% of Ontario’s Budget was allocated to this area. It was later increased to 50% and now he will allocate 60% of the provincial budget to healthcare. Yet, he commented, many people continue to in- Some of the FPCBP Board Members presenting a Gift with commemorative stamp honouring Pedro Da Silva, known as “dit-le-portugais” the first Letter Carrier in New France -1705 (Canada) sist that healthcare requires additional funding. He asked what amount is sufficient. Would we have to spend 70% or 80% of the provincial budget? His speech was active, vibrant and it addressed many issues with a traditional perspective. He demonstrated his leadership through his speech, which was not just political in nature, but also empowered the audience and the scholarship recipients to face the future. The provincial leader placed strong emphasis on the role of the family, and the solidarity that it teaches and creates within its structure. He told a simple story from his life as a teenager. “I was 16 years old, my younger brother, was two, and there eight others between us. We were walking to church with our mother when I walked faster and away from the group. My mother mentioned that I should slow down and stay with the group. I told her that I was the oldest, strongest, and fastest, and did not have to follow their The Premier, the Portuguese Ambassador and the pace!? My moth- President of FPCBP er’s reply was that we were a family, which should always be together, in the happy moments, in the sad moments, never leaving anyone behind, since the family give us the structure and strength. I never forgot The Premier, Dalton McGuinty with Irene Faria, sponsorship Donour from Rui and Louisa Faria Scholarship Fund her words and the importance of the family. We Ontarians should think as one, strong, and capable of reaching our maximum potential. We are all winners.” The 400 guests showed their satisfaction with applauses during various stages of his speech and at the end the Honourable Dalton McGuinty received a well deserved standing ovation. In The Premier, Dalton McGuinty with Dr Anastasios Venetsanopoulos, Dean of Faculty of App. Science & Engineering, Prof. Elvino Sousa, Professor at Univeristy of Toronto, and FPCBP Secretary, Fernando Clotildes. The Premier Dalton McGuinty; Hi Wife Terri McGuinty; Leonel Ramos, Banco Espirito Santo Toronto Office; John Santos, FPCBP Past President; Virgilio Pires, Business Owner; FPCBP President, Leo Pereira; Ivo Sousa, Business Owner 6 attendance were several community leaders and various representatives of community organizations and business people who sponsored the scholarships awarded. It was a memorable evening for all involved especially for our 24 scholarship recipients and their families. By Kelly da Fonseca FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Speech of the FPCBP President, Leo Pereira Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of the Province of Ontario; Excelentissimo Sr. Embaixador de Portugal no Canada, Dr. Jose Pedro da Silveira Carvalho; M.P. Mario Silva, Member of the Federal Parliament of Canada; M.P.P. Peter Fonseca, Member of the Provincial Parliament of Ontario; Professor Dr. Anastasious Ve n e t s a n o p o u l o s , Dean of the Faculty FPCBP President, Leo Pereira, addressing the of Engineering of the audience University of Toronto; Senhor Consul Geral de Portugal no Canada, Dr. Emidio da Veiga Domingos; Mr. Glen Gowland, Vice-President of the Scotiabank; Distinguished Guests; Past-Presidents and Members of the Federation; Media Representatives; Ladies and Gentlemen From the Left, Dr. Emidio Da Veiga Domingos, Consul General for Portugal in Toronto; FPCB Vice President, John Paul Macedo; FPCBP President, Leo Pereira; Nelly Pedro, Past President FPCBP; Hon. Mario Silva, MP; Premier of Ontario, Hon. Dalton McGuinty; Premier’s Wife, Terri McGuinty; Peter Fonseca, MPP: Dr. João Pedro da Silveira Carvalho, Ambassador for Portugal in Ottawa The young men and women here tonight not only exemplify the spirit of hard work and dedication that can be found in all Lusitanos, it also shows the love and sacrifice of their families as well. Many of your parents left Portugal to provide a better life for you, leaving behind their families, friends and their way of life, but seeing all of you here tonight, I can say with confidence that you are realizing their dreams. Premier Dalton Mcguinty addressing the Crowd Today, we are here to celebrate the achievements of a new generation of Luso-Canadians, and to show our support for their continued success. Ana Bento, representing Scotiabank, Event Sponsor and Scholarship Sponsor Premier McGuinty, we thank you for honouring us with your presence tonight, and for your concern with post secondary education, as you made this issue a main topic of your electoral campaign. We congratulate your Government for the effort demonstrated with the introduction of increased funding for the colleges and universities of Ontario. We understand that as the result of your action, post-secondary education in Ontario is more accessible, and better able to meet the demands of today’s generation. The Federation of Portuguese-Canadian Business and Professionals is proud to foster the oldest and largest scholarship The Head Table with the Premier Dalton McGuinty and guests of Honour. 