By-catches of non-commercial invertebrate taxa in Skagerrak
By-catches of non-commercial invertebrate taxa in Skagerrak
By-catches of non-commercial invertebrate taxa in Skagerrak and Kattegat, generated by demersal otter trawling Linda Ottosson Master Thesis in Marine Ecology, 30 points Department of Marine Ecology, Gothenburg University, Sweden Supervisor: Dr. Berggren Matz Examiner: Prof. Baden Susanne Contribution no. 374 February 2008 Sammanfattning Trålning efter bottenlevande fiskar och skaldjur medför ofta störningar på havsbotten och organismer som lever i, på eller i nära anslutning till botten. När trålen drar över havsbotten plöjer den upp fåror, rör upp sedimentytan, drar upp och skadar alternativt tar död på organismer som lever i eller på botten. Organismer som fastnar i trålens maskor eller nät skadas och stressas när de lyfts upp ovan havsytan och hamnar i en hög på fartygsdäcket tillsammans med andra djur. De djur som slängs överbord som dumpat material (discard) kommer att utgöra föda för diverse predatorer och asätare såsom t ex sjöfågel, fiskar, skaldjur etc. Mycket fokus läggs på bifångster av kommersiella fiskarter, men sällan talas det om bifångster av icke kommersiella ryggradslösa djur (evertebrater). Hur påverkas dessa av bottentrålning efter fisk, räka och kräfta? I denna studie ligger fokus på dessa evertebrater som utgör en del av bifångsten och därmed utkasten vid bottentrålning efter fisk, räka och kräfta i Skagerrak och Kattegat. Vilka arter av icke kommersiella evertebrater kommer med upp i trålen? Är några av dem mer frekvent förekommande än andra och därmed mer utsatta? Skiljer sig artsammansättning, den totala biomassan och individabundansen mellan olika tråltyper, såsom kräft-, räk- och fisktrål? Denna studie inkluderade tråldrag från tre olika fiskefartyg på 37 olika stationer i Skagerrak respektive Kattegat och trålningarna utfördes på djup som varierade mellan 16 till 410 meter från september till november månad. Trålningarna utfördes med hjälp av tre olika fiskefartyg varav två av dessa tillhör Fiskeriverket och den tredje tillhör den svenska kommersiella bottentrålande fiskeflottan. Tre olika tråltyper användes för bottentrålningen, dessa var fisktrål, kräfttrål (Nephrops norvegicus) och räktrål (Pandalus borealis). Dessa skiljer sig bl.a. genom att näten har olika maskstorlekar och olika placering ovan botten. Tråldragens längd varierade mellan 30 minuter och upp till 8 timmar. Evertebraterna i bifångsten artbestämdes till taxa där så var möjligt annars till lägsta möjliga taxonomiska nivå, organismerna räknades och deras biomassa vägdes. För att kunna göra en jämförelse mellan de olika tråltyperna gjordes en standardisering med hjälp av en uträknad trålad area. Individabundans, biomassa och artdiversitet undersöktes och organismerna delades upp i olika funktionella grupper beroende på deras mest dominanta trofiska nivå och levnadssätt. Den absolut mest förekommande funktionella gruppen var mobila predatorer och asätare. De bestod av många olika arter och individer. I fisk- och kräfttrålen var de sedentära suspensionsätarna de näst mest förekommande medan den grävande depositionsätande infaunan var den tredje vanligaste gruppen. I räktrålarna var istället dessa de näst vanligaste medan de sedentära suspensionsätarna var de tredje vanligaste. De tre olika tråltyperna i undersökningen var signifikant skilda åt vad gällde individabundans, biomassa respektive artdiversitet. Kräfttrålen genererade bifångster med störst individantal och biomassa, den fick också störst andel icke kommersiella evertebrater i förhållande till målfångstens storlek. Räktrålen däremot var mest skonsam när det gällde bifångsten av icke kommersiella evertebrater och individabundans, biomassa och artrikedom. Detta skulle kunna bero på att räktrålen går högre ovan botten än de övriga gör. De vanligaste fyla i bifångsten var Arthropoda, Echinodermata och Mollusca, vilka stod för mer än 95 % av den totala bifångsten av icke kommersiella evertebrater. Vilka av dem som dominerade fångsten varierade mellan de olika tråltyperna. Fisktrålen dominerades av (mollusker) Mollusca, kräfttrålen fick flest (tagghudingar) Echinodermata medan räktrålens fångst till största delen bestod av (leddjur) Arthropoda. De olika trålningarna som genomfördes under denna studie resulterade i en bifångst på cirka 100 stycken olika taxa av icke kommersiella evertebrater. Fisktrålningarnas bifångst var mest divers medan räktrålen fick minst diverst antal arter i bifångsten av dessa evertebrater. Bifångsten bestod även av hotade röd listade arter, dessa uppgick till ett antal av 11 olika arter, varav sju av dessa tillhör fyla Arthropoda, tre Echinodermata och en av dem 2 (nässeldjur) Cnidaria. De flesta av dem återfanns i fångster fiskade på djup mellan ungefär 200 och 300 meter. Abstract This study has been performed to evaluate some of the effects on non-commercial invertebrates by demersal otter trawling. When the otter trawl is being swept over the bottom the otter boards scours the seafloor and leaves deep scars on soft sediment, with resuspension as a result, or damages sessile erect organisms providing shelter in hard-bottom substrata. The benthic fauna in the trawled area run the risks of a resulting deplacement, damage or high mortality. Some of the organisms will be trapped in the trawl, and later discarded. To investigate which species and functional groups is being part of the discarded material of the Swedish demersal west coastal fishing industry, and to see if there is a significant difference in species composition of the invertebrate by-catch depending on trawl type, experiments were performed together with the Swedish Board of Fisheries and a commercial fishing vessel. Non-commercial invertebrates from 37 different stations in Skagerrak and Kattegat (16-410 meters depth) were being sampled from three different fishing vessels. Three different types of trawls were used in the experiments; Norwegian lobster- (Nephrops norvegicus), shrimp- (Pandalus borealis) and demersal fish trawl. Trawl duration of between 30 minutes up to 8 hours were carried out using otter trawls with mesh sizes of 20, 35 and 70 millimetres. Invertebrate taxa were identified to species when possible and the numbers counted and biomass of each species recorded as wet weight. In cases where the catches were large, a representative sub sample was taken, and the wet weight of different taxa back calculated to the full catch weight. For small samples the whole catch was processed. To be able to compare the different trawling types a standardisation where the swept area of each trawling event was taken into account. The biomass and number of individuals of invertebrates in the by-catch was correlated to the biomass of target species catch, to examine if the size of the total catch affects the amount of invertebrate by-catch, this gave a non significant result. The individual abundance, diversity of species, phyla composition and biomass per swept area were analysed using a multivariate statistical method. Each individual was classified according to their functional groups which describes their dominant trophic mode and their predominant foraging habit. The most dominant functional group was motile predators or scavengers followed by sedentary suspension feeders and burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders, except for the shrimp trawling efforts where the burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders were more common in the by-catch, than the sedentary suspension feeders, when considering the species diversity. The motile predators and scavengers in the by-catch consisted of a variety of species and individuals. The trawl types included in this study generated significantly different non-commercial invertebrate by-catch of individual abundance, biomass or species diversity. The Nephrops trawling efforts caught by-catches consisting of the highest individual abundance and biomass, these efforts also received the highest proportion of non-commercial invertebrate by-catch compared to their target catch. The shrimp trawling was most merciful of the three trawl types, by far receiving the lowest individual abundance, biomass and species diversity. The Phyla most common in the noncommercial by-catch in this study were Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Mollusca, they were responsible for more than 95% of this by-catch. The composition of Phyla in the by-catch was different depending on trawl type. The by-catches of non-commercial invertebrates were dominated by taxa belonging to Mollusca when using the fish trawl, Echinodermata with the Nephrops trawl and Arthropoda when trawling with the shrimp trawls. Altogether almost 100 different taxa of non-commercial invertebrates were caught during the trawling efforts 3 included in this study. The by-catches from the fish trawling efforts were the most diverse ones, while the shrimp trawling had the lowest species diversity in their by-catches, during this study. The red listed species included in the by-catch consisted of 11 different species of which 7 belongs to Arthropoda, 3 to Echinodermata and 1 to Cnidaria. These red listed species were caught most frequent on a depth of 200 to 300 meter. Keywords By-catch, demersal otter trawling, discard, non-commercial invertebrates, red listed species Table of content: 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Effects of demersal trawling ...................................................................................... 5 1.2 Demersal trawling effects on invertebrates................................................................ 6 1.3 Red Listed species...................................................................................................... 6 1.4 The aim of this study.................................................................................................. 6 2 Materials and methods.................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Area of study .............................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Materials..................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Vessel and trawling equipment .......................................................................... 7 2.3 Methods...................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.1 Field sampling .................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 Classification.................................................................................................... 10 2.3.4 Statistical methods/ Data analysis .................................................................... 11 3 Results ............................................................................................................................ 12 3.1 Functional groups..................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Abundance................................................................................................................ 15 3.3 Biomass .................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 Diversity ................................................................................................................... 26 3.5 Red Listed species.................................................................................................... 30 4 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………30 4.1 Functional groups..................................................................................................... 32 4.2 Abundance................................................................................................................ 32 4.3 Biomass .................................................................................................................... 34 4.4 Diversity ................................................................................................................... 35 4.5 Red listed species ..................................................................................................... 37 4.6 Trawling damages on invertebrates.......................................................................... 38 5 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 39 6 Acknowledgements......................................................................................................... 40 7 References ....................................................................................................................... 40 Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 43 4 1 Introduction 1.1 Effects of demersal trawling Otter trawling is a widely used demersal trawling equipment world wide (Collie et al, 2000). Trawl otter boards used for demersal fishing can dig deep furrows in the sediment while trawl nets and weights attached can cut and disturb the sediment surface. This often leads to physical and biological changes in the sediment environment and its associated benthic fauna (Castro & Huber, 2005, Rosenberg el al, 2003). Intense trawling might lead to changes in the ocean bed, such as for example reduction of structural biota, reduction in habitat complexity, changes in seafloor structure and removal of taxa that produce structure and shelter (Auster et al, 1996, Auster & Langton 1999, Castro & Huber, 2005, Hopkins, 2003). Also exposure to predators and resuspension of sediment which might kill or damage suspension feeders in a trawled area are possible outcomes (Castro & Huber, 2005). Because of decreased prey abundance, foraging juvenile fish are also exposed to a higher risk of predation due to the longer foraging time (Walter and Jaunes, 1993). Repeated trawling in an area result in discernable changes of the benthic communities and reduction in the productivity of benthic habitats and a loss of biomass. There is also potential changes in the flow of materials, nutrients and energy through ecosystems and shift in the balance among processes of primary production, primary consumption and secondary production (Ocean Studies Board, 2002). The time of recovery for organisms which environments has been disturbed varies with their sensibility to disturbance and the rate of disturbance. Fauna that live in low natural disturbances regimes are generally more vulnerable to fishing gear disturbance, and have often a long time of recovery. Animals that live in unconsolidated sediments in high natural disturbance regimes are adapted to periodic sediment resuspension and smothering like that caused by mobile bottom gear. In contrast, epifaunal communities that stabilize sediments, reef-forming species, or fauna in habitats that experience low rates of natural disturbance have been observed to be particularly vulnerable. Individual and species ability to survive the trawling is directly related to its physiology, morphology and behaviour in response to the trawling gear (Kaiser & Spencer 1995, Ocean Studies Board, 2002) Soft-bodied, erect, sessile organisms are more vulnerable to trawling than are hard-bodied prostrate organisms (Ocean Studies Board, 2002). Some species are more exposed than others and some are more fragile due to slow reproduction rates, slow growth and a small amount of offspring. Species with low turn-over rates will decrease in favour of species with high turn-over rates and also increased scavenger and predator populations benefiting from the increased food availability (Hopkins 2003, Ocean Studies Board, 2002). The use of mobile fishing gear has become a source of concern because of the size of the affected fishing grounds, the modification of the substrate, disturbance of benthic communities, and removal of non-target species. The long-term viability of some fish populations could be threatened if essential fish habitat is degraded. Also, because of the decline of catches in many traditional fisheries, efforts to find under-exploited fish populations have increased interest in exploiting less accessible, previously unused areas. These efforts have been facilitated by the development of new gear and navigational aids. (Ocean Studies Board, 2002) This result in increasing quantities of by-catch of noncommercial fish species and invertebrates associated with bottom substrata and since trawling equipment have been refined to reduce the by-catch of non-target and undersized fish species, little progress have been made in reducing the by-catch and subsequent discards of invertebrate benthic species (Nilsen et al, 2002) the by-catches are an important issue that we need to increase our knowledge of. 5 1.2 Demersal trawling effects on invertebrates The invertebrates included in the discard runs a high potential risk of mortality or damage. The risk depends on for example the characteristics of the particular species, the composition of the catch and the duration of hauling. Discard is the part of the catch which is not retained on board during commercial fishing, instead it is returned to the sea. It includes noncommercial and non-targeted species, but also targeted commercial species of unwanted size or of poor condition. When quotas are reached of a certain species all of these can also be discarded. How non-commercial discarded invertebrate species is affected by demersal trawling is important to highlight and a better understanding in this field is a necessity in the debate of today regarding the problems generated by trawling. Invertebrates are an important part of the ocean ecosystem and many invertebrate species are an essential part of the food source for several commercially important fish species. Therefore these effects on invertebrates are important to include when analysing the effects of demersal trawling. Previous studies that have been performed in this field have mostly been made outside Swedish territorial waters. Since the total annual quantity of discards of invertebrates, elasmobranches and offal into the North Sea is estimated approximately to 240.000-380.000 tonnes (Catchpole et al, 2005), the amount of discard is probably extensive for the fisheries in the Skagerrak and Kattegat. A part of the discarded material also contains endangered (red listed) invertebrate species, which makes a quantification of the discarded species of an even greater importance. 