1998 Jewett Family of America Quarterly 2nd Quarter Newsletter
1998 Jewett Family of America Quarterly 2nd Quarter Newsletter
JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERICA The .Jewett Automobile Revisited 1998 QUARTERLY NO.2 1998 Directo rs of and s C)fficer of Americ a, Inc. FatTIily Jewett The Officers Preside nt and Audito r Doroth y Jewett Brigha m Alfred B. Loranz Natalie Jewett Lee Jewett Petry PC) Box 600, Acton, l\t1E 04001 Vice- Preside nt, C:orresponding Secreta ry and Treasu rer 114 West Street, Medway, MA 02053 Record ing Secreta ry 18 Soundv iew Road, CJuilford, C:T 06437 Histori an and Editor of Publica tions 209 Marcht TIontR oad, Knoxville, TN 37923 Directors 3322 Shores Boulev ard, Wayzat a, MN 55391 Nancy Wells Jewett (1998) 21318 San Miguel Avenue , Woodla nd Hills, CA 91364 Richat·d Lee Jewett (J998) 1812 Hanfor d Road, Baltinlo re, MD 21237 Roland C. Jewett, Jr. (1998) 114 West Street, Medwa y, MA 02053 Alfred B. Loranz (1998) RR 1 Box 1724,F riendsv ille, PA 18818 Willian l W. Nash (1998) 57th Ave C~ircle East, Braden ton, FL 34203 (;eorge W. Jewett (19<)9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3146 18 Soundv iew Road, Ciuilford, C:T 06437 Natalie Jewett (1999) Pembro ke C~irclc, C;oshen, IN 46526 1405-2 l\tlichael R. Jewett (1999) Schultz Drive, HatTIilton, ()H 45013 625 Robert Jewett (1999) ont Road, Knoxville, l'N 37923 Marchm 209 Lee Jewett Petry (1999) n Road, Easton, PA 18045 Chipma 3559 .. . . . . . . . . . TholDas P. Stitt (199() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milton Mills, NH 03852 236, Box PC) Bruce D. BrighalD (2000) 600, Acton, ME 04001 Box PC) Doroth y Jewett Brigha m (2000) 169, Earlville, NY 13332 Box RRI (;ranto n L. Je"'ett (2000) . . . .. 114 Spyglass C:ircle, (,roton , C:T 06340 JatDeS R. Je"'ett (2000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NW 5th Street, Pel11broke Pines, FL 33024 9601 Sarah Jewett King (2000) 1147 S. Eltn Street, C)Uawa, KS 66067 Cecilia J. Mc{iehee (2000) Directors for Life Theodo re V. Herrnla nn Alan D. Jewett Russell E. Jewett Willard Jewett William Jewett Doroth y Je\\"ett Stitt (Editor of Publica tions, Emeritu s) 244 C:hestnut Street, Englew ood, NJ 07631 PC) Box 4H6, East Sandwi ch, MA 02537 PC) Box 234, C:linton, MA 01510-0234 13 Hutchin s Street, Auburn , ME 04210 29 Smith Street, Needha m, MA 02192 110 Upper Shawne e Ave., Easton, PA 18042 (The nUlllber in parenth eses is the lenn expirat ion year) $100 Annual Dues (including ()uarterli es) $15.00 • Life Members hip FanliJy Members hip $25.00 Life Mctnber ()uarterJ ies Subscriptions, $5.00 Published by the .Jc\\iett Family of America, Inc. (Incorpo rated Septemb er 19, 1910) Box 254, Rowley M;\ 01969 26 The Jewett Family of America Quarterly 1998 No.2 Genealogical Information Table of Contents Birth ()fficers and Directors 26 Book Donations 27 (ienealogical Infol'lnation 27 l\'leghan ()livia Mc(;ehee, daughter of (~hristine (Keating) and Thonlas Sanl McCiehee (18279), was horn 14 Dec 1997 in Wichita KS. The Jewett Alltol11obile Revisited 28 Deaths (~luster 29 Barbara Jean (Watkins) Dunham (25120) died 28 Sep 1996. Franklyn Edwin ()akley, husband of Marie Alice (Coil) ()akley (25100), died 6 Jan 1997 in Hop BoUom, Susquehanna, PA; crelnated, no burial. Lindsay "Red" Jewett (24394) died 2 Apr 1997 in Fall River Mills (~A. Burial was at Pine (irove C~emetery in McArthur (~/\. (His obituary will appear in the next Quarterly.) Shirley Elizabeth (Jewett) Bickford l\'lanning (24750) died 18 ()ct 19()7. She was living in Le Place LA at the tilne of her death. Burial was in Buckley WA. Milton Blaise Mary Sr. (16352) died 18 Mar 1998 in New ()rleans LA. Burial was at (ireenwood C:enletery. He was born in 1913, not 1912 as recorded in Volume III of the His/(ny alld (}cnealof.,..'V of the .lcwctt~' of A111C,ica. (His obituary will appear in the next Quarterly.) 4778 Whitefield C:elnetery, Whitefield l\1E 31 (:orrections for (Juster 7()5 «(:ontinued) .... 35 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 Dues, Membership, Address (~hanges: Alfred B. "Ted" Loranz 114 West Street Med\vay MA 02053 Additions, (~orrections, Queries: Lee Je\vett Petry 209 lVlarchnlont Road Knoxville TN 37923 Please forward infornlation on upconling local Jewett reunions as well as descriptions of the reunions after they are held. A fanlily reunion is the ideal tinle to up-date genealogical inforlnation as well as to make corrections to data already obtained. Have all the attendees go through their entries in Volulnes III and IV to be sure that they are accuarate and up-to-date. There is still a lot of missing infornlation! Please send all birth~ Jnarriage and death infornlation to Lee Jewett Petry, not to Ted Loranz. Book Donations A copy of 771C Desccndants alld /lllccslors (~r HClllY .ICl1,Jclt was donated by its author .falnes S. Jewett of Spokane WA. Henry Jewett (944) is found in VOIUl11e I of the HistOlY alld (icllea!<J&.'V of the JC'vvetts of AnlClica. 27 The Jewett Automobile Revisited Dear Meillbers of the Je\vett Falnily of Anlerica, Although I anl not a nleillber of the Jewell Fanlily of Anlerica, I have had an abiding interest in the Je\vett Fanlily for over two decades. Please alhnv nle to expl~iin. In 1<)7~ I purchased, and subsequently restored, a 1930 (irahanl-Paige autonlobile. ()ver the years I attenlpted to learn as Illuch as possible about this nearly forgotten nlake of autonlobile. "fhe fruit of this endeavor has heen several privately printed authenticity guides for the C,rahanl ()wners eJub, International, an enthusiastic involvenlent in the sanle club (eventually serving in all capacities including two ternlS as president), and a cOlnprehensive collection of C,rahal11-Paige sales and technical literature and In e 111 () ra bi Iia. I-Io\v docs all this personal history relate to the nlet11bers of the Jewett Fat1lily of Anlerica, you Inay ask? In 1927 the (,rahanl hrothers purchased the Paige-f)ctroit Motor ('ar ('Ol1lpany, fornling the (irahanl-Paige Motors ('orporation. l'he president of the Paige-Detroit 1\;10tor ('ar ('onlpany fronl 1<)10 to its sale to C;rahanl in 1<)27 was llarry M. .Jewett (Note: son of Arthur Leroy .Jewett (477K)). My ITsearch into the Paige-Detroit Motor ('ar C'olllpany and Harry M. Jewell was far reaching; fronl his ancestors and fanlily life, to his acadelnic and athletic stardol1l at the LJ nivcrsity of Notre Danle (in addition 11;trry' ~ - 1\;1 .. Jl~\VI·tt ~ lu being first in his class acadenlically, he also was the world's chanl pion in the 100 yard dash and scored that storied school's very first touchdovvn), to his ilnprcssivc tenure as head of one of Anlerica's prestige autoillobile lllallufacturcr. 'roo, "1~lal" .Jewett was the nanlesake of the .Jewett autolnobile produced during the 1920's. No\\;' that you call relate to nlY interest in .Jewett Fanlily history, I can explain why I anl addressing you in this note. My! research has cultninatcd in a nlanuscript which has recently been accepted for publication. My book, llie C;,.lIhalll Lc}!,acy: (;rahalll-f)aigc 10 1932, willtrc:at both (,rahanl and .Jewell hi~tory. This hardcover 232 page volulne \vill detail the (,rahanl fanlily, and it~ involvenlent in the glass, truck, and autolllobilc: industries. 'fhere is also a long and cOlllprehensive chapter detailing the life and career of ~~.M . .Je\vett. and an exanlination of Paige and .Je\velt autonlobiles. This particular chapter \vas exciting to nle as a researcher and \vriter hecause so very little had heen \"Iritten previollsly about this fascinating l11an and his COlllpany. Through the courte~y and co-operation of Mr. Alfred "l~ed" Loranl, and \vith the thought that a nUlllber of nlenlhers of the .Je\vett falnily of r\l11erica would have an interest in such a volunle. a pre-puhlication brochure \vill he sent to you for your perusal. 