7 (continued on page 10) FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Scholarship Recipients 2004 Biographies of 10 of the 24 FPCBP Scholarship Recipients. The remaining biographies will be on the next issue of this newsletter. D o c t o ra l C and id ates Emanuel Angelo Da Silva Sociolinguistics, University of Toronto Emanuel is a second year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. He received an Honours Bachelor of Arts (French Language and Linguistics, Portuguese, Italian) and Master of Arts (French Linguistics) from the University of Toronto. Emanuel has been a research assistant for several professors and has participated in a myriad of exchange programs. He is currently a volunteer for Project Diploma. Emanuel’s thesis will examine the relation between the reconstructions of identity and language practices of our youth from a sociolinguistic and ethnographic perspective. Susana Paula Miranda History, York University Susana is a second year Ph.D. student at York University. She received an Honours Bachelor of Science from the 8 University of Toronto (Human Physiology) and a Master of Arts (History) from York University. Susana has had much of her work in print and hopes to one day publish her research in her own book. Her thesis is focused on the role of Portuguese men and women in the Toronto cleaning industry. Eric Monteiro Medicine, University of Toronto Eric is a first year Medical student at the University of Toronto. In 2004, he graduated from The University of Western Ontario with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Eric has won numerous athletic accolades and done extensive volunteer work. He is passionate about his native Portuguese language and culture and is looking forward to doing medical research in Portugal. Debbie Fonseca Dentistry, University of Western Ontario Debbie is a second year dentistry student at the University of Western Ontario. During her academic career she has received an Honours Bachelor of Science (Biology and Environmental Science) and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from McMaster University, and a Master of Science (Nutritional Sciences) from the University of Toronto. Debbie has volunteered as a tutor and mentor for Working Women and has had several research papers published. Mast ers Cand ida t e s Rui Couto Civil Engineering, University of Toronto After graduating in June with a Bachelor of Applied Science and Engineering (Collaborative Environmental and Civil Engineering Program), Rui has decided to stay at the University of Toronto in order to pursue his Masters of Applied Science and Engineering (Civil Engineering). His research interests are primarily focused in geotechnical engineering. Rui has tutored and worked as a junior engineer and is currently a member of the UTPA. FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Melissa Azevedo Sandra M. Pereira Law, Osgoode Hall Law School (York U) After receiving her Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto, Melissa is now pursuing her Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Program from York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School. Her current work, providing legal assistance to new Canadians, has resulted in a desire to specialize in immigration law. Her goal is to continue to assist those who have recently arrived in Canada and find themselves in a position of economic strain. She also has had extensive experience working with the disabled by striving to increase public accessibility in their daily lives. Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University After completing her Honours B.Sc. at the University of Toronto, Sandra is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University. Her extensive research in diabetes at the University Health Network has led her to become interested in pursuing a career in medical research. Ultimately, she envisions a career in academia, where she will be able to pursue research interests and instruct future generations of students. Susy Oliveira Sandra Cardoso Fine Arts, University of Waterloo After graduating from the Ontario College of Applied Art and Design in 2000 with an Honours degree in drawing and painting, Susy is currently pursuing a Masters of Fine Arts at the University of Waterloo. She hopes to one day pass on her love of art to others. Teaching is a central part of her philosophy as an artist and she is excited that her current studies will include a teaching component. Chemical Engineering, University of Western Ontario Sandra is currently in her third year working towards her Bachelor of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering Degree at London’s University of Western Ontario. She was the Youth Director for the Central/Southwest Region of Ontario for the Portuguese Canadian National Congress and is currently the co-chair of the Youth Advisory Committee for the London District School Board. Previously, Sandra had been ac- 9 Undergraduat es tive in the Portuguese Club of London’s folk-dancing group and just last year she founded “The Portuguese Connection”, Western’s official Portuguese club oncampus. David Baptista Dos Reis Education, York University David is a third-year student attending York University’s Concurrent Bachelor of E d u c a t i