Street Map


Street Map
 Subway Station and University Main Entrance Subway Station Hotel University of Sao Paulo Medical School - FM USP
Anfiteatro Instituto Oscar Freire
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455
Cerqueira César
CEP: 01246903
São Paulo - SP
Renaissance Sao Paulo Hotel
Alameda Santos, 2233
Sao Paulo 01419-002
Phone: 55 11 3069 2233
Fax: 55 11 3064 3344
Please find below the directions on how to get the subway. The ticket costs R$ 3,50 (one-way) and can be bought directly at the
counters of the subway stations. The trip takes approx. 3 minutes.
From the Renaissance Marriott Hotel to the University of Sao Paulo Medical School
Take the subway at the station "Estação Consolação" => Linha 2 - Verde (Line 2 - Green) in direction to Vila Madalena and get
off at the next station "Estação Clínicas". Take the stairs at your left hand up to the street after passing the ticket gate. The main
entrance of the University of São Paulo Medical School is in front of the station exit.
From the University of Sao Paulo Medical School to the Renaissance Marriott Hotel
Take the subway at the station "Estação Clínicas" => Linha 2 - Verde (Line 2 Green) in direction to Vila Prudente and get off at
the next station "Estação Consolação".