1.3 Red Listed species The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) is a world wide network for conservation of animals, plants and ecosystems. The Red List Programme is a widely recognized work to ensure the conservation of all plant and animal species by pinpointing the ones that are threaten to disappear in an area or showing a clear decline in numbers. Thereby the species on the list are identified as species facing a particular risk of extinction. The following categories have been included in this study: Critically Endangered (CR) - A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future. Endangered (EN) - A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future. Vulnerable (VU) - A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. These categories above are used for species being threatened. Nearby Threatened (NT) A taxon is Nearby Threatened when it is not belonging to either Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable, but it is in fact close to fulfilling the criteria of Vulnerable. Data Deficient (DD) A taxon is Data Deficient when there is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction based on its distribution and/or population status. (IUCN, 2007) 1.4 The aim of this study The aim of this study is to reveal more about which non-commercial invertebrate species are most frequently included in the discard when fishing demersal in Skagerrak and Kattegat. Investigation of which of these species are being affected most negatively and does endangered (red-listed) invertebrate species make up a part of the by-catch, and if so to what extent? The Norwegian lobster- (Nephrops norvegicus), shrimp- (Pandalus borealis) and 6 demersal fish trawl have different mesh sizes and placement on or above the sediment surface. Are the different trawling equipment affecting the demersal fauna differently, when regarding species composition and the total amount of individuals and biomass? The macrofauna in the by-catch was compared in respect to individual abundance, biomass and species composition as well as their functional groups. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Area of study The Swedish west coastal waters consist of two water masses, Skagerrak in the north and Kattegat in the south (Figure 1). The Skagerrak boarders the North Sea and is situated in between Lindesnes in Norway and Hanstholm in Denmark. The border between Skagerrak and Kattegat runs from Skagen in Denmark and the lighthouse of Tistlarna towards the Swedish coastline at the west edge of Vallda Sandö (FIFS, 2004). The Skagerrak is a continental margin sea with a weak influence from tidal currents. The mean depth is 218 meters and the maximum depth is approximately 700 meters (Wikipedia, 2007). The eastern parts are stratified due to the influence of brackish water of Baltic origin, whereas in the western part oceanic water extends to the surface. The depth of the halocline varies in the eastern part between a few meters to about 25 meters depending on wind and water mass supply. Figure 1. The area of study, Skagerrak bottom water is normally well oxygenated and Skagerrak and Kattegat. exhibits only small seasonal variations (Aure & Dahl, 1994). The Kattegat is to the south bordered by Öresund (FIFS, 2004). The Kattegat is a more shallow sea than Skagerrak, with a mean depth of 23 meters and a maximum depth of approximately 130 meters. The salinity is lower in Kattegat due to the outflow of brackish surface water from the Baltic Sea. This produces a strong halocline, present at about 15 meters between the brackish surface water of Baltic origin and the deeper more saline water (~34‰) from the Skagerrak. As a consequence of Kattegat being connected with the Baltic Sea through narrow straights and shallow bottoms, together with the strong halocline, the bottom water circulation in the southern Kattegat is reduced, which makes this area susceptible to seasonal hypoxia in late summer and autumn (Rydberg et al, 1990). 2.2 Materials 2.2.1 Vessel and trawling equipment Since otter trawls is frequently used as demersal fishing equipment in Sweden, and all around the world (Collie et al, 2000), this trawl type have been used in this study. An otter trawl is constructed by a pair of large rectangular boards or doors, which are rigged to pull the mouth of the trawl net open (Figure15, Appendix). A ground rope runs between them, often fitted with rubber or heavy metal bobbins. Otter trawls are most frequently towed over relatively flat soft-bottoms, but can also be towed over relatively rough bottoms when fitted with “rock-hopper” gear (Hopkins, 2003). The trawling was executed from three different vessels, two research vessels and one commercial shrimp trawler. 7 U/F Argos, the largest research vessel belonging to the Swedish Board of Fisheries (Table 3, Appendix), was during this study participating in the of ICES (International Council of the Exploration of the Sea) yearly coordinated IBTS (the International Bottom Trawling Survey), with standardized methods of trawling. The trawling events took place during the first week in September. During the expedition a French otter trawl, GOV (Grande Ouverture Verticale) 36/47m, with a mesh size of 20 millimetres was used (Figure 16, Appendix). This is a trawl that targets mainly demersal fish and herring, Clupea harengus. The otter boards on each side had a weight of 1050 kilos each, and the mean distance between them was nearly 90 meters and the net opening had a height of about 4 meters. The rubber discs had a diameter of 10 centimetres and 20 centimetres further in and the spherical bobbins had a diameter of 40 centimetres (Figure 18, Appendix). The lining consisted of 400 stretched meshes of 20 millimetres each, giving a total length of 8 meters and the total circumference of the lining was 600 meshes. A sweep length of 60 meters (including back strops) and minimum warp length of 150 meters was used throughout the survey. Standard fishing speed was 3,7 knots, measured as trawl speed over the ground. The duration of each haul was 30 minutes and a distance of approximately 1,85 nautical miles was being trawled. Trawling was conducted only during daylight conditions in Skagerrak, from an area close to the lighthouse of Vinga, outside the archipelago of Gothenburg, extending towards the boarder of the North Sea. The trawled area had a depth ranging from 20 meters to 231 meters. The area being trawled at each fishing effort ranged from approximately 23 to 38 ha. The fish trawling efforts had an average trawling area of approximately 30 ha (Figure 12, Appendix). U/F Ancylus is a smaller research vessel of the Swedish Board of Fisheries (Table 3, Appendix) and is used for trawling the inner and more sheltered parts of Skagerrak and Kattegat. The trawling events were part of a yearly conducted survey of coastal fish densities. A Nephrops trawl was used with a 140 feet (approximately 43 meter) ground gear with rock hoppers with a diameter of 10 centimetres and a 70 millimetre diagonal mesh (Figure 19, Appendix). (Diagonal meshes are prohibited and are therefore not being used by commercial Nephrops trawlers in Sweden). This diagonal mesh increases the catch of small sized fishes and undersized Norwegian lobster, but the resulting catch differences should not be of too much importance, according to Anders Svenson, at the Swedish Board of Fisheries (personal comment). The lining consisted of 400 stretched meshes. The otter boards weighted 185 kilos each and the distance between them was approximately 27 meters when trawling. This trawl targets mainly demersal fish and N. norvegicus. The trawling events in this study were conducted during October and November in daylight conditions and with the duration of 30 minutes per trawling effort at a trawling speed of 2,5 knots measured as trawl speed over the ground. The area being trawled in each fishing effort ranged from approximately 6 to 9 ha. The Nephrops trawling efforts had an average trawling area of approximately 8 ha (Figure 12, Appendix). GG 707 Arkö av Dyrön a commercial shrimp trawler (Table 3, Appendix) conducted shrimp trawling in the Skagerrak, northwest of Skagen, by fishermen called “the Danish corner”, during this study. The trawls were of Norwegian origin, 2 stropped shrimp trawl (OTB) Fläckeröj type (Skagerrak) (Figure 20, Appendix) with a mesh size of 35 millimetres, 8 inches (approximately 20,3 cm) bobbins in the front, 12 inches (approximately 30,5 cm) further in and a ground gear of 70 meters. The width of each trawl was 30 to 35 meters and the hanging ratio was 15 to 16 meters. In front of the cod end the net included square meshes on the superior side, called escape panel. The lining of the cod end consisted of approximately 300 to 400 meshes of 35 millimetres each and the total circumference of the lining was 2200 meshes. The distance between each pair of otter boards, weighting 350 kilos each, varied between 130 to 140 meters. Two trawls of the same design were used during each haul and 8 between the two trawls a chain matrix of 1500 to 1600 kilos was hanging to down weight both of the trawls. The trawling took place during a week in the middle of September and the hauls were done throughout the whole day and night. The trawling depth ranged from 275 meters to 410 meters, the duration of trawling varied between 5 to 7 hours and the speed of trawling was approximately 1,5 knots. With a trawling speed of 1,5 knots and a trawling duration of around 7 hours a distance of approximately 10 nautical miles were being trawled. The area being trawled at each fishing effort ranged from approximately 375 to 600 ha (Figure 12, Appendix). The shrimp trawling efforts had an average trawling area of approximately 510 ha this average trawled area was 17 times larger than the average swept area of the fish trawl and 67 times larger than the average swept area of the Nephrops trawl. When the quota of shrimps were filled, a change was done to two fish trawls with a mesh size of 90 millimetres and a disc size of approximately 10 centimetres. When exchanging to the fish trawls more extended sweeps/ bridles were used and the distance between the two otter boards broadened to approximately 160 meters. The area being trawled at each fishing effort with the fish trawls was approximately 830 ha (Figure 12, Appendix). 2.3 Methods 2.3.1 Field sampling Table 1. The positions of each trawling station, trawling depths, dates of trawling and the names of each trawling station, where F stands for fish trawling, S for shrimp trawling, CF for commercial fish trawling and N for Nephrops trawling. Trawling station Date ShootLat ShootLong HaulLat HaulLong Depth (m) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 CF1 CF2 N1 N2 20070903 20070904 20070904 20070904 20070904 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070917 20070917 20070917 20070918 20070918 20070919 20070919 20071015 20071015 57°40´18 57°28´30 57°29´21 57°27´07 57°30´01 57°47´22 57°41´25 57°35´02 57°29´14 57°22´21 57°35´10 57°42´47 57°44´34 58°02´25 58°07´37 57°52´43 58°15´00 58°10´00 58°16´00 58°13´00 58°14´00 58°11´00 58°07´00 57°32'15 57°32'55 11°12´08 08°00´25 08°18´55 08°31´07 08°50´56 08°47´42 08°45´11 08°57´51 09°07´55 09°08´08 09°06´03 09°24´45 09°44´51 09°55´15 10°43´54 10°59´54 10°21´00 09°56´00 10°23´00 10°04´00 10°21´00 10°28´00 10°01´00 11°20'02 11°23'40 57°39´08 57°29´12 57°30´15 57°27´20 57°30´51 57°46´13 57°40´19 57°34´14 57°29´12 57°22´30 57°36´12 57°41´17 57°45´25 58°03´20 58°05´48 57°51´27 58°13´00 58°15´00 58°13´00 58°18´00 58°11´00 58°07´00 58°09´00 57°32'55 57°32'53 11°09´28 08°03´07 08°21´43 08°34´22 08°53´49 08°45´11 08°42´26 08°54´49 09°04´32 09°04´45 09°08´51 09°26´44 09°47´49 09°58´19 10°44´14 10°57´25 10°04´00 10°18´00 10°04´00 10°24´00 10°35´00 10°01´00 10°31´00 11°23'04 11°22'21 38 144 94 54 37 223 136 45 23 20 33 32 37 149 231 74 350-390 350-410 385-390 395-365 300-275 220-230 230-210 31-31 19-30 9 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 20071017 20071018 20071018 20071023 20071023 20071023 20071023 20071106 20071106 20071106 20071107 20071107 20071108 20071108 58°10'17 58°08'36 58°09'40 57°05'02 56°31'36 56°23'27 56°21'14 58°11'35 58°15'30 58°14'45 58°22'44 58°33'01 58°29'57 58°25'43 11°18'19 11°15'08 11°10'30 11°29'48 11°33'26 12°07'05 12°12'07 11°19'30 11°24'20 11°21'26 11°09'18 11°01'26 10°29'02 10°33'59 58°09'48 58°09'15 58°09'05 57°04'20 56°31'21 56°22'54 56°20'34 58°12'13 58°15'01 58°14'09 58°22'02 58°32'26 58°29'19 58°26'11 11°17'17 11°15'40 11°10'50 11°29'40 11°32'13 12°07'50 12°12'42 11°20'16 11°23'18 11°20'45 11°08'50 11°02'17 10°28'16 10°35'00 72-56 25-41 40-40 51-52 40-41 42-41 37-35 115-150 26-42 34-32 16-20 110-169 98-80 67-69 2.3.2 Classification The non-commercial invertebrates, hereby called (NCI), in each catch were sorted according to species. The organisms were determined by species either on board when possible, otherwise preserved in 96% ethanol and brought in to laboratory for further inspection, and in some cases external professional support was needed. To make sure that each taxa received the correct and accepted scientific name the web based platform of marine biodiversity MarBEF, Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning an EU Network of Excellence, was used as a reference. Some organisms could not be determined to species so they were determined down to the lowest taxa possible. The individuals were counted and the biomass weighted (wet weight), with an accuracy of 1 gram. Each individual were classified according to their functional groups describing their dominant trophic mode and predominant foraging habit. The classifications of the species were the following: 1 = predator-scavenger a = burrowing dwelling 2 = suspension feeder b = sedentary 3= deposit feeder c = motile This grouping of individuals were done according to Coggan et al, 2001. Since the by-catches of NCI were small when based on the trawled area (m2), these numbers are not presented in the result. 2.3.3 Standardization To be able to compare the different trawl types with different trawling durations in a suitable way, standardization has been performed. The swept area of each trawling event (Figure 12, Appendix) has been calculated as: Swept area (m2) = Trawling duration (s) x Towing speed over ground (m/s) x Door spread (m) The door spread is the distance between the two otter boards. After calculating the swept area for each trawling event the by-catch of invertebrates was divided by the swept area to receive a comparable measure of the catch per trawled area. The swept area could have included only the width of the trawl not the distance between the otter boards, but due to lack of information about the trawl width during trawling the distance between the trawl doors was used instead, as often done in fisheries research. 