o n Programme. He is working towards his Honours Bachelor of Arts (double-majoring in Law & Society and History) and his Bachelor of Education. David is a volunteer for the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, a volunteer Catechism Teacher and a folk-dancer at the Clube Transmontano. Future plans for David include opening a Legal Aid clinic for Portuguese-speaking persons. FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 (continued from page 7) program in the Portuguese community. For the last 23 years, the FPCBP has awarded over 200 scholarships totaling more than $400,000 in the creation and sustainability of a post-secondary bursary program for deserving students of Portuguese descent. The FPCBP would like to thank its sponsors without whom this night and the awarding of these scholarships would not be possible. We would like to thank all those in attendance tonight, especially our esteemed guest of honour The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, and other notable dignitaries. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to personally congratulate the scholarship award winners. Tonight we honour your dedication and perseverance in your studies. We want to demonstrate that the Portuguese-Canadian community is supportive of its leaders of tomorrow. Não obstante o número de estudantes luso-canadianos a frequentar as universidades e institutos do Ontário e Canadá no presente ano escolar de 2004-2005 ultrapassar os três mil, a Comunidade lusocanadiana está ciente de que ainda não foi atingida a meta ideal em termos de participação de ensino superior. Contudo, o facto de reconhecermos que tal número não é ainda satisfatório, não deve impedir que celebremos com alegria e orgulho o calibre e a alta qualidade dos nossos estudantes luso-canadianos como hoje podemos aqui constatar. 10 A Comunidade tem defenitivamente de saber assumir também os sucessos que já há muito vêm acontecendo nos diversos sectores da nossa sociedade e tem a obrigação de celebrar esses mesmos sucessos sem inibição e com a maturidade própria de uma comunidade que sabe donde vem, onde está e para onde vai. I would like to thank the distinguished members of the Selection Committee for their involvement in the process to determine this year’s recipients. The Committee has provided an invaluable service to the Community. I would like to thank the generosity of our main sponsor, Scotia Bank, for sponsoring not only this evening event, but also the scholarship program and the yearly events program. I would also like to thank the Scholarship Committee, the Fund Raising Committee, all members of the Board, and the support staff of the Federation for all their hard work and effort. A special and deserved reference, as well as my admiration, go to the Scholarship Committee for the significant hard work and plan of action that under the guidance and leadership of the Committee Chair Fernando Clotildes transformed a difficult task in a simple but very pleasant event. for the successful coordination, efficient work and great results reflected in the amount of the funds raised that constitutes a pleasant record of twenty four scholarships as being awarded today. Finally, my heartfelt thanks go to the Portuguese-Canadian Community for the support to the Federation. My goal, as president, is that the Federation will strive to continue to offerto our Luso-Canadian Youth, to us, to Portugal and to Canada, a continuous, proud, respectable and stronger Portuguese Community. Once again congratulations to all Recipients. We wish you all the best in your academic dreams with only one request, that once you are established in life, please look back to this community that is proudly supporting you today, and help us to continue our mission in helping others that certainly will follow you in the future. Thank you. Leo Pereira President FPCBP November 25, 2004 Our gratitude and appreciation go also to the Fund Raising Committee and John Paul Macedo, the elm of the Committee, FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Business opportunities The Government Keeps Canada’s Economy on Track Oportunidades de negócio In November, Finance Minister Ralph Goodale delivered his first Economic and Fiscal Update to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. The minister clearly outlined the fact that the government has maintained Canada’s economy on the right track. The Fiscal Update showed that the government is continuing to pay down the country’s debt and in so doing ensuring that our economy remains vibrant and strong. Investimento – Campo de golfe “New venture” procura investidor interessado. Inclui construção de um hotel nos Açores. Fabricante de ceramica Procura representante e distribuidor para o Canadá. Fabricante de calçado Procura representante e distribuidor para o Canadá. Fabricante de sumos Procura representante e distribuidor para o Canadá. Fabricante de nova marca de cerveja Procura representante e distribuidor para o Canadá. Produtor de Vinho do Porto Nova Marca, Procura Representante no Canada Produtor de Vinho Tinto e Branco Norte de Portugal, Procura Representante no Canada Contacte a Federação de Empresários e Profissionais Luso-Canadianos (416) 537-8874. Nota: Informações para FPCBP membros custo mínimo. Informações a não membros custo obrígatório Pedidos de informação somente por escrito. 