Interdisciplinary Seminar Successes and limitations of occupancy
Interdisciplinary Seminar Successes and limitations of occupancy
Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (CIMA-U.E.) Departamento de Matemática, U.E. Centro de Inv. em Biodiversidade e Rec. Genéticos (CIBIO-U.E.) 11 Maio 2012, 14h30 Anfiteatro 4 (Colégio Luís António Verney, U.Évora) Interdisciplinary Seminar Successes and limitations of occupancy modeling: a tale of two taxa in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem* William Gould Applied Statistics Program, New Mexico State University, USA Abstract: Two monitoring programs were developed as a means for monitoring ecosystem health in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Annual surveys for breeding occupancy by amphibians using temporal replication were conducted over years 2006-2009. Multi-season occupancy estimation was used to assess changes in the occurrence of tiger salamanders, boreal chorus frogs and Columbia-spotted frogs at two scales: small watershed (catchment) and individual site. Landbird monitoring has also been conducted (primarily in Grand Teton National Park) in which point count surveys were used to detect landbirds in different habitats. Density was estimated using distance methodology, but occupancy rates were also estimated using spatial replication from multiple points along surveyed transects. The sampling designs, modeling approaches, and results of these two programs will be presented. Differences between study designs and the resulting effect on occupancy estimation will be discussed. */ Seminário patrocinado no âmbito dos projetos: SSALS (CIMA-U.E.) e PERSIST (CIBIO-U.E.) financiados pela FCT. Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (CIMA-U.E.) Departamento de Matemática, U.E. Centro de Inv. em Biodiversidade e Recur. Genéticos (CIBIO-U.E.) 12 Maio 2012, 10h Sala 066 (Colégio Luís António Verney, U.Évora) Short course Occupancy Modeling and Estimation* William Gould Applied Statistics Program, New Mexico State University, USA This short course is aimed at an audience of biologists and statisticians/mathematicians interested in learning some tools available for inferring about patterns and dynamics of species occurrence. The short-course content will cover: 1) Introduction to occupancy models, description of applications for biologists. 2) Single season model description, parameters, and estimation. 2b) Example using Giant Wetas from New Zealand (MacKenzie et al. 2006). 3) Multi-season model description, explicit dynamic parameters and estimation including covariates 3b) Example using amphibian occupancy in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 4) Multi-scale occupancy models, description of applications with an example (Nichols et al. 2008) References: MacKenzie, D.I., J.D. Nichols, J.A. Royle, K.H. Pollock, L.L. Bailey, and J.E. Hines. 2006. Occupancy estimation and modeling: inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence. Academic Press, Burlington, M.A. 324 pp. Nichols, J. D., L. L. Bailey, A. F. O’Connell Jr., N. W. Talancy, E. H. Grant, A. T. Gilbert, E. M. Annand, T. P. Husband, and J.E. Hines. 2008. Multi-scale occupancy estimation and modeling using multiple detection methods. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 1321-1329. */ Short-course patrocinado no âmbito dos projetos: PERSIST (CIBIO-U.E.) e SSALS (CIMA-U.E.) financiados pela FCT.
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