10 2.3.4 Statistical methods/ Data analysis Correlation analyses were performed, using SPSS 13.0 for Windows® software release 13.0 (2004, Chicago: SPSS Inc.), in order to verify if there were any correlations between the total catch of target species, trawling depth and the by-catch of non-commercial invertebrates. These analyses of correlation were of non-parametric origin, Spearman’s rank correlation, since the distributions were skewed and the data are non-linear, which converts the data to ranks before calculating the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient (Spearman’s rho) can vary between -1 to +1, a value close to either -1 or +1 indicates a high correlation between the two variables and a value close to 0 a low correlation. A given p-value of less than 0,05 (5%) is a correlation of significance. To evaluate if the different trawl types generated different amount of invertebrate by-catch, species composition and individual abundance, multivariate statistics in the software PRIMER (Plymouth Routines In Multivariate Ecological Research) version 5 was used. Cluster analysis exposing the similarities based on the Bray Curtis distance method and square root transformation of data was done in order to down-weight the importance of the very abundant taxa and to allow taxa of intermediate and rare abundance to contribute to the similarities between different trawl types. A dendrogram of group average similarities between different trawling events was plotted representing the result of hierarchical clustering, with the x axis representing the full set of samples and the y axis defining a similarity level at which two samples or groups are considered to have fused (Clarke & Warwick, 1994). Non-metric Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) generating MDS plots exposing the results in a two dimensional scale and samples close to each other is to be interpreted as being similar with respect to all species. The resulting graph is presented with a stress value that describes how well the result reflects the reality and when below 0, 2 the graph could be interpreted as corresponding to reality. The stress level increases with reducing dimensionality but also increasing quantity of data (Clarke & Warwick, 1994). The number of restarts was set to 30 times and in some cases, stress for the 2-D ordinations is at the upper level of what is considered an acceptable representation and ordinations should be interpreted cautiously. Formal significance tests for the degree of separation in terms of assemblage similarity between sites were examined using the ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarities) permutation test. A one-way analysis was chosen where the factors have been set as trawl types: Shrimp trawl, Nephrops trawl and Fish trawl. Global R, which can vary between -1 and +1, and corresponding pair wise comparisons were used to measure the degree to which trawling events differed and the significance of these tests was determined via randomisation tests (n=999 permutations). If Global R > 0,1 the difference between groups (trawl types) is larger than within groups (trawl types) at a significance level of 5%. The null hypothesis that there is no difference between trawl types (Global R = 0) should be rejected, and the trawl types are statistically proven to be significantly different. The pair wise comparison generates a statistical R for each comparison between trawl types ranging from 0 to 1 and an R of > 0,75 means that the different groups are well separated, R > 0,5 overlapping, but clearly different, R < 0,25 barely separated at all (Clarke & Warwick, 1994). The species primarily accounting for observed differences in species assemblages etc. between trawl types were determined using SIMPER (similarity percentages) with unstandardized square root transformed data with a cut off for low contributions at a level of 50%. The average similarity within each trawl type was given and the average dissimilarity was measured between each group of two and the factors chosen were trawl types. The diversity and species evenness (in numbers) of each trawling event was determined by Shannon-Wiener diversity index: H´= Σ -Pi*(log Pi) 11 Where Pi (e) is the proportion of the total count (or biomass etc) arising from the i species (Clarke and Warwick, 1994). A trawling event represented by a single or very few invertebrate species will generate a low diversity index while a trawling event with many different invertebrate species, included in the by-catch, being even in numbers, will receive a high index. These calculations were made with the natural logarithm (e) as base. Evenness, how evenly individuals are distributed among the different species, was calculated using Pielou´s evenness index: J´= H´/ Log (S) Where S is the species richness, which is the total number of species per trawling effort. 2.3.5 GIS application All trawling coordinates were processed in the GIS software MapInfo version 8.0 and a map/sea chart exposing each of the trawling positions produced (Figure 1, Appendix). 3 Results To be able to separate the different trawl types and trawling occasions each trawling received a unique identity. The first letter of each trawling event refers to the type of trawling, S for shrimp trawling, F for fish trawling, N for Nephrops trawling and CF for fish trawling from the commercial vessel. The last digits refer to the specific trawling location. To find out how and to what degree the different trawling methods influence the benthic invertebrates, the trawl data is used in different statistical methods and views. 3.1 Functional groups 3.1.1 Based on species diversity In this study the functional group of motile predators and scavengers are absolutely dominant of the species found in the by-catch of invertebrates (Figure 2). The second most common functional group included in all the by-catch together was the sedentary suspension feeders followed by burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders. All the by-catches of the different trawl types in this study consisted predominantly of motile predators and scavengers (Figure 2). The fish and Nephrops trawling also generated second most of by-catches of sedentary suspension feeders followed by burrowing and dwelling deposit feeders. The by-catches of the shrimp trawling and the commercial fish trawling had the same composition although with another order, the burrowing and dwelling deposit feeders made up the second largest compound while the sedentary suspension feeders the third. The commercial fish trawl had a composition similar to the shrimp trawl although with less motile predators and scavengers and the burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders and sedentary suspension feeders were more common and in the commercial fish trawl there were another functional group of motile deposit feeders. Fish Nephrops Shrimp Functional groups included in the Nephrops trawl Functional groups included in the Fish trawl 68% Motile Predator/Scavenger 14% Sedentary Suspension feeder 12% Burrowing/dwelling Deposit feeder 67% Motile Predator/Scavenger 24% Sedentary Suspension feeder 4% Burrowing/dwelling Deposit feeder 3% Motile Deposit feeder 3% Burrowing/dwelling Suspension feeder 1% SedentaryPredator/Scavenger 3% Motile Deposit feeder 1% Burrowing/dwelling Suspension feeder 1% Motile Suspension feeder 1% Motile Suspension feeder Functional groups included in the Shrimp traw l 90% Motile Predator/Scavenger 8% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 3% Sedentary Suspension feeder 12 Functional groups included in the Fish traw l 67% Motile Predator/Scavenger 24% Sedentary Suspension feeder 4% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 3% Motile Deposit feeder 1% Burrow ing/dw elling Suspension feeder 1% Motile Suspension feeder Functional groups included in the Nephrops trawl 68% Motile Predator/Scavenger 14% Sedentary Suspension feeder 12% Burrowing/dwelling Deposit feeder 3% Motile Deposit feeder 3% Burrowing/dwelling Suspension feeder 1% SedentaryPredator/Scavenger 1% Motile Suspension feeder Functional groups included in the Shrim p traw l 90% Motile Predator/Scavenger 8% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 3% Sedentary Suspension feeder Figure 2. The functional groups of invertebrates most frequently caught as by-catch when trawling with the specified trawl types, with their relative order. From the left Fish trawl, Nephrops trawl and Shrimp trawl. The % levels were based on the species diversity. 13 3.1.2 Based on individual abundance When the individuals of invertebrates, per trawled area, in the by-catch were grouped in functional groups the motile predators and scavengers were absolutely dominant as when based on the species diversity (Figure 3). Also the second most common functional group included in the by-catch was the sedentary suspension feeders followed by burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders. The individual abundance grouped in functional groups gave the same result as for the same procedure for species diversity, with a few exceptions (Table 2). The third largest functional group being part of the by-catch in the fish trawls were the motile deposit feeders, this differed from the rest of the trawling types, where the burrowing, dwelling deposit feeders were a more common part in the by-catch. The shrimp trawling generated the same contribution of functional group in their by-catch as the Nephrops trawl. The motile predators and scavengers consisted of many species and individuals. The sedentary suspension feeders consisted of quite many species but with fewer individuals, while the burrowing and dwelling deposit feeders of fewer species with fewer individuals. Fish Nephrops Shrimp Functional groups in the Fish trawl (m2) Functional groups in the Nephrops trawl (m/2) Functional groups in the Shrimp trawl (/m2) 90% Motile Predator/Scavenger 7% Sedentary Suspension feeder 2% Motile Deposit feeder 1% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 85% Motile Predator/Scavenger 7% Sedentary Suspension feeder 5% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 2% Motile Deposit feeder 95% Motile Predator/Scavenger 3% Sedentary Suspension feeder 2% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder Functional groups in the Fish traw l (m 2) 90% Motile Predator/Scavenger 7% Sedentary Suspension feeder 2% Motile Deposit feeder 1% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder Functional groups in the Nephrops traw l (m /2) 85% Motile Predator/Scavenger 7% Sedentary Suspension feeder 5% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder 2% Motile Deposit feeder 14 Functional groups in the Shrim p traw l (/m 2) 95% Motile Predator/Scavenger 3% Sedentary Suspension feeder 2% Burrow ing/dw elling Deposit feeder Figure 3. The different functional groups and their contribution to the by-catch in all three trawling types. From the left Fish trawl, Nephrops trawl and Shrimp trawl. The % levels were based on the individual abundance per trawled area. 3.2 Abundance 3.2.1 Individual abundance per trawled area The Nephrops trawling efforts generated the highest average individual abundance of invertebrates in the by-catch per trawled area with a mean of 536,6/ 10 ha, followed by fish trawling efforts with a mean of 129,9/ 100 ha while the shrimp trawling efforts generated the lowest average individual abundance with a mean of 0,7/ 10 ha (Figure 3, Appendix). The dendrogram (Figure 4) and the MDS plot (Figure 5) indicates that the shrimp trawling was clearly separated from both the fish- and the Nephrops trawling regarding the individual abundance of non-commercial invertebrate by-catch per trawling area. The ANOSIM analysis (Table 2) presented the individual abundance in by-catches of different trawling types as significantly different. The pairwise testing (Table 2) showed that the largest difference between the by-catch of different trawl types was between shrimp- and Nephrops trawls, followed by shrimp and fish trawls, all being well separated. The difference between the fish and Nephrops trawl were clear but overlapping. All differences were significant. The SIMPER analysis (Table 3) resulted in fish trawling as having the highest average similarity in individual abundance of by-catch, followed by Nephrops trawling. Shrimp trawling efforts had the lowest similarity of individual abundance of by-catch within the group of trawl type. The fish trawling had additional species contributing to the similarity within the trawl group while the shrimp trawl had the fewest species contributing to their similarity. There was no significant correlation between individual abundance in the by-catch and the biomass of target catch (Table 4). The abundance of NCI individuals in the by-catch of fish trawling correlated to trawling depth, gave a significant but negative correlation (Table 5). Greater trawling depth results in lower individual abundance. The Nephrops- and shrimp trawl did not have a significant correlation between individual abundance and trawling depth. The correlation between abundance of individuals in the by-catch and the trawled area gave a significant but negative correlation when the fish trawl was used. Larger area did not automatically generate larger individual abundance. The correlation of Nephrops and shrimp trawling were not significant. Species most common in the NCI by-catch varied with trawling equipment, although two species were among the five most common species in two of the three trawl types; the swimming crabs Liocarcinus depurator and Liocarcinus holsatus (Figure 13, Appendix) 15 Figure 4. Dendrogram presenting the similarities between each individual trawling effort with their respective abundance of individuals in the by-catch per trawling area. The marked trawling efforts were very different from their respective group of trawl types. <5% <5% Figure 5. MDS plot visualizing the different trawling efforts and their similarities regarding individual abundance in the by-catch per trawled area. The shrimp trawling efforts were <5% similar to the other trawling efforts and trawling types. 16 Table 2. Results from the ANOSIM analysis presenting the differences, in individual abundance in the by-catch per trawled area, between trawl types and their levels of significance. * = significant result! Individual abundance / swept area (m2) Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawl ANOSIM Global R Significance level 0,692 0,1%* Statistic R Significance level 0,1%* 0,1%* 0,1%* Pairwise tests Shrimp / Nephrops Shrimp / Fish Fish / Nephrops 0,995 0,985 0,520 Table 3. SIMPER analysis on invertebrate species contributing the most to the differences, in composition of individual abundance per trawled area, between trawl types. * = significant result! Dissimilarities between the different trawl types Individual abundance / swept area (m2) Trawl types Average dissimilarity Shrimp / Nephrops 98,50% Shrimp / Fish 96,33% Fish / Nephrops 79,04% SIMPER Species contributing to the dissimilarity Liocarcinus depurator, L. holsatus, Brissopsis lyrifera, Asterias rubens Alloteuthis subulata, Asterias rubens, Astropecten irregularis, Loligo forbesi, Liocarcinus depurator, L. holsatus Brissopsis lyrifera, Liocarcinus depurator, L. holsatus Alloteuthis subulata, Asterias rubens, Loligo forbesi. % contribution 54,03% 53,69% 51,47% Table 4. The individual abundance of invertebrates in the by-catch / m2 correlated to the biomass of target catch / m2. Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Correlation: Individual abundance / Biomass of Target catch (m2) Spearman's rho Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N 0,164 0,314 -0,029 0,529 16 0,220 16 0,957 5 17 Table 5. The abundance of invertebrate individuals in the by-catch/ m2 correlated to the trawling depth. Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Spearman's rho Correlation: Individual abundance (m2) / Trawl depth Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N -0,615 -0,028 -0,205 0,011* 16 0,918 16 0,741 5 Table 6. The abundance of invertebrate individuals in the by-catch/ m2 correlated to the trawling area (m2). Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Spearman's rho Correlation: Individual abundance (m2) / Trawl area (m2) Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N -0,562 -0,177 -0,477 0,024* 16 0,512 16 0,450 5 3.2.2 Individual abundance, excluding the shrimp trawling, per trawled area (m2) The dendrogram (Figure 6) and the MDS plot (Figure 7) show a tendency of an existing difference between Nephrops and fish trawls. The ANOSIM analysis can be interpreted as the differences between fish and Nephrops trawling were clearly and significantly different, but overlapping (Table 7). Trawling stations that did not naturally cluster with its respective trawl gear was F15, F01, F05, N03 and N10 (Figure 6 and Figure 7). Figure 6. Dendrogram presenting the similarities between each individual trawling effort, excluded the shrimp trawling, with their respective abundance in invertebrate by-catch of individuals per area of trawling. 