Fluorescence spectra overview
Fluorescence spectra overview
Fluorescence spectra overview Violet laser (405 nm) Blue laser (488 nm) Yellow laser (561 nm) Red laser (635 nm) Pacific Blue™ Ex max :404 nm Emmax:456 nm BD Horizon V450™ Ex max :405 nm Emmax:450 nm Brilliant Violet™ 421 Ex max :408 nm Emmax:421 nm VioBlue® Ex max :400 nm Emmax:452 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies Ex max :388 nm Emmax:520 nm VioGreen™ miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies AmCyan Ex max :457 nm Emmax:489 nm Pacific Orange™ Ex max :400 nm Emmax:551 nm PerCP Ex max :482 nm Emmax:675 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies Ex max :482 nm Emmax:676 nm PerCP-Vio® 700 miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies PerCP-Cy5.5 Ex max :482 nm Emmax:696 nm BD Horizon Brilliant™ Blue 515 Ex max :490 nm Emmax: 515 nm FITC Ex max :490 nm Emmax: 517 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies Ex max :494 nm Emmax:522 nm VioBright™ FITC miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies Alexa Fluor® 488 Ex max :496 nm Emmax:516 nm ECD Ex max : 561 nm Emmax:488 nm PE Ex max :565 nm Emmax:575 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies PE-Texas Red® Ex max :565 nm Emmax:616 nm PE-Vio® 615 Ex max :565 nm Emmax: 619 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies PE-Cy5 Ex max :565 nm Emmax:666 nm PE-Cy5.5 Ex max :565 nm Emmax:693 nm PE-Vio® 770 Ex max :565 nm Emmax:776 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies PE-Cy™7 Ex max :565 nm Emmax:778 nm APC Ex max :652 nm Emmax:660 nm miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies Ex max :652 nm Emmax:775 nm APC-Vio® 770 miltenyibiotec.com/antibodies APC-Cy™7 Ex max :652 nm Emmax:778 nm APC-H7 Ex max :652 nm Emmax:785 nm 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 Wavelength (nm) Legend •Color-filled curves: Emission spectra (Emmax = Emission maximum) • Solid lines: Excitation spectra (Exmax = Excitation maximum) Download more posters at miltenyibiotec.com/flow-downloads This publication is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. While Miltenyi Biotec has taken great care and attention to ensure the quality of the information contained herein at the time of publication, no warranties are provided that the content of this publication is accurate, complete, reliable, up to date, and error-free. Miltenyi Biotec assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information described herein except as expressly confirmed in writing by an authorized representative of Miltenyi Biotec. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, Miltenyi Biotec products and services are for research use only and not for therapeutic or diagnostic use. MACS, Vio, VioBlue, and VioGreen are registered trademarks or trademarks of Miltenyi Biotec GmbH. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. Copyright © 2015 Miltenyi Biotec GmbH. All rights reserved. 130-098-040.04 Miltenyi Biotec provides products and services worldwide. Visit www.miltenyibiotec.com/local to find your nearest Miltenyi Biotec contact.
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