'The brochure will further detail the contents of the book, and \vill include a pre-publication discount. The volunle \\;fill be shipped by Decenlber of this year. I-larry M. Je\vett \vas a fascinating ll1an. I \vas privileged to have researched his intriguing life. rrhank you for allowing nle to address you through this quarterly. I hope to he ahle to share a good deal of Jewett history \vith you. Michael E. Keller 3200 E. (~anary Street, #4 J\ppleton WI 54915 2k Cluster 4778 1 (:luster 4778 contains infor111ation on the family of Harry M. Jewett who is featured in the article, "The Jewett Automobile Revisited", on page 28. The new information was found in the Supplenlental Files of the Jewett Fanlily of America, Inc. This is one of the nlany files that was not incorporated into Volunles III and IV. Docs anyone have infornlation on the living descendants of this line so that \ve can bring it up to date? The last entry is the 1955 obituary of Mary Visscher Wendell Jewett, the wife of Harry M. Jewelt. E/(lHTH (;ENERAT/()N 2781 TII()MAS MUR(l()CK JEWETT (Joseph 1383 , Eleazer 663 , Eleazer 226 , Eleazer 72 , Jerelniah 15, Joseph 4, 1 Edward ). Born 30 Sep 1804 in Lisbon (~T. Died 18 Sep 1883. He nlarried ELIZA (;()IlFREY of New London (~T 24 Jun 1827. In 1845 he was a Representative to the Legislature fronl Lisbon. (:hildren born in Lisbon 4776 4777 1. 4778 111. 11. (~T: JANE E. JEWE1'T. Born 24 .luI 1828. TH()MAS M. JEWETT. Born 10 ()ct 1830. Married SARAH AVERY of Nor\vich (:T and lived in Elmira NY. ARTHlJR LER()Y JEWETT. * N/N7~H (iENERAT/()N 4778 ARTlllJR LER()Y JEWETT (Thonlas Murdock 2781 ). Born 7Jun 1844 in Lisbon C:T. Died I .luI 1907 in Detroit M I. ()ccupation: Manufacturer. He married (iERTRlJ(lE MULF()RD ()SB()RN .lun 1867 in Sag Harbor, Long Island, NY. Born 14 May 1845 in Sag Harhor, Long Island, NY. Daughter of Robert and (iertrude (Mulford) ()sborn. (~hildren: 4778-1 4778-2 4778-3 1. II. Ill. JEWETT. * HARRY MlJLF()RIl JEWETT. * EDWAll HUNTTIN(; JEWETT. Born 26 Apr 1874 In Eltnira NY. ()ccupation: Manufacturer, Coal ()perator. FREDERI(~K LER()Y TENTH (lElvERAT/()N 4778-1 FREllERICK LER()Y JEWETT (Arthur Leroy4778). Born 27Jul 1868 in Ehnira NY. Died ----1928 in Lynle C~T. He married CAR()LINE W()()(l 189() in C:hicago fL. Born 24 ()ct 1869 in ()narga NY. Daughter of Charles Hiranl and Juliet (Bald\vin) Wood. (~hildren: 4778-4 4778-5 4778-6 I. II. Ill. (;ERTRU(lE JEWETT. * CAR()LINE LEE JEWETT. * CHARLES \V()()D JEWETT. * 4778-2 HARR\' MlJLF()Rll JEWET1' (Arthur Leroy4778). Born 14 Aug 1870 in Elmira NY. Died 1 fl;st()Jy alld (;cllcalo&'v of the .!cvvclls of Al1lcrica, Volurne I, p. 471 Supplenlcntal File 4778 29 ----- 1933. He married MARY VISSl~HER WENDELL. Born 20 Apr 1879 in Detroit ML Died 29 Dec 1955 in Henry Ford Hospital. She suffered a heart attack at her home, 118 Merriweather, Cirosse Point ML Her husband, Harry, who died in 1933, organized the Paige-Detroit Motor C~ar Conlpany, predecessor of (irahamPaige, in 1909 and served as president and board chairman for 18 years. Their 4227-acre estate, "(irousehaven," on the Rifle River cast of Rose e:ity, was purchased by the State e:onservation Department as a recreation area in 1944. Surviving arc two children, Mrs. Eleanor .Jewett Dwyer of Detroit, and Edward Hunting .Jewett II of Lapeer. 2 e:hildren: 4778-7 4778-8 l. II ELEAN()R ()SB()RN JEWETT. Born 12 Jun 1902 in Detroit MI. EllWARD HUNTTIN(; JEWETT II. Born 24 May 1909 in Detroit MI. ELEVENTH (JENERAT/()N 4778-4 (;ERTRUIlE JEWETT (Frederick Leroy4778-1). Born 7 Aug 1902 in Lyme C~T. ()ccupation: Assistant Manager, Brewster Handicraft e~oll1pany. She nlarried CHAUNCE\? J-IART EN() 29 .lun ]929 in Lynle e:T. Born 10 Mar 1902. Son of Jonathan and (icorgia (Fancher) Eno. Divorced. e~hild: 4778-9 l. CHAUNCE\' HART EN() III. Born 9 Dec 1930 in Lyme (~T. 4778-5 CAR()LINE LEE JEWETT (Frederick Leroy4778-1). Born 7 ()ct 1908 in Lynlc (:T. ()ccupation: Naval ()fficer's Wife. She married JAMF~S HARl\;l()N THACH JR. 27 Jul 1929 in Lyme e:T. Born 13 Dec 1900 in Pine Bluff AR. Son of .Ianles Harnl0n and .Io Bocage (Smith) Thach. e~hild: 4778-10 i. JAMES HARM()N THf\CH III. Born 11 Dec 193() in Lylne 4778-6 CHARLES W()()D JEWETT (Frederick Leroy4778-1). Born ()ccupation: Attorney, Lt. (iovernor of C:onnccticut. He Inarried M()LLY SCHEAFE 1938 in New Haven Daughter of C:harles and Mary (Hogue) Schaefc. C~T. 19]5 In Detroit MI. C~T. Born 5 .fun 1918 in Rye NY. C~hildren: 4778-11 i. 4778-12 ii. 4778-]3 iii. 2 J()NATHAN JEWETT. Born 19 May 1943 in Lylnc (:T. CHARLES W()()D JEWE1~T JR. Born 13 .Iun 1944 in Lymc CT. JENIFER JEWETT. Born 8 Sep 1946 in Lynlc C:T. ()bit uary fronl unidentifcd newspaper with penciled date of 30 Dec 1955 30 Jewett Families Buried at Whitefield Cemetery Wiscasset Road, US Highway 218, Whitefield, Maine Barbara Jewett Shaw RR4 Box 6720, (JardineI' ME 04J45 During the July 19()() Jewett Fanlily of Anlerica Natuonal Reunion, I told several Jewells that I was in the process of gathering burial dates on all Jewelts buried in the Whitefield C~emetery, lJS l-lighway 21R, Wiscasset Road, Whitefield ME. The is cemetery has beautiful granite work; such as long granite slabs holding stones, huge granite steps going up a portion of its hill, and long granite blocks bordering nlany lots. I belive this work was done in the late lROO's and early 1900's. My grasndparents seven generations ago, Moses and Elizabeth (Pulsifer) "e\vell (IJ()(), first l110ved to Newcastle ME during 17R5 fronl IpswichMA. l'he portion of town in which they settled later broke a\vay fronl Newcastle to beconle the town of Alna ME. With town boundaries changing again, Moses and Elizabeth Jewell's residence becanle part of Whitefield ME. They never nloved hut did o\vn land in both Whitefield and Alna as they lived on the townline between the two towns. Two of AnlOS's brothers accolnpanied him to NcwcastleM E in 17R5. They were Jerenliah Jewell (1 J()R) who never nlarried and (~o1. James Jewett (IJ71) who Inarried Lydia Hilton. Many of Janles's descendants still live in Alna ME. JaITIeS, \vho died 4 Aug lH19, is buried in Alna (:emetery, lJS Route 21R, Alna ME. Most of the descendants of Moses and Elizabeth Jewett (1369) arc buried in the Whitefield C:enletery which was incorporated in IH47. Many of the grave nlarkers arc dated as early as IH06. Several graves arc unlnarked. It is one of the oldest of the 25 to J() cenleteries in Whitefield. It is also the largest cenletery in the town on ahout 20 acres with roonl to expand. Most of the JeweUs buried in Whitefield (:enletery arc fronl (:Juster 2735 in Volunle IV of the flisll)Jy and (lcncaloh'v of the .Je~vctts of /1 171erica . I believe that nlost of the granite \vork done in Whitefield cenletery and surrounding to\vns in the IHon and 1900's was done by nly great grandfather, Eugene (~Iinton Jewett (7129), and his three sons; nlY grandfather Frank (:Iinton .Jewett (9160), Percy Eugene Jewett (9161) and Bert Dunllner Jewett (9162). Eugine ('Jinton Jewett o\vned and operated the Whitefield ME granite quarry frol11 which he and his sons harvested granite and then refined it at his granite stone shed. Eugene was born 17 May 1847 and died 7 .J un 1<) 15. t1is youngest son, Bert, stayed and lived on the [ann and inherited the [arnl and quarry business. When Bert becanle ill and died JO Nov 1942, the business ccased to exist since no one wanted to continue it. Although W'hitefield (~enletery contains most of the Je\vett Burials, there arc sonle buried in nearby