Standard Penetration Test SPT
Standard Penetration Test SPT
Standard Penetration Test SPT Fernando Schnaid Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul References 9State-of-the-Art reviews: de Mello (1971) Nixon (1982) Decourt (1990) Clayton (1995) 9 ISSMGE: IRTP (Decourt et al, 1988). 1st International Symposium on Penetration Testing ENSAIO SPT Standards Equipment & Procedures Factors affecting NSPT Measurements & Corrections Energy Mean stresses Dynamic Penetration Test Interpretation: Energy and wave propagation Standard Penetration Test Why? Applications: most popular easy to use cheap predition of soil properties shallow and deep foundations liquefaction potential Standards 1930: first experience in the USA 1958: 1° attempt to standardised 1988: ISSMGE - IRTP 1991/EUA: ASTM 1586-99 1990/British: BS 1377-9 1994/Eurocode 7 2001/Brazil: NBR 6484 Test Procedure EQUIPMENT Equipment 75cm Types of hammer - wood cussion - anvil A: Brazilian Donut A C: USA Donut E: USA Safety F: Booros Co Ltd Darp G: British automatic H: Japanese automatic B F C G D H E I SENTIDO DA CORRENTE QUEDA 2 hq PINO s1 1 2 3 4 s 5 n QUEDA n QUEDA 1 Automatic hammer Measurements and corrections Energy Correct to a reference energy efficiency: 60% (N60). International Brazilian average energy: 72%. N SPT ⋅ EnergiaAplicada N 60 = 0,60 ? NSPT ⋅ 0,72 N60 = = 1,2 ⋅ NSPT 0,60 Schmertmann & Palacious (1972), Seed et al (1986), Skempton (1986) Observation: verify the energy for which empirical interpretation methods have been devoloped Measurements and corrections Donut Energia quatidade (%) ensaios 53 4 48 8 48 43 23 8 45 Safety energia quatidade (%) ensaios 72 9 52 55 52 9 24 5 62 8 55 Notas Referência Ensaios de laboratório Várias medidas em campo Kovacs & Salomone (1982) Kovacs & Salomone (1982) Schmertmann & Palacious (1979) Schmertmann & Palacious (1979) Robertson et al (183) Robertson et al (183) Valores típicos de campo Eficiência (energia) Massa da cabeça de bater (kg) Acionamento manual Média (%) Número de ensaios Acionamento automático Desvio padrão (%) 1.2 3.6 14.0 66.7 51 2.73 Média (%) Número de ensaios Desvio padrão (%) 78.5 13 2.04 75.5 195 2.95 66.4 23 1.70 Diaphragm wall: Shopping Centre Moinhos de Vento: Porto Alegre A A A y x 13 Measurements and corrections Stress level ( N 1 ) 60 = C N (N )60 Sondagens – Shopping Moinhos de Vento/Porto Alegre - RS Measurements and corrections Nível de Tensão Solos granulares : Referência N spt ↑ Z ↑ logo : N spt varia com p' Fator de correção CN σ’v Skempton (1986) CN = 200 100 + σ 'v kPa Skempton (1986) CN = 300 200 + σ 'v kPa Peck, Hamson & Thornburn (1974) Liao & Whitman (1985) Liao & Whitman (1985) ⎛ 2000 ⎞ C N = 0.77 log ⎜⎜ ' ⎟⎟ ⎝ σv ⎠ Skempton (1986) Clayton (1993) Robertson et al (2000) CN = 100 σ 'v ⎡ (σ ' ) ⎤ C N = ⎢ v ' ref ⎥ ⎣ σv ⎦ CN = CN = kPa NC Sand kPa NC Sand - k = 0,4 a 0,6 k 170 70 + σ 'v kPa 143 43 + σ 'v kPa ⎛ σ vo' C N = ⎜⎜ ⎝ σ atm ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Observação Seed et al (1983) Dr = 40 a 60% NC Sand Seed et al (1983) Dr = 60 a 80% NC Sand OC Sand OCR = 3 OC Sand OCR = 10 −0.5 kPa NC Sand ( N 1 ) 60 = C N (N )60 Measurements and corrections Stress level Granular soils: N spt ↑ Z ↑ logo : N spt varia com p' ( N 1 ) 60 = C N (N )60 SONDAGEM: COTA: 2,114 F13 Revestimento diam. 2,5" ProfunNível didade Cota d'água da em Amostrador diam. Interno 34,8 mm Gráfico Amostrador diam. externo 50,8 mm Amostra Golpes camada relação (m) Penetração o o Peso: 65 Kg 2 e3 0 RN 13 1 2 4 2 3 0 3 4 0 4 5 0 5 6 0 6 7 0 7 0 8 5 9 10 12 10 11 20 11 12 19 12 13 27 13 14 28 14 15 37 15 1 1,60 9 16 7,95 9,30 16 Profundidade do nível d'água (m) INICIAL 0,00 FINAL 20 30 40 50 Altura de Queda: 75 cm Classificação do Material 0 0 8 10 16/02/94 Engenheiro Responsável: 35 16 Simbologia do gráfico SPT 30cm finais Aterro, argila orgânica plástica com areia, cor variegada, consistência rija. Sedimento argiloso orgânico plástico, cor preto, consistência muito mole. Sedimento argiloso orgânico plástico, cor cinza, consistência média a rija. Sedimento arenoso, granulometria fina, cor amarela a cinza, medianamente compacto a compacto. Observações: FIRMA C CLIENTE: Recanto de Portugal OBRA: LOCAL: F7 / 72 SONDAGEM: REF. DATA: COTA: -0.45 Revestimento diam. 76,2 mm ProfunNível didade Cota d'água da em camada relação (m) 9/1/1972 Penetração Amostrador diam. Interno 34,9 mm Gráfico Amostra Golpes 2oe3o 0 RN 10 20 30 Amostrador diam. externo 50,8 mm Peso: 65 Kg Altura de Queda: 75 cm 40 50 Classificação do Material 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 0 3 4 0 4 5 0 5 6 0 6 Argila siltosa orgânica, com pouco areia fina e fragmentos de 7 0 7 marisco, cinza, escura, muito mole. 8 0 8 9 0 9 10 0 10 11 0 11 12 0 12 13 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 17 7 17 18 5 18 19 30 19 20 21 20 28 21 25 22 2 14 2 14.5 15 16 21 22 16 21 22.3 Profundidade do nível d'água (m) INICIAL 1,00 16/08/72 FINAL 0,3 20/08/72 Engenheiro Responsável: Simbologia do gráfico linha azul SPT 30cm finais Aterro- areia fina, com material variado, fofa. Areia fina, argilosa, com frag. de marisco, cinza,pouco compacta Areia fina, pouco argilosa, com frag. de marisco, cinza, compacta Areia fina,pouco argilosa,frag. de marisco,cinza,muito compacta LIMITE DE SONDAGEM Observações: SONDAGEM SPT PRÉ-ESCAVAÇÃO UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul CLIENTE: OBRA: LOCAL: SONDAGEM: Nível Não localizado d'água Profundidade da camada (m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SHOPPING MOINHOS DE VENTO REF. DATA: COTA: S1 Penetração Nº de Golpes para 30cm Gráfico 1º e 2º 2º e 3° 0 10 20 RS.7660/7 Jul-98 11,90 m Observações: 30 40 0 0 4 27 22 25 11 24 40 11 25 23 9 9 10 14 12 15 12 15 16 18 32 28 0 4 27 30 35 26 29 40 43 30 31 12 12 16 