Professional Story
Professional Story
Professional Story WHO IS A Communicator, broadcaster; Author and TV program director; Writer, advertising man, creation director, communications consultant; Show and theater director, author and actor; Marcos Resende was born May 24, 1950 in Varginha, MG, Brazil. SCOOLING Graduated 1975 by the FAAP Communications School, Brazil, with specialization in publicity and propaganda; Graduation in English with postgraduation by the Brazil-United States Institute; In French, by the Alliance Française; In Informations, with specialization in Microsoft Winword; He has teached English, Portuguese and Brazilian literature at college level. CAREER Start of his career in July 1967, composing in partnership with Sílvio Brito; He founded, 69, the company Turma do Teatrão (Theater's Gang), together with Célio Segundo Salles and Michel Pedro Filho; participating as author, director and actor, in all its stagings; TELEVISION As television broadcaster, starting as of November '73, he acted in the following TV stations and networks: TV Cultura, São Paulo Producer, Author and Presenter (1973-76; 2004-05); Tupi Television Network Director, Author, Producer (1977-80); SBT (Brazilian Television System) Director and Program Author (1982-1991; 93-94; 98); Globo Television Network Program Author (1980; 1990-92; 98-00; 2012-14); International Channel Los Angeles (USA) Program Author (1995); Manchete TV Network Program Author (1995); Record Television Network Program Author (1982 and 1994; 2006 a 09); Bandeirantes Television Network Program Author (1973-74; 1989-90; 1997-98; 2010-12); TV Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro Editor and Program Author (1987-88); TV Alphaville, São Paulo Project Author (1992). RELEVANT FACTS Tupi He worked in the Tupi Television Network with Maurício Sherman, Roberto Talma, Carlos Alberto Santos, Solano Ribeiro, Wilton Franco, Magno Salerno, Bernardo Federowski, Caetano Zamma, José Luís de Diego, in journalistic musicals and Show Line events (1975-1980); Directed by Paulo Roberto Bastos, Fernando D’Ávila and Sérgio Galvão, he wrote and produced a series of specials, with international artists, among them: Dave Brubeck, Charles Aznavour, Burt Bacharach, Dionne Warwick, James Brown, Ornela Vanoni, Nico Fidenco, Gloria Gaynor (1978); He directed the first Julio Iglesias Special in Brazil, with 12 songs in Portuguese, shown by the Tupi Network on Christmas 1978; Still at Tupi Network, he directed and wrote, 1980, the programs of Clube dos Artistas (Artists Club) and Almoço com as Estrelas (Lunch with Stars) presented by Ayrton and Lolita Rodrigues, significantly raising the audience of both programs; A composer of music and words, he created prefixes, vignettes and sound tracks for the Tupi programs. RECORD He wrote Show do Dia 7 (Seventh Day Show), directed by Magno Salerno; general direction by Roberto de Oliveira (1982); He wrote the series with short stories, named E Se Fosse Você? (What Would You Do?), produced and presented by Carla Moura; directed by Luiz Afonso Mendes and Flavio Carlini (2004); He wrote the series As Mais Perigosas Mágicas do Mundo (The Most Dangerous Magic Tricks in The World), direction by Ângelo Macka Ribeiro (2004); He wrote Hoje em Dia (Nowadays), with Edson Renato dos Santos. Presented by Ana Hickmann and Britto Junior. Daily variety and journalism. Directed by Bruno Gomes and Wanderley Villa Nova (2004); He wrote Ressoar (Resound), a social responsibility program, presented by Bianca Rinaldi and Dudu Braga; directed by Magali Romboli and José Amâncio Pedreira (2005-2006); He wrote the event Make a Difference Day, directed by Magali Romboli and José Amâncio Pe dreira (2005); He wrote O Jogador (Poker Face), reality show. Presented by Ana Hickmann and Britto Junior. Created by Fremantle; directed by Flavia da Matta and Wanderley Villa Nova (2007). SBT In Brazilian Television System (SBT), together with Roberto Jorge Freire, Carlos Franco, Hélio Vargas, Homero Salles, Walter Scaramuzzi, Renato Petrauskas, José Roberto Rocha, Valdemyr Fernandes, Walter Wanderley Vaz, Renato Barbosa, Rose Favero, Rose West, Fernando Melantonio, Eduardo Linardi. He directed and/or wrote programs, presented (in chronological order) by Silvio Santos, Lolita Rodrigues, Murillo Néri, Renato Barbosa, Sérgio