towns such as Alna, Pittston, Ciardiner, Hallowell, Jefferson, Breman, Monnloulh and Westport as well as the other cell1cteries in Whitefield. The Maine veterans ccnletery also has Jewett burials. I do not think that any descendants of Moses and Elizabeth Je\vett live any longer in Whitefield except for nlaybe one. Whitefield is now a bcdroonl town for the capitol city of Augusta. Most Jewett descendant fanlilics live in neighboring towns or have l110ved out of the Whitefield area. In Alna ME there arc at least t\VO falnilies descended fronl Joseph Jewett (27J6) and two fanlilies fronl Janles Jewett (1371). Je\vell Fanlilies Buried at Whitefield C:cnlctery, Whitefield ME C:hildren of l\1oscs and Elizabeth Pulsifer 273J Elizabeth (Betsey) Jewett B: 21 Aug 1773 D: 16 Aug 1851 2734 Sarah Jewelt B: J Feb 1775 D: 23 Jul1856 2735 Moses Jewett B: I Feb 1776 D: 24 .lui 1817 27J() Joseph Jewett (twin) B: 25 l\1ar 17HO D: 10 May 1852 JC\vctt and and and Jl and Nathan Longfellow B: 1774 D: 20 .I ul 1814 (14 .I uI 1H14) Jacob Longfellow B: 1769/1770 D: 25 Aug lR50 Sarah (Salley) Peaslee .Je\vell B: 10 Jan 1781 D: 5 Oct IH57 Mary Bailey .Jewett B: 25 'lui 1782 D: 27 Feb IH64 2735 4689 7129 9160 9161 Note: Joseph's twin brother, Jerelniah Jewett (2737), is buried in Alna C~emetery, Alna ME. he never 111arried and died 20 Dec 1856. C~hildren of Moses and Sarah Peaslee Jewett 4684 Nancy Jewett and Benjamin Laberee B: 12 May 1803 B: 6 Sep 1796 D: 22 .lui 1865 D: 17 Dec 1876 4689 Nathan .Jewett and Abbie P. Potter Jewett Potter B: 22 Feb 1813 B: 9 Dec 1825 0: 22 Apr 1862 D: 21 Jan 1902 Married 2nd Dummer T. Potter 4690 Jotham Jewett - B: 30 Apr 1815, D: 15 Apr 1817 Note: Buried in Moses (~ Sarah Jewett's plot C~hildrel1 of Nathan and Abbie P. Potter Jewett Potter 7129 Eugene (:Iinton Jewett and Mary Elizabeth Potter Jewett B: 17 May 1847 B: II Mar 1847 D: 7Jun 1915 D: 6 May 1910 7130 John Potter Jewett and Laura Palmer Jewett B: 14 May 1848 B: 1848 0: 1912 0: 1934 And C:hildren Eugene Jewell - B: 1884, D: 1884 Abby I. Jewett - B: 1893, D: 1908 7131 Alva L. Jewett - B: 8 Dec ]855,0: ]6 Jan 1856 7132 Frank William Jewett - B: 4 .Jun 1858, D: 1918 21085 Laura B. Jewett, daughter of Fred Moses P. Jewett and Amelia .I. Beebe .Jewett (7]28) and granddaughter of Nathan and Abbie P. Potter Jewett Potter B: 25Jun 1877, D: ] Sep 1877 (:hildren of Eugene (:linton .Jewett and Mary Elizabeth Potter .Jewett 9]60 Frank (:Iinton Jewett and Lubell C:arrie Smith Jewett B: 2 Dec 1868 B: 23 Apr 1872 D: ·23 .lui 1928 D: 22 Dec 1923 9161 Percy Eugene Jewett and Harriet Iva Pottle Jewett B: 21 Jan 1870 B: 14 Aug 1868 0: 19 ()ct 1955 D: 29 Sep 1947 91(l2 Bert Dummer Jewett and Katheryn Benner Haley Jewett B: 31 ()ct 1876 B: 15 jan 1884 D: 30 Nov 1942 D: 30 Jun 1959 Children of Frank C:linton Jewett and Lubell Carrie Smith Jewett 9589 Eugenia Luella .Jewctt Parker Heath Elnlcr Joseph Heath B: 22 Nov 1894 B: 3 Dec ]893 0: Still living D: 17 Jul 1965 9590 CJifford (Stoddard) Erskine .Jewett (In Memory (iravestone) B: 29 Mar 1900 0: Not known, nlissing sinee 1949, last known to be in Boston MA) 9591 Donald C:urtis .Jewett and Helen Francis C:aston Jewett B: 28 Mar 1905 B: 7 Jan 1908 0: 9 Jan 1969 0: 21 May 1993 21115 Alton Kenneth Jewett - B: 18 Aug 1908, 0: 22 Dec 1923 21116 C:linton Smith Je\vett and Doris Louise Noyes Jewett B: 13 Jun 1911 B: 9 ()et 1915 0: 4 Dec 1972 0: Still living C~hildren of Percy Eugene Jewett and Harriet Iva Pottle Jewett 2]117 Bernal Hale Jewett - B: 16 .luI 1897,0: 15 Nov ]957 211 ]R Harriet Velma .Jewett and HanliltonBroughton (irant B: 15 Sep 1906 Still living, his 2nd wife Polly D: 27 Feb 1978 will be buried here also ' 32 9162 9591 21119 2733 4673 7075 2734 2736 C:hildren of Bert DumtTIer Jewett and KatherynBenner Haley Jewett 21119 Harold Bert Jewett - B: 12 Aug 1909,D: 17 Jan 1967 C:hildren of Donald C:urtis Jewett and Hclcn Franei~ C:aston Jewett 21154 Baby Boy Jewett - B: 20 Dec 1933, D: 20 Dee 1933 21 ]57a Donald Robert Jewett - B: 24Jun 1941, D: 24 Jun 1941 C:hildren of ~jarold Bert Je\vett and Virginia Enlnla Webb Jewett (Divorced) 21164 Kenneth Bert .Jewett Sf. and Virginia Marie Fowle Jewett B: R Aug 1933 B:15 ()ct1934 D: 20 ()ct 1960 D: Still living C:hildren of Elizabeth (Betsey) Jewett and Nathan Longfellow 4()6R Mary Longfellow - B:12 Aug 1796, D: 4 Mar 1835 4670 Abiel Longfellow (#1) - B: 4 Aug 1800, D: R Aug 1803 4671 Elizabeth Longfellow - B: 17 Sep 1802, D: 23 Sep 1802 4672 Abiel Longfellow (#2) and Matilda Marrow Longfellow B: 17 Feb 1804 B: 5 Feb 1802 D: 9 Sep 1885 D: 27 Aug 1860 and Mary C:. Foster Longfellow (2nd wife) B: 8 .lui 1808 D: 23 Jan 1883 4673 Eli Je\vett Longfelhnv and Sarah Turner Longfellow B: 18 Apr 1806 B: 1809 D: 9 Dec 1843 D: () Jan 1846 4674 Eliza LongfeJlow - B: 17 Feb 1808, D: 20 Apr 1818 4675 Charlotte Longfellow and (,alen Preble B: 15 Aug 1809 No markings on stone indicate that D: 26 Feb 1879 (ialen is buried here 4676 SatTIuel Longfellow - B: 15 Jan 18]2, D: 15 Sepl812 C:hiJdrcn of C:ol. Eli Jewett Longfellow and Sarah Turner Longfellow 7072 C:harles Longfellow - B: 25 May 1834, D: 13 Aug 1834 7073 "Villianl Abiel Longfellow - B: 17 Feb 1837, D: 8 Mar 1839 7074 William Henry Longfellow - B: 12 .lui 1839~ D: 22 Mar 1855 7075 Daniel Turner Longfellow and C:lara .I ane .I e\vett Longfellow B: 1() Aug 1842 B: 10 May 1851 f): 1914 D: 1925 Children of Daniel Turner Longfellow and C:lara Jane Jevv'ett Longfello\v (,eorgia Turner Longfellow - B: 9 Apr 1887, D: 13 Sep ]897 C:hildren of Sarah Jewett and Jacob Longfellow 4678 Susan Longfclhl\v - 27 Dec 1797, D: Sep 1818 (no stone) 4679 (irecnc Longfellow - B: 26 Sep 1798, D: <) Feb 1817 (no stone) 4681 Moses Longfellow and C:hloe Dimnlick Longfellow B: 7 Dec 1802 B: 19 Sep 1812 0: () .lui 1886 D: 2 Mar 1867 4()83 Willianl Longfclhl\v - 3 Feb 1806, D: Jan 1808 (no stone) C:hildren of Joseph Jewelt and Mary Bailey Jewett 46<)6 Benjanl in .J ewell and Sophia Averill .I ewett B: 4 Aug 1812 B:IRI6 D: 12 ()et l880 D: 20 Jan 1<)04 4()97 David Jewett and Jane Woodnlan Plunlnler Jewelt B: 26 tTIay 1815 B: 14 Jan 1820 D: 25 Jan 18Y6 D: 28Junl88R 4698 Jonathan Jewett (Rev~) and Hannah Lenfest Jewett B: 2H Apr lH17 B: 5 Jan IH25 0: 12 oct lR73 D: 30 ()ct lR70 4699 Mary It\nn Jewett - B: 4 Apr 1819, D: I Apr 1832 4701 Elvira Abigail Jewett and Enoch A. I-Ieath 33 4696 4697 4()98 4701 7151 7158 B: 21 Sep 1823 B: 23 Feb 1817 D: 21 Mar 1885 D: 3 Dec 1902 (~hildren of Benjamin Jewett and Sophia Averill Jewett 7145 Helen Sophia Jewett - B: 1842, 0: 10 May 1854 7146 Sarah Jewett - B: 1844, D: 3 Jan 1850 7149 Florence Adelaide Jewett - B: 1852, 0: 16 ()et 1873 (~hildren of David Jewett and Jane Woodlnan Plunlnler Jewett 7151 David Nathaniel Jewett and Enllna Mary Shea Jewett B: 8 ()etI848 B: 9 Feb 1858 D: 12Jun 1922 D: 27 May 1952 7153 (:lara Jane Jewett and Daniel Turner Longfellow (7075) B: 10 May 1851 B: 16 Aug 1842 D: 1925 D: 1914 (~hildren of Jonathan Jewett (Rev.) and Hannah Lenfest Jewett 7156 Lexera Evaline Jewett - B: 3 Dec 1845, 0: 7157 Hannah Lenfest Jewett - B: 20 Mar 1849, D: 18 Jul 1853 7159 Eunice Mary Jewett - 4 Mar 1854, 0: 7160 Jonathan Benton Jewett - B: 31 May 1858, D: 27 ()et 1862 7161 Lizzie Ann Jewett - B: 19 May 1859, 0: 7 Apr 1881 (~hild of Elvira Abigail Je\vett and Enoch A. I-Ieath 7162 Mary Eli/,a Je\vctt and Warren Keene B: 1 Dec 1842 B: 1835 D: 2 1\1ar 1881 D: 4 Feb 1914 C:hildrcn of David Nathaniel Jewett and Enlnla Mary Shea Jewett 9180 Mabel Jewett - (Wife of H.E. Senate) B: 16 ()et 1886, D: 20 Apr 1918 9181 Alvin Nathaniel Jewett and Leona E. .Jewett (2nd wife) B: [<)02 B: 1913 D: 1983 D: 1989 C:hild of Janles Wesley Jewett and Etta Margaret Ware Je\vett 9207 Everett Ware .Je\vett and Lois A. Cavanaugh Jewett B: 19 May 1895 B: 1896 D: 1955 0: 1959 34 CORRECTIONS FOR CLUSTER 765 (Continued) Jean M. Ward 660 S.W. Evans Street, Portland, ()R 97219 NINTH GENERATION 162]-] 1 (;E()R(;E E. C. NUTE (Sylvia Delia1621-4).Born in .lui of 1855, probably in Barrington, Cook C~o., fL. 1 After the death of his mother, ca. 1857, Cieorge was evidently raised by his father and/or paternal relatives. Hc was named as a grandson and an heir in the administration of the cstate of his maternal grandfather, l~homas Jewett and in the will and probate of his nlaternal grandmother, Sylvia (Haradon) Jewett. 