Webinar O Nutricionista
Webinar O Nutricionista
Webinar O Nutricionista Webinar - O Nutricionista 8 de julho 19:00 (toda segunda quarta feira do mês) Randy Shaver – PhD – Universidade de Wisconsin – Madison. O que podemos fazer na fazenda para aumentar a digestibilidade do amido. Ruminant Starch Digestion Rumen Small Intestine Hind Gut Microbial Fermentation • VFA • Propionate • Glucose via liver • Microbial Protein Digestion (Enzymatic) • Glucose Microbial Fermentation • VFA Ferraretto et al., 2013 JDS 96:533 Whole-Plant Corn Silage Grain ~40-45% of WPDM •Avg. 30% starch in WPDM •Variable grain:stover 80 to 98% StarchD •Kernel particle size •Duration of silage fermentation •Kernel maturity •Endosperm properties •Additives Adapted from Joe Lauer, UW Madison Agronomy Dept . Stover= ~55-60% of WPDM •Avg. 42% NDF •Variable stover:grain 40 to 70% IVNDFD •Lignin/NDF •Hybrid Type •Maturity •Additives Variable peNDF as per chop length Forage yield - quality vs. quantity Dry matter yield (tons/acre) Maximum yield of DM indigestible Maximum yield of digestible DM digestible UW-Madison Vegetative Optimal growth stage Stage of maturity Flower or Head or Black Layer Department of Dairy Scienc Corn Silage Harvest Practices Influence Starch Digestibility! Kernel Processing*Maturity Ferraretto & Shaver, PAS 2012 Kernel Processing*TLOC Ferraretto & Shaver, PAS 2012 www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/KernelProcessing-FOF.pdf Kernel Processing Score Mertens, USDFRC Ro-Tap Shaker 9 sieves (0.6 thru 19 mm) and pan Analyze for starch on 4.75 mm & > sieves % of starch passing 4.75 mm sieve >70% 70% to 50% < 50% KPS Excellent Adequate Poor Kernel Processing Score ∆Worth 1 kg Milk or 1 kg Corn Kernel Processing Score MN Field Trial 1 Testing Lab KPS WI Field Trial 1 Lab Survey Dairyland 2005 - 2007 Year No. of samples MN Field Trial 2 252 55 2011 29 258 WI Field Trial 2 Lab Survey Rock River Cumberland Valley 2011 - 2010 2012 2012 2010 2011 64 311 1,131 - - - - - - - - - - - -% of Samples by Processing Score- - - - - - - Excellent 10% 8% 10% 17% 17% 16% 7% Adequate 48% 76% 55% 68% 61% 62% 51% Poor 42% 16% 35% 15% 22% 22% 42% Industry Makes Advances in Corn Silage Processing (CVAS Data, 2006 to 2014) Number Average Percent Optimum 2006 97 52.8 8.2 43.3 2007 272 52.3 9.2 37.9 2008 250 54.6 5.2 34.8 2009 244 51.1 6.1 48.0 2010 373 51.4 5.9 43.4 2011 726 55.5 12.3 33.1 2012 871 60.8 14.8 19.9 2013 2658 64.6 36.0 12.9 2014 322 61.8 24.2 9.0 Crop Year Adapted from slide provided by Ralph Ward of CVAS Percent Poor Shredlage® Shredlage® http://www.shredlage.com/ UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Trial 1 Hybrid Trial 2 Dual Purpose Brown Midrib Crop Year 2011 2013 Harvest DM 34% ± 2 38% ± 4 Ensiling Silo Bags Silo Bags Months in Storage Before Feeding 1 4 UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Trial 1 Trial 2 Control SHRD Control SHRD TLOC, mm 19 30 19 26 WI-OS MPL, mm 10.4 11.2 10.0 11.4 % PSU Top 6% 32% 7% 18% % PSU Top 2 82% 73% 75% 73% UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Trial 1 Control Trial 2 SHRD Control SHRD Roll gap, mm 2 - 3 2.5 2 2 Roll Speed Differential ≈20% ≈30% ≈40% 30%-40% Processing Score 60% ± 4 75% ± 3 68% ± 7 72% ± 4 Kernel Processing Score Samples obtained weekly during feed-out from the silo bags UW Madison Trial 2 UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Trial 1 Trial 2 DIM at trial start 116 d ± 36 81 d ± 8 Trial Duration, weeks 10 16 Trial Average Control Milk, kg/cow/day 43 50 UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Shredlage