18 >20% Figure 7. MDS plot visualizing the different trawling efforts, excluded the shrimp trawling, and their similarities regarding the individual abundance invertebrates in the by-catch, per trawled area. The similarity between the Nephrops and fish trawling efforts were >20%. Table 7. ANOSIM analysis presenting the differences between fish- and Nephrops trawl regarding the individual abundance of invertebrates in the by-catch, per trawled area and the level of significance. * = significant result! Individual abundance / swept area (m2) Factor Fish- and Nephrops trawl ANOSIM Global R Significance level 0,507 0,1%* Table 8. SIMPER analysis presenting the most different trawling efforts based on the individual abundance of invertebrates in the by-catch per trawled area, their average dissimilarities and the species explaining these differences. Individual abundance / swept area (m2) Trawling effort Average dissimilarity F15 85,68% to all of the other trawling effort F01 & F05 67,05% to the other fish trawling efforts 81,22% to the other Nephrops trawling. N03 & N10 SIMPER Species contributing to the dissimilarity Crangon allmanii, Pasiphaea sivado, Pasiphaea multidentata. Alloteuthis subulata % contribution Brissopsis lyrifera 24, 89% 17,79% 21,66% 19 3.3 Biomass 3.3.1 Biomass per trawled area (m2) The Nephrops trawling efforts generated the highest biomass per trawled area from the bycatch of non-commercial invertebrates with a mean of 15,033 kg/10 ha, followed by the fish trawling efforts with a mean of 2,130 kg/10 ha (Figure 7, Appendix). The by-catch of shrimp trawling efforts had the lowest biomass of non-commercial invertebrates with a mean of 0,005 kg/10 ha (Figure 7, Appendix). The different trawl types were significantly different regarding the biomass of non-commercial invertebrates in the by-catch (Table 9). The cluster analysis (Figure 8) and the MDS-plot (Figure 9) indicate a clear difference between shrimp, Nephrops and fish trawls. According to the one-way ANOSIM test (Table 9) the trawl types that were most different was shrimp and Nephrops trawl, the two trawl types are very well separated. The fish and Nephrops trawl were least separated, they are overlapping but clearly different. The SIMPER analysis (Table 11) determined 8 species contributing to more than 50% of these differences. There was no significant correlation between the biomass of the by-catch and the biomass of target catch (Table 11). This indicates that the amount of target catch did not influence the amount of non-commercial invertebrate by-catch to a large extent. The correlation analysis of the fish trawling efforts generated biomasses of by-catch and target catch had the strongest correlation although not strong, followed by the shrimp trawling (Table 11), which had a negative correlation. The Nephrops trawling had the lowest correlation, but none of the trawling types had a significant correlation between biomasses of by-catch and target catch (Table 11). The biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch had a negative correlation with the depth of trawling (Table 12). Greater depth of trawling resulted in lower NCI biomass. There was also a negative correlation, although not significant, between the biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch and the trawled area (Table 13). The larger area being trawled the less biomass of invertebrate by-catch. The Nephrops trawl generated the highest proportion of by-catch biomass compared to target catch (Table 14), where the target catch was fish and commercial invertebrates, including all the size classes not only the marketable ones. The fish trawl generated the second largest proportion of by-catch biomass compared to target catch and the target catch was equal to the Nephrops. (This means that the Nephrops and fish trawls actually generated an even greater by-catch of invertebrates, than shown in this study.) The shrimp trawl generated the lowest proportion of by-catch biomass compared to target catch and their target catch was mainly shrimps, other commercial Crustaceans and fish, of marketable size and quality (Figure 2, Appendix). Species dominating the biomass of NCI by-catch varied with trawling equipment, although two species were among the five species contributing mostly to the biomass in two of the three trawl types; the swimming crabs Liocarcinus depurator and Liocarcinus holsatus (Figure 14, Appendix). 20 Figure 8. Dendrogram presenting the similarities between each individual trawling effort with their respective by-catch biomass per area of trawling. <5% <5% Figure 9. MDS plot visualizing the different trawling efforts and their similarities regarding the biomass of by-catch per trawled area. The shrimp trawling efforts were only <5% similar to the other trawling efforts and trawling types. 21 Table 9. Results from the ANOSIM analysis presenting the differences between trawl types and their levels of significance regarding the biomass of by-catch per trawled area. * = significant result! Biomass / swept area (m2) ANOSIM Factor Global R Fish-, Nephropsand Shrimp trawl 0,714 Significance level 0,1%* Pairwise tests Statistic R Shrimp / Nephrops Shrimp / Fish Fish / Nephrops 0,999 Significance level 0,1%* 0,993 0,546 0,1%* 0,1%* Table 10. SIMPER analysis on invertebrate species contributing the most to the difference in the biomass of by-catch per trawled area between trawl types. * = significant result! Biomass / swept area (m2) Trawl type Shrimp / Nephrops Average dissimilarity 99,16% Shrimp / Fish 97,21% Fish / Nephrops 81,82% SIMPER Species contributing to the dissimilarity Brissopsis lyrifera, Liocarcinus depurator, Asterias rubens, Pagurus bernhardus. Loligo forbesi, Asterias rubens, Liocarcinus depurator, L. holsatus, Alloteuthis subulata, Alcyonium digitatum. Brissopsis lyrifera, Liocarcinus depurator, L. holsatus Loligo forbesi, Asterias rubens, Pagurus bernhardus % contribution 52, 96% 50, 25% 52, 03% Table 11. The biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch / trawled area m2 correlated to the biomass of target catch/ trawled area m2. Fish-, Nephrops- and shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Correlation: Biomass of by-catch (m2) / Biomass of target catch (m2) Spearman's rho Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N 0,412 0,229 -0,400 0,113 16 0,393 16 0,505 5 22 Table 12. The biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch / trawled area m2 correlated to the trawling depth. Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Spearman's rho Correlation: Biomass of by-catch (m2) / Trawl depth Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N -0,531 -0,074 -0,205 0,034* 16 0,787 16 0,741 5 Table 13. The biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch / trawled area m2 correlated to the trawled area. * = significant result! Correlation: Biomass of by-catch (m2) / trawled area (m2) Spearman's rho Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N -0,476 -0,270 -0,447 0,062 16 0,312 16 0,450 5 Table 14. The different trawl types and the proportion of non-commercial invertebrate by- catch biomass compared to the biomass of target catch. By-catch biomass/ target catch biomass Trawl type Nephrops trawl Fish trawl Shrimp trawl % by-catch biomass/ target catch biomass 47,69% 2,24% 0,05% 3.3.2 Phyla contributing to the biomass per trawled area (m2) The biomass of invertebrate by-catch consisted of mainly three most dominating phyla, Echinodermata, Arthropoda and Mollusca. These were to more than 95% responsible for the total invertebrate by-catch in all the trawling efforts, regardless which trawl type was being used. Depending on which of the trawl types were used during this study, there were obvious differences in which phyla were the dominating ones in the NCI by-catch. Echinodermata made up almost 50% of this total by-catch. The order of most dominating phyla varied according to trawl type. The by-catch of Nephrops trawling had the same order as for the total biomass of all trawling efforts and these three phyla presented almost 98% of the by-catch biomass (Figure 10). In the fish and shrimp trawls the Echinodermata were only the third most common phyla in the by-catch. The by-catch of the fish trawling consisted predominantly of the phylum Mollusca, followed by the phyla Arthropoda and together with Echinodermata they were responsible for over 90% of the by-catch biomass (Figure 10). In the shrimp trawling by-catch Arthropoda were more common than Mollusca, these two phyla and Echinodermata made up slightly over 96% of the by-catch biomass (Figure 10). 23 Fish Nephrops Mol 71% Art 14% Ech 8% Cni 6% Shrimp Phyla of by-catch (biomass) / m2 -Shrimp trawl Phyla of by-catch (biomass) / m2 -Nephrops trawl Phyla of by-catch (biomass) / m2 -Fish trawl Ech 56% Ann 1% Art 39% Mol 3% Por 1% Cni 1% Art 73% Mol 15% Ech 8% Cni 4% Phyla of by-catch (biom ass) / m 2 -Fish traw l Mol 71% Art 14% Ech 8% Cni 6% Ann 1% Phyla of by-catch (biom ass) / m 2 -Nephrops traw l Ech 56% Art 39% Mol 3% Por 1% Cni 1% Phyla of by-catch (biom ass) / m 2 -Shrim p traw l Art 73% Mol 15% Ech 8% Cni 4% Figure 10. The phyla responsible for the highest biomass in the invertebrate by-catch. From the right Fish trawl, Nephrops trawl and Shrimp trawl. 24 3.3.3 Biomass per trawled area (m2), excluded shrimp trawling There seemed to be a clear difference between Nephrops and fish trawling, with one exception of a fish trawling event, F01 (Figure 11 & 12). The ANOSIM analysis (Table 15) tells that these different trawl types were significantly and clearly different but overlapping. The species diversity was low (H´= 0,925) and the evenness was medium (J´= 0,516). The trawling station was situated in the inner parts of Skagerrak, at low depth and with a small total target catch. There was no significant correlation between trawling depth and biomass of non-commercial invertebrate by-catch, when the shrimp trawling were excluded. Figure 11. Dendrogram presenting the similarities between each individual trawling effort, excluded the shrimp trawling, with their respective by-catch biomass per area of trawling. <20% Figure 12. MDS plot visualizing the different trawling efforts and their similarities regarding the biomass of by-catch per trawled area, excluded shrimp trawling. The Nephrops and shrimp trawling efforts were <20% similar to each other. 25 Table 15. ANOSIM analysis presenting the difference between fish and Nephrops trawl and the level of significance regarding biomass of invertebrate by-catch. * = significant result! Biomass / swept area (m2) Factor Fish-, Nephrops trawl ANOSIM Global R Significance level 0, 54 0,1%* Table 16. SIMPER analysis presenting the most different trawling effort, as biomass of invertebrate by-catch, its average dissimilarities and the species explaining this difference. Biomass / swept area (m2) SIMPER Trawling effort Average dissimilarity F01 79,44% from the rest of the F 3.4 Species contributing to the dissimilarity Liocarcinus depurator % contribution 23,74% Diversity 3.4.1 Species diversity of the by-catch A species diversity of almost 100 different species (Table 4, Appendix) was found altogether in the by-catches during this study. The number of different species varied from 4 to 24 per trawling event. The three trawling efforts that generated the highest diversity (e.g. number of taxa) of 20 or more different species in the by-catch, were all using the fish trawl. These were F02, F07 and F16 and these catches were fished at the greatest depths among the fish trawling events. The fewest species occurred at one shrimp and one Nephrops trawling event; S05 and N08, and their by-catches consisted of only 4 different species. The most common species in the by-catches during this study were Liocarcinus holsatus, Liocarcinus depurator, Pagurus bernhardus, Brissopsis lyrifera and Asterias rubens which all occurred in more than 20 of the total 39 trawling occasions. 3.4.2 Species diversity per trawling type The fish trawling events, both the non commercial and the commercial ones, generated the most diverse by-catches, as mean per trawling, followed by Nephrops trawling (Figure 13). The shrimp trawl received the lowest diversity of species in the by-catch of non-commercial invertebrates, as mean per trawling event. The NCI species diversity of each trawling effort can be viewed in figure 5, Appendix. 26 Species diversity/ trawling type 30% 33% CF F N S 15% Species diversity per trawling type Trawl type Commercial fish trawl (CF) Fish trawl (F) Nephrops trawl (N) Shrimp trawl (S) 22% Mean no. species 17 15 11 8 Figure 13. A chart presenting the comparison of mean number of species-species diversity per trawl type. According to the dendrogram (Figure 14) the shrimp trawling seemed most different from the rest, together with one single fish trawling event (Figure 14 & 15), F15, taking place at the greatest depth of the fish hauls and having the lowest amount of total catch of the fish trawling. The ANOSIM analysis (Table 17) shows the different trawl types to be significantly separated from each other. The species diversity between the different trawl types was overlapping but clearly different. There are differences between fish and Nephrops trawl, but they are not clearly separated. The SIMPER analysis (Table 18) presented the commercial fish trawling events as having the highest average similarity, this group was most similar in respect to species diversity of all included in this survey, but was also represented by the fewest replicates, only two. With the shrimp trawl fewer species were responsible for more than 50% of the similarity within the trawl group. The trawling types with the highest dissimilarities between trawl types were Nephrops and shrimp trawls. The groups with the lowest dissimilarity were fish and Nephrops trawling. F15 dissimilarity from the rest of the fish and Nephrops trawl, was consistent with the results from the individual abundance. Correlation analyses were made to see if the depth correlated with species diversity and if the trawling area related to species diversity. But there were no significant correlation in either case. Although a significant and positive correlation existed, only in the shrimp trawling efforts, between species diversity and the biomass of target catch/m2, Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient 0,975 a significance level of 0,005. 27 Figure 14. Dendrogram presenting the similarities between each individual trawling effort with their respective species diversity. ~20% Figure 15. MDS plot visualizing the different trawling efforts and their similarities regarding species diversity. The shrimp trawling efforts were ~20% similar to the other trawling efforts and trawling types. 28 Table 17. Results from the ANOSIM analysis presenting the differences between trawl types and their levels of significance regarding species diversity. * = significant result! Species diversity / trawl station ANOSIM Global R 0,549 Fish-, Nephropsand Shrimp trawl Significance level 0,1%* Pairwise tests Shrimp / Fish Shrimp / Nephrops Shrimp / Comm. Fish Fish / Comm. Fish Nephrops / Comm. Fish Fish / Nephrops Statistic R 0,970 0,951 Significance level 0,1%* 0,1%* 0,836 0,789 4, 8%* 0,7%* 0,463 0,254 0,7%* 0,1%* Table 18. SIMPER analysis on invertebrate species contributing the most to the difference in species diversity per trawled area between trawl types. Species diversity / trawl station Trawl type SIMPER Average dissimilarity Shrimp / Nephrops 91,75% Species contributing to the dissimilarity Liocarcinus depurator, Pagurus bernhardus, Pasiphaea tarda, P. sivado, Brissopsis lyrifera % contribution 22,63% Shrimp / Comm. Fish 91,13% 22,84% Shrimp / Fish 88,21% Fish / Comm. Fish 77,94% Nephrops / Comm. Fish Fish / Nephrops 74,08% Psilaster andromeda, Neptunea antiqua, Ophiuroidea sp., Pagurus bernhardus, Parastichopus tremulus Liocarcinus depurator, Asterias rubens, Astropecten irregularis, Alloteuthis subulata, Pasiphaea tarda Liocarcinus holsatus, Parastichopus tremulus, Liocarcinus sp., Lithodes maja, Asteronyx loveni Ophiuroidea sp., Munida sp., Liocarcinus sp., Asteronyx loveni, Spatangus purpureus Alcyonium digitatum, Loligo forbesi, Astropecten irregularis, Alloteuthis subulata, Marthasterias glacialis, Brissopsis lyrifera F15 65,39% 71,62% from the other F & N trawling Spirontocaris lilljeborgii, Pandalus propinquus, Pasiphaea multidentata, P. sivado, Euphasia sp., Crangon allmanni 21,09% 20,97% 24,25% 20,26% 28, 47% 29 3.5 Red Listed species Threatened non-commercial invertebrate species included in the by-catch of this study was 11 different species; 7 Crustacean species, 3 Echinoderm species and 1 species of Cnidaria (Table 19). Most of these are considered to be deep living organisms and a significant and positive correlation, between depth and number of red listed species existed (Table 20). Greater trawl depth generated more red listed species. Most taxa and number of individual specimen were in this study found in a depth range of 200-300 meters (Figure 16). Both the two commercial fish trawling efforts generated by-catches of the most diverse composition of red listed species, included were also a large number of specimen and three of these red listed species occurred in both the trawling events (Table 1, Appendix). As for the shrimp and Nephrops trawling (S05) and (N16) caught three different red listed species, while two of the Nephrops trawling fewer species but several specimens (Table 1, Appendix). A positive and significant correlation existed between number of red listed species and depth of trawling when fishing was done with the fish trawl (Table 20), when the depth increased so did the number of red listed invertebrates. There was a significant correlation between number of red listed species included in the by-catch and the trawled area (m2) when fishing with the fish trawl (Table 21), when the trawling area increased so did the number of red listed species in the NCI by-catch. No significant correlation existed between number of red listed species in the by-catch and biomass of target catch (Table 22). Table 19. The red listed species included in the by-catch, the phylum they belong to and their red listed category, during this study. Species Phylum Red listed category VU Funiculina quadrangularis Cnidaria EN Asteronyx loveni Echinodermata NT Psilaster andromeda Echinodermata VU Spatangus raschi Echinodermata DD Calocarides coronatus Arthropoda NT Hyas coarctatus Arthropoda DD Munida rugosa Arthropoda DD Munida sarsi Arthropoda DD Munida tenuimana Arthropoda DD Geryon trispinosus Arthropoda DD Pontophilus norvegicus Arthropoda 30 Species/ depth range no. specimen 75 60 45 30 15 0 0-50m 50-100m 100200m 200300m depth 300400m F.quadrangularis C.coronatus H.coarctatus M.rugosa M.sarsi M.tenuimana G.trispinosus P.norvegicus A.loveni P.andromeda S.raschi Figure 16. Chart presenting the red listed species distribution in different depth intervals. Table 20. The number of red listed species in the by-catch / trawled area (m2) correlated to the trawling depth. Fish-, Nephrops- and Shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Correlation: No. red listed / Trawl depth Spearman's rho Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N 0,790 0,265 -0,574 0,0001* 16 0,322 16 0,312 5 Table 21. The number of red listed species in the by-catch / trawled area (m2) correlated to the trawled area (m2). * = significant result! Correlation: No. red listed / trawled area (m2) Spearman's