Tango (GNRServer)
Tango (GNRServer)
Sebastiaan Bremer Currículo Nasceu em Amsterdam, 1970. Vive e trabalha em Nova York, EUA Exposições Individuais 2012 Eyes, Galerie Edwynh Houk, Zurique, Suiça EGMONT RE-VISITED, Hales Gallery, Londres Inglaterra 2011 Franklin Works, Minneapolis, MN, EUA Nudes and Revolutions, Edwynn Houk Gallery, NY, EUA 2010 Invasões Holandesas, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brasil Baruch In the Sky with Diamonds, Mural at Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NLD 2009 Small Wonders, Hales Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido Panta Rei, BravinLee Programs, NY, EUA Dream a Little Dream of Me, Het Vijfde Seizoen, Den Dolder, Holanda Triptych, James Fuentes LLC, NY, EUA Microkosmos, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlim, Alemanha 2008 Solo project, Volta Halle, Hales Gallery, Basel, Suíça Cold Turkey, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlim, Alemanha 2006 Sebastiaan Bremer, Roebling Hall, Chelsea, NY, EUA Kraaij, Hales Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido 2005 Sub Neblina Use Luz Baixa, Gemeente Museum, The Hague, Holanda Sebastiaan Bremer, Galica, Milão, Itália 2004 Seething, Lying And Other Works, Satellite, NY, EUA Monkey, Air de Paris, Paris, França 2003 AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Sebastiaan Bremer, 303 Gallery at White Box New York, NY, EUA Vanishing Point, Roebling Hall, Brooklyn, NY, EUA You’ve Made Your Mother Cry, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlim, Alemanha 2002 Janus, Schaper Sundberg Gallery, Stockholm, SWE Sebastiaan Bremer, Ybakatu Gallery, Curitiba, BRA 2001 Veronica, Roebling Hall, Brooklyn, NY, USA Sebastiaan Bremer, Hotel Lydmar, curated by Thomas Nordanstad, Stockholm, Suécia 2000 Melanchromia, Ybakatu Gallery, Curitiba, Brasil 1994 Sebastiaan Bremer, Gallery Reisel, Rotterdam, Holanda Exposições Coletivas 2012 Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu,Coréia do Sul 2011 Intersection: Photography / Painting / Document, Marlborough Gallery, Nova York, EUA Outdoor Excursions, Burlington Fire House Gallery, curated by Gregory Volk, Burlington, VT, EUA Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project, Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, EUA Process, Edwynn Houk Gallery, NY, EUA Off Camera, Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, EUA What the Thunder said, Lu Magnus, NYC, EUA 2010 Contemporary Magic: A Tarot Deck Art Project, National Arts Club, NYC, USA A Touch of Dutch, DZ Bank Kunstsammlung, Art Fover, Platz der Republik, Frankfurt, Alemanha In a Paperweight,” Tony Wight Gallery, Chicago, IL, EUA Phantoms, Stephan Stoyanov Gallery, NYC, EUA Anti-Trend, curated by Amelia Abdullahsani, Sarvia Jasso and Kathy Garcia, Lu Magnus, NYC, EUA 2009 Kings County Biennial, curated by James Fuentes, Dustin Yellin and Charlotte Kidd, Kidd Yellin Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, EUA Works on Paper, Danese Gallery, NYC, EUA Redefining Landscape, Stephane Simoens Gallery, Knokke, Belgica Paris Photo, Edwynn Houk Gallery, Paris, França FIAC, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Paris, França AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Contemporary Collage, curated by Jill Olm, Foster Gallery, University of Winsconsin, EUA Obsession: Contemporary Art from the Lodeveans Collection,” curated by Layla Bloom, University of Leeds Art Gallery, Leeds, Reino Unido Re-Accession: For Sale by Owner, curated by Philae Knight and Amanda Stack, FLAG Art Foundation, NYC, EUA Through a glass, darkly, curated by Jimi Billingsley, Pablo’s Birthday, NYC, EUA Signs of the Apocalypse/Rapture, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL, EUA Deviate, Schroeder-Romero, Chelsea, NYC, EUA Human. Nature. Machine. Wonderland Art Space, Kopenhagen, Dinamarca Contemporary Art and Portraiture, Cristin Tierney Art Advisory Services, Chelsea, NY, EUA Drawings, curated by Jimi Billingsley, Pablo’s Birthday, NYC, EUA Parsing Spirituality, curated by Micaela Giovannotti, Affirmation