May 8, 2016 - Saint Anthony Parish


May 8, 2016 - Saint Anthony Parish
Saint Anthony Parish
Paróquia Santo Antônio
Parish Staff / Agentes da Paróquia
43 Holton Street, Allston, MA 02134
Fr. Francis M. Glynn
Brazilian Apostolate: Rev. Francisco Carlos
Martins Silva
Ms. Dayse Casino
Business Manager: Mr. William Healy
In Residence:
Fr. Walter Cuenin
Fr. Paul Kilroy
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the Parish Office to arrange
the date of the Baptism.
Sacrament of Marriage
Those planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage at Saint Anthony Parish should contact the Parish Office at
least one year in advance to begin
preparation for the celebration of the
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
If you are ill or preparing for surgery
please notify the Parish Office so that
the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
may be celebrated.
If you are unable to come to church but
would like to receive Holy Communion
please contact the Parish Office so we
can visit you in your home.
New Parishioners
Please introduce yourselves to one of
the priests or drop by the Parish Office
to register in our parish community.
Parish News Deadline
Any and all items for publication in our
parish bulletin must be submitted in
writing by Monday to be printed in the
weekly bulletin.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday
Telephones / Telefones
Rectory / Casa Paroquial……
Brazilian Community Center..
Fr. Frank’s email: [email protected]
Rev. Francisco’s email: [email protected]
Seja Bem Vindo!
A Comunidade é uma família para todos os
imigrantes distantes dos seus entes queridos.
Sinta-se acolhido, venha participar conosco.
Unidos no amor de Deus, somos mais fortes!
Favor entrar em contato com a secretaria para
iniciar o processo de preparação com, pelo
menos, 06 meses de antecedência.
A preparação acontece no último sábado do
mês, das 2pm às 4pm e o Batismo no 1°
domingo do mês. Favor entrar em contato
com a secretaria para preencher o formulário.
Unção Dos Enfermos
Favor informar ao Pe. Francisco ou na
secretaria se souber de alguém que necessita
receber esse Sacramento ou deseja receber a
Comunhão e não pode participar da Missa.
Marcar na secretaria ou diretamente com o
Pe. Francisco.
Adoração ao Santíssimo - toda 1ª sexta-feira
do mês após a missa das 7:30pm e todo
sábado das 6am às 7am.
Divina Misericórdia - missa toda última sexta
-feira do mês, 7:30pm ( avisar na secretaria se
gostaria da oração do Terço da Misericórdia
em sua casa ou numa visita a alguém)
Grupo De Oração
Toda terça-feira às 7:30pm.
Todo sábado às 5pm.
Horário Das Missas
De 2ª à 5ª feira - 7am
Sexta-feira - 7:30pm
Sábado - 7am
Domingo - 8am e 7pm
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Saturday, May 7
4:00pm The O’Malley Siblings
James O’Malley
Mary O’Malley Cappucci
Helen O’Malley Davis
John O’Malley, Jr.
Edward O’Malley
Margaret O’Malley DelBuono
Sunday, May 8
10:00am All Mothers
7:00pm Brazilian Mass
Monday, May 9
9:00am Saint Anthony’s Parish
Tuesday, May 10
Wednesday, May 11
Thursday, May 12
Friday, May 13
Saturday, May 14
4:00pm Emilia Palma, Cesidia Marcari
MaryEllen Paquette
Kevin Coyle
Michael Joseph Flaherty
Sunday, May 15
10:00am Barbara and Dennis Sullivan
7:00pm Brazilian Mass
In your prayers please remember all the deceased
members of Saint Anthony Parish, all those in
service to our country, and all those listed in our
Book of Remembrance.
Please pray for the members of our Parish Family
who are ill, especially Aurella Barrasso,
Laura Sanders, Norman McNeill, Daniel Vitt,
Stephen Silvester, Lydia Kelly, Carol Gately,
Al Frasso, Omar Harris, Sean Bennett,
Terry Flannigan, and all those who care for them.
May 8, 2016
Hosts ~ Wine ~ Candles
The hosts, wine, and candles have been donated in
loving memory of
James O’Malley, Mary O’Malley Cappucci,
Helen O’Malley Davis, John O’Malley, Jr.,
Edward O’Malley, Margaret O’Malley DelBuono
Readings for the Week
Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Jn 16:29-33
Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21;
Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21;
Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19
Saturday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17
Readings for Sunday, May 15
First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11).
Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the
face of the earth (Psalm 104).
Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into
one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17.
Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and
sends them on their mission with the power to forgive
or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23)
or John 14:15-16, 23b-26.
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass ©
1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Saints and Special Observances
Seventh Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day;
World Communications Day
Tuesday: St. Damien de Veuster
Thursday: Ss. Nereus and Achilleus; St. Pancras
Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday: St. Matthias
Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2016
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the first and the last,
the beginning and the end.”
— Revelation 22:13
Saint Anthony Parish
Allston, Massachusetts
Congratulations to the following young people from Saint Anthony Parish who received the Sacrament of
First Eucharist, Sunday, May 1 at the 10am Mass
Christian Elijah Don, Vincent Rushe,
Sean Quirke, Cynthia Espinoza
At Mass on Saturday, April 30 at 10am the following young people from Saint Anthony and
Saint Columbkille Parishes received the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are grateful to
The Very Reverend James Flavin who presided.
Congratulations to:
Forinda Alvarenga, Megan Bane, Grace Corrigan, Shaun Cummings,
Rose Cusack, Maria De los Angels De la Cruz, Kelvin Omar Gudiel, Vanessa Lizarraga, Julia Logan,
Sabrina Lopez Garcia, Olivia Manganella, Peter Manganella, Edgar Ontoniel Pinada Cruz,
Yelber Rodezno, Isela Rodriguez, Ryan Sullivan, Orlin Vasquez, Sean Walsh
We have gluten-free hosts for anyone
suffering from celiac disease.
Please let Father Frank know.
Special Collections in May
May 22
Maintenance Support
May 22
Catholic Communication
SMA Fathers, Dedham
70th Anniversary Benefit Dance
Friday, May 20, 2016 • Doors open at 7pm
Dancing ‘til midnight!
@ Irish Social Club, 119 Park Street, West Roxbury
1st prize - Round Trip to Ireland for two (Arranged by Crystal Travel)
2nd prize - Kitchen-sized flat screen television
3rd prize - Two nights’ stay at Cape Cod Irish Village
Door prize - 1 year family membership to Atlantis Sports Club
and Spa ($750 value), Hilton Hotel Dedham
Music by: Erin’s Melody
Appearing: Harney Academy of Dancers
Admission: $10; tickets available at the door
Proceeds to support SMA Fathers’ missionary work
Rev. Brendan Darcy
Pat & Josie Casey
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