shower panel: aqrm687
shower panel: aqrm687
SHOWER PANEL: AQRM687 AQRM687 | 2000071171 GRUPO DE ARTIGOS : AQRM687 ++ | FAMÍLIA DE ARTIGOS : Duchas temporizadas valvula | GRUPO DE PRODUTOS : Duchas | LINHA DE PRODUTOS : AQUA AQUALINE-Therm – coluna de chuveiro em aço inoxidável de instalar na parede, torneira com fechamento automático e misturador termostático DN 15. Contendo uma cabeça de chuveiro AQUAJET-Slimline (0,20 l/s) com cabeça de chuveiro de plástico e controlador de vazão integrado (0,15 l/s), acoplamentos de mangueiras de alta pressão com reguladores de vazão bloqueáveis, termostato com registro metálico e proteção antitorção integrada, para acoplamento à alimentação de água quente e água fria, duração de fluxo regulável, partes visíveis da torneira em latão polido revestido de cromo, peça laminada em aço inoxidável com design arrojado e tampas de plástico. Permite a desinfecção térmica através de um comando externo, por ex., com auxílio de um interruptor de chave. 280x1.120x63 mm (LxAxP) TECHNICAL DATA additional connections no calculation flow rate cold water 0.15 liter per seconde calculation flow rate hot water 0.15 liter per seconde circulation no connection with pay water dispenser not possible adjustable flow time yes functional principle hydraulic self-closing gross weight 12.32 kg diameter nominal DN 15 material casing stainless steel material code casing 1.4301 Chrome Nickel steel V2A material fitting brass maximum flow time 50.00 Seconden minimum flow pressure 1.00 bar minimum flow time 1.00 Seconden type of mixing with thermostat net weight 10.16 kg overall depth 63.00 mm overall height 1,120.00 mm overall width 280.00 mm position of power connection from top Franke Water Systems | [email protected] | | 2016-09-30 protective shutdown no shower pipe draining no sound insulation no surface finish casing satin finished surface finish fitting chromed surface material chrome thermal disinfection prepared for automatic thermal disinfection adjustable tilt angle no type of fitting for stainless steel panelling type of mounting wall mounting type of operation manual operation type of shower shower panel type of shower head spray shower head volume flow rate bypass 0.06 liter per seconde volume flow rate at 3 bar 0.20 liter per seconde position of water connection from top / backside Franke Water Systems | [email protected] | | 2016-09-30 SHOWER PANEL: AQRM687 AQRM687 | 2000071171 GRUPO DE ARTIGOS : AQRM687 ++ | FAMÍLIA DE ARTIGOS : Duchas temporizadas valvula | GRUPO DE PRODUTOS : Duchas | LINHA DE PRODUTOS : AQUA ACCESSORY HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA062 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA063 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA064 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA065 2000100366 2000100367 2000100369 2000100370 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA066 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA067 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA068 HOUSING EXTENSION FOR SHOWER PANEL: ZAQUA069 2000100371 2000100372 2000100373 2000100374 SOLENOID VALVE CARTRIDGE : ZAQUA015 CABLE: ZAQUA016 MAINS UNIT: AQRE908 SOAP TRAY: AQRM968 2000100431 2000100432 2000100433 2000100978 Franke Water Systems | [email protected] | | 2016-09-30 KEY SWITCH: ZAQUA022 2000102675 Franke Water Systems | [email protected] | | 2016-09-30
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