Chapelin, Flavio Cavalcanti, Christina Rocha, Sônia Lima, Wagner Montes, Meire Nogueira, Hebe Camargo and Goulart de Andrade; supervision by Luciano Callegari. He wrote Musicamp (Musicountry), including the humour series Telecausos de Pedro Malasartes (Telestories of Pedro Malasartes) (1987). He created the term Telecauso. Direction by Homero Salles. Later, by Carlos Franco; He wrote and directed Como Funciona? (How Does it Work?) (1987-89), a series of documentaries, idealized by Guilherme Stoliar and presented by the journalist José Roberto Rocha. Produced by Fernando Melantonio, Rose Favero, Álvaro Siqueira, Silvana Fernandes. Direction of shooting: Luiz Claudio de Mattos and Roberto Bucci; He wrote Vem Comigo! (Come With Me!), a journalism attraction, presented by Goulart de Andrade; directed by Hélio Vargas (1993-94); He wrote the event Teleton, directed by Walter Scaramuzzi and Ângelo Ribeiro (1998); He wrote episodes of the series Família Pimenta (Family Pepper), a reality show directed by Adriano Stuart (1998). MANCHETE He wrote VT Show, in the Manchete Television Network, for the presenters Daniela Barbieri and Andréa Richa, general direction by David Grinberg, direction by Viktor Junod (1992); He wrote Milk Shake, for the presenter Angélica; directed by Valdemyr Fernandes; general direction by Roberto Jorge Freire (1992); Documentaries about cinema, anchored by Júlia Lemmertz and Almir Sater, with emphasis on Mahabharata and the Série Mazzaropi. Direction by Raquel Boechat. General direction by Tomil Gonçalves (1993); He wrote Comando da Madrugada (Command of the Morning), journalism and variety, presented by Goulart de Andrade. Production: Silvia Moreiras, Marisa Silva et Margarida Müller; realization: Goulart de Andrade (1994-96). BANDEIRANTES He composed, with Jean-Pierre Garfunkel, the sound track of Titio Molina (Uncle Molina), a children’s program. Direction by Fernando Tibiriçá de Sant’Anna (1973); He wrote Brasil Verdade (Brazil Truth), journalistic, presented from Mondays to Fridays. General direction by Wilton Franco, direction by Carlos Franco (1997); He wrote Uma Escolinha Muito Louca (A Very Crazy Little School), humour series with the writers José Sampaio, Sérgio Valezin, Papa Camargo, Magalhães Jr., Orival Pessini, Adib Salomão, Claudio Longo, Rafael DePieri; Performed by Sidney Magal, Orival Pessini, Ricardo Côrte Real, Luziane Baierle, Pamela Côto, Mariana Xavier, Mateus Carrieri, Murillo Flores, Márcia Kaplun, Kendy Yamai, Kaká de Lima, Carlos Rios, Camila Navarro; produced by Delvair Thomazelli and Rosangela Mello; directed by Valdemyr Fernandes and Jacques Lagoa; general direction by Hélio Vargas (2008 a 2009). GLOBO He worked in the Globo Network, with Roberto Talma, Mauricio Sherman, Márcio Trigo, Augusto César Vannucci, Walther Negrão, Paulo Figueiredo; Renato Ladeira, Pedro Vasconcelos, Rafael Dragaud, Tande Bressane, Mariozinho Vaz, Claudia Souto; He created poems for character of the actor Marco Nanini, in the soap opera As Três Marias (The Three Marys), of Wilson Rocha and Walter Negrão; direction by Herval Rossano (198081); He wrote for the TV Globo, Brasília, Canta Cerrado (Sing, Shrubland), a song festival of the Midwest, directed by Hailton Silva (1995); He wrote episodes for Fantástico, series Paranormality, directed by Augusto César Vanucci and Paulo Figueiredo (1991); Cem Anos de Música (One Hundred Years of Music), a short history of Brazilian popular music during 20th century, produced by Renato Ladeira; directed by Roberto Talma and Pedro Vasconcelos (1999); Bambuluá, children’s soap opera, directed by Márcio Trigo (2000); TV Xuxa, varieties, directed by Mariozinho Vaz (2012-14); He wrote for the presenters Fausto Silva, Marcelo Rezende, Angélica, Xuxa, Cid Moreira (199899; 2013). INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION Program director of PRODUTORA WN, of Walter Avancini (1980); He wrote and/or directed institutionals, projects, conventions and training videos for producers such as: ABS Áudio e Vídeo, Produtora Goulart de Andrade and Câmera 5; Principal clients: Alusud, Petrobras, Dynacom, Shell, Lufthansa, the Brazilian Army, O Boticário, CNI (english course), Trasmontano (health care plan), Eletropaulo, Comgás, Sabesp, Vasp, Embratur, Banco do Brasil, Bamerindus, Bradesco, Itaú, Sodré Santoro Auctioneers.