2 He was married about 1881 to HARRIET BREWER, born Jan 1861, in Illinois. The 1900 census for Dundec Township, Village of West Dundee, Kane (:0., IL, shows (ieorgc E. Nute, age 44, a painter, residing with his wife Hattie, age 39, and four children: Eva, age 17, Roy E., age 13, Harry l~., age 10, and Willie E., age 7, all of whom were born in Illinois. 3 Harrict (Brewer) Nute predeceased (ieorge Nute. He died 21 Mar 1928, at Elgin, fL. C:hildren: 1621-20 1621-21 1621-22 1621-23 I. II. Ill. IV. EVA NUTE. Born Aug 1882, fL. Married _ _ RAllL()FF. R()Y E. NUTE. Born ()ct. 1886, fL. HARRY C. NUTE. Born Mar 1890, fL. WILLIE E. NUTE. Born Mar 1893, IL. 1621-14 LAlJRA JEWElT (Amos1621-5). Born 3 Sep 1872, at C:ampbell, Steuben C:o., NY, and nloved to Hornby with her parcnts when she was a young child. After completing country schools, she attended the l~orning Free Academy. She was a member of the Hornby Baptist Church and later the (:orning North Baptist C:hurch. She died in the C~orning Hospital on 1 Apr 1936 and was buried at Fairview Cemetery, Painted Post, Steuben Co., Ny. 4 Laura .fc·welt married J()HN HENRY WHEAT()N, known as "Henry," in 1898 at Hornby, Steuben (~o., NY. J. Henry Wheaton, son of Samuel and Eleanor J. (Covenhaven) Wheaton, was born 4 Jan 1864, probably in Steuben (:0. He was a farmer at Hornby and also served as supervisor for the town. He died I Sep 1925, at Hornby, and was buried at Painted Post. 5 Children: 1621-24 1621-25 1. 1()21-26 Ill. 11. RUTH ELIZABETH WHEAT()N. * AM()S J. WHEAT()N. Born 18 .lui 1902, at Hornby, Steuben (:0., NY. Attended schools in Hornby and later an "Automobile School in New York City." He was employed by the Ingersoll Rand (:0., served as a director of the Hornby Fire (:0111pany fronl the time of its fornlation, and was a ITIenlber of the Hornby Congregational (:hurch, the Ingersoll Rand Service Association, and the Painted Post Lodge of ()ddfellows. He died 30 .luI 1977, at Hornby, and was buried at Fairview C~emetery, (~orning, Steuben (:0., Ny.6 AlTIOS J. Wheaton married EDITH (J(» RANDALL BENT()N on 7 Jun 1930, probably at Hornby. She was born in 1902 and died in 1993. N 0 children were born to this ITIarriagc. (Anlos J. Wheaton's step-daughter, Jean Benton, tTIarried Henry Kosty of Hornby.) IlANIEL WHEAT()N. Born 1904, Hornby, Steuben (~o., NY. Died 1933. Never lTIarried. 1621-15 TH()MAS PLATT JEWETT (Anlos1621-5). Born 9 Apr 1991, at Hornhy, Steuben Co., NY. Farnler and contractor. Thonlas Platt Jewett's obituary notes that, although he was an invalid for cleven years and confined to his bed for cleven months prior to his death, he was "a great favorite with children," and nhe always had tinlC to talk and play with them." He dicd 27 Sep 1946, at his home, II Lackawanna Street, Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He was buried at (~oopers Plains, Steuben (:0., NY.? Thomas Platt .I ewctt ITIarried ELIZABETH R()(;ERS, 5 Dec 1911 , probably at Hornby, and they resided 35 at ('orning after their 111arriage. f~li/aheth~ horn 24 .lun I~~()~ \vas the daughter of Frederick and C~arrie (Er\vin) Roger~. A Inelnher or (:hri~t Epi~copal (~hurch, she died II Nov 1974~ at C~orning~ and \vas buried at C~oopers Plains~ Steuben ('n., Ny.8 ('hildren: 1()21-27 I. 1()21-2~ II. 1()21-2<) Ill. 11ELEN SARAH JEWETT. l'AR()L\'N ERWIN jE\VETT. EllN.1\ R()(;ERS JEWETT. :i~ Ih21-1() (;LENll()N JEWETT S~lITII (Alnlira1621-6). Born ca. 1~72. (,rew up in Riceville~ Mitchell (_'o.~ IA. I-Ie \vas nalned in the l()() I \vill or his Inaternal aunt, Anna Maria (.Jewett) Sillith, as "(,Ienn .l. Snlith." 11e Inarried ElllTH AllAI\IS, probably at Riceville, IA. 9 ('hildren: l()21-3() 1()21-31 I. II. Il/\VIIl AIlAl\tlS SI\'lrrl-l. Born 2 Dec 19()~~ at Riceville~ IA. Il()NALll SMITII. Born ~ Mar 191 L at Riceville, IA. 1()21-1 S l'L.J\R,L\ f\U{;lISTA jE\VE~rT (Nelson 1621-1). (~Iara was born () Nov IS7(), at or ncar (\)rning, Steuben ('n., N't'. 1'v1ethodist. She died <) .Iuly }<)7.'\ at Eugene, Lane ('0., ()R~ and \vas huried in the .le\vetl Farllily Plot in t hl~ f\1 ason ic ('Cl11 C tcry, L:ugc ne. ('lara \vas d talented alto singer. pianist. and speaker. 1O In I~()S, t\VO years after she graduated fronl high school in R.iccvillc. 1\1 itchc Ii ('0., 1;\, she st udied at the (iollschalk Lyric SchooL ('hicago, IL, and \vas scheduled ror a ('halltallqlld concert tour as a vocalist: ho\vever. her fal11ily believed she \vas too young to he on her 0\\/ nan din sis tl' d 1hal she re 1urn h() I ne 10 R.i cevill e. 1 1 I\hollt 1()()3, \v'hen her parents l110ved frol11 Riceville, lA, to hOlllestead in ()Iiver ('0 .. NO., ('lara took up her o\vn hOll1estead clain1. 12 She lived alone v.lith her piano and terrier dog for cOlnpany, and kept a revolver for protect ion against 1he \\'ea~lcs that poked their heads through the open knots of the rough plank floor. f\luch or hl'r adult lifl\ ('lara \vas a teacher. She began teaching school at about age seventeen in Riceville, lA, and also taught in North Dakota prior to her 111arriagc. Follo\ving her Inarriagc and the hirth of t\VO children in N[), she Illoved \vith her husband and children to British ('olunlbia. ('anada. Abollt }<)20, the falnily nl0ved to ()regon, and ('lara taught school in ()regon until she \vas age seventy-tw'o. ('lara l11arried .AN(;US C'f\l\tlER()N 1\1()RR()\V on 14 Nov }<)07, all'entcr, ()liver ('o.~ Nl). i\ngus \va~ born :2 Feh lS()(l. at I'vlorningsidc, ('alnhusnelhan, Lanark ('0 .. Scotland. He \vas the sixth or ten children born to \Villialll and R.ose (IVlc('lean) ivlornnv~ \vho \vere Inarried 4 ()ct l~) 1 in BallYlllena, ('0. l\ntrilll, Ireland. At ahout age nine, I\ngus inlll1igrated \vilh his L,lInily to the LInited Slates, and they settled in Pierce l'o.~ WI. He becanle a naturali/ed citi/en on 2/\£11' }<)04 and taught schuul in Wisconsin, Nurth [)akola, ('anada, and ()rcgon. Presbyterian. Angus ('alneron I'vlornnv died 22 Nov I()3 L at Alvadore, Lane ('0., ()R. ('hildren: 1()21-32 I. 1(l21-'-~3 11. JEAN J\ilAR\' A{;NES l\tl()RR()W. BARTINE jE\VE~rT l\'l()RR()W. P/\llL N()RRIS jEWE~rT (l'harlcs14228). Born 3 ()ct 1~~4~ in Monson, 1'v1A. Treasurer \vith Bruokline OiL'd I() Dec I()() 7, in Ashland, rvlA. l-le 111arried ETT.'\ J\tlA\' SIJ\tIPS()N 1<> Nov 191(). at Dorchester, MA. She \vas born 21 Feb IS~(l. in Sali.",hury, NIA. daughter of \Valter E. Silllpson. Nanle at birth recorded as "Sadie Etta Silllpson." She died 31 Aug I<J3(), in Quincy, rvlA. 1425() Trust ('0. ('hildren: 142~3 J. 142S4 II. 142~) III. Pr\llL N()RRIS jE\VETl'. JR. Born 12 ()et }<)11: died 23 Dec 1<>1.). L()lHSE S. jEWEl"r. Born 2(l Dec }<)1(): died IS Apr }<)20. l'. LINt'()LN jE\VEl'T. ," 3() Left to right: ('lara Augusta J e\vetl (1 ()21-1 S), p..