Laudato Si - Caritas Africa
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Please click here to read the newsletter / Merci de
Caritas organisations in Africa and around the world. They have had to respond to numerous
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and deeds, the good news of God’s love • The Second African Synod, in its for humanity and for the entire universe. • It is very gratifying that Caritas Africa has Proposition 31, makes the same po...
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25 Caritas Abomey - Bénin: L’insertion professionnelle/Caritas Abomey Benin/The vocational integration of young boys and girls/Caritas Abomey Benin: A inserção profissional dos jovens meninos e men...
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e-Magazine Number : Numéro : Número 14 June : Juin : Junho 2013
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The integration of Caritas Africa within the structures of SECAM: an irreversible process insists on the importance of being accountable to God, the Church, donors and especially to the poor to who...
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Caritas Diocésaine de Maradi - Niger : Au secours des populations victimes de la violence aveugle à Zinder et Diffa / Diocesan Caritas of Maradi - Niger: Support to the victims of indiscriminate vi...
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