HIV Fact Sheet (english)
HIV Fact Sheet (english)
HIV Prevalence, Knowledge, and Behavior Results from the Cape Verde 2005 Demographic and Health Survey (IDSR-II) The 2005 Cape Verde Demographic and Health Survey (IDSR-II) included HIV testing of over 5,500 women and men. The IDSR-II shows that 0.8 percent of Cape Verdians age 15-49 are infected by HIV-1 or HIV-2. Prevalence of HIV-1 only is 0.4 percent. Women Men Total 5.0 4.0 Percent HIV Prevalence (HIV-1 and HIV-2) HIV Prevention Knowledge HIV Prevalence by Age (HIV-1 and HIV-2) Men Women 85 Percent of women and men who know the following ways of avoiding AIDS: 3.0 Men 15-49 Women 15-49 93 74 81 56 59 2.0 1.1 Percent 0.8 infected with 0.4 HIV-1 or HIV-2 Cape Verde 1.4 0.9 0.4 0.4 Urban Using a condom 1.0 0.7 0.6 Rural HIV prevalence is higher among men than among women (1.1% versus 0.4%). Prevalence is slightly higher in urban areas than in rural areas (0.9% versus 0.6%). 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Men have higher rates of HIV at all ages. For women, prevalence hits its peak at age 25-29, while prevalence among men is at its highest (5%) at age 45-49. Limiting Abstaining from sex to one sexual uninfected, intercourse faithful partner Almost all women and men know that using a condom reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Three-quarters know that limiting sex to one uninfected, faithful partner reduces risk, while less than 60% know that abstaining from sexual intercourse reduces risk. Beliefs about HIV/AIDS Women 15-49 2.5 HIV Prevalence (HIV-1 only) Percent infected with HIV-1 0.3 0.50.4 Cape Verde Men 2.0 Total 0.3 0.6 0.5 Urban Percent Women 0.3 0.4 0.3 Rural Prevalence of HIV-1 is only 0.4%. HIV-1 is more common among men than women and more common in urban areas than in rural areas. HIV Prevalence by Age (HIV-1 only) Women Men 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Men have higher rates of HIV-1 at almost all ages. For both men and women, prevalence of HIV-1 hits its peak at age 25-29. Men 15-49 81 84 Percent of women and men who know that: 78 83 45 52 A person can’t A healthyAIDS cannot looking person be transmitted be infected by can have the by mosquito sharing food with someone who has AIDS virus bites the AIDS virus While most people know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV and that a person cannot be infected by sharing food with someone who has the AIDS virus, only about half know that HIV cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites. HIV Testing During Antenatal Care Tested, did not receive results 5% 13% Tested and received results Not tested 82% Percent of women who gave birth Only 13% ofinwomen whobefore gave the birth in the two years the 2 years survey before the survey took an HIV test during antenatal care and received the results. Premarital Sex and Condom Use Among Youth Percent of unmarried youth who had sexual intercourse in the year before the survey 63 46 Among the young women who had premarital sex, 58% used a condom at the last sex Women 15-24 Among the young men who had premarital sex, 77% used a condom at the last sex Men 15-24 Almost half of young women and more than six in ten young men had premarital sex in the year before the survey. More than half of these young people used a condom the last time they had sex. Methodology and Response Rate: HIV prevalence data were obtained from fingerstick dried blood spots voluntarily provided by women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 who were interviewed in the IDSR-II. Of the 6,699 eligible subjects who were interviewed during the survey (3,351 women age 15-49 and 3,348 men age 15-59), 88 percent of women and 79 percent of men provided blood spots. For more information about the results of the 2005 Cape Verde Demographic and Health Survey, please contact: In Cape Verde: Instituto Nacional de Estatística Av. Amílcar Cabral, CP 116 Plateau Praia, Cabo Verde Telephone: (238) 261 38 27 Fax: (238) 261 1656 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 2005 Cape Verde Demographic and Health Survey (IDSR-II) Ministério da Saúde Serviço de Vigilância Epidemiológica Palácio do Governo, C P. 47, Praia, Cabo Verde Telephone: (238) 261 01 61/ (238) 2 61 01 16 Fax: (238) 261 01 25 In USA: MEASURE DHS Macro International Inc 11785 Beltsville Drive Calverton, MD 20705 USA Telephone: 301-572-0200 Fax: 301-572-0999 Internet: The IDSR-II was implemented by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística and the Ministry of Health, with technical assistance from Macro Internacional Inc. The IDSR-II was funded by the Government of Cape Verde, USAID, CCS-SIDA, Cooperação Portuguesa, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP, and the World Food Programme. HIV Prevalence, Knowledge, and Behavior
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