~() Nelson Scoll .J cVv'cll (1()21-17), 19<)S Ouartcrly~ No. L p. 9 l'v1ary Eva "rvlanlie" Jcvv'ctl (1()21-19L 1<)qS Quarterly, No. L p. <) 37 TENTH (;ENERATION 13 1621-24 RlJTH ELIZABETH WIIEAT()N (Laura1621-14). Born 22 Feb 1900, at Hornby, Steuben Co., NY. Married Aug 192X to Laurence (:lark, son of (]arence and (:lara (Pratt) Clark. Laurence, who worked for the Erie R.R., was born 1 Mar J901, at Bolivar, NY, and he died Nov 1973 at Binghamton, NY. Ruth Elizabeth died 15 Dec 1959, at C~orning, NY, where she was buried at Hope (:cmetery. C:hild: 1621-34 J. LAURA JEAN CLARK. Born 14 Nov 1938, at Corning, Steuben (:0., NY. She nlarried JOHN ARMISTEAD. No children were born to this marriage. Laura retired a few years ago from tcaching in Horseheads, NY, about ten miles from (:orning, where she has lived all her life. 1621-27 HELEN SARAH JEWETT (Thomas1621-s). Known as Sarah, she was born 25 Aug 1912, at C:orning, Steuben Co., NY. Married (iRANT SHARMAN on 9 Feb 1933, at (:orning. He was horn 30 .lui 189J, at (~atlin, NY, the son of (:harles (:ook Sharman and Mary Etta (Lewis) Sharman. (irant Sharman was in the lumber business in Corning. He died 24 Apr 1984, at Corning, where he was crelnated. Sarah, a member of Christ Episcopal (:hurch, died 24 May 1987, at Corning where she was cremated. (:hildren: 1621-35 1621-36 1621-37 1621-38 J. II. Ill. IV. (;RANT JEWETT SHARMAN. * ()()U(;LAS TH()l\tIAS SHARMAN. * MICHAEL CHARLES SHARMAN. * DAVID MALC()LM SHARMAN. * 1621-2X CAR()LYN ERWIN JEWETT (Thomas1621-1s). Born in 1914, at (:orning, Steuben Co., NY. Married 24 Dec 1929 to MAURIC:E EU(iENE FRI()T, son of Perley Friot. Carolyn died 3 Mar 1996, at Naples, FL. Maurice is a retired Superintendent of Schools for North Tonawanda, NY. (~hildren: 1621-39 1621-40 II. FAITH ELIZABETH FRI()T. Born 9 June 1942, at Rochester, NY. Head of the Education Dept, University of (:olorado. Not nlarried. STEPHEN PERLEY FRI()T.* 1621-29 EllNA R()(;ERS JEWETT (Thomas1621-1s). Born 21 Dec 1916, at Corning, Steuben Co., NY. Edna was nlarricd 5 Aug 1944 to EI)WARI) J. MEYERS, in an Army chapel at Salina, KS. l-Ie was a Inachinist with the (~orning (jlass Works. Edna died 19 Apr 1993, at C:orning. Children: 1621-41 1()21-42 I. II. CAR()LYN GWEN MEYERS. * ALBERT JOHN MEYERS. Born 4 Nov 1949, at C~orning, NY. Restaurateur in Florida. Not nlarricd. 1621-32 JEAN MAR'" A(;NES M(lRR()W ((:1ara1621-18). Jean was born 9 Nov 1908, at New Salem, ND. When she was a young child, the fanlily Inoved to Vancouver, British (:olumbia, C~anada, where her father first Inanaged a laundry for his brother and later taught school. When she was about age twelve, Jean's family moved to ()regon, where her father and nlother taught school. After graduating from Eugene High School, Jean attended Normal School at Monnlouth, ()regon, after which she taught school for eight years. Jean married WILLIAM FREDERICK (;USKE, known as Fred, on 30 Nov 1933, at Alvadore, Lane (~o., ()R. He was born 22 ()ct 1905, at C~ornelius, ()R, the son of Wilhehn and Rosa Bell (Prince) Ciuske, who were married 4 Jan 1905, at Roslyn, Kittitas (:0., WA. Fred's father, Wilhelm (i. F. (iuske, was born in (~oslin/Koszalin, Ponlmern, Prussia, 3 Apr 1863, and ilnmigrated to the United States at the age of eighteen, arriving in Baltinlore on the Braunschweig, 1 Jun 1881. Fred's nlother, Rosa, was born in Coal (~reek, Anderson (~o, TN, 23 Jun 1878. Fred grew up in (:hicago, IL, and the fanlily returned to ()regon, where he was born, when 38 he was a teenager. Fred \vas a general contractor--residential and commercial--in Eugene, ()R, for nlany years and was also a partner with his brother in (iuskc Real Estate. After retirenlent and a move to Portland, ()R, Fred died on 15 Sept 197~, following a stroke, and was buried at Riverview C:el1letery in Portland. Jean currently resides in Portland, ()R, with her daughter and son-in-law, Jean and Paul Ward. C~hildren: 1621-43 1621-44 1621-45 I. II. Ill. JEAN MARY (;lJSKE. * WILLIAM PRINCE (;lJSKE. * EDWARD KENNETH (;lJSKE.* 1621-33 RARTINE JEWETT M()RR()W (Clara1621-18).Bartine, who was known as Bart, was born 30 Dec 1909, at New Salem, NO. After graduation fronl Eugene l-ligh School, in Eugene, ()R, where he was an excellent scholar, particularly in Latin and mathematics, he worked as a "candy-dancer" on the railroad (driving spikes) and played second base for a senli-pro baseball team in Eugene. He also attended ()regon State lJniversity. Bart nlarried A(;NES ()PAL F'ISHER, daughter of David (). and Nonda (C:heshire) Fisher, on 25 Nov 1931, at Alvadore, Lane C:o., ()r. She was born 24 Sep 1910 in C:heshire, ()R, and worked for several years as a bookkeeper and payroll clerk for the Eugene Fruit Cirowers Assoc. Agnes worked as a partner and bookkeeper with Bart in several businesses oV(.~r the years. They owned and operated a Texaco station in Drain, () R, before moving to Pendleton, where they I an the Pendleton Appliance and Service Mart and a fuel distribution business. Later, they ran petroleum distribution businesses in Lebanon, Albany, and North Bend, ()R. About 19()<), they moved to Lincoln C:ity, ()R, where the fanlily operated the ()ceanlake Dairy Queen. They sold the business and retired in 1979. Agnes died 14 Scp 1995, at Lincoln C~ity, and was entonlbed at Mt. C:rest Abbey Mausoleunl, in Salem, ()R. Bart, a fifty-year fTIember of the Masons and a Shriner, died on 19 Apr 1996, at Lincoln C~ity, and was also entolTIbed at Mt. C:rest Abbey iv1ausoieuiTI in SalelTI, ()R. C:hild: 1621-46 1. (;ERALll BART M()RR()W.* 14285 C. LINC()LN JEWETT (PauI14256). C:. Lincoln, who is known as Link, was born 15 .luI 1921, in Boston, MA. He served in the lJ .S. Army, as 1st Lieut. Army Singal Corps. He graduated with a B.S. in Engineering Physics from the lJniversity of Maine in ]944 and pursued graduate studies in Business Adnlinistration. Link Inarried TRU(lA LEE CLEEVES on 6 Mar 1954, at Marblehead, MA. She was born 14 1'v1ay 1931, in Newton, MA, the daughter of Francis Barba and Jere Finch (Schell) CJeevcs. She received her MA frolll l-larvard and has worked as Assistant Director of the Children's Aid Society, New York. Link, who is a l11anagenlent consultant, resides with his wife in Darien, C:T. He served as First Vice President of The Jewett Faillily of Anlerica from 19~2 to 1985, and later as a Director. (For a description of Link's business, writing, and sailing acconlplishlTIents, as well as photos, see History and Cienealogy of the Jewetts of Anlerica, Vol. III, p. 250 + .) C:hildren: 14329 I. 14330 II. LISA JEWETT. Born 9 May 1960, in Washington, D(~. Lisa is a graduate of Skidmore C:ollcge and an Art Director in New York C~ity, NY. LAURA JEWETT. Born 7 Sep 1961, in Washington, DC~. Laura l11arried ABNER ()AKES IV, on 4 Aug 1990, in Darien (~T. (She retains her Laura Jewett nalTIc.) Shc graduated in 1983 from Dartmouth Collcge, with a nlajor in Russian and Political Science, and she is a candidatc for the Doctoral Degree 1'rol11 Columbia University. C~urrently, Laura works with thc National Deillocratic Institute, in Washington, DC~, assisting newly dClllocratized countries set up political parties, run canlpaigns, and hold elcctions. Her tcrritory is Russia and the other countries of the former Soviet Union. ELEVENTH (;ENERAT/()N 14 1621-35 (;RANT JEWETT SHARl\tIAN (Helcn Sarah1621-27). ('rant was born on 1 ()et 1933, at (:orning, Steuben 39 Co., NY. He served in the lJ.S. ArnlY, 1956-58. He is a retired teacher and school administrator, and a nlember of C:hrist Episcopal C:hurch. He nlarried CAR()L ANN NICH()LS on 18 Ju11956, at C:ortland, NY. She was born 22 Dec 1935, at Jamestown, NY, the daughter of John and Veronica (Twentymen) Nichols. (irant and ('arol reside in C:orning, NY. C:hildren: 1621-47 DANIEL TH()l\tlAS SHARMAN.* 1. 1621-48 PETER j()HN SHARMAN. Born 16 Jun 1960, at C:orning, Steuben C'o., NY. II. He nlarried l\tlICHELLE l\tlARIE HENZIN(;, daughter of Richard and Marie ((ilasner) Benzing, on 28 Dec 1985, at Springville, NY. Peter is dean of a nliddle school in St. Augustine, FL, and Michelle is a fourth-grade teacher. 