rho Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N 0,766 0,324 -0,500 0,001* 16 0,221 16 0,391 5 Table 22. The number of red listed species in the by-catch / trawled area (m2) correlated to the biomass of target catch/ trawled area (m2). Fish-, Nephrops- and shrimp trawling. * = significant result! Spearman's rho Correlation: No. red listed / Biomass of target catch (m2) Trawl types: Fish trawl Nephrops trawl Shrimp trawl Correlation Coefficient Sig. (2-tailed) N -0,140 0,345 -0,447 0,604 16 0,191 16 0,450 5 31 4 4.1 Discussion Functional groups The composition of the by-catch could act as an indicator of the status of the area being trawled, the degree of disturbance and exposure to trawling frequencies. In this study the functional group of motile predators and scavengers are absolutely dominant, they represented almost 70% of the species found in the by-catch of NCI. The second most common functional group included in the by-catch was the sedentary suspension feeders followed by burrowing, sediment dwelling deposit feeders. Since the by-catches mainly consisted of mobile predators or scavengers, this could indicate that the trawled areas have been frequently fished prior to these trawling efforts (Hopkins, 2003). Although where large erect and sessile suspension feeders were a considerable large part of the by-catch this could indicate that that specific area has not prior been exposed to frequent heavy fishing pressure, since they are in trawling aspects the most vulnerable organisms. They can not escape and are large and erect enough to be caught in the trawl. Therefore they are the ones that ought to be affected firstly followed by burrowing suspension or deposit feeders. The mobile predators and scavengers can temporarily benefit from these when being returned as discard. The different trawl types had NCI by-catches of different composition of functional groups. The fish trawling efforts generated larger proportion of sedentary suspension feeders than the Nephrops and shrimp trawling did. This could be due to the trawling areas prior less subjected to intensive trawling. The Nephrops trawl caught burrowing and dwelling deposit feeders to a larger extent than the fish trawling did, which was not a surprising result since the Nephrops trawls has the closest contact with the bottom substrata and are therefore able to catch also infauna to a large extent. Deposit feeders tends to predominate in muddy sediments, the habitat of Nephrops norvegicus, as more detritus settle in areas of low turbulence (Castro & Huber, 2005), which could be an explanation of the deposit feeders being more common in the by-catches of the Nephrops trawling than the other trawling types. The NCI by-catch of the shrimp trawls had the highest percentage of motile predators and scavengers. These trawls received a by-catch of NCI of a low species diversity and individual abundance with a lower biomass and as these trawls has the least contact with the sea floor, this was an expected result. The area of fishing is also a well known and frequently used fishing ground. 4.2 Abundance In this study the tree different trawl types generated significantly different abundance of individual invertebrate organisms per trawled m2. The Nephrops trawl had the highest abundance of individual invertebrates in their by-catch, the fish trawl gained the second highest abundance while the shrimp trawling the lowest abundance of individual invertebrates (Figure 3, Appendix). This result is what could have been expected since the shrimp trawl is the trawl type most distant from the sea floor and the depth of trawling was the greatest on average of all the three trawling types. This could indicate that the mesh size has less importance than the distance from the sea bed, but this needs to be further evaluated since the areas of trawling were geographically separated. The Nephrops trawling occur in similar biotopes and since these nets have a close contact with the bottom substrata this also facilitates for more species and individuals, also burrowing infauna to be caught in these trawls. The by-catch of shrimp trawling lacked specimen of Liocarcinus depurator, Alloteuthis subulata, Loligo forbesi, Astropecten irregularis, Asterias rubens and only one Brissopsis lyrifera at one trawling effort. Most of this absence was probably due to the great depth of trawling, many of these species has a shallower habitat reference and for some the trawl depth 32 lay in their upper limit of depth distribution. The Nephrops trawl caught a few cephalopods of the species Alloteuthis subulata and Loligo forbesi, possibly due to these trawling efforts taking place at lower depths in general and at lower water temperature possibly inducing seasonal migration. The trawl station F15 was dissimilar to the other fish and Nephrops trawling (Figure 6). This was mostly explained by Alloteuthis subulata, a ten-armed Cephalopoda, being missing in the by-catch at this trawling station while Crustaceans such as Crangon allmanii, Pasiphaea sivado and Pasiphaea multidentata were an important part of the individual abundance of invertebrate by-catch (Table 8), but not in the other fish trawling efforts. The individual abundance was low in the by-catch of this trawling effort F15 which could be expected as the depth of trawling was the deepest among the fish and also Nephrops trawling events. This trawling also generated the lowest amount of target catch among the fish trawling efforts and this station is situated in an area frequently trawled. Two of the fish trawling efforts, F01 and F05, which occurs within the groupings of Nephrops trawl was dissimilar from the other fish trawling efforts. This difference was due to a large by-catch of NCI comparable with those of the Nephrops trawling, these two trawling also caught a large number of Alloteuthis subulata. The trawling station F01 had the highest individual abundance of the all the fish trawling efforts during this study (Figure 5, Appendix). This station was situated, in rather shallow waters where the access to important nutrient is superior to deeper waters, close to the border of Skagerrak and Kattegat, where two large currents meet, the surface current from the Baltic Sea and the Jutland deep sea current. The biomass of target catch was low and the species diversity was the lowest among the fish trawling events, which could indicate that the community in the area consisted of few species but with high individual abundance. Since the species diversity is generally lower in less saline water, this is as could be expected. The two Nephrops trawling N03 and N10 was separated from the rest of the Nephrops trawling efforts. This difference was mostly explained by the sea urchin Brissopsis lyrifera being present in the NCI by-catch in very large numbers (Table 8). The Nephrops trawl in general caught a lot of Brissopsis lyrifera while the fish trawl caught a lot of Alloteuthis subulata (Figure 13, Appendix). The high individual occurrence of Alloteuthis subulata in the fish trawling by-catch, while much less frequent in the by-catches of the other trawl types, could be a consequence of the finer mesh size of the fish trawl and the coarser mesh size of the other trawl types facilitating escape from the cod-end, since most of the specimen caught were of a rather small body size. Brissopsis lyrifera was only presented by one specimen in all of the shrimp trawling efforts, this was probably due to the shrimp trawls higher placement over the bottom substrata and it could possibly also be explained by the deeper depth of trawling, since Brissopsis lyrifera is a sub-surface deposit feeder and lives within the depth interval of 5 to 365 meters, according to Budd, 2004. There was no significant correlation between individual abundance in the by-catch and the biomass of the target catch per trawled area. This was not expected since one could expect that a successful catch with a large biomass of target catch would automatically facilitate for a higher individual abundance of by-catch and probably smaller organisms. Since these could be squeezed in between the large amount of target catch without a possibility of escape through the cod-end. While a less successful catch could be thought of as generating a bycatch of fewer but larger specimen in the by-catch. There was a negative correlation between individual abundance of invertebrates in the bycatch and the depth of trawling, with an increasing depth the number of individuals decreased in this study. This could be expected since deeper habitats usually offer more harsh conditions. Depth of between 200 to 500 meters offers similar conditions and therefore their might be little or hardly no differences in species composition within these habitats. The food sources are limiting, not the habitats, so less competition occurs than in more shallow areas. There were almost no correlation when the fishing was executed from the Nephrops trawl, 33 this was probably caused by the fact that these trawling efforts occurred at lower depths with a maximum depth of 170 meters. A correlation existed between abundance and the swept area, with an increasing area being trawled the abundance decreased. The area being swept by the shrimp trawl was at an average 17 times larger than the swept area by the fish trawl and 67 times larger than the trawled area at the Nephrops trawling efforts. This larger area was due to 10 to 14 times longer trawling duration and also the fact that two identical trawls were used simultaneously at each shrimp trawling effort. Shrimp and Fish trawling occurred during this study in the outer parts of Skagerrak (closer geographically), while the Nephrops trawling events took place in the inner parts and also in Kattegat and the shrimp and fish trawling efforts occurred at an earlier date of the autumn. These circumstances might influence the result. 4.3 Biomass All the trawl types were significantly different when taking the biomass of NCI by-catch into account. The Nephrops trawling generated the highest proportion of NCI by-catch biomass per m2 compared to biomass of target catch per m2, while the fish trawling the second highest and shrimp trawling the lowest (Figure 2, Appendix). As for the shrimp trawling this is what would be expected as it occurs at a deeper depth and more distant from the sea floor. The shrimp trawling had a more limited target catch, since it included solely marketable catch. These shrimp trawling also had less species and individuals in the NCI by-catch which makes this lower biomass of by-catch an expected result. The large differences between shrimp and Nephrops trawl could be explained by Brissopsis lyrifera only caught once in the shrimp trawling events and that Liocarcinus depurator as well as both Asterias rubens and Pagurus bernhardus did not appear at all in these shrimp trawling events (probably due to the greater depth in shrimp trawling). Both Liocarcinus depurator and Brissopsis lyrifera were found in the by-catch of all but three Nephrops trawling efforts. The proportion of NCI biomass of bycatch would actually be even greater in the trawling efforts performed by the fish and Nephrops trawl if the target catch would have included only marketable catch, as in the case with the shrimp trawling efforts. The Nephrops trawling had clearly the largest biomass of NCI by-catch per m2 compared to the biomass of target catch per m2, approximately 50%. This part would actually be even larger, as with the fish trawling induced by-catch, if the target catch would have consisted of only marketable fish and invertebrates. The high level of invertebrate by-catch in Nephrops trawling is consistent with Bergmann et al, 2002 and Bergmann et al 2001, where the invertebrates accounted for up to 90% of the discard in the Clyde Sea Nephrops fishery. The fish had less proportion of NCI by-catch almost 2,25% while the shrimp trawl had the lowest proportion of NCI by-catch, 0,05%. This is probably due to the greater depth of trawling and the larger distance from the trawl to the bottom substrata. The biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch had a negative correlation with the depth of trawling. The greater depth of trawling the less biomass of invertebrate by-catch and this is what could be expected since the individual abundance also decreased with depth. Since there was a significant and negative correlation between biomass of invertebrates and the area being trawled this meant that when the trawling area increased, the biomass of invertebrates in the by-catch decreased. This was consistent with the correlation result for individual abundance as would be expected. Depending on which trawl type was being used the by-catch composition of phyla varied. The phyla responsible for the highest percentage of the non-commercial invertebrate by-catch biomass were Echinodermata, followed by Arthropoda and Mollusca, when taking all the different trawling effort into account. The by-catch of the Nephrops trawl had the same composition (Figure 14, Appendix). These major groups were consistent with the composition of invertebrate discard in the Nephrops fisheries in the Clyde Sea (Bergmann et al, 2002 and 34 Bergmann et al 2001). In the fish trawl the invertebrate by-catch consisted mainly of Mollusca, followed by Arthropoda and Echinodermata and these had an uneven spread as Mollusca were highly dominant (Figure 14, Appendix). In the shrimp trawl by-catch Arthropoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata were a major part and the Arthropoda were highly dominant, while the rest contributed less (Figure 14, Appendix). The ranking order of the phyla most responsible for the by-catch biomass varied between trawl types which could be due to different mesh sizes, different geographical distribution of trawling, different depths of trawling. The trawling station F01 was grouped together with the Nephrops trawling, as it was when analysing the individual abundance. In this trawl the swimming crab Liocarcinus depurator dominated the biomass and they appeared in a large number of individuals (Table 16). Species not part in this by-catch were Brissopsis lyrifera, Asterias rubens, Alcyonium digitatum and Pagurus bernhardus. The trawling station was situated in the inner parts of Skagerrak close to Kattegat where the Baltic surface current meets the Jutland deep sea current, at low depth and with a small total target catch and with a low species diversity of NCI in the by-catch. Shrimp and fish trawling occurred during this study in the outer parts of Skagerrak (closer geographically), while the Nephrops trawling events took place in the inner parts and also in Kattegat and the shrimp and fish trawling efforts occurred at an earlier date of the autumn. These circumstances might influence the result. 4.4 Diversity The total species diversity of invertebrates of all the trawling efforts in total in this study included almost 100 different taxa (Table 4, Appendix). The species most often included in the by-catches in this study was four species of predators and scavengers and one deposit feeding burrowing species. Predator and scavenger species are thought to be benefited by intensive trawling so this could be interpreted as being consistent with studies performed by Demestre et al, 2000, Hopkins, 2003, Ocean Studies Board, 2002. The fish trawling events, both the non commercial and the commercial, generated the most diverse by-catches while the shrimp trawling occasions gained the least diverse NCI bycatches. This could indicate that the fish trawling reflects the benthic community more accurately than the other trawl types do. Consistent with the former results the shrimp trawling generated the least diverse NCI by-catch. The shrimp trawling were conducted at greater depths which could be of importance to the species composition and the depths of trawling were more homogenous with a similar species composition. The shrimp trawling occurred most distant from the sea floor of all the trawl types included in this study which makes it possible for a large amount of invertebrates to escape the trawl as it passes above them and invertebrates normal escape behaviour is to flee down towards or stay as close to the bottom as possible. Another reason for the shrimp trawling receiving less diverse by-catch could be due to the selection panel in front of the cod end on the dorsal side, which facilitates an upward escape of organisms, but since invertebrates normally has a downward escape behaviour this should not influence the amount and diversity of invertebrate by-catch. Depth did not seem to affect the species diversity in this study, nor did the size of the area being swept by the trawl, as there was no significant correlation between the variables. The species most often included in the by-catches in this study were Liocarcinus holsatus, Liocarcinus depurator, Pagurus bernhardus, Brissopsis lyrifera and Asterias rubens (Figure 10, Appendix) which all occurred in more than 20 of the total 39 trawling occasions. Catches in numbers and biomass were usually dominated by only two to four species per location as in the study performed by Lindeboom & de Groot, 1998. The species compositions in the bycatch are consistent or similar with the discarded invertebrate species in the Clyde Sea Nephrops trawling industry (Bergmann et al, 2001, Bergmann et al 2002) and also with those 35 of studies performed by Bradshaw et al (1999) and Lindeboom & de Groot (1998). Groenewold et al (2000) found Liocarcinus holsatus, Pagurus bernhardus, Asterias rubens among the main active scavengers of different kinds of food sources. The scavenging fauna of the southern North Sea are dominated by a few abundant and opportunistic species, such as swimming crabs, hermit crabs, starfish, ophiuroids and shrimp and locally also whelks and edible crabs (Lindeboom & de Groot, 1998), these could be the dominant ones in Skagerrak too, since those species were often caught in the trawls during this study. Liocarcinus holsatus and depurator, both swimming crabs, are fast-growing highly mobile species, reaching an early maternity (Lindeboom & de Groot, 1998) and they are able to reproduce several times a year (Wear, 1974) which should make recovery from disturbance of fishing effort high (Hill, 2007). The hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus is a scavenger found on most substratum, from soft sediment and muddy sand to hard rocky outcrop and also up in the shallow sea grass beds and in the algal zone. They are most common between 0–50 meters but can be found down to 500 meters depth. Brissopsis lyrifera has a fragile test that is likely to be damaged by an abrasive force, such as movement of trawling gear. Although populations of Brissopsis lyrifera are likely to recover from effects of physical disturbance, such as fishing impacts, rapidly as the species is fecund and recruits annually with pelagic larvae which enables for a wide distribution and together with their fast growing and short life history they are suited for a variable environment (Budd, 2004). Asterias rubens is likely to be damaged by physical abrasion, especially removal of arms or damage to superficial tissue. However, they are quite resilient and probably suffer low mortality because of their regenerative abilities following autotomy of arms. Recoverability of Asterias rubens is also likely to be high as it is widespread, fecund with an annually reproduction of long living pelagic larvae having a high dispersal potential and are able to settle upon a variety of benthic substrata (Clark & Downey, 1992). Fishing activities increase the input of carrion to benthic communities (Ramsay et al, 2000). Asterias rubens is an opportunistic scavenger that has been shown to gain extra food by foraging in fished areas upon damaged and displaced organisms (Ramsay et al, 1998) and also feeds on fisheries discards (Lindeboom & de Groot 1998 and Ramsay et al, 1997). Overall taking account of the importance of discards as a source of food and the resilience of Asterias rubens to physical impact, fishing activity may favour populations of Asterias rubens. The species is an important food source for other star fish, demersal fish, crustaceans and sea birds (Budd, 2007). The species most frequently part of the by-catch in this study were opportunistic species with planktonic larvae which enables a wide distribution, high productivity and they could be favoured by discard from the fishing industry as an additional food source. Most of them have a maturity age of only 1 year and all but the Brissopsis lyrifera are predator or scavengers. Predicted by disturbance paradigm it is a likely favourable situation for more opportunistic recolonizers being short-lived, highly motile or dispersing species with high reproduction rates which will recover from disturbance faster than long-lived, sessile, lowdispersing species will (Collie et al, 2000, Hansson et al, 2000, Kaiser & Spencer, 1994, Pickett & White, 1995). This could be supported by the species most common in the bycatches during this study. The species that were most often included in the by-catch of invertebrates were all rather large epifauna, except for Brissopsis lyrifera which is large but an infaunal species. Smaller bodied organisms were not a common part of the by-catch which could be explained by the fact that they are more likely to escape through the meshes of the trawl or that they could be displaced by pressure waves that form in front of fishing gear as they move through the water, as showed by Gilkingson et al, 1998. The trawl station F15 was dissimilar to the other fish and Nephrops trawling, as it was when taking the individual abundance into account. This could be explained by a large number of Crustaceans included in the invertebrate by-catch of F15 while Pagurus bernhardus, 36 Astropecten irregularis, Alloteuthis subulata, Alcyonium digitatum, Aphrodita aculeata and Neptunea antique was not, this in contrary with the other fish and Nephrops trawling there they always were part of the by-catch. This fish trawling effort also generated the lowest amount of target catch among the fish trawling events. The low diversity of species could be explained by the greater depth of approximately 230 meter, making this trawling event the deepest trawling among the fish and Nephrops trawling events. According to the correlation analysis this is what could be expected. The station is also situated in a frequently trawled area. In the Gullmarfjord the by-catches included large amounts of Echinoderms which is consistent with the research of effects of shrimp trawling in the Gullmarfjord done by Hansson et al 2000, showing a significant trend of decreasing number of echinoderms after trawling. This study was conducted only during one season and the species diversity might shift over the seasons, making a future study on a temporal as well as spatial scale important. Some of the trawling efforts could have gained a different abundance, species diversity or biomass per swept area which could be explained by “unsuccessful” trawling event due to poor contact with bottom substrata, wrong angle of towing gear, poor fishing ground due to over fishing or poor habitat or just according to the high depth of trawling. Shrimp and Fish trawling occurred during this study in the outer parts of Skagerrak (closer geographically), while the Nephrops trawling events took place in the inner parts and also in Kattegat and the shrimp and fish trawling efforts occurred at an earlier date of the autumn. These circumstances might influence the result. 4.5 Red listed species In the total NCI by-catch there was a total of 11 red listed species (Table 2, Appendix), of these, 7 belonged to Crustacea, 3 to Echinodermata and 1 to Cnidaria, most of these were caught at a depth ranging from 200 to 300 meters. Both the two commercial fish trawling efforts generated by-catches of the most diverse composition of red listed species, included were also a large number of specimen. The areas being trawled were probably not prior subject to intensive demersal trawling, especially since the by-catch included Funiculina quadrangularis which is a sessile erect and large sized species, most likely to be caught in the trawl net. Asteronyx loveni, an often associated species, was also included. There were more specimen of Psilaster andromeda being caught in the trawls, but many of them got stuck on top of or in the net and did not enter the sorting table, which made it impossible to be able to quantify them correctly as they were wound together with the trawl around the net drum when hauling. The species on the red list were Funiculina quadrangularis, Calocarides coronatus, Hyas coarctatus, Munida rugosa, Munida sarsi, Munida tenuimana, Geryon trispinosus, Pontophilus norvegicus, Asteronyx loveni, Psilaster andromeda and Spatangus raschi. Funiculina quadrangularis belongs to Cnidaria and is classified as vulnerable (VU) and since it settles on soft sediment, has a large erect size and a slow growth rate it is considered to be seriously threatened by intensive demersal trawling. Asteronyx loveni an Echinodermata is categorised as endangered (EN) since it is closely associated with the former species F. quadrangularis. Psilaster andromeda is classified as nearby threatened (NT), but close to be regarded as vulnerable (VU), as they have diminished probably due to demersal trawling. Spatangus raschi another Echinodermata is only found at few locations and is regarded as vulnerable (VU), probably negatively effected by demersal trawling. A large quantity of specimen were part of the by-catch at Torgestad in the Gullmarfjord and several in the trawling in the Kosterfjord. The data is considered deficient (DD) regarding the burrowing crustacean Calocarides coronatus which means it could be negatively effected by demersal trawling. The Crustacean Hyas coarctatus is according to the red list nearby threatened (NT) 37 since it has been heavily reduced, especially in shallow areas near the coastline, instead of demersal trawling, eutrophication is thought of as being the reason for their decline. Munida rugosa, Munida sarsi, Munida tenuimana and Geryon trispinosus could probably be negatively effected by demersal trawling and the data is said to be deficient (DD). Another crustacean were the data is deficient (DD) is Pontophilus norvegicus, which also probably is negatively affected by demersal trawling (ArtDatabanken, 2007). 4.6 Trawling damages on invertebrates Demersal trawls will affect the fauna of a given location to some degree, but the magnitude and duration of the effect depends on several factors, including gear configuration, towing speed, water depth, and the substrate over which the towing occurs (Auster & Langton, 1999). Physical disturbances from otter trawls on muddy sediment could lead to community changes in the benthos. These changes include reduction in diversity, biomass and of individual organism size. The effects of otter trawling on the infauna include a reduction in the abundance of large-bodied fragile organisms and an increase in abundance of opportunists, and may ultimately lead to an altered but stable community comprising a reduced number of species and faunal diversity, and with the fauna comprising primarily of small organisms (Collie et al, 2000, Hansson et al, 2000). The observed damages to the NCI in the by-catch were depending on species. Some species seemed to be relatively resistant while others seemed to suffer severely. Many of the Echinoderms such as sea urchins were being crushed or losing several spines and these damages could have been caused by different parts of the trawling gear or in interaction with other species in the trawl. Asterias rubens, Psilaster andromeda and Astropecten irregularis seemed highly resistent to the effects of trawling. Some Crustaceans such as swimming crabs, Liocarcinus, had broken or crushed carapaces and missing or having their appendages partly or totally removed, which reduce there chances of survival. These damages could have been caused by different parts of the trawling gear or in interaction with other species in the trawl. Mortality of hermit crabs, Pagurus, seemed relatively low, but some had abandoned their protective gastropod shell probably due to heavily stress. Molluscs as for example Buccinum undatum, Neptunea antiqua and Pecten maximus seem to have survived probably due to their well protecting thick shell. The polychaete Aphrodita aculeata, seemed to survive mostly when being caught in the trawl. The species that seemed resistant to or vulnerable to demersal trawling were consistent with Kaiser et al, 1995 and Kaiser & Spencer’s studies from 2005, where they concluded that an individuals and species ability to survive the trawling is directly related to its physiology, morphology and behaviour in response to the trawling gear being used (Kaiser & Spencer, 1995). Bergmann et al suggested, in their study 1999, that direct mortality within a species may vary with sex and density. For example species where the females burrow in the sediment appear to be more protected than the males living mostly on top of the seabed. Trawling might induce changes in the sex structure of such populations. Since this study did not included determination of sex this is not comparable. The effects on non-commercial invertebrates by otter trawling is world wide issue since the invertebrates play an important role in the whole marine ecosystem, contributing essentially to the food source of several commercially important fish species. These results are important to highlight also in an international aspect since demersal otter trawling is a commonly world wide used trawling equipment and some of the trawling grounds included in this study belong not only to Sweden but to Denmark and Norway and other fishing nations are also allowed to trawl in these areas, and the guidelines for fishing and quotas are decided within the European community. 38 5 Conclusions This study is a prestudy representing the differences between marine benthic macrofauna exposed to different trawling methods. The relatively low frequency of trawling efforts and the short temporal scale makes the conclusions more of assumptions rather than reflecting the reality, but are nevertheless of importance. An overall trend existed in this study; the bycatches of the shrimp trawling efforts were most and significantly different of all the trawl types included in this study regardless of analysing the individual abundance, species diversity or biomass in the by-catches of invertebrates. This trawl was affecting the species diversity, the individual abundance and the biomass the least of the three compared trawling types during this study. The Nephrops trawl caught the highest individual abundance and biomass of NCI by-catch. The fish trawling efforts resulted in the highest species diversity of the NCI by-catch, followed by the Nephrops trawling efforts. The Nephrops trawling efforts generated the highest proportion of by-catch biomass compared to target catch (almost 50%) while the shrimp trawling the lowest, even though the target catch of the shrimp trawling were only marketable catch and therefore should be less. The fish trawling efforts generated by-catches most homogenous, where more different species contributed to the similarity within the trawl group than the other trawl types did, regardless of analysing the individual abundance, species diversity or biomass in the bycatches of invertebrates. Motile predators and scavengers were the functional group that most frequently were part of the by-catch. This could reflect the fact that the trawled areas were former subject to intensive trawling pressure. The three different trawl types generated different compositions of Phyla in their by-catches, but the three most common Phyla in all by-catches were Echinodermata, Arthropoda and Mollusca. This study indicates that the shrimp and fish trawling industry could have a more direct and aimed fishing, than the Nephrops trawling has. The largest differences between the three trawl types and their generated by-catch of invertebrates were the comparison between the different biomass of by-catch, secondly the individual abundance and the least differences occurred when comparing the species diversity. A lot of factors could cause differences in species diversity, individual abundance and biomass of NCI by-catches. These could for example be shifting environmental conditions such as currents, temperature, variation, natural migration, storm activity (Ocean Studies Board, 2002), differences in bottom substrata, depth, salinity and level of exposure. While other differences may not have been detected because the species were relatively rare, their distribution was patchy, or the sample sizes were small (Castro & Huber, 2005 and Freese et al, 1999). The data from the commercial shrimp trawler is not as accurate as the data from both the research vessels, since the research trawling are always executed in an standardized way, with an objective of receiving comparable data while the commercial fishing has their aim set on maximizing the target catch. Demersal otter trawling affects both the benthic organisms and their habitat negatively. In an ideal study multiple replicates with control sites of untrawled areas would be compared to frequently trawled areas with as similar habitat construction and physical conditions as possible, although untrawled areas might have been exposed to different fishing pressure in the past. The different trawling types ought to be standardized regarding trawling duration, towing speed, towing distance etc. and this research should include not only the spatial scale but also the temporal scale, preferably stretched over a long period of time to receive an accurate result. Future studies on the catch efficiency of demersal otter trawls for epibenthic invertebrates and effects of injury at a population level are needed to elucidate community effects, although unfortunately, the lack of quantitative historical data sets and of unfished control areas makes it difficult to evaluate the impact of trawling. 39 6 Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this thesis. First of all to my supervisor Matz Berggren whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me throughout the research for and writing of this thesis. Thank you for spending time reading and commenting on my thesis also late evenings and weekends! I am also grateful for the support from Anders Svenson, Ann-Christine Rudolphi and Barbara Bland-Johnson at the Swedish National Board of Fisheries in Lysekil and all the personnel and participants of the U/F Argos and U/F Ancylus expeditions. Roger Aronsson, Mathias Ivarsson, Leif Pettersson and Olle Karlsson at GG 707 Arkö av Dyrön, I am really thankful for you having me on board and your patience in answering all my questions and not to forget all the nice meals you supplied. I would also like to thank Stefan Agrenius at Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Anna Dimming, Andrea Belgrano at the Swedish National Board of Fisheries in Lysekil, Larry Hansson at the Swedish Coastguards in Gothenburg, Hans G Hansson at Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory and the personnel at Kristineberg Marine Research Station. Tomas Nilsson at AB DFS, Donsö Fiskeredskap & Skeppsfurnering for sharing valuable knowledge about fishing equipment. 