11 In the past 14 months, due to the government’s sound fiscal policies, the Canadian economy has created nearly 400,000 new full-time jobs. Since 1997, when the government eliminated the budget deficit, Canada has ranked first among all G-7 countries for growth in living standards, with the average standard of living rising faster in the past 7 years than in the previous 17 years. MP Mário Silva The Government’s effective management of the economy and paying down our country’s debt has already resulted in annual savings of $3 billion on interest charges. Based on forecasts we are expecting economic growth of 3% in 2004 and 3.2% in 2005. As our population ages the government recognizes that this will have a significant impact upon our nation’s economy. It is for this reason that the government has set a goal of reducing the federal debt as a percentage of GDP to 25 per cent within the next 10 years. At the same time we are working to support innovation, productivity and international competitiveness to ensure that Canada remains an economic leader. In short, the government is effectively managing Canada’s economy and by paying down our debt it is ensuring that we pass on to our children a strong and vibrant national economy. Article courtesy of Mario Silva MPP for Davenport FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004 Speech of FPCBP scholarship recipient Emanuel A. da Silva For my part, I’d like to focus on two questions: why are we here and what can /are we doing? As Susana mentioned we are here because these scholarships recognize the value of education in the PortugueseCanadian community. The way I see it, education is important because it gives you access to resources (economic, political, social, etc.) that would otherwise be out of reach. Sadly, as we all know, education seems to be out of the reach of many young people in our community, according to the statistics of various institutions. To pick up on one of Premier McGuinty’s stories: some of us are lagging behind. Of course, we shouldn’t put all our faith in statistics; in fact we’re here to prove them wrong! Mas porque é que a educação é um obstáculo na nossa comunidade? É muito facil culpar as pessoas individuais, mas isso nao ajuda, acho que é melhor fucalizar o contexto mais largo: a sociedade, por exemplo. The socio-economic 2004 Board of Directors Leo Pereira, President John P. Macedo, Vice-President Fernando Clotildes, Secretary Ermidio F. Alves, Treasurer Antonio Aires Aldina Costa Kelly Da Fonseca Avelino Fonseca Cristina Marques Fernando Rio 12 integration of immigrants into Canadian society has been and continues to be difficult. While we may suffer from academic underachievement, other ethnic groups suffer from academic overachievement, in the sense that there are certified doctors, lawyers and engineers driving our cabs or taking our food orders because our society refuses to recognize their diplomas. The problem is very complex, but it begs the question: what can be or is being done about it? One way is to support our youth: physically, emotionally, financially, etc. For the last 23 years, the FPCBP and the many generous sponsors have been doing just that: by awarding scholarships to youth of Portuguese descent. Every year gets bigger and better, with new categories being added as our youth forge ahead in different disciplines, and this is a great sign! As well, the current provincial government’s commitment to education deserves to be recognized: freezing tuition fees for two years was incredible. But two years is not enough. I think all the students here would agree: tuition should be frozen indefinitely, if not reduced, so that everyone has access to higher education. We as a community can’t expect our high school students to want to go to college or university if they think they can’t afford it? Estas bolsas de estudo permitem aos jovens de não terem dois ou tres trabalhos part-time ou full-time enquanto estão a estudar. Se podia deixar uma palavrinha aos pais e familiaires seria esta: paciencia! Os estudos dos vossos filhos podem demorar muito tempo para se desenvolver. Tenham paciencia, dêem todo o apoio possivel et prestem atenção ao que eles estão a estudar. My advice to students is the same: paciencia! Your programs won’t be easy, but as long as you’re doing something you’re passionate about you will finish! I challenge you to get your family and friends involved in what you’re studying. If knowledge is power, share it and you’ll learn even more. Strive to be the best, but remember that success isn’t measured in diplomas, houses or cars, it’s in giving your all – something I’m sure your parents have taught you. Which is why these awards are as much theirs as they are ours. Antes de acabar queria agredecer mais uma vez a Federação e aos vários patrocinadores por estas bolsas de estudo, queria dar os meus parabens a todos que ganharam e a todas as familias aqui presente. Queria tambem lembrar que ha outros jovens, alias muitos aqui presente, que estão a fazer coisas extraordinárias para a nossa communidade e o nosso país. Tambem merecem o nosso apoio e reconhecimento. Somos uma comunidade com sucesso, e no futuro, todos juntos, vamos ter ainda mais. FPCBP Newsletter - Winter 2004