1621-36 Il()lJt;LAS TI1()l\tlAS SHARl\tIAN (Helen Sarah1621-27). Born 6 Jan 1935, at (:orning, NY. Married JANET ARLENE flANN, daughter of Paul and Mary Ellen (Braun) Hann, on 19 Aug 1961, at Los Angeles, C:A. Douglas is a ret ired aeronautical engineer. (~hildren: 1621-4() 1()21-50 II. 1621-51 111. 1()21-52 IV. I. SC()TT Il()lJ(;LAS SHARMAN. :I~ BRElT TH()MAS SHARMAN. Born 7 Dec 19()5, at Hawthorne, (:A. Attended school at University of C:alifornia at Davis, and Michigan. Veterinarian in Vancouver, C:lark (:0., WA. KEVIN PAlJL SHARMAN. Born 13 Nov 1972, at Inglewood, C:A. Business 111ajor at (~alifornia Lutheran. Sales and securities. Resides in Palis Verdes, C:A. KELL\' ANN SHARl\tlAN. Born 11 Mar 1976, at Inglewood, C:A. Attending New York University and will graduate in May of 1998 with a nlajor in f-listory. Kelly is also an actor, and she will relnain in Ne\v York C'ity to pursue acting. 1621-37 MIl~HAEL CflARLES SHARMAN ((-Ielen Sarah1621-27). Born 14 Apr 1949, at C:orning, NY. Married MARY A(;NES SAUER, daughter of Robert and Mary (Finster) Sauer, on 17 Nov 1973, at Westerlin, RI. Michael is a teacher and realtor in Livonia, NY. ('hildren: 1621-53 1. II. Mll:HAEL l:HARLES SHARMAN II. Born 20 .lui 1977, at Rochester, NY. Attending Flagler C:oIlege, St. Augustine, FL, to become a teacher. MATlllEW DAVIll SHARl\tIAN. Born 2 ()ct.1987, at Rochester, NY. 1621-38 IlAVlll lVIALC'()LM SHARIVIAN (Helen Sarah162127). Born 22 Mar 1957, at (:orning, NY. Married REBECCA RlJTH ALLEN, daughter of Richard and Janet (Magee) Allen, on 9 Jun 1979, at (\)rning, NY. David is an adlninistrator with Infonnation Associales, a conlputer finn, and resides in Avon, NY. C:hildren: )()21-55 1()21-5() 1()21-57 I. II. Ill. LlJKE D()lJ(iLAS SHARl\tlAN. Born 25 Apr 1983, at Sayre, PA. (;RANT EllWARll SHARl\tIAN. Born 2X ()ct 1985, at C:orning, NY. PAlJL STUART SHARMAN. Born 13 ()et 19KK, at Rochester, NY. 1621-40 Sl'EPHEN PERLEY FRI()T ((~arolyn1621-28). Born 14Aug 1947, at Troy, NY. Married NANCY R()HIN SJ\tIITH, daughter of Phillip and Vivian (Schweigel) Snlith. Attorney and partner in law firm. Resides in ()klahoI11a C:ity, ()K. C:hild: 1621-5S I. ANllREW FRI()T. Born ()klahoma C~ity, ca. 1983. 1621-41 CAR()LYN (;W.~N l\tlE\'ERS (Edna1621-29). Born 13 .luI 194(), at (~orning, NY. Married RICHARll KENjARSKI, 21 Aug 1970: divorced. (~arolyn is a teacher. 40 C~hildren: 1621-59 1. 1621-60 II. MARK RICHARI) KENJARSKI. Born 11 Mar 1974, Rome, NY. Mark is a teacher in North Carolina. CHRIST()PHER MICHAEL KENJARSKI. Born 26 Mar 19RO, Ronlc, NY. 1621-43 JEAN MARY (;USKE (Jean1621-32). Jean was born 14 Jan 1938, at Eugene, Lane Co., ()R. She received her BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Speech/(~ommunication (Rhetoric and Public Address) fronl the University of ()regon, in Eugene. After teaching high school for two years, she joined the faculty at Lewis ('\L (:Iark C'ollcgc in Portland, ()R, where she has taught since 1964. She is a Professor of C:olnlnunication, C:hair of the Comlnunication Dept., and Director of the (iender Studies Program at Lewis (~ (~Iark. Her most recent book is Pacific Northwest Women, 1815-1925: Lives, rvlcmories, and Writings, published by ()regon State University Press in 1995. Jean tnarried PAUL RAYM()ND WARD on 13 June 1960, at the Methodist Wesley C:hapel, Eugene, ()R. Paul, the son of John Fletcher ()glesby and Edna Irene (Warren) ()glesby, was born 23 June 1933, in C:orvallis, ()R, and he was later adopted by his stepfather, Wilford Ward. Paul received his BS degree in Political Science frorn the University of ()regon in 1959 and then attended graduate school. He retired fronl employnlent with the State of ()regon in 1990 due to health problems. Paul and Jean reside in Portland, ()R. C:hildren: 1621-61 1621-62 1. 11. DAVID PAUL WARD. * 1\1ATTHEW C,~MER()N WARD. Born 27 Mar 1969, at Portland, ()R. Attended college in Portland, where he resides and is enlployed. 1621-44 WILLIAM PRINCE (;USKE (Jean1621-32). William, who is known as Bill, was born 24 Jan 1942, at Eugene, Lane C:o, ()R. At 6'7" in height, Bill played baseketball through college and service in the u.S. Air Force. He graduated fronl the University of ()regon in 1969 with a BS degree in Journalism/Advertising. Sales and marketing for various companies. He first married JEANNINE ALICE KULLB()M, at the First Presbyterian Church, Eugene, ()R, and they were divorced in 1978. He nlarried second KAY PUTNAM DAVIDS()N, daughter of Archie and Lillian Putnam, on 19 June 1982, at Portland, ()R. Kay is employed hy Nike. They reside in Vancouver, WA. (~hildren of first Inarriage: i. WILLIAM PATRICK (iUSKE. WillialTI (Bill) was horn 26 .lui )<)()8, at Eugene, Lane C:o., ()R. Married KATIILEEN BILLER, daughter of Tholllas and Ann Biller, 21 Jan 1995, in Lake ()swego, ()R. Bill and Kathleen arc both Mortgage Bankers, and they reside in Hillsboro, ()R. 1621-64 1I. RYAN FREDERICK (;USKE. Ryan was born 3 Mar 1972, at Seattle, WA. He resides in Lake ()swego, ()R, where he is enlployed. 1621-63 1621-45 EI)WARD KENNETH (;USKE (Jean1621-32).Edward (Ed) was born 3 Sep 1945, in Eugene, Lane C~o, ()R. He graduated from the University of ()regon with a BS degree in Journalisln/Advertising in 1969. Sales and marketing for various companies; realtor; general contractor--residential and comnlercial. He first lnarried SANDRA KAY BUNNELL, 27 Mar 1971, at the Lake (irove Presbyterian (~hurch, Lake ()swego, ()R, and thcy were divorced in 1973, aftcr the birth of their son. He nlarried second LIANNE FREI)RICKS()N, and they were divorced. In }<>g4 he Inarried third CATHERINE LEE SANI)IFER, daughter of Bud and Eunice Sandifer (now Mrs. Howard Anderson). Ed and C~athy reside in Lake ()swego, ()R, with their daughter, Erica. C:hild of first Inarriage: 1621;65 i. 8RADEN JAMES (;USKE. * C:hild of third nlarriage: 1621-66 ii. ERICA KIMBERLY (;lJSKE. Erica was born 5 July 19~5, at Portland, ()R. 1621-46 GERALD BART M()RR()W (Bartine1621-33). (Jerald, or Jerry as he is kno\;vn, was born 2 .lui 1937, in 41 Eugene, Lane C:o., ()R. He served in the U.S. Army and was a chalnpion swimnler. Attended ()regon State University. Jerry nlarried jlJ(lY RAE HASEMAN, daughter of Jack R. and Doris E. (C:arroll) Haseman, on 18 Apr 1959, at the Westnlinster Presbyterian Church in Albany, ()R. They reside in Lincoln City, ()R, where they own a ranch and arc both elnployed by the C:ity. Judy, who attended the lJniversity of ()regon, is Accounts Receivable Supervisor in the C:ity's Finance Dept., and Jerry is Head of Maintenance ()perations for Lincoln C:ity. Jerry, a talented horsenlan, is a member of the ()regon (Jovernor's Mounled (iuard and the C:ounty Sheriff's Mounted Posse. C:hildren: 1621-()7 I. 1621-6R II. JERRY T()(lD l\'1()RR()W. Todd, as he is known, was born 6 Aug 1963, at North Bend, ()R. He attended Mount Hood C:onllnunity C:ollege. Vice President of ()perations for C:o-Mack Technology, Inc., a high-tech plastics nlanufacutring C0l11pany, and he resides in Las C:osla, C:A. KAMI j() M()RR()W. Kalni was born 26 May 1967, at North Bend, ()R. She graduated from Pacific lJniversity in Forest (irove, ()R, with a BA in C:helnistry. She is ()rganic Lab and C:lient Services Supervisor for the ()regon i\nalytical Lab. Kalni married jAS()N BR()ECKEL onlR Sep 1993, at Salenl, ()R. Jason is a Deputy Sheriff for Washington C:o. They reside outside of Portland in King C:ity, ()R. TWELFTH (JENER..4 T/()N 15 1621-47 (lANIEL TH()J\;lAS SHARI\1AN «('rant1621-35). Daniel was born 25 Dec 1957, in C:ortland, NY. He nlarried MELANIE F. VEllER on 31 Aug 19~2, in C:orning, Steuben C:o., NY; divorced. Daniel, a