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Trawling station F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 CF1 CF2 N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 Date 20070903 20070904 20070904 20070904 20070904 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070905 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070906 20070917 20070917 20070917 20070918 20070918 20070919 20070919 20071015 20071015 20071017 20071018 20071018 20071023 20071023 20071023 20071023 20071106 20071106 20071106 20071107 20071107 20071108 20071108 Depth (m) Duration (h) Speed SOG (knots) 38 144 94 54 37 223 136 45 23 20 33 32 37 149 231 74 350-390 350-410 385-390 395-365 300-275 220-230 230-210 31-31 19-30 72-56 25-41 40-40 51-52 40-41 42-41 37-35 115-150 26-42 34-32 16-20 110-169 98-80 67-69 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 7 7 8 7 5 7 7 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 3,7 3,6 3,6 3,6 3,5 3,6 3,6 3,7 3,7 3,7 3,7 3,7 3,6 3,8 3,7 3,7 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 Door spread (m) 82 109 99 90 84 101 102 86 68 70 78 75 82 108 96 97 270 270 270 270 270 320 320 30 32 35 28 31 35 33 34 31 38 29 29 27 34 40 37 Swept area (m2) 280948,3976 363362,3969 330026,3971 300023,9974 272243,9976 336693,5971 340027,1971 294653,1975 232981,598 239833,9979 267243,5977 256964,9978 273355,1976 380030,3967 328915,1972 332341,3971 5250419,955 5250419,955 6000479,948 5250419,955 3750299,968 8296959,928 8296959,928 69449,9994 74079,99936 81024,9993 64819,99944 71764,99938 81024,9993 77320,99933 78709,99932 72459,49937 87969,99924 67134,99942 67134,99942 62504,99946 78709,99932 92599,9992 85654,99926 Wind m/s Wind dir. 10 12 14 11 9 12 11 10 10 12 11 6 8 7 6 6 14 10 10 10 5 7 10 5 5 10 5 10 4 4 3 2 4 5 5 5 7 10 10 NNW NNW NNW N NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE WSW WSW NNW NNW N N SSW SW SW SW N N S S ESE ESE NNW NNW NNW NW NW SW SW 43 Figure 1. Map over the study area and each trawling station, with red markings at each shoot position. F= CF = N= S= Fish trawling stations Commercial fish trawling stations Nephrops trawling Shrimp trawling 44 Table 2. The red listed species and numbers included in the by-catch at their respective trawling stations. Red listed species / Trawling station F2 F6 F7 F8 F14 F15 F16 S1 S3 S4 S5 CF1 CF2 A. loveni 2 5 2 20 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N10 N11 N14 N15 N16 1 (EN) 1 F.quadrangularis 2 1 2 (VU) 2250x S. raschi 38 (VU) H. coarctatus 1 1 1 a 4 6 b b 1 1 a b 1 1 10 2 1 3 1 (NT) 2 P. andromeda 6 1 3 (NT) 1 C. coronatus (DD) G. trispinosus 1 1 1 (DD) 1 M. rugosa (DD) 11 M. sarsi 4 (DD) 2 M. tenuimana (DD) a P. norvegicus (DD) a = a few b = many x = approximated number By-catch biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) N 16 N 14 N 12 N 10 0 N 08 0 N 06 4 N 04 1 N 02 8 S 05 2 S 03 12 S 01 3 F1 5 16 F1 3 4 F1 1 20 F0 9 5 F0 7 24 F0 5 6 F0 3 28 F0 1 7 Target catch Biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) Figure 2. Presenting the total target catch (green, right axis) and the total by-catch (red, left axis) of non-commercial invertebrate biomass (kg) per trawling effort. 45 Individuals/ Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 N1 6 N1 4 N1 2 N1 0 N0 8 N0 6 N0 4 N0 2 S0 5 S0 3 S0 1 F1 5 F1 3 F1 1 F0 9 F0 7 F0 5 F0 3 F0 1 0 Figure 3. The individual abundance/ ha of the NCI by-catch at each trawling station. Individuals / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 Figure 4. The individual abundance/ ha of the NCI by-catch at the Nephrops trawling stations. Individuals / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 Figure 5. The individual abundance/ ha of the NCI by-catch at the fish trawling stations. 46 Individuals/ Swept area (1ha= 10000m2) 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 Figure 6. The individual abundance/ ha of the NCI by-catch at the shrimp trawling stations. Biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 7 6 5 kg 4 3 2 1 N1 6 N1 4 N1 2 N1 0 N0 8 N0 6 N0 4 N0 2 S0 5 S0 3 S0 1 F1 5 F1 3 F1 1 F0 9 F0 7 F0 5 F0 3 F0 1 0 Figure 7. The biomass (kg) / ha of the NCI by-catch at each trawling station. Biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 7 6 5 kg 4 3 2 1 0 N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 Figure 8. The biomass (kg) / ha of the NCI by-catch at the Nephrops trawling stations. 47 Biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 1,4 1,2 1 kg 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 Figure 9. The biomass (kg) / ha of the NCI by-catch at the fish trawling stations. Biomass / Swept area (1ha=10000m2) 0,0014 0,0012 0,001 kg 0,0008 0,0006 0,0004 0,0002 0 S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 Figure 10. The biomass (kg) / ha of the NCI by-catch at the shrimp trawling stations. Species diversity 30 25 No. of taxa 20 15 10 5 N1 6 N1 4 N1 2 N1 0 N0 8 N0 6 N0 4 N0 2 D2 FA S0 5 S0 3 S0 1 F1 5 F1 3 F1 1 F0 9 F0 7 F0 5 F0 3 F0 1 0 Figure 11. The species diversity (number of taxa) of the NCI by-catch at each trawling station. 48 Swept area (ha) 900 800 700 600 ha 500 400 300 200 100 N1 6 N1 4 N1 2 N1 0 N0 8 N0 6 N0 4 N0 2 D2 FA S0 5 S0 3 S0 1 F1 5 F1 3 F1 1 F0 9 F0 7 F0 5 F0 3 F0 1 0 Figure 12. The swept area (ha) of each trawling effort. Table 3. Vessel Facts about the different trawling vessels used in this study. Engine Length Width Depth Type Built Gross (m) (m) penetration tonnage effect (m) (kW) (tonne) U/F Argos Steel stern trawler 1974 U/F Ancylus Steel stern trawler GG 707 Arkö av Dyrön Steel stern trawler 1261 1325 61 12 5 1971 108 500 24 6 3 1979 205 496 26 8 4 (modified 1993) 49 Table 4. Trawl station F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F2 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 Each trawling station and the taxa, phyla, class and family included in the bycatch. X represents lack of information. Taxon Phylum Class Family Alloteuthis subulata Brissopsis lyrifera Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loliginidae fam. Loligo forbesi Actiniidae sp. Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Ascidia virginea Asteria rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Colus islandicus Echinus elegans Geryon trispinosus Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Luidia sarsi Neptunea antiqua Ophiura albida Pagurus pubescens Pseudamussium peslutrae Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Alcyonium digitatum Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Buccinum undatum Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Neptunea antiqua Pagurus bernhardus Polycarpa pomaria Spatangus purpureus Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Todaropsis eblanae Trachythyone elongata Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Astropecten irregularis Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Pagurus bernhardus Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Mollusca Cnidaria Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Cnidaria Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Cephalopoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Cephalopoda Hexacorallia Octocorallia Cephalopoda Polychaeta Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Gastropoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Gastropoda Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Echinoidea Octocorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Gastropoda Malacostraca Ascidiacea Echinoidea Echinoidea Cephalopoda Holothuroidea Octocorallia Cephalopoda Polychaeta Stelleroidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Echinoidea Loliginidae Brissidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Loliginidae Actiniidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Buccinidae Buccinidae Echinidae Geryonidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Luidiidae Buccinidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Strongylocentrotidae Alcyoniidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Buccinidae Portunidae Portunidae Buccinidae Paguridae Styelidae Spatangidae Strongylocentrotidae Ommastrephidae Cucumariidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Astropectinidae Portunidae Portunidae Paguridae Strongylocentrotidae 50 Trawl station F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F6 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 F7 Taxon Phylum Class Family Actiniidae sp. Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Ascidia virginea Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Balanus crenatus Chamelea striatula Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Macropodia rostrata Neanthes fucata Ophiura ophiura Ophiuroidea sp. Pagurus bernhardus Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Brissopsis lyrifera Liocarcinus holsatus Munida sp. Ophiura albida Pagurus bernhardus Pseudamussium peslutrae Psilaster andromeda Trischizostoma raschi Actiniidae sp. Alcyonium digitatum Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Colus islandicus Echinus sp. Gattyana cirrhosa Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Neptunea antiqua Ophiothrix fragilis Ophiura albida Ophiura ophiura Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Phascolion strombi Psilaster andromeda Suberites ficus Todaropsis eblanae Cnidaria Cnidaria Mollusca Chordata Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Cnidaria Annelida Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Cnidaria Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Annelida Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Sipuncula Echinodermata Porifera Mollusca Hexacorallia Octocorallia Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Maxillopoda Bivalvia Malacostraca Cephalopoda Malacostraca Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Hexacorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Stelleroidea Malacostraca Hexacorallia Octocorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Gastropoda Echinoidea Polychaeta Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Gastropoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Sipunculidea Stelleroidea Demospongiae Cephalopoda Actiniidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Balanidae Veneridae Portunidae Loliginidae Inachidae Nereididae Ophiuridae x Paguridae Actiniidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Brissidae Portunidae Galatheidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Astropectinidae Lysianassidae Actiniidae Alcyoniidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Buccinidae Buccinidae Echinidae Polynoidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Buccinidae Ophiothrichidae Ophiuridae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Phascolionidae Astropectinidae Suberitidae Ommastrephidae 51 Trawl station F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 F11 Taxon Phylum Class Family Actiniidae sp. Aequipecten opercularis Alloteuthis subulata Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Echinidae sp. Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Ophiothrix fragilis Ophiura albida Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Psilaster andromeda Suberites ficus Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Abietinaria abietina Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Ascidia virginea Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Cephalopoda sp. Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Marthasterias glacialis Ophiura albida Pagurus bernhardus Securiflustra securifrons Abietinaria abietina Alcyonidium diaphanum Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Porifera Cnidaria Mollusca Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Cnidaria Cnidaria Mollusca Chordata Chordata Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Bryozoa Cnidaria Bryozoa Cnidaria Mollusca Chordata Mollusca Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Hexacorallia Bivalvia Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Stelleroidea Demospongiae Octocorallia Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Malacostraca Bivalvia Hydroidomedusa Octocorallia Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Cephalopoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Gymnolaemata Hydroidomedusa Gymnolaemata Octocorallia Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Actiniidae Pectinidae Loliginidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Echinidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Ophiothrichidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Astropectinidae Suberitidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Paguridae Pectinidae Sertulariidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Ascidiidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae x Portunidae Portunidae Asteriidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Flustridae Sertulariidae Alcyonidiidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae 52 Trawl station F11 F11 F11 F11 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F13 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 F14 Taxon Phylum Class Family Marthasterias glacialis Pagurus bernhardus Securiflustra securifrons Suberites ficus Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Arctica islandica Ascidia virginea Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Buccinum undatum Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Modiolus modiolus Nemertea Pagurus bernhardus Securiflustra securifrons Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Actiniidae sp. Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Balanus balanus Echinidae sp. Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo forbesi Macropodia rostrata Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Securiflustra securifrons Suberites ficus Alloteuthis subulata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Geryon trispinosus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Luidia sarsi Neptunea antiqua Pasiphaea sp. Pseudamussium peslutrae Securiflustra securifrons Mollusca Arthropoda Bryozoa Porifera Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Mollusca Chordata Chordata Mollusca Mollusca Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Mollusca Nemertea Arthropoda Bryozoa Echinodermata Cnidaria Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Mollusca Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Bryozoa Porifera Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Bryozoa Stelleroidea Malacostraca Gymnolaemata Demospongiae Octocorallia Cephalopoda Polychaeta Bivalvia Ascidiacea Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Bivalvia x Malacostraca Gymnolaemata Echinoidea Hexacorallia Octocorallia Cephalopoda Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Maxillopoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Bivalvia Gymnolaemata Demospongiae Cephalopoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Bivalvia Gymnolaemata Asteriidae Paguridae Flustridae Suberitidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Arcticidae Ascidiidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Buccinidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Mytilidae x Paguridae Flustridae Strongylocentrotidae Actiniidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Balanidae Echinidae Portunidae Portunidae Loliginidae Inachidae Paguridae Pectinidae Flustridae Suberitidae Loliginidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Buccinidae Geryonidae Portunidae Portunidae Luidiidae Buccinidae Pasiphaeidae Pectinidae Flustridae 53 Trawl station F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F15 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 F16 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 Taxon Phylum Class Family Abra nitida Actiniidae sp. Asterias rubens Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Crangon allmannii Euphausia sp. Funiculina quadrangularis Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Neoleanira tetragona Pandalus propinquus Pasiphaea multidentata Pasiphaea sivado Securiflustra securifrons Spirontocaris lilljeborgii Actiniidae sp. Alcyonium digitatum Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Bryozoa Buccinum undatum Colus islandicus Geryon trispinosus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Neoleanira tetragona Neptunea antiqua Ophiura albida Ophiura ophiura Pagurus bernhardus Psilaster andromeda Securiflustra securifrons Aega crenulata Liocarcinus holsatus Munida sarsi Pandalus propinquus Pasiphaea multidentata Pasiphaea sivado Pasiphaea tarda Pontophilus norvegicus Crangon sp. Euphausia sp. Liocarcinus holsatus Pandalus propinquus Pasiphaea multidentata Pasiphaea sivado Mollusca Cnidaria Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Cnidaria Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Annelida Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Bryozoa