20 17 17 18 19 21 45 42 0,20 cm de piso de concreto Até 1,5m aterro de argila siltosa c/ areia fina média, vermelha, mole. 5 De 1,5 a 8m argila siltosa, vermelha escura, dura 10 De 8 a 11m silte argiloso c/ areia fina morrom claro, duro De 11 a 15m silte argiloso c/ areia de textura variada, rijo a duro 15 20 De 15 a 20m silte argiloso c/ areia de textura variada, micaceo variegado, rijo a duro De 20 a 22,39m argila siltoda c/ areia de textura variada, micacea cinza, dura - solo residual 25 30 Interpretation Characterization Classification; Soil properties: Granular; Clay; Cohesive-frictional soils: hard soils, residual Soft rocks Classification (N1)60 0 - 3 Sand (N)60 Clay 3–8 Loose 8 – 25 Medium 25 – 42 Dense 42 – 58 Very dense 0–4 Very soft 4–8 Soft 8 – 15 Firm 15 – 30 Stiff 30 – 60 Very stiff > 60 (N)60 Residual soils* Very loose Hard 0–5 Completely weathered 5 – 10 Very weathered (lateritic) 10 - 15 Weathered > 15 Moderately weathered (saprolitic) (N)60 Weak rock 0 – 80 Very weak 80 – 200 Weak modified from Clayton (1993) Classification (G 0 Go/N60 vs (N1)60 pa ) N 60 = αN 60 pa = α (N1 ) 60 σ vo′ Schnaid (1999) e Schnaid et al (2004) Soil propertiese Granular soils Cohesive soil φ & E Su & E Cohesive-frictional φ +c Soft rocks σc & E Effective stress – no Δu Nspt reflects stiffness and strength Total stress – Δu ≠ 0 Disturbed soil - N spt < 5 Hard soils (including residual soils) Composit materials (lime, fibers…) Robust test Nspt reflects stiffness and strength Is one measurement sufficient? (Mayne, 2001) CLAY Su= undrained shear strength; γg= unit weight; Ir = rigidity index; φf = friction angle; OCR = over-consolidation; Ko = earth pressure coefficient eo= voids ratio; Vs= shear wave velocity; E = Young’s modulus; Cc = consolidation coefficient; qb= pile bearing capacity; K = permeability; Qb= ultimate stress SAND NSPT dr= relative density; γg= unit weight; LI= liquefaction index; φf = friction angle; Su= undrained shear strength; eo= voids ratio; Ko = earth pressure coefficient; Vs= shear wave velocity; E = Young’s modulus; Ѱ = dilation angle qb= pile bearing capacity; Granular soils Friction angle – N spt → Dr → φ Cubrinovski & Ishihara (1999) ( N1 ) 60 11.7 = Dr2 (emax − emin )1.7 Gibbs e Holtz (1957) ⎛ ⎞ N ⎟⎟ Dr = ⎜⎜ ⎝ 0,23 ⋅ σ 'v 0 +16 ⎠ Skempton (1986) ⎛ ⎞ N ⎟⎟ Dr = ⎜⎜ ⎝ 0,28 ⋅ σ 'v 0 +27 ⎠ 0,5 0,5 Granular soils Friction angle – N spt → Dr → φ Granular soils Friction angle – N spt → Dr → φ Bolton (1986) φ p' − φcv' = m[Dr (Q − ln p ' ) − R ] Mello (1971) Meyerhof (1956) (1,49 − Dr ) tan φ ' = 0,712 φ = 30° + 15 Dr - areias puras φ = 25° + 15 Dr - areias com mais de 5% de finos φ 'cvp Granular soils Friction angle – N spt → Dr → φ Bolton Bolton Robertson & (1979) (1979) Hughes (1986) Dense well-graded sand or gravel 55o 35o 40o Uniform medium dense/coarse sand 40o 32o 34-37o Dense sandy silt with some clay 47o 32o Fine sand and sandy-silty-clay 35o 30o Clay-shale, or partings 35o 25o Clay 25o 15o Material 30-34o Granular soils N spt → φ Friction angle – Mayne (2006) ⎤ ⎡ N 60 φ ≈ arctan ⎢ ⎥ ' 12 . 