Arts, New York, EUA 2008 Hales Gallery, Wynwood, Miami, FL, EUA New Works, Mia Sundberg Galleri, Stockholm, Suécia When it’s a photograph, curated by Soo Kim, Bolsky Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, EUA Multiverse, curated by Pilar Tompkins, Claremont Museum of Art, CA, EUA Tales of Flames, Kunstraum Kreuzberg,/Bethanien, Berlim, Alemanha Exquisitude, Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, MA, EUA Versions of Reality, curated by Lee Stoetzel, selections from the West Collection, NEXT, Chicago Your Documents Please, MAC-Itami, Japão Passed as present, York Art Gallery, York, Reino Unido 2007 Inaugural show, Mia Sundberg Galeri, Stockholm, Suécia In het woud - op zoek naar betekenis, Armando Museum, Amersfoort, Holanda Photoplus, curated by Lilly Wei, Blue Star Contemporary Art Center TX, EUA Out of True, Byblos Gallery, Verona, Itália The End Begins, curated by Gil Hedley, selections from the Lodevans Collection, Londres, Reino Unido Unseen, Roebling Hall, Chelsea, NY, EUA ICPNY Selections 2007, curated by James Siena, ICP Gallery, NY, EUA The Photograph as Canvas, curated by Stephen Maine, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT, EUA 2006 I Walk the Lines, Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlim, Alemanha Out of True, curated by Micaela Giovannotti & Joyce Korotkin, part of Art Basel Miami, EUA 2005 Stay Inside, Shoshanna Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, EUA 2004 Is One Thing Better Than Another?, Galerie Aurel Scheibler, Cologne, Alemanha Pin-Up: Contemporary Collage and Drawing, Tate Modern, curated by Emma Dexter and Susan May, Londres, Reino Unido AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Sugar Hiccup,”Taka Ishii Gallery, curated by Jeffrey Rosen, Tokyo, Japão Curious Crystals of Unusual Purity, PS1 Contemporary Art Museum, curated by Bob Nickas, Queens, NY, EUA Drawn/Quartered, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, curated by Josh Rickarts, Terri Dowel-Dennis, David Brown and Mark Linga, Winston-Salem, NC, EUA Off the Wall: Works from the JP Morgan Chase Collection, Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT, EUA Open House: Working in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Museum, curated by Charlotta Kotik, Brooklyn, NY, EUA Home Extension, Albany University Museum, curated by Gregory Volk and Sabine Russ, Albany, NY, EUA 2003 Obsession, Galica, curated by L. M. Barbero, Milan, Itália Game Over, Grimm Rosenfeld Gallery, Munique, Alemanha The Ballroom Show, Gimm- Eis Gallery, Copenhagen, Dinamarca Some Panoramas, Pump House Gallery, curated by Paul Hedge, Londres, Reino Unido The Photography Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum permanent collection, curated by Charlotte Cotton, Londres, Reino Unido Ybakatu Gallery, Curitiba, Brasil Far Away, So Close, Clare Weiss Fine Arts, New York, NY, EUA Group Show, Mia Sundberg Galleri, Stockholm, Suécia Water, Water, Rotunda Gallery, curated by Lily Wei, Brooklyn, NY, EUA 2002 Paris/Brooklyn,Filles du Calvaire, Paris, França Transformer II, Air de Paris, curated by Inez van Lamsweerde, Paris, França Quase Desenho, Adriana Penteado, Sao Paulo, Brasil Recent Works, Zabriskie Gallery, New York, NY, EUA 2001 Fast Fwd: Miami, Roebling Hall, Miami, FL, EUA Song Poems, Cohen, Leslie & Brown, curated by Steven Hull, New York, NY, EUA Song Poems, Angstrom Gallery Dallas, TX, EUA 2000 Figured Out, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York, NY, EUA Lightness, Marcello Marvelli Fine Arts, New York, NY, EUA Aspects of Contemporary Landscape, Marcello Marvelli Fine Arts, New York, NY, EUA MeatMarket Art Fair, Roebling Hall, New York, NY, EUA White, Nicolai Fine Arts, curated by Irina Popiashvili, New York, NY, EUA 3D, Zingmagazine New York, NY, EUA Polar Bear In A Snow Storm, Mills Gallery, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA, EUA 1999 Sebastiaan Bremer/Vince Szarek Gallery Untitled, Dallas, TX, EUA The Stroke, Exit Art, curated by Shahzia Sikander, New York, NY, EUA Blueprint, Spark Gallery, New York, NY, EUA Anti –World, Gallery Untitled, curated by Marcos Rosales, Dallas, TX, EUA AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM 1998 Bank Holiday, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME, EUA Imagination Dead Imagine, Silverstein Gallery New York, NY, EUA 1996 The Art Market, Gen Art, New York, NY, EUA 1995 Thicket on the Lamb, Thicket Gallery, New York, NY, EUA 1992 Protectors, Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam, Holanda Prêmios 2009 Het Vijfde Seizoen residency, Den Dolder, Holanda 2006 Lower East Side Printshop residency 2001 ART OMI residency program, NY, EUA 1998 Scholarship, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME, EUA Stipend Netherlands/America Foundation, New York, NY, EUA 1997 Basisbeurs S.F.B.K., Amsterdam, Holanda 1995 Basisbeurs S.F.B.K., Amsterdam, Holanda 1992 Werkbeurs S.F.B.K., Amsterdam, Holanda Publicações 2009 The New Yorker, Sebastiaan Bremer, review, Aletti, Vince; October 19 Visionaire 57 2010, January 11, December Dazed & Confused, Sebastiaan Bremer, Latocha, Kris; Vol. 2 Issue #78, October The New Yorker, Parsing Spirituality, review; February 9 & 16 Artillery Magazine, Multiverse at Claremont Museum of Art, Paterson, Carrie; Jan/Feb, Vol. 3, Issue 3 2008 AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Tip Berlin, Luftspiegelungen, Muller, Katrin; Issue 59 Creative Face, review, May Artnet, Valerie Favre und Sebastiaan Bremer in der Galerie Barbara Thumm, Thomsen, Henrike, May Niederlandeweb, review, May 2007 Someone’s Garden, Issue #2 Discover, Medical Mysteries, Secrets of Sleep; McAuliffe, Kathleen; pg.52. Summer New York Times, Beyond Airbrushing, Genocchio, Benjamin; April 1st 2006 Art in America, review, pg.188, October Artseen; Sebastiaan Bremer, McAdams, Shane; Brooklyn Rail, April New Yorker, March 2005 Zing Magazine, Winter De Rabo Kunstcollectie, Spaninks, Angelique. Kunstbeeld – Cahier #5 The Photograph as Canvas, Maine, Steven; Art on Paper Sept/Oct. HxBxD, Review in Volkskrant, March 4 2004 Art Lies, Soft Shock, Basha, Regine; Issue no. 43 The Independent Review, Work at the cutting edge, Cripps, Charlotte, December 2 Artseen; La Rocco, Ben; “Sebastiaan Bremer at Sattelite” Brooklyn Rail, April V Magazine, Work in Progress, Fall, issue 31 Harpers Magazine, February Art in America, Big Brash Borough – review of Open House: Brooklyn, Volk, Gregory; no. 8, September 2003 Rebel Magazine, vol. 6 Neue Review, Review, Lliedo, Elena, and Osborn, Ed; pg.14 Die Tageszeituing, Review, November 26 Die Welt, Zeichningen auf Fotos von Sebastiaan Bremer, Daniels, Corinna; December 5 u_Spot, Review, Issue 0/2003, pp.18-19 World, Visionaire #41 Art Review, The Big Draw, Hedge, Paul; May 2002 Charley 02 Artforum, Greene, Robert; April pg.115 2001 Artforum, Top Ten, Van Lamsweerde, Inez, April Esquire Japan, November, pg.83 AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM Art & Auction, Painted Pictures; Cyphers Wright, Jeffery; November, pg.136 Art in Review, Smith, Roberta; ‘Veronica’, November 23rd Monografias 2006 “Avila,” essays by Sabine Russ and Jordan Kantor. Published by Roebling Hall and 99 Publishers 2003 “Monkey Brain,” essays by Oliver Koerner von Gustorf and Gregory Volk. Published by Galerie Barbara Thumm Catálogos 2007 In Het Woud-Op Zoek Naar Betekenis, Armando Museum Reeks No.4 Een impressie van schoonheid, de kunstcollective van Rabobank Midden Ijsselmonde 2006 “Out Of True” Published by Byblos 2004 “HOME EXTENSION”, University Art Museum, University at Albany Press, essay by Sabine Russ 2002 “Quase Desenho,” catalog essay, Fernando Oliva 2001 Catalogue of SONG POEMS, curated by Steven Hull Livros 2008 Fogelson, Doug; Signs of the Apocalypse/Rapture, Published by Front Forty Press 2007 Artists, Schmidt, Jason; Published by Edition 7L West, Paige. The Art of Buying Art; Published by Harper Collins Miller, Ken/ Tokion. Revisionairies : A Decade of Art in Tokion; Published by Abrams Image AV. VALDEMAR FERREIRA, 130 | 05501-000 | SÃO PAULO | SP | BR | T 55 11 3093 8184 | WWW.GALERIALEME.COM