CURSO DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO COSTEIROS E OCEÂNICOS EM SISTEMAS Centro de Estudos do Mar - Setor Ciências da Terra - UFPR Avn. Beira-mar, s/nº - Pontal do Sul – Pontal do Paraná – Paraná - Brasil Tel. (41) 3511-8644 - Fax (41) 3511-8648 - - E-mail: [email protected] FICHA DE INFORMAÇÕES DE DISCIPLINAS OPTATIVAS Nome da disciplina Biology and ecology of cephalopods and their importance in marine ecosystems Professor(es) Responsável(s) Érica A. G. Vidal Professor(es) Convidado(s) Roger Villanueva Carga horária 60hs Créditos 02 Período e horário Data: 28 out a 01 nov 2013 09 – 16h Local onde a disciplina será ministrada CEM Número de vagas ofertadas 20 Pré-requisitos para cursar a disciplina Idioma: Espanhol ou ingles Esta disciplina será ministrada em conjunto com curso de graduação ou outro PPG ? SIM ( ) NÃO (x ) Se SIM, qual curso? CURSO DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO COSTEIROS E OCEÂNICOS EM SISTEMAS Centro de Estudos do Mar - Setor Ciências da Terra - UFPR Avn. Beira-mar, s/nº - Pontal do Sul – Pontal do Paraná – Paraná - Brasil Tel. (41) 3511-8644 - Fax (41) 3511-8648 - - E-mail: [email protected] Descrição da Disciplina EMENTA / PROGRAMA / BIBLIOGRAFIA) Ementa Cephalopod biology and ecology. Form, function and biodiversity. Cephalopod reproduction, growth & life cycle. Early life stages biology, ecology and behavior. Importance of cephalopods in marine ecosystems. Their role as predators and prey. Neritic, oceanic and deep-sea species and particular adaptations to the environment. Cephalopod culture and fisheries. Expected adaptations to a global climate change scenario Program 28 out. General characters of Cephalopoda. Biodiversity, form and function. Growth and life cycle of cephalopods. 29 out. Reproduction and reproductive strategies. Factors determining embryonic development. In vitro fertilization of oceanic squids. 30 out. Early life stages biology, ecology and behaviour. 31 out. Importance of cephalopods in marine ecosystems. Their role as predators and prey. Adaptions to the environment: the case of the deep-sea. Expected adaptations to a global climate change scenario. 1 nov. Cephalopod culture. Main species cultured. Animal welfare. Nutrition as key factor to develop cephalopod aquaculture. CURSO DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO COSTEIROS E OCEÂNICOS EM SISTEMAS Centro de Estudos do Mar - Setor Ciências da Terra - UFPR Avn. Beira-mar, s/nº - Pontal do Sul – Pontal do Paraná – Paraná - Brasil Tel. (41) 3511-8644 - Fax (41) 3511-8648 - - E-mail: [email protected] Bibliography Boyle, P. R. and Rodhouse, P. (2005) Form and Function In: Cephalopods: Ecology and Fisheries, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 7-35. Arkhipkin, A. I. (2004) Diversity in growth and longevity in short-lived animals: squid of the suborder Oegopsina, Marine and Freswater Research, 55, 341355. Rocha, F., Guerra, A. and Gonzalez, A. F. (2001) A review of reproductive strategies in cephalopods. Biological Reviews, 76(3), 291-304. Laptikhovsky, V. and Salman, A. (2003) On reproductive strategies of the epipelagic octopods of the superfamily Argonautoidea (Cephalopoda : Octopoda), Marine Biology, 142(2), 321-326. Villanueva, R., Staaf, D.J., Argüelles, J., Bozzano, A., CamarilloCoop, S., Nigmatullin, C.M., Petroni, G., Quintana, D., Sakai, M., Sakurai, Y., Salinas-Zavala, C.A., De Silva-Dávila, R., Tafur, R., Yamashiro, C., Vidal, E.A.G. 2012. A laboratory guide to in vitro fertilization of oceanic squids. Aquaculture, 342-343: 125-133. Villanueva R and Norman MD. 2008. Biology of the planktonic stages of benthic octopuses. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 46:105-202. Collins MA and Villanueva R. 2006. Taxonomy, ecology and behaviour of the cirrate octopods. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 44: 277-322. Hoving, H. J. T. and Robison, B. H. (2012) Vampire squid: detritivores in the oxygen minimum zone. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279 (1747), 4559-4567. Hoving, H.-J., Gilly, W., Markaida, U., Benoit Bird, K., Brown, Z., Campos, B., Daniel, P., Field, J., Parassenti, L. and Liu, B. (2013) Extreme plasticity in lifehistory strategy allows a migratory predator (jumbo squid) to cope with a changing climate, Global change biology, 19(7), 2089-103. Kaplan, M. B., Mooney, T. A., McCorkle, D. C. and Cohen, A. L. (2013) Adverse effects of ocean acidification on early development of squid (Doryteuthis pealeii), PLoS ONE, 8(5), e63714. Uriarte, I., Iglesias, J., Domingues, P., Rosas, C., Viana, M. T., Navarro, J. C., Seixas, P., Vidal, EAG, Ausburger, A., Pereda, S., Godoy, F., Paschke, K., Farías, A., Olivares, A. and Zuñiga, O. (2011) Current status and bottle neck of Octopod aquaculture: the case of American species, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 42(6), 735-752. CURSO DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO COSTEIROS E OCEÂNICOS EM SISTEMAS Centro de Estudos do Mar - Setor Ciências da Terra - UFPR Avn. Beira-mar, s/nº - Pontal do Sul – Pontal do Paraná – Paraná - Brasil Tel. (41) 3511-8644 - Fax (41) 3511-8648 - - E-mail: [email protected] Rosas, C., Valero, A., Caamal-Monsreal, C., Uriarte, I., Farias, A., Gallardo, P., Sánchez, A. and Domingues, P. (2013) Effects of dietary protein sources on growth, survival and digestive capacity of Octopus maya juveniles (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), Aquaculture Research, 44(7), 1029-1044.
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