Response Trial 1 DMI Daily Milk Yield Feed Efficiency Trial 2 no no avg. +1 kg avg. +1.2 kg no no Milk Composition no no Milk Component Yields yes yes UW Madison Shredlage® Trials Shredlage Response Trial 1 Trial 2 Total Tract Diet StarchD Ruminal Silage StarchD yes yes yes yes Total Tract Diet NDFD yes no Ruminal Silage NDFD no? no Corn Silage Fermentation Increases Starch Digestibility! Results from Mini-Silo Trial Month effect (P < 0.0001) Hybrid effect (NS) Hybrid×Month (NS) Ferraretto et al., 2014, ADSA abstracts Ferraretto et al., 2014, ADSA abstr. Kernel Processing Score vacuum sealed experimental mini silos % starch passing through 4.75 mm screen 70 68 66 a P = 0.08 SEM = 2.0 n=3 a ab 64 62 b 60 58 56 0 30 120 Ensiling time, d 240 Ferraretto et al., 2013 JDS Grain Meta-Analysis A dataset comprised of 414 treatment means from 101 trials reported in 100 papers published 2000 - 2011 The reports included in this dataset were with lactating dairy cows fed TMR, and contained data for ruminal and (or) total tract starch digestibility Cereal Grain Type Ferraretto et al., JDS, 2013 Ruminal Digestibility (% of intake) Total Tract Digestibility (% of intake) n Starch n Starch Barley 30 70.6a 62 92.8 Corn 82 54.1b 335 92.6 Wheat 6 78.9a 11 93.9 P-value 0.001 0.80 All Grains Have Prolamins Prolamin for each cereal grain have specific and historical names: Grain Prolamin Name Prolamin Level Wheat (gliadin) Med-Low Barley (hordein) Low Rye (secalin) Med-Low Oats (avenin) Low Corn (zein) High Sorghum (kafirin) Very High Copyright Patrick C. Hoffman, University of Wisconsin - Madison Prolamins: Corn Endosperm Protein of Interest • • • • • • Prolamin Zein ( 4 Types) – άβγδ Form on the Starch Granule Surface Prolamin Proteins Can Cross-link Encapsulate Starch into a Matrix Advances with maturity – (like NDF in forages) Genetic differences in corn – – – – Floury/Opaque Corns are Missing the Y-zein Gene Floury/Opaque Corns are Low in Prolamins Flint Corns are Very High in Prolamins Common Corn Hybrids are Moderately-High in Prolamins Copyright: Patrick C. Hoffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison Primary Factors Influencing Starch Digestibility in Corn Grain Processing i.e. Particle size; Steam Treatment Harvest/Storage i.e. Dry vs. HMC DM of HM/Maturity; Fermentation Time Adapted from Pat Hoffman, UW Madison Dairy Sci. Dept. Endosperm Type i.e. Prolamin; Prolamin-starch matrix; Hardness Source: Ferraretto et al., 2013, JDS Corn grain harvest/processing effects Ruminal Digestibility (%) Total Tract Digestibility (%) Item n Starch n Starch HMC 6 64.5 25 94.2a SFC 10 58.5 36 93.9a DRY 65 53.5 274 92.0b SEM 7.4 0.8 P-value 0.12 0.001 Copyright: Patrick C. Hoffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison The Starch-Protein Matrix Vitreous Endosperm Floury Endosperm Scanning electron microscopy of starch granules in corn: A) starch granules heavily imbedded in prolamin-protein matrix, B) starch granules in opaque corn endosperm with less extensive encapsulation by prolamin-proteins (Gibbon et. al., 2003). Published with permission: Copyright (2003) National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. Impact of Flake Density on Total Tract Starch Digestibility Owens & Zinn, SWNC, 2005 Ferraretto et al., 2013, JDS Corn Grain MPS - DRY a a Geometric Mean Particle Size (µm) Ferraretto et al., 2014, JDS Ferraretto et al., 2014, JDS Sample manure for fecal starch content to better manage starch digestibility on the farm Source Image: http://dairyinnovation.