2 ( σ / σ ) + vo atm ⎦ ⎣ 0.34 ' p Hatanaka & Uchida (1996) φ p' ≈ 20 o + 15.4( N1 ) 60 Teixeira (1996) φ ' = 20 * N + 15 ° Mello (1967, 1971) 2.4 ⎡ 2 ⎛ π φ ⎞ πtgφ ⎤ φ ⎞ πtgφ 2⎛π SPT = 4.0 + 0.015 ∗ tg ⎜ + ⎟e − 1⎥ + σtg ⎜ + ⎟e ± 8.7 ⎢ tgφ ⎣ ⎝ 4 2 ⎠ ⎝ 4 2⎠ ⎦ Granular soils Areia Fina Areia Grossa Conjunto As retas fornecem os valores de Ø SPT 70 45 ° 50 ° 50 ° 60 50 40 ° 40 45 ° 40° 30 40° 4 0° 20 40 ° 30° 30° 35 ° 10 30 ° 25° 25 ° 0 5 10 15 25° 20 25 q (t/m²) 30 de Mello (1971) Granular soils Friction angle – N spt → φ Granular soils Stiffness - large strains, high shear stresses, insensitive to stress history. (Jamiolkowski et al., 1991) Uncemented unaged sands (after Eslaamizaad & Robertson, 1997 Western Australia sands (after Schnaid et al,2004) Classification (G 0 Go/N60 vs (N1)60 pa ) N 60 = αN 60 pa = α (N1 ) 60 σ vo′ Schnaid (1999) e Schnaid et al (2004) Granular soils Stiffness - large strains, high shear stresses, insensitive to stress history G 0 ( MPa ) = a.( N 60 ) b Upper boundary: uncemented sands Schnaid (1999) e Schnaid et al (2004) G0 = 450 3 N 60σ v′ p a2 Lower boundary: uncemented sands G0 = 200 3 N 60σ v′ p a2 Granular soils Stiffness - large strains, high shear stresses, insensitive to stress history. Stroud (1989): Lower bound Resistência à penetração N60 4 10 30 60 E' média 1,6 - 2,4 2,2 - 3,4 3,7 - 5,6 4,6 - 7,0 N 60 = 1( MPa ) E/N60 (MPa) Limite inferior 0,4 - 0,6 0,7 - 1,1 1,5 - 2,2 2,3 - 3,5 Limite superior 3,5 - 5,3 4,6 - 7,0 6,6 - 10,0 8,9 - 13,5 Granular soils Stroud (1988) Clayton (1993) Cohesive soils Undrained shear strength - (1971): Mello Su/N ranges from 0,4 a 20 (sensitive clay); Su stress path dependent Décourt (1989): Su = 10,5 N60 (kN/m2); Stroud (1979) Pre-consolidated non-sensitive: Su = 4,5 N60 (kN/m2) N spt → S u SOLOS COESIVOS Undrained shear strength N spt → S u Cohesive-frictional materials ( ) Go = S p' F (e) n G0 = 1200 3 N 60 σ′v pa2 (2.17 − e) 2 F (e) = 1+ e G0 = 200 3 N 60 σ′v pa2 Schnaid et al, (2004) G0 = 450 3 N 60σ′v pa2 Cohesive-frictional materials Young modulus - E E = aN (MPa ) a = 1,0 − 1,6 (Barksdale e Blight, 1997). E = bN c (MPa) b = 0,6 c = 1,4 (Sandroni, 1991). (Jones e Rust, 1989) Soft rocks Unconfined compression strength Degree of weathering N60 < 200 σ c = 10 N 60 (kPa) E ' = 0.5 − 2.0 N 60 ( MPa ) Stroud (1988) Stroud (1988) Energy concepts Principles of soil dynamics : New interpretation Wave propagation analysis ∞ E = ∫ F (t ) V (t ) dt 0 Timoshenko & Goodier, (1970) Wave propagation analysis Osciloscópio Bateria Condicionador e Amplificador com 3 canais Micro Computador com Placa A/D PCM-DAS 16D/16 da ComputerBoards para 350kHz Borneira Wave propagation analysis 3.34 2.50 HASTE DE SONDAGEM 0.46 2.43 3.34 30.00 