Arthropoda Cnidaria Cnidaria Mollusca Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Bryozoa Mollusca Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Annelida Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Bryozoa Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Bivalvia Hexacorallia Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Octacorallia Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Polychaeta Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Gymnolaemata Malacostraca Hexacorallia Octocorallia Cephalopoda Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea x Gastropoda Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Polychaeta Gastropoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Stelleroidea Gymnolaemata Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Semelidae Actiniidae Asteriidae Brissidae Buccinidae Crangonidae Euphausiidae Funiculinidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Sigalionidae Pandalidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Flustridae Hippolytidae Actiniidae Alcyoniidae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae x Buccinidae Buccinidae Geryonidae Portunidae Portunidae Sigalionidae Buccinidae Ophiuridae Ophiuridae Paguridae Astropectinidae Flustridae Aegidae Portunidae Galatheidae Pandalidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Crangonidae Crangonidae Euphausiidae Portunidae Pandalidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae 54 Trawl station S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S5 S5 S5 S5 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF2 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF1 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 Taxon Phylum Class Family Pasiphaea tarda Syscenus infelix Liocarcinus holsatus Munida sp. Munida tenuimana Pandalus propinquus Pasiphaea sivado Pasiphaea tarda Syscenus infelix Brissopsis lyrifera Calocarides coronatus Crangon sp. Liocarcinus holsatus Loligo vulgaris Munida sp. Pasiphaea multidentata Pasiphaea sivado Pasiphaea tarda Spatangus purpureus Syscenus infelix Todaropsis eblanae Asteronyx loveni Funiculina quadrangularis Liocarcinus holsatus Munida sarsi Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Asteronyx loveni Brissopsis lyrifera Funiculina quadrangularis Geryon trispinosus Liocarcinus sp. Lithodes maja Munida sp. Neptunea antiqua Ophiuroidea sp. Pagurus bernhardus Parastichopus tremulus Polychaeta spp. Psilaster andromeda Spatangus purpureus Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Asteronyx loveni Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Geryon trispinosus Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus sp. Lithodes maja Munida sp. Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Cnidaria Arthropoda Arthropoda Cnidaria Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Cnidaria Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Cnidaria Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Echinoidea Malacostraca Cephalopoda Stelleroidea Octacorallia Malacostraca Malacostraca Hexacorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Echinoidea Octacorallia Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Gastropoda Stelleroidea Malacostraca Holothuroidea Polychaeta Stelleroidea Echinoidea Hexacorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Pasiphaeidae Aegidae Portunidae Galatheidae Galatheidae Pandalidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Aegidae Brissidae Axiidae Crangonidae Portunidae Loliginidae Galatheidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaeidae Spatangidae Aegidae Ommastrephidae Asteronychidae Funiculinidae Portunidae Galatheidae Actiniidae Aphroditidae Asteronychidae Brissidae Funiculinidae Geryonidae Portunidae Lithodidae Galatheidae Buccinidae x Paguridae Stichopodidae x Astropectinidae Spatangidae Actiniidae Aphroditidae Asteronychidae Brissidae Buccinidae Geryonidae Majidae Portunidae Lithodidae Galatheidae 55 Trawl station CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 CF2 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N2 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 Taxon Phylum Class Family Neoleanira tetragona Neptunea antiqua Ophiuroidea sp. Pagurus bernhardus Parastichopus tremulus Psilaster andromeda Spatangus purpureus Alloteuthis subulata Brissopsis lyrifera Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Ophiura ophiura Pagurus bernhardus Pennatula phosphorea Platynereis dumerilii Psilaster andromeda Alcyonium digitatum Ascidiella scabra Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Carcinus maenas Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Marthasterias glacialis Pagurus bernhardus Psilaster andromeda Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Ascidiacea sp. Asterias rubens Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Funiculina quadrangularis Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus holsatus Mesothuria intestinalis Neptunea antiqua Ophiura albida Ophiura ophiura Alcyonium digitatum Aphrodita aculeata Ascidiacea sp. Brissopsis lyrifera Carcinus maenas Echinocardium cordatum Funiculina quadrangularis Hyas sp. Liocarcinus depurator Annelida Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Cnidaria Annelida Echinodermata Cnidaria Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Cnidaria Annelida Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Cnidaria Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Cnidaria Annelida Chordata Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Cnidaria Arthropoda Arthropoda Polychaeta Gastropoda Stelleroidea Malacostraca Holothuroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Cephalopoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Malacostraca Octocorallia Polychaeta Stelleroidea Octocorallia Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Malacostraca Stelleroidea Hexacorallia Polychaeta Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Octacorallia Malacostraca Malacostraca Holothuroidea Gastropoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Octocorallia Polychaeta Ascidiacea Echinoidea Malacostraca Echinodermata Octacorallia Malacostraca Malacostraca Sigalionidae Buccinidae x Paguridae Stichopodidae Astropectinidae Spatangidae Loliginidae Brissidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pennatulidae Nereididae Astropectinidae Alcyoniidae Ascidiidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Portunidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Asteriidae Paguridae Astropectinidae Actiniidae Aphroditidae x Asteriidae Brissidae Buccinidae Funiculinidae Majidae Portunidae Synallactidae Buccinidae Ophiuridae Ophiuridae Alcyoniidae Aphroditidae x Brissidae Portunidae Loveniidae Funiculinidae Majidae Portunidae 56 Trawl station N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N4 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N5 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N7 N8 N8 N8 N8 N9 N9 N9 N9 N9 N9 N9 N9 Taxon Phylum Class Family Marthasterias glacialis Neptunea antiqua Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Pennatula phosphorea Polychaeta sp. Polyphysia crassa Alloteuthis subulata Ascidiacea sp. Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Carcinus maenas Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Marthasterias glacialis Ophiura albida Pagurus bernhardus Pennatula phosphorea Pisidia longicornis Alloteuthis subulata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Marthasterias glacialis Pagurus bernhardus Alloteuthis subulata Aphrodita aculeata Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Buccinum undatum Echinocardium cordatum Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Marthasterias glacialis Neptunea antiqua Pagurus bernhardus Brissopsis lyrifera Marthasterias glacialis Neptunea antiqua Pagurus bernhardus Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Arctica islandica Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Liocarcinus depurator Marthasterias glacialis Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Cnidaria Annelida Annelida Mollusca Chordata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Cnidaria Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Annelida Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Cnidaria Annelida Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Bivalvia Octocorallia Polychaeta Polychaeta Cephalopoda Ascidiacea Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Octocorallia Malacostraca Cephalopoda Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Malacostraca Cephalopoda Polychaeta Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Gastropoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Echinoidea Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Hexacorallia Polychaeta Bivalvia Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Stelleroidea Asteriidae Buccinidae Paguridae Pectinidae Pennatulidae x Scalibregmidae Loliginidae x Asteriidae Astropectinidae Portunidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Asteriidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pennatulidae Porcellanidae Loliginidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Portunidae Portunidae Asteriidae Paguridae Loliginidae Aphroditidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Buccinidae Loveniidae Portunidae Portunidae Asteriidae Buccinidae Paguridae Brissidae Asteriidae Buccinidae Paguridae Actiniidae Aphroditidae Arcticidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Portunidae Asteriidae 57 Trawl station N9 N9 N9 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N10 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N11 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 Taxon Phylum Class Family Neptunea antiqua Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Actiniidae sp. Aphrodita aculeata Arctica islandica Asterias rubens Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Crangon sp. Echinidae sp. Echinocardium cordatum Liocarcinus holsatus Mycale (Mycale) lingua Neptunea antiqua Ophiura ophiura Parastichopus tremulus Polyphysia crassa Pseudamussium peslutrae Spatangus raschi Asterias rubens Brissopsis lyrifera Buccinum undatum Carcinus maenas Ciona intestinalis Funiculina quadrangularis Gattyana cirrhosa Liocarcinus depurator Luidia sarsi Ophiura ophiura Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Spatangus purpureus Alloteuthis subulata Arctica islandica Asterias rubens Astropecten irregularis Brissopsis lyrifera Carcinus maenas Liocarcinus depurator Neptunea antiqua Ophiura ophiura Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Alcyonium digitatum Arctica islandica Asterias rubens Buccinum undatum Carcinus maenas Crepidula fornicata Echinocardium cordatum Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Cnidaria Annelida Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Porifera Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Annelida Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Chordata Cnidaria Annelida Arthropoda Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Mollusca Cnidaria Mollusca Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Gastropoda Malacostraca Bivalvia Hexacorallia Polychaeta Bivalvia Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Echinoidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Demospongiae Gastropoda Stelleroidea Holothuroidea Polychaeta Bivalvia Echinoidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Ascidiacea Octacorallia Polychaeta Malacostraca Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Echinoidea Cephalopoda Bivalvia Stelleroidea Stelleroidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Gastropoda Stelleroidea Malacostraca Bivalvia Octocorallia Bivalvia Stelleroidea Gastropoda Malacostraca Gastropoda Echinoidea Buccinidae Paguridae Pectinidae Actiniidae Aphroditidae Arcticidae Asteriidae Brissidae Buccinidae Crangonidae Echinidae Loveniidae Portunidae Mycalidae Buccinidae Ophiuridae Stichopodidae Scalibregmidae Pectinidae Spatangidae Asteriidae Brissidae Buccinidae Portunidae Cionidae Funiculinidae Polynoidae Portunidae Luidiidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Spatangidae Loliginidae Arcticidae Asteriidae Astropectinidae Brissidae Portunidae Portunidae Buccinidae Ophiuridae Paguridae Pectinidae Alcyoniidae Arcticidae Asteriidae Buccinidae Portunidae Calyptraeidae Loveniidae 58 Trawl station N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 N13 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N16 N16 N16 N16 N16 N16 N16 N16 Taxon Phylum Class Family Hyas araneus Liocarcinus depurator Marthasterias glacialis Modiolus modiolus Pagurus bernhardus Pecten maximus Pisidia longicornis Actiniidae sp. Brissopsis lyrifera Echinocardium cordatum Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Lithodes maja Mesothuria intestinalis Pagurus bernhardus Parastichopus tremulus Sepietta oweniana Spatangus raschi Brissopsis lyrifera Geryon trispinosus Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Lithodes maja Loligo forbesi Pasiphaea sp. Sepietta oweniana Alloteuthis subulata Brissopsis lyrifera Geryon trispinosus Hyas coarctatus Liocarcinus depurator Liocarcinus holsatus Munida rugosa Sepietta oweniana Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Cnidaria Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Echinodermata Arthropoda Echinodermata Mollusca Echinodermata Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Arthropoda Mollusca Mollusca Echinodermata Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Arthropoda Mollusca Malacostraca Malacostraca Stelleroidea Bivalvia Malacostraca Bivalvia Malacostraca Hexacorallia Echinoidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Holothuroidea Malacostraca Holothuroidea Cephalopoda Echinoidea Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Malacostraca Cephalopoda Cephalopoda Echinoidea Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Cephalopoda Majidae Portunidae Asteriidae Mytilidae Paguridae Pectinidae Porcellanidae Actiniidae Brissidae Loveniidae Majidae Portunidae Lithodidae Synallactidae Paguridae Stichopodidae Sepiolidae Spatangidae Brissidae Geryonidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Lithodidae Loliginidae Pasiphaeidae Sepiolidae Loliginidae Brissidae Geryonidae Majidae Portunidae Portunidae Galatheidae Sepiolidae 59 10 m ost com m on species in the by-catch (m 2) -Fish traw l Alloteuthis subulata 40% Loligo forbesi 14% Asterias rubens 6% Liocarcinus depurator 6% Astropecten irregularis 6% Liocarcinus holsatus 5% Loliginidae fam 5% Alcyonium digitatum 4% Echinidae sp. 2% Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis 2% 10 m ost com m on species in the by-catch (m 2) -Nephrops traw l Spatangus raschi 30% Brissopsis lyrifera 29% Liocarcinus depurator 21% Hyas sp. 4% Liocarcinus holsatus 3% Asterias rubens 3% Echinidae sp. 2% Pagurus bernhardus 1% Pseudamussium peslutrae 1% Carcinus maenas 1% 10 m ost com m on species in the by-catch (m 2) -Shrim p traw l Liocarcinus holsatus 42% Crangon sp. 21% Munida sp. 12% Munida sarsi 9% Pandalus propinquus 5% Syscenus infelix 4% Asteronyx loveni 2% Funiculina quadrangularis 2% Euphasia spp. 1% Munida tenuimana 1% Figure 13. The 10 most common species of the NCI by-catch, based on individual abundance/m2. Fish trawling efforts, Nephrops trawling efforts, Shrimp trawling efforts 60 10 species w ith highest biom ass (m 2) in the by-catch -Fish traw l Loligo forbesi 60% Asterias rubens 7% Liocarcinus depurator 5% Alcyonium digitatum 4% Liocarcinus holsatus 3% Alloteuthis subulata 3% Echinidae sp. 2% Actiniidae sp. 2% Pagurus bernhardus 2% Buccinum undatum 2% 10 species w ith highest biom ass (m 2) in the by-catch- Nephrops traw l Brissopsis lyrifera 33% Hyas sp. 18% Liocarcinus depurator 16% Spatangus raschi 8% Parastichopus tremulus 6% Asterias rubens 5% Echinidae sp. 2% Liocarcinus holsatus 2% Pagurus bernhardus 1% Pseudamussium peslutrae 1% 10 species w ith highest biom ass (m 2) in the by-catch -Shrim p traw l Liocarcinus holsatus 40% Munida sp. 16% Munida sarsi 14% Todaropsis eblanae 9% Crangon sp. 6% Funiculina quadrangularis 4% Spatangus purpureus 4% Asteronyx loveni 3% Brissopsis lyrifera 2% Munida tenuimana 1% Figure 14. The 10 species accounting for the highest biomass in the NCI by-catch. Fish trawling efforts, Nephrops trawling efforts, Shrimp trawling efforts. 61 Figure 15. Presentation of the main components and the function of an otter trawl. 62 Figure 16. Construction of the 36/47 GOV Trawl used at U/F Argos Source: MANUAL FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTOM TRAWL SURVEYS REVISION VII The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group 63 Figure 17. “Exocet kit” for the 36/47 GOV Trawl used at U/F Argos Source: MANUAL FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTOM TRAWL SURVEYS REVISION VII The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group 64 Figure 18. Rigging of the 36/47 GOV Trawl used at U/F Argos Source: MANUAL FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTOM TRAWL SURVEYS REVISION VII The International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group 65 Figure 19. Construction of the Nephrops trawl used at U/F Ancylus 66 Figure 20. This construction represents the type of trawl used by the commercial shrimp trawling vessel. Source: Kristiansands Fiskegarnsfabrik A/S, Norway 67