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/dsc_0083.jpg Field Trial Fecal Starch Results 30 25 % of Samples 20 15 39% of farms with > 3% fecal starch 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Huibregtse et al., 2013 Starch in Fecal Samples, % UW Research Trial Results 31% of samples with > 3% fecal starch Fredin et al., 2014, JDS P < 0.001 R² = 0.94 564 samples Fredin et al., 2014, JDS TTSD % = 100.0% - (1.25 X fecal starch %) Utility of On-Farm Fecal Starch? Can be used to predict total tract starch digestibility from available equation Monitor specific group over time Reflects total diet, not specific feedstuffs! If <3% starch in feces no need to investigate feeds If >3% should evaluate specific starchy feedstuffs Slide provided by Shane Fredin of Miner Inst. Sample collection and submittal 8 – 10 animals per sample submitted ◦ Preferably fresh sample If a dietary or management change occurs, re-evaluate minimum of 2-3 weeks later Keep samples cool ◦ Fecal starch decreased by 24% in non-cooled samples (Haerr et al., 2014) ◦ 5.4% for cold sample vs. 4.1% for ambient temp sample ◦ Ideally, submit samples that are kept cold! Ruminal In-Vitro StarchD Ruminal ivStarchD Issues Sample incubation length • 3 & 7 h common • Ignores Kp and Kd differences Incubation sample particle size • 2-6 mm grind common • Masks effects of client’s feed particle size Diet of Rumen Fluid Donor vs. Client Herd • Starch content and source affects amylase activity and starch digestibility Diet of Rumen Fluid Donor vs. Client Herd NIRS calibrations ? Ruminal ivStarchD Utility Indexing feedstuffs • i.e. High, Mid, Low Determine population of lab samples Interventions – i.e. finer corn processing Ration adjustments - i.e. feeding more or less corn Adjusting calculated feedstuff energy values for ration formulation • How to predict TT StarchD from Ruminal ivStarchD? • NRC-2001 PAF? Basing ration adjustments on intake of rumen digestible starch? • e.g. 15 DM lb. Corn-A x 70% starch x 60% ivStarchD = 6.3 lb. • If Corn-B 70% starch & 75% ivStarchD, then 6.3/(0.70×0.75) = 12 DM lb. Corn-B Questions? 12 de agosto 19:00 (segunda quarta feira do mês) Rick Grant – PhD – Instituto Miner O que aprendemos das pesquisas realizadas no Instituto Miner . Foco em nutrição aplicada na fazenda. Sua empresa pode ser parceira no próximo Webinar. Ajude-nos a trazer aos nutricionistas Brasileiros o que existe de mais novo em nutrição de vacas leiteiras no mundo. [email protected] 11 - 999756429 Cadastre-se nos nossos meios de comunicação para receber os slides em português e o Webinar gravado: http://3rlab.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/3rlab Excelente material para treinamento de equipes/grupos de estudos Processamento do “grão” da SM 100 90 80 70 60 50 Brasil 40 EUA 30 Argentina 20 10 0 Pego amostra Uso técnica e posso dizer do "balde com água" Faço KPS Se não tiver Utilizo autogrãos nas motriz, elas fezes esta processam bom bem Comprimento de corte (TLOC) 100 90 80 70 60 Brasil 50 EUA 40 Argentina 30 20 10 0 Não tenho recomendação (> 19 mm) (> 12 mm e <= 19 mm) (< = 12 mm) Se processado 19 mm senão 9 mm 100 90 Tamanho de partícula para milho moido 80 70 60 50 40 Brasil 30 EUA 20 Argentina 10 0 Quebro o Menor que o Amido fecal é Menor que milho em moinho pode o meu guia 2000 µm pedaços, moer muito fino é problema Menor que 1000 µm Frequência de análise de amido 100 fecal 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Brasil EUA Argentina Nunca Quando o leite cai Uma vez ao Quando mês abrimos silo Quando mudo ingredientes na dieta