teacher, is raising his t\\lO daughters. ~1c resides in Painted Post, Steuben C:o., NY. C:hildren: 1621-()<) I. 1()21-70 11. ALISA ()ANIELLE SHARMAN. Born ]2 Feb 19~2, Elnlira, NY. KATHERINE l\'lELANIE SHARI\1AN. Born ]3 Jan 19R6, Elnlira, NY. ]621-49 S(~()TT (l()lJ(;LAS SHARl\'lAN (Douglas1621-36). Born 15 Aug 1964, at l-1awthorne, C:A. Married KATHLEEN i\NN JEFFREY, daughter of Jack and Patricia (Moquinn) .Jeffrey, on 22 ()ct 1994, at Palis Verdes, C:A. Kathleen was born 11 May }<)()(), in New Jersey, and is a Registered Nurse. Scott is an airline pilot with U.S. Air. They reside in McMurray, PA. (:hild: 1621-71 I. Pi\lJL C()NRAD SHARMAN. Born 7 Apr 1997, at Shadyside, PA. 1621-61 IlAVI(l PAUL WARD (Jean1621-43). David was born 5 Apr 19G2, in Tacoma, WA. He attended school, including college, in Portland, ()R. PerforIlling 111usician and conlposer. Design, fabrication and sales of specialty lighting. David nlarricd ELIZ.;\BETH ANN (llJB()IS, 21 May 1994, at Leach's Botanical (Jardens, Portland, ()R. Elizabeth was born 2R ()ct 1958, in C:hicago, IL, the daughter of Kenneth Patrick DuBois, PhD (deceased) and Jere Ann (Deroin) DuBois. Elizabeth received her Master's degree from Portland State lJniversity and is a special education teacher. They reside in Portland, ()R. Child: 1621-72 I. BENJAMIN PAlJL WARI)·DUB()IS. Born 24 Feb 1998, at Portland, ()R. 1621-65 HRAllEN jAl\'IES (;USKE (Edward1621-45). (Natl1c was changed to BRADEN JAMES BENT()N upon adoption by his stepfather, Janles Benton, M.D.] Braden was born 16 Jan 1973, in Salcnl, ()R. He attended Southern ()regon C:ollegc and Portland State lJniversily. Braden nlarried HEIDI HR()STERHAUS in )995. They reside in Ashland, ()R, \vhere they arc in thc restaurant business. C:hild: 42 1621-73 l. KADE BENTON. Born 20 May ]996, Portland, ()R. Endnotes 1. In the 1900 census, Cicorge E. Nute's birth is givcn as Jul 1855, in Illinois. Aftcr his birth, Sylvia (Haradon) Jewett wrote from Hornby, NY, on 12 Aug 1855, to her daughtcr, SylviaD. (Jewett) Nute: "My heart is too full for expression and so you nlust expect a nl0tly and unconnected style. How I want to sec you and Edward and that little grand child-- I want you to tell me how much he weighs and just how he looks the color of his eyes and kiss him for me. You know I cannot he is so far away.... [ shall hold you to your prolnise to cOlne out next fall if our lives arc spared allthough there is a long winter and summer of uncertaintey between. Now don't nlake no bugbears and say you can't comc. Make your calculations, rent what you have so as to stay a spell or always. I say comc out of that sickly country, what can you enjoy if not your health. I should think more of a cottage here and see my children around me with rosy checks and mirthfull looks than to live in the costliest frostbitten domes of the west. I will sell my cow and send you the nl0ney and then what excuse but you have a good while to think them up in so I will say no more about it, but shall hope ... I like your boy's nanles but think he has too many--bettcr saved some." (()riginal of this Ictter is in the possession of (irant Jewett Sharnlan of C~orning,. NY.) 2. "(ieorge E. (=. Nute of Barrington Cook Co Ill, of the age of 19 years" (Petition by Anna Maria (iarnett, dated 3 Aug 1874, for administration of estate of Thomas Jewett, died 22 May 1873, Hornby, Steuben (~o., NY, without a will). "Cieorge E. (~. Nute of the age of 21 years rcsides at Barrington (~ook (:ounty Illinois son of said Sylvia D. Nute deceased and grandson of said Sylvia Jewett deceased" (Petition by Anna Maria (Jarnett, dated 12 Apr 1877, Hornby, Steuben Co., NY, for proof of the will of Sylvia Jewett, dicd 2 Mar 1877, at Hornby). 3. The 1900 Illinois census shows that (ieorge E. Nute had been married for 19 years and resided in the Township of Dundee, Village of West Dundee. In 1905 legal documents related to settlement of the estate of the deccased Anna Maria (Jewett) (iarnett, (ieorge Nute, her nephew, is listed as living at Dundee, IL; in 1907 legal doclllnents related to settlenlent of the estate of the deceased Amos Jewett, "(ieorge Nute and Mrs. (ieorge Nute" arc named (Family papers preserved by (:Iara A. (Jewctt) Morrow). The 1929 probate papers for (icorge E. Nute, which were provided by thc Dundee Township Historical Society to Jean M. Ward, 30 .luI 19<)7, nanle his deceased wife as I-Iarriet Brcwer Nute and list his four surviving children: Eva Nutc Radloff, Willie Nute, Roy Nute, and Harry Nute. 4. Infornlation on the life of Laura (Jewett) Wheaton is taken from hcr published obituary, provided by (irant Jewett Sharnlan of (:orning, NY. 5. Information on J. Henry Whcaton is taken from the publishcd obituary of his wifc, Laura (Jewctt) Wheaton, and froln notes provided by Susan J. Moore, Hornby Town Historian. 6. Information for Anlos J. Wheaton and his wife is takcn from an obituary and other material provided in .lui of 1997 by Susan J. Moore, Hornby Town Historian, and from notcs by (irant Jewett Sharman of (:orning, NY. 7. Information on Tholnas Platt Jewett is taken froln his obituary, published in thc C:orning Evening Ledger, 28 Sept 1946, and from additional Jnaterial provided by his grandson, (irant Jcwett Sharnlan of C:orning, NY. 8. Information on Elizabeth (Rogers) Jewett was provided by (irant Jewett Sharnlan, her grandson, and by Susan J. Moore, Hornby Town Historian. 9. Infoflnation on the wife and sons of (,Iendon Jewett Snlith is taken fron1 fanlily papers saved by Clara A. (.I ewett) Morrow, including datcd postcards announcing thc births of his sons. 10. In a lettcr from Riccville, lA, datcd 11 May 1893, C]ara's father, Nelson Mcsser Jewell, wrote to his brother Alnos, in Hornby, Stcuben (:0., NY: "(]ara will graduate in Junc but expects to stay anothcr ycar in school. She is thc sweetest alto I have ever heard and hope she will earn enough teaching after she leaves school to take a course at the Boston (:onservatory of Music.... C~lara has a Demorest Silver Medal and a f,ood Templar (Jold Medal, which she won at Mason C:ity. So you see if Dad dont alnount to anything the childrcn get there." (The original lettcr is in the possession of (irant Jewett Sharnlan; several of Clara's speaking lnedals arc in thc t possession of Jean M. Ward.) Progralns saved in family papcrs show a nunlber of concerts in which C~lara pcrfonned, both as vocal soloist and piano acconlpanicst in Riceville, lA, and later in North Dakota. For example, "Miss C:lara Jewett" sang solos and played with the Center Band, Center, NO, in the early 1900s. When Waldcn1ar Von (Jcltch presented a 43 violin concert at New Salenl, NO, "Mrs. A. ('. Morrow" was "at the piano, with the New Salem C~oncert Band." (()riginal programs are in the possession of Jean M. Ward.) 11. A receipt saved in fanlily papers shows that "Miss C:lara Jewett" enrolled at the (iottschalk Lyric School, directed by LoCi. (iottschalk, C~hicago, IL, on <) Sep 1895, with $50 paid for the first ternl, which expired 16 Nov 1895. (()riginal receipt is in the possession of Jean M. Ward.) How long (~lara relllained at the school has not been detenllined but, according to falnily oral history, C~lara's father and brother eventually canle to C:hicago "to takc her hOlnc to Riceville, IA," hecause "they thought she was too young to be on her own in C:hicago." 12. I-~onlestead docunlents in family papers show that C:lara Augusta Jewett received Patent #112361, dated 17 Feb 1910, for the "Northeast quarter of Section thirty-two in township one hundred forty-two north of Range eighty-four \vcst of the Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota, containing one hundred sixty acres." The deed was registered as Doc. #11702, with the ()ffice of Register of Deeds, State of North Dakota, C:ounty of ()Iiver, Book 1 of Patents, p. 156,12 J\t1ay 1910, and sent to "Mrs. A.C:. Morrow, C:enter, NO." (()riginal documents arc in the possession of .Jean M. Ward). 