Abramovic, Marina and Ulay - Relation in Space
Abramovic, Marina and Ulay - Relation in Space
Abramovic, Marina and Ulay - Relation in Space, 1976 Albright, Ann C. and Gere, D. - Taken by Surprise: A Dance Improvisation Reader, 2003; Traces of Light: Absence and Presence in the work of Loïe Fuller, 2007 Almeida, Helena de - Tela Habitada, 1976; Para um reconhecimento interior, 1977; Ouve-me, 1979 Alÿs, Francis - Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing, 1997; D.O / U.ND.O, 2009; As long as I am walking, 2009 Ambühl, Edith S. - Allmend.querfeldein, 2010; Allmend.Konstelationen II, 2009; Allmend.KreuzMahl, 2007/06; Allmend.Grundl(i)egend, 2006; Allmend.Konstellationen, 2004; Allmend.Wandlung einer Vierheit, 2002; Allmend.Barfuss, 1998; Orte, 1995/96; Schutzorte, 1994; Fluchorte, über-dach-ter Traum, 1988; Winde und schwarze Monde, Spuren, 1986; Frauenhände, 1985; Gedicht des Meeres Zeichnungen, 1982 Antoni, Janine - Loving Care, 1992-1996 Argyle, M. - The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour, 1994 Aposhyan, S. - Body-Mind Psychotherapy: Principles, Techniques, and Practical Applications, 2004 Balka, Miroslaw - How it is, 2009 Bart, Cécile - Tanzen, 1998 Baumann, Franziska - Voices & Tides, 2007 Bernard, André - Ideokinesis & Creative Body Alignment, 1997 Bourgeois, Louise - The Family I, 2007 Braga, Paula - Fios Soltos: A Arte de Hélio Oiticica, 2008 Brisley, Stuart - Moments of Decision/Indecision, 1975 Brown, Trisha - Skymap, 1969; Accumulation, 1971; Spanish Dance, 1973; Trisha Brown - Teicher Hendel, Dancing and Drawing (an interview), 1998 Bory, Aurélien - Les Sept Planches de la Ruse, 2009 Boundas, Constantin V. - Deleuze Connection. Deleuze Philosophy, 2006 Bullock, Margaret E. - A Turbulent Lens: The Photographic Art of Virna Haffer, 2011 Burrows, Jonathan - A Choreographer's Handbook, 2010 Castro, Lurdes and Zimbro, Manuel - A linha do horizonte, 1981; Light Shadow, 2010 Claerbout, David - The Shadow Piece, 2005 Clark, Lygia – Caminhando, 1968; Luvas sensoriais, 1967; Masque Abîme, 1968; Estruturação do Self, 1976 Conger, John P. - The body as a Shadow Foucault, Michele - The Eye of Power, 1977; Language, Counter-Memory and Practice, 1980 Gil, José - Movimento Total, O Corpo e a Dança, 2002 Goldberg, Roselee - Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present, 2001 Gormeley, Antony - Mass and Empathy, 2004; Blind Light, 2007 Gotovak, Tomislav - Point Blank' Zagreb/New York, 1993 Graham, Dan - Present Continuous Past(s), 1974 Christine, Greiner - O Corpo: Pistas para Estudos Indisciplinares, 2006; Leituras do Corpo, 2003 Grosenick, Uta - Women artists in the 20th and 21st century, 2005 Guilleminot, Marie Ange - Le Geste, 1994 Haacke, Hans - Große Wasserwaage, 1964 Hall, Stuart - Representation: Cultural Representations and signifying practices (Culture, Media and Identities Series, 1997 Hamann, Sigune - The walking up and down bit, BFI Southbank, 2009 Hatoum, Mona - Variations on Discord and Divisions, 1984 Héritier, Françoise and Jean Luc Nancy - Les corps le sens, 2007 Heisig, Hermann; Lucas, Nuno; Müller, Irina - What comes up must go up, 2009 Hemmer, Rafael - Lozano - Frequency and Volume part of Relational Architecture at the Curve, 08-09 Herman Hesse - Siddhartha, 1982 Horn, Rebecca - Unicorn, 1971 Horta, Rui - Bones & Oceans, 2008 Xenakis, Iannis - Okho, 1989 Johnson, Mark - The body in the mind, the bodily basis of meaning, imagination and reason Judd, Donald - Untitled, 1963 Keersmaeker, Anne Teresa de - Rosas danst Rosas, 1983 Kissina, Julia - shadows cast people, 2010 Klein, Yves - Saut dans le vide, 1958; Anthropométrie de l'Époque bleue, 1960 Kraus, Chris - Where Art belongs?. 