FURO PARA PARAFUSO 6mm CÉLULA DE CARGA 10.00 HASTE DE SONDAGEM 2.69 3.34 4.26 2.43 3.34 3.15 2.50 Wave propagation analysis Acelerômetros Brüel & Kjaer Modelo = 4375S (indicado para altas freqüências) Faixa de aceleração 100μG a 10 kG Danifica com 16kG Wave propagation analysis Extensômetros Marca Excel Tipo PA-06-125TG-350-LEN Roseta dupla 90o saida A entrada B saida C entrada D Wave propagation analysis Mechanism of dynamic penetration Finite difference analyisis - D’Alembert’s principle f I (t ) + f D (t ) + f S (t ) = f (t ) where: ƒΙ = inertial forces; ƒD = damping forces ƒS = reconstitutive forces Wave propagation analysis Mechanism of dynamic penetration MARTELO Reação (R) r : : 4 3 Vo A EA Q B 2 i=1 mi j=1 mj Ru 2 O 3 4 HASTE LUVAS C Deformação EA : : Δ : : Ru J V R Deslocamento Deformação permanente Constante de mola K' s R Damping (J) Wave propagation analysis 35,8 m rod length Wave propagation analysis 35,8 m rod length: typical measurements Wave propagation analysis 35,8 m rod length: typical measurements Average penetration per blow 300/Nref (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average penetration per blow 300/Nref (mm) 30 0 0 Measured Simulated 15 20 25 30 Measured Simulated 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 SPT - Ladner 06 SPT - Ladner 09 Average penetration per blow 300/Nref (mm) Average penetration per blow 300/Nref (mm) 0 10 20 30 0 40 10 20 30 40 Numerical simulation 0 0 Measured Simulated 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 Depth (m) Depth (m) 10 2 Depth (m) Depth (m) 2 2 5 0 10 Measured Simulated SPT LPT 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 RLPT - Ladner 11 RLPT - Ladner 08 (1) 0,75 (2) 0,75+Δρ ΔEPm = Mm (0,75+Δρ) g Δρ ΔEPh = Mh Δρ g H1m Δρ H2m H1h H2h Ref Δρ Hamiltons’s principle ΔEPGm+hsystem = Ws + Wnc ΔEPGm+hsystem – Wnc = Esampler Esampler = Ws = Fd Δρ New interpretation method Dynamic force- Fd: t2 = t 0,75 2 g = 9,806 m/s Centro de massa do MARTELO Instrumentação Instrumentação hm(t3) Centro de massa da HASTE Haste Referência Δρ Amostrador hh(t3) hh(t1) hm(t1) Instrumentação t3 = Δρ 0,75 Martelo = 65 kg Δρ t1 = 0 New interpretation method Dynamic force- Fd: ΔEPG sistema m+h where: - E• • = E + M m gΔρ + M h gΔρ = Theoretical potential energy = 478J - Mm = Hammer mass = 65kg - Mh = Rod mass = 3,23kg/m -g = gravity acceleration - Δρ = permanente sampler penetration New interpretation method Dynamic force- Fd: CALIBRATION ΔEPGmsistema = Wnc = Fd Δρ +h η 3 η1 (0,75M h g ) + η 3η1 (ΔρM h g ) + η 3 η 2 (ΔρM r g ) Fd = Δρ Soil Soilproperties properties Bearing Bearingcapacity capacity η1 = 0,764 η 2 = 1,00 η3 = 1,00 - 0,0042l η1 = Eficiência do Martelo η 2 = Eficiência da Haste η3 = Eficiênica do Sistema Granular soils Friction angle - Hermansson e Gravare (1978) Vésic (1972) Odebrecht et al (2005) Fd → φ Areias Sand → ν = 1 ∴ Fd ≅ Fe Fe = Ap (c N c + σ o N σ ) + Al ( K s γ L tan δ ) η 3 [n1 (0,75 + Δρ ) M m g + n2 M m gΔρ ] Fd = Δρ Granular soils Friction angle Fd → φ (Odebrecht et al, 2004 e Schnaid et al, 2004; 2005) Sand: case study qc (KPa) NSPT 0 5 10 15 20 0 30 2000 4000 6000 φ (graus) graus 8000 25 10000 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -4 -6 -6 -6 -8 -8 -10 -10 Areia -10 -12 -12 Areia -18 -18 -18 -20 -22 -22 -24 -24 -26 -26 -26 -28 -28 -28 -30 -30 -30 -32 -32 -32 -22 -24 Areia 45 -16 -20 -20 40 -14 -16 -16 35 -12 -14 -14 30 Profundidade (m) 0 Profundidade (m) 0 0 -8 Profundidade (m) 25 Itajaí - SC φ SPT φ R&C Cohesive soils Undrained shear strength - Hermansson e Gravare (1978) Vésic (1972) Odebrecht et al (2005) Fd → S u Fe Argilas → ν = 0,6 ∴ Fd ≅ 0,6 Fe = Ap (c N c + σ o N σ ) + Al ( K s γ L tan δ ) 0,6 Fd − γLAb Su = N c Ab + αAl Clays: case study N SPT 0 500 1000 1500 0 0 500 1000 0 1500 100 200 w (% ) Su (KPa) 300 0 10 20 30 40 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 0/70 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 0/65 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4 0/80 -4 -4 -4 -4 -5 0/100 -6 0/70 -7 -8 -9 0/90 0/60 0/60 -10 -5 -6 -7 -8 -5 -6 -7 -8 Profundidade (m) -1 Profundidade (m) 7 Profundidade (m) -1 Profundidade (m) Profundidade (m) U, Uo (KPa) qt (KPa) -5 -6 -7 -8 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -9 -9 -9 -10 -10 -10 -10 -11 -11 -11 -11 -12 -12 -12 -13 -13 -13 0/70 -11 -12 -13 0/50 3 Vane Sampler: open BR 101 – Garopaba - SC Sampler: plugged -12 -13 25 50 75 100 Challanges complete standardisation is not likely to be achieved: reference value of 60% of the potential energy 9 observation of recommended codes of practice and better workmanship. 9 incorporate energy and wave propagation concepts to interpretation methods 9 OUTROS ENSAIOS DINÂMICOS Detalhes do ensaio SPT e LPT (Daniel, 2000) LPT x SPT: Detalhes SPTa SPTb JLPTc NALPTd Massa do Martelo (kg) 65.0 62.3 98.1 133.5 Altura de queda (m) 0.75 0.762 1.50 0.762 Comprimento do Martelo (cm) 0.23 0.533 0.368 0.699 Diâmetro do Martelo (cm) 0.20 14.0 21.1 17.8 Seção transversal de área (cm2) 4.1 8.0 10.1 9.3 Massa linear - haste (kg/m) 3.230 6.304 7.959 7.328 Velocidade de impacto do martelo (m/s) 3.836 3.866 5.425 3.866 Comprimento de haste (m) 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 10.807 8.800 18.800 13.900 Comprimento do amostrador (m) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Massa linear - amostrador (kg/m) 8.516 6.934 14.814 10.953 0.001 0.65 6000 0.001 0.65 6000 0.001 0.65 6000 0.001 0.65 6000 0.031 0.030 0.080 0.068 510 507 1601 1149 Seção transversal - amostrador e (cm2) Nota: a Norma Brsileira NBR 6484. b ASTM D 156-84. c [(Kaito et al. (1971); Yoshida et al. (1988)] d [Koester et al. (2000); Daniel (2000)] e seção transversal de aço Presente Simulação Propriedades do solo Q J Ru (N) Penetração por golpe - Δρ (m) E (J)