13. Infonnation for 1621-24, 1621-27, 1621-28,1621-29, and their fanlilies was provided by (irant Jewett Sharman of C~orning, Steuhen C:o, NY, to .Jean M. Ward, 26 Mar 1998. Information for 1621-32, 1621-33, and their fanlilies is from the .Jewett, Morrow, and (iuske fanlily papers in the possession of Jean M. Ward. Information for 14285 nlay be found in His{(ny alld C;cncalogy (~r the JC'rvetl Fal1zi(v (~r Anzerica, Vol. III; additional information was provided by C:. Lincoln Jewett of Darien, C:T, to Jean M. Ward, in a letter dated 31 Jan 1998. 14. Infornlation for 1621-35, )()21-36, 1621-37, 1621-38, 1621-40, 1621-41, and their falnilies was provided by (irant Jewett Sharnlan of C:orning, NY, to Jean M. Ward, 26 Mar 1<)98. Infonnation for l()21-43, 1621-44, 1621-45, and 1621-46 is frolll the (iuske, Morrow, and Ward family papers in the possession of .Jean M. Ward. 15. Infonnation for 1621-47, 1621-49, and their falnilies \vas provided by (irant Jewett Sharman of C~orning, NY, to Jean M. Ward, 26 Mar 1998. Infornlation for 1621-(11 and 1621-65 is fronl the Ward and (iuske family papers in the possession of Jean M. Ward. 44 Index AdalTIs Edith 36 Allen Janet (Magee) 40 Rebecca Ruth 40 Richard 40 Anderson Eunice Sandifer 41 Arnlistead John 3R Avery Sarah 29 Benton Braden James 42 Edith (.10) Randall 35 JaIlles 42 Jean 35 Kade 43 Benzing Marie (Ci lasncr) 40 Michelle Marie 40 Richard 40 Biller Ann 4\ Kathleen 41 Thonlas 41 Bre\ver Harriet 35 Brighanl Bruce D. 26 Dorothy Jewett 2() Broeckel Jason 42 Brosterhaus I-Ieidi 42 Bunnell Sandra Kay 41 C~lark Laura Jean 3R C:leeves Francis Barba 39 Jere Finch (Schell) 3() Truda Lee 39 Davidson Kay Putnanl 41 Dubois Elizabeth Ann 42 Jere Ann (Deroin) 42 Kenneth Patrick 42 Dunhanl Barbara Jean (Watkins) 27 Eno C~hauncey Hart 30 C:haunccyHart 3rd 30 (ieorgia (Fancher) 30 J ()nathan 30 Fisher Agnes ()pal 39 David (). 39 N()nda (('hesh ire) 39 Frederickson Lianne 41 Friot Andrew 40 Faith Eli/,aheth 3~ 1\1aurice Eugene 3~ Perley 3~ Stephen Perley 3~, 40 (Jodfrey Eliza 29 (irant Hanlilton Broughton 32 (;uskc, Braden Jalnes 41, 42 [~d\vard Kenneth 3(), 41 Erica Kilnberly 41 Jean 1\1ary 39, 41 Rosa Bell (Prince) 3~ Ryan Frederick 41 Wilhelnl 3~ Willianl Frederick 3~ Willianl Patrick 41 Willianl Prince 39, 41 liann Janet Arlene 40 Mary Ellen (Braun) 40 Paul 40 liase111an Doris E. (C:arroll) 42 Jack R. 42 .Judy Rae 42 11cath Elnler Josc,ph 32 Elvira Abigail Je\velt 34 Enoch A. 33, 34 Eugenia Luella J ewet t Parker 32 Herrnlann Thcodore V. 2() II ilton Lydia 31 .Jeffrey Jack 42 45 Jellrey Kathleen Ann 42 Patricia (Moquinn) 42 J e\vetl Arthur Leroy 2<) Edward 11unting 2() I\hhy I. 32 Alan f). 2() Alton Kcnncth 32 Alva L. 32 Alvin Nathaniel 34 Anlelia J. Beehe 32 Arthur Leroy 2S Baby Boy 33 Benjanl in 3.\ 34 Bernal llale 32 Bert DUlllnlcr 31-33 ('. Lincoln 3h, 39 ('arolinc Lee 2(), 3() C:arolyn 3() (:arolvn F~r\vin 3S C'hadcs \Vood 2(), .)() ('harles \Vood J r. 30 ('lara Augusta 3() ('lara .1 aile 34 ('lillord (Stoddard) Erskine ('linton Sll1ith ~2 [)avid 3.\ 34 David Nathanicl 34 DonalJ C'ttrtis ~2, 33 [)onald Robert 33 Doris Louise Noyes 32 [~Jna 3() Edna Rogers 3~ Ethvard 2() Ethvard IlunUing 2nd 30 EJcalHH- ()sborn 30 Elea/er 29 Elizabet h (Betsey) 31 Eli/abcth (Pulsifcr) 31 Elvira f\bigail 33 Enll11a Mary Shea 14 EUa Margaret Ware 34 Eugene 32 Eugene (:Iinton 31, 32 Eunice Mary 34 E~vereU Ware 34 Florence Adelaide 34 Frank ('linton 31,12 Frank Willial11 32 Fred Ml)ses P. 12 ~2 Jewett Frederick Leroy 29 (ieorge W. 26 (icrtrude 29, 30 (;ranton L. 26 Hannah Lenfest 33, 34 Harold Bert 33 Harriet Iva Pottle 32 Harriet Vclma 32 Harry M. 2S Harry Mulford 29 Helen Francis C:aston 32, 33 Helen Sarah 36, 3R Helen Sophia 34 Herriet Iva Pottle 32 James 31 James R. 26 James Wesley 34 Jane E. 29 Jane Woodillan Plummer 33, 34 Jenifer 30 Jerelniah 29,31,32 John Pottcr 32 Jonathan 30, 33, 34 Jonathan Benton 34 Joseph 29,31,33 Jothanl 32 Katheryn Benner Haley 32, 33 Kenneth Bert Sr. 33 Laura 35,39 Laura B. 32 Laura Palnler 32 Leona E. 34 Lexera Evaline 34 Lindsay "Red" 27 Lisa 39 Lizzie Ann 34 Lois A. C:avanaugh 34 Louise S. 36 Lubell Carrie Smith 32 Mabel 34 Mary Ann 33 Mary Eva "Manlie" 37 Mary Bailey 31, 33 Mary Eliza 34 Mary Elizabeth Potter 32 Michael R. 26 Moses 31,32 Nancy 32 Nancy Wclls 26 Natalie 26 Nathan 32 Nelson Scott 37 Paul Norris 36 Percy Eugene 31, 32 Jewett Richard Lee 26 Robert 26 Roland (:. 26 Russell E. 26 Sarah 31,34 Sarah (Salley) Peaslee 31 Sarah Peaslee 32 Sophia Averill 33, 34 Sylvia (Haradon) 35 Tholllas 35 Thomas M. 29 Thomas Murdock 29 Thomas Platt 35 Virginia Emnla Webb 33 Virginia Marie Fowle 33 Willard 26 Willianl 26 Tholnas 35 Keene Warren 34 Keller Michael E. 2R Kemjarski (~hristopher Michael 41 Kenjarski Mark Richard 41 Richard 40 King Sarah Jewett 26 Kosty I-lenry 35 Kullbonl Jeannine Alice 41 Laberee Benjatnin 32 Longfellow Abiel (# 1) 33 Abile (#2) 33 C:harlcs 33 C:harlotte 33 (~hloe Dimmick 33 ('lara Jane .1 ewett 33 Daniel Turner 33, 34 Eli Jewett 33 Eliza 33 Elizabeth 33 Elizabeth (Betsey) 33 (Jcorgia Turncr 33 (irecnc 33 Jacob 31, 33 Mary 33 Mary C:. Foster 33 Matilda Marrow 33 Moscs 33 46 Longfellow Nathan 31, 33 Sanluel 33 Sarah 33 Sarah Turner 33 Susan 33 William 33 William Abiel 33 Willianl Henry 33 Loranz Alfred B. "Ted" 26, 27, 2S Manning Shirley Elizabeth (Jewett) Bickford 27 Mary Milton Blaise Sr. 27 McCiehee C:ecelia .1. 26 C:hristine (Keating) 27 Meghan ()livia 27 Thomas Sam 27 Meyers Albert John 3S Carolyn (,wcn 3R, 40 Edward J. 3R Morrow Angus CalTIerOn 36 Bartine Jcwctt 36, 39 (ierald Bart 39 Jean Mary Agnes 36, 38 Jerry Todd 42 Kami .10 42 Rose McC~lean 36 William 36 Nash Willianl W. 26 Nichols C:arol Ann 40 John 40 Veronic (T\VentYlllen) 40 Nutc Eva 35 (ieorge E.C:. 35 Harry C:. 35 Roy E. 35 Willie E. 35 ()akley Franklyn Ed\vin 27 Maric Alice «(:oil) 27 ()sborn (iertrude (Mulford) 29 (iertrude Mulford 29 Robert 29 Petry Lee Jewett 26, 27 Potter Abbie P. Potter Jewett 32 Dummer T. 32 Nathan 32 Preble Cialen 33 Putnam Archie 41 Lillian 41 Radloff 35 Rogers (~arrie (Erwin) 36 Elizabeth 35 Frederick 36 Sandifer Bud 41 Catherine Lee 41 Sauer Mary (Finster) 40 Mary Agnes 40 Robert 40 Schaefe c.~harles 30 Mary (Hogue) 30 Schcafe Molly 30 Senate H.E. 34 Sharman Alisa Daniclle 42 Brett Thomas 40 c.~harles c.:ook 3R Daniel Thomas 40, 42 David Malcolm 38, 40 Douglas Thomas 38, 40 ('rant 38 (;ran1 Edward 40 C]rant Jewett 38, 39 Katherine Melanic 42 Kelly Ann 40 Kevin Paul 40 Luke Douglas 40 Mary Etta (Lewis) 38 Matthew David 40 Michael Charles 38, 40 Michael (~harles II 40 Pauk Conrad 42 Paul Stuart 40 Pctcr John 40 Scott Douglas 40, 42 Shaw Barbara Shaw 31 Simpson Etta May 36 Sinlpson Sadie Etta 36 Walter E. 36 Snlith Anna Maria (Smith) 36 David Adams 36 Donald 36 (ilcndon Jewett 36 (ilenn J. 36 Nancy Robin 40 Phillip 40 Vivian (Schweigel) 40 Stitt Dorothy Jewett 26 Thomas P. 26 Thach JatTIes I-Iarmon 30 James Harmon 3rd 30 James Harnlon .If. 30 .10 Bocage (Smith) 30 Vedcr Melanic F. 42 Ward David Paul 41, 42 Matthew CatTIeron 41 Paul Raymond 41 Ward-Dubois Benjamin Paul 42 Wendell Mary Visscher 30 Wheaton AnlOS J. 35 Daniel 35 Eleanor J. (Covenhavcn) 35 John Henry 35 Ruth Elizabeth 35, 38 Sanluel 35 Wood Carolinc 29 (~harles I-liram 29 Juliet (Baldwain) 29 47 ~ 1C~··~~ilWi" The Jewett Family of America, Inc. 114 West Street Medway, MA 02053 DO NOT FORWARD ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED RETURN POSTAGE GUARANl'EED