2011 Kubota, Shigeko - Vagina Painting, 1965 Kwon, Miwon - One Place After Another, Site-Specific and Art Locational Identity, 2004 Laplanche, J. and Pantalis, J. B. - The language of Psycho-Analysis, 1974 Le Roy, Xavier - Product of Circumstances, 1999 Maar, Melanie - Spaces and Bones, 2011 Malevich, K. - Kazimir Malevich: The Climax of Disclosure, 1991 Mantero, Vera & Chafes, Rui - Comer o coração Eating your heart out, 2005 McIntosh, Thomas - Ondulation, 2002 Modern, Tate - Open Systems, Rethinking Art c.1970, 2005 Molder, Maria Filomena - Privilege and Naturalness, 2004, in Mass and Empathy – Antony Gormley Nagel, Greta - The Tao of Teaching, The Ageless Wisdom of Taoism and the Art of Teaching, 1998 Nauman, Bruce - Black Stones under yellow light, 1987; Raw Materials, 2005 Monnier, Mathilde - Dans tes cheveux, 2007 Nelson, Lisa - Before yours Eyes, Seeds of a dance practice, 2003 Neuparth, Sofia - Prácticas para ver o invisivél e guardar segredo, 2010; Arte Agora Pensamentos Enraizados na Experiência (organizadoras Sofia Neuparth e Cristine Greiner) 2011 Oiticica, Hélio - The Body of Colour, 1964 Olsen, Andrea - BodyStories: A Guide to Experiential Anatomy, 04; Body and Earth, An Experiental Guide, 06 Ono, Yoko - A Grapefruit in the world of Park...1961 Olascoaga, Sofia - In Foreclosed Between Crisis and Possibility, 2011, ''Staging: Experiments in Social Configuration.'' Os Gémeos - The dark side you do not know, 2010 Pascal Rambert - En silence s’il te plait, Le Début de l’A, 2008 Paxton, Steve - Material for the Spine, 2007 Pessoa, Fernado - Quanto mais fundamente penso, mais, 1952 Pomar, Júlio - Chain of Connections, 2008 Rainner, Yvonne - Trio A, 1966 Raushenberg, Robert - Retroactive I, 1964; Travelling '70-'76, 2008 Rebelo, Nuno - You remember (Do I?); Life (in Blue), 1998 Ribeiro, António Pinto - por exemplo a cadeira, ensaios sobre as artes do corpo Ribot, La - Distinguidas pieces, 2003 Rist, Pipilloti - I'm not the girl who misses much, 1986 Rodrigues, Lia - Aquilo de que somos feitos, 2000 Rogoff, Irit - What is a Theorist?, 2006 Röhm, Vera - Numbers - Time – Signs, 2003, Schattenspiel, 2006; Shadow of Time, 2007 Rolnick, Suely - Molding a Contemporary Soul: The Empty - Full of Lygia Clark Rousse, Georges - Figuration, 1983; Places, 1991; Light 2002; Tour d'un monde, 2008 Safran, Jeremy D. - Psychoanalysis and Buddhism, 1995 Salcedo, Doris - Shibboleth, 2007-08 Scheemann, Carolee - Up to and including her limits. 1973-76 Shiraga, Kazuo - Challenging Mud, 1955 Smith, Nancy-Stark - Caught Falling The Confluence of Contact Improvisation, Nancy Stark Smith, and Other Moving Ideas, 2010 Steinman, L. - The Knowing Body. The Artist as Storyteller in Contemporary Performance, 1995 Stein, Harvey - Children Tilley, Christopher - Body and Image exploration in Landscape Phenomenology 2 Tufnell, Miranda and Crickmay, Chris - Body, Space, Image: notes towards Improvisation and Performance, 1993; A Widening Field: Journeys in Body& Improvisation, 03 Ufan, Lee - Marking Infinity, Relatum - suggestion, 2005 Ullmann, Lisa - Choreutics, 1966; A Vision of Dynamic Space, 1984 Vaara, Roi - Artist's Dilemma, 1997 Vargas, Mike - Looking at Composition is like painting the Golden Gate Bridge, 86 aspects of composition, 2003 Veloso, Caetano - If you hold a stone, 1971 Touzé, Loïc & Laâbissi, Latifa - Love, 2003 Walther, Franz Erhard - Objects, Instructions, Actions, 1963- 69 Wells, Lizz - Photography a Critical Introduction, 2004; Land Matters: Landscape Photography, Culture and Identity, 2011 Whiteread, Rachel - Embankement, 2005 Zoderer, Beat - New Tools for Old Attitudes, 2008; Rolle, 2009
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